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Last active December 22, 2015 16:49
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python variables, functions, files for beginners @pyladies-berlin
# Python basics (Learning python the hard way 1-20)
# We will talk about:
# * variables
# * functions
# * files
# by Mei Li Triantafyllidi
# This presentation is executable python code
# Whatever is after # symbol is a comment
# the rest is code
# opensource presentation tool:
# Variables
# ... are placeholders for data
# ... are symbolic names for values
x = 3
name = "Mary"
# Python is strongly typed
# ... every variable has a type
# Python does dynamic typing
# ... the type of every variable can change
x = "a sequence of characters is a *string*"
# A variable can be assigned to an expression
k = 4
k = 3 + 5
k = 4*8.3 - 5
# expressions can include other variables
x = 3
z = 2*x + 5
# how much is z?
# what happens if we change x?
x = 4
# how much is z?
## What if we wanted z variable to change when we change x?
## --> Functions
## pieces of code that are defined in one place and executed in another
# Lets see a function example
def kelvin(celsius):
kelvin_value = celsius + 273
return kelvin_value
## ... then when we need to do the calculation
kelvin(54) # calling the function kelvin with parameter 54
kelvin_value = kelvin(21)
# Another function example
def get_pyladies_link(location):
return "http://" + location + ""
site = get_pyladies_link("berlin")
### Printing
### If you are not using the interactive console
### the result of an expresion will not printed
### you have to use print python builtin function
print "Hello world!!!"
print "You can find our website at " + site + " stay in touch"
### ... so far
### Variables store values:
### - numbers (integers, real)
### - strings (sequence of characters, text)
### - ... lists, dictionaries, tuples, objects
### Variables get assigned to expressions
### Expressions can include
### * arithmetic operations between:
### numbers, strings, variables, function calls
### of similar type
### ... logic operations
intro = "This is pyladies site: " + get_pyladies_link("berlin")
### ....lets continue with functions
### Functions can get more than one argument
### Fuctions do not need to return something
def greeting(name, site):
print "Welcome " + name + "!!!"
print "We are so happy to expand our community in " + site + "."
greeting("Helen", "")
greeting("Korina", get_pyladies_link("berlin"))
## Functions summary
## * def is used to define the function
## * after is the function name
## * after the parameters comma separated in parenthesis (zero or more)
## * return statement can used to return the outcome of the function
## Files
## Writing to a file
filename = "myfirst_created_by_program_file.txt"
## function open
f = open(filename, "w")
f.write("I can write in the file?!?!?!?")
# Altogether
# Lets make a function to send greetings to some pyladies
def make_greeting_file(name):
f = open("Greeting_" + name + ".txt", "w")
f.write("Welcome " + name + "!!!\n")
f.write("We are so happy to expand our community in pyladies.")
# code reuse
### Files summary
### * Files open with *open* function
### * to open for writing, pass "w" as second parameter to open
### - Always close the file, with close method
### - use "write" method to write into a file
### The end ....
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