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Created August 17, 2017 18:01
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Ethereum testnet configuration guide.

Create your own Ethereum testnet


We will be using 3 virtual machines as 3 Ethereum node. We used 'Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS trusty', and 'Ubuntu 15.10 wily' for this experiment. Root Ethereum node will be referred as 'root node', client nodes will be referred as 'client node A' & 'client node B' respectively. On root node port 30303 must be accessible from outside.


Below are the installation instructions for the latest versions of Ubuntu. This step must be executed and Ethereum go client 'geth' must be installed on every node.

Building for Ubuntu 14.04 & above, 64 bit

Install dependencies & geth client

Before you can build the source, you need several tools and dependencies for the application to get started. First, update your repositories. Not all packages are provided in the main Ubuntu repository, those you'll get from the Ethereum PPA and the LLVM archive.

NOTE: 14.04 users, you'll need the latest version of cmake. For this, use:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:george-edison55/cmake-3.x

Now add all the rest:

sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get -y install language-pack-en-base
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
sudo apt-get -y install software-properties-common
wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -

Depending on your Ubuntu version add the right llvm-toolchain source:


sudo add-apt-repository "deb llvm-toolchain-trusty-3.7 main"


sudo add-apt-repository "deb llvm-toolchain-vivid-3.7 main"


sudo add-apt-repository "deb llvm-toolchain-wily-3.7 main"

Then continue:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereum
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereum-dev
sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get -y upgrade

Use the following command to install geth:

sudo apt-get install ethereum

Create custom Ethereum network

Following the bellow steps we will create our private Ethereum testnet.

Create a genesis.json file:

vi genesis.json

Insert following lines:

    "nonce": "0x0000000000000042",
    "mixhash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "difficulty": "0x0100",
    "coinbase": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "timestamp": "0x00",
    "parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "extraData": "Custom Genesis Block",
    "gasLimit": "0xffffffff"

A genesis block is the first block of a block chain. Modern versions of Bitcoin assign it block number 0, though older versions gave it number 1. The genesis block is almost always hardcoded into the software. It is a special case in that it does not reference a previous block, and for Bitcoin and almost all of its derivatives, it produces an unspendable subsidy.

For detailed explanation of genesis file component see here. Initialize network and start geth console:

geth --genesis genesis.json --datadir="~/test/" --port="30303" --networkid="93422" --rpc --rpcport="8545" --rpcaddr="" --minerthreads="1" --mine --nodiscover --maxpeers=2 --nat="extip:" console

NOTE: We will be using as public ip address for our root node throughout this example.

In console we will now create an Ether base address:


Now you will be prompted for enter new password. Choose your password.

Start mining and generate DAG:


NOTE: miner.start(1) means miner will start 1 mining instance and use 1 cpu for mining.

Example console output:

> miner.start(1)
I0114 19:08:35.952299    2153 mergedapi.go:63] miner_start [1]
I0114 19:08:35.952764    2153 types.go:106] Generated response: *shared.SuccessResponse &{%!s(float64=10) 2.0 %!s(bool=true)}
> I0114 19:08:35.954694    2153 miner.go:119] Starting mining operation (CPU=1 TOT=5)
I0114 19:08:35.955166    2153 statedb.go:270] (+) 2a82adcef610c15902085c83537a751389f8b728
I0114 19:08:35.955362    2153 state_object.go:161] 2a82adcef610c15902085c83537a751389f8b728: #0 5000000000000000000 (+ 5000000000000000000)
I0114 19:08:35.955728    2153 worker.go:571] commit new work on block 1 with 0 txs & 0 uncles. Took 765.622µs
I0114 19:08:35.956426    2153 ethash.go:220] Generating DAG for epoch 0 (size 1073739904) (0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
I0114 19:08:35.956847    2153 agent.go:118] (re)started agent[0]. mining...
I0114 19:08:37.203563    2153 ethash.go:252] Generating DAG: 0%
I0114 19:08:42.264791    2153 ethash.go:252] Generating DAG: 1%
I0114 19:08:47.277945    2153 ethash.go:252] Generating DAG: 2%
I0114 19:08:52.221655    2153 ethash.go:252] Generating DAG: 3%
I0114 19:08:57.214285    2153 ethash.go:252] Generating DAG: 4%
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
I0114 19:16:57.645106    2153 ethash.go:252] Generating DAG: 97%
I0114 19:17:02.564308    2153 ethash.go:252] Generating DAG: 98%
I0114 19:17:07.534163    2153 ethash.go:252] Generating DAG: 99%
I0114 19:17:12.515090    2153 ethash.go:252] Generating DAG: 100%
I0114 19:17:12.517623    2153 ethash.go:237] Done generating DAG for epoch 0, it took 8m36.561200381s

Get nodeinfo:


Example console output:

  enode: "enode://a0475b75e9d28d18a1b70cb61bb1bd6dcb1f786fc04e4fb194b9ae544fe8325f90d43b19cd1f4ab511801881ccde38df5b530757b3b9458da9c3107f0a6ec54d@[::]:30303?discport=0",
  id: "a0475b75e9d28d18a1b70cb61bb1bd6dcb1f786fc04e4fb194b9ae544fe8325f90d43b19cd1f4ab511801881ccde38df5b530757b3b9458da9c3107f0a6ec54d",
  ip: "::",
  listenAddr: "[::]:30303",
  name: "Geth/v1.4.0-unstable/linux/go1.5.1",
  ports: {
    discovery: 0,
    listener: 30303
  protocols: {
    eth: {
      difficulty: 1573120,
      genesis: "696beda69b95581de321f9cf44d1123bdb2dcf8cc89d0ddce917071c221d07ed",
      head: "76ec34b2129b1f4fd29357635b36e4b0a51c088c700ee82000c02de4b88da69d",
      network: 93422

Check if root node is accessible from external network. We will execute following commands on some machine outside from the 'root node's' network.:

telnet 30303
sudo nmap -sU -p 30303

Work on root node is complete now. We will create two client node and connect to our root node.

