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Created September 2, 2017 17:38
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IOSmap rewritten so that it can be used in memory, not written to permanent storage.
set timeout 1
set timeoutms 500
set waittime 4000
set svcarraymax 4096
set reasoncode 0
set reason "NULL"
proc syntaxhelp {} {
puts stdout "\7================================================================"
puts stdout "IOScan 0.1"
puts stdout " Usage: IOScan <Scan Type> <Options> <target specifications>"
puts stdout "HOST DISCOVERY:"
puts stdout " -P0/PN Treat all hosts as online - skip Ping test"
puts stdout " -SL List hosts and ports to scan"
puts stdout "SCAN TYPE:"
puts stdout " -sP Ping scan only <ICMP ECHO>"
puts stdout " -sT TCP Connect Scan"
puts stdout " -sU UDP Scan"
puts stdout " --reason: display the reason a port state is reported as such"
puts stdout " -p <port ranges> Specify ports to scan. "
puts stdout " -p22 Scan port 22"
puts stdout " -p22,23,135-139,445 Scan ports 22, 23, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 445"
puts stdout " CIDR, IP range and single IPs are all a supported - comma delimited"
puts stdout " For example:"
puts stdout ",,"
proc memcalc { scantype } {
global iplist
global portlist
if { $scantype == "T" } {
set gradient 1544
set intercept 2568474
} else {
set gradient 30279
set intercept 3120161
set factor1 50 ; # watermark to ask for a y/n to proceed
set factor2 75 ; # watermark to force an exit
set ipcount [ llength $iplist ]
set portcount [ llength $portlist ]
set calcmem [ expr ($portcount * $ipcount * $gradient ) ]
set calcmem [ expr ( $calcmem + $intercept) ]
set i [ exec "sho proc mem | i Processor Pool" ]
set memfree [ lindex $i [ expr ( [llength $i] - 1 ) ]]
set memlimit1 [ expr ($memfree / 100 * $factor1 ) ]
set memlimit2 [ expr ($memfree / 100 * $factor2 ) ]
puts stdout "Free Memory on Platform = $memfree / Memory required for this scan = $calcmem"
puts stdout " "
if { $calcmem > $memlimit2 } {
puts stdout "\7The resources estimated for your scan will exceed $factor2\%"
puts stdout "of your available memory total of $calcmem"
puts stdout "Execution cannot proceed without impacting primary device functions"
return 1
} elseif { $calcmem < 0 } {
puts stdout "\7The resources used by your scan will exceed the physical memory installed"
puts stdout "on your platform. Execution cannot proceed without impacting"
puts stdout "primary device functions"
return 1
} elseif { $calcmem > $memlimit1 } {
puts stdout "\7The resources used by your scan will exceed $factor1%"
puts stdout "of your available memory total of $calcmem"
puts stdout "This may impact primary device functions"
puts -nonewline stdout "do you wish to proceed (y/n) ==> "
flush stdout
set response [ gets stdin ];
if { $response == "y" } { return 0 } else { return 1 }
} elseif { $calcmem < $memlimit1 } { return 0 }
proc IPtoHex { IP } {
binary scan [binary format c4 [split $IP .]] H8 Hex
return $Hex
proc hex2dec {hexvalue} {
set decvalue [format "%u" [expr 0x$hexvalue]]
return $decvalue
proc dec2hex { decvalue } {
set hexvalue [format "%#010X" [expr $decvalue]]
return $hexvalue
proc Hex2IP { Hex } {
# first trim off leading "0x" if it's there
if { [string length $Hex] == 10 } { set Hex [string range $Hex 2 9] }
binary scan [binary format H8 $Hex] c4 IPtmp
foreach num $IPtmp {
lappend IP [expr ($num + 0x100) % 0x100]
set IP [join $IP .]
return $IP
proc isipvalid { IP } {
# only digits'n'dots
regsub -all {[.0-9]} $IP {} scratchvar
if { $scratchvar != "" } {
return 0
# 4 octets means exactly 3 dots
regsub -all {[0-9]} $IP {} scratchvar
if { $scratchvar != "..." } {
return 0
# is each octet betw 0 and 255?
foreach b [split $IP .] {
if { [string length $b] == 0 } {
return 0
set ob $b
#parse out leading zeros
scan $b %d b
if { $b < 0 | $b > 255 } {
return 0
return 1
proc iscidrvalid { CIDR } {
# numeric check
regsub -all {[0-9]} $CIDR {} scratchvar
if { [string length $scratchvar] != 0 } {
return 0
#convert to numeric, check values
#because this is running on a router, mask <8 is not acceptable due to scan time.
