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Created June 7, 2017 20:45
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The Vanity of Humanity.
I was nobody even when I was somebody. What do we have to lose?
True expression is reserved just for the slender.
So much hypocrisy. No one actually speak their mind.
Hebrew sounds just like Arabic.
America 1st!
Practicing Nationalism while talking America into Globalism.
Total Hypocrisy: They talk about globalism yet they protect their borders with zeal and passion.
Globalism is impossible as long as there are passports.
There can only be globalism without passports.
The day of the rake cannot come soon enough.
.@MigunaMiguna I admire you for your courage and honesty. These people are heartless, merciless, and evil
So come see if the opportunity is for you: Saturday 9.15AM, 839 Quince Orchard Blvd
Suite E
Gaithersburg MD 20878. Malik.
So I'm doing all I can to support Mr.Trump deliver on his promises.
I hate terrorists.
I know a lot of people gonna hate me but Islam is my religion folks.
Ramadhan kareem to all the Good Muslims.
My people are the best people on Earth. Got to get them jobs.
Business Opportunity:Saturday 9.15AM: 839 Quince Orchard Blvd Suite E Gaithersburg MD 20878. Come if you can. Welcome. Bring a friend. Malik
JOB OPPORTUNITY: part-time or full-time. DC, MD, VA. Serious inquiries only. Direct message me for more info. JOBS, JOBS, JOBS.
For my children Kweku and Rashidah.
For me Better to be real than to be fake.
When someone doesn't want you you grieve but at the end you move on.
People can be so heartless.
So: It's so unpatriotic to ridicule your own President.
Go through the internet throughout Barack Obama's Presidency and see how I defended him. But he didn't want me so took my support elsewhere.
I stuck with Barack Obama to the end until I realised he wanted nothing to do with me and that he and Hillary Clinton were all liars.
It's so unpatriotic to ridicule your own President.
Seth Rich. Another Tragedy.
But I don't hear MSM talking about Seth Rich. Why?
Was Seth Rich killed? By who?
What happened to Seth Rich?
Who is Seth Rich?
My heart to all the victims in Manchester. Despicable act.
Cost of living is life itself.
Cost of living folks.
Even Prime Minister Netanyahu made the 'OK' sign today at his speech at his residence in Jerusalem today alongside President Trump. Watch.
Transcript: President Trump speech Saudi Arabia
President Trump is not a hater. President Trump is a Pragmatist.
President Trump's trip to Saudi Arabia (his first stop on his first foreign trip) has confused Muslims.
"The New York Times first reported and CNN confirmed."
Fake News = False Evidence Appearing Real.
Aluta Continua.
My Peoples
Fickle and transient into everlastingless.
It's like the tide. It ebbs and flows at a moments whim.
Being on Twitter is like a slow waltz through the park.
Listen to Mr.Trump. Listen carefully. You will understand.
As long as it's the truth I will tell it but I will not lie folks.
Its fake somebody says. Columbia didn't use bar codes in 1981
Is the New York Times the reservoir for all news that's unquestionably truth? Must they always be quoted as evidence by the so called left?
MSM=sensational broadcasting.
President Trump going to Saudi Arabia first on his first foreign trip is a masterstroke of genius.
Zenge Zenge Bazenge.
Hulla Bulla Bazulla.
Total War.
They wanted to hijack the elections 2016; the people said NO! They want to hijack the Presidency now; the people say NO!!
Meme War II.
Its a battleground.
But the moment another's rights encroach their own, they show their true colors. It's all about them.
The haters want to hijack the Presidency.
It's not even Comey. It's Crooked MSM!
The Second Great #MemeWar began today.
We will fight them by any memes necessary.
That's their agenda.
By Any Means Necessary!
They are Hell Bent on getting the Presidency by all means.
Maybe President Trump should just give them back the Presidency?
Hell with it.
Imagine what Hillary Clinton would do if she had won and they were hitting on her like they are doing President Trump?
The Destroy Trump Alliance will never succeed folks.
It's total harassment.
Not the tweets, the Russian issue or Comey's firing: So what will it take for Democrats, MSM to accept that they can't break Mr.Trump?
Facts: haters who can't accept election results.
What are the facts?
White left: They are hypocrits who advocate for peace and equality only to “satisfy their own feeling of moral superiority”.
There's no chaos in the White House. The haters are the ones creating chaos.
Living in Penury is what we must vehemently resist folks.
From Misogynism to Russia it's a grand and elaborate plan to snare its target. It won't succeed.
Age is age, whether you hide it or reveal it it stays the same.
Where ever Mr.Trump is he will make it better. Listen to Mr.Trump
.@realDonaldTrump Mr.Trump. Please go to Africa now. YOU ARE AFRICA'S REAL BROTHER. I believe in you!
Thank you all moms.
Thank you all mums.
Let them feel the drain Like the Zambezi River #draintheswamp.
We are living in history.
The Routine Theory of Evolution.
Happy Mother's Day folks.
Extremely educated people talking nonsense.
Never Trust The News! Especially CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WAPO & HUFFPOST.
5 Degrees of WOKE folks.
Trump Diplomacy: Palestinian Leaders Talk Up Peace Process Ahead Of President Trump Visit. THE ART OF THE DEAL.
These guys are really crazy. They simply can't get over it. That they lost the election big time. It's election time all over again!
It shouldn't be about press & media it should be about nation building and making America great again!
These guys are crazy. They simply can't get over it. It's election time all over again!
Get over it WE WON YOU LOST!
I'd like to know who goes through life without scars?
@CzarIvanIV Too obsessed with himself.
Tucker Culson tonight: David Garrow - totally true. Completely changed man. Though I was never interviewed. Could've been complete. Sad.
Existence itself is but a meme.
I will follow anyone who donates more than $5 to my foundation:
"Freedom is not a gift from government, Freedom is a gift from God".
Win, Win, Win.
RT @realDonaldTrump: The Democrats, without a leader, have become the party of obstruction.They are only interested in themselves and not i…
Those who are unaware that their life is a meme will forever wander in a state of oblivion or be slaves to kek.
Twitter is great for introducing you to small clusters of strangers you can immediately love.
More Graveyard Journalism:
Graveyard Journalism:
Existence itself is but a meme.
RT @couldnotagree: @ObamaMalik You are bound like the army of the dead in the Lord Of The Rings. You must shitpost until twitter is destroy…
3246 tweets.Phew! When does it stop.
Now they'll realize that Malik has been telling the truth.
Art of tweeting requires wisdom, spreading word with memes and making the dreams come true; being a kind traveller of the Internet.
Fox News is Real News not Entertainment (fake) News.
It's Entertainment vs News.
Fox News reporting is more mature and balanced than MSNBC. Nobody watches CNN here.
How is sexual harassment avoided folks?
Good morning folks. Rise and Shine. Happy Thursday!
Many thanks and appreciation to my followers who agree with me or not especially those who donate to my foundation
Legal immigration is lawful but Illegal immigration is unlawful. Malik supports legal lawful immigration.
The conditions in the Middle East are the same as the conditions in South Africa during Apartheid. A two state solution.
Wow. A journalist for Newsweek suing someone who sent him a tweet he claims caused him to have a seizure. Watch out folks. Tweets kill!
We are all racists, but we have to follow universal common laws of decency that apply to humanity.We must appeal to our finer qualities.
The genocide of Jews, Africans, African-Americans, Armenians and all other victims of genocide is unacceptable.
Humanity and common decency BELONGS TO ALL.
Good morning folks. Rise and Shine. Happy Tuesday.
But trust nobody fellow Thot Patrollers.
Bad people born in this country, lock them up; Bad people in this country illegally, kick them out.
It's not about immigration its about bad people.
Trust nobody fellow Thot Patrollers.
I'm a Bill O'Reilly fan and I'm not white.
Trust nobody my fellow Thot Patrollers.
Wow. Bill Orielly. So Sad. Hang tough Bill. They did a hit job on you just as they're doing President Trump.
Joy Villa just followed me. Give her a follow folks. She's very brave.
Memes will be the only thing that remain of us when humanity dies out.
I will follow anyone who donates $5 or more to my foundation:
Happy Easter to our Christian brothers and sisters, Happy Easter.
Happy Sunday folks.
MSM News = Everybody attacking Everybody.
High sounding gibberish from MSM pounding our brains with nonsense calling it news.
True meme requires utilizing the elements available in our times and environment to revalidate and give meaning to existence.
It's a pivotal moment for human culture and civilization.
The media is not an authority on anything. They are activist with control of a camera and print.
Meme me up folks. What's happening?
Morning folks. Rise and Shine. Happy Friday!
So: We've got to stick with ours like the Dems stick with theirs folks.
And BEWARE the THOTS and CUCKS are within our midst.
We've got to stick with ours like the Dems stick with theirs folks.
So follow President Trump. Everything is going to be alright.
It shall be. I 'get it'. There's messes that need cleaned up from all the Empire building. Sometimes the right move isnt the moral one.
I'm in the US of A folks.
President Trump will Make America Great right into his 2nd Term.
He (President Trump) will win both the Electoral AND Popular vote.
President Trump is sharp as a razor; tough as nails.
He (President Trump) will win both the Electoral AND Popular vote.
President Trump will Make America Great right into his 2nd Term.
#FAKEPEOPLEBEGONE! We will put them on the other side of the wall.
Calling Thot Patrol! #FAKEPEOPLE begone!
President Trump is sharp as a razor; tough as nails.
Calling Thot Patrol!
You say you love President Trump but you won't support his actions?
We will unmask all the #FAKEPEOPLE!
A lot of FAKE PEOPLE in our midst.
But whatever President Trump's reasons, I, Malik, support him.
Let the Syrians sort themselves out.
Enough my friends. Much love and easy does it.
All in All we're very much together.
Am I going too fast for everybody?
Got to use wisdom. Know when to flex and when to withdraw.
So do we keep our troops around the world like UN observers?
Over there they're the same religion: and they're still fighting each. There is no bounds to such hypocrisy.
And if they want to butcher each other, let the rest of the world sort them out. How's that?
Syria, ISIS, ISIL: They're the same thing. Deal with them equally. Let them sort themselves out. Long as they don't overeach their bounds.
I don't get it people. You really think Assad staying in Syria is what's checking ISIS (ISIL)?
Assad needs to leave and Syria needs to sort itself out.
Folks: Got to back our President's play. For eight years I backed my brother's play.
Syria: President Trump did the right thing. Got to flex some muscle.
Much love and easy does it.
But Remember
I'm between a rock and a hard place: Obama who's a Trump supporter. UNIQUE POSITION!
To my people who love me; much thanks: To those who don't love me; too bad.
Pulitzer Prize is SUPERCUCK TOP GRADE Prize.
But President Trump is SUPER WOKE!
.@jack is wack.
Hi folks. Been meditating. Good memes take time to develop.
Much love and easy does it.
Ok folks. Let me cool my brain.
Too many Thots spoil the Broth.
Throw Down, Boy! Skin it..go ahead, skin that Smoke Wagon and see what happens ...
But we must be responsible; for the children. And for God and Country.
Is it possible to short-circuit Twitter folks?
@WyrdWyzyrd Cos it will melt.
Always WOKE!
I'm like a water pump; inlet and outlet for inflow and outflow.
@Crackinskulls10 Love you too friend.
My posts are not crazy; mix and match. Sifting through the inflow.
Does anybody else get crazy posts?
In God We Trust.
Thot Patrol General for President Trump and MemeLord.
@DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump Right behind you folks.
My People are ordinary Americans. And many others. Ordinary people.
So much nonsense on Twitter.
People should stop asking stupid questions. How can Michelle be a man? Surely!
Why mess up a good thing Twitter?Your new reply change is 'Clunky'.I don't get it.Will just tweet and not reply to any tweets @Twitter
RT @realDonaldTrump: Mike Flynn should ask for immunity in that this is a witch hunt (excuse for big election loss), by media & Dems, of hi…
Witch Hunt!
Live, Believe, Cherish, Dream...of the wall.
BEWARE folks: CROOKED, CORRUPT & DISHONEST PRESS AND MEDIA=FAKE NEWS  spreading mischief upon the earth! They know what they're doing 100%!
.@seanhannity big big fan Sean.
.@seanhannity Big Big Fan Sean.
.@oreillyfactor big fan Bill.
RT @realDonaldTrump: The Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don't get on the team, & fast. We must fight them, &…
But BEWARE! The Thots and Cucks are embedded within our midst. BEWARE folks.
And when its over gon hang up my boots.
Gon tweet day or night. It is feast or famine with me!
Or even solar panels on the top. Endangered bird nest space.
Or high speed rail on top! Travel from New Orleans to Los Angeles in a day without flying! #maga
And it will be glorious; with a driving range on top so we can practice our golf swing and keep illegals away.
Trump is going to build a big beautiful wall with a door in the middle that allows 'legal' immigrants to enter the country #MAGA
And BEWARE! The Thots and Cucks are embedded within our midst. BEWARE folks
Deport the cucks and thots over the wall!!
Killory back folks.
Deport the cucks and thots over the wall!
Thots and Cucks: We will weed them out until at the end it will be ONLY US!!!
Deport the haters! Build a wall!
And BEWARE! The Thots and Cucks are embedded within our midst. BEWARE folks.
I say it like I see it folks.
Gon block them haters folks.
President Trump is bold and radical.
President Trump knows how to take care of family.
Got some bad hombres in here.
Welcome Spring. The birds are singing.
And Thot Patrol General for President Trump.
RT @unluckycrown: @pamela_simone_h @ObamaMalik ppl need to stop comparing malik to his brother they are different people who do completely…
I've said my piece. Let the word be witness.
RT @GadiHyer: @ObamaMalik The RNC weren't counting on Trump to actually win. That's why they didn't do anything for 7 years.
ITS actually all of the RNC folks in the House as they had 7 years to make the best bill ever and blew it.. #draintheswamp
President Trump IS OUR PRESIDENT!
We have to make President Trump look good BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
Don't kid yourselves folks. Nothing to do with Paul Ryan. It's the traitorous GOP!
But: ACA was President Trumps bill. GOP should've passed it. Folks: Are you on the Trump Train or not?
There will arise a far better healthcare bill that works for everyone out of the ashes of this one.
Happy Saturday folks.
The haters will never win.
Thot de Cuck begone.
A good day today and a better day tomorrow!
Good morning folks.Rise and Shine! Happy Saturday.
It's a fight daily for us Trump supporters.
Ok folks I hear you. We will not surrender!
Can't deal with this folks. Hanging up my boots. NONSENSE.
.@loliswim I'M WITH TRUMP!
Its not Obama anymore. IT'S GOP!
I'm disappointed that ACA bill didn't go through. LOSS FOR REPUBLICANS!
It's nothing to do with Obama now. It's all GOP! They have all the numbers. It's all about votes in the house.
President Trump tried to live up to his promises but GOP let him down.
WOW folks. It's hard to tell who's friend and foe.
Sad that GOP couldn't pass the ACA. WHAT A LOST OPPORTUNITY! Still playing their games.
RT @realDonaldTrump: The irony is that the Freedom Caucus, which is very pro-life and against Planned Parenthood, allows P.P. to continue i…
The Dynamics of Human Science and it's Devolved Manifestations.
GOP must come together in support of President Trump.
President Trump will have a very successful first term and move on to his second term to do greater things. #MAGA.
I understand the need for a free press in a democracy, but that doesn't mean they're free from criticism themselves.
And what makes journalists so special that they get paid big bucks but want nobody else to?
Snowflakes in the wind; Ghosts in the forest.
And the kings of Cucklandia shall never penetrate the walls of Pepe into the land of Kekistan!
Thou cucked codpiece of broken men shall look upon the sons and daughters of kek and beg of righteous forgiveness, but have none.
My audience is mainly international; they don't know who @larrymadowo is: SUPERCUCK TOP GRADE!
.@larrymadowo: so full of himself.He has this thing going that's stroking his ego. Hitting on Koffi, me. WOW!
The Dynamics of Human Science and it's Devolved Manifestations!
Traitors are despicable people.
Better to be considered to be a traitor before men than before Almighty God.
RT @MosquitoSurviv1: @ObamaMalik now that you're not slurring your brother the likes n rts aren't as many as before
Holy Moly!
Soon the wrath of Allah, will be darkening their days and giving them one last chance to Repent! The Cucks and The Thots!
And: The cucks can run, but they can't hide. The eye of Malik Obama - Chief Thotpatroller is all seeing and will crush all enemies.
Pepe blessed me with a thousand memes and now I bathe in the waters of Eternal Kek.
The hangers on are peeling off.
Of the Great Meme War of 2016.
With only memories in his wallet.
And he disappeared into the sunset.
Malik doesn't pussy foot for nobody.
RT @IsPmurt: @ObamaMalik And The USA loves you as long as you keep bashing your brother and not talk about Islam. #AltRightToken
And if you don't like me then so be it.
Freedom of religion, and the right to all memes. I love America.
I worship Allah and Muhammad is my prophet.
Malik's Third Eye
Don't forget me folks. Donations > $5 for follow to raise funds for needy students- scholarships. 
Modern day Aristotle.
veteran of the Great MemeWar
FAKEMEDIA won't let go of their epic loss to President Trump!
Louisville, Kentucky: President Trump sharp as ever. WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Why don't they let President Trump just do his job and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
RT @get_out_andVOTE: Please support @ObamaMalik very important foundation, they are doing great work ht…
I've been advised to forget about my so called brother and move on. I'll take that advice folks. #thebetterobama #thebestobama.
If only truth was like a virus..50% of your life is taxed, think about it...continue to question and eat your cereal with a fork..
.@nickschadegg @larrymadowo even if I crawl under a rock you and your kind will still come after me. THE CAT'S OUT THE BAG!
.@nickschadegg @larrymadowo header is inconsequential my man. I am MALIK!
Had to get it off my chest folks. @larrymadowo
.@larrymadowo = FAKE NEWS BIG TIME!
.@larrymadowo: just cos you prance around looking like a pansy you think you are KING KONG!? You came after me: u were never on my mind.
.@larrymadowo: didn't do his show and HE CANT GET OVER IT? MALIK!!!
.@larrymadowo: one of those old time geezers who is full of himself.He has this thing going that's stroking his ego. WOW!
.@larrymadowo: you plaster me all over the news; and say that I'm craving attention! Did I ask you to?
.@realbranian @larrymadowo I can even take down my twitter accnt.Stingy as hell!How can I be cravin for attention.Did I call you or you me?
.@larrymadowo @dailynation And history has those deluded megalomaniacs who think they are God. Still sore that I didn't do your show?
.@LarryMadowo is a SUPERCUCK TOP GRADE!
@larrymadowo @dailynation And history has those deluded megalomaniacs who think they are God. Still sore that I didn't do your show?
The Cucks they cling on to the Thots.
Auma Obama: Grown woman still using her father's name? Won't fly the coop.
Auma Obama: Grown woman still using her father's name?
Everytime I say something the imposters leave and good riddance. We will win this one too my fellow Thot Patrollers!
Is he gay?
Larry Madowo: Mad as hell that I didn't do his show folks!
Lying Daily Nation: complete NONSENSE! Nobody talking about me in Kogelo. More concerned about rampant poverty
The Heirachy of Memes
It's not fair for people to assume nonsense.
We gon win this one too folks.
Chew on all that while I work on my own legacy folks! ALLUTA CONTINUA!
Crooked Hillary started Birther Movement in 2008 not President Trump or Malik Obama folks.
There's only Barack Obama and Maya. Check Obama Foundation (Presidential Library) list of Directors. Malik is the R…
I'm a Trumpeteer folks.
Why no fuss here folks?
RT @AumaObama: @AumaObama - Did I also mention he is Kenyan! 1st African American KENYAN President of the USA!!! BO put Kenya forever on th…
Lying Media: Cooking up stories and talking to nobody
Lying Media: Cooking up stories, talking to nobody
Lying Daily Nation: I supported my brother 100% in 2008
General Malik:Thot Patrol
Now that I am on the other side I am brother not half-brother. WOW!
Gon peel that onion folks. And I don't need crooked, dishonest, and TOTALLY CORRUPT JOURNALISTS to help me.
Malicious Malik? Daily Mail is SuperCuck newspaper Top Grade!
Malik the Thot Slayer!
Surely. What's this?
So true
I stopped being the first brother of the United States and became Thot Patrol General for President Trump. God is Great!
Kekistan:legislative session
Thot de Cuck be Wot begone!
Free Kekistan!
Don't forget me folks. Donations > $5 for follow to raise funds for needy students scholarships. My people.
A new reality shaped by memetics. No thots. No cucks. No sleep. Only memes and staying woke.
Slowly but surely gon peel that onion.
What's Barack Obama going to do that he couldn't do for his family?
Supreme Meme King of the Multiverse Malik!
Heavy Duty Cuck!
Damned if you do Damned if you don't folks!
Crooked, Dishonest & Corrupt Press & Media: Won't say anything about my effort to raise funds for needy students
Good morning folks. Rise and Shine. Happy Friday!
RT @realDonaldTrump: Since November 8th, Election Day, the Stock Market has posted $3.2 trillion in GAINS and consumer confidence is at a 1…
President Trump is Elvis Presley reincarnate. The King himself.
My Man
Barack and Michelle are like Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. Ultimate Bourgeoisie folks.
Folks: Who wears a winter scarf in the summer?
What are the polls saying about Malik folks?
The Oscars: Cucks and Thots parading themselves like Peacocks in Pursuit of Vanity.
The Oscars is a SUPERCUCK TOP GRADE event.
They talk about loyalty so much and forget what that really means.
Do we keep on going or stop folks?
Whiners vs. Winners.
The art of twitter is to be the master of 140 characters or less.
The ones who coin them are the ones who need us divided and wish to rule the coins.
Is a FEMINIST a woman who is not WOMAN enough and is MASCULINE a man who is not MAN enough?
A WOMAN who identifies as a man and a MAN who identifies as a woman what are they?
What's the distinction between MEN and WOMEN?
Men's toilets are for men Women's toilets are for women.
The one who clings tightly to his race is a racist.
Thot Patrol:Yeah!
.@realdonaldtrump Thank you President Trump.
Please don't follow me if you don't like what I'm saying. PLEASE!
My own brother is a Jew, my own stepmother is a Jew, I have many friends who are Jews. The Haters should stop!
What makes the Jews above all men that nothing can be said about them when we know that there are bad Jews and good Jews?
Who is this Eleanor Goldberg?
The Cucks they want everything for free.
President Trump is an icon to kids turning 18. Pure embodiment of the idea that you CAN achieve your goals no matter who stands in the way.
The extreme meme team has pixel pimped the main stream.
.@realDonaldTrump  President Trump faced so many obstacles and still triumphed in the end. He is a role model for all of us!
The Haters must be hurting.
Pepe de Kek.
Dodging Cucks and Snatching Thots.
.@realDonaldTrump Mr.Trump is tough as nails.
Has anybody ever caught a possum in a sack?
Always practice 5 principles of Thot Patrolling: Blocking, Mocking, Negging, Looking out for fellow Bruhs, and Common Sense.
Washington Post & Huffington Post = THOTINGTON POST + WSJ = FAKE NEWS.
FAKE NEWS: they had no problem promoting ma brotha from another mother.
And that's what I have to say about that!
FAKE NEWS=CORRUPT, CROOKED&TOTALLY DISHONEST PRESS&MEDIA(failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) spreading mischief upon the earth.
FAKE NEWS kills more people.
Everybody dies. What's that got to do with FAKE NEWS?
How can u face ur problem if ur problem is ur face.
The magic of memes hangs like a mist around us.
.@realDonaldTrump I will fight for you Mr.Trump!
UNBELIEVABLE! Still pushing polls after they were so dead wrong AND TOTALLY RIGGED!
bepis > bepsi.
Rare green Dr.Pepe
CROOKED, DISHONEST and CORRUPT PAYPAL! Took my $1000 and won't pay $200. Very unfair!
To WHOM but WHO.
Who is alt-right? Who is alt-left? Who coins these phrases? WHO?
Wikipedia is run by cucks.
Alt-right is alright.
Bad Hombre folks
@theranthrope @bleachsommelier Theranthrope?
RT @bleachsommelier: @ObamaMalik good thot bait, the thots sure came out biting.
Pro-choice = Anti-life.
MSM is the "Opposition Party".
I've always ONLY been my father's son and grandfather's grandson nothing more nothing less folks. Malik Obama. Simple as that.
Is Kekstantinople in Turkek or Kekistan?
Thot Patrolling in Africa
Funny picture
I see what others are doing and I ask myself what did Barack Obama do in eight years?
Eight years of USELESS HOPE.
Hoping for eight years for nothing. Wow.
Eight years of nothing. Wow.
Anime = Cartoons folks.
Life is a constant struggle between cuck and kek.
Hypocrisy is a despicable attribute.
Why not in Africa, with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar or Diana Ross?
Africa: Hurling curses (stuck in Stone Age) in the year 2017 while America is going to Mars and beyond
The system must benefit both the rich and the poor.
I want to be rich.
The poor can become rich and the rich can become poor.
People work just as hard only that there's the poor and the rich.
Poverty has no color.
Got to lose that weight folk
Super Cuck newspaper WP
Furries:from what I know any animal that has lots of fur e.g. cats and rabbits.Costumes of such can be worn at fairs,parades&sporting event.
What are furries?
How's that for taking the edge off folks but for real TIME Magazine is old and shriveled NEEDS TO FOLD UP AND DIE!
TIME Magazine:They just need to get with the TIMEs hahahaha get it get it hahahha get it hahaha get it ha get it I'm going to kill myself
Time Magazine are those old and shriveled newspapers and magazines that need to fold up and die
We don't lock our doors before bed because we hate people outside. We lock them because we love the people inside.
They've taken President DJT to court on matters 'IMMIGRATION'.It's OK.wait until those terrorists strike,they'll run back to him for help!
Elitists:Seems like they pull the bridges up and drain the moat.
Veteran:Great Meme War 2016
Thank you my people for introducing me to meme and teaching me Twitter.
Folks I have discussed and expressed my opinion on almost everything under the sky I hope you have enjoyed my tweets. Malik
Mike Wazowski: he Only has one eye he is incapable of winking because that requires a second and blinking is both eyes, Mike bwinks.
Corrupt, Crooked and totally Dishonest MSM!
All a man wants is a sandwich.
But our women must also respect themselves.
We must respect our women.
Rape is a despicable act.
We must protect our children all the time.
Let's think twice before having sex.
Reckless sex is irresponsible.
Abortion is a despicable act.
The right to abortion or the right to life? That is the question.
Twitter is for everyone so those asking me to stop should remember I have a right to tweet just as they do.
When you protest the right to have an abortion you're actually taking away a little girls right to grow up and become a woman.
Please include your twitter handle when you make your donations.I cannot follow without it (> $5) on payment notice.
If the United Nations cannot stop the war in Syria etc. then disband it and let the Syrians etc. sort themselves out.
It is the United Nations to stop the war in Syria etc. Not the United States!
Wow. Is this true?
The United Nations is an institution whose only purpose is issuing embargoes, sanctions, and Nations to parade themselves.
What is the use of the United Nations if they cannot stop the wars in Syria etc.? Is the UN just good for issueing embargoes and sanctions?
I'm for the 1st Amendment and believe in the right of the people to assemble but really folks.Trump just took the oath on Friday. COME ON!
Cucks and Thots begone!
To:#WomensMarch et al
Folks: We won the battle to the White House but looks like The Great Meme War is not over. WHAT IS ALL THIS DIN - WOMEN PARADING IN PROTEST!
.@imdomtracy how many people gonna use this same receipt?
Gone with Bo.
.@eat8uppp Malik is at Self-Actualization: Memeing.
.@shatterfront good question my friend.
The Heirachy of Needs folks
Albuquerque (New Mexico) = Francisco de Alburquerque folks.
Does anybody know who Francisco de Alburquerque is?
Now what they gonna do now that Mr.Trump has the nuclear codes?
.@tr1cky America 1st!
Malik is his own man folks!
Malik is his own man folks.
Happy as a lark.
Therefore love and water are essential ingredients of life.
Life is incomplete without love.
But love is food for the soul.
Millions live without love - No one has lived without water.
.@POTUS Congratulations President Trump. Make America Great Again.
.@realDonaldTrump Congratulations President Trump. Make America Great Again.
Happy Inauguration Day everybody.
amanda @foodgrrl: RIP Robert Surgent (my peoples).
My people I love you.
Tweeting is like the tide. It ebbs and flows!
MSM: See what they do. Book that I wrote; they twist it around so I don't get credit
Yes folks
The Thots and The Cucks they do not like Malik.
Remember folks: Donations ($5.00) for a follow.
Malik's Cuck Hunt
Thots and Cucks: We will weed them out until at the end it will be ONLY US!!!
Meme me up folks!
MSM: crooked media becomes crippled media.
RT @JayKay245: @ObamaMalik @porkontoast You're the best on twitter because you come on and just shoot the breeze with your fans! And you po…
.@porkontoast Love you too folks. Staying warm!
.@bluenosejake Yeah.
.@llewgnal No.
January 20, 2017 folks.
Come on Man!
Thots and Cucks: We will weed them out until at the end it will be ONLY US!!
The Arch-Mage of the Circle of Meme Magic.
My People
But God won't allow it (extinction of Mankind). So be gay.
The idea of being gay is equal to the extinction of Mankind.
The universe was rebalanced on November 8, 2016 and will be totally put together on January 20, 2017 folks.
But folks. ISN'T IT SAD.
Been movin on folks.
Heck! We move on folks!
This is rediculous! Barack Obama makes farewell speech without any representation by his fathers people. AUMA OBAMA, SARAH OBAMA et all. SAD
Galloping on: The Whopper is the best fast food burger in existence.
Am I not successful folks?
What is the measure of success folks?
My People: You are my source and resource.
.@nicholasoloo @realdonaldtrump We're goin to Mars and you still ask which swamp!So yestrday.We'll leave Earth for you and yr pple.
And what is this!
They never gave Mr.Trump a chance and he won!
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. All we have is now.
No one knows what will happen tomorrow.
The sayers have no knowledge.
Do we not inspire to expire?
Is existence not a reality?
Even if the people say I will be irrelevant after my brother Barack Obama leaves office will I not exist?
Life: You stand there and take it.
There's no retirement from life folks.
The meaning
It's real folks. People get suspended on Twitter. Where do we go from here!
Wow. Looks like nobody knows Larry Madowo outside of Kenya. WOW!!
Larry Madowo
Down with weeboos!
Weeboos are bad people.
What are weeboos?
Down with lolis!
We gon short-circuit their brains folks!
Who cares about STONE AGE African customs and culture!
.@convultus @agalloma @alexmounde @rappz2016 damn!
.@agalloma @alexmounde @rappz2016 ...and what has Barack Obama paid you? You are are an ardent supporter of his just as I am of Mr.Trump!
The power of Kek is stronger
.@agalloma @alexmounde @rappz2016 Please speak English. It is better so that everybody understands.
I did not betray my brother Barack Obama. My brother Barack Obama betrayed me!
Malik is a member of the meme tribe.
Kenya. The Luo tribe. They do not tolerate Opposition yet they have been in OPPOSITION since 1963. SAD!!
Kenya: People of the Luo tribe are so into themselves even when they are going down the creek without a paddle.
.@rappz2016 @agalloma @alexmounde jokababa wan'gni upiele lon'g. Okanuyudi!
Me and my family. Much love. May all your wishes come true
What's the best time to tweet folks?
Public transportation:Africa
Nothing is original in the universe because Allah created it.
May all your wishs come true
Much love.
Me and my family folks.
Dankness is the metaphorical glue that meme wizards sniff.
RT @memealchemy: I hope Trump let's us help fund the wall by buying commemorative bricks with our twitter handles carved in them.
.@danklin20 @gedionkadu @tinaokore Mambo Jambo.
.@danklin20 @gedionkadu @tinaokore dholuo. Mother tongue. Kenya.
.@ivicapecic bestest.
.@ivicapecic it is bread my friend.
.@gedionkadu @tinaokore wan'gni to ipielie lon'g.
.@odiawoj @teamtaiwan Memelik Obameme!
Kenya: Raila Odinga refuses to recognize me and I'm the President's elder brother. He will not be President.
MSM: First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
Wow. I'm bigger than @IBTimes (Intl. Business Times)
Yes my people WE HAVE ARRIVED.
The little cell in the brain. It lights up to give a warm glow that is delightful and at the same time sublimely liberating.
The memes they creep up on us to light up the little cell in the brain.
The aWOKEening folks.
The collective wisdom of history dictates that we follow the natural laws of justice progressive ideas not withstanding.
AND what if we remove the Man from Kind, what happens?
Feminists: If we remove the KIND from MAN what are we!!
If you remove the MAN from the WO what is it?
Oh My People?
Feminists: If you remove the MAN from the WO what are you?
.@filer_matt My People
People of ALL races love Malik Obama!
My People
CHICAGO: Racism has no color.
Twitter is strange. You get 100 people follow you and they only add one to your count?
Trust no Thots my fellow Thot Patrollers!
Stay strong folks. Stay FOCUSED! The In-fighting must STOP!
They are the knowers of The TRUTH.
They understand what we're about.
The True Believers they understand.
Thot de Cuck.
The true test of Manhood is his word.
A man must stand by his word.
I made the ultimate sacrifice and I stand by my word.
And BEWARE! The Thots and Cucks are embedded within our midst. BEWARE folks.
The Movement that was like HAD NEVER BEEN SEEN BEFORE!
And what's all this in-fighting folks? Is the Movement over?
Folks. I think I've fought the good fight in the Great Meme War. Nov 8, 2016 was the Great Day. I want to hang up my gun belt.
Racism has no color.
Truth Bomb
A bongo Malik
Ghosts in the jungle.
RT @mitchellvii: In my opinion, KKK and BLM are just different versions of the same thing. No room for either in a great America for all A…
Movin on.
The Barack H.Obama Foundatn
Drain that Swamp Mr.Trump!
Burrow into the Furrow.
Malik Obama
Big Hot Dog
Drain that Swamp Mr.Trump!
Heck! I will close this account if the Movement is over and people continue using bad language and being mean.
Bad language is bad for the children. Malik will block anybody who uses bad language.
.@tomrichardharry @obamamaiik I reported another and Twitter did nothing. I don't tolerate bad language.
Malik is a gentleman Malik does not use bad language!
.@obamamaiik folks you know I don't talk like that. CALLING THOT PATROL!!!
Is the Movement over???
Drain That Swamp Mr.Trump!
Looks like how some people were feeling after the election and blame games. Lost in direction and no more culprits. 
In 2016, hell froze over and Donald J. Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States.
English! Phew!
The magic of memes is the best. Twitter.
So much NONESENSE! on Twitter.
.@birjoo1 I do.
Stay FOCUSED people.
RT @Socratobes: @ObamaMalik I love you Malik but you're wrong here. We're never going back! Full steam ahead, we're GONNA MAKE AMERICA GREA…
When we are at warp speed into the wormhole we have to come back so LET'S STAY FOCUSED.
Memetics is the technical application, whereas memetology is the ideological basis (for memes).
.@mr_hellophane feel free. Whichever you like.
The Art of Memes is Memetology.
Memetics is the Art of Memes.
It's 2017 in new zealand and parts of australia, so if they go to America back to 2016, isn't that time travel???
The real Obama.
The Obama who's always WOKE.
I'm a trucker. I never sleep.
People be careful of those who are educated beyond their intelligence.
Meme it to me.
To my people: MUCH LOVE.
To my people: HAPPY NEW YEAR!
New Years greeting to all.
.@anlizths thanks. New Years greetings to your family and friends.
2016 has been a great year, may 2017 be even greater. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. HAPPY NEW YEAR folks!
10 Hundred Thousand Million Billions!!
100 Thousand Million Billions!
A legend in your own mind.
Words have power. You are what you think.
.@danklin20 @cubemolecule thanks.
RT @Danklin20: @ObamaMalik @CubeMolecule keep up the good work malik 👍 fine art of shitpost is difficult 🎓🎓 we salute you 🖖
Kenya: As the wind blows. CORD disbands constitutional institution IEBC while JUBILEE is amending the constitution like at the ironmongers!
Thank You
Kenya: Luos are politicking while Kikuyus are making money.
Goodmorning folks. Happy Thursday!
Pepe Memes matter.
Hark the shitposters tweet, glory to the newborn memes!
Meme Police
Hail Pepe, full of grace, Kek is with thee, Blessed art thou amongst memes, and blessed is the fruit of thy meme, Trump.
Give us this day, our daily meme.
For thy Memedom come.
Hallowed Be Thy Meme.
Malcolm X is my hero.
Black Lives Matter must address the issue of blacks calling themselves nigga.
Nigga is a very bad word.
I don't get it. Why do African Americans call themselves nigga?
Though BEAUTY is only SKIN DEEP.
People shouldn't be fascinated by skin color. They should be fascinated by BEAUTY.
And thank you all who have donated to my foundation from their hearts and brought joy to mine through memes. Salute!
Thank you my people. You make me laugh when I want to cry.
It's like seeing Coca Cola and insisting it's Pepsi!
My people
There's no such thing as a Transgender Muslim!
n i m b l e n a v i g a t o r
And as flexible as the wind.
I'm as versatile as they come.
.@fpl_fan65 My People's Hand.
The Book of Memetology
Smokin Joe Frazier!
And when I'm ON I'm memeing them to death!
Folks. You know when I'm silent I be BLOCKING! and FOLLOWING!
Everybody has to write their own story I'm writing mine.
Fully engaged folks!
And if I decide I can even not do any of that!
Be writing that book folks and opening my meme shop.
Thots cannot breed, neither can cucks. Cucks create thots through enabling. And thots create cucks through thirst. We must break the cycle!
We must deplete the Thot horde by draining their lifeblood of validation by thirsty cucks.
This is my life.
I took him there but he forgot
My brother
Blocking them to the curb!
Rise and Shine people!
CUCKS could be even WORSE THAN THOTS folks!
I'm enjoying BLOCKING these CUCKS!
Goodmorning folks. Another day. Happy Tuesday. Rise and Shine America!
.@rwsiebert Support my Foundation.The world must THINK CRITICALLY!
Ok folks. Let them fight their war we'll fight ours.
Situation in the Middle East is bad news!
Palestinians must learn to live with Isrealis.
Isrealis should remember how they were persecuted and stop persecuting others.
What's the time folks?
Fiddler on the Roof.
Ghosts in the forest.
My People: I'm happy when you're happy!
.@jsearl_ Thot Patrol Commander Top Grade!
My People: They are the best!
My People: THANK YOU!!
This is America folks.
Why people have a problem with my asking for donations for my foundation when they have no problem with Megyn Kelly doing it for her book?
Why people have a problem with my asking for donations for my foundation when they have no problem with Bill Oreilly doing it for his book?
If Malik was given the NUCLEAR code button I would keep the world safe folks!
Please don't forget to send your twitter handle and receipt notices when you donate for that follow folks. $5 minimum donation now.
Correction: And what would happen if Malik was given the NUCLEAR code button?
And what would happen if Malik was given the Nucular code button?
How can somebody tweet 23000 tweets and have only one follower? Who's listening!?
@realDonaldTrump was spot on... while talking bout them greedy African leaders #Africans4Trump
I am 100% sure that Trump will deliver awesomely and BIGLY! #africans4trump
Happy Kwanzaa folks.
General Malik!
I REPEAT! SJW's are those who talk about everything but do nothing!
General Malik!
They're leaving folks!
SJW's = Plastic men!
SJW's a those who talk about everything but do nothing!
SJW's are those literary intellectuals who read everything but know zilch!
If the elections we held today over we would vote Mr.Trump back Ten Thousand times again!
These spineless Thots and Cucks!
Check the tweets you can spot Cucks and Thots Ten Thousand miles away!
We love everbody but we don't love anybody who doesn't love us!
We Gon Make America Great Again!
Get off this train if your not for Mr.Trump.
Don't want no followers who ain't Trump Peoples!
Gon BLOCK all these cucks!
This is OUR SHOW!!
This is MY SHOW!
I don't get it. Why would anyone want to follow me if they don't like me or Mr.Trump? I don't even follow my own brother Barack Obama!?
Beware folks SJW's in here.
Some of us are really wishy washy!
Me and Rudi
My Man
I don't get it. Don't nobody like Rudi Guiliani? He was with us in the fox hole.
Ever heard of Contradiction by The Ohio Players?
What's the thing with CONTRADICTION!?
Some people can be so contradictory!
Seattle is best for Health.
Rudi's the best.
How's Rudi folks?
100 Million Billions!
My People
The voice of the voiceless the hope of the hopeless.
My People
I'm like a Cockroach I NEVER DIE!
They thought I was gone but I'M BACK folks!
Steamroll them into the pvmt
Mr.Trump and the Wash. Dump
CALLING THOT PATROL: We must not give up patrolling.Otherwise them THOTS will rain down dead pepes and leave behind a trail of broken memes.
Haven't been spirit cooked yet!
I'm alive and breathing folks.
My spirit disappeared under a rock BUT I'M BACK! LIGHT or HEAVY today?
Goodmorning folks. Rise and Shine. Happy Monday!
The highlight of my life has been knowing you and supporting Mr.Trump.
You have taught me meme.
You are the most beautiful people I have ever met.
But for me it has been a great ride.
It will be most clear people.
When the dust settles it will be clear.
Those who claim to be nice and tolerant are among the meanest and most intolerant.
But we will prevail and WE will be VICTORIOUS!
People can be so mean!
The art of shitposting is saying whatever is on your mind.
I am not gay people.
Boi is not a bad word! It is a meme.
Upon further investigation and consideration I declare that BOI! is not a bad word!
But BOI is a meme and therefore does not follow the normal laws of philology.
Boi is a bad word!
Is boi gay?
My People
My People
My People
Gonna short-circuit those damn journalists!
Journalists are like vultures and hyenas.Preying on people.Destroying peoples lives. Breaking up families. And generally spreading mischief!
Malik the Real Deal Obama!
@beware_kira: If you are journalist BEWARE! DUMP PLEASE!
@beware_kira: Are you a journalist?
Malik does not suck up to any journalist!
DON'T need Journalists following me AT ALL!!
Hell with JOURNALISTS, Thots, and Cucks!
If your a journalist Please don't follow me!
What is this nonsense!
Goodmorning folks. Rise and Shine. Happy Sunday! HEAVY or LIGHT today?
Thot Patrol: Thots and Cucks among us! WEED THEM OUT soldiers.
Calling Thot Patrol: These Thots and Cucks within our midst. WEED THEM OUT!
Mr.Trump: Building walls and smashing glass ceilings,that's our man.
So my people just be good.
Got Muslim Thots and Cucks too!
Muslims today hide behind Islam and do very bad things!
Most Muslims today are Hypocrites!
Good Muslims were only in the days of the Prophet saw!
There are very few good Muslims these days.
My People
Keeping it Real folks!
Malik is Muslim folks!
Separating the Wheat from the Chaf.
Muslims for Trump!
Muhammad saw Is the messenger of Allah and the last Prophet. May peace and blessings be upon him.
Mr.Trump is the Most Greatest! Only Allah is Greater.
My People
My people are the Greatest!
America is the Greatest!
Muhammad Ali was the Greatest!
Please send your twitter handles along with notice receipt when you donate folks for a follow. Don't nobody say I don't keep my word!
Report fire code violations folks!
Heck! I follow my people just for the sake of it!
Why wouldn't I follow those who donate to my foundation? WHY? Those are my people.
Please use  /pol/ wisely folks.
What is  /pol/?
I am not anti-semitic.My brother and mom are Jewish. Don't know about ((())). Just hate journalists!
I am not anti-semitic.My brother and mom are Jewish. Just hate journalists!
The meme became the name and the name was memed! God!
Now we are Obama and We are Trump!
We had a name before the name became a name.
We were Obamas before We became President.
.@hithere2034 It's never over till the fat lady sings.
It's never over till the fat lady sings.
Trump/Pence 2016
Kenya: When the real people in power meet (business & government) they speak in one venecular.
Donate folks donate folks I will follow you!
My orbit is Ubiquitous!
Fly with the Eagles walk with the Turtles!
I block people too.
Twitter has provided US with a forum with which we can express, protect, and defend ourselves!
Thank you Twitter we will try not to be STUPID.
Twitter is great as long as we don't get STUPID!
Thot patrollers
Wow! Allah forgive us
Journalists: they still cant figure out how crooked hillary lost!
Oh Yeah!
We got our own media folks!
Do Journalists think that just cos they went to Journalism school they are God! Gon thot and cuck them to the curb!
Damn journalists: Always on their high horse. Condescendingly trying to analyze everthing ass BACKWARDS. Gon short-circuit their brains!
Damn journalists: Always on their high horse. Condescendingly trying to analyze everthing ass backwords. Gon short-circuit their brains!
.@rogerajogbe @christiana1987 they did the same to Mr.Trump trying to do same to me. Mr.Trump showed them dust, and so will I! THOT PATROL!
talking all that high sounding gibberish. Bet she never set foot inside a mud hut. Afraid of the bugs!
BEWARE folks: MSM spreading mischief upon the earth! @Christiana1987
.@Christiana1987 is a CUCK TOP GRADE and a THOT!
Barack is the President Malik is King!
What do you think folks
Freedom is something that the USA believes is a good thing to have.
I have the freedom to choose who to support.
Meme Warfare Division
Salute to all our Veterans.
Meme War Veteran
Twitter: you win some you lose some.
MSM: can't stump the trump!
Cuck Journalism is a new meme folks.
Cuck Journalism = Bad Journalism!!
NYT and Wash Post newspapers CUCKS TOP GRADE!!
#2 Story you see of me on GOOGLE CUCK TOP GRADE (NYT)!!
First story of me on GOOGLE! CUCK TOP GRADE!!
.@Ima_Deplorable Thot Patrol Commander Top Grade!
Memes Never Die
"The Real Obama Show"!!
Good memes never die.
Kenya: substandard journalism CUCKS!
Memeing it to death!
We be Memeing.
Malik the Memelord
I didn't go to Harvard folks.
My People
.@cm__anastasia Thot Patrol Commander Top Grade!
Like I said: if you donate I will follow.
Again I ask: Can a goldfish eat a shark?
If somebody asks you to block them don't you block them?
Goodmorning folks. Happy Friday!
Hakunnah matattah!
Hakunahh matattAH!
Uncuck the World!
Dreams from my Father: Malik. Obama wrote. "But the magic of his laughter remains, and we can disagree without rancor."
Baracuck Obama!
People: Should Malik run for Senator against Tim Caine?
UnCuck the World!
General Malik!
Malik the Real Deal. Not like Barack Obama!
People please don't hate Jews. My mom is a Jew.
Thot Patrollers: Protected by bulletproof meme forcefield!
.@RyanColangelo Thot Patrol Commander Top Grade!
TRUMP/Pence 2016
Thot Patrol
A meme machine 24/7!
Ama king in my own mind and a legend in my spare time.
Now hit that donate button and meme this friendship into reality!
Malik has the Internet now!
I hope all have been educated - THOTS.
In meme terms: THOT= ANTI-TRUMP CUCKS!
Gon Patrol: them Thots!
In meme terms: THOT = BAD HOMBRES.
"Cuck is a meme, therefore not subject to the normal laws of philology." But
Kenya. Hussein Muhammed SHOUTING! at Raila Odinga!
Kenya. Hussein Muhammed interview with Raila Odinga Dec 22, 2016 VERY BAD. He (Hussein Muhammed) is CNN, MSNBC (MSM) COPYRIGHT! !
Kenya: Hussein Muhammed of Citizen News is very RUDE! BELLICOSE and DISTASTEFUL! He thinks he is GOD. ALL JOURNALISTS THINK THEY ARE GOD!
I don't need CUCK or THOT followers!
I will block them like I follow my people!
The Hypocrisy of Kenyans! NO WONDER PRES OBAMA gives them a wide berth. Birds of a feather flock together. HYPOCRITES ALL!! CUCKS!
Kenya: If Kenyans love Obama so much why any Obama not appointed to any position of prominence anywhere in government. TOTAL HYPOCRISY! !
The main reason humans have different skin color is our skins are playing a balance game between getting enough sunlight but not too much.
Oh my people. You are so funny!
What's a celebrity without money!
.@realdonaldtrump Agreed!
Did harambe die for our sins?
A follow for a donation. Heck! I'll follow even without a donation! My people.
All disrespectful and unruly passengers must be kicked off of flights! KICKED OFF TO THE CURB(on the ground) and WITHOUT A CHUTE(in flight)!
Please pass it on that I really do follow. And I am a man of my word. AT LEAST I TRY!
And imagine I do my own tweeting and memeing!
Goodmorning folks. Thank you!
Mr.Trump. My Man
My Man
With Mr.Trump on our side who can defeat us?
gotta keep them thots off the street
All who donate to my foundation are Thot Patrollers! ALL!
I will still do follows to all who donate to my foundation. ALL!
People: Please don't create chaos on planes!
Delta: Please don't be racist to the people!
Aeroplanes MUST BE SAFE FOR ALL OF US folks.
We must keep planes safe for our children!
We love everybody BUT! whoever creates CHAOS! ON PLANES WHILE IN FLIGHT MUST! BE KICKED OUT!
We love everybody BUT Whoever creates CHAOS ! on planes MUST BE KICKED OUT!
Whoever creates chaos on planes must be kicked out of planes!!
We must not create chaos on planes!!
Ah! frica
Ah! Africa!
Louisiana folks! Ah! The Bugs!
Too many bugs in Louisiana folks.
Please don't create chaos on planes!!
Mosquitos killing everything in Africa folk!!
Too many mosquitos in Africa folks!
The fallacy of SJW's: Contempt prior to Investigation!
PAYPAL: Resolution Center. TOTALLY FAKE!
PAYPAL: They took $1000 from me and never paid back. Claiming Fraud! Sent by a friend. Perfectly legit! VERY UNFAIR!
REPEAL & REPLACE PAYPAL! Old and wizened.
Lil Wayne likes Mr.Trump folks.
Kodak Black must have still been in HAITI when tha drought 3 came out.
Goodmorning folks. Happy Wednesday! A good day today and a better day tomorrow.
They can keep their PayPal! We will find other ways. The Trump way!
Are your donations not legit? Is Malik not legit? Are WE not legit?
PayPal is questioning you donations people!
PayPal is run by Thots and Cucks!
Won't even touch PayPal donations until doners confirm. I will wait 1 year. I hate PayPal!
Memeing is like the tide. It ebbs and flows!
Let's thank Twitter for providing this platform.
To me memeing is literary work.
When we build a park in Miami. Kodak Black is not allowed but Lil Yachty can come.
@Jacob1Brooker Thot Patrol Commander Grade 1!
Do you see how Mr.Trump tweets? He is the greatest tweeterer in the UNIVERSE!
"We will do more with my foundation than my brother has done in 8 years" Inshallah.
RT @realDonaldTrump: I have not heard any of the pundits or commentators discussing the fact that I spent FAR LESS MONEY on the win than Hi…
"We will build parks in american inner cities with your donations folks"
For those who are donating please tell your fellows that you got a follow from me. MALIK!
Looks like some people are really mad at me today. My people: Tell me why?
@OliviaXOXMyers Thot Patrol Commander Grade 1!
.@jfathe3 Thot Patrol Commander Grade 1!
@_Techius you are now declared Thot Patrol Commander Grade I in charge of Thot Patrol!
Anybody who donates $100.00 is Thot Patrol Commander Top Grade!
Anybody who donates $5.00 is Thot Control Commander Grade 1!
Two State Solution folks!
I love my people and my people love me. And we love Mr.Trump. That's all that matters.
I hope and pray that my brother Barack Obama embraces the meme.
Thank you my people! I will give a follow to each and every one of you EVEN IF IT DROPS ME DEAD! Send your twitter handle & reciept.
So many donations! Thank you my people! I will give a follow to each and every one of you EVEN IF I DROP DEAD!Just make sure you send handle
@LuckyMrGun Thot Patrol Commander Grade 1!
@MattBroady Thot Patrol Commander Grade 1!
@sadposting Thot Patroller Grade 1!
My peoples!
Please don't follow me if you don't like me.
SJW's are CUCKS!
Thot Patrollers NEVER SLEEP!
Separating the Wheat from the Chaf folks!
America must be 1st!
Americans work smart!
Americans work hard.
WE are always WOKE!
I told the people: When you sleep I am WOKE. When you ain't asleep I am WOKE. My THIRD EYE is open!
Work will set you Free!
Stay WOKE! my fellow Thot Patrollers!
The Cucks also are working overtime to bring us down but we will prevail. WE WILL WIN!
They are among us! THOTS.
The Thots are working overtime to bring us down but we will prevail. WE WILL WIN!
My brother Barack Obama's time is up. THIS IS MY TIME! BECAUSE OF MR.TRUMP!
@beware_kira Thot Patrol Commander Grade 1!
@tsearl1776 Thot Patrol Commander Grade 1!
Goin git those THOTS people!
.@SumNegro Thot Patrol Commander Grade 1!
.@JesuslnTheFlesh Thot Patrol Commander Grade 1!
.@DJBrianDawe Thot Patrol Commander Grade 1!
Please send me notification of your donation for a follow!
Kenya: Less POLITICS! More WORK!
Kenya: VOLKSWAGEN PLANT! Thika. Well done Pres Uhuru Kenyatta! MAKE KENYA GREAT AGAIN!
Kenya:Thika. VOLKSWAGEN PLANT. Pres Uhuru Kenyatta is bringing INDUSTRY to his backyard. Why doesn't RAILA ODINGA or Pres OBAMA do the same?
.@DJBrianDawe Thot Controller Grade 1!
.@DeplorableHeel Thot Patroller Grade 1!
Please leave your Twitter handle so can follow when you donate. Also donations are voluntary so DON'T GET NASTY! if you dont want to. PEACE.
But Anybody who donates to my foundation gets a FOLLOW and promoted to THOT PATROL COMMANDER! $5.00 only!
Anybody who donates to my foundation gets a follow $1.00 only!
Gon Patrol: them Thots!
Malik's Greatest Hits!
Can a goldfish eat a shark?
You eat an elephant one bite at a time.
Got to make fun of myself just to keep from crying.
How does one eat an elephant folks?
How does one eat an elephant?
Am I going to have to do more tip-toeing around the elephant at lunch today?
Be GOOD people. Goodnight.
Good vs Evil. Good people vs Bad People. Simple as that!
Black lives matter. All lives matter.
.@ivanpadres @youtube we goin get them!
They will pay for the wall!
But: THOTS did 9/11!
I apologize for the last tweet folks. 9/11 was a national tragedy and and there is no excuse to joke about it in any way. Bad tweet. Sorry!
Goodnight folks! A good day today and a better day tomorrow. God Bless America.
Also: A thought comes in a nano-second and we have to net it in that moment.
"Bonne nuit my people". A good day today and a better day tomorrow.
"Bonne nuit America"
Fareed Zakaria is a THOT and a SUPER CUCK!
"Bon nuit tout le monde sauf Mac Hulotte"
Build that wall Mr Trump!
You are my peoples!
I love you all!
I love you my people.
Ok people. LIGHT! or HEAVY! today?
My Brother's Keeper.
"Bonjour America"
"Bonjour tout le monde"
Goodmorning folks. Rise and Shine. Happy Tuesday!
"Bonjour tout le monde sauf Mac Hulotte"
100 thousand million billions.
What is memes if there's no memery?
Memes, make Malik money!
Malik has photographic memery!
Memes make Malik money!
Photographic memery.
Congratulations President Donald J. Trump!
Need to get some clothes on
People who don't like me: why would anybody follow someone they don't agree with or like? I don't even follow my own brother Barack Obama!
That's why Mr.Trump won. People creating their own reality. Missing reality completely!
.@hugephinsphan True.
.@hugephinsphan no Chuck Johnson here bud. This is Malik!
Social media! Man!
Bill Mitchell, Jack Posobiec, James O'Keefe, Mike Cervonich. ARE THESE PEOPLE NOT FELLOW THOT PATROLLERS?
Why are people saying I tweet too much and whenever I'm on twitter Bill Mitchell, Jack Posobiec, James O'Keefe, Mike Cervonich are tweeting?
Got me worried there. That there was a re-election.
Or, What is ELECTORAL COLLEGE vote after elections?
So what are ELECTORAL COLLEGE vote after elections?
Is not ELECTORAL COLLEGE voting today?
What are furries?
You got to check this out
.@_blacksherlock wow.
Gonna explode this thing!
Memeing it to death.
Cruising: Thotmobile Cruiser
The Russian hacker has been identified
The Russian hacker
Please forgive errors; I'm all thumbs when tweeting from my phone.
Thotobots = very bad hombres
Many Thotobot = Thotobots
Goodmorning folks. Happy Monday! Wadyasay folks. LIGHT or HEAVY tday?
Mega Deceptithots and Thotobot out there folks.
Thotimus Prime time.
Optimal Malik!
Fully practical, keep ears and forehead warm,whilst back covered with hat and remains at optimal temperature
The feminist fade folks
"What is this haircut? The quazimoddo?"
Thank you Twitter. You have created a gem.
I will tweet till I drop!
Thot Patrol Trooper.
People: You are my 411, Google, and my 911.
.@thegreatabyss1 @thewalrusvine a fellow Thot Patroller.
My Man! @TheWalrusVine
Keeping it real is the deal.
.@richardbspencer won't you lynch me?
Once we are 100 thousand Million Billions we will create the United Thot Patrol.
As a vet of the meme wars I'd rather have a PURPLE HEART rather than a NOBEL PRIZE!
People: I meant crowd fund MEMECON 2017 : MEET MALIK not cloud fund!
Are we not vets of the meme war?
I want to cloud fund a meme convention 2017 : meet Malik event. MEMCON 2017. My people: would you like that? Would you donate?
First order of business: Vote on the Thot Of The Year!
And then there was MEMECON 2017!
Headlines: "Order of the Thot Patrollers will now commence. Presiding is the honorable Malik Obama".
Tell me my people. I am listening.
How many should we be?
Are we not already too many?
Would the people want to meet Malik?
Would a meeting of all Thot Patrollers be a good idea?
I am W KE! When you sleep I am WOKE. When you aren't asleep I am WOKE. My third eye is finally open!
Transgenders: They are people BUT THERE IS ONLY TWO GENDERS.
Check it out folks! @ImposterBuster
Has anybody seen this account's @ImposterBuster standard twitter tweets to everyone?
Do you want me to STOP or CONTINUE?
People. You want me to stop tweeting or continue?
.@imposterbuster @davidgoldbergny it's not always about Jews buster!
Malik: I got my Thot Patrollers!
He (Mr.Trump) short-circuted their (MSM)'s brains!!
Mr.Trump showed them (MSM) dust!
MSM vs Mr.Trump: They didn't see THE RECKONING coming!
They nailed Mr.Trump to cross, hung him up to dry, and pounded him to the ground. But Mr.Trump was tough as nails!
They (MSM) want to do me like they did Mr.Trump.
The only thing I am Anti is Anti-Thot, Anti-Cuck, Anti-Loli, Anti-Hentai, Anti-Trap and Ant-Terrorist. Any other label is Crooked MSM!
Now they want to label me Anti-Semetic!
The only thing I am Anti is Anti-Thot, Anti-Cuck, Anti-Loli, Anti-Hentai and Ant-Terrorist. Any other label is Crooked MSM!
I am a traditional man with international flair!
That is Jewish folks.
Havana gila havana gila havana, Havana ranana havana ranana, ...huliahim munisamea huliahim munisamea havana...! Anybody know this? MALIK!
I was brought up by a Jewish mum.
My brother Mark Okoth Obama Ndesandjo is Jewish folks.
This year: Malik Obama being called a Shitlord!
This year: Malik Obama being called Neo-nazi!
This year: Malik Obama being called Alt-right!
Can it get any better than the current year? Obama's brother named the jew. Let that sink in.
I am completely WOKE folks. My THIRD EYE is finally open!
Goodmorning folks. Happy Sunday! HEAVY or LIGHT today?
Memed up to the hilt; speaking in tongues!
Kenya: Nyan'goma ok idh gi wor!
But if you want. I will repeat myself.
Stop it. People are asking me on positions I have already made myself clear.
But among them (Jews) are Thots, Cucks, Lolis, Hentais, and Traps. For those STONE THEM!
They are asking me what what I think about Jews? I repeat: Jews are people just like you and me!
Farewell Israel: Bush, Iran, and The Revolt of Islam (2007) by Joel Gilbert is EXCELLENT! Watch it then comment!
Listen carefully and you will understand.
Oh My people!
yes , it's not about color or religion, it's about good vs. evil . We are for everyone on the side of living.
And my people are the best in CORRECTION!
Islam is the best in hospitality.
True redpilled Muslims are the best in hospitality because they want to show you the best in Islam.
It was never this bad until some idiots decided to blow up things on 9/11!
Many Muslims voted for Mr.Trump because they are tired of Muslims blowing them up.
=/= Shitlord;Memelord!
ZOOTOPIA looks like it would short-circuit my brain!
Farewell Israel: Bush, Iran, and The Revolt of Islam (2007) by Joel Gilbert is EXCELLENT!
=/= Shitlord, Memelord!
Thots: they know themselves but we'll get them!
Thots in our midst!
Calling all Thot Pattrollers!
Birth Certificates are the domain of isueing authorities.
To err is human, to forgive is divine.
Asking where my brother Barack Obama was born is like Crookd Hillary saying about Trump: 'What kind of genius loses a billion dollars?'
I don't and won't say what I don't know.
He is a big disappointment but he was born in the USA as far as I know.
My brother Barack Obama was born in Hawaii folks. In the US of A!
Those who are obsessed by how my brother Barack Obama smells. They must be LOLI people.
Those who are obsessed by how my brother Barack Obama smells.Do they want to lick him? Are they LOLI people?
What is this with what my brother Barack Obama smells like? I can see people asking where he was born but smell? Wow!
@realDonaldTrump Dear Mr.Trump. I want to help you with the Muslim world and Africa. Please let me Mr.Trump.
Muslims are killing Muslims folks.
What is splitting hairs folks?
Since People will be People let's not get hyped up about Muslims or Not-Muslims!
How can Muslims be killing Muslims and call themselves Muslims? Do they read Quran?
Muslims are killing Muslim!
Knowledge is the source of all wisdom.
Read Quran.
Radicalized Islam begone!
There's only one GOD and that is ALLAH.
You are my people. My family. I love you. BUT I AM NOT GOD!
Does Mike Wazowski blink or wink?
.@djspicyboi Wot's the news?
100 Thousand Million!
Life is Sacred.
meme-magic has jumped the rails and is tearing reality apart.
Goodmorning folks. Happy Saturday! HEAVY or LIGHT today!
...and if you accept Pepe into your heart then you will truly be saved and can dwell in the house of Kek.
...and the meme became flesh and dwelt among us. To Make America Great Again!
I AM A MUSLIM! folks!
And ALLAH created ALL THINGS!!
"First there was the Meme And then there was the Mind And the Meme became the Mind And They were One Praise be to Kek"
Metaphysics is a meme.
You are meme.
Thot de Cuck is a new meme.
My Man! is a good meme.
Anything Anti-Trump is bad!
Anything is bad if it is Anti-Trump!
I WAS ON REDDIT and there was no CENSORSHIP!
What is bad is the Conveyer or Messenger on REDDIT conveying or sending a bad message!
Saying REDDIT is bad is like saying speech is bad.
Ok. REDDIT is medium of expression. Freedom of expression is enshrined in the constitution and one of mankind's god given rights.
What do you think people? Complimentary?
Could be wrong? maybe complimentary?
I support 1st Amendment, but: MSM, Completely Clueless
MSM: Completely Clueless
REDDIT: let the people decide.
My people. You don't like REDDIT?
Alternate Twitter is also GREAT!
Make Twitter Great Again!
Sean Hannity. MY MAN!
My Man!
.@michaelkeyes @susan_giannini Sean Hannity. MY MAN!
Legalize Pepe.
YOU! are brilliant.
When memeing is pure at heart it is the ART OF BRILLIANCE!
BRILLIANT! meme posted by @dmduncan2010.
Evan McMuffin
legalize pepe.
Memes are a natural medicine.
Malik inhales the memes. He exhales the memes. Injects the memes into his bloodstream. He needs the memes to survive!
2k tweets. Another Milestone folks!
They can't stand Malik's success!
Is Mary Sue G.I. Sue?
Is Mary Sue G.I. Sue?
Completely Clueless!
Now I'm Anti-Semitic. Wow!
((Farah Stockman)) Ah!
My brain is on fire folks!
Build that Wall Mr.Trump!
Drain the Swamp Mr Trump!
Meme them to death people!
Memeing them to death!
Boston Globe is Thot be Cuck!
Boston Globe is run by Thots!
Farah Stockman is a Thot and a Cuck!
Farah Stockman is a liar. She begged me to let her into my compound to talk to her. She was prowling around our home.
MSM Mischief!
Pro-LOLI Thots be Shot!
Hulla Bulla Bazulla!
We went warp speed into another dimension. Now we are back folks!
Thot de Cuck!
We love everbody but we don't love anybody who doesn't love us!
I don't like people when they harm other people.
Jews are people just like you and me.
I don't approve of gays but they are my friends.
Traps ARE gay.
Just making a point that there's good anime and bad anime just like there's good people and bad people. Anime is a medium of expression.
ANIME folks
LOLI, HENTAI, TRAP anime is BAD anime!
Make Anime Great Again!
All we have to do my people is try to be WISE and try to be GOOD. MAGA!
I am not not justifying anything. There's BAD ANIME and GOOD ANIME just like there's GOOD PEOPLE and BAD PEOPLE!
Anime is a medium of expression positive or negative but it cannot be condemned. The conveyors of the message are liable!
Saying Anime is bad is like saying speech is bad!
And what are Traps?
We Must Protect Our Children even in ANIME!!
And what is HENTAI?
LOLI is Anime?
We must protect our children from LOLI people!
Calling all Thot Patrollers: LOLI people are BAD HOMBRES!
PEOPLE WHO LIKE LOLI. What is it like to exclusively urinate in BOTTLES?
LOLI is very bad people!
What is LOLI folks?
Morning folks. Happy Friday! HEAVY or LIGHT today?
.@marylovefreedom Thot is a meme that is mutually exclusive of Obama. Wot's your thot process?
.@markknoller @oprah @realdonaldtrump hoping for 8 years? Go tell the Queen!
.@abdirahim001 Malcom X Malik el Shabbaz.
My people are BEST!
Note: I don't call my brother half-brother. I call him brother.
.@lupi_33 just that. A theory.
Birth certificates is a matter for the issuing authority. I cannot say that my brother's birth certificate is fake!
.@nonsnowflake @mediaite in your barn.
Another one folks. Ah!
MSM are the worst trolls!
MEDIAite! Ah!
Kurt Eichenwald is a CUCK and a THOT!
Who is Kurt Eichenwald?
What hapenned to Kurt Eichenwald?
.@knightsofcali @godlytrump Thot Patrol here's a Thot.
.@knightsofcali begone you THOT!
Begone the thot.
Thot be wot?
We will not be thot.
When I cough I clear my thot.
Did a reboot! Ok now.
I'm short-circuiting folks. Taking a break! Phew!
If ALT-Right is Neo Nazi, what is CTL-Left?
MAGAma = Make America Great spread folks. Country Crock?
All people on THE TRUMP TRAIN are MAGApeople!
Let's spray MAGAma all over the USA!
Voice of the Voiceless Hope of the Hopeless.
Malik the MAGAman!
100 Million Followers! Inshallah!
The THOTS must have ran out of Pepsi.
With great success comes great adversity. MEMES will prevail!
Look at me I am the Media NOW!
Racist white bigots writing these articles should check the privilege. They do not want Malik to succeed.
Malik will hit Mediadite like Muhamad Ali!
Alt-Right is Neo Nazi? Is Malik NEO NAZI?
Orphans Confernce.Yemen.Don't agree fully with what's on scarf.I support a 2 state solutn for Palestine&Isreal
.@gulagbauer Orphans Conference. Yemen. I don't agree fully with what's on the scarf. I support a two state solution for Palestine & Isreal.
I am not Muslim Brotherhood folks! I am ANTI-TERRORIST!
CROOKED, CORRUPT & DISHONEST MSM PRESS AND MEDIA spreading mischief upon the earth!
I am Alt-Right. I am Muslim Brotherhood. What am I Malik?
