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megstang /
Last active May 19, 2023 21:29
Market Money Advanced AR Challenge

Advanced Active Record Workshop


Work through as many of the following endpoints as you can/would like:

1. Get one Vendor, list states that vendor sells in


megstang /
Last active October 25, 2022 19:54
Pitching Ideas

Running Consultancy Pitches Session

  1. Get on the zoom call and instruct anyone who would like to pitch an idea to raise their hands. Some students will have huge presentations, which deter other students to present if they only have a half-baked idea. Encourage students that anyone can pitch even if they don’t have all the details figured out. (you might need to wait awhile).
  2. Call on students one by one to present. After they’re done presenting, open it up for any follow up questions (either by yourself or students). When students are done presenting, remind them to fill out the survey that’s linked in the calendar event.
  3. After everyone pitches their ideas, hop off the call and edit their first surveyto include all of the names of the apps that were pitched.
  4. Send out the survey ASAP and tell students that they have until whatever time, to select the 5 that they want their cohort to create.
  5. Collect answers when time is up, and update [this form](https://

Weekend 2 Suggested Items To Work On

  1. AR challenge - If you did not get to finish the AR review and try out the AR challenge, please find time this weekend to do just that. Directions are linked in the calendar event from Friday.
  2. With any feedback you got on Rails Engine Lite, refactor your project. You can send Dani and myself a link to your repo, and tell us where to look, and we can get you more feedback sometime next week.
  3. Students and Cohorts API - Building an API practice (beginner to mid level of difficulty), directions are in readme. Here is a review of this challenge.
  4. Review your Viewing Party Projects -- we will look at them again on Monday.
  5. Ruby practice repo (old mod 1 challenge)
  6. advent of code
megstang /
Last active December 5, 2022 15:18
Building API Tutorial Extension

Tutorial Extension

Do the following with your small group:

  1. Review parts 1-7 together
  2. If you all got through the section about versioning, review that together as well. If not everyone did it, work on it together.
  3. Create an endpoint to sell a book
    • request: PATCH /api/v1/books/1/sell
    • response:
megstang /
Last active December 2, 2022 17:31
Mod 3 Weekend 1 Suggested Practice

Weekend 1 Suggested Items To Work On

Review from Week 1:

  1. Activity Finder -- A new consuming API challenge.
  2. Consuming APIs Practice -- This practice focuses on the process of making a Faraday connection, and getting data from APIs. Specifically, it works on creating services.
  3. Parks Finder -- Although this is prep for the mid mod, the mid mod will also be on consuming APIs. Y’all just got some practice with that this week! So, believe it or not, you’re ready to put those skills back into action with this practice mid mod.

Prep for Week 2:

  1. Review Namespacing -- As you get into your next project, namespacing will become handy. Take some time this weekend to review Namespacing and why it's used.
  2. Read over [JSON for API Development](https://backend.tur
megstang /
Last active June 4, 2023 18:51
Session Challenge

Authorization and Sessions Challenge

For this challenge, focus on using Behavior Driven Development (BDD) over Test Driven Development (TDD). As a reminder, if you'd prefer to use this repo instead of your own project, that's fine. Just switch to the authentication branch and build off of that code.

Part 1: Sessions Challenge

Task 1: Remember a user upon successful log in/registration

  • In your users#create action, and your users#login_user (or sessions#create if you've refactored) action, add that authenticated users id into the session session[:user_id] =

Task 2: Log out a user

megstang /
Last active December 12, 2022 15:07
Authentication Challenge

Authentication Challenge

For this challenge, you will be refactoring your Viewing Party Lite project to include basic authentication. Currently on your Viewing Party Lite project, a user 'registers' by providing their name and email. We want to update the registration form to include a password and a password confirmation field, and we want to securely store that user's password upon registration.If you would prefer to not use your own repo for this challenge, you can use this repo instead.

User Story #1 - Registration (w/ Authentication) Happy Path

megstang /
Last active December 5, 2022 15:52
Partner Feedback (Mod 3)

Project Feedback


  1. Copy the questions below, and fill them out with feedback for your project partner.
  2. Individually slack your partners the feedback you filled out for them (by end of day).
  3. Before tomorrow, 9am MT, take some time reviewing your partner’s feedback that they sent you.
  4. Tomorrow at 9am you will get on a video call with your partner(s) for the in person partner retro to discuss feedback.

Partner: < fill in your partner's name here >

megstang /
Created August 24, 2020 18:55
Find all practice
  numbers = [5,1,13,2,7,9,10]
  1. Use each to return an array with all of the elements from the numbers array that have two or more digits.
  2. Refactor the code you implemented for #1 above to use find_all instead of each.
  3. Use each to find all of the elements from the numbers array whose squares are odd. (Example: 5 would be returned because 5^2 = 25 and 25 is odd. 10 would not be returned because 10^2 is 100 and 100 is even.
  4. Refactor the code you implemented for #3 above to use find_all instead of each.