# mask of /31 or /32 is also not acceptable
scan $CIDR %d CIDR
if { $CIDR < 8 | $CIDR > 30 } {
return 0
return 1
proc ipCIDR { net } {
global iplist
set work1 [ split $net / ]
set ip1 [ lindex $work1 0 ]
if { ! [isipvalid $ip1 ] } {
puts stdout "\7Invalid IP address specified ==> $ip1"
puts " "
return 1
scan $net {%d.%d.%d.%d/%d} a b c d bits
if { ! [iscidrvalid $bits ] } {
puts stdout "Invalid Netmask address specified ==> /$bits"
puts stdout "Because of platform considerations, subnet mask must be >=8 or <=30"
puts " "
return 1
set hexmask [expr {0xffffffff & (0xffffffff << (32-$bits))}]
set bnet [ hex2dec [IPtoHex $ip1] ]
set realnet [ expr $bnet & $hexmask ]
set firstip [expr $realnet+1 ]
set bcast [expr $bnet | ( $hexmask ^ 0xffffffff )]
set lastip [expr $bcast - 1]
for { set j $firstip } { $j <= $lastip } { incr j} {
set work1 [dec2hex $j]
lappend iplist [ Hex2IP $work1 ]
return 0
proc iprange { net } {
global iplist
set work1 [ split $net - ]
set ip1 [ lindex $work1 0 ]
set maxoct4 [lindex $work1 1]
if { ! [isipvalid $ip1 ] } {
puts stdout "Invalid IP address specified ==> $ip1"
return 1
scan $ip1 {%d.%d.%d.%d} a b c d
set ipmax $a.$b.$c.$maxoct4
if { ! [isipvalid $ipmax] } {
puts stdout "Invalid IP address specified ==> $ipmax"
return 1
if { $d > $maxoct4 } {
puts stdout "Invalid IP address range specified ==> $ip1-$maxoct4"
return 1
for { set j $d} {$j <= $maxoct4 } { incr j} {
lappend iplist $a.$b.$c.$j
return 0
proc parsenet { networklist } {
global iplist
set netlist [split $networklist ,]
foreach net $netlist {
if { [string first / $net] >0 } {
set retval [ipCIDR $net]
} elseif { [ string first - $net] >0} {
set retval [iprange $net]
} else {
if { ! [isipvalid $net] } {
puts stdout "Invalid IP address specified ==> $net"
return 1
lappend iplist $net }
return 0
proc pinger {ip timeout} {
set pingretry 3
# returns a 1 if any icmp echo replies make it back, otherwise returns a 0
if { [regexp "(!)" [exec "ping $ip timeout $timeout repeat $pingretry" ]] } { return 1 } else { return 0 }
proc scantcpconnect {host port} {
global timeout
global reason
set timeout1 [expr $timeout*1000 ]
catch { socket $host $port } sock
after $timeout1
if { [string first sock $sock] == 0} {
catch { close $sock }
set reason "syn-ack"
return "open "
} else { set reason "connection failed" ; return "closed" }
proc udpscan { ip port } {
# timers should be global, logfile should NOT be global
global timeoutms
global waittime
global reason
ios_config "no logging buffer"
ios_config "logging buff 8192 debug"
set retcode "error" ; # just in case, give retcode a value
# set up the list of interesting packets to look for (ie set up packet capture filter)
ios_config "access-list 111 permit udp any host $ip eq $port"
ios_config "access-list 111 permit udp host $ip eq $port any"
ios_config "access-list 111 permit icmp host $ip any unreach"
# now, watch for these packets (ie start your packet capture)
exec "debug ip packet 111 det"
# next, send test udp packets to trigger responses
ios_config "ip sla monitor 111" "type udpEcho dest-ipaddr $ip dest-port $port control disable" "time $timeoutms" "freq 1"
ios_config "ip sla mon schedule 111 life forever start now"
after $waittime ; # wait - 2sec is generally enough for the log to catch up
# now clean up confg and debug changes
exec "no debug ip pack 111 det"
ios_config "no access-list 111"
ios_config "no ip sla monitor 111"
set startpos "dst=$port"
set logfile [ exec "show log" ]
set ipstart 0
set portunreach 0
set unreach 0
# first, find the last occurance of our target in the log
set ipstart [ string first $startpos $logfile ]