Create 'client node A' & 'client node B'

Now we will prepare our client nodes. Execute following commands on both client nodes.

Start geth:

geth --genesis genesis.json --datadir="~/tests" --port="30303" --networkid="93422" --nodiscover --maxpeers=5 console

Create base address:


We will be prompted for enter new password. Choose your password.

Now we will add our admin node:


Start mining and get some ether:


We have defined very low mining difficulty "difficulty": "0x0100", this will allow us to generate some Ether very quickly. After some time we will be able to see some balance on our client node.

Check balance:

web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance(eth.coinbase), "ether")

If everything works well we will be able to see some balance:

web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance(eth.coinbase), "ether")

Finally we are ready to transfer some balance. Let us assume base address of client node A is '0x036a03fc47084741f83938296a1c8ef67f6e34fa' and base address of client node B is '0xa8ade7feab1ece71446bed25fa0cf6745c19c3d5'.

Get base address of client node A:


Unlock account:


Get base address of client node B:


Finally let us make a transaction from client node A to client node B. We will execute following command on client node A.

eth.sendTransaction({from: '0x036a03fc47084741f83938296a1c8ef67f6e34fa', to: '0xa8ade7feab1ece71446bed25fa0cf6745c19c3d5', value: web3.toWei(1.7, "ether")})

Now let us check our pending transaction:

eth.getBlock("pending", true).transactions

Now after next block gets mined you will be able to see transferred balance on client node B. Check balance on client node B:

web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance(eth.coinbase), "ether")

Example console output:


Explanation of genesis file

  • mixhash

A 256-bit hash which proves, combined with the nonce, that a sufficient amount of computation has been carried out on this block: the Proof-of-Work (PoF).

The combination of nonce and mixhash must satisfy a mathematical condition described in the Yellowpaper, 4.3.4. Block Header Validity, (44). It allows to verify that the Block has really been cryptographically mined, thus, from this aspect, is valid.

The value is a reduced representation (using a simple Fowler–Noll–Vo hash function) of the set of values selected from the DAG data file during mining calculation. This selection pick follows the implemented Estah' Hashimoto algorithm, which depends on the given Block header. The applied mixhash is re-determined for each hash operation that a Miner performs while searching for the correct Block nonce (cf. ASIC resistance, high IO). The final Block mixhash is the value leading to the valid Block. The reason why this value is part of the Block descriptor is that it becomes part of the //parentHash// of the next Block. By this, a potential attacker would need correct DAG data files to create illegal Blocks.

  • nonce

A scalar value equal to the number of transactions sent by the sender.

A 64-bit hash which proves combined with the mix-hash that a sufficient amount of computation has been carried out on this block.

The nonce is the cryptographically secure mining proof-of-work that proves beyond reasonable doubt that a particular amount of computation has been expended in the determination of this token value. (Yellowpager, 11.5. Mining Proof-of-Work).

The final nonce value is the result of the the mining process iteration, in which the algorithm was able to discover a nonce value that satisfies the Mining Target. The Mining Target is a cryptographically described condition that strongly depends on the applied . Just by using the nonce Proof-of-Work, the validity of a Block can verified very quickly.

  • difficulty

A scalar value corresponding to the difficulty level applied during the nonce discovering of this block. It defines the Mining Target, which can be calculated from the previous block’s difficulty level and the timestamp. The higher the difficulty, the statistically more calculations a Miner must perform to discover a valid block. This value is used to control the Block generation time of a Blockchain, keeping the Block generation frequency within a target range. On the test network, we keep this value low to avoid waiting during tests since the discovery of a valid Block is required to execute a transaction on the Blockchain.

  • alloc

Allows to define a list of pre-filled wallets. That's a Ethereum specific functionality to handle the "Ether pre-sale" period. Since we can mine local Ether quickly, we don't use this option.

  • coinbase

The 160-bit address to which all rewards (in Ether) collected from the successful mining of this block have been transferred. They are a sum of the mining eward itself and the Contract transaction execution refunds. Often named "beneficiary" in the specifications, sometimes "etherbase" in the online documentation. This can be anything in the Genesis Block since the value is set by the setting of the Miner when a new Block is created.

  • timestamp

A scalar value equal to the reasonable output of Unix’ time() function at this block inception.

This mechanism enforces a homeostasis in terms of the time between blocks. A smaller period between the last two blocks results in an increase in the difficulty level and thus additional computation required to find the next valid block. If the period is too large, the difficulty, and expected time to the next block, is reduced.

The timestamp also allows to verify the order of block within the chain (Yellowpaper, 4.3.4. (43)).

Note: Homeostasis is the property of a system in which variables are regulated so that internal conditions remain stable and relatively constant.

  • parentHash

The Keccak 256-bit hash of the entire parent block’s header (including its nonce and mixhash). Pointer to the parent block, thus effectively building the chain of blocks. In the case of the Genesis block, and only in this case, it's 0.

  • extraData

An optional free, but max. 32 byte long space to conserve smart things for ethernity on the Blockchain.

  • gasLimit

A scalar value equal to the current chain-wide limit of Gas expenditure per block. High in our case to avoid being limited by this threshold during tests. Note: this does not indicate that we should not pay attention to the Gas consumption of our Contracts.

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