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Last active January 22, 2021 14:14
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NextJS with Custom Routes (forked from [next-routes](

NextJS with Custom Routes (next-routes.tsx)


export interface IRoute {
  name: string
  page: string
  pattern: string


/* eslint-disable node/no-deprecated-api */

import { Request, Response } from 'express'

import React from 'react'
import { Server } from 'next'
import NextLink from 'next/link'
import NextRouter from 'next/router'

import pathToRegexp, { Key, PathFunction } from 'path-to-regexp'
import { ParsedUrlQuery } from 'querystring'
import { parse, UrlWithParsedQuery } from 'url'

import { IRoute } from './types'

interface IRouteParams {
  [key: string]: string
  [key: number]: string

interface IMatch {
  query: ParsedUrlQuery
  parsedUrl: UrlWithParsedQuery
  pathname?: string
  params?: IRouteParams
  route?: Route

const toQueryString = (query: ParsedUrlQuery) => {
  return Object.keys(query)
    .filter(key => query[key] !== null && query[key] !== undefined)
    .map(key => {
      let value = query[key]

      if (Array.isArray(value)) {
        value = value.join('/')

      return [

class Route {
  name: string;
  pattern: string;
  page: string;
  regex: RegExp;
  keys: Key[];
  keyNames: any;
  toPath: PathFunction<object>;

  constructor ({ name, pattern, page = name }: IRoute) {
    if (!name && !page) {
      throw new Error(`Missing page to render for route '${pattern}'`)
    } = name
    this.pattern = pattern || `/${name}` = page.replace(/(^|\/)index$/, '').replace(/^\/?/, '/')
    this.regex = pathToRegexp(this.pattern, this.keys = [])
    this.keyNames = =>
    this.toPath = pathToRegexp.compile(this.pattern)

  match (pathname?: string) {
    if (!pathname) return undefined

    const values = this.regex.exec(pathname)
    return values
      ? this.valuesToParams(values.slice(1))
      : undefined

  valuesToParams (values: string[]) {
    return values.reduce((params, val, i) => {
      if (val === undefined) return params
      return Object.assign(params, {
        [this.keys[i].name]: decodeURIComponent(val)
    }, {} as IRouteParams)

  getHref (query: ParsedUrlQuery = {}) {
    return `${}?${toQueryString(query)}`

  getAs (query: ParsedUrlQuery = {}) {
    const as = this.toPath(query) || '/'
    const keys = Object.keys(query)
    const qsKeys = keys.filter(key => this.keyNames.indexOf(key) === -1)

    if (!qsKeys.length) return as

    const qsParams = qsKeys.reduce((qs, key) => Object.assign(qs, {
      [key]: query[key]
    }), {})

    return `${as}?${toQueryString(qsParams)}`

  getUrls (query: ParsedUrlQuery) {
    return {
      as: this.getAs(query),
      href: this.getHref(query)

export class Routes {
  routes: Route[];
  Link: (props: any) => JSX.Element;
  Router: any;

  constructor ({
    Link = NextLink,
    Router = NextRouter
  } = {}) {
    this.routes = []
    this.Link = this.getLink(Link)
    this.Router = this.getRouter(Router)

  add (name: string | IRoute, pattern?: string, page?: string) {
    let route: IRoute | undefined

    if (name instanceof Object) {
      route = Object.assign({}, name)
    } else if (typeof name === 'string') {
      if (!pattern) throw new Error(`'pattern' is required`)
      if (!page) throw new Error(`'page' is required`)
      route = {

    if (!route) throw new Error(`'route' is required`)
    if (this.findByName( {
      throw new Error(`Route '${}' already exists`)

    this.routes.push(new Route(route))
    return this

  findByName (name: string) {
    return this.routes.find(route => === name)

  match (url: string) {
    const parsedUrl = parse(url, true)
    const { pathname, query } = parsedUrl

    return this.routes.reduce((result, route) => {
      if (result.route) return result

      const params = route.match(pathname)
      if (!params) return result

      return { ...result, route, params, query: { ...query, ...params } }
    }, { query, parsedUrl } as IMatch)

  findAndGetUrls (nameOrUrl: string, query: ParsedUrlQuery) {
    const route = this.findByName(nameOrUrl)

    if (route) {
      return {
        urls: route.getUrls(query),
        byName: true
    } else {
      const { route, query } = this.match(nameOrUrl)
      const href = route ? route.getHref(query) : nameOrUrl
      const urls = { href, as: nameOrUrl }
      return {

  getRequestHandler (app: Server, customHandler?: any) {
    const nextHandler = app.getRequestHandler()

    return (req: Request, res: Response) => {
      const { route, query, parsedUrl } = this.match(req.url)

      if (route) {
        if (customHandler) {
          customHandler({ req, res, route, query })
        } else {
          app.render(req, res,, query)
      } else {
        nextHandler(req, res, parsedUrl)

  getLink (Link: any) {
    const LinkRoutes = (props: any) => {
      const { route, params, to, ...newProps } = props
      const nameOrUrl = route || to

      if (nameOrUrl) {
        Object.assign(newProps, this.findAndGetUrls(nameOrUrl, params).urls)

      return <Link {...newProps} />

    return LinkRoutes

  getRouter (Router: any) {
    const wrap = (method: any) => (route: any, params: any, options: any) => {
      const { byName, urls: { as, href } } = this.findAndGetUrls(route, params)
      return Router[method](href, as, byName ? options : params)

    Router.pushRoute = wrap('push')
    Router.replaceRoute = wrap('replace')
    Router.prefetchRoute = wrap('prefetch')

    return Router


import { Routes } from './next-routes'
import { IRoute } from './types'

const allRoutes: IRoute[] = [
  // your routes

const routes = new Routes()
allRoutes.forEach(route => routes.add(route))

export default routes
export const { Link, Router } = routes


import express from 'express'
import next from 'next'
import routes from '../src/routes/routes'

const port = parseInt(process.env.PORT || '3000', 10) || 3000
const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
const app = next({ dev })
const handler = routes.getRequestHandler(app)

app.prepare().then(async () => {
  const server = express()


  server.listen(port, (err) => {
    if (err) throw err
    console.log(`> Ready on http://localhost:${port}`)
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