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Last active September 21, 2023 09:24
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For the Steam minigame Tower Attack.
var upgradeManagerPrefilter;
if (!upgradeManagerPrefilter) {
// add prefilter on first run
$J.ajaxPrefilter(function() {
if (upgradeManagerPrefilter) {
upgradeManagerPrefilter.apply(this, arguments);
var upgradeManager = (function() {
// On each level, we check for the lane that has the highest enemy DPS.
// Based on that DPS, if we would not be able to survive more than
// `survivalTime` seconds, we should buy some armor.
var survivalTime = 30;
// Should we highlight the item we're going for next?
var highlightNext = true;
// Should we automatically by the next item?
var autoBuyNext = true;
// Should we buy abilities? Note that Medics will always be bought since
// it is considered a necessary upgrade.
var buyAbilities = false;
// How many elements do you want to upgrade? If we decide to upgrade an
// element, we'll try to always keep this many as close in levels as we
// can, and ignore the rest.
var elementalSpecializations = 1;
// To estimate the overall boost in damage from upgrading an element,
// we sort the elements from highest level to lowest, then multiply
// each one's level by the number in the corresponding spot to get a
// weighted average of their effects on your overall damage per click.
// If you don't prioritize lanes that you're strongest against, this
// will be [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25], giving each element an equal
// scaling. However, this defaults to [0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1] under the
// assumption that you will spend much more time in lanes with your
// strongest elements.
var elementalCoefficients = [0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1];
// To include passive DPS upgrades (Auto-fire, etc.) we have to scale
// down their DPS boosts for an accurate comparison to clicking. This
// is approximately how many clicks per second we should assume you are
// consistently doing. If you have an autoclicker, this is easy to set.
var clickFrequency = 20; // assume maximum of 20
var scene = g_Minigame.CurrentScene();
var waitingForUpdate = false;
var next = {
id: -1,
cost: 0
var necessary = [
{ id: 0, level: 1 }, // Light Armor
{ id: 11, level: 1 }, // Medics
{ id: 2, level: 10 }, // Armor Piercing Round
{ id: 1, level: 10 }, // Auto-fire Cannon
var gAbilities = [
11, // Medics
13, // Good Luck Charms
16, // Tactical Nuke
18, // Napalm
17, // Cluster Bomb
14, // Metal Detector
15, // Decrease Cooldowns
12, // Morale Booster
var gLuckyShot = 7;
var gElementalUpgrades = [3, 4, 5, 6]; // Fire, Water, Earth, Air
var gHealthUpgrades = [];
var gAutoUpgrades = [];
var gDamageUpgrades = [];
.sort(function(a, b) { return a - b; }) // why is default sort string comparison
.forEach(function(id) {
var upgrade = scene.m_rgTuningData.upgrades[id];
switch (upgrade.type) {
case 0: gHealthUpgrades.push(+id); break;
case 1: gAutoUpgrades.push(+id); break;
case 2: gDamageUpgrades.push(+id); break;
var getElementals = (function() {
var cache = false;
return function(refresh) {
if (!cache || refresh) {
cache = gElementalUpgrades
.map(function(id) { return { id: id, level: scene.GetUpgradeLevel(id) }; })
.sort(function(a, b) { return b.level - a.level; });
return cache;
var getElementalCoefficient = function(elementals) {
elementals = elementals || getElementals();
return scene.m_rgTuningData.upgrades[4].multiplier *
elementals.reduce(function(sum, elemental, i) {
return sum + elemental.level * elementalCoefficients[i];
}, 0);
var canUpgrade = function(id) {
// do we even have the upgrade?
if (!scene.bHaveUpgrade(id)) return false;
// does it have a required upgrade?
var data = scene.m_rgTuningData.upgrades[id];
var required = data.required_upgrade;
if (required !== undefined) {
// is it at the required level to unlock?
var level = data.required_upgrade_level || 1;
return (level <= scene.GetUpgradeLevel(required));
// otherwise, we're good to go!
return true;
var calculateUpgradeTree = function(id, level) {
var data = scene.m_rgTuningData.upgrades[id];
var boost = 0;
var cost = 0;
var parent;
var cur_level = scene.GetUpgradeLevel(id);
if (level === undefined) level = cur_level + 1;
// for each missing level, add boost and cost
for (var level_diff = level - cur_level; level_diff > 0; level_diff--) {