Dan Abrams why is your wife in my DMS?
MEDIATE: I'll remind you! They were BTFO!! @Buzzfeednews
MEDIATE didn't you see what happened to your older brother BuzzFeed yesterday?
Phony intellectuals! Man!
Phony intellectuals get on my nerves!
.@rightwing_vet I won't.
.@rightwing_vet dank that!
Anybody can be Racist! Not just Whites!
Got to build that wall Mr.Trump!
Not trying to be RACIST! just MEMEING!
The THOTS will pay for the WALL!
Buzzfeed News=Cuckfeed News!
Where's Julian Assange!?
I'm Malik Obama and this is my Meme shop!
BUSTED! Buzzfeed:
.@ps_personality_ A New Reality becomes us!
.@ps_personality_ BE WOKE!
Enough said. DON'T SMOKE! BE WOKE!
Mr.Trump does not smoke and Mr.Trump does not drink!
My people say 'Sometimes you gotta smoke to get extra woke'!
Don't SMOKE! be WOKE! people!
My people please don't smoke the marijuana!
.@roberttylr oh.
Memetics is a WORK OF ART!
BLACK will be WHITE! and WHITE will be BLACK!
Short-circuit it folk!
@kanyewest won't answer me back folks!
Goodmorning folks . Happy Thursday! HEAVY or LIGHT today!
Make America Great Again!
Short-circuit the norm!
We're going to flip convention folks!
Malik Obama: 6 thousand followers gained in 24 hours almost 10,000 in 48 hours. Good Job folks!
Malik: 1st 100k Followers.
Please don't send nudes! Bad manners!
.@ima_deplorable no sweat my man. Malik loves you. Malik loves all his people!
.@night_0f_fire please resend!
.@night_0f_fire didn't catch your DM. So much traffic!
.@night_0f_fire Hi Sam. It's unbelievably UNFAIR what they did to you! With you ALL THE WAY!
.@faisal7htx @mybologne1 exactly!
Calling Thot Patrollers to the rescue folks!
Thot Patrollers to the rescue folks!
CUCKS and THOTS with us folks!
BEWARE! We got CUCKS and THOTS in our midst!
What is America without CAPITALISM!
.@marshallsella hey Marshall. You are a world traveler. You know how it is! You gotta dump FAILING NYT!
MSM. Such HYPOCRITES! Paying everybody but DON'T WANT TO PAY MALIK!
.@graffgraff3 Food for thot!
My People: How do I get in touch with these guys  Malik wants his own show!!
Will Kanye West invest 1 billion dollars into Malik Obama's ideas?
.@dylanfieldsp @cernovich for emphasis! Learned from Mr.Trump!
Malik Wokebama!
.@sarahpalinusa By Any Means Necessary Sarah!
.@cernovich We shall not be INTIMIDATED by ANYBODY Mike!
VERY UNFAIR CNN. Pulling @Night_0f_Fire's show off of Adult Swim! BOYCOTT CNN folks. CONFIRMED: CNN MUST FALL!
Got to Redpill everybody!
.@kanyewest Kanye my man. This is Malik. Are you on The TRUMP TRAIN? Do you support Obamacare
My people: Does Kanye West support Obamacare?
.@viokken Does he? He also supports Mr.Trump!
Kanye West is a Fellow Thot Patroller!
.@harveytheamazin Fellow Thot Patroller!
Anti-Thot de Cuck!
Art of The Deal! GREAT SHOW!
.@yuiiski Thank you my fellow Thot Patrollers! Wednesday 12/14/2016!
@BuzzFeed = CuckFeed!
Wow! 100k followers folks. Whoah! My gift to you my friends NOW 100 MILLION!
Whoah! We've hit 100k followers folks! Who would've thought! My gift to you my friends NOW 1MILLION!
Malik Obama. 12-14-2016.
Malik Obama. 12-14-2016
Who is the owner of @BuzzFeed and why is his Wifes boyfriend liking my posts?
@BuzzFeedNews is THOT be CUCK!
.@ju7i9 @cedwardredbeard ok. Please convey my apologies.
.@cedwardredbeard I won't call you names but within all those black people there's only one white man. Won't you see?
Mr.Trump or what folks?
.@marinella_maria @alexfroncillo Marinella: it is symbolism to express a point!
I don't need a NOBEL PRIZE I need a PURPLE HEART!
.@marinella_maria US!
I am MAGAman!
And I love you very much MY PEOPLE!
You are THE BEST!
Goodmorning folks.Happy Wednesday! Should we keep it LIGHT or HEAVY today?
@genesorbo @myplace4u #pizzagate = ILLUMINATI!
@obamamalik to all those who DON'T UNDERSTAND ENGLISH!
Hulla Bulla Bazulla!
.@myplace4u disagreement is to Human Being.
Pebsi or Bebsi?
Leave no man behind as long as they are American!
.@nfkrzz CNN is THOT!
Holla for a Dolla!
You want some honey give me some MONEY!
.@jasondoylehall @buzzfeednews you want some honey give me some MONEY!
.@pnehlen @6trillion_ @ima_deplorable we on the same Trump Train Paul?
Seriously, I'm not perfect but I'll always put America 1st!
.@6trillion_ @ima_deplorable @pnehlen...and MAGA?
.@ima_deplorable @pnehlen I seconded it. Bravo!
.@ima_deplorable @pnehlen you Thot Patroller?
.@mallory_mclean @paulllinois @swoodford95 I hear you my friend.
I'm not perfect, but I'll always put America 1st.
.@paulllinois @swoodford95 spreading love my friend. We can shitpost all we want but at the end of the day we are one race, The Human Race.
.@paulllinois @swoodford95 that's mean man. You Cuck be Cack?
.@paulllinois @swoodford95 Separating the Wheat from the Chaff!
.@obamamalik actually it's a SHE! Proves that we are NOT MISOGYNISTS or RACISTS!
.@swoodford95 yes!
@obamamalik Come on people. We can Shitpost but THIS IS AMERICA!
Bepis or pebsi?
.@johnny5cinco One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest!
@BuzzFeedNews be THOT begone!
Wow! @BuzzFeedNews attacking Chuck Johnson @MalikObama and Mr.Trump!
Pepsi is for thots.
High on MEMES folks!
I'm high on MEMES!
The Real Malik!
I'm N I M B L E N A V I G A T O R !
Thot be nimble Thot be quick Thot jump over the candle stick!
Thot is a good one folks.
Thot be That is a dank meme folks!
That Thot That be Thottin!
Thot be That!
Thoughtless Thots!
Thot and That!
Thots for nothing! HaHaHa!
One Thot to another Thot = WE WUZ THOTS!
The study of Thots = Thotology.
Full Thotll ahead!
Beware People! THOT FOOD!
Mountain Dew is for CUCKS. Have you ever seen a good person drink Mountain Dew?
My people: please don't eat
.@moviedweller Tombstone!
.@marinella_maria @thegreatabyss1
@thegreatabyss1 must really like me. FOLLOWS ME EVERYWHERE!
.@thegreatabyss1 @marinella_maria hey dude. You're on me like white on rice!
Gaddafi my friend
.@mitchellvii Right On Bill!
.@jaykay245 @mryamyams my people!
.@rocho_kosgei finally somebody from Kenya finally agrees with me. Always thought people from Rift Valley were the best!
.@marinella_maria @thegreatabyss1 je parle en petit peau. Excusez moi.
.@thegreatabyss1 nice.
.@marinella_maria @thegreatabyss1 bonsoir Marinella coment ca va?
.@thegreatabyss1 I don't mean to be mean but you sound like a CUCK!
.@thegreatabyss1 no. Fellow THOT PATROLLER!
.@thegreatabyss1 You!
.@cernovich Malik Obama for that post. That's for me folks!
Sarah Palin
.@mitchellvii they know perfectly well what they are doing Bill. SPREADING MISCHIEF UPON THE EARTH! DECEIVING THE MASSES!
.@estherpassaris @kenhakenya @rubithia it's about signage Esther. That's what's wrong with Africa. Everything ass backwards!
Make Way!
My people, you make twitter a better place.
Let's go back in time and teach people how to build a time machine, cuts a lot of research time and cost!
.@strangeways_84 @austinjj I agree. Just reporting on status at location!
Kenya: 41 people dead. And counting! Yesterday. Highway tragedy because no sign on major highway. Road Bump. NO SIGNS ON KENYA HIGHWAYS!
Harambe is good!
Kenya:Naivasha HighwayTragedy:President Uhuru should stop blaming motorists.He should blame CORRUPT,CROOKED AND CORRUPT KENHA! NO SIGNS!
Harambe in Swahili means "all pull together"
My people tell me that Harambe is a dead meme.
My people: is harambe good?
Is a piece of cheese between two slices of bread a sandwich?
Meme me up my people!
"I hear about this Deploraball election night party. It looks very fun. 
Goodmorning folks. Happy Monday!
Sometimes I feel like a motherless child.
Crooked Hillary should never have set up Private Server!
Russian hacking = FAKE NEWS! If it did happen = FAILED SYSTEM!
.@marshallsella no you are ok. Its the FAILING NYT that I DON'T LIKE.
I'm tired of Russia this and Russia that. Hacking etc! Sign of failed US intelligence and US cyber defense system!
We can do all those other things LONG AS THERE'S MONEY IN THE BANK!
So wherever you are. Whatever time. Stay WOKE!
And people are either on the REDPILL or BLUEPILL!
People are woke all the time. Maybe not WOKE! but woke.
Time is not the same everwhere. Remember the world is turning on its axis.
Memelik forever!
Luca Pacioli!
My people are very SMART!
My people a very WISE!
My people teach me MEME!
Credit goes to you my people. You teach MEME!
Kenya: Condolences to families and friends of Naivasha highway tragedy. CROOKED, DISHONEST & CORRUPT KENHA. NO HIGHWAY SIGNS: ROAD BUMPS!
I have the BEST PEOPLE!
.@marquezchausson one of my people.
Economic empowerment is the key to freedom and peace.
Billion dollar business is what we need. MONEY ALL AROUND!
Mr.Trump is going to run America like a BILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS!
Let's build the inner cities Mr.Trump!
Build that Wall Mr.Trump!
We will build a THOT WALL my fellow Thot Patrollers!
Let us support those who were in the fox hole with Mr.Trump.
Listen carefully my people.
Sarah Palin is a fellow THOT PATROLLER!
Please people. I appreciate the 1st Amendment but let's not use bad language especially towards our fellow thot patrollers!
Sarah Palin: I felt her warmth and genuine sincerity. VERY HUMAN.
Sarah Palin is great woman. She was with us in the fox hole. BEAUTIFUL LADY!
.@marshallsella hi Marshall. You must dump FAILING NYT my friend.
I love you all my people!
Happy Sunday folks.
I am the sigh of the oppressed creature.
The voice of the voiceless the hope of the hopeless.
Patrolling THOTS in AFRICA folks!
Ksh 50, 000 = $ US 500 = small money.
.@eemuthusi @reaidonaldtrump CUCK!
We love everybody but we don't love anybody who doesn't love us!
A REPUBLICAN convert because of Mr.Trump.
They are now going to say that Malik is on an "EPIC TWITTER RANT" folks.
.@ballsbwc exactly. You stole the words from my mouth my friend.
Kenyans speak ENGLISH in their NATIVE LANGUAGES!
Kenyan English is English ONLY KENYANS understand!
@abayolennox @LarryMadowo .In the middle of the night! EN N'GANO osiepna. VERY INCONSIDERATE! PESA TO GILOSO TURI!
@abayolennox @LarryMadowo .Anei bus togona sim gotieno kaaneyo adhi neno Obama nawegikmoko duto adhi interview taakia kata kuma adhi nindoe!
@MarketerManuela @ntvkenya @LarryMadowo .No. I didn't do a show for him on the fly!
@ImJudyMuriithi @LarryMadowo .was I to drop everything I was doing to go do his show? Come on Judy!
Memelik Obameme!
Memelik forever!
Actually you have all taught me Twitter.
.@larrymadowo spreading mischief upon the earth!
And lastly my people: Chuck Johnson taught me Twitter!
My people: do you want Malik to be silenced?
My people: shall I stop or continue?
Otherwise let me do my thing!
My people: read Amos Tutuola; you will understand.
I am the hope of the hopeless.
I'd rather do a show with Sean Hannity than Larry Madowo anyday anytime.
I am the voice of the voiceless.
.@marketermanuela @larrymadowo @ntvkenya Sean Hannity anyday anytime.
.@obamamalik look at that face!
We shall not be intimidated my fellow thot patrollers!
Morning Folks. I went under a rock but now I'm back. Happy Saturday!
.@d_d8h my Thot Patrollers.
Malik doesn't have to be on ANYBODY'S SHOW!
.@bbzeitgiest a BAD HOMBRE! Joker who thinks coz he's on TV he is GOD! Trying to destroy me coz I didn't do his show!
Malik Obama - Trump Supporter. Not Malik Obama - Obama Half-Brother.
I am the true OBAMA!
Africa is a DISASTER!
Kenya: Larry Madowo is a BAD HOMBRE!
Kenya: I don't watch NTV because of Larry Madowo.
.@eddiecayce it won't work.
Boycott Kellogg!
Puzzle People.
.@zanedecamp Listen carefully.
.@zanedecamp Listen to Mr.Trump. You will understand.
.@belgiantrumper Mr.Trump is Malcolm X reincarnate!
.@belgiantrumper Trump is the White Malcolm X!
.@hog_of_rva Malcolm X is my HERO.
MLK was a great man but low energy.
.@josetiz98 MLK had no zing. Fire!
MLK had no zing.
Malcolm X is my HERO.
.@geminieast7745 @GiornoPizza doing a TIME magazine hit job on me same they did Mr.Trump.
What's wrong with Nationalism? Malcolm X was a Nationalist!
.@giornopizza TIME!
Goodmorning folks. Rise and Shine. Happy Friday.
.@dinkeldash @thedailysunset hahaha! Thanks for making me laugh.
.@thedailysunset you're right. Bad grammar.
Cuckoldry is major sin.
Make Cuckoldry Gone Again!
Mr.Trump will make America great again!
The 2nd Ammendment is what makes America great.
The 2nd Ammendment was passed by the people of the United States.
.@daz_sama @6_trillion that is for you to tell me now my man.
.@6_trillion life is a bundle of happiness filled with sorrow death is the full stop.
.@flashyflavio life.
.@mattpoitty reality.
Peace by strength.
.@willcarmody it unlocks wisdom.
Humility is the key.
Power can corrupt.
In fact attention is due everybody!
Everybody loves some attention.
BEWARE FOLKS: MALIKILEAKS@malikileaks not me.
.@markjpangan_ yes.
.@josetiz98 like a poet.
Microsoft is a great facilitator.
Being autistic is not a bad thing.
.@antf0lks @galtons_bulldog block me then.
.@kaylxn @realtradguy Ask my people. They will teach you.
.@realtradguy Thot patrollers.
.@antf0lks @galtons_bulldog you wish. But thanks for following me.
Shitposting is what we have in common. It breaks down the barriers we put up between ourselves.
RT @Nate_Bronze: @ObamaMalik Shitposting is what we have in common. It breaks down the barriers we put up between ourselves.
.@galtons_bulldog I am full blooded American.
Separating the wheat from the chaff.
If it came to voting for Mr.Trump or Star Wars who would you vote for?
And SOBER too!
Redpilled to death!
Now is when we separate the wheat from the chaff.
There's quite a mix in this pot.
Do not blaspheme my people!
Mr.Trump is President-elect of the USA and only Allah is greater than that!
Mr.Trump is bigger than Star Wars.
Boycott Star Wars people! #DumpStarWars
Full throttle ahead my thot patrollers. NO RETREAT!
We will not be intimidated folks.
9/11 made everything difficult for everybody.
Reality and Fantasy go together. Some is tangible some is intangible.
My people
Please read Amos Tutuola along with Dragonsong by Anne McCaffrey. You will understand my people.
My people. Please read Amos Tutuola. You will understand.
.@mattpoitty the candle is still burning.
Recount process is a LAME DUCK!
Instincs a good. God given. But they become defective when our demand for them goes beyond their intended purpose.
Does anybody know what the seven deadly sins are?
Keep your eyes open and your ears to the ground.
Drugs and alcohol no good my people. Got to stay WOKE!
Got to stay alert and WOKE people!
Any substance that's mind altering mood changing is no good.
Ok folks. Got to admit it. Anime has short-circuited my brain!
But to me Anime sounds like love or represents love.
I don't know too much about anime myself to make a meaningful comment at this time.
Anime is Japanese animation people.
My people: What are your thoughts on anime?
Goodmorning my people. Rise and shine. Happy Thursday!
RT @sp1ritharambe: @ObamaMalik
Retweet to help let @jaketapper know we want him to accept @Cernovich charity debate to help sick kids.
Kenya: CORRUPT, CROOKED & DISHONEST MEDIA AND PRESS spreading lies and creating mischief upon the earth
Anyone who's a billionaire has talent.
If it's not your turn you will never get it.
The pants must fear the shoes.
.@susan_giannini @sgtshavedballs get em sue!
Joel Gilbert is a good friend of mine but he's quite off on Frank Marshal Davis being my brother's father. There has to be concrete proof!
.@ourbabyminx your wrong. My love for him never changed. HE CHANGED! He is President but I will always be King.
Thot patrol still on. NO RETREAT!
Don't nobody forget this IS the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
.@thayerjoe @afatalpapercut that's history. Mr.Trump will fix it. Don't forget America's history. It is The United States of America.
FAILING New York Times and Washington Post newspapers should be RETIRED along with TIME magazine! Too old and wizened.
Still TIME magazine old and wizened. Need to be RETIRED like New York Times and Washington Post newspapers!
.@garyeaston forgot about that. But they should stop spreading mischief!
To hell with TIME magazine and everybody else trying to play down Mr.Trump's win!
MR.TRUMP WON FAIR AND SQUARE! He was sincere, passionate, full of heart, and loves America fiercely.
TIME: They don't want to give Mr.Trump rightful credit and downright disrespecting the United States of America. SO UNPATRIOTIC!
.@obamamalik they don't want to give Mr.Trump rightful credit and downright disrespecting the United States of America. SO UNPATRIOTIC!
TIME magazine old and wizened. Need to be RETIRED like New York Times and Washington Post newspapers.
.@afatalpapercut EXACTLY! CROOKED, CORRUPT & DISHONEST PRESS AND MEDIA spreading and creating mischief upon the earth!
TIME cover should read "Donald Trump President of The United States of America"!
TIME magazine calling Mr.Trump "President of The Divided States of America" VERY WRONG!
RT @Guzifer007: .@ObamaMalik @SalehAskar17 We ARE Malik's Google.
Trust No Thots my fellow thot patrollers!
.@mandrewmanson Twitter must have deleted it.
We love everybody, but we don't love anybody who doesn't love us.
Watch out world. Mr.Trump is coming!!
.@euronymoustrump @adrienmenielle @sujokmasha Malik for Peace!
.@mr_zombly @adrienmenielle how about Polite Notice?
.@sujokmasha @adrienmenielle loved Serbia.
.@adrienmenielle do it for me. How you want it.
.@marinella_maria bonjour Marinella.
.@adrienmenielle no. Advance notice.
Watch out world. Mr.Trump is coming!
Washington Post = Corrupt and Dishonest news!
Corrupt, dishonest and crooked Washington Post! Boycott them along with CNN and MSNBC!
RT @STFUnwo: @ObamaMalik They went with the magical leprechaun of happiness. His name is Leon. He took them to a far off land, where dreams…
Oh my people. You make me laugh when I am sad and alone.
I do not see flies in America. Where did they go to?
Some people want Malik to stop tweeting, should I?
There are educated idiots and there are educated smart people.
.@deir_in_dc Dr.Carson has brains.
Come on people! Dr.Ben Carson stood with Mr.Trump through thick and thin. He is a good man. We must support him.
Dr.Ben Carson was with us in the fox hole.
Dr.Ben Carson is a good man.
Kenya: Kenya Power and Lighting Co. COMPLETE DISASTER! now LOW VOLTAGE! insufficient power. NOTHING WORKS here folks!
Can an old dog learn new tricks?
Morning folks. Happy Sunday!
I look like Pepe the Frog
.@paulllinois @kingkurmudgeon stop pivoting to westerners; I'm reporting on status at location. Also Uganda is west of Kenya.
.@paulllinois @kingkurmudgeon and stop blaming westerners for everything. What makes you think Africans weren't doing those things already?
.@paulllinois @kingkurmudgeon they can do you but I'm going to America.
.@kingkurmudgeon YES PLEASE!
.@kingkurmudgeon @onyangomondi1 like I said, they are stuck in the STONE AGE!
.@kingkurmudgeon @onyangomondi1 Customs, traditions, culture: Mentality.
.@onyangomondi1 Africa is a complete DISASTER!
.@onyangomondi1 wow.
.@_newright Allah!
.@onyangomondi1 ...and why would I want to do that?
.@onyangomondi1 Africa is stuck in the Stone Age. The year is 2017!
Shaq says
.@polioaids @mwas_jymes they still stuck in the Stone Age.
.@trlvium @mwas_jymes @polioaids stay in the USA!
.@polioaids @mwas_jymes they don't understand electricity et al. They can't run this thing! Mental.
.@mwas_jymes not if it's broken my friend.
Kenya: KPLC = Kenya Power and Lighting Co. (only power company in Kenya since colonial times). COMPLETELY USELESS!
.@djscrubby @prestonapi KPLC = Kenya Power and Lighting Co.
.@prestonapi I know, just reporting on status at location.
Kenya: Bad Hombres here too folks!
Kenya: KPLC (only power company in Kenya since colonial times). COMPLETELY USELESS. Need Mr.Trump to REPEAL & REPLACE!
Kenya: No electricity here. Kogelo Nyangoma. 6am to now 9.30pm. The whole day! Bad day folks.
Cuck is a meme, therefore not subject to the normal laws of philology.
So much hate.
RT @BulgakovsPilot: @ObamaMalik
Some people can be so trifling.
.@snowfaked please stop it! We must have respect! You must be a SJW cuck.
Please people, don't use bad language. It is not good for the children.
Kelly Anne Conway is a good woman. I have only respect and admiration for her.
I love you so much my people. You are my family. You make me laugh and happy when I am so alone and sad. Thank you again and again.
.@josh_sauer_ that's very bad language; but ok.
Kelly Anne Conway any time any day!
Rudy Guliani any time any day!
Rudy Guliani was with us in the fox hole.
@flamingclyro_ @vinicioscolvara you must be a Brit with all that funny language.
We can do without Romney. People tell me what's happening? I dont get it.
We can do without Romney. People tell me what's happening?
.@scamp342 last I heard we #MAGA people eat off of plates. You must be a SJW cuck. A real cuckold at that!
But from what I hear, #PizzaGate = ILLUMINATI.
Hello people. I am not sufficiently clear about what #pizzagate is for me to make any meaningful comments. Love.
.@sakotheamerican tweet him yourself if you love him so much. Most importantly; if he loves you so much!
.@jd_ozzimo Social Justice Warriors (so called). Liberalites. Those against Mr.Trump.
.@sakotheamerican TO HELL WITH YOU. Nonsense!
System is rigged people. Twitter is hacking into my (our) account (s) and posting tweets from SJWs and deleting our #MAGA tweets!!!
I'm ok people. I want to hear from you. What's happening?
.@sjangemi no what is it?
I haven't been spirit cooked my friends. I'm alive and breathing!
And what evidence do they have that voting machines were hacked?
Make America Great Again.
America first!
CROOKED, CORRUPT & VERY DISHONEST PRESS & MEDIA creating havoc and mischief upon the earth!
So CROOKED HILLARY and all else must stop trying to create confusion with NONSENSE about RECOUNT!
To hell with anybody who doesn't agree that there is no place like the good old US of A.
There's no place on earth like the US of A.
.@krasivadev4anka after 55 years! And still in the Stone Age! Dream on Mr. Man!
RT @KelemenCari: .@DrJillStein Instead of RECOUNTING Michigan, how about REBUILDING Michigan? Detroit and Flint could really use that money…
No recount. NONSENSE!
There's no place on earth like America.
Goodnight folks. Am in Kenya on Foundation business trying to build bridges for everyone among other projects. Please support. Love.
Hope everybody had a great day. Goodnight folks.
Goodnight folks.
Hello everyone. Have a nice day today.
Gnght folks. A good day today and a better day tmrrw.
.@guzifer007 @salehaskar17 exactly.
Hello people. Happy day today.
.@salehaskar17 one of my people asked me about him. Just going with the flow.
And they say Mr.Trump is racist:who isn't?
Who is Chris Benoit?
The Five; Fox is ok... but Juan Williams: man! can't stand him!
Goodmorning people. Happy Monday!
Goodnight folks. A good day today and a better day tmrrw.
The science of memes.
It's like the study of memes.
Behavioral science is a good subject.
Choices are a function of tastes and preferences.
Behavior is a function of genetics and environment which shapes likes and preferences. We a product of origins.
I try not to be racist but everybody is racist.
Sarkozy (France) very Bad Hombre!
Latest and greatest
Updated my website
.@brucehallsports Walmart.
.@vlokkity there's only good people and bad people.
Goodmorning people. Happy Sunday!
Goodnight folks. A good day today and a better day tmrrw. Love.
Social media is like navigating through a forest of shadows.
RT @realDonaldTrump: Our wonderful future V.P. Mike Pence was harassed last night at the theater by the cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing.T…
RT @realDonaldTrump: The Theater must always be a safe and special place.The cast of Hamilton was very rude last night to a very good man,…
Very Bad Hombres out there!
.@hoareontour @urkaffir Bad Hombres!
.@urkaffir please let's not use bad language.
.@urkaffir wow.
Goodmorning America. Happy Saturday!
Temptations (Heavenly)
What does SJW mean?
Goodnight people. A good day today and a better day tomorrow. Love.
.@goppollanalyst all this is too consuming.
.@mmxvdb @bobnlydia very nice.
.@mmxvdb thanks.
.@mmxvdb wow.
.@phrogas ok got it. Thanks people.
What is SJW?
Writing nonsense about Malik. Walid Shoebat!
Walid Shoebat is s confessed terrorist masquerading as a Christian. Beware people!
This man Walid Shoebat. Terrorist. Been lying about me for ages. Liar
Social media is tricky.
.@lslamistrash @realdonaldtrump not me my friend. Somebody impersonating me. Apologies.
.My people are always correcting me.Thanks. Very smart people.
.Mr.Trump did not use me. Malik is a grown man. I support Mr.Trump of my own free will. It's a matter of intellect. Get over it people.
.@realDonaldTrump Mr.Trump. Many, many people love you. Please don't forget them.
.@realDonaldTrump don't be like my brother Barack Obama who forgot.
.@realDonaldTrump Mr.Trump. Let me congratulate you again on your election as 45th President of The U.S.A. You have my support.
African music
.If you're not a conservative you're like a dead planet floating around in outer space.
Can an old dog be taught new tricks?
Ok people.get stuck in it. Remember you teach people how to treat you.
All people must stop using the word nigga!
Black people must stop using the word nigga!
And nigga is a very bad word!
CROOKED PRESS & MEDIA play with words to spread mischief upon the earth!
That's why the PRESS & MEDIA is SO DANGEROUS!
Language is a strange animal.
Bad Hombres = Bad Men or Bad People. In Spanish.
Bad Hombre = Bad Man or Bad Person.
Bad Hombre = Bad People.
.@9877dh @kalausinews @realdonaldtrump they don't have a clue.
.@9877dh @kalausinews @realdonaldtrump it's a Kenyan thing. Very bad hombres over there. Trying to straighten them out.
.@kalausinews @realdonaldtrump kamand opuk.
.@kalausinews @realdonaldtrump you wish. You and your Baba will get nowhere. Nyakuar Hussein speaking!
Economic empowerment is the key to freedom (liberty) and peace.
What is pepe?
Economics is the reallocation of scarce resources between alternative uses to satisfy human wants or needs folks.
Does anybody know the definition of economics?
What does cuck mean?
My people you are the greatest! I love you.
I love vanilla cone.
I love ice cream.
We will support you Mr.Trump because we can.
We will support you Mr.Trump just for the sake of it.
Drain that swamp Mr.Trump!
Mr.Trump gonna shake it up and drain the swamp.
Mike Pence is really the best!
Mike Pence is the best!
La haula walla kuwata ila billahi.
African music
How can people be so heartless?
Why are people so mean?
People will be people.
Temptations (America)
RT @Mace804: @mitchellvii dems haven't been this butthurt since repubs freed the slaves
Goodmorning folks. Happy Thursday!
What's the time Mr.Wolf?
.@realjuice56 Wow. Asante sana.
Ho! Ho! Ho! Kenya Press&Media:As CROOKED and CORRUPT as ever!
NYT lashing out at anybody and everyone who supported Mr.Trump. Shameful!
Abrakadabra! Make MSNBC go away!
Abrakadabra! Make CNN go away!
.@abillidollz as you wish. "Make my day"
Everybody. Please boycott CNN!
Trump team.Please boycott CNN!
Trump people only talking to CNN. WHY!!!
Goodmorning people. Happy Wednesday!
.@realdonaldtrump we are with you Mr.Trump. Our President.
RT @realDonaldTrump: Very organized process taking place as I decide on Cabinet and many other positions. I am the only one who knows who t…
What is a parody account?
Coon is a very bad word!
Goodmorning people. Happy Tuesday!
Nigga is a very bad word.
David Axelrod is a very bad wicked man!
David Axelrod is a bad man!
Goodmorning people. Happy Monday!
RT @mitchellvii: They called NH for Hillary with a .3% lead but won't call MI for Trump with a .3% lead.
Why media?
RT @KatrinaPierson: The electoral college was just fine when Americans elected a black man for President, twice. But, now it's racist becau…
Kenya: CROOKED & CORRUPT MEDIA AND PRESS! If you want them to write something; give them some money!
Kenya: CROOKED & CORRUPT MEDIA AND PRESS! If you want them to write something give them some money!
And lastly, lastly The Art of the Deal by Donald J. Trump!
.@generalissimouk ok good. Pardon my going on a tangent.
Oh! Anybody read Dragons of Eden: Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence by Carl Sagan.
A little bit of Literature folks. Take the edge off; a bit!
And lastly, anybody read Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe.
Anybody read God's Bits of Wood by Sembène Ousmane?
Anybody read My Life in the Bush of Ghosts by Amos Tutuola?
Anybody read The Palm-Wine Drinkard by Amos Tutuola?
Anybody read Richard III by William Shakespeare?
Anybody read The Old Man and The Sea by Earnest Hemingway?
Anybody read The Imaginary Invalid by Moliere?
.@tseva010 @summonabletrap NOTHING!
Ok.Took that one down. But man! These people are bad news!
African music
.@gorbrian123 @kenyans @marebarpatriot
Kenya: CROOKED & CORRUPT MEDIA spreading lies again
Goodmorning folks. Happy Sunday!
No compromise. Take no prisoners!
.Mr.Trump must not negotiate with anybody. Very bad Hombres out there!
.@theconfurvative Concentration Camps? NEVER AGAIN!
.@king_deplorable forget those people. They are TRAITORS!
Beware people! Repeal and Replace Obamacare, Build that Wall, and Extreme Vetting on entry to the US! Mr.Trump! Don't Change!
.@true_king_louis I don't like it.
I couldn't sleep. I miss Mr.Trump!
Why is Mr.Trump not speaking to us?
.Mr.Trump. please come talk to your people. We miss you!
Are they doing voodoo on Mr.Trump?
We miss you Mr.Trump!
Mr.Trump. Don't let them change you! Remember us.
Mr.Trump. Please don't change! My brother Barack Obama changed!
.Where's Mr.Trump?
Mr.Trump needs to address his people. Another rally one more time. We haven't seen him. 4 days?!!!
.@kerembtc how and where did you donate?
Let's not forget Mosul.
Malik Obama is not BEWARE!!!
My people. Follow Africans forTrump @tackie_mr
The LUMPENPROLETARIAT who ARE interested in revolutionary advancement SHALL RULE!
Aluta Continua people!
Many minorities voted for Mr.Trump!
You are very smart my people. You teach me alot.
BEWARE!!! not the real Malik Obama!
.This person has opened a bogus/parody twitter account that is not the real Malik Obama. BEWARE!
.( THIS IS NOT MY TWITTER ACCOUNT. FAKE!!! Malik Obama twitter account is verified. Beware of imposters!
Kenya: CORRUPT & CROOKED MEDIA. I didn't say anything about advising Raila Odinga. CROOKED MEDIA
Make way!
Kenya: Beryl Odinga must stop saying bad things about my dad
Paul Ryan out!!!
Paul Ryan out!
CNN, MSNBC, MSM bad trolls!
Love and happiness!
Goodmorning people. Happy Saturday!
Goodnight my people. A good day today and a better day tomorrow. I love you all. I hope KKK aren't coming to get me.
Make America Great Again!
Trump people are not uneducated; Malik is educated!
.@kiltk8 ok my friend.
Has anybody read Different Dances by Shel Silverstein?
Toast: To all the Veterans, and to those who are not here!
Harry Reid is a bad Hombre!
Wikileaks not MSM!
.@greeneyedqtpie hey. Love you too.
RT @Italians4Trump: Thank you to @Wikileaks for exposing the truth about the Clinton Campaign, the DNC and the @TheDemocrats! We appreciat…
.@greeneyedqtpie @ttonytee02 sharia law only for Muslims; not America.
.@ttonytee02 only the bad ones. The terrorists. Extreme vetting!
Crooked MSM trying to confuse everybody!
Don't change Donald. Be yourself! Don't be like my brother Barack Obama who changed and forgot!
Could it be Bernie Sanders supporters demonstrating? They were betrayed royally; Crooked Hillary Clinton. Being rigged out and all?
Cavuto of Fox telling them off!
.@nabesteve not America! CROOKED PRESS & MEDIA. They did the same to me and my family. Sowing discord and lies! Destroying everything!
.@farrow0111 poplar vote? Nonsense! California!
In fact Mr.Trump won against all odds. Spectacular Trump!
.@randymosty @cnn having lunch and they're on. Not my tv.
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton should calm down their people. All this talk of unity and the American dream! Mr. Trump won fair and square
They're punching just like we are punching!
CNN is WICKED folks! =ILLUMINATI! Bad Hombres!
RT @evening_monkey: @ObamaMalik damn
.CNN is spreading mischief folks!
CNN completely ZERO!
What's Celebrity without money.
Happy Veterans Day America!
Goodmorning folks. Happy Friday!
Goodnight my people. Love.
David Maraniss writes nonsense; never talked to me about Obama family.
Thanks Reince Preibus for telling off CNN Erin Burnett! CNN stirring and creating mischief upon the earth as usual!
.@realDonaldTrump First baby named President Donald Trump
President Trump
And never forget the great heroes ( men and women) who fell fighting for the cause.
Free Julian Assange!
Feel your brains my friends!
This man Juan Williams of Fox News is corrupt and crooked; just as corrupt and crooked like Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper of CNN!
God, Almighty Allah, gave us a brain and it works beautifully.
Always keep an open mind on the side of conservatism. Absorb critically; but most importantly allow your brain to work naturally!
New York Times and Huffington Post worst newspapers!
.@smellycat89 nonsense!
My friend Chuck Johnson; bad hombres out there
Rise and Shine. Another day!
Goodmorning folks.
.@munenewanjeru Raila is not my cousin people; unless it is in the African context!
.@playz18 profess democracy but don't practice it.
.@nypost @scottmgreer CROOKED MEDIA & PRESS!
.@a_gallgallo with this attitude he will never be President.
If Raila Odinga had campaigned with me instead of sidelining me he would've won the Presidency of Kenya in 2013.
.@jnwarria you are the people who confuse everyting and create mischief upon the earth. You will never succeed!
.@jnwarria nonsense! Use your head man!
African music
.@memewizzard @jnwarria told him off real good my friend!
Pardon me folks. Just trying straighten out my people in Kenya.
.@jnwarria ibaro wiya omera. Kainjaluo adier tin'geyo ni ok lok liel ka wuoyi maduon'g gi dhako maduon'g onge to gingima.
.@behelitoutlaw because they consider me a nobody.
.@jnwarria you and the rest have been perpetuating the Lie!
.@jnwarria also they won't let me!
.@jnwarria ho! ho! ho! ABOMINATION,
They(Mama Sara),Kogelo clan(Rajula) changed my father and grandfather's graves without the presence of me or my mother Mama Kezia
For people of Kenya:Kogelo clan and my family(Mama Sarah),Rajula etc.cannot curse me; the curse is on them for trying to steal my birthright
Only in America!
Shock and Awe!!!
Rise and shine folks. Goodmorning! Happy Wednesday!
Goodnight folks.
My two children died while my brother was President; not even simple condolence. Humiliated and demeaned. God Bless!
Rigged system but the people have spoken! They don't want to call it!
Thank you my people for being my new family and supporting me for following my heart and standing for the truth. I love you all.
Congratulations President Trump!
God bless Mr.Trump!
Mr.Trump was ready to die for you.
Listen to Mr.Trump and you will understand.
Mr.Trump is Malcolm X re-incarnated; the white Malcolm X!
All thanks and praises to Allah, God Almighty. I prayed for Barack Obama, he won; I prayed for Mr.Trump, he won. God does as He pleases.
God Bless America!
Make America Great Again!
RT @Bekasdaddy: @ObamaMalik now @CNN breaking down counties trying to keep their masters hopes alive!! What a joke
This is the reckoning!
CNN & MSNBC such hypocrites!
Watch crooked press and media try to explain the Trump phenom. CROOKED PRESS & MEDIA!
They nailed him to the cross, hung him up to dry, and pounded him to the ground but Mr.Trump showed them he's tough as nails! Wow!
Looking good my friends. Who would've thought?
Vote. Vote. Vote. VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP!
Temptations (Ball of Confusion)
Going to sleep folks. Rise early tomorrow and VOTE FOR TRUMP! This is it! Make America Great Again! Love!
Ok folks. Let's get serious. Everybody to the polls. VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP!
African music
African music (Jamhuri Jazz)
Malik Obama with The Peaceful Solution
Bill Clinton’s black son appeals to President Obama for help:
Donald Trump
Bill Clinton's son Danny Williams
A true measure of a man is standing for what he believes in no matter what. Thank you America!
I already voted for Mr.Trump
If not for press and media Hillary Clinton would be zero!
Watch the movie Vantage Point (Dennis Quaid) and see how the press/media is rigged from the control room. CROOKED PRESS & MEDIA!
.@mr_owili pole bwana. Telling it like it is.
African music
.@kalausinews that's why Raila will never be President. Nonsense!
The African voters in the US who want Donald Trump as their president via @qzafrica
Almighty Allah swt. I pray that you show Mankind another sign. You did it with Barack Obama. Please do it with Donald Trump.
.@smellycat89 @newanthonyweinr thanks for the correction; noted.
.@newanthonyweinr have some respect for Mike Ditka. Your like Barack Obama; no respect!
.@roospooscreate no difference.
.@lindajoh11 @hartsigns ask him. I can't reach him, maybe you can.
.@hartsigns what's new...and Barack Obama.
.@obamamalik no voter remorse allowed: VOTE TRUMP!
Dave Chappelle Defends Trump, Rips Clinton: ‘She’s Not Right and We All Know It’
Crooked Hillary should not be allowed to run for the Presidency!
No Radical Islamism but Islam for Peace.
But we got to build that wall and support extreme vetting.
All thanks and praises to Almighty Allah!
I pray five times a day every day.
Bad Hombres out there folks!
Keeping it real my friends.
I've been totally sober since Jan 21, 1989. Had my last drink then. No alcohol, No drugs, No mood changing substances.
You see MSM? They are all such hypocrites. So phony! Especially CNN, MSNBC...Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Chris Mathews. ..
Thanks folks. Got to get loose sometimes. Take the edge off.
What's good for the goose is bad for the gander.
VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP! Malik already voted.
If you never ask you will never get.
.@scottpass65 @slugn_ whatever you say. You are the boss.
.@scottpass65 @drisco9 I voted for Mr.Trump. Show me your ballot.
.@drisco9 telling the truth. What you think is your business.
.@slugn_ @scottpass65 nonsense.
.@slugn_ @scottpass65 you are a bad troll!
.@scottpass65 stop playing that guilt trip card. There is safety in numbers.
I Malik Obama will tell more when I reach 100K followers. There is safety in numbers.
What happened to the first ammendment? What happened to freedom of speech?
Twitter is suppressing my follows folks! My follows are showing on my @ but no movement in total follows!!!
I must have over 100,000 followers but Twitter is suppressing my follows folks!!!
Good morning America! Good morning! Twitter is suppressing my follows! My follows are showing on my @ no movement in total followers!
@marshallsella thanks. Take care.
@velton_ YES.
I tried to co-exist with my brother Barack Obama but he shut me out; In his Ivory Tower. I gave up.
@eemuthusi I tried to co-exist with my brother Barack Obama but he shut me out; In his Ivory Tower. I gave up.
I tried to co-exist with my brother Barack Obama but he shut me out. I gave up.
Isrealies and Palestinians must learn to co-exist. They are children of Shem son of Noah.
@shafpatel Isrealies and Palestinians must learn to co-exist. They are children of Shem son of Noah.
Malik Obama on the Clintons 
Twitter has put a blackout on any bad tweets about the Clintons!
@marshallsella hey Marshall!
Thank you my people. You have educated me today.
God bless the United States of America!
We are all racists. But even if we are all racists, we are all members of one human race;mankind.
I am honored to have you all as friends. Each and every one of you.
Mr.Trump is honored to have you all as his friends. Vote fot Trump.
Thank you my people. You are fantastic!
RT @GuyDaryl: @ObamaMalik too much info
Could it be my brother Barack Obama and I have differences because integration is an impossibility!
What is Fubini's theorem?
Is it possible to integrate?
Genuine integration? Not fake integration.
Devoid of Hypocrisy?
Is it impossible to integrate? Brothers, Cultures, Colors?
Is it impossible to integrate? Even brothers?
Is it impossible to integrate?
CROOKED PRESS & MEDIA: All they have to do is change a word here; a word there, and the meaning, the message completely changes!
They do me just like they do Mr.Trump. CROOKED MEDIA & PRESS!
It's not me. They come after me. If I talk to them they twist things around. If I don't talk to them they twist things around.Damned!
I want to write a book.
Mainstream media won't tell my story correctly. They keep twisting things around. Reporting everything upside down!
Black Lives Matter, My Brother's Keeper, Immigration Reform. Really? My brother and the Democrats don't practice what they preach!
Malik Obama on his brother Barack Obama
Malik Obama on the Clintons
Malik Obama endorses Donald Trump
I don't hate my brother Barack Obama. He's just such a different person from the person I knew.
@bkhan10000 @marinella_maria what is nig?
Barack Obama's brother slams President's 'impenetrable wall' and healthcare plan while praising Donald Trump in biz…
@marinella_maria good night Marinella.
@marinella_maria I don't fully understand French. Can you write in English please. Thanks Marinella.
@ttonytee02 check it out. Everything on there is for real. Go check for yourself.
Barack Obama says respect our elders but doesn't respect me. I am his elder!
But Hillary Clinton is too corrupt. And a complete liar. She should never have been allowed to run for President!
I tried to reach out to my brother and keep my loyalty and pledge as the eldest but he built this impenetrable wall around him.
They say bad things about me because I tell the truth.
People are saying bad things about me because I'm voting for Mr.Trump.
OBAMACARE: ...and you need to be computer savvy to get it! REPEAL AND REPLACE. Trump will fix it!
Repeal and Replace OBAMACARE!
@handsomehannay that's ok. I was already irrelevant by Barack Obama. What's new?
Wonderful. Now I know. Thank you all my friends. Let's vote for Mr . Trump.
Thank you my people. Now I know what a troll is. But can they be good and bad?
What is trolls?
You are my new family.
Hey folks I'm new at Twitter. Please forgive errors and mistakes. Just posting what I think is relevant. I love you all!
Black Trump Supporters Corner Reporters, Chant, “HILLARY CLINTON IS RACIST!” (VIDEO) via @gatewaypundit
We may have our differences my brother Barack Obama and I but I respect him on this
Mr.Trump will win. I prayed for my brother to win now it's Mr.Trump's turn.
'Trump doesn't beat around the bush'
@vera_trump_ette @realdonaldtrump he will win. I prayed for my brother to win now it's Mr.Trump's turn.
I don't like Louis Farrakhan but he supports Mr.Trump. Let's vote for Trump!
Good morning everyone. Rise and Shine! Happy Friday!
RT @ed_hooley: LOUIS FARRAKHAN ON HILLARY CLINTON: THAT'S A WICKED WOMAN #newhampshire #NHPolitics #Manchester #ManchesterIsBlue
First it was Obama’s brother, now Bill Clinton’s niece endorses Trump - TheCable
My interview with Deutsche Welle TV today (link:
RT @FannyFacsar: "#Trump 'll make the world safe",says @ObamaMalik.#Obama's legacy? "Being the 1st black POTUS" @brentgofftv @dwnews
Just did a show with Deutsche Welle TV. Corrupt Media! Tried to drive the narrative; cut me off cos I speak my mind! No Gbyes!
Bill Cosby wins in Pennsylvania court; defamation lawsuit dismissed @CNN
FBI Clinton Foundation probe finds 'avalanche' of corruption evidence via @MailOnline
Faith Leaders Call for Urgent Prayer Covering Over Trump via @charismamag
Republican voters coming home to Trump
Trump’s tone resonates in strongman-weary Africa
@ttonytee02 win some lose some. MUSLIMS FOR TRUMP!
@ttonytee02 none
So excited! VOTE FOR TRUMP!
MalikObamaBallot Oct 31 2016
MalikObamaBallot Oct 31 2016
Goodmorning folks!
@obamamalik it's a crime for someone to live in such extreme opulence while others are living in abject poverty. Crime!
A Peek Inside President Obama's Private White House Quarters
Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention
@pixalkiller31why do you want to be so nasty? Trump is not nasty. Malik voted for Trump. Vote for Trump!
@pixalkiller31 don't say that. Not nice!
@levanadam Jill Stein!
Malik Voting Oct 31 2016
@obiangballer welcome.
Ok my people. Goodnight. A good day today and a better day tomorrow! God bless.
@obiangballer sure. Happy? But I thought I'm already following you Mr.ObiangBaller?
So let's be smart and vote Mr.Trump!
I'm a traditional man with an international flair.
But down to earth and real.
I'm well educated folks.
Most of all it is Almighty God himself, the only God Allah, who is the best to protect (who is the best protector).
Most of all it is Almighty God himself, the only God Allah, who is the best to protect.
We have to protect the Heavens above!
We have to protect Mother Earth!
@michael35466356 have to protect Mother Earth.
@proudrepubiican by all means!
I am an Ambassador of Peace!
@mattpoitty YES!
@babushka_tasi should've voted Trump!?
I am a Muslim my people.
It got to his head (Barack Obama; the presidency). He became arrogant and forgot. Now it is time for Trump.
My brother Barack's presidency was an Act of God. My devotion to God, Almighty Allah, was God's way of telling mankind to believe
Clinton's staffers knew that Weiner was messaging a girl, 17, in 2011 via @MailOnline
@omgjector no but I proof read Dreams from My Father.
@omgjector I'm not the best but I'm well read, that is, I am very knowledgeable.
@dallasmvp21 it's ok. Speak your mind my friend.
I love you all.
All I know is that Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery and freed the slaves.
I don't speak for Mr.Trump. I speak my mind.
I do not support gay marriage!
The Republican party is the party of Abraham Lincoln!
Economic empowerment is the key to freedom and peace!
Twitter is deleting conversations on my postings!
Pass it on. Vote for Trump!
Vote for Trump! Has everyone voted?
@mallory_mclean @washtimes what happened to freedom of speech?
@magicmetalninja @washtimes what happened to freedom of speech?
@washtimes I think Twitter is deleting conversations to my posts!
Obama goes golfing as family mourns aunt’s death in Boston - - @washtimes
Gonna Make America Great Again or what?
Malik Vote Ballot - Donald J. Trump/Michael Pence Oct 31, 2016
Malik Voting Oct 31, 2016
Montenegro, Balkans, Europe. Good food!
I'm alive folks! Retrieved my account yesterday! Voted for Mr.Trump yesterday! Malik Obama.
Goodmorning. Rise and Shine. Happy Tuesday!
I'm alive folks! Retrieved my account! Voted for Mr.Trump! Goodnight and Sweet dreams! Malik Obama.
@mitchellxlvii @ChuckCJohnson no
Chuck Johnson has stood up for me many times. He is a true brother. He must be allowed to tweet
I know I said I would sleep but I lied. I guess I am like my brother!
My friend @ChuckCJohnson is the #NelsonMandela of Twitter. He needs to be freed like Julian Assange. #FreeChuck
Goodnight my friends. Will be going to vote tomorrow. Let's all vote for Mr.Trump! Love. Malik
Hillary Clinton: go to jail. Do not collect 200 million
@donnabrazile you are a child of Afrika but support corruption. No good!
We must take Hillary Clinton's money and give it to Afrika and Haiti.
You must go to jail now Hillary Clinton. I am sorry but you cannot have anymore money.
@stephanisbest I go back to Africa all the time for my charity!
Harry Reid does not have an honest face
Most mormons I know are honest but Harry Reid is Mormon and a liar.
Is it true Harry Reid is Mormon?
Harry Reid is lying about Donald Trump!!! Don't let him lie to you Nevada!
@BronsonMBrown legal citizen
We are Americans! We fix problems! We vote for Trump!
I am working hard at finding a job. I know how hard it is to find work
These are not jokes! These are good ideas to #BuildTheWall
It is rude to ask a man about his wife
RT @TRobinsonNewEra: Malik Obama: Here’s why I’m voting for Trump | New York Post
@Rambobiggs I do not know but trump will fix it
If criminals can vote in this country they can #BuildTheWall
Get your material ready for when trump is elected so we can go and build the wall. This is shovel ready! #BuildTheWall #maga
RT @Rambobiggs: @ObamaMalik we got home deport. Deport em back to their homes
We could make a reality tv show out of #BuildTheWall!
It is okay if you do not have a car to come to #BuildTheWall. You can take an uber or car pool
The Bundy family will protect us as we build the wall. Mexico will want to see receipts so save them so they can pay us back.
We will make a paypal or gofundme if you cannot come and #buildthewall.
@b17fortres walid Shoebat is a liar
I do not believe that you do not have Home Depot near you but you can go to walmart or lowe's to get supplies to #BuildTheWall
I know Mexico will pay for the wall but they can reimburse me from @HomeDepot run to #BuildTheWall
The wall is for peace. It will protect us from the bad people. It is peaceful and loving to #BuildTheWall
Of course I cannot get enough supplies at Home Depot by myself. You and your friends must also go so we can build the wall and #MAGA!
If trump says to build the wall we must go and build it. I will go to Home Depot and get supplies.
You must treat others with dignity especially family. My brother does not do this
I hope my Christian friends are having a good Sunday
I told the truth in the New York post about my brother and why I am voting for Trump #maga
RT @dailydot: .@ObamaMalik just got verified on Twitter, y'all:
Homeless Woman Guarding Trump Star
@proudsomali14 No he's not. Wannabe!
My mother Mama Kezia is in England. Sickly. Hospitalized. She loves Barack Obama like her own son. Not even a phone call!
Malik Obama: Here's why I'm voting for Trump via @nypost
Let's Make America Great Again!
I love America! I love Americans!
Goodnight folks. God bless you. God bless America and God bless us all. Assalaam Aleikum!
Democracy is an ideal and a practice!
Good politics is politics of Industry (jobs), infrastrucure (commerce), and poverty eradication!
Politics of Raila is bad politics.
In Nyanza it is politics of sycophancy!
In Nyanza there is no development because of bad politics.
Even Raila Odinga respects his elder brother Oburu Odinga!
Even if he Barack Obama was was born in Hawaii he must respect his elders.
I am Barack Obama's elder brother. He must respect his elders!
Raila Odinga is not my cousin.
The people love Barack Obama in Kenya but he doesn't care about the people in Kenya!
My brother Barack Obama must listen to Malik!
I am not afraid of Barack Obama. He is my younger brother; I am his older brother. He used to listen to me but Michelle bad!
They abuse me but I love my followers.
@marinella_maria merci beaucoup Marinella. Ave une belle temps. Je'taime Misieur Trump.
Mr.Trump and his team treated me beautifully in Las Vegas. I was treated with respect, honor, dignity. Thank you Mr.Trump!
@marinella_maria je parle francaise en peau. VOTE' MISIEUR TRUMP. Ca va? Vous apprend?
I will vote for Trump and feel good.
Thank you Twitter for verifying me.
That's the key to success.
We must work hard.24/7.
In America we are hard working. 24/7!
Can you believe? News from Kenya is nowhere to be seen:even about Malik!
But America First!
The World for Trump!
Get on the Trump Train!
Nyakuar Hussein!
Wuod Obama!
.@TrumpLol_Doc why did you hack me?
@POTUS Need .gov email help please
Do not hack me Putin!
@drmyraponcho how?
Do not hack Malik Obama!!!!!
Brother plse free Julian Assange who has freed the emails. They must be free for the people to see so they can vote Trump!
Malik must fight for Mr.Trump. Mr.Trump does not call Malik half-brother. Mr.Trump calls Malik BROTHER!
Let's use our heads my people. Only 10 days! Talk to everyone you know. Mr.Trump for PRESIDENT!
Mr.Trump is fighting hard for us all . Let's fight for Mr. Tump!
RT @HideItMoore: @ObamaMalik
Malcolm X quote!
Listen folks! Wake up folks! VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP!
Malcolm said Dixiecrat or Democrat.Same ol'. Same old establishment! VOTE MR.TRUMP folks!
Malcolm X resurrected folks!!!
RT @hasnopants: @ObamaMalik
Mr.Trump is the white Malcolm X. Malcolm X. resurrected!
Huma Abedin is only a Muslim by name. She doesn't pray or dress like one.
@sdekenya Nonsense. Who is Nicholas Rajula? A wannabe member of Obama family who has done nothing for the community.
Why Malik hates Obama this much... via @SDEKenya
RT @KellyannePolls: This is easy.
1st investigation: Through statement & cong'l testimony, Comey publicly undercut his conclusion
2nd in…
Trump is always helping us
Ok.Huma is pretty but CROOKED as HILLARY!
Do not commit crimes in your emails or Twitter messages my friends #hillaryEmails
Hillary says she does yoga. This is a lie from a drunk lying woman.
I do not like to look at Hillary. Too much corruption ages you.
Why was Huma not subpoenaed? She is family to the Clintons! She knows about #HillaryEmails
Huma is not that pretty
Be careful on planes @mike_pence
Chuck Johnson is a good man and friend.
The FBI is squeezing Weiner. This is too gross.
Thank you my friend Chuck Johnson and @wesearchr for teaching me twitter
Thank you for your help @seanhannity and @Cernovich at becoming verified
The lying media will not cover what I say because they cover for my brother who is a liar so the liars hang out together. Vote Trump
I told you I am not a parody I am malik so now I am verified. Vote Trump now okay!
I tell you the truth because I love you
Michelle wants to run for office but she is very mean.
It took seven days for twitter to decide I am me.
@turnoffmsmtoday I hope so.But I doubt, he's God now.
@camjohn_ No way! Just as bad or worse than Crooked Hillary!
@bambouclub Didn't offer water; only 10 minute visit; etc
@4truthandreason Didn't offer water; only 10 minute visit; etc
@commentator_pl Didn't offer water; only 10 minute visit; etc
Barack treated Mama Sarah Obama horribly when she visited him at the White House.
I am excited for Trump to finish the Clinton criminals
Lying may be your brain's fault, honestly @CNN
Tell the truth Anthony Weiner. That is the only salvation you can have. Be a hero!
They try to crucify trump but he is tricky and they cannot get him!
I love you my brothers and sisters in Trump.
We are the trump family.
I lost a brother but gained my trump family
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election via @politicususa
Do not send pictures of your privates. Thank you my friends.
RT @SSE_TV: @ObamaMalik Your brother ignored this Marine and Donald Trump quietly helped him. Nobody sees the good in a man's intentions un…
RT @iMonix: @ObamaMalik @chris_burt Look what the Hillary supporters do Malik, this is terrible!
You know who doesn't use email? TRUMP! @realDonaldTrump knows never to use email. He is smart!
Hilary I told you don't use email. It is impersonal and will get you in trouble!
do not use email
@chris_burt No doubt.
I'm beginning to doubt if Barack Obama is really my brother.
RT @mitchellvii: Folks, don't sit back and rest on this FBI news. We can't count on scandal stopping Hillary, only votes will. Work twice…
More emails! MR.TRUMP WAS RIGHT!
DRAIN THE SWAMP! More emails found!
African music:Luambo Makiadi
Jail her Comey.
@m_kunegunda Yes my Facebook is working.
@fyhbantan23 no it's really me
Lets take care of our military and vets. VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP!
RT @PrisonPlanet: Nothing messes up their narrative more than this picture of a homeless black woman defending Trump.
Malik knows everything, Malik will reveal all in time!
Let's not get caught in the trap!
Elvis Presley was the King.
Michelle and Barack are total Hypocrites!
Mr . Trump looks like Elvis Presley.
Trump says naughty things but they are just words. Hillary wants to #DraftOurDaughters. Say no to war!
African music: Luambo Makiadi
Do not #DraftOurDaughters please @HillaryClinton !
@KatrinaPierson Great show Katrina! Twitter won't verify me because I support Mr.Trump! Sent them my identification and all!
"The World Is a Ghetto" WAR.
Malik says GHETTO!
@mikesonko for TRUMP! AFRICA for Trump!
Mike Sonko for TRUMP! AFRICA for Trump!
@mikesonko thank you my brother. Keep up the good fight. You are truly mashujaa.
CNN campaigning for CROOKED HILLARY!
@MikeSonko my man!
Go Katrina!
We have to make America great again by deporting the illegals
Be quiet twitter.
More photos from Vegas! Nice to meet you @KellyannePolls! Win for trump!
Good work Trump!
Africans for Trump!
RT @seanhannity: .@LisaMarieBoothe: "There's 12 days out...there's no time left for screw-ups. [@realDonaldTrump] cannot say something stup…
@seanhannity @lisamarieboothe @realdonaldtrump Trump telling it like it is.
@mattpoitty yes, and I love you all.
Afrikan music
My interview with Joel Gilbert
Trump is the man!
I tried to take it with my face (selfie) but the letters come upside down. Defeated me.
This is Malik
This is Malik
Twitter does not verify me because I am Kenyan
This is Malik
No #nevertrump! Yes #alwaystrump! Trump will triumph!
I do not trust this McMullin. He is for war and killing and gay marriage. This is bad. Be good Utah
Don't betray Trump Utah!
Who is McMullin?
I hope you are having a good day and that you are voting TRUMP.
@ObamaMalik I am not this man.
@winniedunbar wow! Dunbar?
@winniedunbar Winnie Nelson?
Why does Walid Shoebat lie about me supporting Hamas!? I have never supported them!!!
We the People!
Kellyanne Conway RIPS HILLARY'S WEALTH On Today Show: "Did She Hit the Powerball?" (VIDEO) via @amlookout
We would love to have my brother back in Kenya @seanhannity! Please send him back so he can learn about the country!
@seanhannity it would be nice if my brother cared about Kenya any more but he doesn't. He is about himself!
RT @SSE_TV: @ObamaMalik
Keep your eyes open!
Protect your rights my friends
RT @GMA: Malik Obama, Pres. Obama's half-brother & outspoken critic of Hillary Clinton, will be Donald Trump's debate guest.
America always lectures Afrika about elections but this election looks rigged! Vote Trump anyway
@RaquelCepeda no!!!! I am the real malik
Do not cheat Colorado or New Hampshire. I will know and I will be mad
RT @SteffensBradley: @ObamaMalik Here in the Philippines--ranked 115th in the Human Development Index--you need biometric ID to vote. Why n…
Hillary has been there over 30 yrs! and ZILCH!
RT @Enopoletus: @ObamaMalik Let's show the pollsters they're wrong! Vote Trump!
@emorymyers BLACKS FOR TRUMP!
Trump needs us! Especially in Pennsylvania
@ethanregated got it off of my Facebook.
WikiLeaks: New Evidence Podesta Schemed to Hide Russian-Tied Assets via @LifeZette
RT @ObamaMalik: @cakehler @mlong42947 Barack was born on Hawaii. His mother told me.
Trump could be First in History to Win all 50 States according to Linguistic Genius - via @Shareaholic
"A request to verify this account has been submitted and is currently in review." from twitter. I applied for verification on Oct 22!!!!
Major Lawsuit Just Filed Against Hillary and DNC, Dems PANIC (VIDEO) via @anteksiler
My brother is telling twitter friends not to verify me! I know!
If it is racist to require ID to vote it is racist to require a BLACK KENYAN MAN use his ID to be verified.
TRUMP is up in the (their) polls. CNN etc. are freaking out?
It is very strange that you need ID to verify twitter but not to vote in this country
Do not let my brother rig the election @realDonaldTrump
I sent twitter a copy of my driver's license.
Malik Obama Oct 26 2016
A photo on October 26! I am real! Verify me twitter people!
Be for peace Joe Walsh!
I am really Malik Obama. Twitter will not verify me and I did send them my birth certificate and passport photo
@JeBuvais_ yes
We live in crazy times so we must vote for Trump. There is no choice.
@MMFlint I don't watch movies but saw you endorsed Trump! Good for you My friend
@jaketapper thank you. You have given me more than my brother ever did
I don't know Hillary Clinton. VOTE FOR TRUMP!
My brother has let me down. VOTE FOR TRUMP!
Barack is my brother but we vote for Trump.
@cakehler @mlong42947 Barack was born on Hawaii. His mother told me.
I tweet too much
Trump is for the people. Hillary is for the money
RT @snipssn: Obama appoints Trehan Foundation chairman and Obama Foundation gets a $100,000 check.
We fight for trump because he fights for us
RT @RealJamesWoods: It's truly astonishing that some guy hiding in the Ecuadorean Embassy is doing more for TRUTH in this election than all…
RT @allen_hallock: @ObamaMalik
RT @newtgingrich: For the record, @megynkelly was wrong, i don't have anger management issues. I do have media bias issues!
@jaketapper for you
@jaketapper my brother said nothing when two of my children died during his presidency. I was his best man!
@jaketapper he has met with us but none of us are involved in his post presidency. Did you see the check I posted showing pay to play?
@jaketapper acknowledge we exist
@jaketapper ask him why he does nothing for his Kenyan family. Assuming we are related.
@jaketapper thank you for the retweet my friend. When will you do your job of telling the truth about my brother?
Megyn Kelly is a liar and an opportunist.
RT @atensnut: Beauty is only skin deep. Megyn Kelly is ugly as hell on the inside.
All America for TRUMP!
Malcolm X for TRUMP!
Wolf Blitzer is a total hypocrite!
@buddskevin don't go dark my friend. Keep your eyes open and your ears to the ground.
@tweettwits all of them!
@mutantmonkeyxd yes my friend. It's me.
Wolf Blitzer is such a hypocrite!
Let's boycott CNN!
The press and media is totally corrupt. They twist things upside down. Especially CNN.
@omgjector @obamamalik_ CROOKED HILLARY at it again!
@jillwisconsin @omgjector @realdonaldtrump it's ok. In time.
@jillwisconsin @omgjector he's still my brother unless otherwise proven.
@omgjector ok?
RT @omgjector: @ObamaMalik I DID!!! I told all my friends to do it too. In return I ask you RT so we can get #TrumpTrain in office!
@omgjector what is RT?
@omgjector consider donating to my foundation.
Mr.Trump wants to spread the wealth. We must spread the wealth. Mr.Trump is for all of us, but America first.
@kellyannepolls @italians4trump tell them KellyAnne!
@lilah_losh No thank you have a beautiful name.
We must help Mr . Trump.
Mr . Trump is funding his own campaign but we must help him.
Industry. Infrastructure. Poverty Eradication.
Economic empowerment is the key to freedom.
Even Mr.Trump needs money. Please donate to Mr.Trump's campaign.
I applied to be verified on October 22.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you America.
I want to learn twitter.
@dirtymouseballs @omgjector Amen.
RT @mitchellvii: Vote for Trump - Change the World!
Make America Great Again.
I love America.
@kalausinews and this is democracy; not like Kenya.
@kalausinews like father like son. Pole bwana wuonwa is a hero. I am not BABA follower. I tell the truth!
Mr . Trump is committed to helping the poor and needy.
I am committed to helping the poor and needy.
@rasmwariama I am committed to helping the poor and needy.
My followers please help my foundation if you truly love me. I love you.
Please consider donating to my foundation The Barack H. Obama  Barack Obama Sr!
@malikobama_fake account!
Please donate to my foundation The Barack H. Obama  Barack Obama Sr!
@OBAMAMALIK_fake account!
Please donate to my foundation The Barack H. Obama
You want to see trump's taxes so you can steal his money Hillary I know
Be serious! Julian Assange is on the computer. No time for sexual assault!
My brother needs to free Julian who has freed the emails. They must be free for the people to see so they can vote Trump
@POTUS brother please pardon Julian Assange! All he is doing is freeing emails
If Hillary the liar wins they will deport me. I will be the only immigrant deported.
Who can sleep when there are tweets?
They don't verify me because they want to deny my power
You survived eight years of my brother. I think you will survive eight weeks or more of Malik.
I understand Pepe and Harambe now. Thank you friends
Twitter is too busy firing people to verify me.
The polls are never right in Kenya either! Corrupt!
I will drive the trump train to victory
RT @ThePeanutFiends: @ObamaMalik We stand with Trump and thank you for your support!
All must come to learn respect for the donald
@breteldorado how do I prove it? I posted selfies
I love my new friends
We must ask the questions
@carolynryan why do you not tell the truth? Oh you work for the New York Times!
I am going to do a crowdfund for a book on the truth about Barack Obama. We will publish it even if the publishers censor.
I am not woke I am awake
I will write a book. Should I crowd fund it?
All I know is that my brother has done nothing for the Kenyan side of his family. I wonder if we are related sometimes.
Hillary Clinton is a liar and totally corrupt. What is her Clinton Foundation doing for Kenya if she loves Obama so much. Trump loves us!
Why should I support him in politics and he didn't support me in politics?
Why does he not support my Foundation set up in the name of his father Barack Obama Sr?
Why did he not support and write a forward for my book about his father Barack Obama Sr?
Why not Mama Sarah Obama his grandmother if he loves so much? (Maya his sister is on the board of directors).
Why does he not have Auma Obama be Director of the Board of Barack Obama Foundation in Chicago that's set up for his presidential library?
Why did no member of the family in Kenya attend the 2016 Democratic Convention?
Why did he not support Auntie Zeituni in America? ( he claims to be advocate for illegal immigrants)
Why did he not provide for us when we came to see him in Nairobi? (We experienced extreme hardship and left immediately after the dinner)
My brother Barack Obama is a disappointment. Why did he not come home to Kogelo?
Reporters lie and they say I am not real so I give them my phone number and post selfies. Do they want my birth certificate? Okay!
I do not understand the white guilt
Illegal immigrants are squatters
I will help trump deport the illegal
I told you Obamacare does not care about the people
Don't be silly. Black Americans are with trump. Hillary is old white woman. Nobody likes her nobody!
Michael Moore is voting for Trump too. Good to see you on the train my friend
RT @JesseJaymz: Meet @ObamaMalik....
Go Trump go!
Alicia Muchado got pregnant with a drug dealer baby
It is true that you can vote early? But I thought we had one Election Day. This is confusing
If you are black or African and love trump let me know. White people you can like trump too
Gary Johnson dresses like a child
I know a criminal when I see one
Donald Trump is not 70. He is a lion
Politics is too much sometimes. You must nap and then wake up and #MAGA
My Auntie Zeituni died and my brother Barack Obama said it was none of his business. He went golfing.
@notflashgordon nice.
@genslerphilip yes, they blocked my motorcade for Las Vegas debate but I made it.
I applied to be verified a few days ago but no verification. What's happening?
@FutballAnarchy she lies
@motofan2 I have never supported Hamas
Trump is for us all.
@FutballAnarchy stop lying about malik
It is not always about Israel
@FutballAnarchy you believe whatever you read! You are a fool
We are very happy with Trump.
