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Created February 29, 2024 16:00
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job_id_regexp: "Job Id:(\\d+)"
cmd: "sbatch {sbatch_script}"
check_interval_secs: 600
partition: booster
account: laionize
model: [ViT-B-32]
- 1.28M:
nodes: 16
train_num_samples: 128_000
epochs: 10
warmup: 100
lr: [5e-4, 1e-3]
batch_size: 1024
beta1: 0.9
beta2: 0.95
wd: 0.2
grad_clip_norm: 1
- 12.8M:
nodes: 16
train_num_samples: 1_280_000
epochs: 10
warmup: 100
lr: [5e-4, 1e-3]
batch_size: 1024
beta1: 0.9
beta2: 0.95
wd: 0.2
grad_clip_norm: 1
- train:
template: train.sbatch
sbatch_script: "sbatch_scripts/{name}_train.sbatch"
output_file: "{logs}/{name}/slurm_train.out"
nodes: 24
# terminate training if we detect that last epoch is finished
# e.g. if number of epochs is 100 and we find the expression Train Epoch: 99 .... 100%, we return 1
# thus terminating the job.
termination_cmd: 'let last={epochs}-1;grep "Train Epoch: $last.*100%" {output_file}|wc -l'
- eval:
template: eval.sbatch
sbatch_script: "sbatch_scripts/{name}_eval.sbatch"
output_file: "{logs}/{name}/slurm_eval.out"
nodes: 1
# evals have starting condition, they are only launched if number of checkpoints is greater than number of evaluations (json result files)
start_condition_cmd: "nc=`ls {logs}/{name}/checkpoints/*.pt|wc -l`;ne=`ls {logs}/{name}/checkpoints/imagenet1k*.json|wc -l`;echo $(( (nc-ne) > 0 ))"
# we only terminate evals when number of evals is equal to number of epochs
termination_cmd: "ne=`ls {logs}/{name}/checkpoints/imagenet1k*.json|wc -l`;echo $(( (ne) == {epochs}+1 ))"
- datacomp:
train_data: "/p/fastdata/mmlaion/datacomp/datacomp_1B/flat/{0000000..0139827}.tar"
logs: "logs"
name: "{dataset}_{model}_{samples_seen_scale}_lr{lr}_bs{batch_size}"
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