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Last active April 30, 2017 21:01
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This is an implementation of the distance proposed by "An Information Geometry of Statistical Manifold Learning, Ke Sun, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet
" to measure quality of embedding techniques (e.g PCA, Isomap, LLE, TSNE). It is needs data points matrix of
the original data as well as the same data points with the embedding coordinates, and some additional parameters to fix.
How to use ?
Basic swiss roll example:
from sklearn.datasets import make_swiss_roll
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.manifold import Isomap
NN = 100 # nb of neighbors
k = 10 # logk defines the entropy of tau_Y and tau_Z distributions
ks = 5
Y, labels = make_swiss_roll(1000)
Z = PCA(n_components=2).fit_transform(Y)
dist_to_PCA, _ = compute_dist(Y, Z, NN=NN, k=k, ks=ks,
nb_integrations=1, # repeat if you want to estimate variance of the integral estimation
T = Isomap(n_components=2).fit_transform(Y)
dist_to_isomap, _ = compute_dist(Y, T, NN=NN, k=k, ks=ks,
nb_integrations=1, # repeat if you want to estimate variance of the integral estimation
print("dist to PCA : {} +/- {}".format(np.mean(dist_to_PCA), np.std(dist_to_PCA)))
print("dist to Isomap : {} +/- {}".format(np.mean(dist_to_isomap), np.std(dist_to_isomap)))
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import pairwise_distances
from scipy.optimize import newton
from scipy.integrate import dblquad
from scipy.misc import logsumexp
from itertools import product
from tqdm import tqdm
def softmax(w):
maxes = np.amax(w, axis=1)
maxes = maxes.reshape(maxes.shape[0], 1)
e = np.exp(w - maxes)
dist = e / np.sum(e, axis=1, keepdims=True)
return dist
def entropy_p_univariate(s):
Compute (carefully to avoid numerical error)
entropy of p defined by : p_i = exp(-s_i)/(\sum_j exp(-s_j))
log_norm = logsumexp(-s)
log_p = - s - log_norm
ent = (np.exp(log_p) * s).sum() + log_norm
return ent
def construct_Gcov(S_Y, S_Z, S, NN=5):
Used to construct 'g_ab' in the paper
#ind = S.argsort(axis=1)
#ind = ind[:, 1:NN + 1] # start by 1 because we dont want to count a point as neighbor to itself
ind_Y = S_Y.argsort(axis=1)[:, 1:NN + 1]
ind_Z = S_Z.argsort(axis=1)[:, 1:NN + 1]
dist_Y = np.zeros((S_Y.shape[0], NN * 2))
for i in range(S_Y.shape[0]):
ind = list(set(ind_Y[i]) | set(ind_Z[i]))
dist_Y[i, 0:len(ind)] = S_Y[i][ind]
dist_Z = np.zeros((S_Y.shape[0], NN * 2))
for i in range(S_Z.shape[0]):
ind = list(set(ind_Y[i]) | set(ind_Z[i]))
dist_Z[i, 0:len(ind)] = S_Z[i][ind]
dist_S = np.empty((S_Y.shape[0], NN * 2))
dist_S[:, :] = np.inf
for i in range(S.shape[0]):
ind = list(set(ind_Y[i]) | set(ind_Z[i]))
dist_S[i, 0:len(ind)] = S[i][ind]
P_S = softmax(-dist_S)
Gcov = ((P_S * (dist_Y * dist_Z)).sum(axis=1) -
(P_S * dist_Y).sum(axis=1) * (P_S * dist_Z).sum(axis=1))
return Gcov
def construct_Gvar(S_Y, S, NN=5):
Used to construct 'g_aa' and 'g_bb' in the paper
return construct_Gcov(S_Y, S_Y, S, NN=NN)
def construct_tau(S, k, NN=5, tau0=1, verbose=1):
find tau_i for each i which we scale the distances in row i so that the distribution in row i as entropy logk
it is done in the paper with 'binary search' or more known as 'bisection method'. the goal of bisection method
is to find the root of a function. what we want here for a row i is find tau_i so that :
-\sum_j p_i(j)log p_i(j) = logk
where p(j) is proba of j given i defined by equation 1 in paper but where the distances
are scaled by tau_i
I rather used a newton optimization algo instead of bisection, it works too.
