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megstang / Mod 3 Gear Up Reflections
Created January 10, 2019 04:24
reflections on three gear ups from mod 3
* What are you left thinking about from today's session?
* I found it very interesting to talk within a group of diverse people and hear about what microagressions they thing they have and how they think that their past has led them to possess such microagressions. I actually had never heard of this term before, and didn’t realize that it’s something that a lot of times, we don’t realize we have. The role playing was tough to do, mainly because sometimes it was even hard for me to see the microagression in them, and I realized that’s because I wasn’t the target of the aggression. So it was interesting to have to take a step back and see what something may be offensive. I really appreciated this practice.
* How do you think the concepts covered in Gear Up today will impact you as a software developer? 3-5 sentences
* Becoming more aware of identifying these microagressions is something that will be very helpful in the working environment. I think this, mainly, because I’m one that al
megstang / Robot Challenge
Created January 28, 2019 16:58
week 2 independent challenge - done in ruby
class Robot
def initialize()
@x = 0
@y = 0
@current_direction = "N"
@direction_array = ["N","E","S","W"]
def returns_to_origin(directions)
megstang / Capstone DTR
Last active February 11, 2019 21:59
DTR for Geoff, Cole, Ashley, and Meg for the cross pollination capstone project
# DTR: Define the Relationship
Use this template to when conducting DTR with your project partners. *It's recommended that you copy/paste this template into your own gist each time you conduct a DTR to take notes on the conversation.*
### Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship:
* What are each of our learning goals for this project? What drives us in this project?
* What is your collaboration style? How do you feel about pair programming vs. divide-and-conquer approaches?
* How do you communicate best? How do you appreciate receiving communication from others?
* How would you describe your work style?
megstang / 30 Day Plan
Created February 28, 2019 06:06
30 Day Plan for Mod 4 Portfolio
#2: Supporting Others in Your Cohort in Their Job Search
Fill out this part only if you have already secured a job prior to graduation. This part is optional.
As a member of the Turing community, your support in the job search makes a big difference for your peers as they pursue their first position. Complete the following action steps to
Action Step #1: Identify 1-2 people from your PD Peer Group who you will continue to check in with during the first 30 days post-graduation. Describe what you will do in these check-ins, how you will help keep them motivated, and how you will follow up with these cohortmates afterwards.
I've talked with Derek about having him as my peer check in buddy. Derek and I will check in over slack and sometimes when he comes in on Tuesdays for Mod 5. We will talk about interviews and go over cover letters and resumes. Meeting in person to update each other on progress would be great, and then following up on slack would work for us as well.
Action Step #2: With the person(s) you
megstang /
Last active July 31, 2019 16:15
Testing Enigma

Please copy the encrypted message below and place it in your encrypted.txt file:


Use the key 95673 and the date 073119 to decrypt this message on your commandline.

Iteration 1

Use TDD to create a Student class that responds to the following interaction pattern:

pry(main)> require './lib/student'
# => true

pry(main)> morgan ={name: "Morgan", age: 21})    
# => #<Student:0x00007fe196b0c050...>
megstang / gist:10ed75afaa14047df75ef3ee0cf181e9
Created July 19, 2019 20:53
Intro to ActiveRecord in Sinatra
title: Intro to ActiveRecord in Sinatra
length: 60
tags: activerecord, migrations, sinatra
## Learning Goals
* Generate a migration in order to create or modify a table
* Use rake commands to create a database/drop a database/generate migration files/and migrate the database
title length tags
Intro to ActiveRecord in Sinatra
activerecord, migrations, sinatra

Learning Goals

  • Generate a migration in order to create or modify a table
  • Use rake commands to create a database/drop a database/generate migration files/and migrate the database

Vehicles and Passengers Prework

Iteration 1

Use TDD to create a Passenger class that responds to the following interaction pattern. For the adult? method, a Passenger is considered an adult if they are age 18 or older.

pry(main)> require './lib/passenger'
# => true
megstang /
Last active November 20, 2019 21:02
Suggested Practice for Thanksgiving Break

Thanksgiving Break Suggested Work

For all of our breaks this mod, we will not have any required work, but rather suggested practice for you all. If you ever would like feedback on your code, tag either Mike or Meg in a code review and we can leave comments.

The practice is broken down into three areas:

  1. Mod 1 review
  2. Rails Practice
  3. Active Record Practice

Refresh Your Ruby Skills (Mod 1 Review)