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Last active December 24, 2019 20:01
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Save mehlon/cc70ea32d6bceb5cc97a6cff087a123a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
{stdenv, fetchgit, makeWrapper, git, gnumake, gcc, cmake, fetchzip, sfml, zlib, lua5}:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "openhexagon";
version = "2.0";
src = fetchgit {
#leaveDotGit = true;
fetchSubmodules = true;
#deepClone = true;
url = "";
rev = "a6abf3bcf41b4f6821c53f92a86f9b8c00ecbaad";
sha256 = "0jkndf6gncv7a3bbm3v2ycx68s0hm9fbzxrd7z7pj6h3fwbvajq7";
buildInputs = [gnumake git cmake sfml lua5 zlib];
#unpackPhase = "";
#patchPhase = "";
buildPhase = "
echo `pwd` and $src; make -j8
cp ./SSVOpenHexagon $src/_RELEASE/openhexagon
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
cp _RELEASE/openhexagon $out/bin/
wrapProgram $out/bin/openhexagon --run "cd $out/share/openhexagon"
mkdir -p $out/share/openhexagon/data
cp -r $data/* $out/share/openhexagon/data
meta = {
description = ''Clone of Super Hexagon'';
homepage =;
# license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2;
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