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Last active October 10, 2020 07:02
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# function to train the model
def train():
totalloss, totalaccuracy = 0, 0
# empty list to save model predictions
# iterate over batches
for steps,batches in enumerate(trainDataLoader):
#update the progress post 50 batches per set
if steps % 50 == 0 and not stepa == 0:
print(' Batch {:>5,} of {:>5,}.'.format(steps, len(trainDataLoader)))
# push the batch to gpu
batches = [ for r in batches]
sent_input_id, mask, labels = batches
# clear previously calculated gradients
# get model predictions for the current batch
pred = model_def(sent_input_id, mask)
# compute the loss between actual and predicted values
los = crossentropy(pred, labels)
# add on to the total loss
totalloss = totalloss + los.item()
# performing backward pass for gradient calculation
# clipping the the gradient to 1.0. helps prevent exploding gradient problem
torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model_def.parameters(), 1.0)
# update parameters
# model predictions are stored on GPU. So, push it to CPU
# append the model predictions
# compute the training loss of the epoch
avgloss = totalloss / len(trainDataLoader)
# predictions are in the form of (no. of batches, size of batch, no. of classes).
# reshape the predictions in form of (number of samples, no. of classes)
totalpred = np.concatenate(totalpred, axis=0)
#returns the loss and predictions
return avgloss, totalpred
# function for evaluating the model
def evaluate():
print("\n Evaluating")
# deactivate dropout layers
totalloss, totalaccuracy = 0, 0
# empty list to save the model predictions
totalpred = []
# iterate over batches
for steps,batches in enumerate(valDataLoader):
# Progress update every 50 batches.
if steps % 50 == 0 and not steps == 0:
# Calculate elapsed time in minutes.
elapse = format_time(time.time() - t0)
# Report progress.
print(' Batch {:>5,} of {:>5,}.'.format(steps, len(valDataLoader)))
# push the batch to gpu
batches = [ for t in batches]
sent_input_id, mask, labels = batches
# deactivate autograd
with torch.no_grad():
# model predictions
pred = model(sent_input_id, mask)
# compute the validation loss between actual and predicted values
los = crossentropy(pred,labels)
totalloss = totalloss + los.item()
pred = pred.detach().cpu().numpy()
# compute the validation loss of the epoch
avgloss = totalloss / len(valDataLoader)
# reshape the predictions in form of (number of samples, no. of classes)
totalpred = np.concatenate(totalpred, axis=0)
return avgloss, totalpred
# set initial loss to infinite
bestvalidloss = float('inf')
# empty lists to store training and validation loss of each epoch
#for each epoch
for epoch in range(epochs):
print('\n Epoch {:} / {:}'.format(epoch + 1, epochs))
#train model
train_losses, _ = train()
#evaluate model
valid_losses, _ = evaluate()
#save the best model
if valid_losses < bestvalidloss:
bestvalidloss = validloss, '')
# append training and validation loss
print(f'\nTraining Loss: {train_losses:.3f}')
print(f'Validation Loss: {valid_losses:.3f}')
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