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Created February 11, 2016 12:25
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#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct {
size_t width, height;
double data[];
} matrix;
matrix *matrix_create(size_t width, size_t height);
matrix *matrix_create_identity(size_t n);
matrix *matrix_clone(matrix *mat);
void matrix_delete(matrix *mat);
double *matrix_at(matrix *mat,size_t x, size_t y);
matrix *matrix_invert(matrix *mat);
void matrix_fprint(matrix *mat, FILE *stream);
int main() {
uint dimension;
printf("Enter matrix size\n");
scanf("%i", &dimension);
// Create our matrix and populate it.
matrix *mat = matrix_create(dimension, dimension);
for(size_t y = 0; y < dimension; y++) for(size_t x = 0; x < dimension; x++) {
printf("Enter matrix coefficient a[%i][%i]\n", (int) y + 1, (int) x + 1);
scanf("%lf", matrix_at(mat, x, y));
// Invert matrix and print it.
matrix *inv = matrix_invert(mat);
if(inv == NULL) {
printf("Matrix uninvertable.\n");
} else {
printf("Output matrix: \n");
matrix_fprint(inv, stdout);
// Create a matrix width by height, contents are uninitialised.
matrix *matrix_create(size_t width, size_t height) {
matrix *mat = malloc(sizeof(matrix) + sizeof(double) * width * height);
mat -> width = width;
mat -> height = height;
return mat;
// Create an n by n identity matrix.
matrix *matrix_create_identity(size_t n) {
matrix *mat = matrix_create(n, n);
memset(mat -> data, 0, sizeof(double) * n * n);
for(size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) *matrix_at(mat, i, i) = 1;
return mat;
// Clone the matrix in mat into a new matrix and return this matrix.
matrix *matrix_clone(matrix *mat) {
matrix *clone = matrix_create(mat -> width, mat -> height);
memcpy(clone -> data, mat -> data, sizeof(double) * mat -> width * mat -> height);
return clone;
// Delete a matrix, freeing the memory.
void matrix_delete(matrix *mat) {
// Return the memory location of the element (x, y) for the matrix mat.
double *matrix_at(matrix *mat, size_t x, size_t y) {
return &(mat -> data[y * mat -> width + x]);
// Invert matrix input using Gaussian Elimination, creating a new matrix. The original matrix is unaffected.
matrix *matrix_invert(matrix *input) {
if(input -> width != input -> height) {
fprintf(stderr, "Matrix to be inverted has invalid dimensions (width != height).\n");
return NULL;
matrix *mat = matrix_clone(input), *inv = matrix_create_identity(input -> width), *tmp = matrix_create(input -> width, 1);
for(size_t i = 0; i < input -> width; i++) {
if(*matrix_at(mat, i, i) == 0) {
// If our matrix has a zero in (i, i) we must chose a new y such that (i, y) is non-zero and swap all x in (x, y) and (x, i)
size_t swap = i;
for(;*matrix_at(mat, i, swap) == 0; swap++);
if(swap == input -> width) {
// No inverse
return NULL;
// Swap using the temporary matrix row tmp.
memcpy(matrix_at(tmp, 0, 0), matrix_at(mat, 0, i), sizeof(double) * input -> width);
memcpy(matrix_at(mat, 0, i), matrix_at(mat, 0, swap), sizeof(double) * input -> width);
memcpy(matrix_at(mat, 0, swap), matrix_at(tmp, 0, 0), sizeof(double) * input -> width);
memcpy(matrix_at(tmp, 0, 0), matrix_at(inv, 0, i), sizeof(double) * input -> width);
memcpy(matrix_at(inv, 0, i), matrix_at(inv, 0, swap), sizeof(double) * input -> width);
memcpy(matrix_at(inv, 0, swap), matrix_at(tmp, 0, 0), sizeof(double) * input -> width);
// Divide row i by the number in (i, i), normalising it
for(size_t x = 0; x < input -> width; x++) {
if(x > i) *matrix_at(mat, x, i) /= *matrix_at(mat, i, i);
*matrix_at(inv, x, i) /= *matrix_at(mat, i, i);
*matrix_at(mat, i, i) = 1;
// Set all numbers in column i to be zero, excluding (i, i) by adding row i times - (i, y)
for(size_t y = 0; y < input -> width; y++) {
if(y == i) continue;
if(*matrix_at(mat, i, y) == 0) continue;
double mul = - *matrix_at(mat, i, y);
for(size_t x = 0; x < input -> width; x++) {
if(x >= i) *matrix_at(mat, x, y) += mul * *matrix_at(mat, x, i);
*matrix_at(inv, x, y) += mul * *matrix_at(inv, x, i);
return inv;
// Print the contents of a matrix mat onto the stream provided.
void matrix_fprint(matrix *mat, FILE *stream) {
for(size_t y = 0; y < mat -> height; y++) {
for(size_t x = 0; x < mat -> width; x++) {
fprintf(stream, "%+6lf\t", *matrix_at(mat, x, y));
fprintf(stream, "\n");
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