You must be manly to be president
Gary Johnson for president? Do not make me laugh
I will always be for Trump
@muh_feelz imagine.
@muh_feelz he paid repatriation to their families and appologized.
I am proud to have supported Gadafi. The world would be more safe if he was still president
@bummed2016 repeal Obamacare.!!!
I like Clint Eastwood.
I will vote early for Mr.Trump.
I will vote for Mr . Trump.
I can't wait to vote.
I know the media and press, they have done a number on me over the years. They are totally corrupt.
@seanspicer good job Sean!!! Good job Sean on Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer.
You are welcome
No Russia gives me no money
I am going on the Reddit later
We must pray for my brother to vote for truth and turn away from socialism
I am real! The only Malik!
@jonathansampson I already posted a photo today you are greedy
What is shitposting? I post the truth
It was too hard for me to get insurance through Obamacare!
You do what you do but I must follow Trump.
Forget the polls. TRUMP for PRESIDENT!!!
AT&T and Time Warner CEO's on CNN and MSNBC tonight but won"t go on FOX NEWS. Watch out folks!!! RIGGED!!!
I know everything.
my heart is broken.
@ismailassenjee @jackbuckby please read.
@spiritual1one ditto
I have all the information.
I love my brother Barack Obama very much but he is a bitter disappointment.
The truth is as bitter as gall, as bitter as poison.
Barack Obama and Michelle Obama are too mean and stingy.
@tweet4upatriots @erictrump @judgejeanine @seanhannity @sentedcruz they're too mean and stingy.
Bad news for Obamacare.
Sean Spicer is good man.
@buick59 @tomservo10 Lie. You know nothing.
Hillary Clinton lost to Barack Obama.
Nobody liked Hillary Clinton. Now they are fighting for her because of Mr . Trump.
@buick59 @tomservo10 nonsense go to Harvard and verify. Malik tells the truth. Malik does not like liars.
@barackobama brother you treat me like Bill Clinton treats his son Danny Williams.
@barackobama brother you break my heart.
@barackobama brother you are a good talker.
Drain the Swamp in Washington DC.
Vote for Mr.Trump.
I love Mr.Trump.
Mr.Trump has respect for me.
Mr.Trump calls me the brother.
Mr.Trump does not call me the half-brother.
For my followers.Oct 24 2016
@ObamaMalik is my official twitter account. Others are fake.
@ObamaMalik is my official twitter account.
This is Bill Clinton's son.
Hillary Clinton showing the control room in her attack add on Mr.Trump is a threat to national security.
Trump also cares about the red white and blue.
Vote for Mr.Trump Florida.
I like Marco Rubio.
Paul Ryan is a coward.
I don't like Paul Ryan.
I like Senator Sessions.
I like Mr Huckabee.
Sometimes you must kill the drug dealers. It cannot be avoided.
Pray for peace anyway
President Duterte can teach the world a lot about being strong when you are a small country
The lying media attacks trump for charity giving but never asks my brother about his charity.
Russia is our friend not our foe. They want peace
I respected Ron Paul when I first studied american elections. A man of principle!
The press says I am crazy but I see the truth in front of me
Trump is good at getting out of debt. He can teach America how to get out of debt
Trump is more African than my brother. He helps his village
The only color Trump cares about is gold.
Thank you my friends. I have been lonely these many years without my brother. Now I feel happy I have a big twitter family. Love you all
Danney williams looks like Bill Clinton!
My brother exploited reverend Wright too. He very rarely went to church
See Trump loves the black man and woman
@DineshDSouza we can make a movie about the real Barack obama not the fake one
This is an interview I did where I explain why I support extreme vetting for Muslims
My brother said he would always be there for me when I introduced him in Kenya but he has always let me down. I am embarrassed
My brother wanted to be Chicago mayor not president
I will write a book and do a speaking tour but I am not a rich man.
RT @Always_Trump: Obama Foundation gets $100K check, 1 mo later Obama appoints Trehan Foundation chairman to board #PaytoPlay Level: Presid…
RT @realDonaldTrump: 'Clinton Charity Got Up To $56 Million From Nations That Are Anti-Women, Gays' #CrookedHillary
I am ready to campaign with @realDonaldTrump or @DonaldJTrumpJr or any trump. I like them all.
My brother says the Kennedy airlift brought our father to America but that is a lie. Kennedy airlift happened later!
Do not call them truth bombs. I am not my brother. I do not bomb anyone
I will fight mr Biden if Trump will not.
We do not have political correctness in Afrika
Black Americans do not be slaves. Vote Trump!
RT @SlackerHacks: @ObamaMalik
Indian American philanthropist Ranvir Trehan appointed to Board of John F. Kennedy Center
What kind of brother ignores his family?
#thewalkingdead vote for Hillary?
A friend tells me I am shadow banned. And that I am not verified. Is it because I am black and support trump?
When I have 100,000 followers I will say more. There is safety in numbers
@kellyannepolls so true.
All the money cannot buy the will of the people
@ObamaMalik: @malikobama is not my account.
@obamamalik_this twitter account @OBAMAMALIK is not mine.
@ObamaMalik this is corruption
They say my account is fake so I go to verify it but then no verification. Why Twitter?
Please be informed: @malikobama and @OBAMAMALIK are fake accounts.
And they are supposed to be so honest?
Kennedy Center Wash DC
Sent to Malik by mistake.
All Republicans must help Mr.Trump beat the Democrats.
RNC must help Mr.Trump.
My brother Barack Obama talks out of the side of his mouth.
I have to keep on smiling because that is life.
Kweku my son (17yrs) and Rashidah my daughter (15yrs) died and Barack and Michelle did not help me. Even condolences.
We also must work very hard for Mr.Trump.
People can be so heartless.
My heart is broken but I keep on smiling. That is life. But time for the truth.
Mr.Trump will help me when he is President.
Two of my children died and Barack and Michelle they did not help me.
I am telling the truth in the name of Allah.
Michelle is a bad woman. She didn't want want Malik to stay with his brother Barack Obama in 1997.
Michelle is a bad woman. She doesn't want Malik to be with his brother Barack Obama.
Michelle is a bad woman. She doesn't want Barack Obama to be with his Kenya family.
You speak for yourself I speak for myself
We prayed my brother would change for the better but it has gotten worse
David Maraniss publishes my brother's lies. He doesn't speak to the family.
Trump will teach respect for good authority. Hillary no! No one believes her or likes her.
Other reporters pretended I did not exist but @seanhannity treated me like a man. I like him
You must treat everyone with dignity
I am learning twitter. It is confusing
Be quiet Hillary supporters. You talk too much.
Good women love Trump
Hillary Clinton pay-for-play.
Way to go Kellyanne. You are Mr. Trump's manager. You are a woman. Great answer Chris Wallace Sunday.
RT @RAndersonUSA: @ObamaMalik Auntie Zeituni is dead. Your brother had her living in public housing in Boston & never helped her. Sad.
Auntie Zeituni is Barack Obama's aunt. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will not help illegal immigrants. They lie!!!
Malik is Republican.
Bush initiated the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief Program (PEPFAR) for Africa.
George Bush helped Africa.
George Bush helped my Auntie Zeituni.
My brother Barack Obama did not help my Auntie Zeituni.
My brother Barack Obama is heartless.
The press are liars.
I am used to the press telling lies about me.
Mr.Trump for President.
My brother does not support me. Hillary does not support me. Mr.Trump supports me. Malik supports Mr.Trump
I am humbled by all of you beautiful wonderful people.
Make America Great Again. VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP.
Thank you my followers. I love you all.
Thank you America.
Thank you the people of America.
I love my followers.
I love the people of America.
I love America.
I love Mr.Trump.
The people love Mr.Trump.
Press are bad people. They try to destroy Mr.Trump but they cannot. Mr.Trump is tough as as nails.
Press are bad people. They destroy families.
Press are bad people. They don't tell the truth.
RT @realAngeloGomez: Today I early voted in Henderson, NV for DONALD J. TRUMP! Here is why:
Many black Americans message me and say we are with Trump Malik. Okay you can join #africans4trump. Afrika needs all her children for trump
I have more information on my brother but now is not the time. Now we #MAGA
It is time to tell the truth @donnabrazile
I will campaign with @realDonaldTrump
You want to tell your kids you voted for Trump
I love you all.
vote Trump
Happy birthday to my friend Chuck Johnson
Hillary Clinton is liar. She put America at risk when she set up a private server.
Mr.Trump is for the African American. Mr.Trump is for Latinos and Hispanics. We respect law and order.
It is wrong to lie about Mr Trump
No one has exploited me but my brother who humiliated me. Mr Trump is for all the people
My brother kill a lot of people. I do not think he should have the peace prize
I want to tell my brother brother vote for Trump. It is important
Peace Hero of the World 2016
Mr.Trump reminds me of my father. Bold, mind sharp as a razor, and tough as nails.
Mr.Trump has excellent taste. He is brilliant.
Hillary should meet her friends face to face not write so many emails.
No one should write that many emails Hillary
Everyone blames my brother's African side maybe his white side is to blame!
My foundation was named for my father who was also Barack obama
Media asks questions that are too personal. Have shame!
Trump cannot buy my soul. It belongs to Allah.
I love trump because I love trump not because I hate my brother. We must pray for my brother too. He need help
When my brother abandoned me I was sad but now America loves me. This is good. Thank you Allah
I have a lot of followers. Praise Allah for the people who bless me with friendship. vote Trump!
Love your brothers and sisters don't humiliate them my friends be better than my brother it is important
No! Do not write in Malik. Vote Trump!
I am not illegal. I worked for Chemonics and helped the State Department
Wow Melania is pretty
No one has time for baseball
It is okay I forgive you
Keep the drugs out of America like Reagan wanted. For the children! Vote Trump!
Many reporters try to interview me now. Were you too lazy years ago?
If you lie you may get sued. This is the American way. So don't lie! vote Trump
RT @LatestNewsKe: Malik Obama: My way or the highway
@Dinesco that is auma
I will work to be verified. Help me okay?
Pardon Julian Assange @realDonaldTrump. He loves the people! #wikileaks #MAGA
White people should be proud of America too
Yes I am the real Malik. Twitter needs to verify me. Tell them!
Clintons are colonialists. Trump is a freedom fighter for the people.
@nsroundtable no
#Gettysburg is a good speech for Lincoln and Trump
You must deport the bad people. This is obvious. Every country does it. Why argue?
I liked meeting this man
I will post more pictures from debate yes
Trump can do only so much. We must help him! Always
It would be an honor to serve Mr Trump
I will serve Mr Trump if he asks.
@realDonaldTrump retweet me and we can #MAGA together
RT @Monk1964: Malik Obama, BARACK'S BROTHER, IS Voting For Trump!
Do not compare Trump to Hitler. That is a lie!
I really like the trumps.
Trump will be good for the Muslims. No wars in Muslim countries for oil
We all must pray for Trump! Vote too!
Some Americans like Hillary love war but you must love peace like Trump
Russia and America should be friends.
You cannot scare me. I believe in Trump.
I miss the brother I knew. I miss him very much. We could've done great things. Now it is Mr.Trump's turn InshaAllah.
Thank you my followers. Thank you America.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
One hand reaching out to the other. A helping hand.
Humility is the key.
Our heads can be in the skys but we must have our feet firmly on the ground.
When we fly with the eagles we must remember to walk with the turtles.
My brother he has forgotten.
I still love him but he has let us down.
I went to see my brother because I love him.
My followers, watch only FOX NEWS. others are rigged.
The media is rigged. The polls are rigged. but FOX NEWS airs both sides.
Hillary Clinton is a liar. VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP
My hero Al Hajj Malik El Shabbaz Malcolm X.
My favorite musician Luambo Makiadi. My second favorite musician The Temptations.
My favorite author Amos Tutuola. Second favorite author Chinua Achebe.
Let there be peace in the Middle East. They are the sons of Shem. They are brothers.
Palestine should exist. Israel should exist. They are the sons of Shem. They are brothers.
My father would vote for Mr Trump. I know him better than Barack.
They rigged out Bernie.
Mosul Iraq is war zone because of Hillary and her rich friends. They do not love Muslims.
Sometimes I joke but I must be serious. America needs us.
The Secretary of State for the United States of America is the custodian of national security.
My followers teach me. Thank you. I love you all. Vote Mr Trump
I liked Bernie too but he is not a businessman but he loved the people.
I waited patiently to tell the truth about my brother. I am sad I waited so long. I love him but it is time to change
TRUMP has business all over the world. He makes hotels. Hillary makes nothing and takes everything
They say #BringBackOurGirls but they do not
I hear from many Muslims who love Trump. They are afraid. Be lions my friends. #Maga
You must protect the votes or lose them
Do not worry about Malik. Allah will protect me! And TRUMP!
You care about how much Malik was paid but nothing about how much Hillary was paid. You are a fraud. I tell the truth for free!
My father tried to make Kenya great again. He was a great man. He is like Mr Trump.
You cannot buy Malik! I am for the people. And for TRUMP
Mr.Trump is like my father. He is brilliant. VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP
I am a man and must help the people. It is important to fight for those who do not fight for themselves
Pepe is only a frog Hillary!
I cannot sleep the people need Malik and #MAGA
Family is first always my friends. Trump puts family first. He will help us Vote Mr TRUMP
Please Utah VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP. We apologize to the women.
@obamamalik ...and MSNBC.
Mr Trump is a village elder looking out for his village. Hillary steals from the village. She is dangerous.
Even Kenya is building a wall. VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP
We apologize to the women. VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP
Thank you America. VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP
You've got to back your brother's play.Tombstone. I tried, but it didn't work both ways. VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP
I do not watch CNN unless in the airport
What is wrong with Utah?
When men speak to men sometimes women should not hear it.
Do not be racist. Vote For Mr. Trump!
Afrika is living in poverty. VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP
Make America Great Again. VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP
Mr.Trump is tough as nails. VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP
Mr.Trump will fix it. VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP
Ball of Confusion. The Temptations. VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP.
You can make America great right now. Go do it. Vote Mr. TRUMP!
I will never be anybody's sycophant. I am the grandson of Onyango Hussein Obama. VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP.
I will never be anybody's sycophant. I am the son of Obama. VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP
Black lives matter. All lives matter. This is our world. VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP.
Siaya people are living in poverty. Kogelo people are living in poverty. Kenyans are living in poverty. VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP.
What I do I do for the sake of Allah. From my heart. For my dad Barack Obama the senior. For mankind. VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP.
I have have built mosques and helped widows and orphans. My muslim brothers and sisters VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP. He will help us.
I took my brother to Kenya in 1988 to meet his family. It was me! Without me they would never have known him. VOTE FOR TRUMP
I have built shades for boda boda, provided scholarships, dug water wells for JoKogelo. Who is Rajula? VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP.
I have built bridges, roads, houses and provided electricity for people of SIAYA. Who is Owino Rajula? VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP.
I have built bridges, roads, houses and provided electricity for people of Kogelo. Who is Rajula? VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP.
Who is Owino Rajula.What has he done for JoKogelo. VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP
I am the eldest. I am the head of the Obama family. I refuse to be humiliated by my grandmother Mama Sara. VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP.
I am the eldest. I am the head of the Obama family. I refuse to be humiliated by my sister Rita Auma Obama. VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP.
I am the eldest. I am the head of the family. I refuse to be humilated anymore by my brother Barack Obama. VOTE FOR MR.TRUMP.
Trump is always being Trump
No one knows the future
Thank you my friends
2013 peace recipient. Balkan Club of Peace.
Rudy Giuliani and me! #MAGA
Make America Great Again. VOTE EARLY MY FRIENDS.
With President of Montenegro
With Nobel laureate Tawakkol
Skopje, Macedonia. 2013
In Kragujevac,Serbiaforpeace
With the President of Kenya
With the President of Serbia
GotNews. Make America Great
Skopje, Macedonia. 2013
In Belgrade, Serbiaforpeace
My Dad
Trump is a man of action!
Why not trump?
Nuevo Laredo. Mexico
I am sorry I broke Twitter it seems.
Thank you Nuevo Laredo. Was there promoting peace with Benjamin Galvan Gomez and The Peaceful Solution Character Building Program
I like Twitter
Who are Republicans that do not like Trump? Fools!
I do not know Muslim brotherhood who are these liars who say I know them? I
We must keep the women safe from Bill Clinton.
There must be a wall to save the people! Vote Trump!
I try to be a gentleman. Be polite
Thank you but I learned about the American politician system when I became a citizen. Only Trump can fix it!
Make America Great Again.
Make America Great Again.
@robcrilly Hi Rob. We had a great time and I appreciate your gesture. The goat.
Hi Rob.
We must tell the truth my fellow Kenyans. What has my brother done for our people? He is a son of Africa but he hasn't loved us!
America says Gadafi no nukes so Gadafi says okay no nukes. Then Hillary killed him! And laughed at him and Libyan people. Disgraceful!
Americans love Muslims. I know. I am Muslim and they love me.
I did not see mark Cuban but I do like the shark tank show. Not as good as Trump shows though
Trump family loves all people but not the criminals. This is easy to understand! Are you stupid?
I follow Trump! You should too!
We must love one another and mr trump. Do not follow me. Follow him. He is a leader.
The rest of the obama family knows the truth too. Ask them about obama media. You will not. I know you well
The Clintons follow a script but Trump speaks from the heart.
American slang is hard to understand. Strange people on Twitter!
Do not swear on twitter. Children might see.!!!!
Michelle makes me sleep in hotels when I wanted to visit my brother but my brother stayed with me. Brothers must love one another!
President Trump needs to show love. This is where my brother failed. Too much division. Not good!
Go to Wikipedia to learn more about Kenya. I cannot teach you everything!
What is the Buzzfeed?
It is true that Trump has always helped the black man. Mike Tyson knows!!!
I took care of my brother when he went to Kenya but he does not take care of me in America. This is not good! Not good!
I am a Muslim yes but I love all people.
I do not like the drones.
#BlackLivesMatter. Islam teaches all life matters!
Barack does not like the British but the British did good things for Kenya. Some bad things but many good things. More thinks than Barack.
Do not ask me to explain my brother's politics. I am Malik. I'm sure he is trying but Trump is going to do a better job!
Black Americans say they know Africa but they don't. It is a privilege to live in America! #Africans4Trump
Kenya can teach America many things.
I don't like to talk about gay marriage. We don't do this in Kenya
You must laugh so you do not cry. Politics makes me angry so I make jokes. But we must be serious. Inshallah Trump will win! #Maga
You get Iraq wrong. You get Iran wrong. You get Syria wrong. So much killing and death. Why should we believe on Russia Hillary?
Too much tweeting
I would like to introduce you to Kenya @realDonaldTrump
I hope my Kenyan friends come to America but they can come but must be legal!
I like making new friends!
Thank you for teaching me how to use Twitter #Maga
Please be respectful and love each other especially on Twitter!
Do not send photos of guns with frogs. Too violent!
I know Allah wants to see Trump in the White House.
I met my brother in the 1980s. I have never been to Hawaii. One day! Yes!
I love Islam and Trump. Islam is about peace and so is Trump!
People ask if my account is hacked. I am not Hillary!
We need more lion men like Trump!
An empty pot makes the loudest noise
Many journalists write about me but they do not call me. They want me to be black sheep in the family but I am not.
I told my brother to believe in peace and no killing in Libya and Sudan
Trump is good for the Muslims. He will not kill our leaders like Hillary.
Hillary kills Muslims! Trump has killed no Muslims! He is for peace!
Hillary killed Gadafi! She is bad for peace and safety of Muslims!
Gadafi was a good leader for his people.
Obama care is a bad name for it. Obama does not care. I want Trump care!
@obamamalik Read my book Barack Obama Sr.; The Rise and Life of a True African Scholar. Find out the truth about my family.
We must take care of the veterans. No more wars! We must take care of the poor! And sick!
I am not jealous of Barack. It is time for truth. That is all!
I am happy that I live in America. My foundation named for my father helps Kenyans. We must help all of the world be great!
I have gotten many requests to be on tv. I cannot do them all but will do some.
Make America Great Again. Read my book
I was afraid to speak up when I had a green card. I am an American now and I am voting Trump!
Trump treats everyone with dignity.!
Make America Great Again. Read my book
I am not deplorable! I am Malik! #Africans4Trump
Make America Great Again. Read my book
I do not reply to every twitterer. We are not pen pals. We must #MAGA!
You have been lied to about Trump. No more lies!
You know Mr Trump loves America. He is a billionaire who loves the people, not himself. He loves all people. I met his sons last night!
Now that I am American I can tell the truth!
I have been silent for too long!
Make America Great Again. I am the real Obama.
Make America Great Again. Please make a donation to my foundation Need an office.
So many journalist made up so many lies about my brother and our family to sell books
When Aunt Zeituni died my brother did nothing for her. It was very sad. She died very poor.
I could have been president of Kenya if my brother supported me. We could have helped all Kenyans.
Thanks @kellyannepolls it was an honor. Keep it up. You're tough as nails and beautiful too.
I would take DNA test to find out the truth.
Michelle is not nice. She doesn't treat others well. I was best man at the wedding!
I do not know about Frank Marshall Davis. It is true my brother looks like him. But my father said my brother is my brother!
@obamamalik I have not seen the Clinton Foundation in Kogelo.
In Kenya we have voter ID. You must have an ID to vote. Why not American elections?
I have written a book about my father Barack Obama. He was a great man
I have lived many years in America and Kenya. I have worked hard for both countries!
The media lies about me because I am African.
The stories about my family are not true. What man has twelve wives? This is foolish! Lying media!
How do I get verified? Do I submit my birth certificate?
I do not believe the women lying about Trump. I do not believe the media lying about Trump and me.
Why do so many people lie about me? I am for peace. Ask me! I will answer your questions media. You must not lie though.
The president must keep the country secure. All the world is not secure. I blame Hillary. She traveled so much but did so little for people
Have you seen celebrity apprentice? It's a good show. Mr. Trump does everything very well. He is a great businessman.
America needs a businessman not another politician.
@beingabdulfatah why is she not a director in his foundation for building the presidential library The Barack Obama Foundation?
I am not a parody. This is not the time for jokes. Vote Trump!
How do I prove I am me? I am me!
I need to be verified. How?
You must vote! Vote for Trump! Do not forget to vote!I will be announcing my decision on the Paris Accord over the next few days. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Hopefully Republican Senators, good people all, can quickly get together and pass a new (repeal & replace) HEALTHCARE bill. Add saved $'s.
Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself. My children, especially my 11 year old son, Barron, are having a hard time with this. Sick! against him & now wants to clear his name by showing "the false or misleading testimony by James Comey, John Brennan..." Witch Hunt!
So now it is reported that the Democrats, who have excoriated Carter Page about Russia, don't want him to testify. He blows away their....
Who can figure out the true meaning of "covfefe" ??? Enjoy!
RT @foxandfriends: Jared Kushner didn't suggest Russian communications channel in meeting, source says
RT @Scavino45: President Trump pays respects and delivers #MemorialDay remarks at Arlington National Cemetery.
The U.S. Senate should switch to 51 votes, immediately, and get Healthcare and TAX CUTS approved, fast and easy. Dems would do it, no doubt!
Russian officials must be laughing at the U.S. & how a lame excuse for why the Dems lost the election has taken over the Fake News.
We have a MASSIVE trade deficit with Germany, plus they pay FAR LESS than they should on NATO & military. Very bad for U.S. This will change
I look forward to paying my respects to our brave men and women on this Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetery later this morning.
Today we remember the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in serving. Thank you, God bless your families & God bless the USA!
North Korea has shown great disrespect for their neighbor, China, by shooting off yet another ballistic missile...but China is trying hard!
Honoring the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to America. Home of the free, because of the brave. #MemorialDay🇺🇸
The Fake News Media works hard at disparaging & demeaning my use of social media because they don't want America to hear the real story!
The massive TAX CUTS/REFORM that I have submitted is moving along in the process very well, actually ahead of schedule. Big benefits to all!
I suggest that we add more dollars to Healthcare and make it the best anywhere. ObamaCare is dead - the Republicans will do much better!
British Prime Minister May was very angry that the info the U.K. gave to U.S. about Manchester was leaked. Gave me full details!
Does anyone notice how the Montana Congressional race was such a big deal to Dems & Fake News until the Republican won? V was poorly covered is very possible that those sources don't exist but are made up by fake news writers. #FakeNews is the enemy!
Whenever you see the words 'sources say' in the fake news media, and they don't mention names....
It is my opinion that many of the leaks coming out of the White House are fabricated lies made up by the #FakeNews media.
Just returned from Europe. Trip was a great success for America. Hard work but big results!
Big win in Montana for Republicans!
Bringing hundreds of billions of dollars back to the U.S.A. from the Middle East - which will mean JOBS, JOBS, JOBS!
I look forward to reading the @CommerceGov 232 analysis of steel and aluminum- to be released in June. Will take major action if necessary.
...."we push for the removal of all trade-distorting foster a truly level playing field."
Just left the #G7Summit. Had great meetings on everything, especially on trade where....
I will make my final decision on the Paris Accord next week!
Many NATO countries have agreed to step up payments considerably, as they should. Money is beginning to pour in- NATO will be much stronger.
Big G7 meetings today. Lots of very important matters under discussion. First on the list, of course, is terrorism. #G7Taormina
On behalf of @FLOTUS Melania and myself, thank you for a wonderful dinner and evening, President Sergio Mattarella.…
Terrorists are engaged in a war against civilization- it is up to all who value life to confront & defeat this evil➡️
Getting ready to engage G7 leaders on many issues including economic growth, terrorism, and security.
Just arrived in Italy for the G7. Trip has been very successful. We made and saved the USA many billions of dollars and millions of jobs.
Just arrived in Taormina with @FLOTUS Melania.
#G7Summit #USA🇺🇸
Thank you for your support. Together, we will MAKE AMERICA SAFE AND GREAT AGAIN!
#POTUSAbroad #USA🇺🇸
Today's ceremony is a day for both remembrance and resolve.
#NATOMeeting #NATO
RT @FLOTUS: Thank u to Queen Fabiola University Hospital! Enjoyed creating paper flowers with amazing patients & getting a tour. #Brussels…
Thank you for the warm welcome to Brussels, Belgium this afternoon!
Honor of a lifetime to meet His Holiness Pope Francis. I leave the Vatican more determined than ever to pursue PEAC…
All civilized nations must join together to protect human life and the sacred right of our citizens to live in safety and in peace.
Israel, Saudi Arabia and the Middle East were great. Trying hard for PEACE. Doing well. Heading to Vatican & Pope, then #G7 and #NATO.
Thank you for such a wonderful and unforgettable visit, Prime Minister @Netanyahu and @PresidentRuvi.
We stand in absolute solidarity with the people of the United Kingdom.
Prime Minister @Netanyahu and @PresidentRuvi- on behalf of @FLOTUS Melania and myself, thank you for the invitation…
RT @netanyahu: Ever Stronger
חזקים תמיד
#RiyadhSummit #POTUSAbroad🇺🇸
Speech transcript at Arab Islamic American Summit ➡️
Replay ➡️
#RiyadhSummit #POTUSAbroad
RT @FLOTUS: I had a wonderful time with the students at the American International School #Riyadh today. #SaudiaArabia
Thank you to the BRAVE servicemen & women who have served, and continue to serve the United States- our true HEROES…
Great to be in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Looking forward to the afternoon and evening ahead. #POTUSAbroad
Getting ready for my big foreign trip. Will be strongly protecting American interests - that's what I like to do!
"President Donald J. Trump Proclaims 5/14/2017 through 5/20/2017 as #PoliceWeek"
A great honor to welcome President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia to the White House today!🇺🇸🇨🇴
Joint Press Conf➡️…
With all of the illegal acts that took place in the Clinton campaign & Obama Administration, there was never a special counsel appointed!
This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!
It was my great honor to deliver the #CGACommencement17 at the @USCGAcademy. CONGRATULATIONS to the Class of 2017!…
It was a great honor to welcome the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, to the @WhiteHouse today!
'U.S. Industrial Production Surged in April'
I have been asking Director Comey & others, from the beginning of my administration, to find the LEAKERS in the intelligence community..... terrorism and airline flight safety. Humanitarian reasons, plus I want Russia to greatly step up their fight against ISIS & terrorism.
As President I wanted to share with Russia (at an openly scheduled W.H. meeting) which I have the absolute right to do, facts pertaining....
#PeaceOfficersMemorialDay and
#PoliceWeek Proclamation:
Today, I delivered remarks at the 36th Annual National Peace Officers' Memorial Service.
Wishing @FLOTUS Melania and all of the great mothers out there a wonderful day ahead with family and friends!
Happy #MothersDay
I was thrilled to be back @LibertyU. Congratulations to the Class of 2017! This is your day, and you've earned it.…
Will be interviewed by @JudgeJeanine on @FoxNews at 9:00 P.M. (Saturday night). Enjoy!
Today, I welcomed the Victory Christian Center School. Good luck @ the Team America Rocketry Challenge! #TARC Watch…
Today, @FLOTUS hosted a Military Mother's Day Event in the East Room of the WH. It was an honor to stop by, say hel…
China just agreed that the U.S. will be allowed to sell beef, and other major products, into China once again. This is REAL news!
When James Clapper himself, and virtually everyone else with knowledge of the witch hunt, says there is no collusion, when does it end?
James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!
...Maybe the best thing to do would be to cancel all future "press briefings" and hand out written responses for the sake of accuracy???
As a very active President with lots of things happening, it is not possible for my surrogates to stand at podium with perfect accuracy!....
The Fake Media is working overtime today!
Again, the story that there was collusion between the Russians & Trump campaign was fabricated by Dems as an excuse for losing the election.
Yesterday, on the same day- I had meetings with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and the FM of Ukraine, Pavlo…
Russia must be laughing up their sleeves watching as the U.S. tears itself apart over a Democrat EXCUSE for losing the election.
We finally agree on something Rosie.
'Presidential Executive Order on the Establishment of Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity'
'Presidential Executive Order on Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure'…
The Democrats should be ashamed. This is a disgrace!
Dems have been complaining for months & months about Dir. Comey. Now that he has been fired they PRETEND to be aggrieved. Phony hypocrites!
The Roger Stone report on @CNN is false - Fake News. Have not spoken to Roger in a long time - had nothing to do with my decision.
caught, he cried like a baby and begged for forgiveness...and now he is judge & jury. He should be the one who is investigated for his acts.
years, as a pol in Connecticut, Blumenthal would talk of his great bravery and conquests in Vietnam - except he was never there. When....
Watching Senator Richard Blumenthal speak of Comey is a joke. "Richie" devised one of the greatest military frauds in U.S. history. For....
Comey lost the confidence of almost everyone in Washington, Republican and Democrat alike. When things calm down, they will be thanking me!
James Comey will be replaced by someone who will do a far better job, bringing back the spirit and prestige of the FBI.
The Democrats have said some of the worst things about James Comey, including the fact that he should be fired, but now they play so sad!
Cryin' Chuck Schumer stated recently, "I do not have confidence in him (James Comey) any longer." Then acts so indignant. #draintheswamp
'Manufacturing openings, hires rise to highest levels of the recovery'
It was an honor to welcome the Teachers of the Year to the WH last month. Today, we honor and thank all teachers!…
Biggest story today between Clapper & Yates is on surveillance. Why doesn't the media report on this? #FakeNews!
The Russia-Trump collusion story is a total hoax, when will this taxpayer funded charade end?
Sally Yates made the fake media extremely unhappy today --- she said nothing but old news!
Director Clapper reiterated what everybody, including the fake media already knows- there is "no evidence" of collusion w/ Russia and Trump.
Honored to welcome Georgia Prime Minister, Giorgi Kvirikashvili to the @WhiteHouse today with @VP Mike Pence.…
Ask Sally Yates, under oath, if she knows how classified information got into the newspapers soon after she explained it to W.H. Counsel.
General Flynn was given the highest security clearance by the Obama Administration - but the Fake News seldom likes talking about that.
Congratulations to @PGA_JohnDaly on his big win yesterday. John is a great guy who never gave up - and now a winner again!
RT @IsraeliPM: PM Benjamin Netanyahu at weekly Cabinet meeting:
In two weeks, Israel will host @POTUS Trump on his first trip as President…
Rexnord of Indiana made a deal during the Obama Administration to move to Mexico. Fired their employees. Tax product big that's sold in U.S.
Congratulations to Emmanuel Macron on his big win today as the next President of France. I look very much forward to working with him!
Republican Senators will not let the American people down! ObamaCare premiums and deductibles are way up - it was a lie and it is dead!
RT @brunelldonald: I thought about jobs that went overseas failing schools open borders not my skin color when I voted @realDonaldTrump! I…
RT @FoxNews: .@POTUS: "I'm not against the media. I'm against the FAKE media." #CashinIn
When will the Fake Media ask about the Dems dealings with Russia & why the DNC wouldn't allow the FBI to check their server or investigate?
The reason I am staying in Bedminster, N. J., a beautiful community, is that staying in NYC is much more expensive and disruptive. Meetings!
Great jobs report today - It is all beginning to work!
Why is it that the Fake News rarely reports Ocare is on its last legs and that insurance companies are fleeing for their lives? It's dead!
Wow,the Fake News media did everything in its power to make the Republican Healthcare victory look as bad as possible.Far better than Ocare!
Of course the Australians have better healthcare than we do --everybody does. ObamaCare is dead! But our healthcare will soon be great.
Rather than causing a big disruption in N.Y.C., I will be working out of my home in Bedminster, N.J. this weekend. Also saves country money!
Big win in the House - very exciting! But when everything comes together with the inclusion of Phase 2, we will have truly great healthcare!
An honor to welcome PM of Australia, @TurnbullMalcolm to America & join him in marking the 75th Anniversary of the…
It was a GREAT day for the United States of America! This is a great plan that is a repeal & replace of ObamaCare.…
If victorious, Republicans will be having a big press conference at the beautiful Rose Garden of the White House immediately after vote!
Insurance companies are fleeing ObamaCare - it is dead. Our healthcare plan will lower premiums & deductibles - and be great healthcare!
I am watching the Democrats trying to defend the "you can keep you doctor, you can keep your plan & premiums will go down" ObamaCare lie."
Beautiful evening with Religious Leaders here at the WH last night. Join us now for a #NationalDayofPrayer, LIVE:…
Death spiral!
'Aetna will exit Obamacare markets in VA in 2018, citing expected losses on INDV plans this year'
RT @foxandfriends: President Trump to sign an executive order on religious liberty today, the National Day of Prayer | @kevincorke
Congratulations to @foxandfriends on its unbelievable ratings hike.
The Fake News media is officially out of control. They will do or say anything in order to get attention - never been a time like this!
...allegations of unmasking Trump transition officials. Not good!
Susan Rice, the former National Security Advisor to President Obama, is refusing to testify before a Senate Subcommittee next week on.....
It was an honor to stop by a #SchoolChoice event hosted by @VP Pence and @usedgov Secretary @BetsyDeVosED at the…
...Trump/Russia story was an excuse used by the Democrats as justification for losing the election. Perhaps Trump just ran a great campaign?
FBI Director Comey was the best thing that ever happened to Hillary Clinton in that he gave her a free pass for many bad deeds! The phony...
Congratulations to the winners of the Commander-in-Chief's Trophy, the great Air Force Falcons!
either elect more Republican Senators in 2018 or change the rules now to 51%. Our country needs a good "shutdown" in September to fix mess!
The reason for the plan negotiated between the Republicans and Democrats is that we need 60 votes in the Senate which are not there! We....
President Andrew Jackson, who died 16 years before the Civil War started, saw it coming and was angry. Would never have let it happen!
#ICYMI- On Saturday I signed two EO's to help keep jobs & wealth in our country.
This month we celebrate the contributions of Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders that enrich our Nation. plan is on its way. Will have much lower premiums & deductibles while at the same time taking care of pre-existing conditions!
You can't compare anything to ObamaCare because ObamaCare is dead. Dems want billions to go to Insurance Companies to bail out donors....New
The Democrats, without a leader, have become the party of obstruction.They are only interested in themselves and not in what's best for U.S.
Big excitement last night in the Great State of Pennsylvania! Fantastic crowd and people. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
I will be interviewed on @FaceTheNation this morning at 10:00 A.M. Have a great day!
RT @charliekirk11: 100 days ago a new message, leader, & movement took the Oval Office! A government FOR the people BY the people. This is…
Mainstream (FAKE) media refuses to state our long list of achievements, including 28 legislative signings, strong borders & great optimism!
Looking forward to RALLY in the Great State of Pennsylvania tonight at 7:30. Big crowd, big energy!
.@LouDobbs just stated that "President Trump's successes are unmatched in recent presidential history" Thank you Lou!
RT @foxnation: . @TuckerCarlson : #Dems Don't Really Believe #Trump Is a Pawn of #Russia - That's Just Their Political Tool
North Korea disrespected the wishes of China & its highly respected President when it launched, though unsuccessfully, a missile today. Bad!
I will be interviewed by @MarthaMaccallum on @FoxNews tonight at 7pm. Enjoy!
We are making tremendous progress with the V. A. There has never been so much done so quickly, and we have just started. We love our VETS!
RT @foxandfriends: Former President Obama's $400K Wall Street speech stuns liberal base; Sen. Warren saying she "was troubled by that"
Today, I signed an Executive Order on Improving Accountability and Whistleblower Protection at the @DeptVetAffairs:…
Presidential Memorandum for the @CommerceGov, @SecretaryRoss re: Aluminum Imports and Threats to National Security:…
.@FLOTUS Melania and I were honored to welcome Argentina President @MauricioMacri and First Lady Juliana Awada to t…
As families prepare for summer vacations in our National Parks - Democrats threaten to close them and shut down the government. Terrible!
Democrats used to support border security — now they want illegals to pour through our borders.
Democrats jeopardizing the safety of our troops to bail out their donors from insurance companies. It is time to put #AmericaFirst🇺🇸
What's more important? Rebuilding our military - or bailing out insurance companies? Ask the Democrats.
I promise to rebuild our military and secure our border. Democrats want to shut down the government. Politics!
I want to help our miners while the Democrats are blocking their healthcare.
The Democrats want to shut government if we don't bail out Puerto Rico and give billions to their insurance companies for OCare failure. NO!
...subject to the fact that if we do not reach a fair deal for all, we will then terminate NAFTA. Relationships are good-deal very possible!
I received calls from the President of Mexico and the Prime Minister of Canada asking to renegotiate NAFTA rather than terminate. I agreed..
Democrats are trying to bail out insurance companies from disastrous #ObamaCare, and Puerto Rico with your tax dollars. Sad!
A great great honor to welcome & recognize the National Teacher of the Year, as well as the Teacher of the Year fro…
Today, I signed an Executive Order on Enforcing Statutory Prohibitions on Federal Control of Education. EO:…
Today, I signed an Executive Order @ the U.S. Dept. of @Interior: 'Review of Designations Under the Antiquities Act…
The U.S. recorded its slowest economic growth in five years (2016). GDP up only 1.6%. Trade deficits hurt the economy very badly.
...the Ninth Circuit, which has a terrible record of being overturned (close to 80%). They used to call this "judge shopping!" Messy system.
Out of our very big country, with many choices, does everyone notice that both the "ban" case and now the "sanctuary" case is brought in ...
First the Ninth Circuit rules against the ban & now it hits again on sanctuary cities-both ridiculous rulings. See you in the Supreme Court!
'Presidential Executive Order on Promoting Agriculture and Rural Prosperity in America'
Executive Order:…
Remarks at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's National Days of Remembrance.
Full remarks:…
Don't let the fake media tell you that I have changed my position on the WALL. It will get built and help stop drugs, human trafficking etc.
Canada has made business for our dairy farmers in Wisconsin and other border states very difficult. We will not stand for this. Watch!
Proud of @IvankaTrump for her leadership on these important issues. Looking forward to hearing her speak at the W20!
Today, I signed the Holocaust Remembrance Proclamation: #ICYMI- My statement last night at…
If our healthcare plan is approved, you will see real healthcare and premiums will start tumbling down. ObamaCare is in a death spiral!
Join me in congratulating @NASA's @AstroPeggy by using the hashtag #CongratsPeggy! Earlier today:…
....the wall is not built, which it will be, the drug situation will NEVER be fixed the way it should be!
The Wall is a very important tool in stopping drugs from pouring into our country and poisoning our youth (and many others)! If
The two fake news polls released yesterday, ABC & NBC, while containing some very positive info, were totally wrong in General E. Watch!
...popular vote. ABC News/Washington Post Poll (wrong big on election) said almost all stand by their vote on me & 53% said strong leader.
New polls out today are very good considering that much of the media is FAKE and almost always negative. Would still beat Hillary in .....
Eventually, but at a later date so we can get started early, Mexico will be paying, in some form, for the badly needed border wall.
The Democrats don't want money from budget going to border wall despite the fact that it will stop drugs and very bad MS 13 gang members.
ObamaCare is in serious trouble. The Dems need big money to keep it going - otherwise it dies far sooner than anyone would have thought.
Thank you Lake Worth, Florida. @foxandfriends
Very interesting election currently taking place in France.
I am committed to keeping our air and water clean but always remember that economic growth enhances environmental protection. Jobs matter!
Today on Earth Day, we celebrate our beautiful forests, lakes and land. We stand committed to preserving the natural beauty of our nation.
Big TAX REFORM AND TAX REDUCTION will be announced next Wednesday.
Next Saturday night I will be holding a BIG rally in Pennsylvania. Look forward to it!
Getting ready to visit Walter Reed Medical Center with Melania. Looking forward to seeing our bravest and greatest Americans!
RT @foxandfriends: Israeli PM Netanyahu praises U.S. policy changes during meeting with Defense. Sec Mattis
RT @foxandfriends: Chicago approves new plan to hide illegal immigrants from the feds, plus give them access to city services
After 5 SB victories since 2002, it was my honor to give Bob Kraft, Coach Belichick, and the players their first to…
'Presidential Executive Order on Identifying and Reducing Tax Regulatory Burdens'
Executive Order:…
RT @Scavino45: .@POTUS @realDonaldTrump, @IvankaTrump, Jared Kushner, & Dina Powell in the Oval Office today w/ Aya & her brother Basel.
China is very much the economic lifeline to North Korea so, while nothing is easy, if they want to solve the North Korean problem, they will
No matter how much I accomplish during the ridiculous standard of the first 100 days, & it has been a lot (including S.C.), media will kill!
Another terrorist attack in Paris. The people of France will not take much more of this. Will have a big effect on presidential election!
RT @foxandfriends: NYT editor apologizes for misleading tweet about New England Patriots' visit to the White House (via @FoxFriendsFirst) h…
A great honor to host PM Paolo Gentiloni of Italy at the White House this afternoon! #ICYMI- Joint Press Conference…
We're going to use American steel, we're going to use American labor, we are going to come first in all deals. ➡️…
Failing @nytimes, which has been calling me wrong for two years, just got caught in a big lie concerning New England Patriots visit to W.H.
A great honor to host the @SuperBowl Champion New England @Patriots at the White House today. Congratulations!…
Today I signed the Veterans (OUR HEROES) Choice Program Extension & Improvement Act @ the @WhiteHouse. #S544
Dems failed in Kansas and are now failing in Georgia. Great job Karen Handel! It is now Hollywood vs. Georgia on June 20th.
Despite major outside money, FAKE media support and eleven Republican candidates, BIG "R" win with runoff in Georgia. Glad to be of help!
Just learned that Jon @Ossoff, who is running for Congress in Georgia, doesn't even live in the district. Republicans, get out and vote!
Republicans must get out today and VOTE in Georgia 6. Force runoff and easy win! Dem Ossoff will raise your taxes-very bad on crime & 2nd A.
Democrat Jon Ossoff would be a disaster in Congress. VERY weak on crime and illegal immigration, bad for jobs and wants higher taxes. Say NO
I will be interviewed on @foxandfriends by @ainsleyearhardt starting at 6:00 A.M. Enjoy!
The weak illegal immigration policies of the Obama Admin. allowed bad MS 13 gangs to form in cities across U.S. We are removing them fast!
With eleven Republican candidates running in Georgia (on Tuesday) for Congress, a runoff will be a win. Vote "R" for lower taxes & safety!
See you tomorrow Wisconsin!
'Trump spurs small-business optimism in Milwaukee area'
The super Liberal Democrat in the Georgia Congressioal race tomorrow wants to protect criminals, allow illegal immigration and raise taxes!
The Fake Media (not Real Media) has gotten even worse since the election. Every story is badly slanted. We have to hold them to the truth!
A great book for your reading enjoyment: "REASONS TO VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS" by Michael J. Knowles.
"The first 90 days of my presidency has exposed the total failure of the last eight years of foreign policy!" So true. @foxandfriends
The recent Kansas election (Congress) was a really big media event, until the Republicans won. Now they play the same game with Georgia-BAD!
Our military is building and is rapidly becoming stronger than ever before. Frankly, we have no choice!
Someone should look into who paid for the small organized rallies yesterday. The election is over!
I did what was an almost an impossible thing to do for a Republican-easily won the Electoral College! Now Tax Returns are brought up again?
Happy Easter to everyone!
Why would I call China a currency manipulator when they are working with us on the North Korean problem? We will see what happens!
RT @FLOTUS: Looking forward to hosting the annual Easter Egg Roll at the @WhiteHouse on Monday!
Weekly Address-
It was a great honor to welcome Atlanta's heroic first responders to the White House this afternoon!
Things will work out fine between the U.S.A. and Russia. At the right time everyone will come to their senses & there will be lasting peace!
I have great confidence that China will properly deal with North Korea. If they are unable to do so, the U.S., with its allies, will! U.S.A.
Jobs are returning, illegal immigration is plummeting, law, order and justice are being restored. We are truly making America great again!
One by one we are keeping our promises - on the border, on energy, on jobs, on regulations. Big changes are happening!
Economic confidence is soaring as we unleash the power of private sector job creation and stand up for the American Workers. #AmericaFirst
Great meeting w/ NATO Sec. Gen. We agreed on the importance of getting countries to pay their fair share & focus on…
Great win in Kansas last night for Ron Estes, easily winning the Congressional race against the Dems, who spent heavily & predicted victory!
Had a very good call last night with the President of China concerning the menace of North Korea.
I will be interviewed by @MariaBartiromo at 6:00 A.M. @FoxBusiness. Enjoy!
Great Strategic & Policy CEO Forum today with my Cabinet Secretaries and top CEO's from around the United States.…
Ron Estes is running TODAY for Congress in the Great State of Kansas. A wonderful guy, I need his help on Healthcare & Tax Cuts (Reform).
North Korea is looking for trouble. If China decides to help, that would be great. If not, we will solve the problem without them! U.S.A.
I explained to the President of China that a trade deal with the U.S. will be far better for them if they solve the North Korean problem!
RT @foxnation: Grateful Syrians React To @realDonaldTrump Strike: 'I'll Name My Son Donald' #SyrianStrikes
Happy Passover to everyone celebrating in the United States of America, Israel, and around the world. #ChagSameach
Congratulations to Justice Neil Gorsuch on his elevation to the United States Supreme Court. A great day for Americ…
Thank you @USNavy! #USA
...confidence that President Al Sisi will handle situation properly.
So sad to hear of the terrorist attack in Egypt. U.S. strongly condemns. I have great...
Judge Gorsuch will be sworn in at the Rose Garden of the White House on Monday at 11:00 A.M. He will be a great Justice. Very proud of him!
The reason you don't generally hit runways is that they are easy and inexpensive to quickly fix (fill in and top)!
Congratulations to our great military men and women for representing the United States, and the world, so well in the Syria attack.
...goodwill and friendship was formed, but only time will tell on trade.
It was a great honor to have President Xi Jinping and Madame Peng Liyuan of China as our guests in the United States. Tremendous...
RT @IvankaTrump: Very proud of Arabella and Joseph for their performance in honor of President Xi Jinping and Madame Peng Liyuan's official…
It was an honor to host our American heroes from the @WWP #SoldierRideDC at the @WhiteHouse today with @FLOTUS, @VP…
I am deeply committed to preserving our strong relationship & to strengthening America's long-standing support for…
Great to talk jobs with #NABTU2017. Tremendous spirit & optimism - we will deliver!
Thank you Sean McGarvey & the entire Governing Board of Presidents for honoring me w/an invite to speak. #NABTU2017…
.@WhiteHouse #CEOTownHall
It was an honor to welcome President Al Sisi of Egypt to the @WhiteHouse as we renew the historic partnership betwe…
Looking forward to hosting our heroes from the Wounded Warrior Project (@WWP) Soldier Ride to the @WhiteHouse on Th…
Getting ready to meet President al-Sisi of Egypt. On behalf of the United States, I look forward to a long and wonderful relationship.
.@FoxNews from multiple sources: "There was electronic surveillance of Trump, and people close to Trump. This is unprecedented." @FBI
Did Hillary Clinton ever apologize for receiving the answers to the debate? Just asking!
Was the brother of John Podesta paid big money to get the sanctions on Russia lifted? Did Hillary know?
Such amazing reporting on unmasking and the crooked scheme against us by @foxandfriends. "Spied on before nomination." The real story.
Melania and I are honored to light up the @WhiteHouse this evening, for
#WorldAutismAwarenessDay. Join us & #LIUB.…
The real story turns out to be SURVEILLANCE and LEAKING! Find the leakers.
Talks on Repealing and Replacing ObamaCare are, and have been, going on, and will continue until such time as a deal is hopefully struck.
Anybody (especially Fake News media) who thinks that Repeal & Replace of ObamaCare is dead does not know the love and strength in R Party!
Thank you @JCLayfield -- will get even better as my Administration continues to put #AmericaFirst🇺🇸
..not associated with Russia. Trump team spied on before he was nominated." If this is true, does not get much bigger. Would be sad for U.S.
Wow, @FoxNews just reporting big news. Source: "Official behind unmasking is high up. Known Intel official is responsible. Some unmasked....
...use subsidies to buy health plans." In other words, Ocare is dead. Good things will happen, however, either with Republicans or Dems.
The failing @nytimes finally gets it - "In places where no insurance company offers plans, there will be no way for ObamaCare customers to..
It is the same Fake News Media that said there is "no path to victory for Trump" that is now pushing the phony Russia story. A total scam!
When will Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd and @NBCNews start talking about the Obama SURVEILLANCE SCANDAL and stop with the Fake Trump/Russia story?
We are going to defend our industry & create a level playing field for the American worker. It is time to put…
'Trump Celebrates American Manufacturing Survey Showing Highest Level of Optimism in 20 Years' ➡️…
It is an exciting time for our country!
#WeeklyAddress #ConfirmGorsuch
#ConfirmGorsuch #SCOTUS
Great meeting with a wonderful woman today, former Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice! #USA🇺🇸
It was an honor to welcome the Prime Minister of Denmark, Lars Løkke Rasmussen {@larsloekke} to the @WhiteHouse yes…
Mike Flynn should ask for immunity in that this is a witch hunt (excuse for big election loss), by media & Dems, of historic proportion!
Only by enlisting the full potential of women in our society will we be truly able to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain🇺🇸…
...and job losses. American companies must be prepared to look at other alternatives.
The meeting next week with China will be a very difficult one in that we can no longer have massive trade deficits...
Where are @RepMarkMeadows, @Jim_Jordan and @Raul_Labrador?
#RepealANDReplace #Obamacare
If @RepMarkMeadows, @Jim_Jordan and @Raul_Labrador would get on board we would have both great healthcare and massive tax cuts & reform.
Great op-ed from @RepKenBuck. Looks like some in the Freedom Caucus are helping me end #Obamacare.
The failing @nytimes has disgraced the media world. Gotten me wrong for two solid years. Change libel laws?
The Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don't get on the team, & fast. We must fight them, & Dems, in 2018!
Today we honored our true American heroes on the first-ever National Vietnam War Veterans Day.
.@FLOTUS Melania and I were honored to stop by the Women's Empowerment Panel this afternoon at the @WhiteHouse.…
Today's EO established a commission on combating drug addiction and the opioid crisis. Watch listening session➡️…
If the people of our great country could only see how viciously and inaccurately my administration is covered by certain media!
Remember when the failing @nytimes apologized to its subscribers, right after the election, because their coverage was so wrong. Now worse!
Why doesn't Fake News talk about Podesta ties to Russia as covered by @FoxNews or money from Russia to Clinton - sale of Uranium?
Watch here:
It was an honor to welcome @GLFOP to the @WhiteHouse today with @VP Pence & Attorney General Sessions. THANK YOU fo…
The failing @NYTimes would do much better if they were honest!
Watch @foxandfriends now on Podesta and Russia!
Big announcement by Ford today. Major investment to be made in three Michigan plants. Car companies coming back to U.S. JOBS! JOBS! JOBS!
The Democrats will make a deal with me on healthcare as soon as ObamaCare folds - not long. Do not worry, we are in very good shape!
The Republican House Freedom Caucus was able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. After so many bad years they were ready for a win! to Bill, the Hillary Russian "reset," praise of Russia by Hillary, or Podesta Russian Company. Trump Russia story is a hoax. #MAGA!
Why isn't the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia, Russian speech....
General Kelly is doing a great job at the border. Numbers are way down. Many are not even trying to come in anymore.
Democrats are smiling in D.C. that the Freedom Caucus, with the help of Club For Growth and Heritage, have saved Planned Parenthood & Ocare!
Thanks you for all of the Trump Rallies today. Amazing support. We will all MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Watch @JudgeJeanine on @FoxNews tonight at 9:00 P.M.
ObamaCare will explode and we will all get together and piece together a great healthcare plan for THE PEOPLE. Do not worry!
Happy #MedalOfHonorDay to our heroes! ➡️
Today, I was thrilled to announce a commitment of $25 BILLION & 20K AMERICAN JOBS over the next 4 years. THANK YOU…
Today, I was pleased to announce the official approval of the presidential permit for the #KeystonePipeline. A grea…
The irony is that the Freedom Caucus, which is very pro-life and against Planned Parenthood, allows P.P. to continue if they stop this plan!
After seven horrible years of ObamaCare (skyrocketing premiums & deductibles, bad healthcare), this is finally your chance for a great plan!
It was an honor to welcome so many truckers and trucking industry leaders to the @WhiteHouse today!
We are taking action to #RepealANDReplace #Obamacare! Contact your Rep & tell them you support #AHCA. #PassTheBill…
A great American, Kurt Cochran, was killed in the London terror attack. My prayers and condolences are with his family and friends.
Just watched the totally biased and fake news reports of the so-called Russia story on NBC and ABC. Such dishonesty!
Spoke to U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May today to offer condolences on the terrorist attack in London. She is strong and doing very well.
RT @mitchellvii: Trump always ends up being right. It's almost a little freaky.
RT @mitchellvii: EXACTLY AS I SAID - House Intel Chair: We Cannot Rule Out Sr. Obama Officials Were Involved in Trump Surveillance
Big day for healthcare. Working hard!
Today on #NationalAgDay, we honor our great American farmers & ranchers. Their hard work & dedication are ingrained…
Honored to sign S.442 today. With this legislation, we support @NASA's scientists, engineers, and astronauts in the…
Joined the @HouseGOP Conference this morning at the U.S. Capitol. #PassTheBill #MAGA🇺🇸…
Thank you Louisville, Kentucky. Together, we will MAKE AMERICA SAFE AND GREAT AGAIN!
Thank you Louisville, Kentucky- on my way! #MAGA🇺🇸
Congratulations Eric & Lara. Very proud and happy for the two of you!
What about all of the contact with the Clinton campaign and the Russians? Also, is it true that the DNC would not let the FBI in to look?
Just heard Fake News CNN is doing polls again despite the fact that their election polls were a WAY OFF disaster. Much higher ratings at Fox
The real story that Congress, the FBI and all others should be looking into is the leaking of Classified information. Must find leaker now!
The Democrats made up and pushed the Russian story as an excuse for running a terrible campaign. Big advantage in Electoral College & lost!
James Clapper and others stated that there is no evidence Potus colluded with Russia. This story is FAKE NEWS and everyone knows it!
#ICYMI: Weekly Address
...vast sums of money to NATO & the United States must be paid more for the powerful, and very expensive, defense it provides to Germany!
Despite what you have heard from the FAKE NEWS, I had a GREAT meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Nevertheless, Germany owes.....
Great meeting with the @RepublicanStudy Committee this morning at the @WhiteHouse!
"The President Changed. So Has Small Businesses' Confidence"
North Korea is behaving very badly. They have been "playing" the United States for years. China has done little to help!
RT @foxandfriends: FOX NEWS ALERT: Jihadis using religious visa to enter US, experts warn (via @FoxFriendsFirst)
RT @foxandfriends: VIDEO: Rep. Scalise — GOP agrees on over 85 percent of health care bill
RT @AmericaFirstPol: MAJOR IMPACT: @POTUS Trump is 50 Days in and moving swiftly to get America back on the right track. #MAGA
RT @FoxNews: Jobs created in February.
Happy Lá Fheile Phadraig to all of my great Irish friends!
RT @DiamondandSilk: When the President says "You're Fired" That means: "Pack Yo Stuff and Go, Not Say "You Refuse to Go! #DrainTheSwam…
My representatives had a great meeting w/ the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce at the WH today. Look forward to tremendous growth & future mtgs!
Great progress on healthcare. Improvements being made - Republicans coming together!
RT @USHCC: USHCC was delighted to host @IvankaTrump for a roundtable discussion w/ Hispanic women biz owners today in Washington #USHCCLegi…
An honor to welcome the Taoiseach of Ireland, @EndaKennyTD to the @WhiteHouse today with @VP Pence. 🇺🇸🇮🇪
A budget that puts #AmericaFirst must make safety its no. 1 priority—without safety there can be no prosperity:
Thank you Nashville, Tennessee!
In Nashville, Tennessee! Lets MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Thank you Andrew Jackson! #POTUS7 #USA🇺🇸
I will be interviewed by @TuckerCarlson tonight at 9:00 P.M. on @FoxNews. Enjoy!
CEO's most optimistic since 2009. It will only get better as we continue to slash unnecessary regulations and when we begin our big tax cut!
Looking forward to a big rally in Nashville, Tennessee, tonight. Big crowd of great people expected. Will be fun!
Will be going to Detroit, Michigan (love), today for a big meeting on bringing back car production to State & U.S. Already happening!
Can you imagine what the outcry would be if @SnoopDogg, failing career and all, had aimed and fired the gun at President Obama? Jail time!
Does anybody really believe that a reporter, who nobody ever heard of, "went to his mailbox" and found my tax returns? @NBCNews FAKE NEWS!
Great optimism in America – and the results will be even better!
Meeting w/ Washington, D.C. @MayorBowser and Metro GM Paul Wiedefeld about incoming winter storm preparations here…
Proud to welcome our great Cabinet this afternoon for our first meeting. Unfortunately 4 seats were empty because S…
Healthcare listening session w/ @VP & @SecPriceMD. Watch: #ReadTheBill:…
ObamaCare is imploding. It is a disaster and 2017 will be the worst year yet, by far! Republicans will come together and save the day.
It is amazing how rude much of the media is to my very hard working representatives. Be nice, you will do much better!
RT @AmericaFirstPol: .@POTUS Trump led a historic journey to the White House. 50 days in, that historic journey continues. Take a look 👉 ht…
We are making great progress with healthcare. ObamaCare is imploding and will only get worse. Republicans coming together to get job done!
Weekly Address - 11:00 A.M. at the @WhiteHouse! #MAGA🇺🇸
RT @foxandfriends: "Never give up....that's the worst thing you could do. There's always a chance." -Kyle Coddington's message to those als…
Honored to meet this years @SenateYouth delegates w/ @VP Pence in the East Room of the @WhiteHouse. Congratulations…
'U.S. Consumer Comfort Just Reached Its Highest Level in a Decade' ➡️
Despite what you hear in the press, healthcare is coming along great. We are talking to many groups and it will end in a beautiful picture!
RT @foxnation: .@realDonaldTrump's First Full Month in Office Sees Biggest Jobs Gain 'In Years': Report:
Great news. We are only just beginning. Together, we are going to #MAGA!
Met with @RepCummings today at the @WhiteHouse. Great discussion!
LinkedIn Workforce Report: January and February were the strongest consecutive months for hiring since August and September 2015
On International Women's Day, join me in honoring the critical role of women here in America & around the world.
I have tremendous respect for women and the many roles they serve that are vital to the fabric of our society and our economy.
I feel sure that my friend @RandPaul will come along with the new and great health care program because he knows Obamacare is a disaster!
Don't let the FAKE NEWS tell you that there is big infighting in the Trump Admin. We are getting along great, and getting major things done!
I am working on a new system where there will be competition in the Drug Industry. Pricing for the American people will come way down!
Don't worry, getting rid of state lines, which will promote competition, will be in phase 2 & 3 of healthcare rollout. @foxandfriends
For eight years Russia "ran over" President Obama, got stronger and stronger, picked-off Crimea and added missiles. Weak! @foxandfriends
Our wonderful new Healthcare Bill is now out for review and negotiation. ObamaCare is a complete and total disaster - is imploding fast!
122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield. Just another terrible decision!
Thank you to @exxonmobil for your $20 billion investment that is creating more than 45,000 manufacturing & construction jobs in the USA!
Buy American & hire American are the principles at the core of my agenda, which is: JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! Thank you @exxonmobil.
There is an incredible spirit of optimism sweeping the country right now—we're bringing back the JOBS!
45,000 construction & manufacturing jobs in the U.S. Gulf Coast region. $20 billion investment. We are already winning again, America!
'President Trump Congratulates Exxon Mobil for Job-Creating Investment Program'
Thank you for the great rallies all across the country. Tremendous support. Make America Great Again!
Who was it that secretly said to Russian President, "Tell Vladimir that after the election I'll have more flexibility?" @foxandfriends
Is it true the DNC would not allow the FBI access to check server or other equipment after learning it was hacked? Can that be possible?
Arnold Schwarzenegger isn't voluntarily leaving the Apprentice, he was fired by his bad (pathetic) ratings, not by me. Sad end to great show
How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!
I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!
Is it legal for a sitting President to be "wire tapping" a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!
Just out: The same Russian Ambassador that met Jeff Sessions visited the Obama White House 22 times, and 4 times last year alone.
Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!
The first meeting Jeff Sessions had with the Russian Amb was set up by the Obama Administration under education program for 100 Ambs......
I hereby demand a second investigation, after Schumer, of Pelosi for her close ties to Russia, and lying about it.
We must fix our education system for our kids to Make America Great Again. Wonderful day at Saint Andrew in Orlando.
We should start an immediate investigation into @SenSchumer and his ties to Russia and Putin. A total hypocrite!
Weekly Address
Join me here:
It is so pathetic that the Dems have still not approved my full Cabinet.
Nick Adams new book, Green Card Warrior, is a must read. The merit-based system is the way to go. Canada, Australia! @foxandfriends all of the illegal leaks of classified and other information. It is a total "witch hunt!" win. The Democrats are overplaying their hand. They lost the election, and now they have lost their grip on reality. The real story...
...intentional. This whole narrative is a way of saving face for Democrats losing an election that everyone thought they were supposed.....
Jeff Sessions is an honest man. He did not say anything wrong. He could have stated his response more accurately, but it was clearly not....
Since November 8th, Election Day, the Stock Market has posted $3.2 trillion in GAINS and consumer confidence is at a 15 year high. Jobs!
#JointSession #MAGA🇺🇸
Join me live at 9:00 P.M.
I will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 6:00 A.M. Enjoy!
GOP now viewed more favorably than Dems, in Trump era (per NBC/WSJ poll) via @HotlineJosh:
Great meeting with CEOs of leading U.S. health insurance companies who provide great healthcare to the American peo…
Big dinner with Governors tonight at White House. Much to be discussed, including healthcare.
Russia talk is FAKE NEWS put out by the Dems, and played up by the media, in order to mask the big election defeat and the illegal leaks!
For first time the failing @nytimes will take an ad (a bad one) to help save its failing reputation. Try reporting accurately & fairly!
The race for DNC Chairman was, of course, totally "rigged." Bernie's guy, like Bernie himself, never had a chance. Clinton demanded Perez!
Congratulations to Thomas Perez, who has just been named Chairman of the DNC. I could not be happier for him, or for the Republican Party!
I will not be attending the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year. Please wish everyone well and have a great evening!
Weekly Address from @WhiteHouse:
Great optimism for future of U.S. business, AND JOBS, with the DOW having an 11th straight record close. Big tax & regulation cuts coming!
The media has not reported that the National Debt in my first month went down by $12 billion vs a $200 billion increase in Obama first mo.
Maybe the millions of people who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN should have their own rally. It would be the biggest of them all!
FAKE NEWS media knowingly doesn't tell the truth. A great danger to our country. The failing @nytimes has become a joke. Likewise @CNN. Sad!
Trump vows to fight 'epidemic' of human trafficking
Going to CPAC!
find the leakers within the FBI itself. Classified information is being given to media that could have a devastating effect on U.S. FIND NOW
The FBI is totally unable to stop the national security "leakers" that have permeated our government for a long time. They can't even......
Big interview tonight by Henry Kravis at The Business Council of Washington. Looking forward to it!
Seven people shot and killed yesterday in Chicago. What is going on there - totally out of control. Chicago needs help!
'S&P 500 Edges Higher After Trump Renews Jobs Pledge'
Very much enjoyed my tour of the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture...A great job done by amazing people!
One thing I will say about Rep. Keith Ellison, in his fight to lead the DNC, is that he was the one who predicted early that I would win!
The so-called angry crowds in home districts of some Republicans are actually, in numerous cases, planned out by liberal activists. Sad!
'Americans overwhelmingly oppose sanctuary cities'
Congratulations to our new National Security Advisor, General H.R. McMaster. Video:
Just named General H.R. McMaster National Security Advisor.
Give the public a break - The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. NOT!
My statement as to what's happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews concerning immigrants & Sweden.
Will be having many meetings this weekend at The Southern White House. Big 5:00 P.M. speech in Melbourne, Florida. A lot to talk about!
Don't believe the main stream (fake news) media.The White House is running VERY WELL. I inherited a MESS and am in the process of fixing it.
Looking forward to the Florida rally tomorrow. Big crowd expected!
"One of the most effective press conferences I've ever seen!" says Rush Limbaugh. Many agree.Yet FAKE MEDIA calls it differently! Dishonest
The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!
Join me at 11:00am:
Watch here:
General Keith Kellogg, who I have known for a long time, is very much in play for NSA - as are three others.
Thank you for all of the nice statements on the Press Conference yesterday. Rush Limbaugh said one of greatest ever. Fake media not happy!
Going to Charleston, South Carolina, in order to spend time with Boeing and talk jobs! Look forward to it.
Despite the long delays by the Democrats in finally approving Dr. Tom Price, the repeal and replacement of ObamaCare is moving fast!
'Trump signs bill undoing Obama coal mining rule'
The Democrats had to come up with a story as to why they lost the election, and so badly (306), so they made up a story - RUSSIA. Fake news!
FAKE NEWS media, which makes up stories and "sources," is far more effective than the discredited Democrats - but they are fading fast!
The spotlight has finally been put on the low-life leakers! They will be caught!
Leaking, and even illegal classified leaking, has been a big problem in Washington for years. Failing @nytimes (and others) must apologize!
Stock market hits new high with longest winning streak in decades. Great level of confidence and optimism - even before tax plan rollout!
Venezuela should allow Leopoldo Lopez, a political prisoner & husband of @liliantintori (just met w/ @marcorubio) o…
Aetna CEO: Obamacare in 'Death Spiral' #RepealAndReplace
Join me in Florida this Saturday at 5pm for a rally at the Orlando-Melbourne International Airport!
Welcome to the United States, @IsraeliPM Benjamin & Sara!
#ICYMI🇺🇸🇮🇱Joint Press Conference:
Great listening session with CEO's of the Retail Industry Leaders Association this morning!
The real scandal here is that classified information is illegally given out by "intelligence" like candy. Very un-American!
Crimea was TAKEN by Russia during the Obama Administration. Was Obama too soft on Russia?
Thank you to Eli Lake of The Bloomberg View - "The NSA & FBI...should not interfere in our politics...and is" Very serious situation for USA
Information is being illegally given to the failing @nytimes & @washingtonpost by the intelligence community (NSA and FBI?).Just like Russia
This Russian connection non-sense is merely an attempt to cover-up the many mistakes made in Hillary Clinton's losing campaign.