boost += data.multiplier;
cost += data.cost * Math.pow(data.cost_exponential_base, level - level_diff);
// recurse for required upgrades
var required = data.required_upgrade;
if (required !== undefined) {
var parents = calculateUpgradeTree(required, data.required_upgrade_level || 1);
if (parents.cost > 0) {
boost += parents.boost;
cost += parents.cost;
parent = parents.required || required;
return { boost: boost, cost: cost, required: parent };
var necessaryUpgrade = function() {
var best = { id: -1, cost: 0 };
var wanted, id;
while (necessary.length > 0) {
wanted = necessary[0];
id =;
if (scene.GetUpgradeLevel(id) < wanted.level) {
best = { id: id, cost: scene.GetUpgradeCost(id) };
return best;
var nextAbilityUpgrade = function() {
var best = { id: -1, cost: 0 };
if (buyAbilities) {
gAbilities.some(function(id) {
if (canUpgrade(id) && scene.GetUpgradeLevel(id) < 1) {
best = { id: id, cost: scene.GetUpgradeCost(id) };
return true;
return best;
var bestHealthUpgrade = function() {
var best = { id: -1, cost: 0, hpg: 0 };
var result, hpg;
gHealthUpgrades.forEach(function(id) {
result = calculateUpgradeTree(id);
hpg = scene.m_rgTuningData.player.hp * result.boost / result.cost;
if (hpg >= best.hpg) {
if (result.required !== undefined) id = result.required;
best = { id: id, cost: scene.GetUpgradeCost(id), hpg: hpg };
return best;
var bestDamageUpgrade = function() {
var best = { id: -1, cost: 0, dpg: 0 };
var result, data, cost, dpg, boost;
var dpc = scene.m_rgPlayerTechTree.damage_per_click;
var base_dpc = scene.m_rgTuningData.player.damage_per_click;
var critmult = scene.m_rgPlayerTechTree.damage_multiplier_crit;
var critrate = scene.m_rgPlayerTechTree.crit_percentage - scene.m_rgTuningData.player.crit_percentage;
var elementals = getElementals();
var elementalCoefficient = getElementalCoefficient(elementals);
// check auto damage upgrades
gAutoUpgrades.forEach(function(id) {
result = calculateUpgradeTree(id);
dpg = (scene.m_rgPlayerTechTree.base_dps * result.boost / clickFrequency) / result.cost;
if (dpg >= best.dpg) {
if (result.required !== undefined) id = result.required;
best = { id: id, cost: scene.GetUpgradeCost(id), dpg: dpg };
// check Lucky Shot
if (canUpgrade(gLuckyShot)) { // lazy check because prereq is necessary upgrade
data = scene.m_rgTuningData.upgrades[gLuckyShot];
boost = dpc * critrate * data.multiplier;
cost = scene.GetUpgradeCost(gLuckyShot);
dpg = boost / cost;
if (dpg >= best.dpg) {
best = { id: gLuckyShot, cost: cost, dpg: dpg };
// check click damage upgrades
gDamageUpgrades.forEach(function(id) {
result = calculateUpgradeTree(id);
dpg = base_dpc * result.boost * (critrate * critmult + (1 - critrate) * elementalCoefficient) / result.cost;
if (dpg >= best.dpg) {
if (result.required !== undefined) id = result.required;
best = { id: id, cost: scene.GetUpgradeCost(id), dpg: dpg };
// check elementals
data = scene.m_rgTuningData.upgrades[4];
var elementalLevels = elementals.reduce(function(sum, elemental) {
return sum + elemental.level;
}, 1);
cost = data.cost * Math.pow(data.cost_exponential_base, elementalLevels);
// - make new elementals array for testing
var testElementals = { return { level: elemental.level }; });
var upgradeLevel = testElementals[elementalSpecializations - 1].level;
testElementals[elementalSpecializations - 1].level++;
if (elementalSpecializations > 1) {
// swap positions if upgraded elemental now has bigger level than (originally) next highest
var prevElem = testElementals[elementalSpecializations - 2].level;
if (prevElem <= upgradeLevel) {
testElementals[elementalSpecializations - 2].level = upgradeLevel + 1;
testElementals[elementalSpecializations - 1].level = prevElem;
// - calculate stats
boost = dpc * (1 - critrate) * (getElementalCoefficient(testElementals) - elementalCoefficient);
dpg = boost / cost;
if (dpg > best.dpg) { // give base damage boosters priority
// find all elements at upgradeLevel and randomly pick one
var match = elementals.filter(function(elemental) { return elemental.level == upgradeLevel; });
match = match[Math.floor(Math.random() * match.length)].id;
best = { id: match, cost: cost, dpg: dpg };
return best;
var timeToDie = (function() {
var cache = false;
return function(refresh) {
if (cache === false || refresh) {
var maxHp = scene.m_rgPlayerTechTree.max_hp;
var enemyDps = scene.m_rgGameData.lanes.reduce(function(max, lane) {
