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Created July 23, 2020 09:39
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Simple Ticket Incrementor - Supports Multi-Step Donation Forms
* Plugin URI:
* Plugin Name: Custom GiveWP Simple Ticket Incrementer
* Description: A simple functionality plugin (not supported) to increment donation amounts based on a number input
* field. Ideal for simple ticket sales. This is provided as an example plugin, it is not officially supported by
* in any way and we are not liable for how it impacts your site in any way.
* Version: 1.1.0
* Author: The team, dlocc
* 1. Copy the contents of this file into a new php file, and drop it into your /plugins or /mu-plugins directory.
* 2. Set the donation amount to your ticket price for ONE ticket
* 3. Enable the Custom Amount option if you'd like donors to set their price.
* 4. Get the FORM ID of that form and enter it into the "array()" in line 26 below. Multiple forms can be entered
* separated by a comma like in the example below.
* 5. Now your form will have a ticket number field below the top amount, and as you increase the number the total
* donation amount will increase according donation amount.
* This function will add the number of tickets field to the donation form.
* @param int $form_id Donation Form ID.
* @param array $args List of arguments.
function give_tickets_form_add_incrementer( $form_id, $args ) {
$id_prefix = ! empty( $args['id_prefix'] ) ? $args['id_prefix'] : 0;
// STEP 6: Set your form ID here
$forms = array( 199 );
if ( in_array( $form_id, $forms, true ) ) {
ob_start(); ?>
form[id*=give-form] .form-row input[type="number"] {
font-family: Montserrat,sans-serif;
background: #fff;
border: 1px solid #b8b8b8!important;
box-sizing: border-box;
box-shadow: inset 0 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.152289);
border-radius: 4px!important;
font-weight: 400;
height: auto;
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 1;
color: #828382;
padding: 14px!important;
<div id="give-ticket-wrap-<?php echo $id_prefix; ?>" class="form-row form-row-wide js-give-ticket-wrap" style="text-align: center;">
<?php _e( 'Number of tickets', 'give' ); ?>
<label class="give-label" for="give-ticket-number-<?php echo $id_prefix; ?>">
<?php _e( 'Number of tickets', 'give' ); ?>
<span class="give-required-indicator">*</span>
<span class="give-tooltip give-icon give-icon-question" data-tooltip="Choose the number of tickets you would like."></span>
<input id="give-ticket-number-<?php echo $id_prefix; ?>" class="js-give-tickets give-input required" value="1" type="number" name="give_ticket_number" required aria-required="true" min="1" max="99">
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {
// When changing ticket input.
$( '.js-give-ticket-wrap' ).on( 'change', getParentFormOnTicketChange );
// When selecting a level or custom amount.
$( document ).on( 'give_donation_value_updated', getParentFormOnTicketChange );
* Update ticket
* @param event
* @param parent_form
function getParentFormOnTicketChange( event, parent_form = '' ) {
var giveForm;
if ( parent_form !== '' ) {
giveForm = parent_form;
} else if ( typeof ( ) !== 'undefined' ) {
giveForm = $( ).parents( '.give-form' );
updateTicketDonationAmount( giveForm );
// Update when switching gateways.
$( document ).on( 'give_gateway_loaded', getParentFormOnTicketGatewayChange );
* Update total when switching gateways.
* @param event
* @param response
* @param parentFormID
function getParentFormOnTicketGatewayChange( event, response, parentFormID ) {
updateTicketDonationAmount( $( '#' + parentFormID ) );
* Updates the amounts for the tickets.
* @param giveForm
function updateTicketDonationAmount( giveForm ) {
var ticketCost = giveForm.find( '.give-amount-top' ).val(),
ticketCount = giveForm.find( '.js-give-tickets' ).val(),
donationTotal = ticketCount * parseFloat( ticketCost );
var formattedAmount = Give.fn.formatCurrency( donationTotal, {
symbol: Give.form.fn.getInfo( 'currency_symbol', giveForm ),
position: Give.form.fn.getInfo( 'currency_position', giveForm )
}, giveForm );
var unformattedAmount = Give.fn.unFormatCurrency( donationTotal, Give.form.fn.getInfo( 'currency_symbol', giveForm ) );
// Update the total amounts.
$( '.give-final-total-amount' ).attr( 'data-total', unformattedAmount )
.text( formattedAmount );
} );
$output = ob_get_clean();
echo $output;
add_action( 'give_after_donation_amount', 'give_tickets_form_add_incrementer', 10, 2 );
* This function will be used to add number of tickets field to the donation receipt.
* @param array $give_receipt_args List of donation receipt fields.
* @param int $donation_id Donation ID.
* @param int $form_id Donation Form ID.
* @return array
function give_tickets_add_field_to_donation_receipt( $give_receipt_args, $donation_id, $form_id ) {
// STEP 6: Set your form ID here
$forms = array( 18 );
if ( in_array( (int) $form_id, $forms, true ) ) {
$give_receipt_args['give_tickets_count'] = array(
'name' => __( 'Number of Tickets', 'give' ),
'value' => Give()->payment_meta->get_meta( $donation_id, 'give_ticket_number', true ),
'display' => true,
return $give_receipt_args;
add_filter( 'give_donation_receipt_args', 'give_tickets_add_field_to_donation_receipt', 10, 3 );
* This function will save the number of tickets value to DB.
* @param int $donation_id Donation ID.
function give_tickets_save_ticket_amount( $donation_id ) {
$post_data = give_clean( $_POST );
if ( isset( $post_data['give_ticket_number'] ) ) {
$ticket_amount = $post_data['give_ticket_number'];
Give()->payment_meta->add_meta( $donation_id, 'give_ticket_number', $ticket_amount );
add_action( 'give_insert_payment', 'give_tickets_save_ticket_amount', 10, 1 );
* This function will update the donation amount based on the number of tickets selected.
* @param array $donation_data List of donation data.
* @return array
function give_tickets_update_ticket_amount( $donation_data ) {
$tickets_present = $donation_data['post_data']['give_ticket_number'];
if ( $tickets_present ) {
$donation_data['price'] = $donation_data['price'] * $donation_data['post_data']['give_ticket_number'];
return $donation_data;
add_filter( 'give_donation_data_before_gateway', 'give_tickets_update_ticket_amount', 10, 1 );
* This function will display the number of tickets data in admin.
* @param int $donation_id Donation ID.
function give_tickets_ticket_amount_donation_meta( $donation_id ) {
// Bounce out if no data for this transaction
$no_of_tickets = Give()->payment_meta->get_meta( $donation_id, 'give_ticket_number', true );
if ( $no_of_tickets ) : ?>
<div id="give-donor-details" class="postbox">
<h3 class="hndle"><?php _e( 'Ticket Information', 'give' ); ?></h3>
<div class="inside">
<div class="ticket-amount">
<label><strong><?php esc_html_e( 'Number of Tickets:', 'give' ); ?></strong></label>
<span><?php echo esc_html( $no_of_tickets ); ?></span>
<?php endif;
add_action( 'give_view_donation_details_billing_before', 'give_tickets_ticket_amount_donation_meta', 10, 2 );
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