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Created April 29, 2020 13:58
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import os
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
from markdownify import markdownify as md
from shutil import copyfile
import datetime
import email.utils
import pytz
# define namespace
ns = { 'excerpt': '',
'content': '',
'wfw': '',
'dc': '',
'wp': '' }
# parse xml
tree = et.parse('all-media.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
# find item where wp:post_type is "attachment"
featured_img = {}
for i in root.iterfind('./channel//item',ns):
type = i.find('.//wp:post_type',ns).text
# find and make a dict of all featured images
if (type == 'attachment'):
id = i.find('.//wp:post_id',ns).text
url = i.find('.//wp:attachment_url',ns).text
featured_img[id] = url
# parse xml
tree = et.parse('all-posts.xml')
root = tree.getroot()
# find item where wp:post_type is "attachment"
for i in root.iterfind('./channel//item',ns):
type = i.find('.//wp:post_type',ns).text
if (type == 'post'):
id = i.find('.//wp:post_id',ns).text
title = i.find('.//title',ns).text
content = i.find('.//content:encoded',ns).text
pubdate = i.find('.//pubDate',ns).text
post_name = i.find('.//wp:post_name',ns).text
# find wp:postmeta with key _thumbnail_id, and get the url of featured image
featured = ""
for m in i.iterfind('./wp:postmeta',ns):
meta_key = m.find('./wp:meta_key',ns)
meta_val = m.find('./wp:meta_value',ns)
if (meta_key.text == "_thumbnail_id"):
featured = featured_img[meta_val.text]
# convert time from RFC822 to RFC3339 iso format
date = email.utils.parsedate_tz(str(pubdate))
year = str(date[0])
dt = datetime.datetime( date[0], date[1], date[2], date[3], date[4], date[5] )
dt = pytz.utc.localize(dt).astimezone(pytz.timezone("Asia/Tokyo"))
pubdate = dt.isoformat(timespec="seconds")
# get all category
cat_list = []
for c in i.iterfind('.//category[@domain="category"]',ns):
# get all tag
tag_list = []
for c in i.iterfind('.//category[@domain="post_tag"]',ns):
# mkdir: year
odir = "./out/"
if not os.path.isdir(odir+year):
# mkdir each post
if not os.path.isdir(odir+year+"/"+str(post_name)):
with open('./out/'+ year + "/" + str(post_name)+"/", 'w') as f:
# print frontmatter
print("title: \'" + title + "\'",file=f)
print("date: " + pubdate,file=f)
if featured:
# copy featured file
bn = os.path.basename(featured)
s = featured.split('/')
src_file = 'uploads/'+s[5]+'/'+s[6]+'/'+bn
dst_file = './out/'+ year + "/" + str(post_name) + "/" + bn
if (os.path.exists(src_file)):
print("featured_image: " + bn, file=f)
print("no featured file:",src_file)
if cat_list:
print("categories: ["+','.join('"{0}"'.format(x) for x in cat_list)+"]", file=f)
if tag_list:
print("tags: ["+','.join('"{0}"'.format(x) for x in tag_list)+"]", file=f)
print("draft: false", file=f)
print("---\n", file=f)
# remove comment, convert to Markdown
content = re.sub("(<!--.*?-->)", "", content)
content = md(content, heading_style="ATX")
# find image within content
match = re.findall(r'!\[.*?]\((?:http|https)://mehori\.com/wp-content/uploads/(.*?)\)',str(content))
for m in match:
src_file = 'uploads/'+m
bn = os.path.basename(m)
dst_file = './out/'+ year + "/" + str(post_name)+'/'+bn
if (os.path.exists(src_file)):
print("no file within post:",src_file," at ",post_name)
# replace all image markdown url
content = re.sub(r'!\[(.*?)]\((?:http|https)://mehori\.com/wp-content/uploads/.*/(.*?)\)','![\\1](\\2)',str(content))
if 'featured' in locals():
del featured
if 'pubdate' in locals():
del pubdate
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