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Created September 9, 2013 12:31
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  • Save meise/6494953 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save meise/6494953 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
dashing haml example files
%html{:lang => "en"}
%meta{:charset => "utf-8"}/
%meta{:content => "", :name => "description"}/
%meta{:content => "width=device-width", :name => "viewport"}/
%meta{:content => "IE=edge,chrome=1", "http-equiv" => "X-UA-Compatible"}/
%title= yield_content(:title)
/ The javascript and css are managed by sprockets. The files can be found in the /assets folder
%script{:src => "/assets/application.js", :type => "text/javascript"}
%link{:href => "/assets/application.css", :rel => "stylesheet"}/
%link{:href => "//,400,600,700", :rel => "stylesheet", :type => "text/css"}/
%link{:href => "/assets/favicon.ico", :rel => "icon"}/
= yield
- if development?
Paste the following at the top of
= params[:dashboard]
%a#save-gridster{:href => "#saving-instructions"} Save this layout
- content_for :title do
My super sweet dashboard
%li{"data-col" => "1", "data-row" => "1", "data-sizex" => "2", "data-sizey" => "1"}
%div{"data-id" => "welcome", "data-moreinfo" => "Protip: You can drag the widgets around!", "data-text" => "This is your shiny new dashboard.", "data-title" => "Hello", "data-view" => "Text"}
%li{"data-col" => "1", "data-row" => "1", "data-sizex" => "1", "data-sizey" => "1"}
%div{"data-id" => "synergy", "data-max" => "100", "data-min" => "0", "data-title" => "Synergy", "data-view" => "Meter"}
%li{"data-col" => "1", "data-row" => "1", "data-sizex" => "1", "data-sizey" => "2"}
%div{"data-id" => "buzzwords", "data-moreinfo" => "# of times said around the office", "data-title" => "Buzzwords", "data-unordered" => "true", "data-view" => "List"}
%li{"data-col" => "1", "data-row" => "1", "data-sizex" => "1", "data-sizey" => "1"}
%div{"data-id" => "valuation", "data-moreinfo" => "In billions", "data-prefix" => "$", "data-title" => "Current Valuation", "data-view" => "Number"}
%li{"data-col" => "1", "data-row" => "1", "data-sizex" => "2", "data-sizey" => "1"}
%div{"data-id" => "convergence", "data-title" => "Convergence", "data-view" => "Graph", :style => "background-color:#ff9618"}
%div{:style => "font-size: 12px"}
Try this: curl -d '{ "auth_token": "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN", "text": "Hey, Look what I can do!" }' \http://#{}:#{request.port}/widgets/welcome
$(function() {
// These settings override the defaults set in You can do this on a per dashboard basis.
Dashing.widget_base_dimensions = [370, 340]
Dashing.numColumns = 5
- content_for :title do
1080p dashboard
%li{"data-col" => "1", "data-row" => "1", "data-sizex" => "1", "data-sizey" => "1"}
%div{"data-view" => "Clock"}
%li{"data-col" => "1", "data-row" => "1", "data-sizex" => "1", "data-sizey" => "1"}
%div{"data-image" => "/logo.png", "data-view" => "Image"}
%li{"data-col" => "1", "data-row" => "1", "data-sizex" => "2", "data-sizey" => "1"}
%div{"data-id" => "welcome", "data-moreinfo" => "Protip: You can drag the widgets around!", "data-text" => "This is your shiny new 1080p dashboard.", "data-title" => "Hello", "data-view" => "Text"}
%li{"data-col" => "1", "data-row" => "1", "data-sizex" => "1", "data-sizey" => "1"}
%div{"data-id" => "synergy", "data-max" => "100", "data-min" => "0", "data-title" => "Synergy", "data-view" => "Meter"}
%li{"data-col" => "1", "data-row" => "1", "data-sizex" => "1", "data-sizey" => "1"}
%div{"data-id" => "synergy", "data-max" => "100", "data-min" => "0", "data-moreinfo" => "In sync with my neighbour!", "data-title" => "Synergy", "data-view" => "Meter"}
%li{"data-col" => "1", "data-row" => "1", "data-sizex" => "1", "data-sizey" => "2"}
%div{"data-id" => "buzzwords", "data-moreinfo" => "# of times said around the office", "data-title" => "Buzzwords", "data-unordered" => "true", "data-view" => "List"}
%li{"data-col" => "1", "data-row" => "1", "data-sizex" => "1", "data-sizey" => "1"}
%div{"data-id" => "karma", "data-title" => "Karma", "data-view" => "Number", :style => "background-color:#96bf48;"}
%li{"data-col" => "1", "data-row" => "1", "data-sizex" => "2", "data-sizey" => "2"}
%div{"data-id" => "convergence", "data-moreinfo" => "poop", "data-title" => "Convergence", "data-view" => "Graph", :style => "background-color:#47bbb3;"}
%li{"data-col" => "1", "data-row" => "1", "data-sizex" => "2", "data-sizey" => "1"}
%div{"data-id" => "twitter_mentions", "data-moreinfo" => "Tweets tagged with #todayilearned", "data-view" => "Comments", :style => "background-color:#ff9618;"}
%div{:style => "font-size: 12px"}
Try this: curl -d '{ "auth_token": "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN", "text": "Hey, Look what I can do!" }' \http://#{}:#{request.port}/widgets/welcome
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