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Last active May 11, 2017 16:56
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import doobie._
import doobie.imports._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scalaz.Nondeterminism
import scalaz.concurrent.Task
import scalaz.std.list._
// def transactor: Transactor[Task] = ???
case class Notification2(invoice_number: Long, email: String)
case class Event2(invoice_number: Long, event_code: String)
val setup =
for {
_ <- sql"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS notification2"
_ <- sql"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS event2"
_ <- sql"CREATE TABLE notification2 (invoice_number BIGINT, email VARCHAR NOT NULL)"
_ <- sql"CREATE TABLE event2 (invoice_number BIGINT, event_code VARCHAR NOT NULL)"
_ <- sql"INSERT INTO notification2(invoice_number, email) VALUES(123, '')"
} yield ()
val transactionTask = {
def log(s: String) = Capture[ConnectionIO].apply(println(s))
val unhandledQ =
sql"""SELECT * FROM notification2 n WHERE n.invoice_number NOT IN (
SELECT e.invoice_number FROM event2 e WHERE e.event_code = 'NotificationDispatched'
) FOR UPDATE""".query[Notification2]
def simulatedRequestResponse(ns: List[Notification2]) =
.schedule( => Event2(n.invoice_number, "NotificationDispatched")), 1.second)
val insertEventQ =
Update[Event2]("""INSERT INTO event2 (invoice_number, event_code) VALUES (?, ?)""")
val transaction = for {
_ <- log("Retrieving unhandled notifications from database")
unhandled <- unhandledQ.list
_ <- log(s"Unhandled notifications: $unhandled")
_ <- log("Simulating request")
response <- simulatedRequestResponse(unhandled)
_ <- log("Inserting events")
updatedCount <- insertEventQ.updateMany(response)
} yield updatedCount
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