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Created July 27, 2019 21:57
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Report black vs. white area
#MenuTitle: Report Area in Square Units
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Calculates the area of each selected glyph, and outputs it in square units. Increase precision by changing the value for PRECISION in line 9 (script will slow down).
PRECISION = 2 # higher numbers = more precision, but slower
thisFont = Glyphs.font # frontmost font
thisFontMaster = thisFont.selectedFontMaster # active master
listOfSelectedLayers = thisFont.selectedLayers # active layers of selected glyphs
GLYPHSAPPVERSION = NSBundle.bundleForClass_(GSMenu).infoDictionary().objectForKey_("CFBundleShortVersionString")
if GLYPHSAPPVERSION.startswith("1."):
measurementTool = NSClassFromString("GlyphsToolMeasurement").alloc().init()
measurementTool = NSClassFromString("GSGuideLine")
def sliceIntersections( thisLayer, startPoint, endPoint ):
if GLYPHSAPPVERSION.startswith("2."):
return thisLayer.calculateIntersectionsStartPoint_endPoint_( startPoint, endPoint )
return measurementTool.calculateIntersectionsForLayer_startPoint_endPoint_( thisLayer, startPoint, endPoint )
def sizeOfSlice( thisLayer, y ):
theseBounds = thisLayer.bounds
startPointX = theseBounds.origin.x - 10
endPointX = startPointX + theseBounds.size.width + 20
startPoint = NSPoint( startPointX, y )
endPoint = NSPoint( endPointX, y )
listOfIntersections = sliceIntersections( thisLayer, startPoint, endPoint )
totalLength = 0.0
if listOfIntersections and len(listOfIntersections) >= 4:
for thisPairIndex in range(len(listOfIntersections)/2):
firstNode = listOfIntersections[ thisPairIndex*2 ].pointValue()
secondNode = listOfIntersections[ thisPairIndex*2+1 ].pointValue()
totalLength += abs( secondNode.x - firstNode.x )
return totalLength
def areaForLayer( thisLayer, precision = 2 ):
cleanLayer = thisLayer.copyDecomposedLayer()
cleanBounds = cleanLayer.bounds
lowerY = int( cleanBounds.origin.y )
upperY = lowerY + int( cleanBounds.size.height + 2 )
area = 0.0
for thisY in range(lowerY,upperY):
for thisRound in range(precision):
measurementHeight = float(thisY) + ( float(thisRound) / float(precision) )
area += sizeOfSlice( cleanLayer, measurementHeight )
return area / precision
def process( thisLayer ):
area = areaForLayer( thisLayer, PRECISION )
print "%.1f square units" % ( area )
# brings macro window to front and clears its log:
# calculates areas for selected glyphs:
for thisLayer in listOfSelectedLayers:
thisGlyph = thisLayer.parent
print "Area of %s:" % (,
process( thisLayer )
#MenuTitle: Report Black to White Ratios
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Calculates the area of each selected glyph, and outputs a CSV that contains the area, and its ratio to the bounding box and the glyph areas between baseline and x-height, baseline and cap height, baseline and ascender, and descender and ascender. Increase precision by changing the value for PRECISION in line 10 (script will slow down).
