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Created June 1, 2020 15:16
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Sample code for Formatter Issue
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
void main() {
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
// This widget is the root of your application.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Text field',
home: MyHomePage(),
class MyHomePage extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: Center(
child: TextField(
decoration: InputDecoration(labelText: 'Credit card number'),
inputFormatters: [
TemplateTextFormatter(template: '???? ???? ???? ????')
keyboardType: TextInputType.number,
/// A formatter that provides automatic text formatting for a TextField or
/// TextFormField based on a template string.
/// Examples of template strings are:
/// - `??/??` for credit card expiry input, or
/// - `(???) ???-????` for US phone number input.
/// The template string uses '?' to represent a digit, all other characters
/// are used to format the string. '?' cannot be used as a string character.
/// A user cannot enter more digits than the template string supports.
class TemplateTextFormatter extends TextInputFormatter {
TemplateTextFormatter({@required this.template})
: assert(template != null),
_maximumCollapsedLength =
final String template;
/// The maximum length of the string once all formatting has been removed.
final int _maximumCollapsedLength;
/// The pattern used to find digits in the input string.
static final _textDigitPattern = RegExp(r'\d');
/// The pattern used to find digits in the template string.
static const _templateDigitPattern = '?';
TextEditingValue formatEditUpdate(
TextEditingValue oldValue,
TextEditingValue newValue,
) {
if (newValue.text.length < oldValue.text.length) {
return _handleTextDeletion(oldValue, newValue);
// For cases where newValue.text.length >= oldValue.text.length,
// _formatText handles all necessary formatting.
return _formatText(newValue);
/// Handles cases where the new text is shorter than the old text.
/// When deleting, if the deleted character were not a digit, extra parts
/// of the string need to be removed. An example of this is in the
/// format: `(???) ???-????`, if the user has entered 1,2, then 3, the
/// displayed text field will have `(123) `. Backspacing at this stage,
/// should delete the 3, removing `) ` in the process.
TextEditingValue _handleTextDeletion(
TextEditingValue oldValue, TextEditingValue newValue) {
final oldDigitCount = _textDigitPattern.allMatches(oldValue.text).length;
final newDigitCount = _textDigitPattern.allMatches(newValue.text).length;
final isDigitDeleted = newDigitCount != oldDigitCount;
if (!isDigitDeleted) {
var baseOffset = newValue.selection.baseOffset;
var extentOffset = newValue.selection.extentOffset;
final digitIndex = newValue.text.lastIndexOf(
newValue.selection.baseOffset - 1,
if (digitIndex == -1) {
// If there were no prior digits, just reformat the string.
return _formatText(newValue);
final text = newValue.text.substring(0, digitIndex) +
if (baseOffset > newValue.selection.baseOffset) {
baseOffset -= newValue.selection.baseOffset - digitIndex;
} else if (baseOffset >= digitIndex) {
baseOffset = digitIndex;
if (extentOffset > newValue.selection.baseOffset) {
extentOffset -= newValue.selection.baseOffset - digitIndex;
} else if (extentOffset >= digitIndex) {
extentOffset = digitIndex;
return _formatText(TextEditingValue(
text: text,
selection: TextSelection(
baseOffset: baseOffset,
extentOffset: extentOffset,
// Instead of just returning newValue, call _formatText to ensure
// mid-string or multi-character deletes result in correct formatting.
return _formatText(newValue);
/// Formats a given string and selection offsets according to the template.
TextEditingValue _formatText(TextEditingValue value) {
// Collapse the string to only contain digits, updating the selection
// offsets in the process.
final collapsedValue = _collapse(value);
// Ensure that the collapsed string does not exceed the maximum number
// of input digits supported by the template
final trimmedValue = _trim(collapsedValue);
// Having no input is a special case where the prefix is not inserted
// (i.e. _expand should not be called).
// Without this if statement, the input text field cannot be cleared
// completely, which feels weird from a user perspective and also prevents
// showing hint text.
if (trimmedValue.text.isEmpty) {
return trimmedValue;
// Format the string by inserting portions of the template string.
return _expand(trimmedValue);
/// Returns a collapsed string with all non-digits removed and updated
/// selection offsets.
/// Example: If provided with `(123) 456-7890` with the cursor between `5`
/// and `6` (offset 8), this will return `1234567890` with selection offset 5.
TextEditingValue _collapse(TextEditingValue value) {
final baseOffset = value.selection.baseOffset;
final extentOffset = value.selection.extentOffset;
final digitBuffer = StringBuffer();
var lastOffset = 0;
var collapsedBaseOffset = -1;
var collapsedExtentOffset = -1;
for (final match in _textDigitPattern.allMatches(value.text)) {
if (lastOffset <= baseOffset && baseOffset <= match.start) {
collapsedBaseOffset = digitBuffer.length;
if (lastOffset <= extentOffset && extentOffset <= match.start) {
collapsedExtentOffset = digitBuffer.length;
lastOffset = match.end;
if (baseOffset >= lastOffset) collapsedBaseOffset = digitBuffer.length;
if (extentOffset >= lastOffset) collapsedExtentOffset = digitBuffer.length;
return TextEditingValue(
text: digitBuffer.toString(),
selection: TextSelection(
baseOffset: collapsedBaseOffset,
extentOffset: collapsedExtentOffset,
/// Trims the input string to the maximum length allowed by the template.
/// Example: Returns `1234` when provided with `12345` and a template of
/// `??/??`.
TextEditingValue _trim(TextEditingValue value) {
if (value.text.length <= _maximumCollapsedLength) return value;
final text = value.text.substring(0, _maximumCollapsedLength);
final baseOffset = min(value.selection.baseOffset, _maximumCollapsedLength);
final extentOffset =
min(value.selection.extentOffset, _maximumCollapsedLength);
return TextEditingValue(
text: text,
selection: TextSelection(
baseOffset: baseOffset,
extentOffset: extentOffset,
/// Expands text according to the template string and updates selection
/// offsets.
/// Example: Returns `12/3` when provided with `123` and a template of `??/??`
TextEditingValue _expand(TextEditingValue value) {
final digits = value.text;
final collapsedBaseOffset = value.selection.baseOffset;
final collapsedExtentOffset = value.selection.extentOffset;
final textBuffer = StringBuffer();
var lastOffset = 0;
var numberOfDigitsWritten = 0;
int expandedBaseOffset;
int expandedExtentOffset;
for (final match in _templateDigitPattern.allMatches(template)) {
textBuffer.write(template.substring(lastOffset, match.start));
if (collapsedBaseOffset == numberOfDigitsWritten) {
expandedBaseOffset = textBuffer.length;
if (collapsedExtentOffset == numberOfDigitsWritten) {
expandedExtentOffset = textBuffer.length;
if (numberOfDigitsWritten == digits.length) break;
lastOffset = match.end;
expandedBaseOffset ??= textBuffer.length;
expandedExtentOffset ??= textBuffer.length;
return TextEditingValue(
text: textBuffer.toString(),
selection: TextSelection(
baseOffset: expandedBaseOffset,
extentOffset: expandedExtentOffset,
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
if (other is! TemplateTextFormatter) return false;
final typedOther = other as TemplateTextFormatter;
return template == typedOther.template;
int get hashCode => template.hashCode;
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