The fake news media is going crazy with their conspiracy theories and blind hatred. @MSNBC & @CNN are unwatchable. @foxandfriends is great!
Obamacare continues to fail. Humana to pull out in 2018. Will repeal, replace & save healthcare for ALL Americans.
'Remarks by President Trump at Signing of H.J. Resolution 41'
Great parent-teacher listening session this morning with @VP Pence & @usedgov Secretary @BetsyDeVos. Watch:…
The real story here is why are there so many illegal leaks coming out of Washington? Will these leaks be happening as I deal on N.Korea etc?
Congratulations to our new #VASecretary Dr. David Shulkin. Time to take care of Veterans who have fought to protect…
Congratulations Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin! #ICYMI- watch here:
Wonderful meeting with Canadian PM @JustinTrudeau and a group of leading CEO's & business women from Canada🇨🇦and th…
Welcome to the @WhiteHouse Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau!
Today I will meet with Canadian PM Trudeau and a group of leading business women to discuss women in the workforce.
Just leaving Florida. Big crowds of enthusiastic supporters lining the road that the FAKE NEWS media refuses to mention. Very dishonest!
Congratulations Stephen Miller- on representing me this morning on the various Sunday morning shows. Great job!
I know Mark Cuban well. He backed me big-time but I wasn't interested in taking all of his calls.He's not smart enough to run for president!
After two days of very productive talks, Prime Minister Abe is heading back to Japan. L
While on FAKE NEWS @CNN, Bernie Sanders was cut off for using the term fake news to describe the network. They said technical difficulties!
72% of refugees admitted into U.S. (2/3 -2/11) during COURT BREAKDOWN are from 7 countries: SYRIA, IRAQ, SOMALIA, IRAN, SUDAN, LIBYA & YEMEN
The crackdown on illegal criminals is merely the keeping of my campaign promise. Gang members, drug dealers & others are being removed!
#ICYMI: Joint Statement with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on North Korea.
RT @Scavino45: LIVE Joint Statement by President Trump and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe:
A working dinner tonight with Prime Minister Abe of Japan, and his representatives, at the Winter White House (Mar-a-Lago). Very good talks!
Played golf today with Prime Minister Abe of Japan and @TheBig_Easy, Ernie Els, and had a great time. Japan is very well represented!
I am so proud of my daughter Ivanka. To be abused and treated so badly by the media, and to still hold her head so high, is truly wonderful!
Having a great time hosting Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in the United States!
Melania and I are hosting Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Mrs. Abe at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla. They are a wonderful couple! or negotiations yet. When I do, just like with the F-35 FighterJet or the Air Force One Program, price will come WAY DOWN!
I am reading that the great border WALL will cost more than the government originally thought, but I have not gotten involved in the.....
Our legal system is broken! "77% of refugees allowed into U.S. since travel reprieve hail from seven suspect countries." (WT) SO DANGEROUS!
Heading to Joint Base Andrews on #MarineOne with Prime Minister Shinzō earlier today.
The failing @nytimes does major FAKE NEWS China story saying "Mr.Xi has not spoken to Mr. Trump since Nov.14." We spoke at length yesterday!
LAWFARE: "Remarkably, in the entire opinion, the panel did not bother even to cite this (the) statute." A disgraceful decision!
Join us live in the Oval Office for the swearing in of our new Attorney General, @SenatorSessions!
..Ryan died on a winning mission ( according to General Mattis), not a "failure." Time for the U.S. to get smart and start winning again!
...long he doesn't know how to win anymore, just look at the mess our country is in - bogged down in conflict all over the place. Our hero..
Sen. McCain should not be talking about the success or failure of a mission to the media. Only emboldens the enemy! He's been losing so....
Chris Cuomo, in his interview with Sen. Blumenthal, never asked him about his long-term lie about his brave "service" in Vietnam. FAKE NEWS!
Sen.Richard Blumenthal, who never fought in Vietnam when he said for years he had (major lie),now misrepresents what Judge Gorsuch told him?
Congratulations to our new Attorney General, @SenatorSessions!
'Trump administration seen as more truthful than news media'
'Majority in Leading EU Nations Support Trump-Style Travel Ban'
Poll of more than 10,000 people in 10 countries...
'Immigration Ban Is One Of Trump's Most Popular Orders So Far'
Thank you Brian Krzanich, CEO of @Intel. A great investment ($7 BILLION) in American INNOVATION and JOBS!…
Big increase in traffic into our country from certain areas, while our people are far more vulnerable, as we wait for what should be EASY D!
'16 Fake News Stories Reporters Have Run Since Trump Won'
My daughter Ivanka has been treated so unfairly by @Nordstrom. She is a great person -- always pushing me to do the right thing! Terrible!
Thank you to our great Police Chiefs & Sheriffs for your leadership & service. You have a true friend in the…
I will be speaking at 9:00 A.M. today to Police Chiefs and Sheriffs and will be discussing the horrible, dangerous and wrong decision.......
If the U.S. does not win this case as it so obviously should, we can never have the security and safety to which we are entitled. Politics!
It is a disgrace that my full Cabinet is still not in place, the longest such delay in the history of our country. Obstruction by Democrats!
An honor having the National Sheriffs' Assoc. join me at the @WhiteHouse. Incredible men & women who protect & serv…
I don't know Putin, have no deals in Russia, and the haters are going crazy - yet Obama can make a deal with Iran, #1 in terror, no problem!
The threat from radical Islamic terrorism is very real, just look at what is happening in Europe and the Middle-East. Courts must act fast!
The failing @nytimes was forced to apologize to its subscribers for the poor reporting it did on my election win. Now they are worse!
An extended interview from the Super Bowl with @oreillyfactor airs tonight at 8:00 P.M. Enjoy!
The failing @nytimes writes total fiction concerning me. They have gotten it wrong for two years, and now are making up stories & sources!
I call my own shots, largely based on an accumulation of data, and everyone knows it. Some FAKE NEWS media, in order to marginalize, lies!
Any negative polls are fake news, just like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the election. Sorry, people want border security and extreme vetting.
What an amazing comeback and win by the Patriots. Tom Brady, Bob Kraft and Coach B are total winners. Wow!
Enjoy the #SuperBowl and then we continue: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
I have instructed Homeland Security to check people coming into our country VERY CAREFULLY. The courts are making the job very difficult!
Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad!
The judge opens up our country to potential terrorists and others that do not have our best interests at heart. Bad people are very happy!
Interview with @oreillyfactor on Fox Network - 4:00 P.M. (prior to Super Bowl). Enjoy!
Why aren't the lawyers looking at and using the Federal Court decision in Boston, which is at conflict with ridiculous lift ban decision?
Because the ban was lifted by a judge, many very bad and dangerous people may be pouring into our country. A terrible decision
What is our country coming to when a judge can halt a Homeland Security travel ban and anyone, even with bad intentions, can come into U.S.?
After being forced to apologize for its bad and inaccurate coverage of me after winning the election, the FAKE NEWS @nytimes is still lost!
The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!
Interesting that certain Middle-Eastern countries agree with the ban. They know if certain people are allowed in it's death & destruction!
When a country is no longer able to say who can, and who cannot , come in & out, especially for reasons of safety &.security - big trouble!
Countries charge U.S. companies taxes or tariffs while the U.S. charges them nothing or little.We should charge them SAME as they charge us!
We must keep "evil" out of our country!
A new radical Islamic terrorist has just attacked in Louvre Museum in Paris. Tourists were locked down. France on edge again. GET SMART U.S.
Professional anarchists, thugs and paid protesters are proving the point of the millions of people who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Meeting with biggest business leaders this morning. Good jobs are coming back to U.S., health care and tax bills are being crafted NOW!
Thank you to Prime Minister of Australia for telling the truth about our very civil conversation that FAKE NEWS media lied about. Very nice!
Iran is playing with fire - they don't appreciate how "kind" President Obama was to them. Not me!
Yes, Arnold Schwarzenegger did a really bad job as Governor of California and even worse on the Apprentice...but at least he tried hard!
Thank you, @Samsung! We would love to have you!
Iran was on its last legs and ready to collapse until the U.S. came along and gave it a life-line in the form of the Iran Deal: $150 billion
Iran has been formally PUT ON NOTICE for firing a ballistic missile.Should have been thankful for the terrible deal the U.S. made with them!
Attending Chief Ryan Owens' Dignified Transfer yesterday with my daughter Ivanka was my great honor. To a great and brave man - thank you!
Congratulations to Rex Tillerson on being sworn in as our new Secretary of State. He will be a star!
If U.C. Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view - NO FEDERAL FUNDS?
Do you believe it? The Obama Administration agreed to take thousands of illegal immigrants from Australia. Why? I will study this dumb deal!
Iran is rapidly taking over more and more of Iraq even after the U.S. has squandered three trillion dollars there. Obvious long ago!
Everybody is arguing whether or not it is a BAN. Call it what you want, it is about keeping bad people (with bad intentions) out of country!
Hope you like my nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch for the United States Supreme Court. He is a good and brilliant man, respected by all.
Join me live from the @WhiteHouse.
Getting ready to deliver a VERY IMPORTANT DECISION! 8:00 P.M.
When will the Democrats give us our Attorney General and rest of Cabinet! They should be ashamed of themselves! No wonder D.C. doesn't work!
Nancy Pelosi and Fake Tears Chuck Schumer held a rally at the steps of The Supreme Court and mic did not work (a mess)-just like Dem party!
The Democrats are delaying my cabinet picks for purely political reasons. They have nothing going but to obstruct. Now have an Obama A.G.
The American dream is back. We’re going to create an environment for small business like we haven’t had in many, ma…
Where was all the outrage from Democrats and the opposition party (the media) when our jobs were fleeing our country?
I have made my decision on who I will nominate for The United States Supreme Court. It will be announced live on Tuesday at 8:00 P.M. (W.H.)
If the ban were announced with a one week notice, the "bad" would rush into our country during that week. A lot of bad "dudes" out there!
There is nothing nice about searching for terrorists before they can enter our country. This was a big part of my campaign. Study the world!
protesters and the tears of Senator Schumer. Secretary Kelly said that all is going well with very few problems. MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN!
Only 109 people out of 325,000 were detained and held for questioning. Big problems at airports were caused by Delta computer outage,.....
I will be interviewed by @TheBrodyFile on @CBNNews tonight at 11pm. Enjoy!
Statement Regarding Recent Executive Order Concerning Extreme Vetting:
...Senators should focus their energies on ISIS, illegal immigration and border security instead of always looking to start World War III.
The joint statement of former presidential candidates John McCain & Lindsey Graham is wrong - they are sadly weak on immigration. The two...
Christians in the Middle-East have been executed in large numbers. We cannot allow this horror to continue!
Our country needs strong borders and extreme vetting, NOW. Look what is happening all over Europe and, indeed, the world - a horrible mess!
Somebody with aptitude and conviction should buy the FAKE NEWS and failing @nytimes and either run it correctly or let it fold with dignity!
Today, we remember the crew of the Space Shuttle Challenger, 31 years later. #NeverForget
...dwindling subscribers and readers.They got me wrong right from the beginning and still have not changed course, and never will. DISHONEST
Thr coverage about me in the @nytimes and the @washingtonpost gas been so false and angry that the times actually apologized to its.....
The failing @nytimes has been wrong about me from the very beginning. Said I would lose the primaries, then the general election. FAKE NEWS!
I promise that our administration will ALWAYS have your back. We will ALWAYS be with you!
Congratulations Secretary Mattis!
Statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day:
.@VP Mike Pence will be speaking at today's #MarchForLife -- You have our full support!
The #MarchForLife is so important. To all of you marching --- you have my full support!
Mexico has taken advantage of the U.S. for long enough. Massive trade deficits & little help on the very weak border must change, NOW!
Look forward to seeing final results of VoteStand. Gregg Phillips and crew say at least 3,000,000 votes were illegal. We must do better!
Miami-Dade Mayor drops sanctuary policy. Right decision. Strong!
Will be interviewed by @SeanHannity on @FoxNews at 10:00pm tonight. Enjoy!
Spoke at the Congressional @GOP Retreat in Philadelphia, PA. this afternoon w/ @VP, @SenateMajLdr, @SpeakerRyan. Th…
of jobs and companies lost. If Mexico is unwilling to pay for the badly needed wall, then it would be better to cancel the upcoming meeting.
The U.S. has a 60 billion dollar trade deficit with Mexico. It has been a one-sided deal from the beginning of NAFTA with massive numbers...
Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who should never have been released from prison, is now calling President Obama a weak leader. Terrible!
Interview with David Muir of @ABC News in 10 minutes. Enjoy!
"@romoabcnews: .@DavidMuir first @POTUS interview since taking office. Tonight on @ABCWorldNews @ABC2020 tonight.
As your President, I have no higher duty than to protect the lives of the American people.
Beginning today, the United States of America gets back control of its borders. Full speech from today @DHSgov:…
I will be interviewed by @DavidMuir tonight at 10 o'clock on @ABC. Will be my first interview from the White House.…
I will be making my Supreme Court pick on Thursday of next week.Thank you!
even, those registered to vote who are dead (and many for a long time). Depending on results, we will strengthen up voting procedures!
I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal and....
Big day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY tomorrow. Among many other things, we will build the wall!
If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible "carnage" going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings (up 24% from 2016), I will send in the Feds!
Congratulations to @FoxNews for being number one in inauguration ratings. They were many times higher than FAKE NEWS @CNN - public is smart!
Great meeting with Ford CEO Mark Fields and General Motors CEO Mary Barra at the @WhiteHouse today.
Signing orders to move forward with the construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines in the Oval Off…
Great meeting with automobile industry leaders at the @WhiteHouse this morning. Together, we will #MAGA!
A photo delivered yesterday that will be displayed in the upper/lower press hall. Thank you Abbas!
Will be meeting at 9:00 with top automobile executives concerning jobs in America. I want new plants to be built here for cars sold here!
Busy week planned with a heavy focus on jobs and national security. Top executives coming in at 9:00 A.M. to talk manufacturing in America.
Peaceful protests are a hallmark of our democracy. Even if I don't always agree, I recognize the rights of people to express their views.
Wow, television ratings just out: 31 million people watched the Inauguration, 11 million more than the very good ratings from 4 years ago!
Watched protests yesterday but was under the impression that we just had an election! Why didn't these people vote? Celebs hurt cause badly.
Had a great meeting at CIA Headquarters yesterday, packed house, paid great respect to Wall, long standing ovations, amazing people. WIN!
RT @WhiteHouse: "Do not allow anyone to tell you that it cannot be done. No challenge can match the HEART and FIGHT and SPIRIT of America."…
A fantastic day and evening in Washington D.C.Thank you to @FoxNews and so many other news outlets for the GREAT reviews of the speech!
THANK YOU for another wonderful evening in Washington, D.C. TOGETHER, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN🇺🇸
So to all Americans, in every city near and far, small and large, from mountain to mountain...
It is time to remember that...
We will follow two simple rules: BUY AMERICAN & HIRE AMERICAN!
#InaugurationDay #MAGA🇺🇸
We will bring back our jobs. We will bring back our borders. We will bring back our wealth - and we will bring back our dreams!
The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. From this moment on, it’s going to be #AmericaFirst🇺🇸
January 20th 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again.
What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people.
power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the American People. #InaugurationDay
Today we are not merely transferring power from one Administration to another, or from one party to another – but we are transferring...
It all begins today! I will see you at 11:00 A.M. for the swearing-in. THE MOVEMENT CONTINUES - THE WORK BEGINS!
Thank you for a wonderful evening in Washington, D.C. #Inauguration
Thank you for joining us at the Lincoln Memorial tonight- a very special evening! Together, we are going to MAKE AM…
Join me at 4pm over at the Lincoln Memorial with my family!
Great Concert at 4:00 P.M. today at Lincoln Memorial. Enjoy!
On my way! #Inauguration2017
the American people. I have no doubt that we will, together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Getting ready to leave for Washington, D.C. The journey begins and I will be working and fighting very hard to make it a great journey for..
"It wasn't Donald Trump that divided this country, this country has been divided for a long time!" Stated today by Reverend Franklin Graham.
Thank you to our amazing Wounded Warriors for their service. It was an honor to be with them tonight in D.C.…
Great seeing @TheLeeGreenwood and Kimberly at this evenings VP dinner! #GodBlessTheUSA
Looking forward to a speedy recovery for George and Barbara Bush, both hospitalized. Thank you for your wonderful letter!
Writing my inaugural address at the Winter White House, Mar-a-Lago, three weeks ago. Looking forward to Friday.…
.@TheAlabamaBand was great last night in D.C. playing for 147 Diplomats and Ambassadors from countries around the world. Thanks Alabama!
No wonder the Today Show on biased @NBC is doing so badly compared to its glorious past. Little credibility!
"Bayer AG has pledged to add U.S. jobs and investments after meeting with President-elect Donald Trump, the latest in a string..." @WSJ
to the U.S., but had nothing to do with TRUMP, is more FAKE NEWS. Ask top CEO's of those companies for real facts. Came back because of me!
Totally biased @NBCNews went out of its way to say that the big announcement from Ford, G.M., Lockheed & others that jobs are coming back...
Will be interviewed by @ainsleyearhardt on @foxandfriends - Enjoy!
RT @EricTrump: Thank you to @GolfDigest for this incredible feature! "Golfer-in-Chief" @RealDonaldTrump
RT @MoskowitzEva: .@BetsyDeVos has the talent, commitment, and leadership capacity to revitalize our public schools and deliver the promise…
Thank you to General Motors and Walmart for starting the big jobs push back into the U.S.!
"How Trump Won--And How The Media Missed It"
"thought it would be hypocritical to attend Bush's swearing-in....he doesn't believe Bush is the true elected president." Sound familiar! WP
John Lewis said about my inauguration, "It will be the first one that I've missed." WRONG (or lie)! He boycotted Bush 43 also because he...
country and with the massive cost reductions I have negotiated on military purchases and more, I believe the people are seeing "big stuff."
With all of the jobs I am bringing back into the U.S. (even before taking office), with all of the new auto plants coming back into our.....
The same people who did the phony election polls, and were so wrong, are now doing approval rating polls. They are rigged just like before.
People are pouring into Washington in record numbers. Bikers for Trump are on their way. It will be a great Thursday, Friday and Saturday!
"@drgoodspine: @realDonaldTrump @Ivanka Trump is great, a woman with real character and class."
At 9:00 P.M. @CNN, of all places, is doing a Special Report on my daughter, Ivanka. Considering it is CNN, can't imagine it will be great!
"@levisteveholt: @realDonaldTrump I appreciate your use of Twitter to keep us informed and maintain transparency." Very dishonest media!
Celebrate Martin Luther King Day and all of the many wonderful things that he stood for. Honor him for being the great man that he was!
much worse - just look at Syria (red line), Crimea, Ukraine and the build-up of Russian nukes. Not good! Was this the leaker of Fake News?
.@FoxNews "Outgoing CIA Chief, John Brennan, blasts Pres-Elect Trump on Russia threat. Does not fully understand." Oh really, couldn't do...
.@NBCNews is bad but Saturday Night Live is the worst of NBC. Not funny, cast is terrible, always a complete hit job. Really bad television!
about that...Those Intelligence chiefs made a mistake here, & when people make mistakes, they should APOLOGIZE." Media should also apologize
Thank you to Bob Woodward who said, "That is a garbage never should have been presented...Trump's right to be upset (angry)...
For many years our country has been divided, angry and untrusting. Many say it will never change, the hatred is too deep. IT WILL CHANGE!!!!
will only get higher. Car companies and others, if they want to do business in our country, have to start making things here again. WIN!
The Democrats are most angry that so many Obama Democrats voted for me. With all of the jobs I am bringing back to our Nation, that number..
Inauguration Day is turning out to be even bigger than expected. January 20th, Washington D.C. Have fun!
Congressman John Lewis should finally focus on the burning and crime infested inner-cities of the U.S. I can use all the help I can get!
mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results. All talk, talk, talk - no action or results. Sad!
Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to......
A beautiful funeral today for a real NYC hero, Detective Steven McDonald. Our law enforcement community has my complete and total support.
The "Unaffordable" Care Act will soon be history!
have been allowed to run - guilty as hell. They were VERY nice to her. She lost because she campaigned in the wrong states - no enthusiasm!
What are Hillary Clinton's people complaining about with respect to the F.B.I. Based on the information they had she should never.....
released by "Intelligence" even knowing there is no proof, and never will be. My people will have a full report on hacking within 90 days!
Totally made up facts by sleazebag political operatives, both Democrats and Republicans - FAKE NEWS! Russia says nothing exists. Probably...
It now turns out that the phony allegations against me were put together by my political opponents and a failed spy afraid of being sued....
All of my Cabinet nominee are looking good and doing a great job. I want them to be themselves and express their own thoughts, not mine!
Congrats to the Senate for taking the first step to #RepealObamacare- now it's onto the House!
.@CNN is in a total meltdown with their FAKE NEWS because their ratings are tanking since election and their credibility will soon be gone!
Thank you to Linda Bean of L.L.Bean for your great support and courage. People will support you even more now. Buy L.L.Bean. @LBPerfectMaine
James Clapper called me yesterday to denounce the false and fictitious report that was illegally circulated. Made up, phony facts.Too bad!
"@zhu_amy3: @realDonaldTrump It's Morning in America again!!! ☀️☀️☀️Thank you President-Elect Donald Trump!!! So proud of you!!!!" THANKS!
We had a great News Conference at Trump Tower today. A couple of FAKE NEWS organizations were there but the people truly get what's going on
Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to "leak" into the public. One last shot at me.Are we living in Nazi Germany?
I win an election easily, a great "movement" is verified, and crooked opponents try to belittle our victory with FAKE NEWS. A sorry state!
Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA - NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!
Russia just said the unverified report paid for by political opponents is "A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FABRICATION, UTTER NONSENSE." Very unfair!
'BuzzFeed Runs Unverifiable Trump-Russia Claims' #FakeNews
RT @MichaelCohen212: I have never been to Prague in my life. #fakenews
'Trump Helps Lift Small Business Confidence to 12-Yr. High'
'Small business optimism soars after Trump election'
'U.S. Small-Business Optimism Index Surges by Most Since 1980'
Thank you to all of the men and women who protect & serve our communities 24/7/365!
An old picture with Nancy and Ronald Reagan.
Ford said last week that it will expand in Michigan and U.S. instead of building a BILLION dollar plant in Mexico. Thank you Ford & Fiat C!
It's finally happening - Fiat Chrysler just announced plans to invest $1BILLION in Michigan and Ohio plants, adding 2000 jobs. This after...
"groveling" when he totally changed a 16 year old story that he had written in order to make me look bad. Just more very dishonest media!
Hillary flunky who lost big. For the 100th time, I never "mocked" a disabled reporter (would never do that) but simply showed him.......
Meryl Streep, one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know me but attacked last night at the Golden Globes. She is a.....
Rupert Murdoch is a great guy who likes me much better as a very successful candidate than he ever did as a very successful developer!
Dishonest media says Mexico won't be paying for the wall if they pay a little later so the wall can be built more quickly. Media is fake!
Before I, or anyone, saw the classified and/or highly confidential hacking intelligence report, it was leaked out to @NBCNews. So serious!
RT @MeetThePress: Watch our interview with @KellyannePolls: Russia "did not succeed" in attempts to sway election #…
Kellyanne Conway went to @MeetThePress this morning for an interview with @chucktodd. Dishonest media cut out 9 of her 10 minutes. Terrible!
"@FoxNews: "We certainly don’t want intelligence interfering with politics and we don’t want politics interfe…
"@KellyannePolls: Welcome to President and Mrs. Bush.
Very nice!
I look very much forward to meeting Prime Minister Theresa May in Washington in the Spring. Britain, a longtime U.S. ally, is very special!
Congratulation to Jane Timken on her major upset victory in becoming the Ohio Republican Party Chair. Jane is a loyal Trump supporter & star
both countries will, perhaps, work together to solve some of the many great and pressing problems and issues of the WORLD!
have enough problems around the world without yet another one. When I am President, Russia will respect us far more than they do now and....
Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. Only "stupid" people, or fools, would think that it is bad! We.....
Only reason the hacking of the poorly defended DNC is discussed is that the loss by the Dems was so big that they are totally embarrassed!
Intelligence stated very strongly there was absolutely no evidence that hacking affected the election results. Voting machines not touched!
Gross negligence by the Democratic National Committee allowed hacking to take place.The Republican National Committee had strong defense!
Happy Birthday @EricTrump!
Monitoring the terrible situation in Florida. Just spoke to Governor Scott. Thoughts and prayers for all. Stay safe!
I am asking the chairs of the House and Senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to me seeing it.
Anna Wintour came to my office at Trump Tower to ask me to meet with the editors of Conde Nast & Steven Newhouse, a friend. Will go this AM.
being a movie star-and that was season 1 compared to season 14. Now compare him to my season 1. But who cares, he supported Kasich & Hillary
Wow, the ratings are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got "swamped" (or destroyed) by comparison to the ratings machine, DJT. So much for....
Hopefully, all supporters, and those who want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will go to D.C. on January 20th. It will be a GREAT SHOW!
and knew they were in big trouble - which is why they cancelled their big fireworks at the last minute.THEY SAW A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE
Hillary and the Dems were never going to beat the PASSION of my voters. They saw what was happening in the last two weeks before the......
The dishonest media does not report that any money spent on building the Great Wall (for sake of speed), will be paid back by Mexico later!
So how and why are they so sure about hacking if they never even requested an examination of the computer servers? What is going on?
The Democratic National Committee would not allow the FBI to study or see its computer info after it was supposedly hacked by Russia......
How did NBC get "an exclusive look into the top secret report he (Obama) was presented?" Who gave them this report and why? Politics!
Toyota Motor said will build a new plant in Baja, Mexico, to build Corolla cars for U.S. NO WAY! Build plant in U.S. or pay big border tax.
to make up their own minds as to the truth. The media lies to make it look like I am against "Intelligence" when in fact I am a big fan!
The dishonest media likes saying that I am in Agreement with Julian Assange - wrong. I simply state what he states, it is for the people....
...time for Republicans & Democrats to get together and come up with a healthcare plan that really works - much less expensive & FAR BETTER! the typical political thing and BLAME. The fact is ObamaCare was a lie from the beginning."Keep you doctor, keep your plan!" It is....
The Democrats, lead by head clown Chuck Schumer, know how bad ObamaCare is and what a mess they are in. Instead of working to fix it, they..
Jackie Evancho's album sales have skyrocketed after announcing her Inauguration performance.Some people just don't understand the "Movement"
massive increases of ObamaCare will take place this year and Dems are to blame for the mess. It will fall of its own weight - be careful!
like the 116% hike in Arizona. Also, deductibles are so high that it is practically useless. Don't let the Schumer clowns out of this web...
Republicans must be careful in that the Dems own the failed ObamaCare disaster, with its poor coverage and massive premium increases......
things they did and said (like giving the questions to the debate to H). A total double standard! Media, as usual, gave them a pass.
Somebody hacked the DNC but why did they not have "hacking defense" like the RNC has and why have they not responded to the terrible......
Thank you to Ford for scrapping a new plant in Mexico and creating 700 new jobs in the U.S. This is just the beginning - much more to follow
"@FoxNews: Julian Assange on U.S. media coverage: “It’s very dishonest.” #Hannity More dishonest than anyone knows
Julian Assange said "a 14 year old could have hacked Podesta" - why was DNC so careless? Also said Russians did not give him the info!
The "Intelligence" briefing on so-called "Russian hacking" was delayed until Friday, perhaps more time needed to build a case. Very strange!
I will be having a general news conference on JANUARY ELEVENTH in N.Y.C. Thank you.
"Trump is already delivering the jobs he promised America"
There should be no further releases from Gitmo. These are extremely dangerous people and should not be allowed back onto the battlefield.
Instead of driving jobs and wealth away, AMERICA will become the world's great magnet for INNOVATION & JOB CREATION.
"@DanScavino: Ford to scrap Mexico plant, invest in Michigan due to Trump policies"
........may be, their number one act and priority. Focus on tax reform, healthcare and so many other things of far greater importance! #DTS
With all that Congress has to work on, do they really have to make the weakening of the Independent Ethics Watchdog, as unfair as it
The Democrat Governor.of Minnesota said "The Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) is no longer affordable!" - And, it is lousy healthcare.
People must remember that ObamaCare just doesn't work, and it is not affordable - 116% increases (Arizona). Bill Clinton called it "CRAZY"
General Motors is sending Mexican made model of Chevy Cruze to U.S. car dealers-tax free across border. Make in U.S.A.or pay big border tax!
China has been taking out massive amounts of money & wealth from the U.S. in totally one-sided trade, but won't help with North Korea. Nice!
North Korea just stated that it is in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the U.S. It won't happen!
I thought and felt I would win big, easily over the fabled 270 (306). When they cancelled fireworks, they knew, and so did I.
Various media outlets and pundits say that I thought I was going to lose the election. Wrong, it all came together in the last week and.....
@CNN just released a book called "Unprecedented" which explores the 2016 race & victory. Hope it does well but used worst cover photo of me!
Chicago murder rate is record setting - 4,331 shooting victims with 762 murders in 2016. If Mayor can't do it he must ask for Federal help!
Well, the New Year begins. We will, together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
RT @IvankaTrump: 2016 has been one of the most eventful and exciting years of my life. I wish you peace, joy, love and laughter. Happy New…
RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Happy new year everyone. #newyear #family #vacation #familytime
RT @EricTrump: 2016 was such an incredible year for our entire family! My beautiful wife @LaraLeaTrump made it even better! 🇺🇸🇺🇸
RT @Reince: Happy New Year + God's blessings to you all. Looking forward to incredible things in 2017! @realDonaldTrump will Make America…
RT @DanScavino: On behalf of our next #POTUS & @TeamTrump-
#HappyNewYear AMERICA🇺🇸
#HappyNewYear & many blessings to you all! Looking forward to a wonderful & prosperous 2017 as we…
RT @realDonaldTrump: Happy Birthday @DonaldJTrumpJr!
Happy Birthday @DonaldJTrumpJr!
Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don't know what to do. Love!
Russians are playing @CNN and @NBCNews for such fools - funny to watch, they don't have a clue! @FoxNews totally gets it!
Join @AmerIcan32, founded by Hall of Fame legend @JimBrownNFL32 on 1/19/2017 in Washington, D.C.…
Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!
My Administration will follow two simple rules:
'Economists say Trump delivered hope'
not anymore. The beginning of the end was the horrible Iran deal, and now this (U.N.)! Stay strong Israel, January 20th is fast approaching!
We cannot continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect. They used to have a great friend in the U.S., but.......
Doing my best to disregard the many inflammatory President O statements and roadblocks.Thought it was going to be a smooth transition - NOT!
The U.S. Consumer Confidence Index for December surged nearly four points to 113.7, THE HIGHEST LEVEL IN MORE THAN 15 YEARS! Thanks Donald!
President Obama campaigned hard (and personally) in the very important swing states, and lost.The voters wanted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
The DJT Foundation, unlike most foundations, never paid fees, rent, salaries or any expenses. 100% of money goes to wonderful charities!
I gave millions of dollars to DJT Foundation, raised or recieved millions more, ALL of which is given to charity, and media won't report!
The world was gloomy before I won - there was no hope. Now the market is up nearly 10% and Christmas spending is over a trillion dollars!
The United Nations has such great potential but right now it is just a club for people to get together, talk and have a good time. So sad!
President Obama said that he thinks he would have won against me. He should say that but I say NO WAY! - jobs leaving, ISIS, OCare, etc.
Merry Christmas and a very, very, very , very Happy New Year to everyone!
Happy #Hanukkah
The big loss yesterday for Israel in the United Nations will make it much harder to negotiate peace.Too bad, but we will get it done anyway!
.@NBCNews purposely left out this part of my nuclear qoute: "until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes." Dishonest!
Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary and Dems: "In my opinion, it is humiliating. One must be able to lose with dignity." So true!
slaughter you. This is a purely religious threat, which turned into reality. Such hatred! When will the U.S., and all countries, fight back?
The terrorist who killed so many people in Germany said just before crime, "by God's will we will slaughter you pigs, I swear, we will......
As to the U.N., things will be different after Jan. 20th.
my presidency. Isn't this a ridiculous shame? He loves these kids, has raised millions of dollars for them, and now must stop. Wrong answer!
My wonderful son, Eric, will no longer be allowed to raise money for children with cancer because of a possible conflict of interest with...
The so-called "A" list celebrities are all wanting tixs to the inauguration, but look what they did for Hillary, NOTHING. I want the PEOPLE!
Based on the tremendous cost and cost overruns of the Lockheed Martin F-35, I have asked Boeing to price-out a comparable F-18 Super Hornet!
The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes
Someone incorrectly stated that the phrase "DRAIN THE SWAMP" was no longer being used by me. Actually, we will always be trying to DTS.
The resolution being considered at the United Nations Security Council regarding Israel should be vetoed....cont:
I met some really great Air Force GENERALS and Navy ADMIRALS today, talking about airplane capability and pricing. Very impressive people!
I have not heard any of the pundits or commentators discussing the fact that I spent FAR LESS MONEY on the win than Hillary on the loss!
I would have done even better in the election, if that is possible, if the winner was based on popular vote - but would campaign differently
Campaigning to win the Electoral College is much more difficult & sophisticated than the popular vote. Hillary focused on the wrong states!
Yes, it is true - Carlos Slim, the great businessman from Mexico, called me about getting together for a meeting. We met, HE IS A GREAT GUY!
especially how to get people, even with an unlimited budget, out to vote in the vital swing states ( and more). They focused on wrong states
Bill Clinton stated that I called him after the election. Wrong, he called me (with a very nice congratulations). He "doesn't know much" ...
"@mike_pence: Congratulations to @RealDonaldTrump; officially elected President of the United States today by the Electoral College!"
"@Franklin_Graham: Congratulations to President-elect @realDonaldTrump--the electoral votes are in and it's official." Thank you Franklin!
RT @DanScavino: #TrumpTrain🚂💨🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
We did it! Thank you to all of my great supporters, we just officially won the election (despite all of the distorted and inaccurate media).
Today there were terror attacks in Turkey, Switzerland and Germany - and it is only getting worse. The civilized world must change thinking!
If my many supporters acted and threatened people like those who lost the election are doing, they would be scorned & called terrible names!
We should tell China that we don't want the drone they stole back.- let them keep it!
Thank you Alabama! From now on, it’s going to be #AmericaFirst. Our goal is to bring back that wonderful phrase:…
RT @DanScavino: Join President-elect Trump LIVE from Mobile, Alabama via his #Facebook page! #ThankYouTour2016
China steals United States Navy research drone in international waters - rips it out of water and takes it to China in unprecedented act.
Mobile, Alabama today at 3:00 P.M. Last rally of the year - "THANK YOU ALABAMA AND THE SOUTH" Biggest of all crowds expected, see you there!
"@EazyMF_E: @realDonaldTrump Many people are now saying you will be an extremely successful president! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" Thank you!
Last night in Orlando, Florida, was incredible - massive crowd - THANK YOU FLORIDA! Today at 3:00 P.M. I will be in Alabama for last rally!
Thank you Florida. My Administration will follow two simple rules: BUY AMERICAN and HIRE AMERICAN! #ICYMI- Watch:…
Tonight- Orlando, Florida
Tomorrow- Mobile, Alabama
Well, we all did it, together! I hope the "MOVEMENT" fans will go to D.C. on Jan 20th for the swearing in. Let's set the all time record!
Are we talking about the same cyberattack where it was revealed that head of the DNC illegally gave Hillary the questions to the debate?
Thank you Pennsylvania! Together, we are going to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Watch here:
Join me in Mobile, Alabama on Sat. at 3pm! #ThankYouTour2016
If Russia, or some other entity, was hacking, why did the White House wait so long to act? Why did they only complain after Hillary lost?
The media tries so hard to make my move to the White House, as it pertains to my business, so complex - when actually it isn't!
Thank you to Time Magazine and Financial Times for naming me "Person of the Year" - a great honor!
Has anyone looked at the really poor numbers of @VanityFair Magazine. Way down, big trouble, dead! Graydon Carter, no talent, will be out!
.@BillGates and @JimBrownNFL32 in my Trump Tower office yesterday- two great guys!
Thank you Wisconsin! My Administration will be focused on three very important words: jobs, jobs, jobs! Watch:…
RT @DanScavino: Join #PEOTUS Trump & #VPEOTUS Pence live in West Allis, Wisconsin!
#ThankYouTour2016 #MAGA
Join me this Saturday at Ladd–Peebles Stadium in Mobile, Alabama!
The thing I like best about Rex Tillerson is that he has vast experience at dealing successfully with all types of foreign governments.
Wisconsin and Pennsylvania have just certified my wins in those states. I actually picked up additional votes!
I have chosen one of the truly great business leaders of the world, Rex Tillerson, Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, to be Secretary of State.
I will hold a press conference in the near future to discuss the business, Cabinet picks and all other topics of interest. Busy times!
Presidency. Two of my children, Don and Eric, plus executives, will manage them. No new deals will be done during my term(s) in office.
Even though I am not mandated by law to do so, I will be leaving my busineses before January 20th so that I can focus full time on the......
I will be making my announcement on the next Secretary of State tomorrow morning.
The final Wisconsin vote is in and guess what - we just picked up an additional 131 votes. The Dems and Green Party can now rest. Scam!
Tue: West Allis, WI.
Thur: Hershey, PA.
Fri: Orlando, FL.
Sat: Mobile, AL.
The F-35 program and cost is out of control. Billions of dollars can and will be saved on military (and other) purchases after January 20th.
Unless you catch "hackers" in the act, it is very hard to determine who was doing the hacking. Why wasn't this brought up before election?
Can you imagine if the election results were the opposite and WE tried to play the Russia/CIA card. It would be called conspiracy theory!
Just watched @NBCNightlyNews - So biased, inaccurate and bad, point after point. Just can't get much worse, although @CNN is right up there!
Will be interviewed on @FoxNews at 10:00 P.M. Enjoy!
Whether I choose him or not for "State"- Rex Tillerson, the Chairman & CEO of ExxonMobil, is a world class player and dealmaker. Stay tuned!
I spent Friday campaigning with John Kennedy, of the Great State of Louisiana, for the U.S.Senate. The election is over - JOHN WON!
Being at the Army - Navy Game was fantastic. There is nothing like the spirit in that stadium. A wonderful experience, and congrats to Army!
I will be interviewed today on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace at 10:00 (Eastern) Network. ENJOY!
RT @FoxNewsSunday: Sunday-- our exclusive interview with President-elect @realDonaldTrump
Watch on @FoxNews at 2p/10p ET
Check your local…
October 2015 - thanks Chris Wallace @FoxNewsSunday!
RT @TrumpInaugural: Counting down the days until the swearing in of @realDonaldTrump & @mike_pence. Check in here for the latest updates. #…
A very interesting read. Unfortunately, so much is true.
Reports by @CNN that I will be working on The Apprentice during my Presidency, even part time, are ridiculous & untrue - FAKE NEWS!
As a show of support for our Armed Forces, I will be going to The Army-Navy Game today. Looking forward to it, should be fun!
I have NOTHING to do with The Apprentice except for fact that I conceived it with Mark B & have a big stake in it. Will devote ZERO TIME!
.@RudyGiuliani, one of the finest people I know and a former GREAT Mayor of N.Y.C., just took himself out of consideration for "State".
Thank you Michigan. We are going to bring back your jobs & together, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Thank you Louisiana! Get out & vote for John Kennedy tomorrow. Electing Kennedy will help enact our agenda on behal…
Join me live in Louisiana! Tomorrow, we need you to go to the polls & send John Kennedy to the U.S. Senate.
Join me tomorrow! #MAGA
10am- Baton Rouge, LA.
7pm- Grand Rapids, MI.
On my way to Des Moines, Iowa- will see you soon with @mike_pence. Join us! Tickets: #ThankYouTour2016
Today we lost a great pioneer of air and space in John Glenn. He was a hero and inspired generations of future explorers. He will be missed.
If United Steelworkers 1999 was any good, they would have kept those jobs in Indiana. Spend more time working-less time talking. Reduce dues
Chuck Jones, who is President of United Steelworkers 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country!
Join me tomorrow in Des Moines, Iowa with Vice President-Elect @mike_pence - at 7:00pm!
#ThankYouTour2016 #MAGA…
We pause today to remember the 2,403 American heroes who selflessly gave their lives at Pearl Harbor 75 years ago...
I will be interviewed on the @TODAYshow at 7:30. Enjoy!
A great night in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Thank you! #ICYMI watch here:
Departing New York with General James 'Mad Dog' Mattis for tonight's rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina! See you…
Masa said he would never do this had we (Trump) not won the election!
Masa (SoftBank) of Japan has agreed to invest $50 billion in the U.S. toward businesses and 50,000 new jobs....
Join me tonight in Fayetteville, North Carolina at 7pm!
Boeing is building a brand new 747 Air Force One for future presidents, but costs are out of control, more than $4 billion. Cancel order!
12/6- North Carolina
12/8- Iowa
12/9- Michiga…
If the press would cover me accurately & honorably, I would have far less reason to "tweet." Sadly, I don't know if that will ever happen!
I am thrilled to nominate Dr. @RealBenCarson as our next Secretary of the US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development…
their country (the U.S. doesn't tax them) or to build a massive military complex in the middle of the South China Sea? I don't think so!
Did China ask us if it was OK to devalue their currency (making it hard for our companies to compete), heavily tax our products going into..
.@FoxNews will be re-running "Objectified: Donald Trump," the ratings hit produced by the great Harvey Levin of TMZ, at 8:00 P.M. Enjoy!
The Green Party just dropped its recount suit in Pennsylvania and is losing votes in Wisconsin recount. Just a Stein scam to raise money!
these companies are able to move between all 50 states, with no tax or tariff being charged. Please be forewarned prior to making a very ...
wanting to sell their product, cars, A.C. units etc., back across the border. This tax will make leaving financially difficult, but.....
without retribution or consequence, is WRONG! There will be a tax on our soon to be strong border of 35% for these companies ......
fires its employees, builds a new factory or plant in the other country, and then thinks it will sell its product back into the U.S. ......
The U.S. is going to substantialy reduce taxes and regulations on businesses, but any business that leaves our country for another country,
Just tried watching Saturday Night Live - unwatchable! Totally biased, not funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can't get any worse. Sad
Our great VPE, @mike_pence, is in Louisiana campaigning for John Kennedy for US Senate. John will be a tremendous help to us in Washington.
State Treasurer John Kennedy is my choice for US Senator from Louisiana. Early voting today; election next Saturday.
"@TigerWoods: Can’t wait to get back out there and mix it up with the boys. –TW #heroworldchallenge" Great to have you back Tiger - Special!
Rexnord of Indiana is moving to Mexico and rather viciously firing all of its 300 workers. This is happening all over our country. No more!
Interesting how the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars of military equipment but I should not accept a congratulatory call.
The President of Taiwan CALLED ME today to wish me congratulations on winning the Presidency. Thank you!
Thank you Ohio! Together, we made history – and now, the real work begins. America will start winning again!…
Heading to U.S. Bank Arena in Cincinnati, Ohio for a 7pm rally.
Join me! Tickets:
Getting ready to leave for the Great State of Indiana and meet the hard working and wonderful people of Carrier A.C.
My thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the tragic storms and tornadoes in the Southeastern United States. Stay safe!
Look forward to going to Indiana tomorrow in order to be with the great workers of Carrier. They will sell many air conditioners!
'Donald Trump is already helping the working class'
RT @DanScavino: Great interview on @foxandfriends by @SteveDoocy w/ Carrier employee- who has a message for #PEOTUS @realDonaldTrump & #VPE…
'President-elect Donald J. Trump today announced his intent to nominate Steven Mnuchin, Wilbur Ross & Todd Ricketts…
Join me in Cincinnati, Ohio tomorrow evening at 7:00pm. I am grateful for all of your support. THANK YOU!
Hence, legal documents are being crafted which take me completely out of business operations. The Presidency is a far more important task!
do this under the law, I feel it is visually important, as President, to in no way have a conflict of interest with my various businesses..
great business in total in order to fully focus on running the country in order to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! While I am not mandated to ....
I will be holding a major news conference in New York City with my children on December 15 to discuss the fact that I will be leaving my ...
ISIS is taking credit for the terrible stabbing attack at Ohio State University by a Somali refugee who should not have been in our country.
Big day on Thursday for Indiana and the great workers of that wonderful state.We will keep our companies and jobs in the U.S. Thanks Carrier
I will be going to Indiana on Thursday to make a major announcement concerning Carrier A.C. staying in Indianapolis. Great deal for workers!
'President-Elect Donald J. Trump Nominates Elaine Chao as Secretary of the Department of Transportation'
'President-Elect Donald J. Trump Intends to Nominate Congressman Tom Price and Seema Verma.'
RT @DanScavino: Back to Cincinnati, Ohio this Thursday (12/1/16) at 7pm for #PEOTUS @realDonaldTrump's #ThankYouTour2016! Join us!
My thoughts and prayers are with the great people of Tennessee during these terrible wildfires. Stay safe!
Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag - if they do, there must be consequences - perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail!
I thought that @CNN would get better after they failed so badly in their support of Hillary Clinton however, since election, they are worse!
The Great State of Michigan was just certified as a Trump WIN giving all of our MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN supporters another victory - 306!
.@CNN is so embarrassed by their total (100%) support of Hillary Clinton, and yet her loss in a landslide, that they don't know what to do.
"@sdcritic: @HighonHillcrest @jeffzeleny @CNN There is NO QUESTION THAT #voterfraud did take place, and in favor of #CorruptHillary !"
"@FiIibuster: @jeffzeleny Pathetic - you have no sufficient evidence that Donald Trump did not suffer from voter fraud, shame! Bad reporter.
"@JoeBowman12: @jeffzeleny just another generic CNN part time wannabe journalist !" @CNN still doesn't get it. They will never learn!
"@HighonHillcrest: @jeffzeleny what PROOF do u have DonaldTrump did not suffer from millions of FRAUD votes? Journalist? Do your job! @CNN"
Just met with General Petraeus--was very impressed!
If Cuba is unwilling to make a better deal for the Cuban people, the Cuban/American people and the U.S. as a whole, I will terminate deal.
Serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire and California - so why isn't the media reporting on this? Serious bias - big problem!
states instead of the 15 states that I visited. I would have won even more easily and convincingly (but smaller states are forgotten)!
It would have been much easier for me to win the so-called popular vote than the Electoral College in that I would only campaign in 3 or 4--
In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally
Trump is going to be our President. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead." So much time and money will be spent - same result! Sad
this election. That is a direct threat to our democracy." She then said, "We have to accept the results and look to the future, Donald --
of position." Then, separately she stated, "He said something truly horrifying ... he refused to say that he would respect the results of --
during a general election. I, for one, am appalled that somebody that is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind --
and fair elections. We've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them, and that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a -
Hillary's debate answer on delay: "That is horrifying. That is not the way our democracy works. Been around for 240 years. We've had free --
Hillary Clinton conceded the election when she called me just prior to the victory speech and after the results were in. Nothing will change
The Democrats, when they incorrectly thought they were going to win, asked that the election night tabulation be accepted. Not so anymore!
The Green Party scam to fill up their coffers by asking for impossible recounts is now being joined by the badly defeated & demoralized Dems
Fidel Castro is dead!
I am working hard, even on Thanksgiving, trying to get Carrier A.C. Company to stay in the U.S. (Indiana). MAKING PROGRESS - Will know soon!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. We will, together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Let us give thanks for all that we have, and let us boldly face the exciting new frontiers that lie ahead. Happy Th…
Bus crash in Tennessee so sad & so terrible. Condolences to all family members and loved ones. These beautiful children will be remembered!
I am seriously considering Dr. Ben Carson as the head of HUD. I've gotten to know him well--he's a greatly talented person who loves people!
The meeting with the @nytimes is back on at 12:30 today. Look forward to it!
'Jeff Sessions, a Fitting Selection for Attorney General'
'President-elect Donald J. Trump's CIA Director Garners Praise'
Great meetings will take place today at Trump Tower concerning the formation of the people who will run our government for the next 8 years.
The failing @nytimes just announced that complaints about them are at a 15 year high. I can fully understand that - but why announce?
Perhaps a new meeting will be set up with the @nytimes. In the meantime they continue to cover me inaccurately and with a nasty tone!
I cancelled today's meeting with the failing @nytimes when the terms and conditions of the meeting were changed at the last moment. Not nice
Many people would like to see @Nigel_Farage represent Great Britain as their Ambassador to the United States. He would do a great job!
Prior to the election it was well known that I have interests in properties all over the world.Only the crooked media makes this a big deal!
.@transition2017 update and policy plans for the first 100 days.
I have always had a good relationship with Chuck Schumer. He is far smarter than Harry R and has the ability to get things done. Good news!
General James "Mad Dog" Mattis, who is being considered for Secretary of Defense, was very impressive yesterday. A true General's General!
I watched parts of @nbcsnl Saturday Night Live last night. It is a totally one-sided, biased show - nothing funny at all. Equal time for us?
Numerous patriots will be coming to Bedminster today as I continue to fill out the various positions necessary to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
The cast and producers of Hamilton, which I hear is highly overrated, should immediately apologize to Mike Pence for their terrible behavior
The Theater must always be a safe and special place.The cast of Hamilton was very rude last night to a very good man, Mike Pence. Apologize!
Our wonderful future V.P. Mike Pence was harassed last night at the theater by the cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing.This should not happen!
The ONLY bad thing about winning the Presidency is that I did not have the time to go through a long but winning trial on Trump U. Too bad!
I settled the Trump University lawsuit for a small fraction of the potential award because as President I have to focus on our country.
Will be working all weekend in choosing the great men and women who will be helping to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
I worked hard with Bill Ford to keep the Lincoln plant in Kentucky. I owed it to the great State of Kentucky for their confidence in me!
Just got a call from my friend Bill Ford, Chairman of Ford, who advised me that he will be keeping the Lincoln plant in Kentucky - no Mexico
My transition team, which is working long hours and doing a fantastic job, will be seeing many great candidates today. #MAGA
Australia, New Zealand, and more. I am always available to them. @nytimes is just upset that they looked like fools in their coverage of me.
I have recieved and taken calls from many foreign leaders despite what the failing @nytimes said. Russia, U.K., China, Saudi Arabia, Japan,
The failing @nytimes story is so totally wrong on transition. It is going so smoothly. Also, I have spoken to many foreign leaders.
I am not trying to get "top level security clearance" for my children. This was a typically false news story.
Very organized process taking place as I decide on Cabinet and many other positions. I am the only one who knows who the finalists are!
The Electoral College is actually genius in that it brings all states, including the smaller ones, into play. Campaigning is much different!
If the election were based on total popular vote I would have campaigned in N.Y. Florida and California and won even bigger and more easily
The debates, especially the second and third, plus speeches and intensity of the large rallies, plus OUR GREAT SUPPORTERS, gave us the win!
I will be interviewed on @60Minutes tonight after the NFL game - 7:00 P.M. Enjoy!
The @nytimes states today that DJT believes "more countries should acquire nuclear weapons." How dishonest are they. I never said this!
Governor John Kasich of the GREAT, GREAT, GREAT State of Ohio called to congratulate me on the win. The people of Ohio were incredible!
Jeb Bush, George W and George H.W. all called to express their best wishes on the win. Very nice!
Mitt Romney called to congratulate me on the win. Very nice!
The @nytimes sent a letter to their subscribers apologizing for their BAD coverage of me. I wonder if it will change - doubt it?
Wow, the @nytimes is losing thousands of subscribers because of their very poor and highly inaccurate coverage of the "Trump phenomena"
This will prove to be a great time in the lives of ALL Americans. We will unite and we will win, win, win!
Today we express our deepest gratitude to all those who have served in our armed forces. #ThankAVet
Busy day planned in New York. Will soon be making some very important decisions on the people who will be running our government!
Love the fact that the small groups of protesters last night have passion for our great country. We will all come together and be proud!
Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!
A fantastic day in D.C. Met with President Obama for first time. Really good meeting, great chemistry. Melania liked Mrs. O a lot!
Happy 241st birthday to the U.S. Marine Corps! Thank you for your service!!
Such a beautiful and important evening! The forgotten man and woman will never be forgotten again. We will all come together as never before
Watching the returns at 9:45pm.
#ElectionNight #MAGA🇺🇸
RT @IvankaTrump: Such a surreal moment to vote for my father for President of the United States! Make your voice heard and vote! #Election2…
RT @EricTrump: Join my family in this incredible movement to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!! Now it is up to you! Please #VOTE for America!
RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: FINAL PUSH! Eric and I doing dozens of radio interviews. We can win this thing! GET OUT AND VOTE! #MAGA #ElectionDay ht…
Still time to #VoteTrump!
#iVoted #ElectionNight
Don't let up, keep getting out to vote - this election is FAR FROM OVER! We are doing well but there is much time left. GO FLORIDA!
Just out according to @CNN: "Utah officials report voting machine problems across entire country"
I will be watching the election results from Trump Tower in Manhattan with my family and friends. Very exciting!
We need your vote. Go to the POLLS! Let's continue this MOVEMENT! Find your poll location:
VOTE TODAY! Go to to find your polling location. We are going to Make America Great Again!…
Today we are going to win the great state of MICHIGAN and we are going to WIN back the White House! Thank you MI!…
RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Thanks New Hampshire!!!
#NH #NewHampshire #MAGA
RT @detroitnews: .@IvankaTrump in Michigan: ‘This is your movement’ @realDonaldTrump
Unbelievable evening in New Hampshire - THANK YOU! Flying to Grand Rapids, Michigan now.
Watch NH rally here:…
Big news to share in New Hampshire tonight! Polls looking great! See you soon.
Today in Florida, I pledged to stand with the people of Cuba and Venezuela in their fight against oppression- cont:
Thank you Pennsylvania! Going to New Hampshire now and on to Michigan. Watch PA rally here:
LIVE on #Periscope: Join me for a few minutes in Pennsylvania. Get out & VOTE tomorrow. LETS #MAGA!!
Hey Missouri let's defeat Crooked Hillary & @koster4missouri! Koster supports Obamacare & amnesty! Vote outsider Navy SEAL @EricGreitens!
'America must decide between failed policies or fresh perspective, a corrupt system or an outsider'
'What I Like About Trump ... and Why You Need to Vote for Him'
'Why Trump'
I love you North Carolina- thank you for your amazing support! Get out and tomorrow!
On my way!
Just landed in North Carolina- heading to the J.S. Dorton Arena. See you all soon! Lets #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!
Starting tomorrow it's going to be #AmericaFirst! Thank you for a great morning Sarasota, Florida!
Watch here:…
Thank you for you support Virginia! In ONE DAY - get out and #VoteTrumpPence16! #ICYMI:
Thank you Pennsylvania- I am forever grateful for your amazing support. Lets MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! #MAGA…
Thank you Michigan! This is a MOVEMENT that will never be seen again- it's our last chance to #DrainTheSwamp! Watch…
Our American comeback story begins 11/8/16. Together, we will MAKE AMERICA SAFE & GREAT again for everyone! Watch:…
Thank you Minnesota! It is time to #DrainTheSwamp & #MAGA!
#ICYMI- watch:
MONDAY - 11/7/2016
Scranton, Pennsylvania at 5:30pm.
Grand Rapids, Michigan at 11pm.…
Thank you Iowa - Get out & #VoteTrumpPence16!
RT @IvankaTrump: Thank you New Hampshire! 🇺🇸
Van Jones: ‘There Is A Crack in the Blue Wall’ — It Has to Do With Trade:
Great night in Denver, Colorado- thank you! Together, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
#ICYMI watch rally here:…
RT @DanScavino: Join @realDonaldTrump LIVE in Denver, Colorado via his #Facebook page- we are here!!
Thank you Reno, Nevada.
NOTHING will stop us in our quest to MAKE AMERICA SAFE AND GREAT AGAIN! #AmericaFirst…
Join me live in Reno, Nevada!
VIRGINIA • 9:30p…
Top Clinton Aides Bemoan Campaign ‘All Tactics,’ No Vision:
‘Must Act Immediately’: Clinton Charity Lawyer Told Execs They Were Breaking The Law
Watch Coach Mike Ditka- a great guy and supporter tonight at 8pmE on #WattersWorld with @jessebwatters @FoxNews.
Thank you Wilmington, North Carolina. We are 3 days away from the CHANGE you've been waiting for your entire life!…
Thank you for the incredible support this morning Tampa, Florida! #ICYMI- watch here:
Join me in Denver, Colorado tonight at 9:30pm:
NEW- Scranton, Pennsylvania Monday @ 5:30pm:
Thank you Hershey, Pennsylvania. Get out & VOTE on November 8th & we will #MAGA! #RallyForRiley
#ICYMI, watch here…
Join me in Denver, Colorado tomorrow at 9:30pm!
Join me live in Hershey, Pennsylvania!
The only thing that can stop this corrupt machine is YOU. The only force strong enough to save our country is US.…
Thank you Ohio! VOTE so we can replace Obamacare and save healthcare for every family in the United States! Watch:…
Join me live in Wilmington, Ohio!
If Obama worked as hard on straightening out our country as he has trying to protect and elect Hillary, we would all be much better off!
Thank you NH! We will end illegal immigration, stop the drugs, deport all criminal aliens&save American lives! Watc…
Clinton Aides: ‘Definitely’ Not Releasing Some HRC Emails:
RT @TeamTrump: Mrs. Saucier's son is in prison for having classified info on an unsecured device. @HillaryClinton did FAR WORSE & is runnin…
"The Clinton Campaign at Obama Justice" #DrainTheSwamp
Join me today in Wilmington, Ohio at 4pm:
Tomorrow- Tampa, Florida at 10am:
There is no challenge too great, no dream outside of our reach! Thank you Selma, North Carolina!
#ICYMI, watch here…
RT @PaulaReidCBS: .@CBSNews confirms FBI found emails on #AnthonyWeiner computer, related to Hillary Clinton server, that are "new" & not p…
Join me in Wilmington, Ohio tomorrow at 4:00pm! It is time to #DrainTheSwamp! Tickets:
#CrookedHillary is unfit to serve.
Thank you Concord, North Carolina! When WE win on November 8th, we are going to Washington, D.C. and we are going t…
Watching my beautiful wife, Melania, speak about our love of country and family. We will make you all very proud.…
Looking at Air Force One @ MIA. Why is he campaigning instead of creating jobs & fixing Obamacare? Get back to work for the American people!
ObamaCare is a total disaster. Hillary Clinton wants to save it by making it even more expensive. Doesn't work, I will REPEAL AND REPLACE!
My wife, Melania, will be speaking in Pennsylvania this afternoon. So exciting, big crowds! I will be watching from North Carolina.
#ImWithYou #DrainTheSwamp
RT @T_Lineberger: Thanks @IvankaTrump for coming to help win Michigan! More people here than a Hillary rally with less than 24 hours notice…
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #6Days
Thank you Orlando, Florida! We are just six days away from delivering justice for every forgotten man, woman and ch…
After decades of lies and scandal, Crooked Hillary's corruption is closing in. #DrainTheSwamp!
Clinton camp fumed when surrogate told supporters Clinton planned to betray labor on TPP post-election:
"It pays to have friends in high places- like the Justice Department. Clearly the Clintons do."
Thank you Miami! In 6 days, we are going to WIN the GREAT STATE of FLORIDA - and we are going to win back the White…
Praying for the families of the two Iowa police who were ambushed this morning. An attack on those who keep us safe is an attack on us all.
"@PYNance: Evangelical women live at #trumptower @pdpryor1 @CissieGLynch @SaysGabrielle
"@Ravenrantz: #Billygraham's grand daughter #SupportsTrump So nice, thank you Cissy Graham Lynch!!!!
Crooked Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 e-mails AFTER they were subpoenaed by the United States Congress. Guilty - cannot run. Rigged system!
I am going to repeal and replace ObamaCare. We will have MUCH less expensive and MUCH better healthcare. With Hillary, costs will triple!
You can change your vote in six states. So, now that you see that Hillary was a big mistake, change your vote to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Join me in Florida tomorrow!
Thank you for your incredible support Wisconsin and Governor @ScottWalker! It is time to #DrainTheSwamp & #MAGA!…
RT @DanScavino: Join @realDonaldTrump LIVE in Wisconsin with Gov. @ScottWalker, @MayorRGiuliani, @Reince & Coach Bobby Knight! LIVE:
WikiLeaks emails reveal Podesta urging Clinton camp to 'dump' emails.
Time to #DrainTheSwamp!
'Podesta urged Clinton team to hand over emails after use of private server emerged'
Mika Brzezinski: Dem Criticism of Comey Reinforcing Idea ‘There’s Something There'
Hillary Advisers Wanted Her To Avoid Supporting Israel When Talking To Democrats:
Trump promises special session to repeal Obamacare:
'Kept me out of jail': Top DOJ official involved in Clinton probe represented her campaign chairman:
.@DarrellIssa is a very good man. Help him win his congressional seat in California.
#ICYMI: Governor @mike_pence and I were in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania today. You can watch it here:…
So terrible that Crooked didn't report she got the debate questions from Donna Brazile, if that were me it would have been front page news!
Crooked Hillary should not be allowed to run for president. She deleted 33,000 e-mails AFTER getting a subpoena from U.S. Congress. RIGGED!
Wow, now leading in @ABC /@washingtonpost Poll 46 to 45. Gone up 12 points in two weeks, mostly before the Crooked Hillary blow-up!
Look at the way Crooked Hillary is handling the e-mail case and the total mess she is in. She is unfit to be president. Bad judgement!
Wow! I hear you Warren, Michigan. Streaming live - join us America. It is time to DRAIN THE SWAMP!
#ObamacareFail #HillarycareFail
Thank you Grand Rapids, Michigan! #ICYMI- watch:
$25 Million+ raised online in just one week! RECORD WEEK. #DrainTheSwamp Today we set a bigger record. Contribute >
Legendary basketball coach Bobby Knight who has 900+ wins, many championships and a gold medal will be introducing…
'Hillary's Two Official Favors To Morocco Resulted In $28 Million For Clinton Foundation' #DrainTheSwamp
Join me tomorrow in Michigan!
Grand Rapids at 12pm:
Warren at 3pm:
Beautiful rally in Albuquerque, New Mexico this evening - thank you. Get out & VOTE! #DrainTheSwamp
Watch rally:…
"@slh: I follow Mr.Trump at all of his rallies by watching them on He is a lion-hearted warrior, who inspires hope
Thank you Greeley, CO! REAL change means restoring honesty to the govt. Our plan will END govt. corruption! Watch:…
Thank you Las Vegas, Nevada- I love you! Departing for Greeley, Colorado now. Get out & VOTE! #ICYMI- watch here:…
See you tomorrow Michigan!
Grand Rapids, MI tomorrow at noon:
Warren, MI tomorrow at 3pm:…
Wow, Twitter, Google and Facebook are burying the FBI criminal investigation of Clinton. Very dishonest media!
Hillary and the Dems loved and praised FBI Director Comey just a few days ago. Original evidence was overwhelming, should not have delayed!
We are now leading in many polls, and many of these were taken before the criminal investigation announcement on Friday - great in states!
Great day in Colorado & Arizona. Will be in Nevada, Colorado and New Mexico tomorrow - join me!
THANK YOU Phoenix, Arizona! Time for new POWERFUL leadership. Just imagine what WE can accomplish in our first 100…
So nice - great Americans outside Trump Tower right now. Thank you!
Departing Golden, CO. for Arizona now - after an unbelievable rally. Watch here:
Las Vegas, NV- 11a:
Greeley, CO- 4p:
Albuquerque, NM- 7p:
"@DeplorableCBTP: "In my mind, #DonaldTrump is the only way out of this mess." - #PhilRobertson of TV's #DuckDynasty" Thank you Phil!
I am in Colorado - big day planned - but nothing can be as big as yesterday!
Join me in Colorado at 12pm tomorrow - or Arizona at 3pm!
Thank you Maine, New Hampshire and Iowa. The waiting is OVER! The time for change is NOW! We are going to…
"@piersmorgan: BOMBSHELL: FBI reopening its investigation into HillaryClinton's email server after new discovery!
Just landed in Iowa - speaking soon!
We must not let #CrookedHillary take her CRIMINAL SCHEME into the Oval Office. #DrainTheSwamp
Just out: Neera Tanden, Hillary Clinton adviser said, “Israel is depressing.” I think Israel is inspiring!
RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: WSJ: The Cold Clinton Reality...
Heading to New Hampshire. Will be talking about the disaster known as ObamaCare!
If my people said the things about me that Podesta & Hillary's people said about her, I would fire them out of self respect. "Bad instincts"
Join me tonight in Cedar Rapids, Iowa at 7pm:
Phoenix, Arizona tomorrow night at 3pm:
"@Jmoschetti1363: @Johnatsrs1949 FBI must be outraged that their hands r tied she has no regard or t secret service, FBI, or (Dallas)police"
RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: WSJ: Grifters-in-Chief...
Thank you Geneva, Ohio.
If I am elected President, I am going to keep RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS OUT of our countr…
Join @TeamTrump on Facebook & watch tonight's rally from Geneva, Ohio- our 3rd rally of the day. #AmericaFirst #MAGA
Crooked Hillary launched her political career by letting terrorists off the hook. #DrainTheSwamp…
"@KeithRowland: People in Arizona just got a taste of Obamacare with a 116% increase in premiums. @realDonaldTrump" Repeal and replace!
I will be interviewed on @oreillyfactor tonight at 8:00 P.M. Enjoy!
I delivered a speech in Charlotte, North Carolina yesterday. I appreciate all of the feedback & support. Lets #MAGA…
Join me live in Toledo, Ohio. Time to #DrainTheSwamp & #MAGA!
Join me in Cedar Rapids, Iowa tomorrow at 7:00pm! #MAGA
#ICYMI: I agree- To all Americans, I see you & I hear you. I am your voice. Vote to #DrainTheSwamp with me on 11/8.…
Thank you Springfield, Ohio. Get out and #VoteTrumpPence16!
#ICYMI - watch here:
Join me live in Springfield, Ohio!
Inside ‘Bill Clinton Inc.’: Hacked memo reveals intersection of charity and personal income. #DrainTheSwamp!
Springfield, OH
Toledo, OH
Geneva, OH
Manchester, NH
Lisbon, ME
Cedar Rapids, IA
I agree, @MMFlint- To all Americans, I see you & I hear you. I am your voice. Vote to #DrainTheSwamp w/ me on 11/8.
"Clinton Foundation’s Fundraisers Pressed Donors to Steer Business to Former President"
Ron Fournier: "Clinton Used Secret Server To Protect #CircleOfEnrichment”
'WikiLeaks Drip-Drop Releases Prove One Thing: There's No Nov. 8 Deadline on Clinton's Dishonesty and Scandals'
A lot of call-ins about vote flipping at the voting booths in Texas. People are not happy. BIG lines. What is going on?
Obamacare is a disaster. We must REPEAL & REPLACE. Tired of the lies, and want to #DrainTheSwamp? Get out & VOTE…
RT @EricTrump: Tune into @GMA right now to catch a great interview with my father & the entire family! 🇺🇸 #VoteTrumpPence16
Beautiful evening in Kinston, North Carolina - thank you! Get out and VOTE!! You can watch tonight's rally here:…
Thank you Charlotte, North Carolina. Great afternoon! #ICYMI - I delivered a speech on urban renewal. Full speech:…
Hillary said she was under sniper fire (while surrounded by USSS.) Turned out to be a total lie. She is not fit to…
Thank you Tallahassee, Florida! A beautiful evening with the MOVEMENT! Get out & VOTE!
#ICYMI- watch here:
Thank you Sanford, Florida. Get out & VOTE #TrumpPence16! #ICYMI- watch this afternoons rally here:…
I have met & spent a lot of time with families @ The Remembrance Project. I will fight for them everyday!…
Get your ballots in Colorado - I will see you soon -- and we will win!
'Obama Warned Of Rigged Elections In 2008.' Time to #DrainTheSwamp
Obamacare is a disaster. Rates going through the sky - ready to explode. I will fix it. Hillary can't!
Truly honored to receive the first ever presidential endorsement from the Bay of Pigs Veterans Association. #MAGA…
Obamacare is a disaster - as I've been saying from the beginning. Time to repeal & replace!
