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Forked from alexellis/
Last active May 13, 2020 17:38
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Provision faasd 0.8.1 on DigitalOcean with Terraform 0.12.0 with TLS support

Bootstrap faasd with TLS support on Digitalocean

  1. Sign up to DigitalOcean

  2. Download Terraform

  3. Clone this gist using the URL from the address bar

  4. Run terraform init

  5. Configure terraform variables as needed by updating the main.tfvars file:

    Variable Description Default
    do_token Digitalocean API token None
    do_domain Public domain used for the faasd gateway None
    letsencrypt_email Email used by when ordering TLS certificate from Letsencrypt ""
    do_create_record When set to true, a new DNS record will be created. This works only if your domain (do_domain) is managed by Digitalocean false
    do_region Digitalocean region for creating the droplet fra1
    ssh_key_file Path to public SSH key file ~/.ssh/

Environment variables can also be used to set terraform variables when running the terraform apply command using the format TF_VAR_name.

  1. Run terraform apply

    1. Add -var-file=main.tfvars if you have set the variables in main.tfvars.
    2. OR use environment variables for setting the terraform variables when running the apply command
  2. View the output for the login command and gateway URL i.e.

droplet_ip =
gateway_url =
login_cmd = faas-cli login -g -p rvIU49CEcFcHmqxj
password = rvIU49CEcFcHmqxj
  1. Use your browser to access the OpenFaaS interface

Note that the user-data may take a couple of minutes to come up since it will be pulling in various components and preparing the machine. Also take into consideration the DNS propagation time for the new DNS record.

A single host with 1GB of RAM will be deployed for you, to remove at a later date simply use terraform destroy.

- ${ssh_key}
- caddy
- name: caddy
gecos: Caddy web server
primary_group: caddy
groups: caddy
shell: /usr/sbin/nologin
homedir: /var/lib/caddy
- content: |
email ${letsencrypt_email}
${faasd_domain_name} {
path: /etc/caddy/Caddyfile
package_update: true
- runc
- curl -sLSf > /tmp/containerd.tar.gz && tar -xvf /tmp/containerd.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin/ --strip-components=1
- curl -SLfs | tee /etc/systemd/system/containerd.service
- systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl start containerd
- /sbin/sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=1
- mkdir -p /opt/cni/bin
- curl -sSL | tar -xz -C /opt/cni/bin
- mkdir -p /go/src/
- mkdir -p /var/lib/faasd/secrets/
- echo ${gw_password} > /var/lib/faasd/secrets/basic-auth-password
- echo admin > /var/lib/faasd/secrets/basic-auth-user
- cd /go/src/ && git clone
- curl -fSLs "" --output "/usr/local/bin/faasd" && chmod a+x "/usr/local/bin/faasd"
- cd /go/src/ && /usr/local/bin/faasd install
- systemctl status -l containerd --no-pager
- journalctl -u faasd-provider --no-pager
- systemctl status -l faasd-provider --no-pager
- systemctl status -l faasd --no-pager
- curl -sSLf | sh
- sleep 5 && journalctl -u faasd --no-pager
- wget -O /tmp/caddy.tar.gz && tar -zxvf /tmp/caddy.tar.gz -C /usr/bin/ caddy
- wget -O /etc/systemd/system/caddy.service
- systemctl daemon-reload
- systemctl enable caddy
- systemctl start caddy
terraform {
required_version = ">= 0.12"
variable "do_token" {
description = "Digitalocean API token"
variable "do_domain" {
description = "Domain used for "
variable "letsencrypt_email" {
description = "Email used to order a certificate from Letsencrypt"
variable "do_create_record" {
default = false
description = "Whether to create a DNS record on Digitalocean"
variable "do_region" {
default = "fra1"
description = "The Digitalocean region where the faasd droplet will be created."
variable "ssh_key_file" {
default = "~/.ssh/"
description = "Path to the SSH public key file"
provider "digitalocean" {
token = var.do_token
data "local_file" "ssh_key"{
filename = pathexpand(var.ssh_key_file)
resource "random_password" "password" {
length = 16
special = true
override_special = "_-#"
data "template_file" "cloud_init" {
template = "${file("cloud-config.tpl")}"
vars = {
resource "digitalocean_droplet" "faasd" {
region = var.do_region
image = "ubuntu-18-04-x64"
name = "faasd"
size = "s-1vcpu-1gb"
user_data = data.template_file.cloud_init.rendered
resource "digitalocean_record" "faasd" {
domain = var.do_domain
type = "A"
name = "faasd"
value = digitalocean_droplet.faasd.ipv4_address
# Only creates record if do_create_record is true
count = var.do_create_record == true ? 1 : 0
output "droplet_ip" {
value = digitalocean_droplet.faasd.ipv4_address
output "gateway_url" {
value = "https://faasd.${var.do_domain}/"
output "password" {
value = random_password.password.result
output "login_cmd" {
value = "faas-cli login -g https://faasd.${var.do_domain}/ -p ${random_password.password.result}"
do_token = ""
do_domain = ""
letsencrypt_email = ""
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