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Created February 24, 2020 18:33
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A looping device in plain Teχ
% Input: we define \loop to print some text the number of given times
\long\def\loop#1 for #2 times{
\ifnum\c>0 %
\advance\c by -1%
this sentence.
for 10 times
% Output: “this sentence.
% this sentence.
% this sentence.
% this sentence.
% this sentence.
% this sentence.
% this sentence.
% this sentence.
% this sentence.
% this sentence.”
% Input: We define \ifundefined to determine
% whether the inner macro \iterate propagated outside
{\tt iterate} is defined?
% via “Teχ by Topic” page 142
\ifundefined{iterate}No\else Yes\fi
% Output: Yes
%% fails with “Undefined control sequence.” though
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