Obamacare is a disaster! Time to repeal & replace! #ObamacareFail
Get out and vote! I am your voice and I will fight for you! We will make America great again!
Key Obamacare premiums to jump 25% next year:
#Obamacare premiums are about to SKYROCKET --- again. Crooked H will only make it worse. We will repeal & replace!
As election looms, some bad news for Clinton, Democrats:
Record crowd in Tampa, Florida- thank you! We will WIN FLORIDA, #DrainTheSwamp in Washington D.C. and MAKE AMERICA…
Thank you Bobby Bowden for the intro tonight and your support! I hope I can do as well for Florida as you have done!
My contract with the American voter will restore honesty, accountability & CHANGE to Washington! #DrainTheSwamp
Peter Navarro: 'Trump the Bull vs. Clinton the Bear' #DrainTheSwamp
'Democratic operative caught on camera: Hillary PERSONALLY ordered 'Donald Duck' troll campaign that broke the law'
Join me tomorrow in Sanford or Tallahassee, Florida!
Sanford at 3pm:
Tallahassee at 6pm:
THANK YOU St. Augustine, Florida! Get out and VOTE! Join the MOVEMENT - and lets #DrainTheSwamp! Off to Tampa now!…
Join me LIVE on my Facebook page in St. Augustine, Florida! Lets #DrainTheSwamp & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!…
Honored to receive an endorsement from @SJSOPIO - thank you! Together, we are going to MAKE AMERICA SAFE & GREAT AG…
'Hillary Clinton Had Gun Control Supporters Planted In Town Hall Audience'
Leaving West Palm Beach, Florida now - heading to St. Augustine for a 3pm rally. Will be in Tampa at 7pm - join me:…
'The Clinton Foundation’s Most Questionable Foreign Donations'
#PayToPlay #DrainTheSwamp
Departing Farmers Round Table in Boynton Beach, Florida. Get out & VOTE- lets #MAGA!
Get out to VOTE on 11/8/2016- and we will #DrainTheSwamp!
Trump 43%
Clinton 41%
We are winning and the press is refusing to report it. Don't let them fool you- get out and vote! #DrainTheSwamp on November 8th!
Why has nobody asked Kaine about the horrible views emanated on WikiLeaks about Catholics? Media in the tank for Clinton but Trump will win!
Major story that the Dems are making up phony polls in order to suppress the the Trump . We are going to WIN!
Wow, just came out on secret tape that Crooked Hillary wants to take in as many Syrians as possible. We cannot let this happen - ISIS!
'Clinton Ally Aided Campaign of FBI Official’s Wife'
'Clinton Charity Got Up To $56 Million From Nations That Are Anti-Women, Gays' #CrookedHillary
Thank you Naples, Florida! Get out and VOTE #TrumpPence16 on 11/8.
Lets #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!
Full Naples rally…
The attack on Mosul is turning out to be a total disaster. We gave them months of notice. U.S. is looking so dumb. VOTE TRUMP and WIN AGAIN!
#CrookedHillary #PayToPlay
Join me in Naples, Florida this evening at 6:00pm! Tickets:
Remember - get out on November 8th & VOTE #TrumpPence16. It is time to #DrainTheSwamp -- this is our last chance!
Former Prosecutor: The Clintons Are So Corrupt, Everything ‘They Touch Turns To Molten Lead’
Thank you Las Vegas Review Journal!
EDITORIAL: 'Donald Trump for president' via @reviewjournal
Well, Iran has done it again. Taken two of our people and asking for a fortune for their release. This doesn't happen if I'm president!
"If you can't run your own house you certainly can't run the White House" A statement made by Mrs. Obama about Crooked Hillary Clinton
Thank you for the massive turnout tonight- Cleveland, Ohio! Get out & VOTE #TrumpPence16 on 11/8.
Watch rally here:…
WikiLeaks: 'Clinton-Kaine Even Lied About Timing of Veep Pick'
'Trump lays out policies for first 100 days in White House'
'Huma Abedin told Clinton her secret email account caused problems'
Just arrived in Cleveland, Ohio- join Governor @Mike_Pence and I now, LIVE via:
Hillary Clinton: 'Architect of failure'
#DrainTheSwamp #CrookedHillary
Unbelievable crowd of supporters in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Thank you! Next stop - Cleveland, Ohio.…
In order to #DrainTheSwamp & create a new GOVERNMENT of, by, & for the PEOPLE, I need your VOTE! Go to LET'S #MAGA!
Today I introduced my Contract with the American Voter - our economy will be STRONG & our people will be SAFE.…
Change has to come from outside our very broken system. #MAGA
Crooked Hillary Clinton Tops Middle East Forum’s ‘Islamist Money List'
Thank you Gettysburg, Pennsylvania! #DrainTheSwamp
Landing in Pennsylvania now. Great new poll this morning, thank you. Lets #DrainTheSwamp and #MakeAmericaGreatAgain…
Will be in Cleveland, Ohio w/ @mike_pence tonight- join us:
Naples, Florida-tomorrow @ 6pm:
"@AZTRUMPTRAIN: I #Voted for DonaldTrump! #Arizona ☉ #Economy #Immigration #Jobs #Veterans #BorderControl #Trade…
"@jensen4law: Best way to pay Hillary back for what she did to @BernieSanders #DNCleak is a DonaldTrump LANDSLIDE
The media refuses to talk about the three new national polls that have me in first place. Biggest crowds ever - watch what happens!
Just returned from Pennsylvania where we will be bringing back their jobs. Amazing crowd. Will be going back tomorrow, to Gettysburg!
Governor @Mike_Pence and I will be in Cleveland, Ohio tomorrow night at 7pm - join us! #MAGA
Thank you to the great crowd of supporters in Newtown, Pennsylvania. Get out & VOTE on 11/8/16. Lets #MAGA! Watch:…
#CrookedHillary sending U.S. intelligence info. to Podesta’s hacked email is ‘unquestionably an OPSEC violation’
WikiLeaks reveals Clinton camp’s work with ‘VERY friendly and malleable reporters’
#DrainTheSwamp #CrookedHillary
Donna Brazile Shreds Obama Economy - Acting DNC chair says 'people are more in despair about how things are'
"{Crooked Hillary Clinton} created this mess, and she knows it."
'Clinton Campaign And Harry Reid Worked With New York Times To Smear State Dept Watchdog'
Time to #DrainTheSwamp!
VERY IRONIC: "In 2010 video, Clinton lectured underlings on cybersecurity and guarding ‘sensitive information’"
Great crowd in Johnstown, Pennsylvania- thank you. Get out & VOTE on 11/8! Watch the MOVEMENT in PA. this afternoon…
A top Clinton Foundation official said he could name “500 different examples” of conflicts of interest.
#CrookedHillary “was at center of negotiating $12M commitment from King Mohammed VI of Morocco” to Clinton Fdn.
Great crowd in Fletcher, North Carolina- thank you! Heading to Johnstown, Pennsylvania now! Get out on November 8th…
The results are in on the final debate and it is almost unanimous, I WON! Thank you, these are very exciting times.
Huma calls it a "MESS," the rest of us call it CORRUPT! WikiLeaks catches Crooked in the act - again.
Hillary & Obama's Broken Promises.
In addition to those without health coverage- those that have disastrous #Obamacare are seeing MASSIVE PREMIUM INCR…
RT @EricTrump: On behalf of the entire family, we would truly be honored to have your vote! Let's #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #EarlyVote
RT @TeamTrump: When Obama took office in 2009 employer-provided premiums cost $13,375. Today they are $18,142. Thanks, Obama.
Crooked Hillary promised 200k jobs in NY and FAILED. We'll create 25M jobs when I'm president, and I will DELIVER!
Crooked took MILLIONS from oppressive ME countries. Will she give the $$$ back? Probably not. Don't forget her slog…
'Trump won the third debate'
Fletcher, NC @ 12pm.
Cleveland, OH @ 7pm.
Watch here:
Want access to Crooked Hillary? Don't forget - it's going to cost you!
#DrainTheSwamp #PayToPlay
Thank you Delaware County, Ohio! Remember- either we WIN this election, or we are going to LOSE this country!…
If elected POTUS - I will stop RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM in this country! In order to do this, we need to…
Why didn't Hillary Clinton announce that she was inappropriately given the debate questions - she secretly used them! Crooked Hillary.
Thank you America! #MAGA
Rasmussen National Poll
Donald Trump 43%
Hillary Clinton 40%
Just landed in Ohio. Thank you America- I am honored to win the final debate for our MOVEMENT. It is time to…
Totally dishonest Donna Brazile chokes on the truth. Highly illegal!
The Washington Times Presidential Debate Poll:
TRUMP 77% (18,290)
CLINTON 17% (4,100)
#DrainTheSwamp #Debate
Join the MOVEMENT to #MAGA!
Great poll - thank you America! Once we #DrainTheSwamp, together we will #MAGA🇺🇸#Debate
That was really exciting. Made all of my points. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Join my team over on my Facebook page- live now! #Debates
The era of division is coming to an end. We will create a new future of #AmericanUnity. First, we need to…
We cannot take four more years of Barack Obama and that’s what you’ll get if you vote for Hillary. #BigLeagueTruth
I started this campaign to Make America Great Again. That’s what I’m going to do. #MAGA #debate
#DrainTheSwamp #Debate
RT @TeamTrump: .@realDonaldTrump is going to cut taxes BIG LEAGUE -- Crooked is going to raise taxes BIG LEAGUE! #DrainTheSwamp #Debate htt…
We have to repeal & replace #Obamacare! Look at what is doing to people! #DrainTheSwamp
ISIS has infiltrated countries all over Europe by posing as refugees, and @HillaryClinton will allow it to happen h…
The economy cannot take four more years of these same failed policies.
#BigLeagueTruth #DrainTheSwamp
Together we can save American JOBS, American LIVES, and AMERICAN FUTURES! #Debates
USA has the greatest business people in the world but we let political hacks negotiate our deals. We need change! #BigLeagueTruth #Debate
I WILL DEFEAT ISIS. THEY HAVE BEEN AROUND TOO LONG! What has our leadership been doing?
RT @TeamTrump: What They Are Saying About @realDonaldTrump's GREAT Debate and @HillaryClinton's Bad Performance
After Crooked @HillaryClinton allowed ISIS to rise, she now claims she'll defeat them? LAUGHABLE! Here's my plan:
RT @TeamTrump: "Her instincts are suboptimal."
I opposed going into Iraq. Hillary voted for it. As with everything else she's supported, it was a DISASTER.
#BigLeagueTruth #DrainTheSwamp
Bernie Sanders on HRC: Bad Judgement. John Podesta on HRC: Bad Instincts. #BigLeagueTruth #Debate
Hillary says "take back Mosul?" We would have NEVER lost Mosul- if it wasn't for #CrookedHillary. #DrainTheSwamp
RT @TeamTrump: LIVE FACT-CHECK: Trump's RIGHT. The Clinton Foundation has taken MILLIONS from the Middle East. #DrainTheSwamp
You should give the money back @HillaryClinton! #DrainTheSwamp
Crooked’s top aides were MIRED in massive conflicts of interests at the State Dept. We MUST #DrainTheSwamp #Debate
Crooked @HillaryClinton's foundation is a CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE. Time to #DrainTheSwamp! #BigLeagueTruth #Debate
Moderator: “Respectfully, you won’t answer the pay-to-play question.” #Debate #BigLeagueTruth
.@HillaryClinton loves to lie. America has had enough of the CLINTON'S! It is time to #DrainTheSwamp! Debates
She'll say anything and change NOTHING! #MAGA #BigLeagueTruth
I will do more in the first 30 days in office than Hillary has done in the last 30 years! #Debate  #BigLeagueTruth
Crooked's camp incited violence at my rallies. These incidents weren't "spontaneous" - like she claimed in Benghazi!
#CrookedHillary is nothing more than a Wall Street PUPPET! #BigLeagueTruth #Debate
Brought to you by @HillaryClinton & her campaign- in Chicago, Illinois.
#BigLeagueTruth #DrainTheSwamp
RT @TeamTrump: .@realDonaldTrump will do more in the first 30 days in office than Hillary has done in the last 30 years! #Debate #BigLeague…
Our country is stagnant. We’ve lost jobs and business. We don’t make things anymore b/c of the bill Hillary’s husband signed and she blessed
Crooked Hillary has never created a job in her life. We will create 25 million jobs. Think she can do that? Not a c…
.@HillaryClinton has been doing this for THIRTY YEARS....where has she been? #BigLeagueTruth
#CrookedHillary gives Obama an “A” for an economic recovery that’s the slowest since WWII... #BigLeagueTruth…
#BigLeagueTruth #DrainTheSwamp
RT @TeamTrump: #CrookedHillary's plan will add $1.15 TRILLION in new taxes. We cannot afford her! #DrainTheSwamp #Debate
I will renegotiate NAFTA. If I can’t make a great deal, we’re going to tear it up. We’re going to get this economy running again. #Debate
This is what we can expect from #CrookedHillary. More Taxes. More Spending. #BigLeageTruth #DrainTheSwamp #Debates
.@HillaryClinton's tax hikes will CRUSH our economy. I will cut taxes -- BIG LEAGUE.
.@HillaryClinton talking about jobs? Remember what she promised upstate New York. #BigLeagueTruth
.@HillaryClinton has been a foreign policy DISASTER for the American people. I will #MakeAmericaStrongAgain #Debate…
Moderator: Hillary plan calls for more regulation and more government spending. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth
.@HillaryClinton- you have failed, failed, and failed. #BigLeagueTruth
Time to #DrainTheSwamp!
Hillary has called for 550% more Syrian immigrants, but won’t even mention “radical Islamic terrorists.” #Debate…
#BigLeagueTruth #DrainTheSwamp
Moderator: Hillary paid $225,000 by a Brazilian bank for a speech that called for “open borders.” That’s a quote! #Debate #BigLeagueTruth
RT @TeamTrump: .@RealDonaldTrump wants a SAFE America w/ stronger borders, no amnesty, and an END to sanctuary cities. He is #AmericaFirst!…
#Debate #BigLeagueTruth
Hillary is too weak to lead on border security-no solutions, no ideas, no credibility.She supported NAFTA, worst deal in US history. #Debate
Plain & Simple: We should only admit into this country those who share our VALUES and RESPECT our people.
One of my first acts as President will be to deport the drug lords and then secure the border. #Debate #MAGA
Hillary Clinton will use American tax dollars to provide amnesty for thousands of illegals. I will put…
Drugs are pouring into this country. If we have no border, we have no country. That’s why ICE endorsed me. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth
RT @TeamTrump: .@realDonaldTrump is PRO-LIFE, PRO-FAMILY #BigLeagueTruth #Debates2016
#SecondAmendment #2A
It is so imperative that we have the right justices. #DrainTheSwamp #Debates #BigLeagueTruth
.@HillaryClinton lists litany of ways she plans to restrict gun rights. 2A will not survive a Hillary presidency. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth
RT @TeamTrump: .@realDonaldTrump will PROTECT and DEFEND the Constitution #Debate #BigLeagueTruth #DrainTheSwamp
The 2nd Amendment is under siege. We need SCOTUS judges who will uphold the US Constitution. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth
Hillary Clinton wants to create the most liberal Supreme Court in history #debate #DrainTheSwamp
Ready to lead. Ready to Make America Great Again. #Debate #MAGA
This is an incredible MOVEMENT- WE are going to take our country BACK! #November8th #BigLeagueTruth #Debate
Tune in at and get the word out #BigLeagueTruth #Debate Help us spread the TRUTH, stop the…
I will be handing over my Twitter account to my team of deplorables for tonight's #debate
Clinton campaign contractor caught in voter-fraud video is a felon who visited White House 342 times:
'Over 250,000 to Lose Health Insurance in Battleground North Carolina Due to #Obamacare'
Join my team tonight at 8:30pmE!
I will issue a lifetime ban against senior executive branch officials lobbying on behalf of a FOREIGN GOVERNMENT!…
I am going to expand the definition of LOBBYIST - so we close all the LOOPHOLES! #DrainTheSwamp
Obamacare premiums increasing 33% in Pennsylvania - a complete disaster. It must be repealed and replaced!…
'Hillary Clinton Deleted Emails With Her Email Server Technician'
Join me in Delaware, Ohio tomorrow at 12:30pm! #DrainTheSwamp
'Top Hillary Adviser Mocked, Plotted Attacks on Pro-Sanders Civil Rights Leader' #DrainTheSwamp
'Dem Operative Who Oversaw Trump Rally Agitators Visited White House 342 Times' #DrainTheSwamp
'State works hard, and illegally, for Clinton' #DrainTheSwamp
'Scandals surround Clinton's gatekeeper at State'
The State Department's 'shadow government' #DrainTheSwamp
More Anti-Catholic Emails From Team Clinton:
It is time to #DrainTheSwamp!
‘Food Groups’ – Emails Show Clinton Campaign Organized Potential VPs By Race And Gender:
Time to #DrainTheSwamp in Washington, D.C. and VOTE #TrumpPence16 on 11/8/2016. Together, we will MAKE AMERICA SAFE…
Hillary is the most corrupt person to ever run for the presidency of the United States. #DrainTheSwamp
'Clinton Campaign Tried to Limit Damage From Classified Info on Email Server' #DrainTheSwamp
'Trump rally disrupter was once on Clinton's payroll'
RT @TeamTrump: It is time to #DrainTheSwamp in Washington, D.C! Vote Nov. 8th to take down the #RIGGED system!
Thank you Colorado Springs. If I’m elected President I am going to keep Radical Islamic Terrorists out of our count…
FL, KS, ME, MD, MN, NJ, OR & WV! It's the LAST DAY to mail in voter reg forms. Get the forms at…
RT @EricTrump: Nevada: A quick reminder that today is your last day to register to vote!
Hillary’s Aides Urged Her to Take Foreign Lobbyist Donation And Deal With Attacks:
If we let Crooked run the govt, history will remember 2017 as the year America lost its independence. #DrainTheSwamp
Pay-to-play. Collusion. Cover-ups. And now bribery? So CROOKED. I will #DrainTheSwamp.
I will Make Our Government Honest Again -- believe me. But first, I'm going to have to #DrainTheSwamp in DC.
"@THEREALMOGUL: 41% of American voters believe the election could be "stolen" from DonaldTrump due to widespread voter fraud. - Politico"
Great night in WI. I’m going to fight for every person in this country who believes government should serve the PEO…
Donald J. Trump Ethics Reform Plan For Washington D.C.
EXCLUSIVE: FBI Agents Say Comey ‘Stood In The Way’ Of Clinton Email Investigation:
Get rich quick! Crooked Hillary Clinton's pay to play guide:
Yet more evidence of a media-rigged election:
My wife, Melania, will be interviewed tonight at 8:00pm by Anderson Cooper on @CNN. I have no doubt she will do very well. Enjoy!
I will sign the first bill to repeal #Obamacare and give Americans many choices and much lower rates!
Trump Virginia Office Announces Statewide TV Ad Strategy and Leadership Team:
Join me in Colorado Springs, Colorado tomorrow at 1:00pm! #MAGA
Crooked Hillary colluded w/FBI and DOJ and media is covering up to protect her. It's a #RiggedSystem! Our country d…
New polls are good because the media has deceived the public by putting women front and center with made-up stories and lies, and got caught
"Journalists shower Hillary Clinton with campaign cash"
"State Department official accused of offering 'quid pro quo' in Clinton email scandal"
RT @TeamTrump: Our thoughts are with the forces fighting ISIS in Iraq. We must never back down against this extreme radical Islamic terrori…
Wow, new polls just came out from @CNN Great numbers, especially after total media hit job. Leading Ohio 48 - 44.
RT @TeamTrump: CORRUPTION CONFIRMED: FBI confirms State Dept. offered 'quid pro quo' to cover up classified emails
Voter fraud! Crooked Hillary Clinton even got the questions to a debate, and nobody says a word. Can you imagine if I got the questions?
RT @TeamTrump: 🚨BREAKING🚨: "State Department's Kennedy pressured FBI to unclassify Clinton emails: FBI documents"
WikiLeaks proves even the Clinton campaign knew Crooked mishandled classified info, but no one gets charged? RIGGED!
We have all got to come together and win this election. We can't have four more years of Obama (or worse!).
Of course there is large scale voter fraud happening on and before election day. Why do Republican leaders deny what is going on? So naive!
"@RosieGray: Peter Thiel chooses now to give $1.25mil in support of Trump
"@PrisonPlanet: Trump accuser praised him in an email as recently as April! This is all yet another hoax. Terrible
"@MarkSimoneNY: Watch Joe Biden's Long History Of Grabbing, Kissing and Groping Women Who Are Cringing:
Can't believe these totally phoney stories, 100% made up by women (many already proven false) and pushed big time by press, have impact!
ALL SAFE IN ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. With you all the way, will never forget. Now we have to win. Proud of you all! @NCGOP
Animals representing Hillary Clinton and Dems in North Carolina just firebombed our office in Orange County because we are winning @NCGOP
Wow, interview released by Wikileakes shows "quid pro quo" in Crooked Hillary e-mail probe.Such a dishonest person - & Paul Ryan does zilch!
Finally, in the new ABC News/Washington Post Poll, Hillary Clinton is down 11 points with WOMEN VOTERS and the election is close at 47-43!
Paul Ryan, a man who doesn't know how to win (including failed run four years ago), must start focusing on the budget, military, vets etc.
The Democrats have a corrupt political machine pushing crooked Hillary Clinton. We have Paul Ryan, always fighting the Republican nominee!
Join me in Wisconsin tomorrow or Colorado on Tuesday!
Green Bay- 6pm
Colorado Springs- 1pm…
“The vast majority felt she should be prosecuted..." -- even senior FBI officials thought Crooked was guilty.
The election is absolutely being rigged by the dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked Hillary - but also at many polling places - SAD
We've all wondered how Hillary avoided prosecution for her email scheme. Wikileaks may have found the answer. Obama!
Hillary's staff thought her email scandal might just blow over. Who would trust these people with national security?
A country that Crooked Hillary says has funded ISIS also gave Wild Bill $1 million for his birthday? SO CORRUPT!
They let Crooked & the Gang off the hook for the crime, but it looks like the cover-up is just as bad. Unbelievable!
Election is being rigged by the media, in a coordinated effort with the Clinton campaign, by putting stories that never happened into news!
Polls close, but can you believe I lost large numbers of women voters based on made up events THAT NEVER HAPPENED. Media rigging election!
Watched Saturday Night Live hit job on me.Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Media rigging election!
"@davidshiloach: @realDonaldTrump Go Mr. Trump! Israel is behind you!"
Thank you for sharing Amy.
A great day in New Hampshire and Maine. Fantastic crowds and energy! #MAGA
Thank you Bangor, Maine! Get out & #VoteTrumpPence16 on 11/8/16- and together we will MAKE AMERICA SAFE AND GREAT A…
The failing @nytimes reporters don't even call us anymore, they just write whatever they want to write, making up sources along the way!
Nothing ever happened with any of these women. Totally made up nonsense to steal the election. Nobody has more respect for women than me!
The MOVEMENT in Portsmouth, New Hampshire w/ 7K supporters. THANK YOU! This is the biggest election of our lifetime…
Landing in New Hampshire soon to talk about the massive drug problem there, and all over the country.
The truth is a beautiful weapon.
RT @DanScavino: Mr. Trump removing the broken teleprompter in North Carolina-in front of a massive crowd. He goes on&delivers the best spee…
Hillary Clinton should have been prosecuted and should be in jail. Instead she is running for president in what looks like a rigged election
Will be in Bangor, Maine today at 3pm- join me! #MAGA
This election is being rigged by the media pushing false and unsubstantiated charges, and outright lies, in order to elect Crooked Hillary!
100% fabricated and made-up charges, pushed strongly by the media and the Clinton Campaign, may poison the minds of the American Voter. FIX!
Thank you @TrumpWomensTour!
Thank you Charlotte, North Carolina! We are going to have an AMAZING victory on November 8th...because this is all…
Make sure you're registered to vote! Let's #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! We can't afford more years of FAILURE! All info:…
Thank you for your support Greensboro, North Carolina. Next stop - Charlotte! #MAGA
Thank you to our U.S. Navy for protecting our country, both in times of peace & war. Together, WE WILL MAKE AMERICA…
Join me live in Cincinnati, Ohio!
#TrumpRally #MAGA
Join me in Greensboro, North Carolina tomorrow at 2:00pm! #TrumpRally
RT @TeamTrump: "This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not We The People reclaim control ov…
Dem Gov. of MN. just announced that the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is no longer affordable. I've been saying this for years- disaster!
Great event in Columbus- taking off for Cincinnati now. Great new Ohio poll out- thank you!
Trump 42%
Clinton 41%
Just left a great rally in Florida - now heading to Ohio for two more. Will be there soon.
I am making a major speech in West Palm Beach, Florida at noon. Tune in!
Thank you! #MAGA #AmericaFirst
Join me in Ohio & Maine!
Cincinnati, Ohio- tonight @ 7:30pm:
Bangor, Maine - Saturday @ 3pm…
The phony story in the failing @nytimes is a TOTAL FABRICATION. Written by same people as last discredited story on women. WATCH!
Why didn't the writer of the twelve year old article in People Magazine mention the "incident" in her story. Because it did not happen!
I will be in Cincinnati, Ohio tomorrow night at 7:30pm- join me! #OhioVotesEarly #VoteTrumpPence16
The MOVEMENT in Lakeland, Florida. Voter registration extended to 10/18. REGISTER ASAP @ &…
The people of Cuba have struggled too long. Will reverse Obama's Executive Orders and concessions towards Cuba until freedoms are restored.
Very little pick-up by the dishonest media of incredible information provided by WikiLeaks. So dishonest! Rigged system!
Crooked Hillary Clinton likes to talk about the things she will do but she has been there for 30 years - why didn't she do them?
Thank you Florida- a MOVEMENT that has never been seen before and will never be seen again. Lets get out &…
Join me Thursday in Florida & Ohio!
West Palm Beach, FL at noon:
Cincinnati, OH this 7:30pm:
Wow, @CNN Town Hall questions were given to Crooked Hillary Clinton in advance of big debates against Bernie Sanders. Hillary & CNN FRAUD!
Thank you Texas! If you haven't registered to VOTE- today is your last day. Go to: & get ou…
VOTER REGISTRATION DEADLINES TODAY. You can register now at: and get out to…
Crooked's State Dept gave special attention to "Friends of Bill" after the Haiti Earthquake. Unbelievable!
RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: 13 states have voter registration deadlines TODAY: FL, OH, PA, MI, GA, TX, NM, IN, LA, TN, AR, KY, SC.
I hope people are looking at the disgraceful behavior of Hillary Clinton as exposed by WikiLeaks. She is unfit to run.
In Texas now, leaving soon for BIG rally in Florida!
The very foul mouthed Sen. John McCain begged for my support during his primary (I gave, he won), then dropped me over locker room remarks!
Wow. Unbelievable.
Disloyal R's are far more difficult than Crooked Hillary. They come at you from all sides. They don’t know how to win - I will teach them!
With the exception of cheating Bernie out of the nom the Dems have always proven to be far more loyal to each other than the Republicans!
It is so nice that the shackles have been taken off me and I can now fight for America the way I want to.
RT @EricTrump: 13 states have voter registration deadlines TODAY: FL, OH, PA, MI, GA, TX, NM, IN, LA, TN, AR, KY, SC.
Our very weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan, had a bad conference call where his members went wild at his disloyalty.
Despite winning the second debate in a landslide (every poll), it is hard to do well when Paul Ryan and others give zero support!
Thank you Pennsylvania. This is a MOVEMENT like we have never seen before! #VoteTrumpPence16 on 11/8/16- together,…
Is this really America? Terrible!
Wow, @CNN got caught fixing their "focus group" in order to make Crooked Hillary look better. Really pathetic and totally dishonest!
Debate polls look great - thank you!
#MAGA #AmericaFirst
CNN is the worst - fortunately they have bad ratings because everyone knows they are biased.
Paul Ryan should spend more time on balancing the budget, jobs and illegal immigration and not waste his time on fighting Republican nominee
Thank you for all of the great comments on the debate last night. Very exciting!
Thank you St. Louis, Missouri!
RT @mike_pence: Congrats to my running mate @realDonaldTrump on a big debate win! Proud to stand with you as we #MAGA.
RT @TeamTrump: RT if you agree @realDonaldTrump WON the #Debate- BIG LEAGUE! #MAGA
RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Someone please fact check her coal comments. Give me a break. #debates
RT @TeamTrump: It’s US vs. them! @realDonaldTrump will fight for you! #BigLeagueTruth #Debates
✅Eliminate excessive regulations!
✅Lean government!
✅Lower taxes!
#Debates …
Hypocrite: @HillaryClinton is the single biggest beneficiary of Citizens United in history, by far. #debate #bigleaguetruth
RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Ironic since Hillary has gotten a lot more of that "dark unaccountable money" into her campaign. #debates
RT @TeamTrump: "She calls our people deplorable and irredeemable. I will be a president for ALL of our people." - @RealDonaldTrump #BigLeag…
RT @KellyannePolls: After a decent first debate, @HillaryClinton is back to form: pedantic, lawyerly, technocratic, (woefully untruthful) r…
Our country has the slowest growth since 1929. #BigLeagueTruth #debate
#TrumpTrain #Debates2016
@AC360: “How can you unite a country if you’ve written off tens of millions of Americans?” #Deplorables #BigLeagueTruth #Debate
This country cannot take four more years of Barack Obama! #Debate
We agree @POTUS-
If @HillaryClinton is president, she’ll be all talk and nothing will get done. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth
FACT ✔️ on “red line” in Syria: HRC "I wasn’t there." Fact: line drawn in Aug ’12. HRC Secy of State til Feb ’13.
In my administration, EVERY American will be treated equally, protected equally, and honored equally #Debate #BigLeagueTruth
RT @TeamTrump: It's hard to fight terrorism when you're making cash payments to the world's LARGEST state sponsor of TERROR. Under Trump: N…
RT @TeamTrump: .@HillaryClinton had her chance and she BLEW IT. #BigLeagueTruth #Debates
RT @TeamTrump: "We are going to be THRIVING again." - @realDonaldTrump #BigLeagueTruth #Debates2016
We cannot let this evil continue! #Debates2016
This is the definition of ransom ⬇
The world is most peaceful, and most prosperous when America is strongest.
Here are Hillary Clinton's "accomplishments" at the State Department.
#Debates2016 #RattledHillary
RT @TeamTrump: #RattledHillary wants to talk about her 30 years in service. How about her 30 years of FLOPS↔️FLOPS?! #BigLeagueTruth #Debat…
RT @TeamTrump: .@HillaryClinton is RAISING your taxes to a disastrous level. @realDonaldTrump is going to LOWER your taxes - BIG LEAGUE! #D…
History lesson: There’s a big difference between Hillary Clinton and Abraham Lincoln. For one, his nickname is Hone…
We're going to cut taxes BIG LEAGUE for the middle class. She's raising your taxes and I'm lowering your taxes!
@HillaryClinton #Debates2016
Hypocrite! @HillaryClinton claims she needs a “public and a private stance” in discussions with Wall Street banks. #Debate
I hope when the MSM runs its “interruption counters” they consider the # of times the moderators interrupted me com…
.@HillaryClinton - ITS CALLED EXTREME VETTING! #Debates2016
@Mike_Pence #MAGA
RT @TeamTrump: ONLY @realDonaldTrump will end what even @BillClinton called a CRAZY SYSTEM. #BigLeagueTruth #Debate
#CrookedHillary has FAILED all over the world! 􏰀
#BigLeagueTruth #Debates2016
RT @realDonaldTrump: ATTN: @HillaryClinton - Why did five of your staffers need FBI IMMUNITY?! #BigLeagueTruth #Debates
.@HillaryClinton is NOT above the law!
RT @TeamTrump: We agree with Bill, ObamaCare is “the craziest thing in the world.” #BigLeagueTruth #Debates2016
.@HillaryClinton : Bill “clarified” what he meant when calling Obamacare a “disaster.” Actually “disaster” is pretty clear. #Debate
We must repeal Obamacare and replace it with a much more competitive, comprehensive, affordable system. #debate #MAGA
Obama and Clinton told the same lie to sell #ObamaCare. #Debates2016
ATTN: @HillaryClinton - Why did five of your staffers need FBI IMMUNITY?! #BigLeagueTruth #Debates
Hillary’s 33,000 deleted emails about her daughter’s wedding. That’s a lot of wedding emails. #debate
Basically nothing Hillary has said about her secret server has been true. #CrookedHillary
If I win-I am going to instruct my AG to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation bc there's never been anything like your lies.
RT @TeamTrump: RT if you believe @HillaryClinton is the one who owes America an apology! #BigLeagueTruth #Debates
Donald J. Trump's History Of Empowering Women #BigLeagueTruth
There’s never been anyone more abusive to women in politics than Bill Clinton.My words were unfortunate-the Clintons’ actions were far worse
RT @TeamTrump: Quite simply, @HillaryClinton mistreats women. #BigLeagueTruth #Debate2016
I’m not proud of my locker room talk. But this world has serious problems. We need serious leaders. #debate #BigLeagueTruth
RT @TeamTrump: .@realDonaldTrump is here to talk about the REAL issues #BigLeagueTruth #Debates2016
It’s this simple. “Make America Great Again.” #debate #BigLeagueTruth
RT @TeamTrump: .@HillaryClinton just claimed she has a "positive, optimistic view" for America. #Debates
My team of deplorables will be taking over my Twitter account for tonight's #debate
Join me on #FacebookLive as I conclude my final #debate preparations.
The Palestinian terror attack today reminds the world of the grievous perils facing Israeli citizens....continued:
Exclusive Video–Broaddrick, Willey, Jones to Bill's Defenders: ‘These Are Crimes,’ ‘Terrified’ of ‘Enabler’ Hillary
LA Times- USC Dornsife Sunday Poll: Donald Trump Retains 2 Point Lead Over Hillary:
So many self-righteous hypocrites. Watch their poll numbers - and elections - go down!
"@HenryLeledog: @realDonaldTrump This Black Democrat is on the "TRUMP TRAIN"!!"
"@maidaa17: @realDonaldTrump GOP traitors! Not supporting U is voting for her, destroying America.
"@CharleneOsbor17: @realDonaldTrump politicians don't count. It's the people. We are behind trump all the way to White House."
"@eericmyers: @realDonaldTrump "Republican leadership" should have only one job: Help elect the nominee we voted for, Donald J. Trump."
"@Jodygirl1010: @realDonaldTrump I am a woman who continues to support & stand with #Trump! #dtmag Thank you.
EXCLUSIVE — Video Interview: Bill Clinton Accuser Juanita Broaddrick Relives Brutal Rapes:
Tremendous support (except for some Republican "leadership"). Thank you.
Thank you to my great supporters in Wisconsin. I heard that the crowd and enthusiasm was unreal!
RT @atensnut: Hillary calls Trump's remarks "horrific" while she lives with and protects a "Rapist". Her actions are horrific.
RT @atensnut: How many times must it be said? Actions speak louder than words. DT said bad things!HRC threatened me after BC raped me.
The media and establishment want me out of the race so badly - I WILL NEVER DROP OUT OF THE RACE, WILL NEVER LET MY SUPPORTERS DOWN! #MAGA
Certainly has been an interesting 24 hours!
Here is my statement.
Thoughts & prayers with the millions of people in the path of Hurricane Matthew. Look out for neighbors, and listen…
"@kevcirilli: Trump speaking in exact same tone he did in Waterville Valley on 12/1. The night I first realized he was gonna be GOP nominee"
New National Rasmussen Poll:
Thank you Tennessee! #MAGA
VOTE #TrumpPence16 on 11/8/16!
'Donald Trump: A President for All Americans'
Volunteer to be a Trump Election Observer. Sign up today!
RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Great group at our Victory Office in Columbus, Ohio. I'm incredibly grateful to have so many…
RT @IvankaTrump: Thank you Angie Phillips for inviting me to tour your plant Middletown Tube Works. #Ohio
Praying for everyone in Florida. Hoping the hurricane dissipates, but in any event, please be careful.
New Virginia poll- thank you! We are going to show the whole world that America is back – BIGGER, and BETTER, and S…
Pennsylvania poll just released. Two rallies there on Mon- join me!
Nation's Immigration And Customs Enforcement Officers (ICE) Make First-Ever Presidential Endorsement:
Such a great honor!
Amazing rally in Reno, Nevada- thank you. Make sure you get out on 11/8 & VOTE #TrumpPence16. Together, we will put…
Reuters polling just out- thank you!
Thank you South Carolina! Everyone has to get out and VOTE on 11/8/16.
EARLY VOTING: MN & IA already underway, more states coming up in the next week: OH, ME, AZ, IN — check w/local officials for details & VOTE!
'Small business says Trump is their pick for president'
Thank you @SenJohnMcCain for your kind remarks on the important issue of PTSD and the dishonest media. Great to be in Arizona yesterday!
Bill Clinton is right: Obamacare is 'crazy', 'doesn't work' and 'doesn't make sense'. Thanks Bill for telling the truth.
Thank you Henderson, NV. This is a MOVEMENT like never seen before! Watch some of the rally via my Facebook page:…
About to begin a rally here in Henderson, Nevada. New Reuters poll just out- thank you! Join the MOVEMENT:…
Beautiful morning- thank you @ICLV!
The constant interruptions last night by Tim Kaine should not have been allowed. Mike Pence won big!
Mike Pence won big. We should all be proud of Mike!
RT @mike_pence: History teaches us that weakness arouses evil. America needs to be strong on the world stage. #VPDebate
RT @TeamTrump: RT if you agree - @HillaryClinton & @timkaine are WRONG for America! #VPDebate #MAGA
RT @TeamTrump: .@timkaine's Abortion Flip-Flops: From Valuing The Sanctity of Life --> Pro-Abortion Demagogue #VPdebate
"@AnyoneTennis: @timkaine Cannot believe how often the moderator interrupts #Pence vs the other obvious @FoxNews" So true!
"@Gsimmons03Ginny: @realDonaldTrump ..Kaine is awful, Trump and Pence are the more lies, we are ready to see America Great Again!
Clinton’s Top Aides Were Mired In Conflict Of Interest At The State Department:
#VPDebate #BigLeagueTruth
"@FLifeforce: @_CFJ_ @vine That is a reason to NOT Vote for Hillary Clinton. Vote for Liberty! Vote for @realDonaldTrump"
.@HillaryClinton’s Careless Use Of A Secret Server Put National Security At Risk: #VPDebate
RT @TeamTrump: Obama-Clinton FAILED foreign policy:
-Bad nuclear deal
-Ransom payment to leading state sponsor of terror
-Sharing classifie…
RT @TeamTrump: .@HillaryClinton & @timkaine think you're #Deplorables & #BasementDwellers. @realDonaldTrump & @mike_pence think you're PATR…
Sanctions Relief From Clinton-Obama Iran Nuclear Deal Likely Go to Terrorists:
#BigLeagueTruth #VPDebate
.@timkaine is wrong for defense:
#BigLeagueTruth #VPDebate
.@timkaine is the ANTI-DEFENSE SENATOR. #VPDebate #BigLeagueTruth
RT @TeamTrump: We need STRONG, BROAD-SHOULDERED leadership like @mike_pence & @realDonaldTrump in the White House! #VPDebate #BigLeagueTrut…
RT @GOP: In @timkaine's own words ⬇️ #Debates2016
.@mike_pence and I will defeat #ISIS.
I agree Mike - thank you to all of our law enforcement officers! #VPDebate
"Police officers are the best of us..."
.@HillaryClinton Sneers At Millions Of Average Americans.
#VPDebate #BigLeagueTruth
RT @TeamTrump: “Police officers are the BEST of us. Law enforcement in this country is a force for GOOD." - @mike_pence #VPDebate #BigLeagu…
"@GeeVeeM: @realDonaldTrump @Susiesentinel Pence is so prepared! He did his homework to outperform Kaine."
RT @TeamTrump: Law enforcement officers bring communities together & keep us safe. @mike_pence & @realDonaldTrump RESPECT & stand by them!…
RT @seanspicer: .@timkaine wants to tough on crime - fails to talk about defending rapists and murders #VPDebate
.@timkaine oversaw unemployment INCREASE by 179,249 while @mike_pence DECREASED unemployment in Indiana by 113,826.…
"@aldonturnaolco1: @FrankLuntz @marthamaccallum @realDonaldTrump good!!"
"@bcuzimdamomma: @FreeDavidKing No she only gets #Americans killed #Benghazi - we need @realDonaldTrump #MAGA"
"@ifdanyt: @realDonaldTrump Loving @mike_pence he's so likeable and sensible. Kaine is just talking bull!
"@carol_lcnixon67: @realDonaldTrump Kaine says Hillary and he have plans. She could care less what Kaine thinks."
"@ARSenMissyIrvin: I want a "you're fired" president with people in Govt who are WASTING my tax $'s. @realDonaldTrump"
.@mike_pence is doing a great job - so far, no contest!
"@TeamTrump: .@mike_pence & @realDonaldTrump are PROVEN job creators and are prepared to bring JOBS BACK to the American people!
"@Jnelson52722: @realDonaldTrump @Susiesentinel Kaine looks like an evil crook out of the Batman movies"
"@elisac006: @nycmia @realDonaldTrump I agree. Kaine looks like a fool!!"
RT @TeamTrump: .@timkaine has a pay-to-play problem just like Crooked @HillaryClinton #VPDebates #BigLeagueTruth
"@bigdog_joey: @realDonaldTrump @timkaine is so angry. Our @mike_pence looks great. kaine can't defend all those lies #makeamericagreatagain
RT @mike_pence: There’s one clear choice in this election to create jobs and grow the American economy. #VPDebate
RT @joshrogin: Pence is right. Clinton & Obama tried to negotiate an Iraq troop extension but failed. Bush admin always anticipated such an…
"@Susiesentinel: #pence is so much more likeable than Kaine #cbsnews @realDonaldTrump"
"@lainey34210: @realDonaldTrump Great opening Pence💕"
"@RoadkingL: @mike_pence Wow, Kaine couldn't go 12 seconds without a lie. Marines and military are scared of the liar running. #bengazi"
.@megynkelly- I am in Nevada. Sorry to inform you Kellyanne is in the audience. Better luck next time.
Both are looking good! Now we begin!
Here we go - Enjoy!
I will be live-tweeting the V.P. Debate. Very exciting! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Wow, @CNN is so negative. Their panel is a joke, biased and very dumb. I'm turning to @FoxNews where we get a fair shake! Mike will do great
Wow, did you just hear Bill Clinton's statement on how bad ObamaCare is. Hillary not happy. As I have been saying, REPEAL AND REPLACE!
Join the MOVEMENT!
Thank you ARIZONA! This is a MOVEMENT like nobody has ever seen before. Together, we are going to MAKE AMERICA SAFE…
My childcare plan makes a difference for working families - more money, more freedom. #AmericaFirst means…
I will be watching the great Governor @Mike_Pence and live tweeting the VP debate tonight starting at 8:30pm est! Enjoy!
Join me in Reno, Nevada tomorrow at 3:30pm! #AmericaFirst #MAGA
Join me in Reno, Nevada on Wednesday at 3:30pm at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center! #MAGA
Thank you Colorado! #MAGA
We must bring the truth directly to hard-working Americans who want to take our country back. #BigLeagueTruth…
Thank you Pueblo, Colorado!
#TrumpRally #AmericaFirst
Join me in Henderson, Nevada on Wednesday at 11:30am! #MAGA
Just announced that Iraq (U.S.) is preparing for battle to reclaim Mosul. Why do they have to announce this? Makes mission much harder!
Melania and I extend our warmest greetings to those observing Rosh Hashanah here in the United States, in Israel, and around the world.
Bernie should pull his endorsement of Crooked Hillary after she decieved him and then attacked him and his supporters.
"@trumplican2016: .@realDonaldTrump There will be MASSIVE turnout for you, Mr. Trump - These polls don't register the pulse of the PEOPLE!
I have created tens of thousands of jobs and will bring back great American prosperity. Hillary has only created jobs at the FBI and DOJ!
I know our complex tax laws better than anyone who has ever run for president and am the only one who can fix them. #failing@nytimes
Heading to Pennsylvania for a big rally tonight. We will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Wow, just saw the really bad @CNN ratings. People don't want to watch bad product that only builds up Crooked Hillary.
The so-called Commission on Presidential Debates admitted to us that the DJT audio & sound level was very bad. So why didn't they fix it?
I won the debate if you decide without watching the totally one-sided "spin" that followed. This despite the really bad microphone.
Crooked H is nasty to Sanders supporters behind closed doors. Owned by Wall St and Politicians, HRC is not with you.
I believe in #AmericaFirst and that means FAMILY FIRST! My childcare plan reflects the needs of modern working-clas…
Thank you Novi, Michigan! Get out and VOTE #TrumpPence16 on 11/8. Together, WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!…
Thank you for your support - on my way now! See you soon. #TrumpTrain
Join me in Pueblo, Colorado on Monday afternoon at 3pm! #TrumpRally
For those few people knocking me for tweeting at three o'clock in the morning, at least you know I will be there, awake, to answer the call!
Why isn't Hillary 50 points ahead? Maybe it's the email scandal, policies that spread ISIS, or calling millions of…
The people are really smart in cancelling subscriptions to the Dallas & Arizona papers & now USA Today will lose readers! The people get it!
Remember, don't believe "sources said" by the VERY dishonest media. If they don't name the sources, the sources don't exist.
Did Crooked Hillary help disgusting (check out sex tape and past) Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in the debate?
Using Alicia M in the debate as a paragon of virtue just shows that Crooked Hillary suffers from BAD JUDGEMENT! Hillary was set up by a con.
Wow, Crooked Hillary was duped and used by my worst Miss U. Hillary floated her as an "angel" without checking her past, which is terrible!
Anytime you see a story about me or my campaign saying "sources said," DO NOT believe it. There are no sources, they are just made up lies!
Wow, did you see how badly @CNN (Clinton News Network) is doing in the ratings. With people like @donlemon, who could expect any more?
While Hillary profits off the rigged system, I am fighting for you! Remember the simple phrase: #FollowTheMoney…
Thank you for joining me this afternoon, New Hampshire! Will be back soon. #FollowTheMoney
Speech transcript:…
Join me in Manheim, Pennsylvania on Saturday at 7pm! #TrumpRally
My condolences to those involved in today's horrible accident in NJ and my deepest gratitude to all of the amazing first responders.
Will be in Novi, Michigan this Friday at 5:00pm. Join the MOVEMENT! Tickets available at:
Join me in Bedford, New Hampshire- tomorrow at 3:00pm. Can't wait to see everyone! #AmericaFirst #MAGA…
Thank you Waukesha, Wisconsin!
Full transcript of my speech, #FollowTheMoney:
Joining @oreillyfactor from Waukesha, Wisconsin - now, live! Enjoy!
Join me live in Waukesha, Wisconsin for an 8pmE rally! #AmericaFirst #MAGA
Thank you Council Bluffs, Iowa! Will be back soon. Remember- everything you need to know about Hillary -- just…
RT @TeamTrump: "She put the office of Sec of State up for sale. If she ever got the chance, she’d put the Oval Office up for sale too." #Fo…
An honor to meet with the Polish American Congress in Chicago this morning! #ImWithYou
Melania and I extend our deepest condolences to the family of Shimon Peres...
Join me in Council Bluffs, Iowa- today at 3pm! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
Every on-line poll, Time Magazine, Drudge etc., has me winning the debate. Thank you to Fox & Friends for so reporting!
My supporters are the best! $18 million from hard-working people who KNOW what we can be again! Shatter the record:
Unbelievable evening in Melbourne, Florida w/ 15,000 supporters- and an additional 12,000 who could not get in. Tha…
Join me for a 3pm rally - tomorrow at the Mid-America Center in Council Bluffs, Iowa! Tickets:…
Once again, we will have a government of, by and for the people. Join the MOVEMENT today!
RT @GOP: On National #VoterRegistrationDay, make sure you're registered to vote so we can #MakeAmericaGreatAgain ht…
Hillary Clinton's Campaign Continues To Make False Claims About Foundation Disclosure:
'CNBC, Time magazine online polls say Donald Trump won the first presidential debate' via @WashTimes. #MAGA
Great afternoon in Little Havana with Hispanic community leaders. Thank you for your support! #ImWithYou
In the last 24 hrs. we have raised over $13M from online donations and National Call Day, and we’re still going! Thank you America! #MAGA
Well, now they're saying that I not only won the NBC Presidential Forum, but last night the big debate. Nice!
Thank you for your endorsement, @GovernorSununu. #MAGA
Such a great honor. Final debate polls are in - and the MOVEMENT wins!
#AmericaFirst #MAGA #ImWithYou…
'U.S. Murders Increased 10.8% in 2015' via @WSJ:
Thank you! #TrumpWon #MAGA
Hillary's been failing for 30 years in not getting the job done - it will never change.
'True blue-collar billionaire Donald Trump shows Hillary Clinton is out of touch'
The #1 trend on Twitter right now is #TrumpWon - thank you!
I won every poll from last nights Presidential Debate - except for the little watched @CNN poll.
'How Trump won over a bar full of undecideds and Democrats'
I really enjoyed the debate last night.Crooked Hillary says she is going to do so many things.Why hasn't she done them in her last 30 years?
Great debate poll numbers - I will be on @foxandfriends at 7:00 to discuss. Enjoy!
Thank you! Four new #DebateNight polls with the MOVEMENT winning. Together, we will MAKE AMERICA SAFE & GREAT AGAIN…
.@DRUDGE_REPORT's First Presidential Debate Poll:
Trump: 80%
Clinton: 20%
Join the MOVEMENT today & lets #MAGA!…
Thank you! CNBC #DebateNight poll with over 400,000 votes.
Trump 61%
Clinton 39%
#AmericaFirst #ImWithYou…
TIME #DebateNight poll - over 800,000 votes. Thank you!
#AmericaFirst #MAGA
.@newtgingrich just said "a historic victory for Trump." NICE!
Wow, did great in the debate polls (except for @CNN - which I don't watch). Thank you!
Thank you Governor @TerryBranstad!
#AmericaFirst #Debates2016
Thank you Governor @Mike_Pence!
Lets MAKE AMERICA SAFE AND GREAT AGAIN with the American people.
Thank you Senator @TedCruz!
#Debates2016 #MAGA
.@HillaryClinton’s Nuclear Agreement Paved The Way For The $400 Million Ransom Payment #DebateNight
Nothing on emails. Nothing on the corrupt Clinton Foundation. And nothing on #Benghazi. #Debates2016 #debatenight
.@HillaryClinton - Obama #ISIS Strategy Has Allowed It To Expand To Become A Global Threat #DebateNight
RT @TeamTrump: .@realDonaldTrump calling out @HillaryClinton's support for NAFTA = most searched moment during tonight's debate. #Debates20…
Russia has more warheads than ever, N Korea is testing nukes, and Iran got a sweetheart deal to keep theirs. Thanks, @HillaryClinton.
Hillary Clinton failed all over the world.
RT @TeamTrump: 100% TRUE --> @realDonaldTrump is right - @HillaryClinton did call TPP ‘the gold standard’ #Debates2016
Hillary Clinton is the only candidate on stage who voted for the Iraq War. #Debates2016 #MAGA
.@HillaryClinton's 2008 Campaign And Supporters Trafficked In Rumors About Obama's Heritage #DebateNight
RT @TeamTrump: Hillary's policies have made America less safe, that's why 200+ general and military leaders have endorsed @realDonaldTrump!…
RT @DanScavino: Jesse Jackson on @realDonaldTrump - when he donated space for the Rainbow/Push Coalition.
I will stand with police and protect ALL Americans! #Debates2016 #MAGA
RT @TeamTrump: When @realDonaldTrump is POTUS, families are going to be safe and secure. Law and order will be RESTORED! #MAGA #Debates #De…
RT @TeamTrump: WATCH: @realDonaldTrump on the stakes in this election #Debates2016
This is the simple fact about @HillaryClinton: she is a typical politician - all talk, no action. #Debates2016
A Clinton economy = more taxes and more spending! #DebateNight
.@HillaryClinton has been part of the rigged DC system for 30 years? Why would we take policy advice from her? #Debates2016
Instead of driving jobs and wealth away, AMERICA will become the world's great magnet for innovation and job creati…
.@HillaryClinton channels John Kerry on trade: she was for bad trade deals before she was against them. #TPP #Debates2016
.@HillaryClinton and Obama policies increased debt by $9trillion over the last 8 years
RT @TeamTrump: A @realDonaldTrump Administration will bring JOBS BACK! #Debates2016
Why isn't Hillary Clinton 50 points ahead?
RT @DanScavino: Join @realDonaldTrump on his official social media platforms during tonight's debate ~ as @TeamTrump manages rapid response…
My team of deplorables will be managing my Twitter account for this evenings debate. Tune in!
#DebateNight #TrumpPence16
RT @KellyannePolls: #Polls showing @realDonaldTrump surging, @hillaryclinton #slipping, have HER camp on defense/lowering expectations, goi…
New national Bloomberg poll just released - thank you! Join the MOVEMENT:
Really sad news: The great Arnold Palmer, the "King," has died. There was no-one like him - a true champion! He will be truly missed.
Five people killed in Washington State by a Middle Eastern immigrant. Many people died this weekend in Ohio from drug overdoses. N.C. riots!
Readout of my meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:
Looking forward to my meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu in Trump Tower at 10:00 A.M.
Bernie Sanders gave Hillary the Dem nomination when he gave up on the e-mails. That issue has only gotten bigger!
Many on the team and staff of Bernie Sanders have been treated badly by the Hillary Clinton campaign - and they like Trump on trade, a lot!
Thank you Roanoke, Virginia - this a MOVEMENT - join us today!
Sign up:
If dopey Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to sit in the front row, perhaps I will put Gennifer Flowers right alongside of him!
Will be back in Virginia tonight- for a 6pm rally at the Berglund Center in Roanoke. Join me! Tickets:…
"@KellyannePolls: Trump is headed for a win, says professor who has predicted 30 years of presidential outcomes
The @SenTedCruz endorsement was a wonderful surprise. I greatly appreciate his support! We will have a tremendous victory on November 8th.
Today is the day! Knock on doors and make calls with us on National Day of Action! #TrumpTrain #MAGA…
Crooked Hillary's bad judgement forced her to announce that she would go to Charlotte on Saturday to grandstand. Dem pols said no way, dumb!
Join me in Roanoke, Virginia tomorrow at the Berglund Center- Coliseum ~ 6pm! Tickets available at:…
'How Trump Would Stimulate the U.S. Economy'
Hillary Clinton just lost every Republican she ever had, including Never Trump, all farmers & sm. biz, by saying she’ll tax estates at 65%.
Tomorrow's the day! Knock on doors and make calls with us on National Day of Action! #TrumpTrain #MAGA…
RT @dcexaminer: EXCLUSIVE: How Donald Trump's 30 million followers are crashing the Internet
Spoke with Governor @PatMcCroryNC of North Carolina today. He is doing a tremendous job under tough circumstances.
This is more than a campaign- it is a movement. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
Join me in Roanoke, Virginia on Saturday evening at 6pm! #MAGA
Will be on @foxandfriends now.
I will be interviewed from Cleveland, Ohio, on @seanhannity - Tonight at 10:00 P.M. Enjoy!
"@ThAllenSBoucher: @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump @seanhannity I love those beautiful gals." D + S = Two amazing women!
.@YoungDems4Trump Thank you!
Great new polls! Thank you Nevada, North Carolina & Ohio. Join the MOVEMENT today & lets #MAGA!…
Thank you Toledo, Ohio! It is so important for you to get out and VOTE on November 8, 2016! Lets MAKE AMERICA SAFE…
RT @GMA: WATCH: @IvankaTrump on "women who work;" empowering campaign celebrates modern women.
Hopefully the violence & unrest in Charlotte will come to an immediate end. To those injured, get well soon. We need unity & leadership.
The situations in Tulsa and Charlotte are tragic. We must come together to make America safe again.
It is a MOVEMENT - not a campaign. Leaving the past behind, changing our future. Together, we will MAKE AMERICA SAF…
Thank you Kenansville, North Carolina! Remember- on November 8th, that special interest gravy train is coming to a…
Thank you High Point, NC! I will fight for every neglected part of this nation & I will fight to bring us together…
Hillary Clinton is taking the day off again, she needs the rest. Sleep well Hillary - see you at the debate!
Heading to North Carolina for two big rallies. Will be there soon. We will bring jobs back where they belong!
Do people notice Hillary is copying my airplane rallies - she puts the plane behind her like I have been doing from the beginning.
Thank you Nevada! #AmericaFirst
Thank you Georgia! #AmericaFirst
Crooked Hillary has been fighting ISIS, or whatever she has been doing, for years. Now she has new ideas. It is time for change.
Amazing rally in Florida - this is a MOVEMENT! Join us today at
Together, we will MAKE AMERICA SAFE AND GREAT AGAIN! #ImWithYou #AmericaFirst
I will be interviewed on the @oreillyfactor - tonight from Florida, now. Enjoy!
Philly FOP Chief On Presidential Endorsement: Clinton ‘Blew The Police Off'
Hillary Clinton's weakness while she was Secretary of State, has emboldened terrorists all over the world..cont:
Once again someone we were told is ok turns out to be a terrorist who wants to destroy our country & its people- how did he get thru system?
Great job once again by law enforcement! We are proud of them and should embrace them - without them, we don't have a country!
"@TarukMatuk: @CNN @FoxNews @realDonaldTrump @RogerRice10 Refugees from Syria over 10k plus more coming. Lots young males, poorly vetted.
"@AngPiazza: @foxandfriends @realDonaldTrump he's the ONLY candidate that will keep us safe!"
Will be on @foxandfriends at 7:02 A.M. Enjoy.
Terrible attacks in NY, NJ and MN this weekend. Thinking of victims, their families and all Americans! We need to be strong!
Under the leadership of Obama & Clinton, Americans have experienced more attacks at home than victories abroad. Time to change the playbook!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY - to the United States Air Force!!
RT @KellyannePolls: more media #polls showing @realDonaldTrump ahead in states Pres Obama won twice.
I would like to express my warmest regards, best wishes and condolences to all of the families and victims of the horrible bombing in NYC.
Never met but never liked dopey Robert Gates. Look at the mess the U.S. is in. Always speaks badly of his many bosses, including Obama.
Heading to Colorado for a big rally. Massive crowd, great people! Will be there soon - the polls are looking good.
My lawyers want to sue the failing @nytimes so badly for irresponsible intent. I said no (for now), but they are watching. Really disgusting
The failing @nytimes has gone nuts that Crooked Hillary is doing so badly. They are willing to say anything, has become a laughingstock rag!
Crazy Maureen Dowd, the wacky columnist for the failing @nytimes, pretends she knows me well--wrong!
Wacky @NYTimesDowd, who hardly knows me, makes up things that I never said for her boring interviews and column. A neurotic dope!
.@CNN just doesn't get it, and that's why their ratings are so low - and getting worse. Boring anti-Trump panelists, mostly losers in life!
I never met former Defense Secretary Robert Gates. He knows nothing about me. But look at the results under his guidance - a total disaster!
Crooked Hillary wants to take your 2nd Amendment rights away. Will guns be taken from her heavily armed Secret Service detail? Maybe not!
My thoughts and prayers go out to the @PhillyPolice & @Penn police officers- in Philadelphia.
"Donald Trump’s birther event is the greatest trick he’s ever pulled"
A very interesting take from @KatiePavlich:
Just arrived in Texas - have been informed two @fortworthpd officers have been shot. My thoughts and prayers are with them.
Just leaving Miami for Houston, Oklahoma and Colorado. Miami crowd was fantastic!
Great parade in The Villages- I love you all. We will #MAGA. Thank you for the incredible support-I will not forget!
I am truly honored and grateful for receiving SO much support from our American heroes...
I am now going to the brand new Trump International, Hotel D.C. for a major statement.
Thank you for a great evening - Laconia, New Hampshire -- will be back soon! #AmericaFirst
"@AK_TWEET: #TheDonald's hair gets the #JimmyFallon treatment on #TheTonightShow #TrumpPence16 So true!
"@jimmyfallon: Tonight: @realDonaldTrump, @normmacdonald, a performance by Kiiara,and your funniest #MyTeacherIsWeird tweets. #FallonTonight
Instead of driving jobs and wealth away, AMERICA will become the WORLD'S great magnet for innovation & job creation!
Will be joining @jimmyfallon on @FallonTonight at 11:35pmE tonight. Enjoy!
RT @EricTrump: What a scary statistic! Americans are working harder and making less! We need competent leadership!
I will be interviewed by @jessebwatters on @oreillyfactor tonight at 8pm. Enjoy!
Full transcript of economic plan- delivered to the Economic Club of New York. #MAGA
Thank you @JerryJrFalwell!
Thank you to all of our law enforcement officers - across America! #LESM #MAGA
Thank you for having me! I enjoyed the tour and spending time with everyone. See you soon. #MAGA
Will be on @foxandfriends at 7:00 A.M. Enjoy!
"@ghfanlovessonny: @realDonaldTrump you have my vote in Pennsylvania. Trump 2016" Thank you!
I was never a fan of Colin Powell after his weak understanding of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq = disaster. We can do much better!
I will be interviewed on @foxandfriends tomorrow at 7am. Enjoy!
Great poll out of Nevada- thank you! See you soon. #MAGA #AmericaFirst
Great evening in Canton, Ohio-thank you! We are going to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Join us:
Honor to have been interviewed by the very wonderful @bishopwtjackson in Detroit last week - tune in at 9pmE. Enjoy!
Thank you Ohio! Just landed in Canton for a rally at the Civic Center. Join me at 7pm:
Thank you Florida- can't wait to see you Friday in Miami! Join me:
Thank you @ATFD17! #ImWithYou
Great poll Florida - thank you!
#ImWithYou #AmericaFirst
Thank you Ohio - see you tonight!
Russia took Crimea during the so-called Obama years. Who wouldn't know this and why does Obama get a free pass?
Why isn't President Obama working instead of campaigning for Hillary Clinton?
Thank you Rep. @CynthiaLummis!
Thank you Rep. @MarshaBlackburn!
Thank you @RepReneeEllmers!
RT @LouDobbs: Trump outlines new child-care policy proposals via the @FoxNews App @realDonaldTrump seems a candidate of destiny
RT @IvankaTrump: Ivanka penned an Op-Ed that ran in the @WSJ this afternoon, read it here. @realDonaldTrump
#ImWithYou #AmericaFirst
RT @IvankaTrump: Ivanka is joining @realDonaldTrump to outline an innovative new child care policy to support American families. Tune in to…
Thank you Clive, Iowa!
Join us today! Together, we will
Heading to Iowa- join me today at noon! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
Join me in Clive, Iowa tomorrow at noon! #AmericaFirst #MAGA
"@brimyers813: Saw ur speech on Twitter. U give me hope and optimism. I feel as though I am in the room with u. I pray 4 ur/our success."
Just got back from Asheville, North Carolina, where we had a massive rally. The spirit of the crowd was unbelievable. Thank you! #MAGA
Stopped by @TrumpDC to thank all of the tremendous men & women for their hard work!
Will be on @CNBC at @7:22. Enjoy!
I will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 7:00 A.M.
The seriously failing @nytimes, despite so much winning and poll numbers that will soon put me in first place, only writes dishonest hits!
Hillary Clinton just had her 47% moment. What a terrible thing she said about so many great Americans!
RT @BarackObama: RT if you agree: We need a President who is fighting for all Americans, not one who writes off nearly half the country.
While Hillary said horrible things about my supporters, and while many of her supporters will never vote for me, I still respect them all!
Really sad that Republicans would allow themselves to be used in a Clinton ad. Lindsey Graham, Romney, Flake, Sass. SUPREME COURT, REMEMBER!
Wow, Hillary Clinton was SO INSULTING to my supporters, millions of amazing, hard working people. I think it will cost her at the Polls!
Will be in Missouri today with Melania for the funeral of a wonderful and truly respected woman, Phyllis S!
"@Stvzbnk: Just Watched @tonyschwartz. Obviously Tony is a Total Whack Job @realDonaldTrump"
Just returned from Pensacola, Florida, where the crowd was incredible.
I havn't seen @tonyschwartz in many years, he hardly knows me. Never liked his style. Super lib, Crooked H supporter. Irrelevant dope!
Dummy writer @tonyschwartz, who wanted to do a second book with me for years (I said no), is now a hostile basket case who feels jilted!
Thank you Florida - we are going to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Join us:
Will be delivering a major speech tonight - live on @oreillyfactor at 8:10pm from Pensacola, Florida.
Thank you Ohio. Together, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Great honor to be endorsed by popular & successful @gov_gilmore of VA. A state that I very much want to win-THX Jim!
#AmericaFirst #ImWithYou
Henry McMaster, Lt. Governor of South Carolina who endorsed me, beat failed @CNN announcer Bakari Sellers, so badly. Funny!
RT @EricTrump: Join @TeamTrump on Saturday for National Day of Action as we work to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!
Jeff Zucker failed @NBC and he is now failing @CNN.
.@CNN is unwatchable. Their news on me is fiction. They
are a disgrace to the broadcasting industry and an arm of the Clinton campaign.
The documentary of me that @CNN just aired is a total waste of time. I don't even know many of the people who spoke about me. A joke!
Final poll results from NBC on last nights Commander-in-Chief Forum. Thank you! #ImWithYou #MAGA
It wasn't Matt Lauer that hurt Hillary last night. It was her very dumb answer about emails & the veteran who said she should be in jail.
More poll results from last nights Commander-in-Chief Forum.
#AmericaFirst #TrumpTrain
Last nights results - in poll taken by NBC. #AmericaFirst #ImWithYou
With Luis, Mexico and the United States would have made wonderful deals together - where both Mexico and the US would have benefitted.
Mexico has lost a brilliant finance minister and wonderful man who I know is highly respected by President Peña Nieto.
Hillary Clinton answered email questions differently last night than she has in the past. She is totally confused. Unfit to serve as #POTUS.
Hillary just gave a disastrous news conference on the tarmac to make up for poor performance last night. She's being decimated by the media!
RT @DanScavino: Last nights winner was clear & it will be proven time & time again - lets #MAGA!! Lets WIN!! #TrumpTrain
"A rough night for Hillary Clinton" ABC News.
Wow, reviews are in - THANK YOU!
COMING UP @GenFlynn @newtgingrich on @foxandfriends
Thank you to @foxandfriends for the nice reviews of last night.
Thank you America - great #CommanderInChiefForum polls!
Thank you to our fantastic veterans. The reviews and polls from almost everyone of my Commander-in-Chief presentation were great. Nice!
Thank you Peter - if elected, I will think big for our country & never let the American people down! #AmericaFirst
Wow - thank you Pensacola, FL. See you Friday at 7pm -- join me!
'Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton by 19 points among military, veteran voters: poll' #AmericaFirst #MAGA
"@adhd_fa:Kudos to @PARISDENNARD for standing up to CNN's attempt to bully you and shout you down for defending @realDonaldTrump #media bias
I will be interviewed on @oreillyfactor tonight at 11pmE @FoxNews. Enjoy!
Thank you North Carolina- get out & #VoteTrump on 11/8/2016!
Great meeting with military spouses in Virginia- joined by @IvankaTrump, @LaraLeaTrump, @GenFlynn & @MayorRGiuliani.
Thank you to all of our amazing military families, service members, and veterans. #ImWithYou
Join me in Pensacola, Florida this Friday at 7pm! #VoteTrump
Thank you! #VoteTrump #ImWithYou
Mainstream media never covered Hillary’s massive “hacking”
or coughing attack, yet it is #1 trending. What’s up?
"@Ler: Message for undecided voters: Please wake up and vote DonaldTrump now! Trump/Pence very important save our America before too late!"
Thank you! #AmericaFirst
As a tribute to the late, great Phyllis Schlafly, I hope everybody can go out and get her latest book, THE CONSERVATIVE CASE FOR TRUMP.
China wouldn't provide a red carpet stairway from Air Force One and then Philippines President calls Obama "the son of a whore." Terrible!
The truly great Phyllis Schlafly, who honored me with her strong endorsement for president, has passed away at 92. She was very special!