tau = []
for i in range(S.shape[0]):
s = S[i]
s = s[np.argsort(s)]
s = s[1:NN + 1]
def f(tau_sqrt):
return entropy_p_univariate(s * tau_sqrt**2) - np.log(k)
tau_sqrt_i = newton(f, tau0)
tau_i = tau_sqrt_i ** 2
if verbose > 0:
print("row {}, entropy:{}, logk={}, tau:{}".format(i, entropy_p_univariate(s * tau_i), np.log(k), tau_i))
tau = np.array(tau)
return tau
def vol(tau_Y, tau_Z, gvar_Y, gvar_Z, gcov_YZ):
compute the vol term, it is defined in equation 9 of the paper
cov_term = (tau_Y * tau_Z * gcov_YZ).sum()
var_Y_term = (tau_Y**2 * gvar_Y).sum()
var_Z_term = (tau_Z**2 * gvar_Z).sum()
return np.sqrt(1 - (cov_term**2) / (var_Y_term * var_Z_term))
def sig(tau_Y, tau_Z, gvar_Y, gvar_Z):
compute the \sigma term, it is defined after proposition 13 in the paper
var_Y_term = (tau_Y**2 * gvar_Y).sum()
var_Z_term = (tau_Z**2 * gvar_Z).sum()
return np.sqrt(var_Y_term) * np.sqrt(var_Z_term)
def compute_density(tau_Y, tau_Z, gvar_Y, gvar_Z, gcov_YZ):
compute the density term directly (instead of using vol*sig)
cov_term = (tau_Y * tau_Z * gcov_YZ).sum()
var_Y_term = (tau_Y**2 * gvar_Y).sum()
var_Z_term = (tau_Z**2 * gvar_Z).sum()
return np.sqrt(var_Y_term * var_Z_term - cov_term**2)
def build_density_func(S_Y, S_Z, tau_Y, tau_Z, NN=5):
def compute(a, b):
compute density at (a, b). the measure proposed in the paper is a doule integration
of the density computed in this function for a and b
S = a * S_Y + b * S_Z
#TODO: not correct it should be based on input(Y) OR output(Z) NN neighbours
gcov_YZ = construct_Gcov(S_Y, S_Z, S, NN=NN) # g_ab in the paper
gvar_Y = construct_Gvar(S_Y, S, NN=NN) # g_aa in the paper
gvar_Z = construct_Gvar(S_Z, S, NN=NN) # g_bb in the paper
return compute_density(tau_Y, tau_Z, gvar_Y, gvar_Z, gcov_YZ)
return compute
def integrate_2d(func, a_range, b_range, nb_iter=100, verbose=1):
Generic 2d integration of func(a, b) with monte carlo using uniform sampling for a and b
a_range : tuple defining of the interval to sample a from
b_range : tuple defining of the interval to sample b from
val_mean = 0.
iters = range(nb_iter)
if verbose > 0:
iters = tqdm(iters)
for i in iters:
a = np.random.uniform(low=a_range[0], high=a_range[1])
b = np.random.uniform(low=b_range[0], high=b_range[1])
val = func(a, b)
val_mean = (val + i * val_mean) / (i + 1)
return val_mean * (a_range[1] - a_range[0]) * (b_range[1] - b_range[0])
def compute_dist(Y, Z, NN=100, k=10, ks=5,
S_Y = pairwise_distances(Y, metric=metric)
S_Z = pairwise_distances(Z, metric=metric)
tau_Y = construct_tau(S_Y, k=k, tau0=1, NN=NN, verbose=0)
tau_Z = construct_tau(S_Z, k=k, tau0=1, NN=NN, verbose=0)
get_density = build_density_func(S_Y, S_Z, tau_Y, tau_Z, NN=NN)
if compute_density:
a_range = b_range = (1./k, 1./ks)
a = np.linspace(a_range[0], a_range[1], density_grid_size)
b = np.linspace(b_range[0], b_range[1], density_grid_size)
density = np.empty((density_grid_size, density_grid_size))
for i, j in product(np.arange(len(a)), np.arange(len(b))):
density[i, j] = get_density(1./a[i], 1./b[j])
dists = []
a_range = b_range = (ks, k)
for i in range(nb_integrations):
if integration_method == 'monte_carlo':
if nb_iter is None:
nb_iter = 100
dist = integrate_2d(get_density, a_range, b_range, nb_iter=nb_iter, verbose=1)
elif integration_method == 'quad':
l = 1./k
r = 1./ks
dist, err = dblquad(get_density, l, r, lambda a:l, lambda a:r)
if verbose > 0:
print('quad integration abs error : {}'.format(err))
raise ValueError('Invalid integration method : {}'.format(integration_method))
if compute_density:
return dists, density
return dists, None
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