#now, look for icmp type 3, or icmp type 3 code 3, occuring after this ip value
# (ie - make sure we're not reading a previous status).
if { $ipstart > 0 } {
set unreach [ string last "ICMP type=3" $logfile ]
set portunreach [ string last "ICMP type=3, code=3" $logfile ]
set udpreturn [ string last "UDP src=$port" $logfile ]
set retcode "open/filtered" ; # set the case for no packets back at all
set reason "No Response"
if { $unreach > $ipstart } { set retcode "filtered" ; set reason "ICMP Unreachable" }
if { $portunreach > $ipstart } { set retcode "closed" ; set reason "ICMP Port Unreachable"}
if { $udpreturn > $ipstart } { set retcode "open" ; set reason "UDP response" }
} else { set retcode "open/filtered" ; set reason "No Response" } ; # this accounts for no packets back on empty logfile
return $retcode
proc scanit {localportlist localnetworklist scantype pingit} {
global timeout
global reason
global reasoncode
foreach host $localnetworklist {
# set existance default in case -P0 (no ping) is specified
set hostexist 1
if {$pingit == 1} { set hostexist [pinger $host $timeout] }
if { $scantype == "P" } {
if { $hostexist ==1 } {
puts stdout "Host $host is up"
} else { puts stdout "Host $host is down" }
} else {
if {$hostexist == 1 } {
puts stdout "Interesting ports on host $host"
puts -nonewline stdout "PORT STATE"
if {$reasoncode == 1} {puts -nonewline stdout " REASON"}
puts ""
foreach port $localportlist {
if { $scantype == "T" } {
set state [ scantcpconnect $host $port ]
set proto "tcp"
} elseif {$scantype == "U" } {
set state [udpscan $host $port ]
set proto "udp"
} elseif {$scantype == "L" } {
set proto "tcp"
set state "unscanned"
puts -nonewline stdout "$port/$proto $state"
if {$reasoncode == 1} { puts -nonewline stdout " $reason"}
puts stdout ""
} else { puts stdout "Host $host is unavailable" }
puts stdout "\n\n"
proc parseports { ports } {
global portlist
set localportlist [split $ports ,]
foreach port $localportlist {
if {[string first - $port] > 0} {
set localplist [split $port -]
for {set lport [lindex $localplist 0]} {$lport <= [lindex $localplist 1]} {incr lport} {
if {$lport > 0 && $lport <65535 } {
lappend portlist $lport
} else {
puts stdout "Invalid port value ==> $lport"
return 1
} else {
if {$port >0 && $port <65535 } {
lappend portlist $port
} else {
puts stdout "Invalid port value ==> $port"
return 1
return 0
proc run { args } {
global portlist
global iplist
global pingit
global scantype
catch {unset pingit}
set pingit 1 ; # ping scan set to no (should be yes)
catch {unset scantype}
set scantype T ; # default scan is TCP
catch {unset iplist}
set iplist {}
catch unset portlist
set portlist {}
#process cmd line arguments
foreach arg $args {
switch -glob -- $arg {
-sU {set scantype U}
-sT {set scantype T}
-sP {set scantype P ; set ports 1}
-sL {set scantype L ; set ports 1 ; set pingit 0}
-P0 {set pingit 0}
-PN {set pingit 0}
-p* {set ports $arg}
--reason { set reasoncode 1 }
-h { set scantype "H" }
default {set network $arg}
# dump out intro line
puts stdout "\n\n"
puts stdout [clock format [clock seconds] -format {Starting IOSmap 0.9 ( ) at %Y-%m-%d %H:%M %Z}]
puts ""
if {$scantype != "H" } {
# trim "-p out of ports arg, parse out the ports to a list of discrete values
set ports [string trimleft $ports -p]
set ok1 [parseports $ports]
# parse network values out to a discrete list of ip addresses
set ok2 [parsenet $network]
set ok [expr $ok1+$ok2 ]
if { $ok == 0 } {
set retcode [ memcalc $scantype ]
if {$retcode == 0 } {
# scan the list of ports and ip's as specified
scanit $portlist $iplist $scantype $pingit
} else {
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mehaase commented Sep 2, 2017

  1. Enter an IOS Tcl shell.
  2. Paste in the script.
  3. Type run to view usage.

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