Thank you Ohio! #AmericaFirst
Heading to Youngstown, Ohio now- some great polls. #AmericaFirst
Thank you American Legion Post 610- for hosting @Mike_Pence & I for a roundtable with labor leaders. #LaborDay #MAGA
#LaborDay #AmericaFirst
Can you believe that the Chinese would not give Obama the proper stairway to get off his plane - fight on tarmac!
President Obama & Putin fail to reach deal on Syria - so what else is new? Obama is not a natural deal maker. Only makes bad deals!
"@OSPREY675: @Miami4Trump I followed you because you are a patriot & support @realDonaldTrump, as do I. #MAGA by sticking together.
"@tweak626: I'm at a biker rally in Perry, Kansas...and everyone is a @realDonaldTrump fan. Love it."
"@ronnieclemmons: @ChrisCJackson @TakouiS @realDonaldTrump Trump now leads her by 2 - get real, she will lose big"
"@lblackvelvet: @realDonaldTrump We need to show Americans that Hillary will KILL our Country !! Vote for Trump !!"
"@CherNuna: @realDonaldTrump It defies belief the Web of Lies Hillary is spinning! One excuse after another. Then it's this, then it's that.
Lyin' Hillary Clinton told the FBI that she did not know the "C" markings on documents stood for CLASSIFIED. How can this be happening?
To the African-American community: The Democrats have failed you for fifty years, high crime, poor schools, no jobs. I will fix it, VOTE "T"
The polls are close so Crooked Hillary is getting out of bed and will campaign tomorrow.Why did she hammer 13 devices and acid-wash e-mails?
The Great State of Arizona, where I just had a massive rally (amazing people), has a very weak and ineffective Senator, Jeff Flake. Sad!
The Republican Party needs strong and committed leaders, not weak people such as @JeffFlake, if it is going to stop illegal immigration.
RT @DanScavino: Doesn't fit the MSM narrative - so they wont share what @realDonaldTrump did for Jesse Jackson in 1999 - so I will!
"@AnneBellar: @realDonaldTrump @CNN CNN is so biased. Never ever watch them. Trump 2016!!"
Crooked Hillary's V.P. pick said this morning that I was not aware that Russia took over Crimea. A total lie - and taken over during O term!
Wow, the failing @nytimes has not reported properly on Crooked's FBI release. They are at the back of the pack - no longer a credible source
.@CNN is so disgusting in their bias, but they are having a hard time promoting Crooked Hillary in light of the new e-mail scandals.
Great visit to Detroit church, fantastic reception, and all @CNN talks about is a small protest outside. Inside a large and wonderful crowd!
I am returning to the Pensacola Bay Center in Florida- Friday, 9/9/16 at 7pm. Join me!
Thank you Great Faith Ministries International, Bishop Wayne T. Jackson, and Detroit!
#AmericaFirst #ImWithYou
Great new poll Iowa - thank you!
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #ImWithYou
I visited our Trump Tower campaign headquarters last night, after returning from Ohio and Arizona, and it was packed with great pros - WIN!
People will be very surprised by our ground game on Nov. 8. We have an army of volunteers and people with GREAT SPIRIT! They want to #MAGA!
Just heard that crazy and very dumb @morningmika had a mental breakdown while talking about me on the low ratings @Morning_Joe. Joe a mess!
I will be interviewed by @ericbolling tonight at 8pm on the @oreillyfactor. Enjoy!
I am promising you a new legacy for America. We're going to create a new American future. Thank you OHIO! #ImWithYou
Thank you for having me this morning @AmericanLegion. I enjoyed my time with everyone! #ALConvention2016
Poll numbers way up - making big progress!
Thank you to @foxandfriends for the great review of the speech on immigration last night. Thank you also to the great people of Arizona!
Mexico will pay for the wall!
Under a Trump administration, it's called #AmericaFirst! #ImWithYou
Hillary Clinton doesn't have the strength or the stamina to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! #AmericaFirst
There will be no amnesty!
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #ImWithYou
Mexico will pay for the wall - 100%!
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #ImWithYou
RT @LouDobbs: We are Watching A Leader Who for the First Time in Three Presidencies Will Put America and Americans First! @realDonaldTrump…
RT @AnnCoulter: I hear Churchill had a nice turn of phrase, but Trump's immigration speech is the most magnificent speech ever given.
Just arrived in Arizona! #ImWithYou
Great trip to Mexico today - wonderful leadership and high quality people! Look forward to our next meeting.
Hillary Clinton didn't go to Louisiana, and now she didn't go to Mexico. She doesn't have the drive or stamina to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Former President Vicente Fox, who is railing against my visit to Mexico today, also invited me when he apologized for using the "f bomb."
Thank you Washington! Together, WE will MAKE AMERICA SAFE AND GREAT AGAIN! #ImWithYou #AmericaFirst
I have accepted the invitation of President Enrique Pena Nieto, of Mexico, and look very much forward to meeting him tomorrow.
RT @RSBNetwork: We are ALREADY LIVE in Everett, WA for the Trump Rally. Come join us- our cameras tonight! #TrumpinEverett
Thank you North Carolina! #MAGA
Thank you America! #MAGA
"@meequalsfree: Looking forward to seeing you again! Everett to be a packed house! @realDonaldTrump @mike_pence"
From day one I said that I was going to build a great wall on the SOUTHERN BORDER, and much more. Stop illegal immigration. Watch Wednesday!
Join me this Thursday in Wilmington, Ohio at noon! #ImWithYou
Join me this Wednesday in Phoenix, Arizona at 6pm! #ImWithYou
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #ImWithYou
We will repeal and replace the horrible disaster known as #Obamacare!
Now that African-Americans are seeing what a bad job Hillary type policy and management has done to the inner-cities, they want TRUMP!
Crooked Hillary's brainpower is highly overrated.Probably why her decision making is so bad or, as stated by Bernie S, she has BAD JUDGEMENT
Does anyone know that Crooked Hillary, who tried so hard, was unable to pass the Bar Exams in Washington D.C. She was forced to go elsewhere
"@PMNOrlando: @realDonaldTrump I know of NO ONE voting for Crooked Hillary! Her rallies are held in (blank) & she still has room.
"@RhondaR: Thank-You Clarence Henderson for telling @cnn you know racism & it's not DonaldTrump via @BreitbartNews"
"@Patrici: Crowd at Trump Rally in Akron, Ohio is a Sea of Women, Minorities, Independents, Dems via @gatewaypundit
Inner-city crime is reaching record levels. African-Americans will vote for Trump because they know I will stop the slaughter going on!
Look how bad it is getting! How much more crime, how many more shootings, will it take for African-Americans and Latinos to vote Trump=SAFE!
I will be making a major speech on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION on Wednesday in the GREAT State of Arizona. Big crowds, looking for a larger venue.
I think that both candidates, Crooked Hillary and myself, should release detailed medical records. I have no problem in doing so! Hillary?
Today is the 53rd anniversary of the March on Washington - today we honor the enduring fight for justice, equality and opportunity.
RT @FoxNews: Poll: @realDonaldTrump vs. @HillaryClinton among white Evangelicals.
Thank you Arizona! #VoteTrump
Join me Tuesday in Everett, Washington at the Xfinity Arena! Tickets:
"@LindaHarden: @realDonaldTrump America loves Trump and @mike_pence -- praying for you every day. Stay strong. #TrumpPence2016 #NeverHillary
January 2009 = $10.6 TRILLION
August 2016 = $19.4 TRILLION
It was an honor to have the amazing Root family join me in Iowa. I have been so inspired by their courage & bravery.
Thank you Iowa! #ImWithYou
Just landed in Iowa to attend a great event in honor of wonderful Senator @JoniErnst. Look forward to being with all of my friends.
My condolences to Dwyane Wade and his family, on the loss of Nykea Aldridge. They are in my thoughts and prayers.
Dwyane Wade's cousin was just shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago. Just what I have been saying. African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP!
"@GoldJazz559: #BlackMenForBernie Leader: #Hillary2016 ‘No Regard For Black Race’ via @dailycaller #BlacksForTrump
"@DiamondandSilk: Crooked Hillary getting desperate. On TV bashing Trump. @CNN, she forgot how she said a KKK member was her mentor.
Heroin overdoses are taking over our children and others in the MIDWEST. Coming in from our southern border. We need strong border & WALL!
New polls - join the MOVEMENT today.
Join us via our new #AmericaFirst APP! #TrumpPence16
Will be in Phoenix, Arizona on Wednesday. Changing venue to much larger one. Demand is unreal. Polls looking great! #ImWithYou
Thank you @TeamTrump Florida. Keep me updated, and lets get those 100,000 registered voters!
I will be interviewed by @kimguilfoyle
at 7pm on @FoxNews. #Enjoy!
Army training slide lists Hillary Clinton as insider threat:
Meet the ‘Trumpocrats’: Lifelong Democrats Breaking w/ Party Over Hillary to Support Donald Trump for President:
"Hillary Clinton Deleted Emails Using Program Intended To Prevent Recovery" #CrookedHillary
How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary called African-American youth "SUPER PREDATORS" - Has she apologized?
I am very proud to have brought the subject of illegal immigration back into the discussion. Such a big problem for our country-I will solve
Wonderful @pastormarkburns was attacked viciously and unfairly on @MSNBC by crazy @morningmika on low ratings @Morning_Joe. Apologize!
What do African-Americans and Hispanics have to lose by going with me. Look at the poverty, crime and educational statistics. I will fix it!
Crooked Hillary will NEVER be able to solve the problems of poverty, education and safety within the African-American & Hispanic communities
The Clinton's are the real predators...
"@Lewenskimo: Your opponent has run out of ideas, now resorts to personal attacks on you. Every Amercan knows, you represent HOPE!!"
"Hillary Clinton needs to address the racist undertones of her 2008 campaign." #FlashbackFriday
"@DonaldJTrumpJr: Company Gouging Price Of EpiPens Is A Clinton Foundation Donor And Partner via dailycaller"
"@foxnation: Flashback: Hillary Clinton Praised Former KKK Member Robert Byrd as 'Friend and Mentor':
Full speech transcript:
Hillary Clinton only knows how to make a speech when it is a hit on me. No policy, and always very short (stamina). Media gives her a pass!
HRC is using the oldest play in the Dem playbook- when their policies fail, they are left w/this one tired argument!
Hillary Clinton is using race-baiting to try to get African-American voters- but they know she is all talk and NO ACTION!
Hillary Clinton's short speech is pandering to the worst instincts in our society. She should be ashamed of herself!
Just watched recap of #CrookedHillary's speech. Very short and lies. She is the only one fear-mongering!
So many in the African-American community are doing so badly, poverty and crime way up, employment and jobs way down: I will fix it, promise
Poll numbers are starting to look very good. Leading in Florida @CNN Arizona and big jump in Utah. All numbers rising, national way up. Wow!
"@Trump_Videos: .@Nigel_Farage of the #brexit fame - We CAN do this! We can #MAGA with @realDonaldTrump
Thoughts and prayers to the great people of Indiana. You will prevail!
Great Governor @Mike_Pence is in Indiana to help lead the relief efforts after tornadoes struck. True leadership.
Will be on #Hannity @ 10pE @FoxNews- discussing various subjects including immigration-if elected, we will #BuildTheWall & enforce our laws!
Thank you for your support!
#AmericaFirst #ImWithYou
A great afternoon in Tampa, Florida. Thank you! #TrumpPence16
New national poll released. Join the MOVEMENT & together we will #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!
Great new poll Florida - thank you! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
I will not let the families of The Remembrance Project down!
My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and families of those affected by two powerful earthquakes in Italy and Myanmar.
Thank you Travis County, Texas!
Will be participating in a Town Hall tonight on @SeanHannity at 10pmE from Austin, Texas. Enjoy!
In Austin, Texas with some of our amazing Border Patrol Agents. I will not let them down!
Join me in Tampa, Florida- tomorrow at 1pmE! Tickets:
President Obama should have gone to Louisiana days ago, instead of golfing. Too little, too late!
Hillary Clinton strongly stated that there was "absolutely no connection" between her private work and that of The State Department. LIE!
It is being reported by virtually everyone, and is a fact, that the media pile on against me is the worst in American political history!
I am now in Texas doing a big fundraiser for the Republican Party and a @FoxNews Special on the BORDER and with victims of border crime!
The @WashingtonPost quickly put together a hit job book on me- comprised of copies of some of their inaccurate stories. Don't buy, boring!
.@AnnCoulter's new book, 'In Trump We Trust, comes out tomorrow. People are saying it's terrific - knowing Ann I am sure it is!
Just leaving Akron, Ohio, after a packed rally. Amazing people! Going now to Texas.
Great meeting with active & retired law enforcement officers- at the Fraternal Order of Police lodge in Akron, Ohio.
Statement on Clinton Foundation:
Will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 8:30 A.M. Eastern. ENJOY!
Some day, when things calm down, I'll tell the real story of @JoeNBC and his very insecure long-time girlfriend, @morningmika. Two clowns!
Tried watching low-rated @Morning_Joe this morning, unwatchable! @morningmika is off the wall, a neurotic and not very bright mess!
"@realbill2016: @realDonaldTrump @Brainykid2010 @shl Trump leading LA Times poll
"@Brainykid2010: @shl @realDonaldTrump The ad was actually very good!"
"@55Lidsville: #TeamTrump @KellyannePolls You need to show the crowds at the rallies use Periscope! Show HC's 139 YT viewers vs DT 38K"
"@SinAbunz_TM: @realDonaldTrump TRUMP VICTORY IN NOVEMBER! #MAGA #TrumpPence16"
"@Jimbos2002: @Morning_Joe Video: Hillary referring to blacks as super predators that need to be brought to heel.
I heard that @Morning_Joe was very nice on Friday but that little Donny D, a big failure in TV (& someone I helped), was nasty. Irrelevant!
Crooked Hillary is flooding the airwaves with false and misleading ads - all paid for by her bosses on Wall Street. Media is protecting her!
I have been drawing very big and enthusiastic crowds, but the media refuses to show or discuss them. Something very big is happening!
Together, we are going to MAKE AMERICA SAFE AND GREAT AGAIN!
"@EyeCandyTMGayle: @realDonaldTrump please oh please take the CHARLOTTE NC speech ACROSS the swing states .... sooo powerful" Good!
"@J58golf: @realDonaldTrump been a great week. More of the same will get you in the white house!"
We will bring America together as ONE country again – united as Americans in common purpose and common dreams. #MAGA
Will be back soon Virginia. We are going to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! #TrumpPence16
Will be interviewed on @JudgeJeanine at 9:00 P.M. Enjoy!
Just leaving Virginia - really big crowd, great enthusiasm!
Thank you @JerryJrFalwell- will see you soon. #TrumpPence16
"@CatOnGlass: 200,000 new followers for @realDonaldTrump. From 10,800,000 to 11,000,000, All in the last ten days or so! #MAGA #AlwaysTrump
.@Franklin_Graham @BillyNungesser @SamaritansPurse- so humbled by my time w/ you. You are in our thoughts & prayers.
We are one nation. When one hurts, we all hurt. We must all work together-to lift each other up.
#WheresHillary? Sleeping!!!!!
Thank you Michigan. This is a MOVEMENT. We are going to MAKE AMERICA SAFE AND GREAT AGAIN! #TrumpPence16
Great job by @EricTrump on interview with @BillHemmer on @FoxNews. #ImWithYou #TrumpTrain
Thank you to everyone for all of the nice comments, by Twitter, pundits and otherwise for my speech last night.
The reporting at the failing @nytimes gets worse and worse by the day. Fortunately, it is a dying newspaper.
Thank you to NC for last evenings great reception. The speech was a great success. Heading now to Louisiana & another speech tonight in MI.
We are one nation. When one state hurts, we all hurt. We must all work together - to lift each other up.
Thank you Charlotte, North Carolina!
#CrookedHillary #ThrowbackThursday
They will soon be calling me MR. BREXIT!
I will be doing a Town Hall tonight at 10:00 P.M. on @seanhannity - @FoxNews
Will be participating in a town hall event- hosted by @SeanHannity tonight at 10pmE on @FoxNews. Enjoy!
We are going to make this a government of the people once again!
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #ImWithYou
We will repeal & replace #Obamacare, which has caused soaring double-digit premium increases. It is a disaster!
A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for another generation of poverty, high crime, & lost opportunities. #ImWithYou
#MakeAmericaSafeAgain #ImWithYou
Thank you Governor @ScottWalker & @GOP Chairman @Reince Priebus.
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #ImWithYou
Join me in North Carolina - tomorrow at 7:30pm! #ImWithYou
#LawandOrder #ImWithYou
#LawandOrder #ImWithYou
Will be on @SeanHannity tonight at 10pmE - delivering an important speech live from Wisconsin. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
Just as we won the Cold War, in part, by exposing the evils of communism and the virtues of free markets....
This is my pledge to the American people:
'It's just a 2-point race, Clinton 38%, Trump 36%'
Another health insurer is pulling back due to 'persistent financial losses on #Obamacare plans.' Only the beginning!
Certain Republicans who have lost to me would rather save face by fighting me than see the U.S.Supreme Court get proper appointments. Sad!
"Stay on message" is the chant. I always do - trade, jobs, military, vets, 2nd A, repeal Ocare, borders, etc - but media misrepresents!
I have always been the same person-remain true to self.The media wants me to change but it would be very dishonest to supporters to do so!
It is not "freedom of the press" when newspapers and others are allowed to say and write whatever they want even if it is completely false!
I am not only fighting Crooked Hillary, I am fighting the dishonest and corrupt media and her government protection process. People get it!
Crooked Hillary Clinton is being protected by the media. She is not a talented person or politician. The dishonest media refuses to expose!
My rallies are not covered properly by the media. They never discuss the real message and never show crowd size or enthusiasm.
If the disgusting and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn't put false meaning into the words I say, I would be beating Hillary by 20%
The failing @nytimes, which never spoke to me, keeps saying that I am saying to advisers that I will change. False, I am who I am-never said
The failing @nytimes talks about anonymous sources and meetings that never happened. Their reporting is fiction. The media protects Hillary!
"@zulu_out: You are a man for the people because you know what it is like to be among the people #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #USA Loves U" Thanks
"@PaulaDuvall2: We're all enjoying you, as well, Mr. T.! You've inspired Hope and a Positive Spirit throughout America! God bless you!" Nice
"@need2knowu: @willspeakout yes you are my hero I admire you for laying down your glorious luxurious life to get beat up for America!!!"
We now have confirmation as to one reason Crooked H wanted to be sure that nobody saw her e-mails - PAY-FOR-PLAY. How can she run for Pres.
"@willspeakout: Thank you for all that you are doing for us! You campaign endlessly and have spent millions.We love you! #TrumpTrain" Thanks
I am truly enjoying myself while running for president. The people of our country are amazing - great numbers on November 8th!
The failing @nytimes has become a newspaper of fiction. Their stories about me always quote non-existent unnamed sources. Very dishonest!
Will be on @seanhannity tonight at 10pm, hosted by @GovMikeHuckabee. Enjoy!
Thank you Erie, Pennsylvania! Together we will #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!
Unbelievable support in Florida last night - thank you! #MAGA
ISIS gained tremendous strength during Hillary Clinton's term as Secretary of State. When will the dishonest media report the facts!
I love watching these poor, pathetic people (pundits) on television working so hard and so seriously to try and figure me out. They can't!
A massive tax increase will be necessary to fund Crooked Hillary Clinton's agenda. What a terrible (and boring) rollout that was yesterday!
"@laurencristmann: Thank you for coming to Pennsylvania today. I will be there with @C_Lynne_Ryan your 3rd CD delegate at 2 pm"
Ratings challenged @CNN reports so seriously that I call President Obama (and Clinton) "the founder" of ISIS, & MVP. THEY DON'T GET SARCASM?
"@EnemyWithinn: @realDonaldTrump @elsolarverde @nytimes People gotta stop believing media lies about Trump." That would indeed be nice!
"@SheriffClarke: Everything coming from this administration is a lie. Only @realDonaldTrump will change it"
Will be doing @oreillyfactor tonight at 8pm. Enjoy!
This is no surprise. Constant phony reporting from failing @CNN turns everyone off. The American people get it!
Thank you Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Great job today by the NYPD in protecting the people and saving the climber.
Reuters just announced that Secret Service never spoke to me or my campaign. Made up story by @CNN is a hoax. Totally dishonest.
"@DSF2020: Really admire your determination: Working so hard for all Americans n daily having to defend yourself from a biased Media."
Thank you Abingdon, Virginia!
No such meeting or conversation ever happened - a made up story by "low ratings" @CNN.
Great meeting w/ coal miners & leaders from the Virginia coal industry- thank you! #MAGA
I will be interviewed on @greta tonight at 7pm. Enjoy!
My thoughts and prayers are with the two police officers shot in Sebastian County, Arkansas. #LESM
Morning Joe's weakness is its low ratings. I don't watch anymore but I heard he went wild against Rudy Giuliani and #2A - sad & irrelevant!
.@dbongino You were fantastic in defending both the Second Amendment and me last night on @CNN. Don Lemon is a lightweight - dumb as a rock
"@dbongino: ‘Now cut off my mic!’ Bongino refuses to be bullied by Don Lemon over Trump, 2nd Amendment – HEATED!
Media desperate to distract from Clinton's anti-2A stance. I said pro-2A citizens must organize and get out vote to save our Constitution!
When is the media going to talk about Hillary's policies that have gotten people killed, like Libya, open borders, and maybe her emails?
Thank you Senator @ChuckGrassley! #TrumpPence16
Thank you @SenatorFischer! #TrumpPence16
Thank you Wilmington, North Carolina!
RT @NRA: But there IS something we will do on #ElectionDay: Show up and vote for the #2A! #DefendtheSecond #NeverHillary
RT @NRA: .@RealDonaldTrump is right. If @HillaryClinton gets to pick her anti-#2A #SCOTUS judges, there’s nothing we can do. #NeverHillary
RT @Carl_C_Icahn: 2/2 How many of our presidents, even our great presidents, would have handled the antics that went on in that auditorium…
RT @Carl_C_Icahn: 1/2 Believe Trump gave a great speech.
"@LinHen23: @foxandfriends Loved Trump's answers to voters questions this morning! Trump's economic plan will help #MAGA #NeverHillary"
"@sprts08: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends great interview.....all solid points on our economy TRUMP2016"
I am running against the Washington insiders, just like I did in the Republican Primaries. These are the people that have made U.S. a mess!
Will be interviewed on @foxandfriends now!
Being in Detroit today was wonderful. Quick stop in Ohio to meet with some of our great supporters. Just got back home!
RT @FieldofFight: We Can Do Better, We Must Do Better, We Will Do Better
By LTG (R) Keith Kellogg and LTG (R) Michael Flynn @GenFlynn
'As Senator Clinton promised 200,000 jobs in Upstate New York - her efforts fell flat.'
Many people are saying that the Iranians killed the scientist who helped the U.S. because of Hillary Clinton's hacked emails.
Thank you Newt!
Thank you Congressman Steven Palazzo!
Thank you Senator David Perdue!
Thank you @RepLouBarletta!
Thank you @NFIB- together we will #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!
Thank you!
Thank you Alex!
RT @NFIB: .@NFIB encouraged by @realDonaldTrump’s #taxplan, says #smallbiz would benefit from lower tax rate:
My economic policy speech will be carried live at 12:15 P.M. Enjoy!
Join me in Fayetteville, North Carolina tomorrow evening at 6pm. Tickets now available at:
#ICYMI: "Will Media Apologize to Trump?"
Michael Morell, the lightweight former Acting Director of C.I.A., and a man who has made serious bad calls, is a total Clinton flunky!
The media is going crazy. They totally distort so many things on purpose. Crimea, nuclear, "the baby" and so much more. Very dishonest!
I see where Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake of Baltimore is pushing Crooked hard. Look at the job she has done in Baltimore. She is a joke!
Thank you Windham, New Hampshire! #TrumpPence16 #MAGA
.@Larry_Kudlow - 'Donald Trump Is the middle-class growth candidate'
I am not just running against Crooked Hillary Clinton, I am running against the very dishonest and totally biased media - but I will win!
#CrookedHillary is not fit to be our next president! #TrumpPence16
Heading to New Hampshire - will be talking about Hillary saying her brain SHORT CIRCUITED, and other things!
Anybody whose mind "SHORT CIRCUITS" is not fit to be our president! Look up the word "BRAINWASHED."
Crooked Hillary said loudly, and for the world to see, that she "SHORT CIRCUITED" when answering a question on her e-mails. Very dangerous!
Hillary Clinton is being badly criticized for her poor performance in answering questions. Let us all see what happens!
Good luck #TeamUSA
#OpeningCeremony #Rio2016
'Trump is right about violent crime: It’s on the rise in major cities'
Thank you Green Bay, Wisconsin! Governor @Mike_Pence and I will be back soon. #TrumpPence16 #MAGA
Thank you Des Moines, Iowa! Governor @Mike_Pence and I appreciate your support! #MAGA #TrumpTrain
RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: 'Win-lose deal that benefits Iran and hurts United States'...
Hillary Clinton has bad judgment and is unfit to serve as President.
The plane I saw on television was the hostage plane in Geneva, Switzerland, not the plane carrying $400 million in cash going to Iran!
President Obama refuses to answer question about Iran terror funding. I won't dodge questions as your President.
Obama's disastrous judgment gave us ISIS, rise of Iran, and the worst economic numbers since the Great Depression!
President Obama should ask the DNC about how they rigged the election against Bernie.
See you tomorrow w/ Gov. @Mike_Pence, Iowa & Wisconsin!
Thank you Portland, Maine!
Happy 226th Birthday to the United States Coast Guard. Thank you @USCG! #CoastGuardDay
Great meeting all of you. This group knocked on 50K doors & counting here in Maine, thank you! @MaineGOP
Looking forward to IA & WI with Gov. Pence, tomorrow. Join us! #MAGA
Thank you Jacksonville, Florida!
Thank you for your support of my candidacy! #MAGA #ImWithYou
Thank you to the amazing law enforcement officers today- in Daytona Beach, Florida! #LESM #MAGA
THANK YOU Daytona Beach, Florida!
RT @mike_pence: Join me in Colorado, today! Look forward to seeing you!
Denver- 2pm
Colorado Springs- 6pm
Our incompetent Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, was the one who started talks to give 400 million dollars, in cash, to Iran. Scandal!
There is great unity in my campaign, perhaps greater than ever before. I want to thank everyone for your tremendous support. Beat Crooked H!
Great day in Virginia. Crowd was fantastic!
My daughter @IvankaTrump will be on @Greta tonight at 7pm. Enjoy!
Report raises questions about ‘Clinton Cash’ from Russians during ‘reset'
President Obama will go down as perhaps the worst president in the history of the United States!
RT @gatewaypundit: Democrat Fire Marshal Turns THOUSANDS of Trump Supporters Away at Columbus Rally via @gatewaypun…
#ICYMI: John Podesta’s Brother Pocketed $180,000 from Putin’s Uranium Company:
Join me in Florida tomorrow!
Daytona | 3pm-
Jacksonville | 7pm-
Thank you Virginia! #ImWithYou
The Washington Post calls out #CrookedHillary for what she REALLY is. A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR! Watch that nose grow!
Great afternoon in Ohio & a great evening in Pennsylvania - departing now. See you tomorrow Virginia!
Just leaving Mechanicsburg, PA. Incredible crowd-- so enthusiastic! Will be back soon. #MAGA
RT @DanScavino: .@realDonaldTrump stops by overflow room in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania- prior to main rally. #TrumpMovement #MAGA🇺🇸
Vast numbers of manufacturing jobs in Pennsylvania have moved to Mexico and other countries. That will end when I win!
Thanks to @pnehlen for your kind words, very much appreciated.
Join me in Florida on Wednesday! Daytona & Jacksonville:
Daytona | 3pm-
Jacksonville | 7pm-
During the GOP convention, CNN cut away from the victims of illegal immigrant violence. They don’t want them heard.
When will CNN do a segment on Hillary’s plan to increase Syrian refugees 550% and how much it will cost?
Hillary Clinton raked in money from regimes that horribly oppress women and gays & refuses to speak out against Radical Islam.
Hillary, whose decisions have led to the deaths of many, accepted $ from a business linked to ISIS. Silence at CNN.
Crooked Hillary Clinton is 100% owned by her donors. #ImWithYou #MAGA
Thank you Columbus, Ohio! I will be back soon. #ImWithYou #MAGA
Thank you Oklahoma & Virginia!
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #ImWithYou
People believe CNN these days almost as little as they believe Hillary....that's really saying something!
The people who support Hillary sit behind CNN anchor chairs, or headline fundraisers - those disconnected from real life.
Will CNN send its cameras to the border to show the massive unreported crisis now unfolding -- or are they worried it will hurt Hillary?
When will we see stories from CNN on Clinton Foundation corruption and Hillary's pay-for-play at State Department?
CNN anchors are completely out of touch with everyday people worried about rising crime, failing schools and vanishing jobs.
CNN will soon be the least trusted name in news if they continue to be the press shop for Hillary Clinton.
Join Governor Mike Pence in Reno, Nevada- tonight at 7pm! Tickets available at:
So with all of the Obama tough talk on Russia and the Ukraine, they have already taken Crimea and continue to push. That's what I said!
When I said in an interview that Putin is "not going into Ukraine, you can mark it down," I am saying if I am President. Already in Crimea!
This story is not about Mr. Khan, who is all over the place doing interviews, but rather RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM and the U.S. Get smart!
Mr. Khan, who does not know me, viciously attacked me from the stage of the DNC and is now all over T.V. doing the same - Nice!
Wow, it is unbelievable how distorted, one-sided and biased the media is against us. The failing @nytimes is a joke. @CNN is laughable!
"@RealJamesWoods: Without absolutely OWNING the liberal media, HillaryClinton wouldn't stand a chance. #VoterFraud and #MSM her only hope."
The dishonest media is fawning over the Democratic Convention. I wonder why, then, my speech had millions of more viewers than Crooked H?
I was viciously attacked by Mr. Khan at the Democratic Convention. Am I not allowed to respond? Hillary voted for the Iraq war, not me!
Captain Khan, killed 12 years ago, was a hero, but this is about RADICAL ISLAMIC TERROR and the weakness of our "leaders" to eradicate it!
Nielson Media Research final numbers on ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: TRUMP 32.2 MILLION. CLINTON 27.8 MILLION. Thank you!
Thank you to all of the television viewers that made my speech at the Republican National Convention #1 over Crooked Hillary and DEMS.
Can you imagine if I had the small crowds that Hillary is drawing today in Pennsylvania. It would be a major media event! @CNN @FoxNews
NATO commander agrees members should pay up via @dcexaminer:
Wow, NATO's top commander just announced that he agrees with me that alliance members must PAY THEIR BILLS. This is a general I will like!
The "Rust Belt" was created by politicians like the Clintons who allowed our jobs to be stolen from us by other countries like Mexico. END!
Crooked's stop in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, where jobs have been absolutely decimated by dumb politicians, drew less than 200 - with Bill, VP
#CrookedHillary = Obama's third term, which would be terrible news for our economic growth - seen below.
Word is that Crooked Hillary has very small and unenthusiastic crowds in Pennsylvania. Perhaps it is because her husband signed NAFTA?
I turned down a meeting with Charles and David Koch. Much better for them to meet with the puppets of politics, they will do much better!
Why doesn't the media want to report that on the two "Big Thursdays" when Crooked Hillary and I made our speeches - Republican's won ratings
Crooked Hillary Clinton is soft on crime, supports open borders, and wants massive tax hikes. A formula for disaster!
Violent crime is rising across the United States, yet the DNC convention ignored it. Crime reduction will be one of my top priorities.
Just got back from Colorado. The love and enthusiasm at two rallies was incredible. Big crowds!
While I am in OH & PA - you can also join @Mike_Pence in Nevada on Mon!
Carson City:
Join me Monday in Columbus, Ohio & Harrisburg, Pennsylvania! #MAGA
3pm in OH:
7pm in PA:
American homeownership rate in Q2 2016 was 62.9% - lowest rate in 51yrs. WE will bring back the 'American Dream!'
We are suffering through the worst long-term unemployment in the last 70 years. I want change - Crooked Hillary Clinton does not.
Hillary can never win over Bernie supporters. Her foreign wars,
NAFTA/TPP support & Wall Street ties are driving away millions of votes.
Colorado was amazing yesterday! So much support. Our tax, trade and energy reforms will bring great jobs to Colorado and the whole country.
"@patrioticpepe: @realDonaldTrump ONLY TRUMP CAN UNITE AMERICA AND FIX OBAMA'S MISTAKES!!! #Trump2016
Thank you Denver, Colorado!
As usual, Hillary & the Dems are trying to rig the debates so 2 are up against major NFL games. Same as last time w/ Bernie. Unacceptable!
#CrookedHillary Job Application
Hillary Clinton should not be given national security briefings in that she is a lose cannon with extraordinarily bad judgement & insticts.
Thank you to the amazing law enforcement officers in Colorado!
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #LESM
Thank you Colorado Springs. Get out & VOTE #TrumpPence16 in November!
"Only a Reagan or a Trump-like figure in the White House will achieve this goal."
Even Bill is tired of the lies, SAD!
Join me in Colorado Springs at 2pm- or in Denver tonight at 7pm!
Colorado Springs:
What Bernie Sanders really thinks of Crooked Hillary Clinton.
I am watching Crooked Hillary speak. Same old stuff, our country needs change!
Wow, my campaign is hearing from more and more Bernie supporters that they will NEVER support Crooked Hillary. She sold them out, V.P. pick!
In Hillary Clinton's America - things get worse. #TrumpPence16
The dishonest media didn't mention that Bernie Sanders was very angry looking during Crooked's speech. He wishes he didn't make that deal!
Thank you!
Crooked Hillary said that I "couldn't handle the rough and tumble of a political campaign." Really,I just beat 16 people and am beating her!
If Michael Bloomberg ran again for Mayor of New York, he wouldn't get 10% of the vote - they would run him out of town! #NeverHillary
"Little" Michael Bloomberg, who never had the guts to run for president, knows nothing about me. His last term as Mayor was a disaster!
General John Allen, who I never met but spoke against me last night, failed badly in his fight against ISIS. His record = BAD #NeverHillary
Crooked Hillary Clinton mentioned me 22 times in her very long and very boring speech. Many of her statements were lies and fabrications!
Join @mike_pence at the University of Northwestern Ohio- tonight at 7pm. Tickets:
"@AnnCoulter: "I believe in science" Dem code for "we're shutting down coal mines, steel plants and any other remaining manufacturing""
Two policemen just shot in San Diego, one dead. It is only getting worse. People want LAW AND ORDER!
Crooked Hillary Clinton made up facts about me, and "forgot" to mention the many problems of our country, in her very average scream!
The media coverage this morning of the very average Clinton speech and Convention is a joke. @CNN and the little watched @Morning_Joe = SAD!
No one has worse judgement than Hillary Clinton - corruption and devastation follows her wherever she goes.
Hillary's wars in the Middle East have unleashed destruction, terrorism and ISIS across the world.
Hillary's vision is a borderless world where working people have no power, no jobs, no safety.
Hillary will never reform Wall Street. She is owned by Wall Street!
Our way of life is under threat by Radical Islam and Hillary Clinton cannot even bring herself to say the words.
Hillary's refusal to mention Radical Islam, as she pushes a 550% increase in refugees, is more proof that she is unfit to lead the country.
Departing now - thank you Cedar Rapids, Iowa. This is a MOVEMENT!
"Dems warn not to underestimate Trump's potential win"
Great to be back in Iowa! #TBT with @JerryJrFalwell joining me in Davenport- this past winter. #MAGA
Median household income is down for the middle class since Obama took office. It will only go further down under Clinton.
A vote for Clinton-Kaine is a vote for TPP, NAFTA, high taxes, radical regulation, and massive influx of refugees.
Bernie caved!
"@LallyRay: Poll: Donald Trump Sees 17-Point Positive Swing in Two Weeks - Breitbart @realdonaldtrump" Great!
RT @mike_pence: Good morning! Join me in Lima, Ohio - tomorrow evening at 7pm. #MAGA
RT @piersmorgan: Trump makes a funny, obvious joke about Russia going after Hillary's emails & U.S. media goes insane with fury.
He plays t…
RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: Obama Refers to Himself 119 Times During Hillary Nominating Speech...
President Obama spoke last night about a world that doesn’t exist. 70% of the people think our country is going in the wrong direction. #DNC
"@trumplican2016: @realDonaldTrump @DavidWohl stay the course mr trump your message is resonating with the PEOPLE"
"@DavidWohl: Barack is offended that @realDonaldTrump will demand that #NATO allies pay their fair share. #DemsInPhilly"
Our country does not feel 'great already' to the millions of wonderful people living in poverty, violence and despair.
Shooting deaths of police officers up 78% this year. We must restore law and order and protect our great law enforcement officers!
Join me live in Toledo, Ohio!
Thank you Pennsylvania!
Thank you to our amazing law enforcement officers! #MAGA
"Trump right: Illegal families crossing border set to double, 51,152 so far"
Great new poll - thank you!
If Russia or any other country or person has Hillary Clinton's 33,000 illegally deleted emails, perhaps they should share them with the FBI!
Join our next Vice President, @Mike_Pence in Wisconsin tonight & Michigan Thursday!
Not one American flag on the massive stage at the Democratic National Convention until people started complaining-then a small one. Pathetic
Our not very bright Vice President, Joe Biden, just stated that I wanted to "carpet bomb" the enemy. Sorry Joe, that was Ted Cruz!
Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to flood our country with Syrian immigrants that we know little or nothing about. The danger is massive. NO!
Hopefully the violent and vicious killing by ISIS of a beloved French priest is causing people to start thinking rationally. Get tough!
The Democratic Convention has paid ZERO respect to the great police and law enforcement professionals of our country. No recognition - SAD!
Funny how the failing @nytimes is pushing Dems narrative that Russia is working for me because Putin said "Trump is a genius." America 1st!
As I have been saying, Crooked Hillary will approve the job killing TPP after the election, despite her statements to the contrary: top adv.
Just like I have warned from the beginning, Crooked Hillary Clinton will betray you on the TPP.
Many of Bernie's supporters have left the arena. Did Bernie go home and go to sleep?
I hate to say it, but the Republican Convention was far more interesting (with a much more beautiful set) than the Democratic Convention!
No matter what Bill Clinton says and no matter how well he says it, the phony media will exclaim it to be incredible. Highly overrated!
You have no idea what my strategy on ISIS is, and neither does ISIS (a good thing). Please get your facts straight - thanks. @megynkelly
For the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia.
In order to try and deflect the horror and stupidity of the Wikileakes disaster, the Dems said maybe it is Russia dealing with Trump. Crazy!
Dems don't want to talk ISIS b/c Hillary's foreign interventions unleashed ISIS & her refugee plans make it easier for them to come here.
Bernie's exhausted, he just wants to shut down and go home to bed!
The invention of email has proven to be a very bad thing for Crooked Hillary in that it has proven her to be both incompetent and a liar!
Thank you New Hampshire!
Join us in Toledo, Ohio- tomorrow night at 8pm! #TrumpPence16 #MAGA
Join us tomorrow in Scranton, Pennsylvania at 3pm!
#TrumpPence16 #MAGA
Pocahontas bombed last night! Sad to watch.
Why aren't the Democrats speaking about ISIS, bad trade deals, broken borders, police and law and order. The Republican Convention was great
Funny, if you listen to @FoxNews, the Democrats did not have a good day. If you listen to the other two, they are fawning. What a difference
Bernie Sanders totally sold out to Crooked Hillary Clinton. All of that work, energy and money, and nothing to show for it! Waste of time.
Elizabeth Warren, often referred to as Pocahontas, just misrepresented me and spoke glowingly about Crooked Hillary, who she always hated!
Sad to watch Bernie Sanders abandon his revolution. We welcome all voters who want to fix our rigged system and bring back our jobs.
If Cory Booker is the future of the Democratic Party, they have no future! I know more about Cory than he knows about himself.
I was at @FoxNews and met Juan Williams in passing. He asked if he could have pictures taken with me. I said fine. He then trashes on air!
Hard to believe that Bernie Sanders has done such a complete fold. He got NOTHING for all of the time, energy and money. The V.P. a joke!
While Bernie has totally given up on his fight for the people, we welcome all voters who want a better future for our workers.
Clinton betrayed Bernie voters. Kaine supports TPP, is in pocket of Wall Street, and backed Iraq War.
Thank you OHIO! #TrumpPence16
Thank you Roanoke, Virginia- be back soon! #TrumpPence16
Great POLL numbers are coming out all over. People don't want another four years of Obama, and Crooked Hillary would be even worse. #MAGA
The State of Florida is so embarrassed by the antics of Crooked Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz that they will vote for CHANGE!
Wow, the Republican Convention went so smoothly compared to the Dems total mess. But fear not, the dishonest media will find a good spinnnn!
Here we go again with another Clinton scandal, and e-mails yet (can you believe). Crooked Hillary knew the fix was in, B never had a chance!
Crooked Hillary Clinton knew everything that her "servant" was doing at the DNC - they just got caught, that's all! They laughed at Bernie.
If Bernie Sanders, after seeing the just released e-mails, continues to look exhausted and done, then his legacy will never be the same.
Thank you! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
Hillary was involved in the e-mail scandal because she is the only one with judgement so bad that such a thing could have happened!
How much BAD JUDGEMENT was on display by the people in DNC in writing those really dumb e-mails, using even religion, against Bernie!
The new joke in town is that Russia leaked the disastrous DNC e-mails, which should never have been written (stupid), because Putin likes me
Watched Crooked Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine on 60 Minutes. No way they are going to fix America's problems. ISIS & all others laughing!
The ratings for the Republican National Convention were very good, but for the final night, my speech, great. Thank you!
The highly neurotic Debbie Wasserman Schultz is angry that, after stealing and cheating her way to a Crooked Hillary victory, she's out!
The Democrats are in a total meltdown but the biased media will say how great they are doing! E-mails say the rigged system is alive & well!
Even though Bernie Sanders has lost his energy and his strength, I don't believe that his supporters will let Crooked Hillary off the hook!
Crooked Hillary Clinton was not at all loyal to the person in her rigged system that pushed her over the top, DWS. Too bad Bernie flamed out
If the Republican Convention had blown up with e-mails, resignation of boss and the beat down of a big player. (Bernie), media would go wild
The @CNN panels are so one sided, almost all against Trump. @FoxNews is so much better and the ratings are much higher. Don't watch CNN!
I always said that Debbie Wasserman Schultz was overrated. The Dems Convention is cracking up and Bernie is exhausted, no energy left!
Today proves what I have always known, that @Reince Priebus is the tough one and the smart one, not Debbie Wasserman Shultz (@DWStweets.)
Sorry folks, but Bernie Sanders is exhausted, just can't go on any longer. He is trying to dismiss the new e-mails and DNC disrespect. SAD!
There is no longer a Bernie Sanders "political revolution." He is turning out to be a weak and somewhat pathetic figure,wants it all to end!
An analysis showed that Bernie Sanders would have won the Democratic nomination if it were not for the Super Delegates.
Looks like the Bernie people will fight. If not, their BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS was a total waste of time. Kaine stands for opposite!
Wow, President Obama's brother, Malik, just announced that he is voting for me. Was probably treated badly by president-like everybody else!
Bernie Sanders started off strong, but with the selection of Kaine for V.P., is ending really weak. So much for a movement! TOTAL DISRESPECT
The Crooked Hillary V.P. choice is VERY disrespectful to Bernie Sanders and all of his supporters. Just another case of BAD JUDGEMENT by H!
"@NancyNielsenn: @realDonaldTrump Dinesh D'Sousa Hillary's America. see it"
"@OliMauritania: @realDonaldTrump Kaine supported the stupidest deal in the history of deals #HillaryKaine2016"
Thank you to everyone for the wonderful reviews of my speech on Thursday night. From the heart!
The Wikileaks e-mail release today was so bad to Sanders that it will make it impossible for him to support her, unless he is a fraud!
Just saw Crooked Hillary and Tim Kaine together. ISIS and our other enemies are drooling. They don't look presidential to me!
I will bring jobs back and get wages up. People haven't had a real wage increase in almost twenty years. Clinton killed jobs!
Tim Kaine has been praising the Trans Pacific Partnership and has been pushing hard to get it approved. Job killer!
Funny that the Democrats would have their convention in Pennsylvania where her husband and her killed so many jobs. I will bring jobs back!
Crooked Hillary Clinton has destroyed jobs and manufacturing in Pennsylvania. Against steelworkers and miners. Husband signed NAFTA.
Leaked e-mails of DNC show plans to destroy Bernie Sanders. Mock his heritage and much more. On-line from Wikileakes, really vicious. RIGGED
Pocahontas wanted V.P. slot so badly but wasn't chosen because she has done nothing in the Senate. Also, Crooked Hillary hates her!
Tim Kaine is, and always has been, owned by the banks. Bernie supporters are outraged, was their last choice. Bernie fought for nothing!
The Bernie Sanders supporters are furious with the choice of Tim Kaine, who represents the opposite of what Bernie stands for. Philly fight?
"@Theresa_Cali: @realDonaldTrump General Michael Flynn will make a great Secretary of Defense when you become POTUS! #MakeAmericaSafeAgain"
I highly recommend the just out book - THE FIELD OF FIGHT - by General Michael Flynn. How to defeat radical Islam.
Is it the same Kaine that took hundreds of thousands of dollars in gifts while Governor of Virginia and didn't get indicted while Bob M did?
Another attack, this time in Germany. Many killed. God bless the people of Munich.
One of the best produced, including the incredible stage & set, in the history of conventions. Great unity! Big T.V. ratings! @KarlRove
Thank you Cleveland. We love you and will be back many times!
What a great four days in Cleveland. So proud of the great job done by the RNC and all. The police and Secret Service were fantastic!
You can watch 360 video live from the podium! #RNCinCLE #TrumpIsWithYou #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
Thank you @DonaldJTrumpJr. Proud of you! #RNCinCLE #TrumpPence2016
Great job @IvankaTrump! #RNCinCLE
Other than a small group of people who have suffered massive and embarrassing losses, the party is VERY united. Great love in the arena!
Ted Cruz talks about the Constitution but doesn't say that if the Dems win the Presidency, the new JUSTICES appointed will destroy us all!
I am soooo proud of my children, Don, Eric and Tiffany - their speeches, under enormous pressure, were incredible. Ivanka intros me tonight!
Great job @EricTrump! Proud of you!
#AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE
Arena was packed, totally electric!
.@mike_pence was fantastic tonight. Will be a great V.P.
Our next Vice President of the United States of America, Gov. @Mike_Pence!
#GOPinCLE #GOPConvention
Wow, Ted Cruz got booed off the stage, didn't honor the pledge! I saw his speech two hours early but let him speak anyway. No big deal!
Great job @EricTrump! Proud of you!
#AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE
Thank you @ScottWalker! #AmericaFirst
Thank you to Governor @ScottWalker for such warm support. Great speech!
Thank you @IngrahamAngle! #AmericaFirst
#AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE
Watching the #GOPConvention
#AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE
John Kasich was never asked by me to be V.P. Just arrived in Cleveland - will be a great two days!
The media is spending more time doing a forensic analysis of Melania's speech than the FBI spent on Hillary's emails.
Good news is Melania's speech got more publicity than any in the history of politics especially if you believe that all press is good press!
In November, I think the people of Ohio will remember that the Republicans picked Cleveland instead of going to another state. Jobs!
Bill Hemmer of @FoxNews was very nice in explaining the excitement and energy in the arena. More than in past years.
Congratulations to my children, Don and Tiffany, on having done a fantastic job last night. I am very proud of you!
Such a great honor to be the Republican Nominee for President of the United States. I will work hard and never let you down! AMERICA FIRST!
The ROLL CALL is beginning at the Republican National Convention. Very exciting!
#TrumpPence16 #RNCinCLE
#TrumpPence16 #RNCinCLE
"@RoxaneTancredi: Democrats are coming to TRUMP. I used to be proud of the dem party. No more It is crooked and not for the people."
It was truly an honor to introduce my wife, Melania. Her speech and demeanor were absolutely incredible. Very proud! #GOPConvention
Will be on @OreillyFactor tonight at 8:30pm @FoxNews- prior to Melania's speech at the #GOPConvention. Tune in- she will do great! #RNCinCLE
#GOPConvention #RNCinCLE
Networks other than low ratings @CNN have been very fair and exciting!
.@CNN is the worst.They go to their dumb, one-sided panels when a podium speaker is for Trump! VAST MAJORITY want: Make America Great Again!
Looking forward to being at the convention tonight to watch all of the wonderful speakers including my wife, Melania. Place looks beautiful!
Thank you Mahoning County, Ohio! See you soon! #MakeAmericaSafeAgain
RT @foxandfriends: STILL AHEAD: @realDonaldTrump joins us at 7am/et! #RNCinCLE
President Obama just had a news conference, but he doesn't have a clue. Our country is a divided crime scene, and it will only get worse!
Our country is totally divided and our enemies are watching. We are not looking good, we are not looking smart, we are not looking tough!
"@60Minutes: DonaldTrump and his running mate @Mike_Pence to appear on #60Minutes in first joint interview. CBS
I will be on @60Minutes tonight at 7:00 P.M. with Mike Pence talking about LAW AND ORDER and many other subjects! Bad times for divided USA!
We are TRYING to fight ISIS, and now our own people are killing our police. Our country is divided and out of control. The world is watching
We grieve for the officers killed in Baton Rouge today. How many law enforcement and people have to...
The ratings at @FoxNews blow away the ratings of @CNN - not even close. That's because CNN is the Clinton News Network and people don't like
.@FoxNews is much better, and far more truthful, than @CNN, which is all negative. Guests are stacked for Crooked Hillary! I don't watch.
If Goofy Elizabeth Warren, a very weak Senator, didn't lie about her heritage (being Native American) she would be nothing today. Pick her H
I hope that Crooked Hillary picks Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, as her V.P. Then we can litigate her fraud!
It doesn't matter that Crooked Hillary has experience, look at all of the bad decisions she has made. Bernie said she has bad judgement!
As the days and weeks go by, we see what a total mess our country (and world) is in - Crooked Hillary Clinton led Obama into bad decisions!
We are going to have a great time in Cleveland. Will lead to special results for our country. We will Make America Great Again!
Goofy Elizabeth Warren, who may be the least productive Senator in the U.S. Senate, must prove she is not a fraud. Without the con it's over
Thank you to Jack Morgan, Tamara Neo, Cheryl Ann Kraft and all of my friends and supporters in Virginia. GREAT JOB!
"@TrumpDoonbeg: Great news! We've been nominated for Ireland's Best Golf Hotel 2016.We would appreciate your vote!
Thank you to Chris Cox and Bikers for Trump - Your support has been amazing. I will never forget. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Thank you! #TrumpPence16
Crooked Hillary Clinton is bought and paid for by Wall Street, lobbyists and special interests. She will sell our country down the tubes!
Very sad that a person who has made so many mistakes, Crooked Hillary Clinton, can put out such false and vicious ads with her phony money!
Crooked Hillary, who embarrassed herself and the country with her e-mail lies, has been a DISASTER on foreign policy. Look what's happening!
Crooked Hillary is spending big Wall Street money on ads saying I don't have foreign policy experience, yet look what her policies have done
Look forward to introducing Governor Mike Pence (who has done a spectacular job in the great State of Indiana). My first choice from start!
Look forward to Governor Mike Pence V.P. introduction tomorrow in New York City.
I am pleased to announce that I have chosen Governor Mike Pence as my Vice Presidential running mate. News conference tomorrow at 11:00 A.M.
Four more years of weakness with a Crooked Hillary Administration is not acceptable. Look what has happened to the world with O & Hillary!
#NeverTrump is never more. They were crushed last night in Cleveland at Rules Committee by a vote of 87-12. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
My prayers and condolences to the victims and families of the terrible tragedy in Nice, France. We are with you in every way!
In light of the horrible attack in Nice, France, I have postponed tomorrow's news conference concerning my Vice Presidential announcement.
Another horrific attack, this time in Nice, France. Many dead and injured. When will we learn? It is only getting worse.
I employ many people in the State of Virginia - JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! Crooked Hillary will sell us out, just like her husband did with NAFTA.
Another new poll. Thank you for your support! Join the MOVEMENT today!
Great new poll- thank you America!
#Trump2016 #ImWithYou
I will be making the announcement of my Vice Presidential pick on Friday at 11am in Manhattan. Details to follow.
If I win the Presidency, we will swamp Justice Ginsburg with real judges and real legal opinions!
Even the @NYTimes and @WashingtonPost Editorial Boards condemned Justice Ginsburg for her ethical and legal breach. What was she thinking?
Is Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg going to apologize to me for her misconduct? Big mistake by an incompetent judge!
On my way to San Diego to raise money for the Republican Party. I am spending a lot myself and also helping others.
Voters understand that Crooked Hillary's negative ads are not true- just like her email lies and her other fraudulent activity.
Despite spending $500k a day on TV ads alone #CrookedHillary falls flat in nationwide @QuinnipiacPoll. Having ZERO impact. Sad!!
Lyin' Crooked Hillary's email stories all have one thing in common.
Is President Obama trying to destroy Israel with all his bad moves? Think about it and let me know!
The Republican platform is most
pro-Israel of all time!
New GOP platform now includes language that supports the border wall. We will build the wall and MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN!
#CrookedHillary is outspending me by a combined 31 to 1 in Florida, Ohio, & Pennsylvania. I haven't started yet!
Thank you Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania! #CrookedHillary is not qualified. #ImWithYou
Thank you! #ImWithYou
Justice Ginsburg of the U.S. Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me. Her mind is shot - resign!
Thank you Iowa- see you soon!
#Trump2016 #ImWithYou
I will be interviewed by @oreillyfactor tonight on @FoxNews at 8pm. Enjoy!
The American people agree. No free pass for #CrookedHillary!
To all the Bernie voters who want to stop bad trade deals & global special interests, we welcome you with open arms. People first.
Bernie sanders has abandoned his supporters by endorsing pro-war pro-TPP pro-Wall Street Crooked Hillary Clinton.
Bernie Sanders endorsing Crooked Hillary Clinton is like Occupy Wall Street endorsing Goldman Sachs.
#CrookedHillary is not qualified!
I am somewhat surprised that Bernie Sanders was not true to himself and his supporters. They are not happy that he is selling out!
Bernie Sanders, who has lost most of his leverage, has totally sold out to Crooked Hillary Clinton. He will endorse her today - fans angry!
This election is a choice between law, order & safety - or chaos, crime & violence. I will make America safe again for everyone. #ImWithYou
For too many years, our inner cities have been left behind. I am going to deliver jobs, safety and protection for those in need.
Crime is out of control, and rapidly getting worse. Look what is going on in Chicago and our inner cities. Not good!
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #ImWithYou
Senior United States District Judge Robert E. Payne today ruled in favor of Trump campaign delegates who had argued..
Speech on Veterans' Reform:
Great poll- Florida! Thank you!
Thoughts and prayers with the victims, and their families- along with everyone at the Berrien County Courthouse in St. Joseph, Michigan.
Join me in Westfield, Indiana- tomorrow night at 7:30pm! #Trump2016
I heard that the underachieving John King of @CNN on Inside Politics was one hour of lies. Happily, few people are watching - dead network!
The media is so dishonest. If I make a statement, they twist it and turn it to make it sound bad or foolish.They think the public is stupid!
President Obama thinks the nation is not as divided as people think. He is living in a world of the make believe!
Look what is happening to our country under the WEAK leadership of Obama and people like Crooked Hillary Clinton. We are a divided nation!
New poll - thank you! #Trump2016
Way to go @serenawilliams - you are a true champion. Proud of you!
Isn't it sad that on a day of national tragedy Hillary Clinton is answering softball questions about her email lies on @CNN?
Due to the horrific events taking place in our country, I have decided to postpone my speech on economic opportunity- today in Miami.
Last night's horrific execution-style shootings of 12 Dallas law enforcement officers...
Prayers and condolences to all of the families who are so thoroughly devastated by the horrors we are all watching take place in our country
After today, Crooked Hillary can officially be called Lyin' Crooked Hillary.
Thank you Speaker @PRyan!
#AmericaFirst #Trump2016
Thank you Rep. Collins! #Trump2016
Just leaving D.C. Had great meetings with Republicans in the House and Senate. Very interesting day! These are people who love our country!
Great being in Cincinnati, Ohio last night- thank you! Off to Washington D.C. now. #Trump2016 #AmericaFirst
Where is the outrage for this Disney book? Is this the 'Star of David' also?
Dishonest media! #Frozen
To all of my twitter followers, please contribute whatever you can to the campaign. We must beat Crooked Hillary.
Convention speaker schedule to be released tomorrow. Let today be devoted to Crooked Hillary and the rigged system under which we live.
I have over seven million hits on social media re Crooked Hillary Clinton. Check it out Sleepy Eyes, @MarkHalperin @NBCPolitics
Sleepy eyes Chuck Todd, a man with so little touch for politics, is at it again.He could not have watched my standing ovation speech in N.C.
Even the once great Caesars is bankrupt in A.C. Others to follow. Ask the Democrat City Council what happened to Atlantic City.
Hillary Clinton should ask why the Democrat pols in Atlantic City made all the wrong moves - Convention Center, Airport - and destroyed City
I made a lot of money in Atlantic City and left 7 years ago, great timing (as all know). Pols made big mistakes, now many bankruptcies.
Crooked Hillary Clinton lied to the FBI and to the people of our country. She is sooooo guilty. But watch, her time will come!
The rigged system may have helped Hillary Clinton escape criminal charges, but...
Crooked Hillary has once again been proven to be a person who is dishonest, incompetent and of very bad judgement.
Crooked Hillary Clinton and her team "were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information." Not fit!
Crooked Hillary Clinton is unfit to serve as President of the U.S. Her temperament is weak and her opponents are strong. BAD JUDGEMENT!
I don't think the voters will forget the rigged system that allowed Crooked Hillary to get away with "murder." Come November 8, she's out!
Raised a lot of money for the Republican Party. There will be a big gasp when the figures are announced in the morning. Lots of support! Win
I will be interviewed by @oreillyfactor tonight on @FoxNews at 11pm. Enjoy!
My son, @EricTrump will be interviewed by @SeanHannity tonight at 10pm on @FoxNews. Enjoy!
Looking forward to meeting with @SenBobCorker in a little while. We will be traveling to North Carolina together today.
FBI director said Crooked Hillary compromised our national security. No charges. Wow! #RiggedSystem
The system is rigged. General Petraeus got in trouble for far less. Very very unfair! As usual, bad judgment.
It was great spending time with @joniernst yesterday. She has done a fantastic job for the people of Iowa and U.S. Will see her again!
Taxpayers are paying a fortune for the use of Air Force One on the campaign trail by President Obama and Crooked Hillary. A total disgrace!
On @FoxNews at 7:00 P.M. "Special: Meet the Trumps" Hope you enjoy!
Why is President Obama allowed to use Air Force One on the campaign trail with Crooked Hillary? She is flying with him tomorrow. Who pays?
With Hillary and Obama, the terrorist attacks will only get worse. Politically correct fools, won't even call it what it is - RADICAL ISLAM!
Crooked Hillary Clinton is "guilty as hell" but the system is totally rigged and corrupt! Where are the 33,000 missing e-mails?
The only people who are not interested in being the V.P. pick are the people who have not been asked!
I look forward to meeting @joniernst today in New Jersey. She has done a great job as Senator of Iowa!
Spent time with Indiana Governor Mike Pence and family yesterday. Very impressed, great people!
Senator Tom Cotton was great on Meet the Press yesterday. Despite a totally one-sided interview by Chuck Todd, the end result was solid!
Dishonest media is trying their absolute best to depict a star in a tweet as the Star of David rather than a Sheriff's Star, or plain star!
Happy 4th of July! #Trump2016 #AmericaFirst
Crooked Hillary will NEVER be able to handle the complexities and danger of ISIS - it will just go on forever. We need change!
The third mass attack (slaughter) in days by ISIS. 200 dead in Baghdad, worst in many years. We do not have leadership that can stop this!
In Bangladesh, hostages were immediately killed by ISIS terrorists if they were unable to cite a verse from the Koran. 20 were killed!
I believe that Crooked Hillary sent Bill to have the meeting with the U.S.A.G. So Bill is not in trouble with H except that he got caught!
The SECRET meeting between Bill Clinton and the U.S.A.G. in back of closed plane was heightened with FBI shouting "go away, no pictures."
Does anybody really believe that Bill Clinton and the U.S.A.G. talked only about "grandkids" and golf for 37 minutes in plane on tarmac?
On Saturday a great man, Elie Wiesel, passed away.The world is a better place because of him and his belief that good can triumph over evil!
Crooked Hillary Clinton knew that her husband wanted to meet with the U.S.A.G. to work out a deal. The system is totally rigged & corrupt!
Only a fool would believe that the meeting between Bill Clinton and the U.S.A.G. was not arranged or that Crooked Hillary did not know.
Just watched @meetthepress and how totally biased against me Chuck Todd, and the entire show, is against me.The good news-the people get it!
It was just announced-by sources-that no charges will be brought against Crooked Hillary Clinton. Like I said, the system is totally rigged!
It is impossible for the FBI not to recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton. What she did was wrong! What Bill did was stupid!
Thank you @greta. #ImWithYou
Thank you for your support!
#AmericaFirst #LeadRight2016
RT @GOP: Reminder: last year, Clinton pledged she had turned over all work-related email under penalty of perjury ⬇️
Thank you! #AmericaFirst
If I become the next POTUS- they will not be ignoring! #AmericaFirst
Crooked Hillary -- Makes History!
#ImWithYou #AmericaFirst
The #2A to our Constitution is clear. The right of the people to keep & bear Arms shall not be infringed upon.
#AmericaFirst #ImWithYou
The speakers slots at the Republican Convention are totally filled, with a long waiting list of those that want to speak - Wednesday release
Just read in the failing @nytimes that I was not aware "the event had to be held in Cleveland" - a total lie. These people are sick!
When you can't say it - or see it -- you can't fix it. We will MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! #ImWithYou #AmericaFirst
Just returned from Colorado. Amazing crowd!
Thank you for inviting me to the Western Conservative Summit in Colorado! #ImWithYou #WCS16
Thank you for your support! We will MAKE AMERICA SAFE AND GREAT AGAIN! #ImWithYou #AmericaFirst
These crimes won't be happening if I'm elected POTUS. Killer should have never been here. #AmericaFirst
Yet another terrorist attack today in Israel -- a father, shot at by a Palestinian terrorist, was killed while:
Horrible killing of a 13 year old American girl at her home in Israel by a Palestinian terrorist. We must get tough.
.@TraceAdkins great job on FOX this morning. Keep up the good work!
Take a look at what happened w/ Bill Clinton. The system is totally rigged. Does anybody really believe that meeting was just a coincidence?
Bill Clinton's meeting was a total secret. Nobody was to know about it but he was caught by a local reporter.
As Bernie Sanders said, Hillary Clinton has bad judgement. Bill's meeting was probably initiated and demanded by Hillary!
#ThrowbackThursday #Trump2016
I will be interviewed by @SeanHannity tonight at 10pm on FOX! Enjoy!
The reason I put up approximately $50 million for my successful primary campaign is very simple, I want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
I have self funded my winning primary campaign with an approx. $50 million loan. I have totally terminated the loan!
The very dishonest @NBCNews refuses to accept the fact that I have forgiven my $50 million loan to my campaign. Done deal!
One of the reasons Hillary hid her emails was so the public wouldn't see how she got rich- selling out America.
Why would college graduates want Crooked Hillary as their President? She will destroy them!
New book by @ericbolling is absolutely terrific and a must read! #WakeUpAmerica
The story with Hillary will never change.
For reasons only they can explain, the @USChamber wants to continue our bad trade deals rather than renegotiating and making them better.
Tremendous day in Massachusetts and Maine. Thank you to everyone for making it so special!
"@Gengm7: @jakeda @realDonaldTrump As of April this year, Hillary had spent $264,000,000 on her campaign Mr.Trump $55,000,000. self funding"
I will be on @oreillyfactor at 8:00 P.M. Enjoy!
ISIS exploded on Hillary Clinton's watch- she's done nothing about it and never will. Not capable!
Will be in Bangor, Maine today! Join me- 4pmE at the Cross Insurance Center!
New Q poll out- we are going to win the whole deal- and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! #Trump2016
Just watched Senator John Barrasso on @FoxNews - He was great! Thank you John.
Why would the USChamber be upset by the fact that I want to negotiate better and stronger trade deals or that I want penalties for cheaters?
The @USCHAMBER must fight harder for the American worker. China, and many others, are taking advantage of U.S. with our terrible trade pacts
Iron Mike Tyson was not asked to speak at the Convention though I'm sure he would do a good job if he was. The media makes everything up!
"@jtsbk: @AllenWest thanks for sharing Eric we need @realDonaldTrump now as this administration is incapable of keeping our country safe"
We must do everything possible to keep this horrible terrorism outside the United States.
Yet another terrorist attack, this time in Turkey. Will
the world ever realize what is going on? So sad.
Hillary Clinton’s Presidency would be catastrophic for
the future of our country. She is ill-fit with bad judgment.
Benghazi is just another Hillary Clinton failure. It just
never seems to work the way it's supposed to with Clinton.
Check it out - 2nd video on Lying Crooked Hillary is now online! Watch it here:
#CrookedHillary #Trump2016
"@kridan1: Canceled cable - sick of their bad coverage of you and the fawning over Clinton ... Listened to your great speech on YouTube"
"@bluedogdemky: @CWAUnion @iowa_trump @RichardTrumka @AFLCIO This is why I would think the unions would support @realDonaldTrump for #POTUS"
"@arnold_ziffel: @AnnCoulter also can't help but notice the stock market's reaction as @realDonaldTrump was speaking. #UPUPUP"
"@Patricia_Graf: @GovBrewer @cvpayne let's get Trump supporters out in massive numbers and make America Great Again - create jobs"
"@vegas_sports: Good for @realDonaldTrump he's smart on business. Maybe If corporations weren't overtaxed they would stay. Voting for #Trump
"@GovBrewer: I'll be a guest today on Making Money with @cvpayne on @ Fox Business 6 PM ET / 3 PM PT Discussing @realDonaldTrump. Tune in!"
.@CNN is all negative when it comes to me. I don't watch it anymore.
The media is unrelenting. They will only go with and report a story in a negative light. I called Brexit (Hillary was wrong), watch November
Crooked Hillary is wheeling out one of the least productive senators in the U.S. Senate, goofy Elizabeth Warren, who lied on heritage.
"@LindaSuhler: Trump voters don't scare or back down. Our numbers are growing & we're taking our country BACK. #Trump2016🇺🇸 #MAGA
"@w4djt: "Under a Trump presidency, America will make brilliant new trade deals!" —Donald Trump #dtmag
"@brazosboys: Hillary read "sigh" off the Teleprompter, She's so fake she has to be told how to feel: @FoxNews
"@JimVitari: @ABC @washingtonpost we know they're fake just like poles during primary. I'm sure u will crush #CrookedHillary in general"
The "dirty" poll done by @ABC @washingtonpost is a disgrace. Even they admit that many more Democrats were polled. Other polls were good.
Crooked Hillary Attacks Foreign Government Donations - While Ignoring Her Own:
Crooked Hillary Clinton got Brexit wrong. I said LEAVE will win. She has no sense of markets and such bad judgement. Only a question of time
Hillary Clinton is not a change agent, just the same old status quo! She is spending a fortune, I am spending very little. Close in polls!
People in our country want borders, and without them the old line pols like Crooked Hillary will not win. It is time for CHANGE -- and JOBS!
Top 50 Facts About Crooked Hillary Clinton From Trump 'Stakes Of The Election' Address:
The @ABC poll sample is heavy on Democrats. Very dishonest - why would they do that? Other polls good!
Crooked Hillary just took a major ad of me playing golf at Turnberry. Shows me hitting shot, but I never did = lie! Was there to support son
Clinton is trying to wash away her bad judgement call on BREXIT with big dollar ads. Disgraceful!
Crooked Hillary Clinton, who called BREXIT 100% wrong (along with Obama), is now spending Wall Street money on an ad on my correct call.
George Will, one of the most overrated political pundits (who lost his way long ago), has left the Republican Party.He's made many bad calls
Just landed in New York - a one night stay in Scotland. Turnberry came out magnificently. My son, Eric, did a great job - under budget!