return Math.max(max, lane.enemies.reduce(function(sum, enemy) {
return sum + enemy.dps;
}, 0));
}, 0);
cache = maxHp / (enemyDps || scene.m_rgGameData.level * 4);
return cache;
var updateNext = function() {
next = necessaryUpgrade();
if ( === -1) {
if (timeToDie() < survivalTime) {
next = bestHealthUpgrade();
} else {
var damage = bestDamageUpgrade();
var ability = nextAbilityUpgrade();
next = (damage.cost < ability.cost || === -1) ? damage : ability;
if ( !== -1) {
if (highlightNext) {
$J(document.getElementById('upgr_' +'next_upgrade');
} else {
'next buy:',
'(' + FormatNumberForDisplay(next.cost) + ')'
var hook = function(base, method, func) {
var original = method + '_upgradeManager';
if (!base.prototype[original]) base.prototype[original] = base.prototype[method];
base.prototype[method] = function() {
this[original].apply(this, arguments);
func.apply(this, arguments);
* MAIN *
// ---------- JS hooks ----------
hook(CSceneGame, 'TryUpgrade', function() {
// if it's a valid try, we should reevaluate after the update
if (this.m_bUpgradesBusy) {
if (highlightNext) $J(document.body).addClass('upgrade_waiting'); = -1;
hook(CSceneGame, 'ChangeLevel', function() {
// recalculate enemy DPS to see if we can survive this level
if (timeToDie(true) < survivalTime) updateNext();
upgradeManagerPrefilter = function(opts, origOpts, xhr) {
if (opts.url.match(/ChooseUpgrade/)) {
.success(function() {
// wait as short a delay as possible
// then we re-run to figure out the next item to queue
window.setTimeout(upgradeManager, 0);
.fail(function() {
// we're desynced. wait til data refresh
// m_bUpgradesBusy was not set to false
scene.m_bNeedTechTree = true;
waitingForUpdate = true;
} else if (opts.url.match(/GetPlayerData/)) {
if (waitingForUpdate) {
xhr.success(function(result) {
var message = g_Server.m_protobuf_GetPlayerDataResponse.decode(result).toRaw(true, true);
if (message.tech_tree) {
// done waiting! no longer busy
waitingForUpdate = false;
scene.m_bUpgradesBusy = false;
window.setTimeout(upgradeManager, 0);
// ---------- CSS ----------
if (highlightNext) {
var cssPrefix = function(property, value) {
return '-webkit-' + property + ': ' + value + '; ' + property + ': ' + value + ';';
var css =
'.next_upgrade { ' + cssPrefix('filter', 'brightness(1.5) contrast(2)') + ' }\n' +
'.next_upgrade.cantafford { ' + cssPrefix('filter', 'contrast(1.3)') + ' }\n' +
'.next_upgrade .info .name, .next_upgrade.element_upgrade .level { color: #e1b21e; }\n' +
'#upgrades .next_upgrade .link { ' + cssPrefix('filter', 'brightness(0.8) hue-rotate(120deg)') + ' }\n' +
'#elements .next_upgrade .link { ' + cssPrefix('filter', 'hue-rotate(120deg)') + ' }\n' +
'.next_upgrade .cost { ' + cssPrefix('filter', 'hue-rotate(-120deg)') + ' }\n' +
'.upgrade_waiting .next_upgrade { ' + cssPrefix('animation', 'blink 1s infinite alternate') + ' }\n' +
'@-webkit-keyframes blink { to { opacity: 0.5; } }\n' +
'@keyframes blink { to { opacity: 0.5; } }';
var style = document.getElementById('upgradeManagerStyles');
if (!style) {
style = document.createElement('style');
$J(style).attr('id', 'upgradeManagerStyles').appendTo('head');
// ---------- Timer ----------
return function() {
scene = g_Minigame.CurrentScene();
// tried to buy upgrade and waiting for reply; don't do anything
if (scene.m_bUpgradesBusy) return;
// no item queued; refresh stats and queue next item
if ( === -1) {
if (highlightNext) $J(document.body).removeClass('upgrade_waiting');
// item queued; buy if we can afford it
if ( !== -1 && autoBuyNext) {
if (next.cost <= {
var link = $J('.link', document.getElementById('upgr_' +;
if (link) {
} else {
console.error('failed to find upgrade');
if (upgradeManagerTimer) window.clearTimeout(upgradeManagerTimer);
var upgradeManagerTimer = window.setInterval(upgradeManager, 5000);
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pBun commented Jun 15, 2015

I slightly modified your script to work with Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey if you're interested in pulling the changes:

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Evanito commented Jun 15, 2015

I currently use this alongside wchill's by using them both in tampermonkey. Great job, hope it gets integrated into wchill's as this works well.

Edit: Though I would like some extra tampermonkey support, manually updating scripts is so 2014

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