import GlyphsApp, commands
from types import *
PRECISION = 2 # higher numbers = more precision, but slower
SEPARATOR = ";" # spec says this should be a comma, but only semicolon seems to work
GLYPHSAPPVERSION = NSBundle.bundleForClass_(GSMenu).infoDictionary().objectForKey_("CFBundleShortVersionString")
if GLYPHSAPPVERSION.startswith("1."):
measurementTool = NSClassFromString("GlyphsToolMeasurement").alloc().init()
measurementTool = NSClassFromString("GSGuideLine")
def saveTextToFile( thisText, filePath ):
thisFile = open( filePath, 'w' )
thisFile.write( thisText )
return True
except Exception as e:
raise e
def saveFileDialog( message=None, ProposedFileName=None, filetypes=None ):
if filetypes is None:
filetypes = []
Panel = NSSavePanel.savePanel().retain()
if message is not None:
if ProposedFileName is not None:
pressedButton = Panel.runModalForTypes_(filetypes)
if pressedButton == 1: # 1=OK, 0=Cancel
return Panel.filename()
return None
def sliceIntersections( thisLayer, startPoint, endPoint ):
if GLYPHSAPPVERSION.startswith("2."):
return thisLayer.calculateIntersectionsStartPoint_endPoint_( startPoint, endPoint )
return measurementTool.calculateIntersectionsForLayer_startPoint_endPoint_( thisLayer, startPoint, endPoint )
def sizeOfSlice( thisLayer, y ):
theseBounds = thisLayer.bounds
startPointX = theseBounds.origin.x - 10
endPointX = startPointX + theseBounds.size.width + 20
startPoint = NSPoint( startPointX, y )
endPoint = NSPoint( endPointX, y )
listOfIntersections = sliceIntersections( thisLayer, startPoint, endPoint )
totalLength = 0.0
if len(listOfIntersections) >= 4:
for thisPairIndex in range(len(listOfIntersections)/2):
firstNode = listOfIntersections[ thisPairIndex*2 ].pointValue()
secondNode = listOfIntersections[ thisPairIndex*2+1 ].pointValue()
totalLength += abs( secondNode.x - firstNode.x )
return totalLength
def areaForLayer( thisLayer, precision = 2, precisionOffset = 0.001 ):
cleanLayer = thisLayer.copyDecomposedLayer()
cleanBounds = cleanLayer.bounds
lowerY = int( cleanBounds.origin.y )
upperY = lowerY + int( cleanBounds.size.height + 2 )
area = 0.0
for thisY in range(lowerY,upperY):
for thisRound in range(precision):
measurementHeight = float(thisY) + ( float(thisRound) / float(precision) ) + precisionOffset
area += sizeOfSlice( cleanLayer, measurementHeight )
return area / precision
thisFont = Glyphs.font # frontmost font
thisFontMaster = thisFont.selectedFontMaster # active master
xHeight = thisFontMaster.xHeight
capHeight = thisFontMaster.capHeight
ascender = thisFontMaster.ascender
descenderToAscender = ascender - thisFontMaster.descender
columns = (
"Black Area",
"Bounding Box Ratio",
"x-Height Ratio",
"Cap Height Ratio",
"Ascender Ratio",
"Descender to Ascender Ratio"
reportText = "%s\n" % SEPARATOR.join( columns )
# calculates areas and ratios for each selected layer:
for thisLayer in thisFont.selectedLayers:
thisGlyphName =
boundingBoxSize = thisLayer.bounds.size
boundingBoxArea = boundingBoxSize.width * boundingBoxSize.height
if not boundingBoxArea == 0.0: # avoid division by zero
blackArea = areaForLayer( thisLayer, PRECISION )
thisWidth = thisLayer.width
xHeightArea = xHeight * thisWidth
capHeightArea = capHeight * thisWidth
ascenderArea = ascender * thisWidth
descenderToAscenderArea = descenderToAscender * thisWidth
reportValues = (
thisGlyphName, # Glyph Name
"%.1f" % blackArea, # Black Area
"%.1f" % ( blackArea * 100.0 / boundingBoxArea ), # Bounding Box Ratio
"%.1f" % ( blackArea * 100.0 / xHeightArea ), # x-Height Ratio
"%.1f" % ( blackArea * 100.0 / capHeightArea ), # Cap Height Ratio
"%.1f" % ( blackArea * 100.0 / ascenderArea ), # Ascender Ratio
"%.1f" % ( blackArea * 100.0 / descenderToAscenderArea ) # Descender to Ascender Ratio
reportValues = (
thisGlyphName, # Glyph Name
"0.0", # Black Area
"0.0", # Bounding Box Ratio
"0.0", # x-Height Ratio
"0.0", # Cap Height Ratio
"0.0", # Ascender Ratio
"0.0" # Descender to Ascender Ratio
reportText += "%s\n" % SEPARATOR.join( reportValues )
# ask user for file path
filePath = saveFileDialog(
message = "Export Ratio CSV",
ProposedFileName = "Ratios for %s %s" % ( thisFont.familyName, ),
filetypes = [ "csv", "txt" ]
# save and confirm
saveTextToFile( reportText, filePath )
print "Saved Ratio CSV to: %s" % filePath
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