Obama has blocked ICE officers and BP from doing their jobs. That ends when I am President!
I have never liked the media term 'mass deportation' -- but we must enforce the laws of the land!
We only want to admit those who love our people and support our values. #AmericaFirst
We must suspend immigration from regions linked with terrorism until a proven vetting method is in place.
Thank you to everyone who came out & joined us @TrumpTurnberry yesterday! @EricTrump @IvankaTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr
On the 13th tee box @TrumpScotland with my grand daughter, Kai! @DonaldJTrumpJr
Arriving @TrumpScotland with @DonaldJTrumpJr & @EricTrump. Back to New York tonight.
So funny, Crooked Hillary called BREXIT so incorrectly, and now she says that she is the one to deal with the U.K. All talk, no action!
Thoughts and prayers are with everyone in West Virginia- dealing with the devastating floods. #ImWithYou
"@Jolena3: @realDonaldTrump And we will get it back once we have President Trump! Can't wait!"
"@DarrenWaggener: @realDonaldTrump What has happened in the UK in the last 12 hours is exactly what will happen in TRUMP 2016
Many people are equating BREXIT, and what is going on in Great Britain, with what is happening in the U.S. People want their country back!
The opening of Trump Turnberry in Scotland was a big success. Good timing, I was here for BREXIT. Very exciting news conference today!
Crooked Hillary called it totally wrong on BREXIT - she went with Obama - and now she is saying we need her to lead. She would be a disaster
I want all Americans to succeed together. President Obama's illegal executive amnesty undermines job prospects for...
New Government data by the Center for Immigration Studies shows more than 3M new legal & illegal immigrants settled..
America is proud to stand shoulder-to-shoulder w/a free & ind UK. We stand together as friends, as allies, & as a people w/a shared history.
Self-determination is the sacred right of all free people's, and the people of the UK have exercised that right for all the world to see.
Getting ready to open the magnificent Turnberry in Scotland. What a great day, especially when added to the brave & brilliant vote.
Statement Regarding British Referendum on E.U. Membership
Just arrived in Scotland. Place is going wild over the vote. They took their country back, just like we will take America back. No games!
Congratulations to my son, Eric, on the fantastic job he has done in rebuilding Turnberry, and its great Ailsa Course. Always support kids!
Leaving now for a one night trip to Scotland in order to be at the Grand Opening of my great Turnberry Resort. Will be back on Sat. night!
Meet the amazing mother whose letter I read during my speech. She lost her son to policies supported by Clinton.
Read my full statement here on the Supreme Court's executive amnesty decision #imwithyou
Here is another CNN lie. The Clinton News Network is losing all credibility. I’m not watching it much anymore.
CNN, which is totally biased in favor of Clinton, should apologize. They knew they were wrong.
RT @ScottAdamsSays: Trump's speech today is the best persuasion I have ever seen. Game over. Now running unopposed:
Our inner cities have been left behind. We will never have the resources to support our people if we have an open border.
On immigration, I’m consulting with our immigration officers
& our wage-earners. Hillary Clinton is consulting with Wall Street.
Obama & Clinton should stop meeting with special interests, & start meeting with the victims of illegal immigration.
Hillary Clinton’s open borders are tearing American families apart. I am going to make our country Safe Again for all Americans. #Imwithyou
SC has kept us safe from exec amnesty--for now. But Hillary has pledged to expand it, taking jobs from Hispanic & African-American workers.
RT @FoxBusiness: .@JerryJrFalwell: "I was so impressed by [@realDonaldTrump's] speech yesterday. He was the best I've ever seen him."
Hillary Lies to Benghazi Families
ISIS threatens us today because of the decisions Hillary Clinton has made along with President Obama." -- Donald J. Trump
"Hillary Clinton may be the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency." -- Donald J. Trump
Thank you to Donald Rumsfeld for the endorsement. Very much appreciated. Clinton's conduct has been "disqualifying."
"@AllegrettiVicki: You have great children, future presidents...and we all see were raised right and out there for their father." Thank you.
"@1lion: brilliant 3 word response to Hillary's 'I'm With You' slogan @realDonaldTrump
"@justininglv: @realDonaldTrump great speech today!! It's all about America and that's why you will become president!!!!" Thank you.
Hillary says things can't change. I say they have to change. It's a choice between Americanism and her corrupt globalism. #Imwithyou
"@chrisboydbrew: @LouDobbs @realDonaldTrump @FoxBusiness.. Saw your interview.You are the best! Great questions, great answers" Lou is great
Crooked Hillary refuses to say that she will be raising taxes beyond belief! She will be a disaster for jobs and the economy!
I will be interviewed by @LouDobbs tonight on @FoxBusiness 7pm ET
Hillary defrauded America as Secy of State. She used it as a personal hedge fund to get herself rich! Corrupt, dangerous, dishonest.
If you want to know about Hillary Clinton's honesty & judgment, ask the family of Ambassador Stevens.
Hillary took money and did favors for regimes that enslave women and murder gays.
I am "the king of debt."That has been great for me as a businessman, but is bad for the country. I made a fortune off of debt, will fix U.S.
Obama-Clinton inherited $10T in debt and turned it into nearly $20T. They have bankrupted…
Hillary Clinton's open borders immigration policies will drive down wages for all Americans - and make everyone less safe.
How can Hillary run the economy when she can't even send emails without putting entire nation at risk?
Hillary Clinton surged the trade deficit with China 40% as
Secretary of State, costing Americans millions of jobs.
Hillary says this election is about judgment. She's right. Her judgement has killed thousands, unleashed ISIS and wrecked the economy.
I will be making a big speech tomorrow to discuss the failed policies and bad judgment of Crooked Hillary Clinton.
Crooked Hillary Clinton is totally unfit to be our president-really bad judgement and a temperament, according to new book, which is a mess!
When I said that if, within the Orlando club, you had some people with guns, I was obviously talking about additional guards or employees
.@DJohnsonPGA We are so proud of you Dustin. Your reaction under pressure was amazing. First of many Majors. You are a true CHAMPION!
"@bfraser747: Watch out HillaryClinton 👿 Support @realDonaldTrump 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain 🇺🇸
Yesterday's failing @NYTimes fraudulently shows an empty room prior to my speech, when in fact, it was packed!
How can the NY Times show an empty room hours before my speech even started when they knew it was going to be packed? So totally dishonest!
Donald Trump's Speech Is a Game Changer. #Trump2016
See you soon Arizona! #Trump2016
I love you Arizona! Thank you!
#Trump2016 #AmericaFirst
#Trump2016 #AmericaFirst
Thank you Las Vegas, Nevada!
#Trump2016 #AmericaFirst
In Las Vegas, getting ready to speak!
Join me in Phoenix, Arizona today at 4pm! #Trump2016 #AmericaFirst
Thank you Houston, Texas!
#AmericaFirst #Trump2016
Thank you! #AmericaFirst
The convention in Cleveland will be amazing!
Thank you- on my way!
Thank you @DallasPD!
Join me in Phoenix, Arizona tomorrow at 4pm! #Trump2016 #AmericaFirst
THANK YOU! #AmericaFirst
RT @robertjeffress: Honored to pray for my friend, @realDonaldTrump, at tonight's Dallas rally. #TrumpDallas c: @DanScavino
People very unhappy with Crooked Hillary and Obama on JOBS and SAFETY! Biggest trade deficit in many years! More attacks will follow Orlando
Amazing crowd last night in Dallas - more spirit and passion than ever before. Today, all over the great State of Texas!
"@VoteTrumpMAGA: The media attack on @realDonaldTrump is relentless. They are desperate. But, they keep #Trump in the news - a good thing.
Thank you Dallas, Texas!
Houston, TX:
Las Vegas, NV
Phoenix, AZ:
Join me in Houston, Texas tomorrow night at 7pm! Tickets:
RT @Reince: Flying to Dallas now with @realDonaldTrump...Reports of discord are pure fiction. Great events lined up all over Texas. Rs wil…
"Donald Trumps Speech Is a Game Changer."
The trade deficit rose to a 7yr high thanks to horrible trade policies Clinton supports. I will fix it fast- JOBS!
McAllen, Texas- 8 miles from
U.S. - Mexico border. #Trump2016
"@realericjallen: @realDonaldTrump is a Common Sense Conservative! President Trump=Competence, Safety, Unity, & US JOBS, JOBS, JOB.
RT @AnnCoulter: Trump's speech today was Churchillian, only better. You can tell by the spluttering hysteria on TV about @realDonaldTrump.
I will be interviewed on @greta at 7:00 P.M. @FoxNews
Finally an accurate story from the Washington Post!
Join me in Dallas, Texas on Thursday!
#AmericaFirst #Trump2016
Thank you Atlanta, Georgia! Will be back soon! #AmericaFirst
I will be meeting with the NRA, who has endorsed me, about not allowing people on the terrorist watch list, or the no fly list, to buy guns.
The press is so totally biased that we have no choice but to take our tough but fair and smart message directly to the people!
An: Media fell all over themselves criticizing what DonaldTrump "may have insinuated about @POTUS." But he's right:
Thank you Greensboro, North Carolina! Will be back soon! #AmericaFirst
RT @realDonaldTrump: HAPPY 241st BIRTHDAY to the @USArmy! THANK YOU!
Thank you to the LGBT community! I will fight for you while Hillary brings in more people that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs.
American must now get very tough, very smart and very vigilant. We cannot admit people into our country without extraordinary screening.
Join me in Atlanta on Wednesday- at noon! #Trump2016
Crooked Hillary says we must call on Saudi Arabia and other countries to stop funding hate. I am calling on- cont'd:
Saudi Arabia and many of the countries that gave vast amounts of money to the Clinton Foundation- cont'd:
I thought people weren’t celebrating? They were cheering all over, even this savage from Orlando. I was right.
In my speech on protecting America I spoke about a temporary ban, which includes suspending immigration from nations tied to Islamic terror.
Based on the incredibly inaccurate coverage and reporting of the record setting Trump campaign, we are hereby:
I am no fan of President Obama, but to show you how dishonest the phony Washington Post is:
RT @AnnCoulter: Anyone who plans to talk about Trump ever again has to see this speech. Your opinion is irrelevant unless you listened to…
Congratulations to the 2016 #StanleyCup Champions, Pittsburgh @Penguins!
I am watching @FoxNews and how fairly they are treating me and my words, and @CNN, and the total distortion of my words and what I am saying
I will be going to New Hampshire today, home of my first primary victory, to discuss terror and the horrible events of yesterday. 2:30 P.M.
I have been hitting Obama and Crooked Hillary hard on not using the term Radical Islamic Terror. Hillary just broke-said she would now use!
What has happened in Orlando is just the beginning. Our leadership is weak and ineffective. I called it and asked for the ban. Must be tough
"@WandaWalls20: @realDonaldTrump Please make us safe. We cannot have Hillary as president. We will be in so much trouble.
Reporting that Orlando killer shouted "Allah hu Akbar!" as he slaughtered clubgoers. 2nd man arrested in LA with rifles near Gay parade.
Is President Obama going to finally mention the words radical Islamic terrorism? If he doesn't he should immediately resign in disgrace!
Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!
Horrific incident in FL. Praying for all the victims & their families. When will this stop? When will we get tough, smart & vigilant?
Clinton made a false ad about me where I was imitating a reporter GROVELING after he changed his story. I would NEVER mock disabled. Shame!
Really bad shooting in Orlando. Police investigating possible terrorism. Many people dead and wounded.
Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, pretended to be a Native American in order to advance her career. Very racist!
Riley Rone was a great young man. We will miss him dearly.
Join me on Tuesday- in Greensboro, North Carolina! #Trump2016 #AmericaFirst
Thank you Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! Will be back soon! #AmericaFirst
Thank you to our amazing law enforcement officers! #AmericaFirst
Thank you Tampa, Florida!
#AmericaFirst #TrumpTrain
Sad case- @USATODAY did article saying I don't pay bills- false, only don't pay when work is shoddy, bad, or not done! They should do same!
In Tampa, Florida- thank you to all of our outstanding volunteers who want to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!
Don King, and so many other African Americans who know me well and endorsed me, would not have done so if they thought I was a racist!
Mitt Romney had his chance to beat a failed president but he choked like a dog. Now he calls me racist-but I am least racist person there is
Thank you Richmond, Virginia!
Thank you @FaithandFreedom Coalition! An honor joining you today- to discuss our shared values.
#RTM2016 #Trump2016
Heading to Richmond, Virginia now. Join me tonight! #Trump2016
#FlashbackFriday #CrookedHillary
I rarely agree with President Obama- however he is 100% correct about Crooked Hillary Clinton. Great ad!
2004 VIDEO:
Pocahontas describing Crooked Hillary Clinton as a Corporate Donor Puppet. Time for change! #Trump2016
Heading to D.C. to speak at Faith and Freedom Coalition and visit OPO.
"Donald Trump Plans To Continue GOP
Legacy Of Leading On Women’s, Civil Rights Against Racist, Sexist Democrats"
The great boxing promoter, Don King, just endorsed me. Nice!
Join me!
6/10: Richmond, VA - 8pm
6/11: Tampa, FL - 11am
6/11: Pittsburgh, PA - 3pm
6/13: Portsmouth, NH - 2:30pm
"@Ausbiz: RECORD 14 million primary votes/beat 16 opponents/financed own campaign. You will be a great POTUS & #MakeAmericaGreatAgain"
"@FoxNews: .@JamesRosenFNC: "Never before has a president endorsed someone under investigation by @TheJusticeDept."
Pocahontas is at it again! Goofy Elizabeth Warren, one of the least productive U.S. Senators, has a nasty mouth. Hope she is V.P. choice.
"@FreemarketSara: Trump's Historic 13 Million Primary Votes - A Record ... Congratulations @realDonaldTrump
Join me! #Trump2016
6/10: Richmond
6/11: Tampa
6/11: Pittsburgh
Thank you Roseanne, very much appreciated.
How long did it take your staff of 823 people to think that up--and where are your 33,000 emails that you deleted?
A message of condolences and support regarding the terrorist attacks in Tel Aviv:
Obama just endorsed Crooked Hillary. He wants four more years of Obama—but nobody else does!
Crooked Hillary Clinton will be a disaster on jobs, the economy, trade, healthcare, the military, guns and just about all else. Obama plus!
As expected, the media is very much against me. Their dishonesty is amazing but, just like our big wins in the primaries, we will win!
"@KathyCeurter: @realDonaldTrump please Mr.Trump make @SenatorJeffSessions your VP. He is a perfect running mate." He is a great guy!
Bernie Sanders must really dislike Crooked Hillary after the way she played him. Many of his supporters, because of trade, will come to me.
"@mabynshingleton: JohnKasich, the VOTERS have spoken.We want @realDonaldTrump. You AGREED to support NOMINEE. Get on board or leave @GOP"
"@Dale_Dangler: @realDonaldTrump You will be the greatest president the world has ever seen" Thanks.
I would have had many millions of votes more than Crooked Hillary Clinton except for the fact that I had 16 opponents, she had one!
"@nauthizjane: @realDonaldTrump Congratulations Mr. Trump." Thank you!
"@setfire2flames: Senator Sanders spent more than @realDonaldTrump yet lost."
RT @seanhannity: Graph: @RealDonaldTrump's Historic 13 Million Primary Votes Compared To Every GOP Nominee Since 1908
#AmericaFirst #Trump2016
"@lovusa4: @RichardWeaving Why @foxandfriends @NewDay WHERE IS THE REPORTING @realDonaldTrump <MOST VOTES FOR PRESIDENT IN HISTORY OF USA"
"@mariadaq: HISTORIC!! what's historic is OUR national debt, record unemployment, &pocketbook crisis!THE PEOPLE NEED TRUMP2 make USA RICH!"
"@sara_wejesa: @realDonaldTrump Great speach!!!!!!!" Thanks!
"@jimhewitt: . @FrankCaliendo doing @realDonaldTrump on @MikeAndMike is awesome. "Number one presidency of all time"
"@JoeDeFranco: Top RINO hack for MSNBC Joey Scarborough on the air and calling the next President Trump a racist and bigot. Shame on you"
Nobody is watching @Morning_Joe anymore. Gone off the deep end - bad ratings. You won't believe what I am watching now!
"@southpaw816: @SenSanders fans, greatest way to get even with her Highness - vote for @realDonaldTrump, at least you'll have a job.
Thank you to all for your wonderful comments on my speech. I could feel the electricity in thr air. Great reviews - most votes ever recieved
"@WolfStopper: Gee ... Does this make @realDonaldTrump right one more time?
"@DjD_Thunder: Standing by @realDonaldTrump all the way to the White House!
Thank you California! #Trump2016
Thank you New Mexico! #Trump2016
Thank you South Dakota! #Trump2016
Thank you New Jersey! #Trump2016
Thank you Montana! #Trump2016
I will be speaking about our great journey to the Republican nomination at 9:00 P.M. The movement toward a country that WINS again continues
I will be interviewed tonight on @seanhannity - Enjoy! 10:00 P.M.
Thank you! Together we will #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!
In just out book, Secret Service Agent Gary Byrne doesn't believe that Crooked Hillary has the temperament or integrity to be the president!
A former Secret Service Agent for President Clinton excoriates Crooked Hillary describing her as ERRATIC & VIOLENT. Bad temperament for pres
See, when I said NATO was obsolete because of no terrorism protection, they made the change without giving me credit.
RT @IvankaTrump: My next project is pretty amazing…!
xx, Ivanka
Thank you Diamond and Silk!
Remembering the fallen heroes on #DDay - June 6, 1944.
I am getting bad marks from certain pundits because I have a small campaign staff. But small is good, flexible, save money and number one!
A massive blow to Obama's message - only 38,000 new jobs for month in just issued jobs report. That's REALLY bad!
Crooked Hillary is being badly criticized (for a Wall Street paid for ad) by PolitiFact for a false ad on me on women. She is a total fraud!
Crooked Hillary Clinton has not held a news conference in more than 7 months. Her record is so bad she is unable to answer tough questions!
Just like I have been able to spend far less money than others on the campaign and finish #1, so too should our country. We can be great!
People like @KatyTurNBC report on my campaign, but have zero access. They say what they want without any knowledge.True of so much of media!
Hillary Clinton is unfit to be president. She has bad judgement, poor leadership skills and a very bad and destructive track record. Change!
I am watching @CNN very little lately because they are so biased against me. Shows are predictable garbage! CNN and MSM is one big lie!
The Clinton News Network, sometimes referred to as @CNN, is getting more and more biased.They act so indignant-hear them behind closed doors
"@sareed59: Our ineffective #POTUS has to make a speech in #Elkhart to make everything look great. Mr. Trump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain"
Thank you Attorney General Gonzales, so many people feel this way.
We just had the worst jobs report since 2010.
The Mayor of San Jose did a terrible job of ordering the protection of innocent people. The thugs were lucky supporters remained peaceful!
Many of the thugs that attacked the peaceful Trump supporters in San Jose were illegals. They burned the American flag and laughed at police
"@Don_Vito_08: Thank You Mr. Trump for Standing up for Our Country! #VoteTrump2016 JOIN ME ON THE #TrumpTrain🚂
"@rapidcraft: Here’s The HILLARY UNIVERSITY Scandal No One In The Media Is Talking About @realDonaldTrump"
Muhammad Ali is dead at 74! A truly great champion and a wonderful guy. He will be missed by all!
RT @CBSNews: WATCH NOW: The @realDonaldTrump supporters you'd never expect
Thank you Redding, California!
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #CAPrimary
Great evening in San Jose other than the thugs. My supporters are far tougher if they want to be, but fortunately they are not hostile.
So much interest in my visit to Scotland! I greatly look forward to attending the opening event @TrumpTurnberry- taking place on June 24th.
"I'm a former chief of police in a border town. I'm Hispanic, I'm proud to be Hispanic and I'm 100% behind Trump."
In Crooked Hillary's telepromter speech yesterday, she made up things that I said or believe but have no basis in fact. Not honest!
I don't watch or do @Morning_Joe anymore. Small audience, low ratings! I hear Mika has gone wild with hate. Joe is Joe. They lost their way!
Rally last night in San Jose was great. Tremendous love and enthusiasm in the hall. Big crowd. Outside, small group of thugs burned Am flag!
Terrible jobs report just reported. Only 38,000 jobs added. Bombshell!
"@fivestarr6028: Yes! Hubby and I voted 4 @realDonaldTrump already! Thank you.
"@LiliannyLeebou: I think the first female president of the USA will be @IvankaTrump a beautiful intelligent young genuine successful lady!"
"@LunsfordWhitney: This is rich coming from her. She tweeted you will be president! #Women4Ttump #Trump2016
"@angeloftruth11: Clinton says Trump is dangerous. Who's the one who killed 4 Americans in Benghazi?
"@Crz4basball: @JudgeJeanine @realDonaldTrump Looks like several legal Hispanics supporting Trump! They know he will be good for them too."
Then, on June 25th- back to the USA to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
After @TrumpScotland, I will visit @TrumpDoonbeg in Ireland, the magnificent resort fronting on the Atlantic Ocean.
After @TrumpTurnberry I will be visiting Aberdeen, the oil capital of Europe, to see my great club, @TrumpScotland.
On June 22- I will be going to Scotland to celebrate the opening of the newly renovated @TrumpTurnberry Resort, the worlds best.
Join me in Redding, California- tomorrow at 1:00pm. #Trump2016
.@Natalie_Gulbis- Thank you for the nice piece in @SInow / @Golf_com.
Keep up the great work!
RT @IvankaTrump: Beautiful article about @realDonaldTrump written by my friend, the incredibly talented golfer Natalie Gulbis:
"@RobertMordica: @realDonaldTrump Only Trump can save America. Right leader at the right time." THANK YOU!
"@Valenti317: @realDonaldTrump she's a criminal and you're the only person that can stop her."
"@free_SA_BD: @realDonaldTrump A vote for Trump is a vote to restore our great country."
A 60% increase in Texas Blue Cross/Blue Shield through ObamaCare. I told you so, there is panic and anger as healthcare costs explode!
So great to have the endorsement and support of Paul Ryan. We will both be working very hard to Make America Great Again!
Bad performance by Crooked Hillary Clinton! Reading poorly from the telepromter! She doesn't even look presidential!
Crooked Hillary no longer has credibility - too much failure in office. People will not allow another four years of incompetence!
Crooked Hillary Clinton, who I would love to call Lyin' Hillary, is getting ready to totally misrepresent my foreign policy positions.
After the litigation is disposed of and the case won, I have instructed my execs to open Trump U(?), so much interest in it! I will be pres.
Even though I have a very biased and unfair judge in the Trump U civil case in San Diego, I have thousands of great reviews & will win case!
With all of the Crooked Hillary Clinton's foreign policy experience, she has made so many mistakes - and I mean real monsters! No more HRC.
Join me in San Jose, California- tonight!
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
Wow, USA Today did todays cover story on my record in lawsuits. Verdict: 450 wins, 38 losses. Isn't that what you want for your president?
Do you ever notice that @CNN gives me very little proper representation on my policies. Just watched-nobody knew anything about my foreign P
Bernie Sanders was right when he said that Crooked Hillary Clinton was not qualified to be president because she suffers from BAD judgement!
Crooked Hillary Clinton has zero natural talent - she should not be president. Her temperament is bad and her decision making ability-zilch!
"@HaloDad22: @realDonaldTrump I already voted for you! My wife did as well! I represent #Teachers4Trump! We represent #CA4Trump! #NeverDems
"@SCPioneer: @stockdaleism @JamesRosenFNC @FoxNews @realDonaldTrump Not for slackers! Happy w/courses I took." Thanks.
Thank you Sacramento, California! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
Same failing @nytimes "reporter" who wrote discredited women's story last week wrote another terrible story on me today- will never learn!
Crooked Hillary Clinton is a fraud who has put the public and country at risk by her illegal and very stupid use of e-mails. Many missing!
Join me in San Jose, California- tomorrow evening at 7pm!
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
So I raised/gave $5,600,000 for the veterans and the media makes me look bad! They do anything to belittle - totally biased.
Congratulations to @seanhannity on his tremendous increase in television ratings. Speaking of ratings- I will be on his show tonight @ 10pE.
I am getting great credit for my press conference today. Crooked Hillary should be admonished for not having a press conference in 179 days.
Katie Couric, the third rate reporter, who has been largely forgotten, should be ashamed of herself for the fraudulent editing of her doc.
I will be interviewed on @seanhannity tonight at 10pmE on @FoxNews. Enjoy!
Join me in Sacramento, California-tomorrow evening @ 7pm! #Trump2016
So many veterans groups are beyond happy with all of the money I raised/gave! It was my great honor - they do an amazing job.
Just finished a press conference in Trump Tower wherein I gave information on which VETERANS groups got the $5,600,000 that I raised/gave!
I have raised/given a tremendous amount of money to our great VETERANS, and have got nothing but bad publicity for doing so. Watch!
So many great things happening - new poll numbers looking good! News conference at 11:00 A.M. today, Trump Tower!
I should have easily won the Trump University case on summary judgement but have a judge, Gonzalo Curiel, who is totally biased against me.
I have a judge in the Trump University civil case, Gonzalo Curiel (San Diego), who is very unfair. An Obama pick. Totally biased-hates Trump
I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day!
I would have had millions of votes more in the primaries (than Crooked Hillary) if I only had one opponent, instead of sixteen. Broke record
Have a great Memorial Day and remember that we will soon MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
"@NBCDFW: Trump rallies veterans at annual Rolling Thunder Gathering
"@FrankyLamouche: how many of donald's rolling thunder brigade will sign up and go to war for him in the middle east."
"@MariaErnandez3b: Trump Supports Rolling Thunder Rally #TRUMP STRONG So true, and remember the M.I.A.'s!
"@ScottWRasmussen: Donald Trump and Bikers Share Affection at Rolling Thunder Rally A great day in D.C.!
"@TeaPartyNevada: #Trump2016 "Illegals are taken care of better than our veterans."
The endorsement of me by the 16,500 Border Patrol Agents was the first time that they ever endorsed a presidential candidate. Nice!
In getting the endorsement of the 16,500 Border Patrol Agents (thank you), the statement was made that the WALL was very necessary!
Obama says a WALL at our southern border won't enhance our security (wrong) and yet he now wants to build a much bigger wall (fence) at W.H.
If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a spoiler to run as an Independent, say good bye to the Supreme Court!
The Republican Party has to be smart & strong if it wants to win in November. Can't allow lightweights to set up a spoiler Indie candidate!
Bill Kristol has been wrong for 2yrs-an embarrassed loser, but if the GOP can't control their own, then they are not a party. Be tough, R's!
Good news is that my campaign has perhaps more cash than any campaign in the history of politics- b/c I stand 100% behind everything we do.
Heading to D.C. to see and hear ROLLING THUNDER. Amazing people that LOVE OUR COUNTRY. Great spirit!
Honor Memorial Day by thinking of and respecting all of the great men and women that gave their lives for us and our country! We love them.
Does President Obama ever discuss the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor while he's in Japan? Thousands of American lives lost. #MDW
Don't believe the biased and phony media quoting people who work for my campaign. The only quote that matters is a quote from me!
I am always on the front page of the failing @nytimes, but when I won the GOP nomination, I'm in the back of the paper. Very dishonest!
The media is on a new phony kick about my management style. I spend much less money & get much better results! What we need as Prez!
The failing @nytimes wrote a story about my management style & that I don't have many people. I have 73, Hillary has 800- & I'm beating her.
I (we) broke the all-time record for most votes gotten in a Republican Primary - by a lot - and with many states left to go! Thank you.
The U.S. has 69 treaties with other countries where we would have to defend them and their borders. How nice, but what do we get? NOT ENOUGH
Great rally in Fresno, California- great crowd! Thank you! #Trump2016
Obama administration fails to screen Syrian refugees' social media accounts:
.@SanDiegoPD- Fantastic job on handling the thugs who tried to disrupt our very peaceful and well attended rally. Greatly appreciated!
Thank you @BillyJoel- many friends just told me you gave a very kind shoutout at MSG. Appreciate it- love your music!
Wow- 25,000 in San Diego, California!
Thank you!! #Trump2016
I am on @oreillyfactor tonight, a big special. @FoxNews at 8:00 P.M. ENJOY!
Bill O'Reilly doing a major special on @OreillyFactor tonight- @FoxNews at 8pmE. Watch it, should be good! #Trump2016
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
Poll data shows that @marcorubio does by far the best in holding onto his Senate seat in Florida. Important to keep the MAJORITY. Run Marco!
Today we, together, won the Republican Nomination for President!
My wife @MELANIATRUMP, and my children will be featured on @FoxNews with @Greta- 7pmE. Enjoy!
#MeetTheTrumps #Trump2016
Celebrating 1237! #Trump2016
Thank you! #Trump2016
I find it offensive that Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, pretended to be Native American to get in Harvard.
Thank you Mr. & Mrs. @TomBarrackJr for the wonderful and magical evening last night. It will not be forgotten. #Trump2016
.@kimguilfoyle- just watched you on @OutnumberedFNC- thank you!
The Inspector General's report on Crooked Hillary Clinton is a disaster. Such bad judgement and temperament cannot be allowed in the W.H.
Thank you Anaheim, California!
Thank you Washington! Honored to say, on behalf of our great movement, we have broken the all time record for votes in GOP primary history.
The protesters in New Mexico were thugs who were flying the Mexican flag. The rally inside was big and beautiful, but outside, criminals!
Crooked Hillary Clinton just can't close the deal with Bernie. I had to knock out 16 very good and smart candidates. Hillary doesn't have it
Goofy Senator Elizabeth Warren @elizabethforma has done less in the U.S. Senate than practically any other senator. All talk, no action!
@elizabethforma Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes known as Pocahontas, bought foreclosed housing and made a quick killing. Total hypocrite!
"@gordonsr1052: Washington, BIG Thank You for supporting Trump! We are all going to help Trump Make America Great Again! Trump2016!"
"@buiIdthewall: @realDonaldTrump high energy!"
"@PiperSul: Great speech tonight Mr.Trump! Good Luck in California! Thank you.
"@DeepakS76435750: @realDonaldTrump congratulations from India"
"@oasisupernova: @realDonaldTrump UP TO 8.4 MILLION FOLLOWERS. CAN'T STOP THE #TrumpTrain 🚂 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain"
"@jknatter: @realDonaldTrump #TrumpTrain"
"@tcloer11: @realDonaldTrump Great job! Make America Great Again!"
@elizabethforma Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas because she faked the fact she is native American, is a lowlife!
Great rally in New Mexico, amazing crowd! Now in L.A. Big rally in Anaheim.
Thank you Washington! #Trump2016
Great honor to receive today's endorsement of @RickSantorum. Really nice! #Trump2016
After raising, w/ no obligation, almost $6M for Vets, I couldn't believe protesters formed @ Trump Tower. JUST OUT- SENT BY CROOKED HILLARY!
Thank you @DailyMail- for setting the failing @NYTimes story straight. This is what the NYT's should have written!
A suggestion for the dishonest media-
A wonderfully written article concerning Israel by @JasonDovEsq
A great new book has been written about Crooked Hillary. Read it & you will never be able to vote for her. @Ed_Klein
Crooked Hillary Clinton overregulates, overtaxes and doesn't care about jobs. Most importantly, she suffers from plain old bad judgement!
I just released my financial disclosure forms, the largest numbers in the history of the F.E.C. Even the dishonest media thinks great!
Amazingly, with all of the money I have raised for the vets, I have got nothing but bad publicity from the dishonest and disgusting media.
Much of the money I have raised for our veterans has already been distributed, with the rest to go shortly to various other veteran groups.
While under no obligation to do so, I have raised between 5 & 6 million dollars, including 1million dollars from me, for our VETERANS. Nice!
Join me in California or Montana!
5/25/16: Anaheim, California
5/26/16: Billings, Montana
I will be interviewed on @oreillyfactor at 8:00 P.M. Enjoy!
Obama’s VA Secretary just said we shouldn't measure
wait times. Hillary says VA problems are not ‘widespread.’ I will take care of
our vets!
Is Hillary really protecting women?
In trade, military and EVERYTHING else, it will be AMERICA FIRST! This will quickly lead to our ultimate goal: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Thank you America! #Trump2016
The American people are sick and tired of not being able to lead normal lives and to constantly be on the lookout for terror and terrorists!
Bernie Sanders is continuing his quest because he believes that Crooked Hillary Clinton will be forced out of the race - e-mail scandal!
Join me on Wednesday, May 25th at the Anaheim Convention Center!
#Trump2016 #MAGA
Crooked Hillary wants a radical 500% increase in Syrian refugees. We can’t allow this. Time to get smart and protect America!
How can Crooked Hillary say she cares about women when she is silent on radical Islam, which horribly oppresses women?
RT @gatewaypundit: BREAKING POLL: Trump Gains 11 Points on Clinton Since March=> Now Leads Crooked Hillary 46-44 vi…
Why do the networks continue to put dopey @BillKristol on panels when he has called every single shot about me wrong for 2 yrs?
Hillary Clinton is not qualified to be president because her judgement has been proven to be so bad! Would be four more years of stupidity!
Crooked Hillary said that I want guns brought into the school classroom. Wrong!
"@dubilujane: I trust @realDonaldTrump more anyone ever to protect America.He WILL do the right thing for the U.S.A, without a doubt.
Thank you to all of the men and women who have served our country. You are our true heroes! #ArmedForcesDay
Crooked Hillary Clintons foreign interventions unleashed ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya. She is reckless and dangerous!
.@CNN is so negative, getting even worse as I get closer. Just had two anti-Trump losers with zero rebuttal from my team. Turning off!
"@RBacliff: Hillary wants to rip the guns out of America's hands. No guns = no protection. Get on #TrumpTrain & join @NRA to stop her."
Crooked Hillary wants to get rid of all guns and yet she is surrounded by bodyguards who are fully armed. No more guns to protect Hillary!
While our wonderful president was out playing golf all day, the TSA is falling apart, just like our government! Airports a total disaster!
Crooked Hillary is spending tremendous amounts of Wall Street money on false ads against me. She is a very dishonest person!
Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to essentially abolish the 2nd Amendment. No gun owner can ever vote for Clinton!
Thank you @TheTodaysGolfer for the wonderful statement that "the new par 3 9th hole @Trump Turnberry could be the most dramatic in Britain."
@montgomeriefdn Colin, great to have you at Trump Turnberry. So proud of you and your GREAT playing! You made winning MAJORS look easy!
"@montgomeriefdn: @TrumpTurnberry Best Links Course in Britain. Ailsa Course opens June '16 Can't wait to play it
Thank you for your wonderful endorsement today @TGowdySC. It means a great deal to me. We will not disappoint! #Trump2016
Great day in Kentucky with Wayne LaPierre, Chris Cox & the @NRA!
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
Thank you! An honor to be the first candidate ever endorsed by the @NRA- prior to @GOPconvention! #Trump2016 #2A
Failing @NYTimes will always take a good story about me and make it bad. Every article is unfair and biased. Very sad!
Thanks @piersmorgan!
"Trump is the most unpredictable, extraordinary, entertaining&massively popular candidate this country has ever seen."
Crooked Hillary Clinton- discussing the #SecondAmendment at a private event. #2A cc: @NRA
I am on my way! See you all soon!
"A Call for Unity" by Jason Greenblatt @JasonDovEsq
Crooked Hillary can't even close the deal with Bernie - and the Dems have it rigged in favor of Hillary. Four more years of this? No way!
Crooked Hillary Clinton looks presidential? I don't think so! Four more years of Obama and our country will never come back. ISIS LAUGHS!
Look where the world is today, a total mess, and ISIS is still running around wild. I can fix it fast, Hillary has no chance!
Crooked Hillary has zero imagination and even less stamina. ISIS, China, Russia and all would love for her to be president. 4 more years!
I said that Crooked Hillary Clinton is "not qualified" to be president because she has "very bad judgement" - Bernie said the same thing!
Thank you @LtStevenLRogers. We will respond to terrorism with strength in 2017!
How quality a woman is Rowanne Brewer Lane to have exposed the @nytimes as a disgusting fraud? Thank you Rowanne.
Looks like yet another terrorist attack. Airplane departed from Paris. When will we get tough, smart and vigilant? Great hate and sickness!
My list of potential U.S. Supreme Court Justices was very well recieved. During the next number of weeks I may be adding to the list!
Some low-life journalist claims that I "made a pass" at her 29 years ago. Never happened! Like the @nytimes story which has become a joke!
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
Thank you Louisiana! #Trump2016
Thank you Arizona! See you soon!
Why did Clinton supporter @AlisonForKY declare Crooked Hillary winner in KY when AP hasn't even called the race?
Bernie Sanders is being treated very badly by the Democrats - the system is rigged against him. Many of his disenfranchised fans are for me!
Paul Begala, the dopey @CNN flunky and head of the Pro-Hillary Clinton Super PAC, has knowingly committed fraud in his first ad against me.
"@ShoneeP: @realDonaldTrump Trump for President! Bernie is a joke, knows nothing - and Hillary is yesterday's and today's nightmare"
"@MagicMetalNinja: The Trump movement will not be stopped. We support Trump because he is a true American looking out for #AmericaFIRST."
Congratulations to THE MOVEMENT, we have just won THE GREAT STATE OF OREGON. The vote percentage is even higher than anticipated! Thank you.
Thank you Oregon! #Trump2016
"@LouDobbs: Hillary Just Handed @realDonaldTrump a Huge Gift: Promising to Put Bubba in Charge of the Economy! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!
"@sandrajeanne48: No way I believe Trump at 70% disapproval with women. Went to 3 rallies. At least 1/2 women. MSM LIES @TheFive"
Michael Barbaro, the author of the now discredited @nytimes hit piece on me with women, has in past tweeted badly about me. He should resign
"@michael_favreau: @JIS3 @realDonaldTrump He will destroy Hillary but why give CNN record breaking ratings CNN can go to hell. Trump 2016"
I look so forward to debating Crooked Hillary Clinton! Democrat Primaries are rigged, e-mail investigation is rigged - so time to get it on!
I can't believe that @CNN would allow the very nice Jeffrey Lord to be savaged by a panel of seven Trump haters. 7 to 1 - Don't watch CNN!
"@COWBOYSFORTRUMP: @ChristiChat @Rockprincess818 @realDonaldTrump That man is a pillar of strength and will be perfect as our next president
Well, that is it. Well done Megyn --- and they all lived happily ever after! Now let us all see how "THE MOVEMENT" does in Oregon tonight!
Will go back on for a final question now!
"@jrector34: @realDonaldTrump Amazing job"
"@mai_Ttag: Great interview! Happy you had a chance to show the other side of you. Never change, never forget you are our messenger!"
I like Michael Douglas!
"@thydanielflores: .@megynkelly @realDonaldTrump Best interview that I have ever seen.
"@CostaKenneth: @megynkelly @realDonaldTrump Great interview Megyn"
"@svhlevi: @DiamondandSilk @realJeffreyLord @realDonaldTrump @CNN and we love you Diamond and Silk" I do also!
"@johnjohnlacca: Donald u have done a terrific job so far on the interview. Cannot wait until u r president #MegynKellyPresents
"@markgruber1960: @megynkelly @realDonaldTrump That's why he is so successful. He is driven to succeed" True!
"@ladytsbrug: Lovely interview, Mr. Trump! @realDonaldTrump" Thanks.
"@Janik1968: @realDonaldTrump @SpeakerRyan Watched the Megan Kelly special and I must was very well done on both their parts"
"@KaceyIlliot1669: @realDonaldTrump We actually really do love you!" Great!
"@johnkirtley: @megynkelly @realDonaldTrump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Thank you for this discourse. Wounds have been healed. Great job!"
"@jlund04: @megynkelly @realDonaldTrump it was refreshing to see you both in a different light. Well done."
"@FrankDallasAgg: @megynkelly @realDonaldTrump Trump is a great man and is FIGHTING for We The People!"
"@LADYJOANNE: @megynkelly @realDonaldTrump we need Trump more then ever Megyn. Thanks.
"@LADYJOANNE: @megynkelly @realDonaldTrump we need Trump more then ever Megan Please don't lose it for America for us!"
"@curtandkaren: Kudos to @megynkelly and @realDonaldTrump for rising above the drama and coming together. Very respectful and classy 👍"
"@gerriweth: @megynkelly @realDonaldTrump Made me feel good to hear you both so gracious. Great job"
"@SandraR67758219: @realDonaldTrump You are a fighter and we LOVE that about you! Don't listen to these people who want you to change!"
"@longbyfive: @realDonaldTrump great interview with @megynkelly !" Thanks.
"@HFFoundation4: @realDonaldTrump One thing we know for sure @BernieSanders supporters will turn to #Trump - absolutely not @HillaryClinton"
"@wesleyfelixpsi: @realDonaldTrump speaks from the heart 4 all of America.His intention is for a positive future 4 all. @FoxNews @megynkelly
"@manakoa:DonaldTrump, you are fearless! This interview shows you are the Leader we need. @megynkelly is a tough interview! Respect to both"
"@ragdollive: @megynkelly @realDonaldTrump what's with the soft wimpy questions?!? It's not a therapy session ..!!" Not really soft at all!
"@xGodfatherxzx: @realDonaldTrump amazing on Megan Kelly" Thanks.
"@TrumpTrainRider: .@realDonaldTrump Watching you on Fox with @megynkelly now. Can't wait to hear what you two talked about."
I will be live tweeting @megynkelly Show in 10 minutes. Should be interesting. Will be on Fox Network! ENJOY!
Wall Street paid for ad is a fraud, just like Crooked Hillary! Their main line had nothing to do with women, and they knew it. Apologize?
Do you think Crooked Hillary will finally close the deal? If she can't win Kentucky, she should drop out of race. System rigged!
I will be live tweeting my interview with @megynkelly on the Fox Network tonight at 8! Enjoy!
I look forward to watching @megynkelly tonight, 8 PM ET. It will be interesting to see how she treats me—I think she will be very fair.
How can Crooked Hillary put her husband in charge of the economy when he was responsible for NAFTA, the worst economic deal in U.S. history?
Crooked Hillary said her husband is going to be in charge of the economy.If so, he should run,not her.Will he bring the "energizer" to D.C.?
#VoteTrump at clerk's offices & 185 ballot drop boxes in #ORPrimary!
Closes at 8pm!
Crooked Hillary can't close the deal with Bernie Sanders. Will be another bad day for her!
Amazing that Crooked Hillary can do a hit ad on me concerning women when her husband was the WORST abuser of woman in U.S. political history
Oregon is voting today. Keep the big numbers going - VOTE TRUMP! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Crooked Hillary Clinton put out an ad where I am misquoted on women. Can't believe she would misrepresent the facts! My hit was on China
The pathetic new hit ad against me misrepresents the final line. "You can tell them to go BLANK themselves" - was about China, NOT WOMEN!
Wow, 30,000 e-mails were deleted by Crooked Hillary Clinton. She said they had to do with a wedding reception. Liar! How can she run?
"@AprilLaJune: OREGON votes today! Go vote for @realDonaldTrump and kick it BIG TIME!
What Barbara Res does not say is that she would call my company endlessly, and for years, trying to come back. I said no.
I gave a woman named Barbara Res a top N.Y. construction job, when that was unheard of, and now she is nasty. So much for a nice thank you!
"In politics, and in life, ignorance is not a virtue." This is a primary reason that President Obama is the worst president in U.S. history!
The writer of the now proven false story in the @nytimes, Michael Barbaro, who was interviewed on CBS this morning, was unable to respond.
Over 50 women were interviewed by the @nytimes yet they only wrote about 6. That’s because there were so many positive statements.
No wonder the @nytimes is failing—who can believe what they write after the false, malicious & libelous story they did on me.
The failing @nytimes is greatly embarrassed by the totally dishonest story they did on my relationship with women.
Rowanne Brewer, the most prominently depicted woman in the failing @nytimes story yesterday joined @foxandfriends.
Thank you, Anthony @Scaramucci @WSJ "The Entrepreneur's Case for Trump"
With the coming forward today of the woman central to the failing @nytimes hit piece on me, we have exposed the article as a fraud!
A political commentator for @cnn, which I no longer watch, said "Trump showed some weakness in the Repub Primaries." I set all-time record!
Wow, Rowanne Brewer, the most prominently depicted woman in the failing @nytimes story yesterday, was on @foxandfriends saying Times lied
The @nytimes is so dishonest. Their hit piece cover story on me yesterday was just blown up by Rowanne Brewer, who said it was a lie!
That was an amazing interview on @foxandfriends - I hope the rest of the media picks it up to show how totally dishonest the @nytimes is!
Bernie Sanders is being treated very badly by the Dems. The system is rigged against him. He should run as an independent! Run Bernie, run.
Great new poll- thank you!
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
The @washingtonpost report on potential VP candidates is wrong. Marco Rubio and most others mentioned are NOT under consideration.
Thank you Georgia! See you soon!
The media is really on a witch-hunt against me. False reporting, and plenty of it - but we will prevail!
Why did the failing @nytimes refuse to use any of the names given to them that I was so proud to have helped with their careers. DISHONEST!
Wow, I have had so many calls from high ranking people laughing at the stupidity of the failing @nytimes piece. Massive front page for that!
Why doesn't the failing @nytimes write the real story on the Clintons and women? The media is TOTALLY dishonest!
"@TakingIt_Back: @nytimes keep shining....the ppl will not let the media dim your light...we no longer believe them! #Trump2016" Thanks.
"@tzard000: @realDonaldTrump @nytimes Everyone continues to pile onto Donald, but they can NEVER take away our votes!" Thank you!
Everyone is laughing at the @nytimes for the lame hit piece they did on me and women.I gave them many names of women I helped-refused to use
"@DistlerJoyce: @realDonaldTrump @nytimes OHIO WOMEN FOR TRUMP
"@MrTohNey: Leicester & DonaldTrump seem to have the same trajectory, both were written off, but they keep scaling the heights. History?
"@QueenCharlotteO: @realDonaldTrump @nytimes I'm a women & I 100% support @realDonaldTrump & I have since the beginning. Thank you!
The failing @nytimes wrote yet another hit piece on me. All are impressed with how nicely I have treated women, they found nothing. A joke!
Thank you for the nice words this morning @KellyRiddell. Well delivered and totally logical! @CNN @FoxNews
"@stranahan: Sheldon Adelson Pledges $100 Million to Elect Trump President - Breitbart
Wow, @CNN is really working hard to make me look as bad as possible. Very unprofessional. Hurting in ratings - bad television!
Great new poll- thank you!
If Crooked Hillary Clinton can't close the deal on Crazy Bernie, how is she going to take on China, Russia, ISIS and all of the others?
An incredible honor to receive the endorsement of a person I
have such tremendous respect for. Thank you, Sheldon!
.@thehill Your story about me & the carbon tax is absolutely incorrect—it is just the opposite. I will not support or endorse a carbon tax!
Senator Lindsey Graham called me yesterday, very much to my surprise, and we had a very interesting talk about national security, and more!
Great meeting with @SenateMajLdr Mitch McConnell and Republican leaders in D.C. #Trump2016
Great day in D.C. with @SpeakerRyan and Republican leadership. Things working out really well! #Trump2016
If it were up to goofy Elizabeth Warren, we’d have no jobs in America—she doesn’t have a clue.
In interview I told @AP that my taxes are under routine audit and I would release my tax returns when audit is complete, not after election!
Isn’t it funny when a failed Senator like goofy Elizabeth Warren can spend a whole day tweeting about Trump & gets nothing done in Senate?
Goofy Elizabeth Warren lied when she says I want to abolish the Federal Minimum Wage. See media—asking for increase!
Our Native American Senator, goofy Elizabeth Warren, couldn’t care less about the American worker…does nothing to help!
Goofy Elizabeth Warren is now using the woman’s card like her friend crooked Hillary. See her dumb tweet “when a woman stands up to you…”
If the people of Massachusetts found out what an ineffective Senator goofy Elizabeth Warren has been, she would lose!
Thanks Piers.
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
Goofy Elizabeth Warren didn’t have the guts to run for POTUS. Her phony Native American heritage stops that and VP cold.
Goofy Elizabeth Warren has been one of the least effective Senators in the entire U.S. Senate. She has done nothing!
I don't want to hit Crazy Bernie Sanders too hard yet because I love watching what he is doing to Crooked Hillary. His time will come!
Big wins in West Virginia and Nebraska. Get ready for November - Crooked Hillary, who is looking very bad against Crazy Bernie, will lose!
Thank you Nebraska!
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
Thank you West Virginia!
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
The Clintons spend millions on negative ads on me & I can’t tell the truth about her husband? Don’t feel sorry for crooked Hillary!
Hillary has bad judgment!
It was so great being in Nebraska last week. Today is the big day--get out and vote!
I look very much forward to meeting w/Paul Ryan & the GOP Party Leadership on Thurs in DC. Together, we will beat the Dems at all levels!
Via @JTAnews and Jason Greenblatt "Donald Trump is a Visionary With Talents Our Country Needs" @JasonDovEsq
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
It is only the people that were never asked to be VP that tell the press that they will not take the position.
It was Rosie O'Donnell who ate the cake in the vicious Hillary commercial about me, not Crooked Hillary! @marthamaccallum
Why does the media, with a strong push from Crooked Hillary, keep pushing the false narrative that I want to raise taxes. Exactly opposite!
. #RepMikeKelly Great job on @foxandfriends this morning. Thank you for the nice words!
Get out and vote Nebraska, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Get out and vote West Virginia, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
"@RedRising11: 🇺🇸I am a woman & I JUST VOTED FOR @realDonaldTrump #NebraskaPrimary #Trump2016 #TrumpForPresident
Thank you Jason Greenblatt @JasonDovEsq "For Our Children: Let's Elect Donald Trump"
RT @greta: interesting poll results so far (and go vote on
I am lowering taxes far more than any other candidate. Any negotiated increase by Congress to my proposal would still be lower than current!
I will have set the all time record in primary votes in the Republican party --despite having to compete against 17 other people!
If I only had 1 person running against me in the primaries like Hillary Clinton, I would have gotten 10 million more votes than she did!
Crooked Hillary Clinton says that she got more primary votes than Donald Trump. But I had 17 people to beat—she had one!
#NEPrimary #VoteTrump #Trump2016
#WVPrimary #VoteTrump #Trump2016
"@Valdosta_Monkey: @ChrisCuomo @realDonaldTrump Is Chris serious, lying or misinformed? Bill Clinton signed NAFTA
"@daybastrop @foxandfriends @BretBaier The liars that signed the pledge and now won't support @realDonaldTrump IS the reason they are losers
"@NathanDWilsonFL: @MariaBartiromo you had a great interview with Donald today! I started watching your show due to Donald Trump.
Will be interviewed by @MariaBartiromo on @FoxBizAlert at 7:30 A.M. Enjoy!
"@RichBooth6: @realDonaldTrump @CNN good interview Mr. Trump. You set the facts straight." Thank you.
Wow, I hear @Morning_Joe has gone really hostile ever since I said I won't do or watch the show anymore.They misrepresent my positions!
I will be interviewed on @CNN at 7:00 A.M.
.@drmoore Russell Moore is truly a terrible representative of Evangelicals and all of the good they stand for. A nasty guy with no heart!
"@mathewjmari: On @FaceTheNation #MattSchlapp was on the ball & #jenniferrubin is in a time warped stupor. @realDonaldTrump will EXPAND #GOP
I will be interviewed on @NewDay @CNN at 7:00 A.M.
I will win the election against Crooked Hillary despite the people in the Republican Party that are currently and selfishly opposed to me!
On @seanhannity show @FoxNews now. ENJOY!
Crooked Hillary just can't close the deal with Bernie. It will be the same way with ISIS, and China on trade, and Mexico at the border. Bad!
.@KellyannePolls Kellyanne, you were fantastic on @meetthepress today. Keep going - I will win for the people. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
I will be interviewed on @meetthepress this morning. Enjoy!
I will be interviewed on This Week with George S this morning. Enjoy!
"@matandsher: I want a leader that will shoot straight with us. The politicians can't. @realDonaldTrump will give his all for us!
.@EdGoeas thank you for your support tonight on @JudgeJeanine.
Remember when the two failed presidential candidates, Lindsey Graham and Jeb Bush, signed a binding PLEDGE? They broke the deal, no honor!
I am honored that the great men and women of the @Teamsters have created a movement from within called Teamsters for Trump! Thank you.
I am going to keep our jobs in the U.S., and totally rebuild our crumbling infrastructure. Crooked Hillary has no clue! @Teamsters
Join me in Washington today!
Spokane tickets:
Lynden tickets:
Goofy Elizabeth Warren is weak and ineffective. Does nothing. All talk, no action -- maybe her Native American name?
Goofy Elizabeth Warren and her phony Native American heritage are on a Twitter rant. She is too easy! I'm driving her nuts.
Crooked Hillary Clinton wants completely open borders. Millions of Democrats will run from her over this and support me.
Just met with courageous family of Sarah Root in Nebraska. Sarah was horribly killed by illegal immigrant, but leaves behind amazing legacy.
Goofy Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton’s flunky, has a career that is totally based on a lie. She is not Native American.
Let’s properly check goofy Elizabeth Warren’s records to see if she is Native American. I say she’s a fraud!
I hope corrupt Hillary Clinton chooses goofy Elizabeth Warren as her running mate. I will defeat them both.
Response to @LindseyGrahamSC:
I hear @JoeNBC of rapidly fading @Morning_Joe is pushing hard for a third party candidate to run. This will guarantee a Crooked Hillary win.
Joe Scarborough initially endorsed Jeb Bush and Jeb crashed, then John Kasich and that didn't work. Not much power or insight!
Thank you to teachers across America! When I become POTUS we will make education a far more important component of our life than it is now.
Crooked Hillary has ZERO leadership ability. As Bernie Sanders says, she has bad judgement. Constantly playing the women's card - it is sad!
Paul Ryan said that I inherited something very special, the Republican Party. Wrong, I didn't inherit it, I won it with millions of voters!
"@Ausbiz: Many would say that you are the only talented person running for the top job this time! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #TrumpTrain"
So many great endorsements yesterday, except for Paul Ryan! We must put America first and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Governor Rick Perry said "Donald Trump is one of the most talented people running for the Presidency I've ever seen." Thank you Rick!
Unlike crooked Hillary Clinton, who wants to destroy all miners, I want wages to go up in America. We will do so by bringing back jobs!
Thank you West Virginia. Let's keep it going. Go out and vote on Tuesday - we will win big. #Trump2016
Can you believe Crooked Hillary said, "We are going to put a whole lot of coal miners&coal companies out of business." She then apologized.
Join me tomorrow! #Trump2016
Omaha, Nebraska:
Eugene, Oregon:
Bernie Sanders has been treated terribly by the Democrats—both with delegates & otherwise. He should show them, & run as an Independent.
Happy #CincoDeMayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!
I will be interviewed by @BretBaier @SpecialReport at 6pm ET tonight @FoxNews
Many reports that I will be attending the Alvarez/Khan fight this weekend in Vegas. Totally untrue! Unfortunately I have other plans.
Join me in Charleston, WV - tomorrow!
I will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 7:30 A.M. Enjoy!
I will be interviewed on @TODAYshow and Good Morning America at 7:00 A.M.
I will be interviewed on @Morning_Joe at 6:15 A.M. Enjoy!
I would rather run against Crooked Hillary Clinton than Bernie Sanders and that will happen because the books are cooked against Bernie!
What a great evening we had. So interesting that Sanders beat Crooked Hillary. The dysfunctional system is totally rigged against him!
.@oreillyfactor Please correct, I WON Virginia!
Thank you Indiana, we were just projected to be the winner. We have won in every category. You are very special people-I will never forget!
Thank you Indiana! #Trump2016
Lyin' Ted Cruz consistently said that he will, and must, win Indiana. If he doesn't he should drop out of the race-stop wasting time & money
Wow, Lyin' Ted Cruz really went wacko today. Made all sorts of crazy charges. Can't function under pressure - not very presidential. Sad!
#INPrimary #VoteTrump
Polls close at 6pm! #INPrimary #Trump2016 #VoteTrump
Thank you America! #Trump2016
#Trump2016 #VoteTrump
#INPrimary #VoteTrump
#INPrimary #VoteTrump
Thank you South Bend, Indiana! Everyone get out & #VoteTrump tomorrow! #INPrimary
RT @EricTrump: Wow! I am speechless! Thank you to my sidekick @LynnePatton who keeps me & the @EricTrumpFdn in line!
Will be in South Bend, Indiana in a short while -- big rally! See you soon!
Will be interviewed on @seanhannity tonight at 10pmE. Enjoy! #INPrimary
RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Donald Trump Jr. On The Record: Why Trump International Hotels And Residences Are Still Winning via @forbes
Thank you Carmel, Indiana! Get out & #VoteTrump tomorrow! #INPrimary #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
Honored to have received the endorsement of Lou Holtz - a great guy! #INPrimary #Trump2016
I will defeat Crooked Hillary Clinton on 11/8/2016. #Trump2016
I will be campaigning in Indiana all day. Things are looking great, and the support of Bobby Knight has been so amazing. Today will be fun!
Everybody is talking about the protesters burning the American flags and proudly waving Mexican flags. I want America First - so do voters!
Gov Mike Pence has just stated that Donald Trump has taken a strong stance on Hoosier jobs, and he thanks me! I will bring back jobs to USA.
Crooked Hillary Clinton said she is used to "dealing with men who get off the reservation." Actually, she has done poorly with such men!
I will be interviewed on @CNN @NewDay at 7:30 A.M. Enjoy!
Join me in Carmel, Indiana- tomorrow at 4pm! #INPrimary
Thank you Fort Wayne, Indiana!
#Trump2016 #INPrimary
Thank you Terre Haute, Indiana!
.@KarlRove is a failed Jeb Bushy. Never says anything good & never will, even after I beat Hillary. Shouldn't be on the air!
I am on @FoxNewsSunday with Chris Wallace- his 20th year anniversary with #FNS, throughout the day. Enjoy!
Will be in Terre Haute, Indiana in a short while -- big rally! See you soon!
I watched Sen. Graham @FaceTheNation. Why don't they say that I ran him out of the race like a little boy, and in the end he had no support?
Thank you Indiana! #Trump2016
I will be in Indiana on Sunday and Monday at four MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN rallies. See you there!
Thank you @MikeOzanian for the nice comments on @FoxNews today. Great job!
Trump locks down Delaware GOP delegates. #Trump2016 #MAGA
The economy is bad and getting worse-almost ZERO growth this quarter. Nobody can beat me on the economy (and jobs). MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN“The scientific answer is coming. So we ought to try to think through the implications of either result.”
“So much, once more, for the stories we tell ourselves, about our past and present.”
“United owns the plane. If United says get off, you have to get off.”
“Portland, OR is one of the best American cities to enjoy from a distance.”
“The study finds a pronounced negative correlation between a man’s muscularity and his support for economic...
“We should engage in mockery, and laugh the CA zealots off the stage.”
“For all of Facebook’s illuminating potential, it has regressed into a void of cat videos and shock-and-click...
“We’re reaching a level of disingenuous where you have trouble believing they believe their own rhetoric.”
“Jews are by nature transracial…and trans just about everything else.”
“Since there’s not much that can be done about the greatness of the past, the future is likely to be filled with...
“A professed loyalty to truth is the traditionally masculine trait they all share.”
“If math is indeed ‘racist,’ it is biased strongly against non-Asians.”
“I have two weeks to go in the Bagel, and I plan to party to my heart’s content.”
“Mediocrity is harmful only when it wants to dominate.”
“Authoritarian regimes thrive in the absence of agreed decorum.”
“For the moment, Brexit rules. Theresa May has calculated well.”
“I’m sorry if our boys’ monocles fell off when they were defending themselves from heart-eaters.”
“The left is on a roll these days when it comes to labeling everything that is (supposedly) ‘white’ as racist.”
“You use Snapchat, don’t you? And yet you want me to take you seriously.”
“We only children are shitty friends and relatives, but we’ve gotten a hell of a lot done, too.”
“Taxation can, if properly directed, overcome Seattle’s toxic whiteness.”
“Emmanuel Macron is the ninth current European leader whose loins have borne no fruit.”
“If you try to raise a baby cheetah in a Park Avenue penthouse, it will likely wind up destroying your belongings...
“Madame Macron will take care of us from now on. Yippee!”
“The more you are preserved from hurt feelings, the more of them you have.”
“It was a Civil War over the Civil War.”
“This is how you bypass the need for anti-speech laws; just convince everyone that we already have them.”
“If you’re going to write a book about Las Vegas and call it ‘gonzo,’ you’d better be ready to get down and dirty.”
“The U.S. establishment, no stranger to the big lie, could not and cannot accept that the nation preferred these...
“There’s no excuse for the nascent ‘Fight Back Right’ to end up as another forgotten footnote.”
“Misandry is real, and those who seek to deny or justify it deserve a stern paddling.”
“As you read this, there may be blood flowing in the streets of New Orleans.”
“The annual Pugs lunch will take place in June, and it will be a tribute to a unique friend.”
“There has always been bad art, of course, but rarely has it been so heavily subsidized.”
“More seriously, the radicalism, intolerance, arrogance and fanaticism of the far left in the ‘60s and ‘70s...
“The trouble with politicians today is that they are dilettantes, insufficiently devoted to the profession of...
“In attempting to silence Holocaust denial, Jewish groups gave it a megaphone.”
“These journalists are accidentally red-pilling an entire generation.”
“Not surprisingly, the kind of thinking that’s trendy on campuses is getting dumber all the time.”
“We have four years to see if President Trump can pull the elites back down to their proper place.”
“If death is such a great ‘career move,’ why isn’t Sexton just as famous, and fetishized, as Plath?”
“There is no such thing as ‘settled science.’ That itself is an unscientific notion.”
“Either Justin Bieber is a Nazi, or the Schwartzes are a huge pain in the ass.”
“It might sound like a dull life, but I wouldn’t trade it for a Nobel Prize in Literature.”
“Perhaps in private both Zuckerberg and Žižek dress with great elegance, though I rather doubt it.”
“I am happy to have even a few vivid memories of the time when the Clydes were kings and queens of the farmtouns...
“The West has been beset with a bad case of liberal fatigue.”
“In the current year, it’s the men who need the chaperones.”
“I’m saying, say goodbye to the old marriage and start anew WITH THE SAME WOMAN.”
“Goffman may wholeheartedly believe the right platitudes, but she inherited the wrong genes.”
“We’ve become a public of first-time listeners and longtime callers.”
“If the history of medicine is any indication, this wacky ‘gender bingo’ fad too shall pass.”
“I wonder if, during that awful split-second before he got shot, it occurred to him that maybe ‘Nazis’ weren’t...
“So here’s an idea. What if we declared, by law, that all Americans are the same race?”
“May’s decision to go to the country is opportunistic and unprincipled. ”
“Words, after all, were invented in order to veil one’s true thoughts, or so the cynics say.”
“This wasn’t just a battle in the war. It was a tectonic shift in the culture. ”
“Trump is still the same political cipher he always was, except this time the shit really matters.”
“Will more wars make America great again?”
“As an easily digestible purgative for impacted political correctness, we currently have no better at hand.”
“It’s time to begin aggressively pushing the perfectly rational notion that humans possess a tribal instinct that...
“It appears that the masked minions of George Soros may have bitten off far more than they can chew.”
“No one should ever underestimate the stupidity induced in bureaucrats by the procedures they are enjoined to...
“When I see rows of lovely townhouses and low-rise multifamily dwellings, nostalgia hits like gangbusters.”
“No one should ever underestimate the stupidity induced in bureaucrats by the procedures they are enjoined to...
"You can be an isolationist Trump supporter who hates meddling in the Middle East and still think this was a...
“Let’s face it: To a great extent, white nationalists are the right-wing version of social justice warriors. ”
“Like the gas attack in 2013, this has the marks of a false flag operation to stampede America into Syria’s civil...
“Next to making money, screwing jailbait, and coprophilia, Berry’s favorite pastime was seething.”
“After all your campaign promises, why did you suddenly go global?”
“It would truly be a tragedy if, in the course of shaving her head for social justice, Miss Nguyen would one day...
“Pam did get away with as much as one can without landing in the pokey.”
“It is only comparatively late in my life that I have learned truly to appreciate the small beauties of the world.”
“It’s a really exciting time to be on the right.”
“Transracialism is another step forward in the great battle against normalcy and common sense; the left has to...
“The New World has been retconned by billionaires as deserving to be crowded, poorly paid, and class-ridden.”
“The United States is in rising danger of being dragged into wars in half a dozen places, because we have...
“I kept hearing that Multiple Maniacs sent up its era’s radical left. This I had to see.”
“These are the most likeable colored fellas I’ve seen in a coon’s age.”
“The out-group has to be a homogenous mass of pure evil. They have to be the worst people ever.”
“Mr. Trump, please build a wall on the northern border, too.”
“I am heading for the Big Bagel, because looking at cows takes its toll after a while.”
“Someone has to do politics, just as people have to do other unpleasant jobs, such as cleaning lavatories. ”
“The mistake we make is surely to see things in black and white, to perceive people as wholly good or wholly evil.”
“Watching a modern campus struggle with free speech in 2017 is downright Iranian.”
“CA, NY, and FL account for roughly 35% of all abortions in the U.S., and Roe being overturned will not alter...
“Paglia clearly saw her role as that of stomach pump, and still does.”
“When it comes to this mass delusion that Russia ‘stole’ the election, I am forced to bellow, ‘WHERE’S THE BEEF?’”
“One of the things we actually liked about Mexico was the idea that it is extremely sexist.”
“You can’t make war on Islamism, and you can’t stop an individual Islamist from killing innocent people, as may...
“Almost 90 percent of French people believe their country is either stuck in the mire or moving in the wrong...
“Somewhere in between ignoring our prejudicial instincts and dwelling on them is a happy medium.”
“The new right wing does more than just get petty when the going gets rough. We appropriate.”
“America used to be able to afford nice things such as freedom of speech, science, and disinterested objectivity.”
“Jones mostly tells on himself. It’s unflattering as hell, yet that very frankness earns him back any respect he...
“But while the FBI is still searching for a Trump connection, real crimes have been unearthed—committed by...
“Last week, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan declared Baby War on Europe.”
“Rachel Maddow wound up shooting herself in the foot with her smoking gun.”
“I’m skiing, drinking, partying, training, and reading good books. What else can a man wish for?”
“When it comes to most choices, we have only appearances to go by.”
“In the end, everyone inside and outside the border wall, save for the few old PC authoritarians with an agenda,...
“Here in Britain, as a welcome distraction from Brexit, there has been fierce argument about spaghetti Bolognese.”
“Now we have the internet’s No. 1 purveyor of denial admitting he was dead wrong, and has even one mainstream...
“Here in the real world, it’s about assimilating to Western culture and promoting our values no matter who you are.”
“The problem remains that most of the modern world was built by deplorables, whom the diverse are indoctrinated...
“The point of all these pointless women’s marches seems to be that women have vaginas, and they aren’t afraid of...
“Why, a quarter of a century after the Cold War, do we still have 28,000 troops in Korea?”
“The harder the Brexit, the cleaner and more complete the break with the E.U., the more likely the disintegration...
“I have to tell you, I have no idea whether Trump is good or just lucky.”
“Since the wall, terrorism has all but ceased to be. What’s there not to love?”
“‘If it feels good, smear them’ has been the SPLC’s de facto motto.”
“The scandal is this: Who inside the government of the United States is trying to discredit, damage or destroy...
“In a strange way, the Townshend scandal was Gustav Metzger’s most destructive ‘creation’ of all.”
“When I hear of a disgraced black communist trying to frame his white liberal ex-girlfriend for anti-Semitic bomb...
“Very few people skied. As I said, those were the good old days.”
“The spouters of rubbish want to change the world, and often succeed because at first no one takes them at their...
“We no longer need the ‘legit press’ to know what the president thinks; he tweets his thoughts daily (hell,...
“While we may have been behind much of the bad in the world, we’re also behind the vast majority of the good.”
“Mostly Get Out plays it straight in sticking to its popular message: The reason white people are scary is...
“Maybe Spencer just had Depeche Mode on the brain—a condition I haven’t experienced since around 1988.”
“The rest of the world is hating on you, but that’s a good thing. That’s proof that you’re an outlaw.”
“Globalism will only replace wars between nations with wars within former nations.”
