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Created February 18, 2015 17:27
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import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import scala.concurrent._
import duration._
def ftraverse[A, B](xs: Seq[A])(f: A => Future[B]): Future[Seq[B]] = {
if(xs.isEmpty) Future successful Seq.empty[B]
else f(xs.head) flatMap { fh => ftraverse(xs.tail)(f) map (r => fh +: r) }
def testStd(): Future[Unit] = {
val x = new AtomicInteger()
val items = 1 to 10000
Future.traverse(items)(_ => Future(x.incrementAndGet()))
Future(println(s"When I'm running x == ${x.get}"))
def testOp(): Future[Unit] = {
val x = new AtomicInteger()
val items = 1 to 10000
ftraverse(items)(_ => Future(x.incrementAndGet()))
Future(println(s"When I'm running x == ${x.get}"))
Await.result(testOp(), 2.seconds)
Await.result(testStd(), 2.seconds)
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