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Last active June 23, 2020 07:28
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Top Employee Salary by Department
Given 2 tables in a MySQL database, Employee and Department, find the employees (including ties) with the highest
salaries for each department.
Employee table:
Id (auto incremented integer)
Name (Varchar, employee name)
DepartmentId (integer and key to Department table)
Salary (Integer)
Department table:
Id (auto incremented integer
Name (varchar, department name)
Select d.Name as Department, e1.Name as Employee, e2.maxsal as Salary from Employee e1
Join (Select MAX(Salary) as maxsal, DepartmentId from Employee
Group BY DepartmentId) e2
ON e1.Salary = e2.maxsal AND e1.DepartmentId = e2.DepartmentId
Join Department d
ON e1.DepartmentId = d.Id
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