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Last active July 19, 2017 17:38
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search trough a string by ignoring arabic diacritics.
import java.text.Collator;
import java.util.Locale;
* This class contains 2 methods for searching in arabic strings by ignoring Diacritic
* <p>
* {@link #searchInStringWordByWord(String, String, int)} is super fast but limited to search by word (witch in many
* case id what you need)
* <p>
* {@link #searchInStringLetterByLetter(String, String, int)} is slow but it can search anything from a letter to many
* letter :)
* @author Mehdi Sohrabi ( on 7/19/2017.
public class DiacriticInsensitiveSearch {
* This method will search through input string for search word, word by word
* Note that it will search the input word by word so it is really fast but has some cons
* so use it if you know the pros and cons
* <p>
* Pros: It is really really fast as hell :)
* <p>
* Cons: It search word by word, so you can not search for sw = "مه", actually you can BUT this method wont find it :)
* You must search for whole word, number of word is not matter but they must be whole word
* If you have input = "مِهدی؛ سُهرابی" and you search for sw = "مهدی" this method wont find any thing cause it
* consider مِهدی؛ as one word and obviously it is different from your search word
* @param input The input string
* @param sw The search word
* @param index The index that search will start from
* @return array of 2 int contain start index and end index, or {-1,-1} in case it did not find the search word
* result[0] -> firstIndex
* result[1] -> lastIndex
public static int[] searchInStringWordByWord(String input, String sw, int index) {
int[] result = new int[2];
result[0] = -1;
result[1] = -1;
int counter = index;
input = input.substring(index, input.length());
final Collator instance = Collator.getInstance(new Locale("ar"));
String[] source = input.split(" ");
String[] target = sw.split(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < source.length; i++) {
if ([i], target[0]) == 0) {
//first char is equal
if (target.length > 1) {
// check other char
boolean exist = searchForCompanionWords(instance, source, target, i, 0);
if (exist) {
result[0] = counter;
result[1] = getLastIndex(source, i, target.length, counter);
} else {
result[0] = counter;
result[1] = counter + source[i].length();
return result;
counter += source[i].length() + 1; // +1 for omitted space
return result;
* If the search word is more than one word, this method comes in place and use a recursive method to checks for
* equality, it advance one by one into source and target and check them and return true if all of them is equal
* I know it is recursive BUT it will execute 2 or 3 times (depends on number of word in search word) so it is Not
* big deal in performance
* @param collator The java Collator that use for comparison
* @param source The source string the is space splitted
* @param target The search word that is space splitted
* @param sourceMatch The index in source that match the `targetMatch` in search word
* @param targetMatch The index in search word that match the `sourceMatch` in source
* @return true if other words are equal and false otherwise
private static boolean searchForCompanionWords(Collator collator, String[] source, String[] target, int sourceMatch,
int targetMatch) {
if (source.length <= sourceMatch + 1) return false;
if (target.length <= targetMatch + 1) return false;
if ([sourceMatch + 1], target[targetMatch + 1]) == 0) {
// The next char matches, is there any target word?
if (target.length <= targetMatch + 2) {
return true;
} else {
// There is more target word
return searchForCompanionWords(collator, source, target, sourceMatch + 1, targetMatch + 1);
return false;
* Get last index by lopping trough source
* @param source The space splitted source
* @param start Start index in source
* @param howMany Advance number
* @param size Size of strings in source before *start* index
* @return The last index
private static int getLastIndex(String[] source, int start, int howMany, int size) {
for (int i = start; i < start + howMany; i++) {
size += source[i].length() + 1; // +1 for omitted space
return size - 1; // -1 for last extra space
* This method will search through input string for search word letter by letter
* Note that it will search the input letter by letter so it is SLOW (i tries to optimized it and this is as far as
* i can go). so use it if you know the pros and cons
* <p>
* Pros: it can search anything, a letter, a word, anything if you have input = "مِهدی سُهرابی" you can search for
* sw = "مه" and it find it for you
* <p>
* Cons: Really slow and unusable for long search
* @param input The input string
* @param sw The search word
* @param index The index that search will start from
* @return Array of 2 int contain start index and end index, or {-1,-1} in case it did not find the search word
* result[0] -> firstIndex
* result[1] -> lastIndex
public static int[] searchInStringLetterByLetter(String input, String sw, int index) {
int[] result = new int[2];
int counter = 0;
String temp;
for (int i = index; i < input.length(); i++) {
temp = removeDiacritic(input.substring(i, i + 1));
if (temp.equals("")) continue; // if it is empty it means the char is diacritic
if (sw.length() - 1 == counter) {
//the char found
result[1] = i + 1; // This is the last index
return result;
if (temp.equals(sw.substring(counter, counter + 1))) {
// the first char is equal, search for other
if (counter == 0) {
result[0] = i;
} else {
// reset char comparison
counter = 0;
result[0] = -1;
result[1] = -1;
return result;
* Remove any diacritic from input string
* less diacritics means faster search
* @param input The input string
* @return Diacritic free string
private static String removeDiacritic(String input) {
input = input.replaceAll("\u0650", "");
input = input.replaceAll("\u0651", "");
input = input.replaceAll("\u0652", "");
input = input.replaceAll("\u064E", "");
input = input.replaceAll("\u064F", "");
input = input.replaceAll("\u064D", "");
input = input.replaceAll("\u064B", "");
return input;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int searchIndex[] = searchInStringWordByWord(source, sw, 0);
// int searchIndex[] = searchInStringLetterByLetter(source, sw, 0);
while (searchIndex[0] >= 0) {
System.out.println("start index: " + searchIndex[0] + " - end index: " + searchIndex[1]);
// Do something useful with this indexes, eg. highlighting
searchIndex = searchInStringWordByWord(source, sw, searchIndex[1] + 1);
// searchIndex = searchInStringLetterByLetter(source, sw, searchIndex[1] + 1);
// I don't know what this means, i just copy and paste it from internet
private static String source = "یبدو أن شکوک الأمس قد تبخرت وأنت الآن منشغل بالتقدم للأمام؛ حاول " +
"استخدام هذه الطاقه فی البدء فی مشروعات جدیده واتخاذ قرارات هامه. بما أن الأمور تسیر فی الاتجاه" +
" الصحیح، وأنت تشعر بالراحه بالنسبه للأمور التی تقوم بها، یمکنک الاستمتاع بالنجاح القادم. لکن" +
" لا ترتبط بالکثیر من المشروعات وذلک لأن توازنک الداخلی سوف یصبح مهددًا وسوف تتعرض لخطر استنفاذ نفسک.";
private static String sw = "فی";
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