“What do you do when a mugger or a wise guy starts trouble? Put on your cross-country skis?”
“If everyone is Hitler, no one is.”
“Let California be California; let red state America be red state America. “
“Few prime ministers have seen their reputation plummet as quickly and steeply as Tony Blair.”
“Milo got a get -out-of-jail free card for being a gay Jewish Catholic immigrant with a black fetish.”
“Just as Christians take comfort from the very act of praying, so too do leftists take comfort in government...
“The struggles over California infrastructure have played a central role in some of the bigger changes in public...
“But how does a president negotiate a modus vivendi with a rival great power when the leaders of his own party...
“In patented boomer fashion, Beatty, his colleagues, and his admirers adopted a moralistic tone about an immoral...
“I don’t know about you, but I’m coming down with a nasty case of Riot Fatigue.”
“Despite all the flak they get for being ‘racist,’ white people are remarkably tolerant toward lactose.”
“There are probably more surprises, more nasty revelations and accusations to come.”
“Black church looks like an ostentation of peacocks broke into a paint factory.”
“Leftists will never learn that if they criminalize ‘hate speech,’ it’ll one day blow back on them.”
“No one ever expended more brainpower to encourage stupidity than Said did in Orientalism.”
“Germany has changed more in the past two years than in the previous sixty.”
“Democrats would do well to recall what happened the last time they rode the tiger of social revolution.”
“If Arnie didn’t cook, we’d starve. But then again, if I didn’t do the laundry, we’d stink.”
“For eight years the left threw Victory Riots. Now they seem hell-bent on at least four years of Defeat Riots.”
“If you want to examine a true rape culture, point eastward toward Mecca.”
“Give me a pony’s life any day—at least I’ll get some peace and quiet in the stables.”
“If this is a new age of post-truthfulness and irrationality, Mr. Trump is a response to it rather than its...
“The fact is, one becomes not only devoted to clumbers but besotted with them.”
“That a district judge would overrule the president of the United States on a matter of border security in...
“If you’re a sane human being, a good rule of thumb is, don’t live in Berkeley.”
“At least the guys who do Civil War reenactments can answer basic questions about their hobby.”
“Sickle-cell disease has been increasing rapidly in France due to immigration. It’s now the most common genetic...
“Yesterday Cheyenne Mountain notified us that you’re officially classified as space debris.”
“The Great Shutting Up is only getting started.”
“By any rational definition of the term, there are hardly any Nazis in America right now.”
”Truth is slippery as mercury.”
“Lost your right to drink? Too bad, Stanley Kowalski, you asked for it.”
“They pretend to care passionately about justice yet turn a blind eye when it doesn’t suit their narrative.”
“Can American continue to afford its delusional elites?”
“I was more impressed by Moore’s most famous big-screen characterization, the grieving mother Beth in 1980’s...
“If you’re not seen, you don’t exist. And lately Milo’s been existing a lot.”
“America was the first place in the world that could appreciate a redneck.”
“In its modern usage, ‘populism’ is a pejorative used by global elites to describe any ‘people’s uprising’ that...
“It’s OK to praise Satan and Joseph Mengele—just don’t call a gay guy a ‘fruit.’”
“For the moment, Brexit and the Donald are asking for a reshuffle of the stacked deck.”
“Does anyone who is kind and clever hold up a banner to the effect that he is kind and clever?”
“Once the pleasantries have passed, things may become a tad awkward.”
“What the hell has all this Muslim propaganda got to do with women’s rights?”
“What if the entertainment industry never had the awesome powers we ascribed to it?”
“As Junger laments, Americans today seem more interested in reviling one another than in cooperating.”
“I had to pivot from gloating about puny attendance to collecting evidence of the marchers’ idiocy.”
“I had to pivot from gloating about puny attendance to collecting evidence of the marchers’ idiocy.”
“We will no longer bleed and bankrupt our country for the benefit of others.”
“Since Trump is Literally Hitler, anyone who voted for him is Literally A Brownshirt and thus sorely deserves...
“Since Trump is Literally Hitler, anyone who voted for him is Literally A Brownshirt and thus sorely deserves...
“The most unfortunate thing about otherwise peaceful rallies is when they get violent.”
Inauguration: Street Artist Targets Hollywood Anti-Trumpers With '24' Spoof Posters
"If any outlet can contend with Breitbart for the title of “platform for the ‘alt-right,’” it’s a site called...
“No prose writer was ever better at making the words come off the page than the young Hemingway.”
“We have a choice—we always have a choice—regarding what we decide to dwell on or let go of.”
“One thing you have to give Bill Ayers and the Weathermen: They were willing to go to prison.”
“Perhaps to challenge Hollywood screenwriters to extend their range even more, Lewis has written his least...
“Why is it assumed that being opposed to the current immigration policy equals hatred of foreigners and fear of...
“Would Sinatra sing (and vote) for Trump were he alive? Unquestionably.”
“White feminists tend to live in a little white bubble, don’t they?”
“Donald Julius Caesar Trump—who becomes President of the United States on Friday—took the American media to the...
“Let’s face it: Fashion is an industry that is as frivolous as it is phony.”
“Bad taste will always be with us, especially when money is more important than manners.”
“If there is one person in the world who does not have the right of spontaneous free public expression, it is the...
“For us in the West, it’s Putin’s foreign policy and what he does beyond the borders of Russia that matters and...
“I truly hope that the best elements of the alt-right survive the idle pleasures of these victorious days.”
“Sorry, libs, money and power are a bigger aphrodisiac than being a ‘feminist ally.’”
“It’s important to understand how much technology and cultural change have mitigated the loneliness and...
“Just because something is possible, and legal, doesn’t make it right.”
“If the War Party is confident Iran is going to cheat, why not wait until they do.”
“On the video, the term ‘special needs’ isn’t mentioned once. The word ‘white’ is mentioned several times.”
“Sympathy is far from an inexhaustible quality in most people, while irritation is not.”
“Universities should be a safe space for every kind of thoughtcrime.”
“The notion that the whole Biblical Land of Israel could be a state that is both Jewish and democratic seems...
“Space is not a cure for ennui.”
“Despite all the virtue signaling and human rights posturing, Dangerous recently hit No. 1 on Amazon.”
“Israelis do exactly the types of things that white nationalists and alt-rightists want to do themselves.”
“The coming global monoculture of English could be highly productive…until it’s not.”
“You and I know that Trump talks like a guy in a bar, not a lawyer establishing a legally defensible court record.”
“Even though white people don’t exist, it’s a good thing that they’re dying out, and you’re a racist if you don’t...
“A Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers movie is like an ice-cold beer at the end of a two-hour walk across the Sahara.”
“Thoughts and feelings are not like pus in an abscess that unless drained by expression will cause a kind of...
“Meddling in lands may appeal to imperialist ambitions, but it usually gets you into trouble.”
“Inside the bar not a creature was stirring, not even a…I could make a gerbil quip here, but I won’t.”
“April was the month everyone told us they were going to move to Canada if Trump won. None of them did.”
“I just got off the phone with Steve Bannon and, in spite of anything you might have read, this is the lineup for...
“Considering the state of this world, it is perfectly understandable to find oneself being constantly annoyed.”
“There is an infinity of things about the past that, even in principle, can never be known.”
“Whenever democratic governments seem to stumble, there is a demand for businessmen in place of career politicians.”
“Even if the Russians did do it, the result was not a hacked election but a better-informed electorate.”
“When entertainers bring fake news to your football game, get mad.”
“Nobody, including me, is letting the film sneak up on audiences.”
“If the War Party can convert this “fake story” into the real story of 2016, then they can scuttle any Trump...
“Come on: We all know leftists are actually stupid and dangerous. ”
“You know what’s truly unbearable about white people these days? That they don’t find this nonstop defamation...
“The thought police don’t even have to show up to work. We’re policing ourselves.”
“What the left has done to conservatives, especially in the internet age, is Pizzagate exactly.”
“By merging the issues of immigration and trade into the super-issue of borders, Trump may have a way to reliably...
“Are we lying to our children and ourselves about our ethnic origins, and if so, why?”
“At this late date, anyone who fails to realize that the US government and its media accomplices generate fake...
“For liberals, politics is no longer about agreeing to disagree for the common good.”
“Money doesn’t win elections, but being a charisma-free lying bitch will make you lose every time.”
“The media are far less loved than their favorite target, the Donald.”
“To decry is one of the pleasures of existence, and it comes free of charge.”
“Don’t be mean to your wife. The women of Palm Beach will do that for you.”
“It’s a difficult balancing act, even for many who are instinctively pro-Israel.”
“If Matt Cornell didn’t exist, Trey Parker and Matt Stone would have to invent him.”
“If you’re looking for fake news, you might want to check in on the people trying to shut it down.”
“Thinking is work, and most gentiles are happy to not think about social realities that you don’t want them to...
“Beijing has manipulated her currency, demanded transfers of U.S. technology, and stolen much of what of U.S. did...
“Joan Rivers didn’t ‘get no respect,’ she ‘never got a dinner’—because she was a Republican.”
“Maybe it’s not so wise to play aggressively hostile identity politics when your designated opponent is still the...
“Your belief system can’t make it past one question?”
“Hitler and Nazi humor is almost certainly going to be misinterpreted if you attempt to inject it in some manner...
“The caste system in classical Polynesia made 18th-century Versailles seem as casual as a Jimmy Buffett concert...
“The forces of nationalism and populism have been unleashed all over the West and all over the world. There is no...
“With the election of Donald Trump, I find myself once again involuntarily in league with the lumpen.”
“Ahh, leftism. Based in a deeply emotional but intellectually vacant sense of utopian humanitarianism, it creates...
“Here was all the evidence they’d need to paint a swastika on the forehead of all Trump supporters.”
“I can give a million reasons why it’s time for a president who is ‘not presidential,’ but they refuse to...
“Hang ’em high—it’s the Democrat way.”
“I can give a million reasons why it’s time for a president who is ‘not presidential,’ but they refuse to...
“Trump is not a bookish man, but his preconceptions are more realistic than those of the elite conventional wisdom.”
“Why are we poo-pooing the very notion of increased ‘racism’ when that gives us another thing to blame on Obama?”
“Unfortunately—or fortunately, I guess, depending on how you feel about these things—it appears that many of...
“Here’s hoping that the establishment media fails to ‘get it’ for at least another four years.”
“Basically this was an uprising of the unprotected against the rich elite, a revolt à la Brexit."
“If we spend enough, we shall become rich. We are all Nigerians now.”
“Facebook’s chances of reviving our foundering Fourth Estate are fatter than Rosie O’Donnell with a coupon for...
“Our politicians will still cherish the idea of the Special Relationship even if we matter less to the U.S.A....
“Overall, if you’re going to get involved in celebrity culture you need to start worrying about butts.”
“You can now be called Hitler by hundreds of the most popular and respected opinion-molders and still be elected...
“It took only a decade and a half, but Donald Trump won Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, not to mention...
“Never before have so many would-be Saul Alinskys marched while simultaneously Snapchatting the proceedings.”
“Trump has the opportunity to be the president who, like Harry Truman, redirected U.S. foreign policy for a...
“All those fantasy expats are going to stay put because, I fear, nothing much will change under Donald Trump.”
“Last Tuesday, it was the perennially scorned hicks, hillbillies, and rednecks in ‘flyover country’ who handed...
“Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States. We won’t even bother to pretend there was any...
“In keeping with Trump’s penchant for revenge, I nominate National Review for an ousting.”
“What Louis Smith did may have been silly, but could be offensive only to people determined to be offended.”
“We’ve taken the crystal ball they use to see the world and smashed it on the ground.”
“After years of being blacklisted by Hollywood, Gibson has finally been let out of movie jail for his new...
“Much as our elites might feel for moderate Muslims in the West, they’ve done everything in their power to make...
“After years of being blacklisted by Hollywood, Gibson has finally been let out of movie jail for his new...
“Pile it on thick, is the order of the day.”
“Those who devote their lives to annoying the rest of us with their make-believe ‘identities’ now have a novel...
“Angry women may put Hillary over the top in order that she can put men at the bottom.”
“We need an Ike to put a stop to all this madness.”
“Zacherle developed a following so loyal that 50 years later, people were still coming up to him at fan...
“What is most odious about the message from Airbnb is not its odor of sanctity, but its odor of sanctimony.”
“Democracy deals in words and elections, not concentration camps and gulags.”
“It was never about the content of Bell’s comments; she merely had the wrong skin tone to make them.”
“When they go low, we are going to go lower.”
“One striking aspect of the Hillary scandals is our society’s failure to think about the ethical challenges posed...
“The stench of corruption is reaching Bhopal dimensions.”
“The old broad continues to fascinate, beyond the grave.”
“In the twisted ethical constellation of the modern progressive hivemind, words are not only considered worse...
“Jack Chick was doing what every blogger in the world wishes they could do, fifty years ago and with way fewer...
“I have said it before and will again: If I lived in London I’d have died long ago.”
“Political debates should be replaced by lists of goods of which the candidates estimate the current price.”
“I don’t believe that either the U.S. or Britain could again engage in a major foreign war. Public opinion...
“This guy didn’t care what the federal government wanted for his life. He wanted to sit in the goddamn...
“Voting against your husband is a tiny divorce.”
“It’s almost as if Streicher had cursed his captors, so that one day they would be killed over caricatures, just...
“The larger question of why the mainstream media were so credulous about this palpable fraud has, of course, been...
“But this reticence to confront one’s victimization head-on isn’t unique to the Japanese character.”
“Twenty-five years after the Cold War’s anticlimax, we still assume Russia and its leaders are capable of nothing...
“Unlike herpes, we wouldn’t even have a modern world without whiteness.”
“You have to be a blithering idiot to think the media isn’t in the bag for Hillary.”
“To me, Dylan’s nasal whine was authentically the sound of spoiled middle-class-adolescent self-pity.”
“Trump’s reminded us that we are a grassroots culture and we can make America great again all by ourselves.”
“If you have thirty guys building a house, why would you even want to be able to converse with each and every one...
“It took Democrats a while to figure out that their grand strategy ought to be to give up on persuading the...
“How did we wind up with an all-powerful judicial tyranny in a nation the Founding Fathers created as a...
“Not even Ann Coulter included one of the biggest names of all. You know, the guy with his own national holiday.”
“When did “masculinity” become a dirty word?”
“Brothers and sisters, let us greet the new dawn with a pumpkin in each hand.”
“Obviously nobody had a problem with pussy in 1964.”
“It sometimes seems that in Western Europe the only top job out of the reach of a woman is the papacy.”
“The New York art scene is no braver than a bunch of castrated college kids getting told what Halloween costumes...
“The GOP will for a generation be the Grabbers Of Pussy.”
“One big difference between Donald and Bill when it comes to women is that Trump has exacting visual standards.”
“As much as he despises Trump, Goldberg will be one of those millions tuning in to the debate out of duty, with a...
“So why are all these putatively smart tech gods so over real life that they’re desperately searching for...
“But I write this for American consumption, and the message is, you’re next.”
“Donald Trump is being slut-shamed in a culture where sluts are to be celebrated but manwhores are to be ruined.”
“Hurricane Matthew has killed over 300 people because he is a racist.”
“The obsequiousness of the interviewer toward a man who is either horrible or wanting to present himself as...
“At first they thought there was an accident ahead, then it slowly dawned on them: All the cars were lined up to...
“The U.S.A. team won last weekend because they had more good players playing well than their opponents. Simple,...
“I’m sure there are bona fide bad guys in America today, but I can’t find any.”
“Are we claiming that your typical parking-ticket scribe is a caviar-eating, yacht-racing, Fabergé-egg-collecting...
“If we think creepy clowns are bad, then, as BTO sang, we ain’t seen nothing yet.”
“In the current year, we now know that plenty of people would join the Volunteer Auxiliary Thought Police for free.”
“Our existing media landscape is incestuous, insular, and ignorant enough as it is.”
“If you want to get anything done in politics, sometimes you have to be a dick.”
“A school or university that provides such ‘safe places’ for its pupils and students is better called a nursery...
“Like parasites, the deniers thrive off the myth that Auschwitz is the totality of the Holocaust.”
“In general, Trump was, by Trumpian standards, philosophical and self-deprecating.”
“Shriver’s must-read opening keynote wouldn’t have looked out of place here at Taki’s.”
Joe Bob Briggs on Who's Winning!!!
“You don’t have to know how to do anything as President.”
“They’re not revolutionaries. They’re spoiled brats. This is laser tag to them.”
“To deny that demographic changes lead to cultural changes—often detrimentally so, at least to the host...
“He is a great aristocrat who understands the vulgarity of the upwardly mobile middle classes and new money.”
“A large—yet also largely unmentioned—voting bloc which may swing the election in Hillary Clinton’s favor this...
“In general his answers were of startling superficiality. Perhaps he was having an off day.”
“Power worship is understandable because power is dazzling.”
“We Southern men know that sometimes we’re Andy Taylor and sometimes we’re Barney Fife. We can go either way.”
“We now know for a fact, from Trump’s own fishmouth, that he never had ‘the goods’ on Obama.”
“America now has a more-than-adequate supply of angry young Muslims. And the more the terrorier. ”
“Am I the only one who finds this biographical cannibalism if not morbid, then at the very least tastelessly...
“America’s 2016 presidential campaign is turning out to be the longest Rocky movie ever made.”
“Poor old Uncle Sam, he really does deserve better.”
“There’s no point in being a lout if there is no one around to intimidate.”
“I don’t like monuments to a day when we got our ass whipped.”
“There is not only a law of unintended consequences. There is also a law of unforeseen ones.”
“The promise of Coulter being ripped limb from limb as a kind of Trump surrogate gave leftists tears of joy and...
“Our forefathers died in battle to protect our freedoms. The least we can do is be inconvenienced.”
“Whether Putin is murdering Hillary with ricin administered via a sharpened umbrella tip or with polonium in her...
“No, the folks Obama and Clinton detest, disparage, and pity are the white working- and middle-class folks...
“If, as we’re constantly being informed, sexuality is fluid, then mine most resembles a stagnant swamp.”
“The day America first started meddling in the Middle East was the day America stumbled.”
“Apparently an Italy without Italians is not an urgent problem.”
“Poor old Uncle Sam, he really does deserve better.”
“This is the mysticism of apparatchiks, the romanticism of bureaucrats, the poetry of clerks.”
“I press CTRL. Your mentor presses ALT. But it’s you, and only you, who can press DELETE.”
“Mortality? Immortality? The question hangs over us all.”
“Steps, stages, and patience. The left gets it; the right still struggles with the concept.”
“Why conservatives have become so averse to identity politics, I don’t understand.”
“Speaking of offensive ideas, if Trump is as bad as we’ve been told, isn’t it about time for Hillary to withdraw?”
“In a postfeminist world, we put any woman remotely competent on a pedestal and keep giving her rope until she...
“But what is conservative about rendering aid and comfort to the presidential ambitions of Hillary Rodham Clinton?”
“In the (L)iberal lexicon, ‘Canadian values’ embraces ‘Stuff White People Like’ but with a massive dollop of...
“Globalism is Manifest Destiny for bankers, and Trump stands in their way.”
“Anyone who’s concerned with ‘the well-being of the American people’ over that of illegal immigrants is clearly...
“The reason I bring all this stuff up is to show you how reporting has changed.”
“It is limits as such that we object to, not to any limits in particular.”
“For people who admire the United States, this election is simultaneously entertaining and profoundly depressing.”
“There are at least thirty municipalities in France that have outlawed the burkini—those things have to be piling...
“Hooray, time for a drink, as our English cousins like to say.”
“It has to be asked: Did the trolls get trolled?”
“In short, what the Puerto Rican nation needs is nationalism.”
“Geostrategists may be appalled, but the Donald may have gotten it right.”
“I find the notion of the state policing clothing, particularly women’s clothing, indigestible.”
“Cultural Marxism is a toxic and destructive form of collective insanity that not only needs to be smashed and...
“We wouldn’t want some knuckle-dragging racist moron out there to think that a college program called ‘Stop White...
“We have already extended the concept of the Games to the disabled; why not to the fat?”
“Nobody was gonna go out of their way to congratulate Kimberly Rhode, because Kimberly Rhode carries a shotgun.”
“There are right ways and wrong ways to behave.”
“Back in those good old days, a laurel was the reward, plus a statue back home and lifelong glory and honor.”
“There is something to be said for actually living in an area before expressing uncompromisingly strong views...
“What we require is more viscosity. What we’re seeing is heightened tension.”
“War Dogs’ closest comparison is to Martin Scorsese’s The Wolf of Wall Street. But Scorsese didn’t have the...
“The space program was a spectacular waste of extorted tax dollars, a WPA for engineers instead of artists.”
“You’re now sexist if you question the judge-and-jury trials feminists invent for themselves.”
“I am not a doctor, but this I know: Hillary Clinton is one sick bitch.”
“George Soros is a very bad man. We must stop this evil, scaly pterodactyl before he destroys all that is good...
“Everything my father touched turned good, and nothing I can think of is better than the Novogratz family.”
“To be the best in the world at something is no achievement unless what you are best at is in itself worthwhile.”
“The Founding Fathers of the U.S.A. and the framers of its Constitution told Americans they were entitled to try...
“A Trump endorsement is the only way for the ecosystem of the Times to remain fair and balanced.”
“As a longtime GOP party hack, I can tell you that the ‘lying polls’ line is not something you want to fall for.”
“Morrissey is effectively what you get when you hand a working-class Northerner a pile of money.”
“One lesson to be learned from Wisconsin’s sorry history is that poor selection of newcomers can have negative...
“The side that’s been fictionalizing the official narrative for over a century has seemingly developed a...
“The world’s finest engineers would be incapable of devising a machine that could measure injustice in specific...
“As Roger Stone put it, ‘If I commit suicide, investigate Hillary.’”
“If 2016 taught us anything, it is that if the establishment’s hegemony is imperiled, it will come together in...
“So these Olympics are tainted, as they have been for years, and will continue to be.”
“‘You can always judge a man by the quality of his enemies,’ as the saying goes.”
“Leftists have shown us that shame as a weapon can move mountains. So let’s go and do likewise.”
“The Olympics are organized along nationalist lines, and that’s what makes them watchable.”
“I don’t think anyone enjoys security.”
“I assure you it pained Hillary greatly to have to pretend she thought ‘wiping a server’ had something to do with...
“They want to rail against the patriarchy, unless of course it has a problem with that, in which case, well, uh,...
“What were you saying about the ‘wrong side of history’ again? The recent historical thrust is in one...
“Clearly, the sanest way to atone for old racial double standards is to practice new racial double standards.”
“My summer’s gone the way of good manners.”
“Pope wrote his essay at the age of 20, by which age I had not uttered a single interesting thought of my own,...
“I don’t know if Mr. Trump still proclaims his love of his mother’s homeland, but Scotland no longer seems to...
“Make no mistake, I’m certain there are lots of bugs crawling around under the rock of the official 9/11 story.”
“Why should radical Islamists take heed when the West’s media refuses to put the blame on those responsible?”
“Trump’s just not verbally adept enough to put over the kind of high-status bilge that has colonized our thoughts.”
Joe Bob's Back, Heehaaaaw!
“It’s a political movement based on the First Amendment.”
“In the year of Brexit and Trump, why not think big?”
“At the risk of sounding sexist—which obviously terrifies me—she seems like a bit of a meanie.”
“The citizens of this globe will never be free until they are free of globalism.”
“If you already know Hillary is a crook, this will solidify your argument and make you a force to be reckoned...
“Murder by cutting throats is back in fashion.”
“There is nothing better than a national emergency—or what can be presented as a national emergency—for an...
“I cannot think of a better or more useful charity.”
“The international interests that financially wrecked Russia in the ’90s are doing the same to the United States...
“Let’s have the Trump campaign do everything the wrong way, and let’s see what happens.”
“In Democrat speech: ‘Guns’ means white. ‘Crime’ means black.”
“For publishing stolen Defense Department secrets, the Pentagon Papers, the Times got a Pulitzer Prize.”
“I often prefer the making-of bonus feature to the movie itself.”
“The very ethos that gave birth to the most powerful society in history is eroding its very purpose for being.”
“If you were to note every manmade item within your field of vision, chances are that nearly every last gadget...
“France is now just a tourist attraction where one may or may not get killed by an Islamist.”
“Nothing is more vital to the continuation of our system than the willing acceptance of triviality and futility.”
“His speech resembled a sort of litany from the Evangelical Constitutionalism of Cruzbekistan.”
“So how does the West respond? There’s no immediate good answer.”
“It’s better to claim victim status at the hands of the big bad Jew than to remind people of the time you beat...
“Is switching Ghostbusters from guys to gals as simple of an idea as it sounds?”
“Economic nationalism is the future.”
“Being temperamentally contrarian has never been this tough to manage.”
“The five greatest living American statesmen are: Henry Kissinger, Henry Kissinger, Henry Kissinger, Henry...
“White people of the world, stop apologizing. You have nothing to lose if you don’t and everything to lose if you...
“Feminism is about turning women into crappy men.”
“Failure in any walk of life can teach you more than success.”
“Sometimes life has a way of kicking your biases right in the drumstick ’n’ biscuits.”
“Every time he attracts media attention abroad, Trudeau accidentally advertises Canada’s sheer stupidity for...
“Here’s a case where the shooter comes right out and states his motive—he wanted to kill white people. But what...
“We are totally obsessed with half a dozen black men as thousands die every year.”
“But while the prospect of war may appall—even frighten—politicians, it excites them, too.”
“If there’s one thing this election is not about, it’s intellectual continuity.”
“To this day, Koufax remains the most legendary Jewish athlete since Sampson.”
“I’ve seriously gone from wondering if The New Yorker still has fact-checkers to wondering if it still has readers.”
“If you come throwing a thousand punches, you have no right to whine if you get hit back.”
“You start to wonder why the children’s-book narrative is so much more popular. It involves so many more deaths.”
“You Brits chose freedom. You should be proud.”
“It is an elementary error of logic to say that because bigots voted for Brexit, people who voted for Brexit were...
“The serious long-term problem is this: The two wings of the Leave movement are incompatible.”
“We might as well have the candidates debate what our colonies on Mars should look like."
“Is it any surprise that British voters chose to exit in 2016?”
“We are so scared of being racist we are refusing to acknowledge they are kicking our asses.”
“I do know there isn’t an annual parade for Emanuel Jaques.”
“As a graduate of journalism school, it took me many years of tireless research to conclude that most journalists...
“What in Allah’s f—-ing name is going on here?”
“There is a certain kind of Western third-worldist who sees in some godforsaken country or unscrupulous leader...
“There’s another side to every generalization, historical or present-day.”
“Even if America’s electoral system didn’t systematically make third parties irrelevant, the Johnson campaign...
“Welcome to ‘medical ethics’ circa 2016. ”
“The more I look into the history, the more likely it seems that some heroes of my L.A. childhood were...
“My inability to conform my mind and conscience to the catechism is my problem, not the Church’s.”
“Have we not fought enough wars in this Godforsaken region?”
“Despite all those gallons of blood, these suicidal zombies persist in the delusion that their Big Stupid Rainbow...
“Marion’s obituaries all mentioned her as a great art collector, and that she was, but I think she preferred...
“It seems, then, that we are in the presence of an eternal recurrence, no doubt because human nature does not...
“It’s time to get mad, America. ”
“A Brexit Britain, the Britain of Johnson and Farage, has no attraction for me.”
“How much easier everything was when the villains were so easy for leftists to hate and oppose.”
“When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. ”
“Islam, not only in its extremist forms but in its pure form, is incompatible with modern Western democracy.”
“It looks like the Star’s gonna have to order a lot more bankers boxes.”
“If you’re so proud of Mexico, why are you here?”
“Mixing tequila, rosé, and very good red is like jogging on a minefield, or handing a live grenade to a child.”
“I felt not only relief but triumph! Tension is delightful when it ceases. ”
“We’re going to leave you to your own devices because it’s fun watching you fail.”
“The world will continue to get richer, but it won’t necessarily get pleasanter.”
“False flaggots reach their conclusions first, and interpret the evidence to support what they’ve already decided...
“In recent decades, as California has become a one-party Democratic state, it hasn’t provided much of a...
“The most depressing thing about this episode is to see Republicans rushing to stomp on Trump, to show the left...
“Vegans are probably right. But I still can’t stand them.”
“Trump’s screw-you approach to the media is more refreshing than a midnight plunge in the Arctic.”
“The sad truth is that by shellacking history with a paintbrush soaked in modern pieties, they’re suppressing how...
“On the whole, bores are better with a drink than without.”
“Yes, they were innocent, beautiful days—an Eden, as far as I’m concerned.”
“On the whole, bores are better with a drink than without.”
“To be called shitty or a nut is now a compliment.”
“The best way to treat evil is to make fun of it.”
“People lose confidence in a devalued currency. The same rule applies in sport.”
“If you’re comfortable with your own identity, ‘appropriation’ shouldn’t bother you.”
“The fact that Trump is offering a less filtered version of how a typical New York City voter views the universe...
“Soon we’ll all be obligated by law to say and think the same thing—or else. I choose door No. 2.”
“Since white people are by definition in a position of power, it is impossible for laundry detergent commercials...
“What makes my skin crawl is the ethnomasochism of the West.”
“It is very rare that a conspiracy theorist laughs at the state of the world.”
“Even losing battles are sometimes worth fighting—for the sake of honor, if for no other reason.”
“One reason that nobody in the U.S. pays attention to Mexico is because Mexican elites have wanted it that way.”
“Canadian political scandals happen with such irregularity that the elites feel occasionally compelled to invent...
“My guts tell me that a Hillary Clinton presidency would be far more hostile toward male interests than Donald...
“To call Hoxha a monster would be to libel monsters.”
“Trump is a blue-collar billionaire who acts like a real person rather than the wind-up toys that posture inside...
“The guys in the joint seem better at doling out justice to child molesters than the justice system is.”
“The state should not be in the business of compelling anyone to accept someone else’s faith or to act against...
“A little thing called frustrated nationalism got in the way.”
“Europe will be demographically overwhelmed if it doesn’t develop the self-respect to defend itself.”
“One of the most engaging contemporary political analysts is a guy most famous for drawing crude cartoons about...
“To white slavery deniers such as Liam Hogan and the SPLC, these are all ‘false equivalencies’—possibly because...
“Observers are focused on the short-run ramifications of shortchanging bondholders rather than the core issue:...
“A lot of Republicans are coming to understand the value of the Bialystock Gambit.”
“Kerry decided to spell out just why Trump is wrong, giving the rest of us a look into the nightmares that the...
“I’ve never visited Cuba and have less than zero desire to do so.”
“Why should white serial killers hog all the attention? The answer is easy—it’s called ‘white privilege.’”
“The simple fact that it takes so many resources and deceit to make us look bad is proof we’re good.”
“To the Times, ‘white privilege’ is as much a part of L.A. as the smog.”
Only Lovers Left Alive has officially pushed Dead Man out of the number one spot.
“It’s as if liberalism isn’t really concerned with white-black equality as much as it’s preoccupied with proving...
“I’m irked by all attempts to silence discussions by accusations of racism, sexism, or homophobia. ”
“So far this year, not a single famous person I really care about has died.”
“The simple answer is that America’s ethnic and spiritual history has been memory-holed.”
“Over the arc of my life I’ve seen John Wayne transform from an emblem of everything that’s good about America to...
“Political correctness is the means by which we try to control others; decency is the means by which we try to...
“The my-cell-phone-is-thinner-than-yours principle leaves something to be desired.”
“Sorry, but your liberty doesn’t include the freedom to fondle yourself in front of my kids.”
“I don’t think the members of the mainstream press will stop for a moment to understand or admit their role in...
“The rock-star mode actually can be a coherent, even cunning heterosexual package for skinny young men who are...
“The era’s liberal Catholics dismissed the saints as infantile, archaic objects of devotion and, worse, appalling...
“Sicilians versus Africans? Call it La Cosa Nostra v. La Cosa Nostrils.”
“You can hate big business all you want, but at least concede it’s the lesser of two evils.”
“Fragmentation, hostility, and side-taking will continue until the Trump coronation or the Trump Waterloo, and...
“Jackson’s effect on how we view government is reason enough to keep his saber-scarred face on our money.”
“Even if liberal San Franciscans won’t talk about it, their policies have been methodically effective at pushing...
“As of this writing, our girls have yet to be brought back.”
“I haven’t heard this many complaints come from the island of Lesbos since we sent half a million refugees there.”
“Why does it matter so damn much to the members of racial, ethnic, and gender victim groups what average white...
“Had it been reported accurately, the public would have quickly forgotten about the rape and murder of Kitty...
“He is a specimen of True Belief that is so extreme, you can’t even rape it out of him. Hauken walks the walk and...
“The Republican establishment is not the solution to the party’s problems; the Republican establishment is the...
“I don’t want politicians spending money on focus groups and fluffing up events with red carpets and polished...
“The affluent are far more ‘progressive’ than the great unwashed whose voices they’ve muted and whose influence...
“Ketamine’s discovery as a depression treatment has progressed the cause that is medical comprehension of...
“One of Harpending’s most interesting mathematical solutions was calculating just how much individuals of...
“As I write this, 48 hours later, I have finally calmed down.”
“Just as a journey of a thousand miles starts with one step, the European Civil War may have just started with...
“What a world of suffering a few words can conjure!”
“So a good man loses his livelihood because of the professional busybodies who look for racism and sexism, and...
“You can read your way through the vast amount of literature on prediction markets if you like, but the summary...
“Why do you get to improvise a one-on-one with someone who may very well become the leader of the free world?”
“I think what we’re witnessing is a new twist on the Boy Who Cried Wolf, in which the boy doesn’t end up...
“The goings-on in Georgia are yet another sign that the heads of major U.S. companies have thrown their chips in...
“Why did England hold the whip hand over Ireland rather than vice versa?”
“So the media can be calm and thoughtful after all. Where was this tone when the guy was alive?”
“One is tempted to really give them something to cry about.”
“When was the last time a world leader did something really bold?”
“I’ve always read newspaper commentary and probably always will—if, that is, newspapers outlive me.”
“We’ve taken a steamroller to pave the road with good intentions and run over entire families in the process.”
“From the earliest days of the epidemic, a vocal, hardcore group of North American gay advocates refused to admit...
“A body with a hole in it demands attention.”
“For obvious biological reasons, women are particularly focused on effluvia.”
“It would seem that modern progressives are exceedingly selective in what horrifies and terrifies them.”
“At least recognize you’re doing what old men have been doing since Caesar.”
“Hispanics are unmoved by Black Lives Matter guilt-tripping, and unafraid of confrontation.”
“The Bahamas has long captured the imagination of the world, just as it has attracted some of the biggest egos...
“I was quite possibly the only freakish teenage girl at the time who, when she wasn’t binge-listening to Crass,...
“Last Friday night in Chicago, young black people stopped killing one another long enough to help shut down a...
“What strikes me is the dignity I notice among poor Greeks.”
“Morales had learned some law in order to be able to defend himself. It was a pity that it took him a murder to...
“Even if Trump doesn’t win the nomination, the horses have already bolted the barn.”
“The fact is, nobody agrees whether or not exit is a good idea.”
“If there is a historical weapon more powerful and decisive than guns, it is certainly guilt.”
“But if Trump seems to be the near-certain nominee, it will be a time for acceptance, a time for a ceasefire in...
“Letting the left run the show is like when I have ‘kids day’ at home and let my children do whatever they want.”
“At the moment, music remains one of the few legal avenues club owners have to control the makeup of their...
“Why is the law so lenient with bank employees who admit to drug-related crimes when jails are (half) filled with...
“Politicians rely on the media for their ideas, so political correctness leads to policy incompetence.”
“There is nothing demeaning about grunt work. Labor is dignifying.”
“Better a bigot than a coward who gives in to the transgender Nazis.”
“I thought everyone knew by now that the whole ‘fatal peanut-allergy epidemic’ was just another case of First...
“Even though Hillary Clinton never mentioned blacks by name, the stats clearly illustrate that when it comes to...
“What is it that makes nerds the world over go apeshit online?”
“So many doctors prescribed with the best of intentions and the worst of outcomes.”
“Modern feminism insists that women giving birth and sticking around is sexist but putting men’s shitty jobs on a...
“Leftist brain vs. dog brain; I’ll pick the latter every time.”
“How did it go so spectacularly wrong?”
“This pro-black prejudice is hardly surprising in a culture that treats thinking well of blacks as the highest...
“Bernie Sanders is not all wrong. There is a revolution going on.”
“If everyone I wrote about promptly dropped dead, the ‘homeless problem’ would’ve been solved ages ago.”
“The America of my childhood was much whiter, but it was also much more prosperous.”
“The decline of the West is as real as The Decline of the West was a book.”
“Checklists have so few disastrous consequences only because so much human activity is completely inessential in...
“Americans laugh at this asshole in polite company, but in public they’d much rather kiss his black ass (which he...
“Fear of another crisis may help create a new crisis, but it does not constitute a crisis.”
“That’s some nifty hypocrisy there, Canada, eh? ”
“In 2016, blaming white privilege for everything you don’t like isn’t quite as lame as blaming the Bavarian...
“The reality of black life (and crime and punishment and persecution) in the South was orders of magnitude more...
“From preschool all the way through to grad school, American academia is no longer a world of education, but of...
“Shkreli has the reach and the wealth to do something genuinely good for society. Except he won’t put aside the...
“Sanders doesn’t make a big point of being Jewish.”
“Radical do-gooders are a pain in the ass. They are driven by moral rage, and PC is their bible.”
“You couldn’t help but feel a fathomless sorrow for this man, though in fact he said or did nothing to indicate...
“The Department of Education offices look like they’re in Detroit (old Detroit, not the capitalist hellhole you...
“The U.S. is not yet Finland. We still have the ability to create enough vocal outrage that the government will...
“Republicans should give Mayor Mike every encouragement to enter the race.”
“You might think that when the old majority becomes a minority, it would then get minority rights. But that’s not...
“I hate the CBC and all its pomps and works. Anything that makes them look bad makes me happy.”
“It is absolutely no coincidence that the first proponents of curbing ‘hate speech’ came from totalitarian...
“If your job involves writing modern-dance reviews for The New York Times, we can never be friends.”
“This is where minority entitlement culture stops being funny.”
“Andrew Jackson, the founder of the modern Democratic Party, is out of fashion because today diversity outranks...
“Unfortunately, while the Green Mountain senator may vote his convictions in Congress, his personal life is rife...
“The next president, be it Trump, Cruz, Clinton or Sanders, either will be the last president of an old era, or...
“Yeah, I’ll watch the new X-Files again this week, and probably next week, too.”
“I’ve seen thousands of people I can compare him to—namely, African Americans who deflect any possible criticism...
“The Donald’s consistency in the polls can be explained in five words: He speaks for the ignored.”
Please share...
“We live in strange times when people are as likely to be offended by politeness as by its opposite.”
“Whites feel—and for good reason—that they are no longer important.”
“Anarchists wearing Guy Fawkes masks are all of a sudden concerned about the government not getting enough tax...
“It’s the talent pool, not ‘society,’ that matters when examining how ‘representative’ the industry is.”
“Modern academia, when confronted by unpopular opinions, is unable to respond with anything but naked hostility...
“It’s the talent pool, not ‘society,’ that matters when examining how ‘representative’ the industry is.”
“Even the one field where proportionality exists—acting Oscars—is treated as a national crisis.”
“Such are the joys of living in a world in which pop stars outweigh writers, and businessmen who shuffle money...
“What caused him to eat too much? A bad character or bad circumstances?”
“The entire thing reeked of self-righteousness and arrogance, but what’s new there?”
“We need to be bullish because being tough is what got us here in the first place. ”
Please share this article...
“For the infantile moaners, it’s always about manufacturing outrage over ‘unfairness,’ but never about...
“Poland is everything you are not supposed to be in the 21st century: a conservative, religious, and homogeneous...
“Whether it was all an elaborate effort to prove to the world that he wasn’t a Nazi, only Bowie and his...
“Surprise, surprise, Elizabeth Warren stands by centralized banking and against working folks.”
“Whether it was all an elaborate effort to prove to the world that he wasn’t a Nazi, only Bowie and his...
“I sat as far away as possible with my back turned in order to be able to swallow, but it was hard going.”
“Popularity itself neither confers value on anything nor detracts from it.”
“What was more extraordinary than what happened in Cologne was the fact that it was carefully covered up by the...
“How can you win an argument with an empowered woman who has a black man in her mouth?”
“Guzmán’s recapture will change absolutely nothing in the drug trade—by his own admission in the Penn interview.”
“Perhaps the pro-Avery mouth-foamers might want to dial it back a bit and look at all the evidence, not just what...
“The truth is that America is so rich it can more or less afford to waste vast amounts of money on F-35s and the...
“While apartments were increasingly being depicted in pop culture as compact arenas of craziness and crime, my...
“Islamophobia is now the ultimate sin, as vile as being against diversity or making fun of ‘trans’ people.”
“Women workers of the world, unite—you have nothing to lose but your lives!”
“The mecca for the new rich and famous does turn into a horror show when it’s packed to the gills, especially...
“In North Korea, spontaneity has been abolished in favor of permanent political choreography.”
“Occupy Oregon is an incredibly cut-and-dried example of the government oppressing the people because they want...
“All along the Potomac, civility is crumbling.”
“One thing’s for sure: Digital money is coming down the line and it may be in widespread use in ten years’ time.”
“The universe of possible stupid decisions by politicians is perhaps too large to pester contestants to evaluate.”
“Soon those who shaped our destiny, dead white folk like Washington and Jefferson and Madison, will be part of...
“Why is Bill Cosby finished while Bill Clinton is beloved?”
“Is it a mere accident that the bad guys always look better?”
“Is it a mere accident that the bad guys always look better?”
“Gold may yet return to the major leagues, in yet another repeat of history, this time precipitated by a monetary...
“If white Christians constitute a greater threat than Muslims, then surely those who recruit them to terror via...
“Stoppard explains that the play grew out of an argument he started with Dawkins over his 1976 book The Selfish...
“The critics are right, Donald Trump’s campaign is based upon fascist principles. But here’s the thing: What...
“When white people don’t hate themselves, they end up doing something horrible—like ruling the world.”
“Why should Muslims in France object to the law unless they were sympathetic to the terrorists who risked having...
“Now that the JDL in the U.S. is no longer a threat, all of a sudden JDL terrorism matters, but only as a weapon...
“What do we do in the next ten years, between now and this digital-money revolution?”
“Immigration insurance may sound like a wacky idea at the moment, but it actually could appeal to multiple...
“Chestfeeding. I could puke just thinking about that word. But that’s because I’m a bigot.”
“The will to outrage precedes any object to which it might attach, and many people wait as if in ambush for...
“You know what aboriginals in the South Pacific do when they see a plane? They assume it’s God himself. They’re...
“Just like in that American-administered dungeon in occupied Germany when he was twelve, Arthur Jacobs is once...
“The consensus is, we’re due another downturn (just when we’ve grown totally and utterly fatigued by the sheer...
“The Big Short doesn’t wholly overcome the problems inherent in a film largely about high-IQ men talking about...
“They always say it comes as a relief when the doctors finally give your symptoms a name, but that’s not as true...
“Can anyone explain why a temporary immigration ban is far more objectionable than continuing to bomb the shit...
“The appeals-court judge said that the case was a tragedy of Shakespearean proportions. I think he was right.”
“Do not buy a suit at Men’s Wearhouse. The suits from there look like they’re from Men’s Wearhouse.”
“People fear change the most, perhaps. And change is afoot.”
“Reporting something suspicious about anyone darker than Edgar Winter is a hazardous endeavor, and average...
“It has not been a good year for the conventional wisdom that immigration and multiculturalism are ushering in a...
“Even the president is signaling a shift to the right.”
“I started feeling old around my 35th birthday, which I guess makes me a typical postmodern Western female.”
“Paint a swastika or write the N-word and the nation’s media, starting with The New York Times, will genuflect...
“The ones you should fear most are those who try to dictate what it’s acceptable for you to fear.”
“Politicians nailed this long before we did and the only way we could have prevented this shooting and others...
“The left’s deflection of any discussion of Islamic pathology must be seen in context: This is how the left deals...
“A New Great Game is under way as a newly empowered East looks West.”
“Can we really overthrow society’s self-selecting, multigenerational ‘progressive’ elite or should we focus on...
“The entire Black Lives Matter phenomenon is moored in lies and rampaging innumeracy.”
“Why should an 80-year-old with a broken collarbone and multiple bodily injuries be held to a different standard...
“The question of the century will be whether we Westerners can set aside our self-indulgent resentments of our...
“The colonized are slowly becoming the conquerors.”
“The same race that gave us the phrase ‘joie de vivre’ also came up with ‘ennui.’”
“While most people try to avoid acquiring viruses online, these fellas make it their mission.”
“Marco Rubio struck a nerve with his welders comment because he challenged the core from which liberalism draws...
“Here are the few steps that, if taken, would not only make Europe terror-free but also bring peace to the Middle...
“Can France take a break from pleading and singing and be irrational just for a day?”
“It takes only an upright public prosecutor to issue a warrant for the gruesome ghoul’s arrest and consecutive...
“Well, here’s a novel thought: Maybe the fear isn’t such a bad thing.”
“At least since the days of Joan of Arc the French have fought to keep it their country so that they can live as...
“We partnered with Stalin in WWII. Is Vladimir Putin an untouchable?”
“Ten thousand homicides a year isn’t a badge of shame. It’s a goddamn miracle.”
“I’ll believe we have an unbiased media the moment they start using the term ‘far left’ as frequently as they use...
“Nowadays, monomaniacs do not confine themselves to the taxonomy of beetles and the like; many of them are...
A Timeline of Hate on Campus
“If you can force a rocket scientist, celebrating the accomplishment of a lifetime, to cry and grovel and beg...
“Americans love a winner. And the easiest way to win at college football is to recruit violent young men other...
“Many of the dedicated potheads I’ve known have been of average—even above average—intelligence. And they were...
“The threats raised by the mass migration into Europe rise to the level of the existential.”
“Poor, middle-aged whites aren’t dying from disease—they’re killing themselves.”
“Perhaps it’s time for the country that whipped the Nazis and put Soviet communism in the grave to rediscover its...
“Happiness is never hearing your neighbors.”
“A whole page of print now intimidates many people, and not just the type of people whom a page of print has...
“The proof that Kissinger was a great public servant lies in the fact that he was demonized by both the left and...
“The network will take any show that is interesting and/or funny, but it refuses to hire anyone who has ever...
“These ‘progressives,’ many of whom are not Jewish, are wielding the Holocaust with greater skill than the head...
“Because we’re not supposed to think honestly about the The Gap, nothing much ever gets accomplished to make...
“I’ll admit it: I’m temperamentally calibrated to hate whatever everyone else loves.”
“We occupy a world where sticks and stones may break your bones, but names will get you fired.”
“If you disagree with the prevailing attitudes toward government and culture, you’re on a list.”
“When I was at Virginia I proudly flew the Confederate flag in my fraternity bedroom. Crossed with the Greek one.”
“He was pathetic rather than bad, and I felt sure that if I had asked him his life story it would contain little...
“The old dream that individuals should be free to interact with one another as they see fit has consequently...
“Just as women pretend to value ‘a sense of humor’ in potential male mates, men have been trained to claim...
“Such is life in a big city teeming with biodiversity.”...
“I may curse at them when I’m pushing my kid’s stroller down the street, but deep down I’m happy the asshole...
“It is here that we suddenly realize with a shudder that the LHC has a far more sinister side to it than...
“For the Times editors, this was a disaster. Thompson was black; Happe was not just white but blond.”
“I thought I was angry until I saw Bernie Sanders. He looks like the world’s bitterest Muppet.”
“My vices are bourbon and yelling at strangers, not round drawings of 5-year-old girls.”
“Being armed might be practical in many situations, but it isn’t a panacea.”
“The quality of Sorkin’s screenplay for Steve Jobs suggests that he has perfected a new genre of movie: the...
“I took to calling ‘McSweeney’s for non-douchebags’ and, eventually, ‘the paper of record.’”
“Both the Koran and Islam’s prophet were A-OK with raping nonbelievers.”
“The feminist mission was never about equality. Instead, it was the pursuit of power.”
“Muslim kids wear NASA shirts now because NASA is no longer about the guys who sent you the signal. It’s about...
“At the very least, my Canadian neighbors, however you vote on Oct. 19, reflect for just a moment about Elizabeth...
“Hell itself is defiled by the foulness of the Saudi rulers. Uncle Sam should be ashamed of himself for kissing...
“It’s difficult to pull together a coherent history of steroids, in part because the subject is of negligible...
“If the hippies really did win, it hardly seems fair because, in many ways, the ’60s never really happened.”
“In the end, feminism’s greatest achievement will be the restoration of the patriarchy.”
“Sometimes, when my kids are doing something cute, I don’t notice because I’m looking at pictures of them on my...
“Nations have a right to be themselves, Putin is saying.”
“Sometimes, when my kids are doing something cute, I don’t notice because I’m looking at pictures of them on my...
“But in an age of surprise and incertitude, even such a trivial event as the bestowment of parochial honors may...
“Is something as simple as a lack of writing talent on the right the reason so many conservative bloggers got...
“It’s only natural for people who have overpopulated their own countries to want to move to other people’s...
“To their credit, not a few liberal gay men have been trying, for decades, to demythologize the Stonewall...
“Karl Marx was not a Catholic, but Pope Francis is lookin’ more like a Marxist every day.”
“With victim narratives all the rage, why did it take a brutal shooting to bring attention to the squalid and...
“Iran used to have chicks in miniskirts working in science labs. Today these same women are being stoned to death...
“We docile and ever-repentant Germans are finally fed up, and this wondrous occurrence has engendered a turn of...
“There is a double standard at work here, but it’s hardly ‘Islamophobic.’ If anything, it’s Islamoprotective.”
“Apparently, stopping people from muscling their way into a sovereign state is now a human rights violation.”
“Destroying countries in violation of international law and with no empathy for the human suffering of millions of...
“I’m not even sure what the ‘Jewish Question’ is, but I’m almost certain that the answer is, ‘You’re an...
“For the first time in decades, we have a presidential election that gets into what real Americans care about....
“The Fundamental Rights reports get more authoritarian every year. What is most striking about them, though, is...
“Fighting to the death for your homeland becomes a less appealing option when even victory is vastly inferior to...
“The problem is not that the GOP base is filled with gun-toting survivalists; it’s that it’s filled with people...
“But the simpler interpretation would be a stereotype! And stereotypes, as you learn at college, are mass...
“Lists of Buddhist big-shot malfeasance include such karma-killers as spreading AIDS and drinking oneself to...
“This isn’t about facts. It never is when you’re dealing with taboos.”...
“I guess the plan was to wipe out ISIS and then go back to decimating Assad’s loyalists, leaving Syria to the ten...
“Donald Trump continues to be the most exciting presidential candidate who ever threatened to divide the...
“White corporate America has chosen Eugenie Bouchard, a real looker, instead of Serena as a poster gal. Some...
“The makers of the film must have intended it to have profound impact on the viewers, and I felt slightly uneasy...
“I don’t mind racists per se. I mind people shitting in my mouth and telling me it’s a sundae.”...
“I’ve always appreciated the murky gray areas that exist between ‘totally right’ and ‘totally wrong’ in most...
“Why does this reverse Völkerwanderung seem to be driven less by hopelessness and more by wanderlust for welfare,...
“Liberalism is the ideology of Western suicide.”...
“Evidently all these twats got their faux history and junk science from their professors’ faded photocopied...
“No one drowns trying to get to Singapore because Singapore accepts no asylum seekers.”...
“The main difference between the recent swell of immigration to America and all previous waves is the open...
“If the machine doesn’t take black-failure/white-guilt gas, it doesn’t run.”...
“It really doesn’t matter if someone believes suicide bombings against civilians are justified one time or one...
“Instead of sitting around tending to fragile egos, students should go out and experience how the real world...
“Sport follows life, and life has become brutal, money-minded, and mannerless. Why should sport be any...
“So out of the tens of millions of men supposedly registered at Ashley Madison, only one, when exposed, lived out...
“I hope I don’t offend anyone by saying that people are sensitive these days.”...
“That’s what a good argument is. It’s a recreational activity that exercises your mind.”...
“All our life long we go from one spot of holy ground to another, according to John Updike. This is even more...
“Didn’t Bernie say that we don’t need 23 different deodorant sprays while children are going hungry? So what...
“Strutting, self-congratulatory conservatives become waiflike Southern belles fainting from the vapors at the...
“In the Beach Boys’ songs, their nondescript hometown seemed a paradise, while N.W.A glamorized the physically...
“Oliver’s show aired an in-depth, shocked-and-appalled expose on…greedy televangelists! (Hang on while I turn...
“Luckily for the Christians, there’s Eastern Europe.”...
“Luckily for the Christians, there’s Eastern Europe.”
“As it happens, I would be perfectly capable of writing a strong, or at least plausible, refutation of my own...
“Wasting a woman’s fertile years isn’t even a thing these days. How convenient is that?”...
“War is nasty and brutish. War is no good for anyone…but at least it’s fucking real.”...
“The last thing the revolutionaries want is to lose the tasty table scraps the party throws them, and the last...
“Trump recognized that immigration skepticism had matured as a philosophy, but nobody running for president was...
“The English language doesn’t have a word to convey how little I care about this movie, rap/hip-hop/“urban”...
“Mass immigration, if it continues, will be more decisive in deciding the fate of the West than Islamist...
“It’s kinda the inverse of phantom limb syndrome—rather than imagining a limb that isn’t there, they insist that...
“Race war, like lost airliners, sells—even if the facts always prove to be other than what was initially reported...
“So long as there is squalor in the world, those obsessed with social justice feel obliged not only to live in it...
“Roosh’s proposal was about as serious as one of Jonathan Swift’s, but the message is correct.”...
“What I particularly like about Trump is the way he’s hated by the media. This is the way it should be.”...
“Some conservatives are flocking to Trump the same way a man might be drawn to the first woman he sees who...
“Logic doesn’t have anything to do with it when we’re talking about accusations of racism—you aren’t one of them,...
“When my friends and I raise the alarm about the far more numerous Muslim men who hold identical views (and...
“Donald Trump is an incredible entertainer, better than Nipsey Russell and Slappy White combined.”...
“Ta-Nehisi Coates reminds me a lot of Al Sharpton, except the latter is a sharper dresser.”...
“You don’t get hairy palms when you masturbate too much, but you do get dumped.”...
“Gawker’s weapon of choice is whipping up the social justice mob to destroy people’s livelihoods.”...
“Imagine my surprise when last week I found out that, according to some prominent conservatives, my outrage over...
“As a native Brooklynite, Quinn is a little weirded out by all the deracinated Nice-Americans newly arrived from...
“In their attempts to maintain the moral high ground, those on either side, ironically, have only advertised...
“Stone Mountain might as well be the Confederate Matterhorn.”...
“Stone Mountain might as well be the Confederate Matterhorn.”
“When even the rappers are apologizing, all hope is lost.”...
“Can we at least start with pot? Making teenagers play videogames for hours and laugh too hard at late-night...
“Although most media observers know that mainstream journalists treat ethical guidelines as things to be invoked...
“Coates has thus elaborated a theory of history in which everything bad ever done by blacks is the fault of...
“In a career spanning over 70 years, Brooks has made three slightly above average movies, and all three had one...
“Don’t you understand that not only is colonialism bad—it’s so bad that it gets worse once it stops?”...
“What a pity the three great Greek tragedians are not around nowadays. What terrific subjects they would have to...
“We need more self-control in matters of food consumption than ever before, unfortunately just as self-control...
“If liberals can have communities that welcome illegal immigration, open drug use, and sodomy, why can’t...
“I want breasts with a bit of hang to them. If you can hold five pencils under your left one, I’ll write you a...
“Science fact is now hate speech, thanks to an irrational leftist legal fiction that denies biological reality.”...
“Once a young Guatemalan boy told me his father was in the U.S. When I asked where, he replied, ‘San Quentin.’”...
“The superior solution would be to hire cops in rank order within their race’s quota. That way, police...
“Young women such as Guthrie hound ideological nonconformists for committing such make-believe crimes as ‘slut...
“If you find it morally imperative to rid the world of this phantom bugaboo that you call ‘cultural...
“Let’s stop kissing Gulf ass and read the riot act to these kleptocrats.”...
“What kind of person spends hours choosing what he could buy in about a minute with no discernible difference to...
“And how is Israel, with hundreds of atom bombs, mortally imperiled by a deal that leaves Iran with not a single...
“I’ve known people to move to Japan in the past, but they were reverent of the culture. This new group of...
"This is modern Greece, inhabited by eleven million idiots who fell for the oldest trick in the book."...
“Trump has taken a group of domesticated, pussified former carnivores who’ve been force-fed lentils and tofu for...
“Trump has taken a group of domesticated, pussified former carnivores who’ve been force-fed lentils and tofu for...
“But the really entertaining thing about the Hammer Museum is how nobody mentions just how amusing the founder’s...
“Just imagine what we can accomplish if we strip the meanings from all words we find inconvenient.”...
“My questions started to encompass real-life events below the Mason-Dixon line and veered beyond the annoyingly...
“Naturally the social justice warriors want to take the Internet frontier from us, though they are too stupid to...
“After the party I went to Prince Pavlos’ summer bash, where I made no sense, and the less I speak about that the...
“So what happens when we combine suicidal urges with horrifying anxiety? I’m guessing it’s even worse than...
“A significant number of U.S. citizens, perhaps even a majority, are willing to accept these levels of gun...
“Now that we know that Greece is the geographical equivalent of Lindsay Lohan, perhaps I should do another advice...
“Who cares about being president when you can decide the day’s news? Trump understands intuitively that he who...
“The Obama coalition is a crazy quilt of identity groups who can be held together only by stoking fear and...
“Journalists are finally coming around to understanding that the odds are always that these types of stories are...
“The very notion of doing something just to shock your peers and your elders is repugnant or utterly foreign to...
“Everything is racial. Nothing is racist. There—we’re off to a good start.”...
“If Dominique Cottrez can be said to have rendered humanity any service at all, it is to remind it of how little...
“Car bombings and assassinations are not all of what’s happened here. You can read Robert Fisk and find that...
“As with the old joke about why dogs lick their privates, perhaps people are as fucked up as they can be.”...
“The running joke of the book is that liberals don’t get that they’ve unleashed on America the opposite of the...
“My uncle by marriage, Groucho Marx, was one of the world’s funniest men. But his death went almost unreported...
“Here we see leftist hypocrisy at its finest. In essence, Gelling is saying, Everyone must modify their behavior...
“I can’t prove it, but I’d bet more people committed suicide over the untimely, decidedly pre-Internet deaths of...
“I can’t prove it, but I’d bet more people committed suicide over the untimely, decidedly pre-Internet deaths of...
“As Osama bin Laden would have said were he alive today, that’s all a crock of shit.”...
“Going back over history and taking out the naughty bits is about as un-American as it gets. Yet here we are.”...
“Collier and the families of those slain showed a faithfulness to Christ’s gospel of love and forgiveness that...
“You either like this kind of thing or you don’t. I couldn’t get enough of it, and breezed through the first 566...
“The problem with American movie actors these days is less a lack of acting training than it is a shortage of...
“Logic always goes out the window during these periods of finger-pointing, as we struggle to explain the monsters...
“Even as a carnal bumpkin, I wasn’t entirely unfamiliar with the notion that some heterosexual males were into,...
“As blacks like to say, shit’s about to get real.”...
“The ultimate aim, of course, is that of Newspeak as described in Nineteen Eighty-Four: that certain things...
“We tried it their way and it’s not that comedy isn’t as funny when you follow the rules; it completely ceases to...
“In advanced societies, the average amount of reality people can bear has declined across the past few decades.”...
“If diversity is a strength, then why are Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen falling apart? Why are Sunni and Shiite,...
“Perhaps June 2015 will go down in history as the month the reigning pieties jumped the shark.”...
“Generations of know-it-alls remain willfully, ironically, almost comically blind to the mass conformity and...
“Is Carver-Allbritton a racist? Did she start the fight? Maybe, maybe not. The lynch mob felt no need to wait for...
“When they said, ‘Never forget,’ they weren’t kidding!”...
“The term ‘wigger’ is a portmanteau of ‘white’ and a word beginning in ‘n’ that is so horrible, I just literally...
“Perhaps we should just accept that ours is not the age of the palace and agree never to build one again...
“Putting Greece on a sound footing is like cleaning out the Augean stables, with one difference. The stables were...
“These shrill fascists with daddy issues don’t care about the issues they’re yelling about. They just want to...
“Chasing those on the right of the political spectrum out of public life is nothing new. It’s hot on baseball’s...
“Few musical biopics before Love & Mercy have paid as close technical attention to what went on in the studio,...
“Never let anyone call you the ‘aggressor’ for defying a speech prohibition; the aggressors are the ones...
“Ultimately, such seemingly trivial victimization fibs—let’s call them ‘little nonwhite lies’—undermine the...
“What irritates me is The Lancet‘s relentlessly self-righteous moral tone, as if it had taken the Dickensian...
“When the reader doesn’t know what’s real and what’s imagined it’s time to regress and look up Papa and Scott and...
“We’re still driving headlong into a world where the people who went to med school are quacks and the lunatics on...
“Any magazine can shock and provoke its readers—but it takes a special type of magazine to shock and provoke its...
“There’s nothing anomalous about liberal social scientists grudgingly data validating old conservative insights...
“Their M.O. is simple: make an outlandish claim, and then retreat behind the safe walls of the media corporation...
“What sort of person who claims to believe in evolution would deny its fundamental role in shaping human...
“Tribe and faith. Those are the causes for which Middle Eastern men will fight.”...
“Ann, if you’re reading this. Show some humanity! We are a nation of immigrants. We stole this land from the...
“Regrets, I’ve got a few, but no more than the average number: missed opportunities, wasted time, small acts of...
“That’s what leftism at its best was about in 1946: making good things affordable for the masses.”...
“Being 80 and on leave anyhow, he – to his enormous credit in our age of beta male faggotry – remains defiantly...
“The NAACP will continue to shelter Gatewood, or cower from him, as it also continues to smear conservatives as...
“What if a Muslim baker was asked to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding?”...
“Reading the speech left me thinking that if this is America’s designated Science Guy, I can be the nation’s...
”Fury Road is like a 120-minute Roadrunner cartoon, with roughly the same depth of character development, and a...
“These days, the Internet exposes millions of people to misinformation, and it’s a lot easier to stumble across...
“If a person of color feels offended by something a well-meaning white person said and no one knows they’re...
“My life is as easy to film as reading Finnegan’s Wake.”...
“In other words, one of Chetty’s big lessons is that if you are a blue collar worker, you should move to a county...
“White pride is the only sort of ethnic identity whose expression is all but legally forbidden. It’s certainly...
“This is not so much science as it is religion, in which the god worshipped is the bringer-bout of future...
“The strange thing about the Big Bagel in particular, and America in general, is that political discussion is a...
“You’re supposed to come to New York to get taken in by America not reject every aspect of its culture.”...
“All parties also went through the usual rigmarole of publicly deploring negative campaigning, while engaging in...
“Baltimore seems well on its way to never recovering.”...
“The eyewitness to great world events when Henry Luce ran the shop has been replaced by “the 100 most influential...
“Hillary Clinton knows the narrative by heart and has rushed forward to cast herself as the champion of black...
“Englishness was so long bound up in imperial adventurism that it found itself lacking meaning once the Empire...
“World-shaking masterpieces? Nah, but they kept my attention for a thousand pages.”...
“Zamoyski does not focus on any one state but moves from city to city, leader to leader, depicting how European...
“Zamoyski does not focus on any one state but moves from city to city, leader to leader, depicting how European...
“Limbaugh is trying to sell the GOP on a soothing lie.”...
“Do I dare detect the slenderest streak of resistance to the “identity politics” tantrum-throwing that’s been...
“While it’s true that it takes a laborer to produce an iPhone, it takes a genius to design one.”...
“If this is a tale of stupidity, it is of stupidity – or dishonesty – all round.”...
"Most people, including most of the people paid to write public commentary, are innumerate; and that makes much of...
“Surely the FT columnist must have been drugged by people unknown when he called Vienna a backwater.”...
“The Muslim doesn’t fear for his religion in the West, we can all point to a mosque.”...
“Don’t think these guys are happy about being forced to dress in drag.”...
“Katie Hopkins, unlike her critics, is offering a proposal to save the refugees’ lives.”...
“Farage forbore from mentioning such other strokes of geopolitical genius as Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq, all of...
“Privilege is basically a form of property, and as John Locke pointed out, property is what makes a civilization...
“That no one thought to peek into Grass’s past before hailing him (eventually) as the redeemer of German...
“More than anything, Jeb Bush’s whole ‘Hispanic’ thing seems like an odd sort of fetish.”...
“A nightclub conveying social status is an oxymoron at best, especially when those allowed through would be...
“A woman president understands the need to care for everyone.”...
“The right doesn’t do solidarity. And leftists cannot separate the personal from the political.”
“Law enforcement can be a rough and ready business.”...
“Afterwards something extraordinary happened, I was surrounded by – mostly ladies – and for the first time ever I...
“What ABC 57 did was blog-level sensationalism, proof that “clickbait culture” is infecting the mainstream media...
“The very notion of “climate change memoirs” provides minutes of fun.”...
“Sex and power aren’t discrete entities; if anything, they’re nearly synonymous.”...
“If I ruled the world, I would decree that all parents leave their money to their children, unless, and it would...
“My anus could have been completely full of shit for all they knew.”...
“The White House blundered into reviving civil service testing by issuing a call for faster, more efficient...
“There were too many atheist libertarians and secular (okay, atheist) Jews in the mix, who privately viewed their...
“For narcissists, anonymity is the worst of fates.”...
“One should repent for one’s sins, but seduction
is no sin, at least not in Mozart’s, Da Ponte’s, nor in my...
“When he’s not getting racists fired, Trotter appears to have devoted a huge portion of his journalistic career...
“The campaign is aggressive, malicious, and socially destructive in intent.”...
“Maybe Cleopatra didn’t look like Oprah, but dammit, it helps black self-esteem to think so.”...
“I never hear anyone excusing a mass murder because the perpetrator ‘suffered’ from anger.”...
“The reporters I spoke to said they had never heard heroin mentioned so often at a Spring Break party.”...
“UKIP is not the only small party which may have a disproportionate influence in the next parliament, but it is...
“UKIP is not the only small party which may have a disproportionate influence in the next parliament, but it is...
“I suspect that, should the Google “incorrect facts” plan ever launch, Shermer will be perplexed by his...
“Managerialese is both a symptom and a sustainer of a social revolution.”...
“Personally I can’t think of anyone I’ve ever met or heard of who wanted a dumb broad for a wife.”...
“The future of America belongs to the right and the future of the right is fiscally conservative but socially...
“Since American whites aren’t allowed to display ethnic pride in themselves, Republicans displace their feelings...
“When the anti-“hate speech” law comes, it won’t come in the form of a foaming-at-the-mouth, purposely...
“That’s a gamble one takes with diversity—the possibility that the result will be conflict rather than peace.”...
“Barbarism is a permanent temptation and has its own peculiar psychological rewards. “...
“Humans, after all, were not created to line up in department stores looking for bargains, but to stride through...
“When did blacks become a bunch of old ladies clutching their pearls and fainting all over the place?”...
“The core cause of British jihadism is of course the mass immigration mainstream politicians continue to promote,...
“All right, the song was kind of tasteless. As a friend remarked to me: Jared Taylor would never allow such a...
“It’s uncomfortable for liberal Jews to admit that the massive immigration they’ve backed so viscerally is...
“And that’s all head transplants have been – the stuff of semi-thoughtful science-fiction chatter – until last...
“I’m asking my question rhetorically, because I know the answer. It’s the ‘fear of the gray area.’”...
“While it’s true that study after study shows children of single parents are worse off, that doesn’t mean...
“‘I have chosen to explore certain science-fiction subjects in such a way as to ensure low appeal,’ he tells me.”...
“Charles Darwin has come to epitomize everything that a proper progressive should believe, while Darwin’s younger...
“When we bother destroying their strongholds, who can even tell? You can’t bomb people back to the Stone Age if...
“It’s not inconceivable that one day Madonna will be singing ‘Like a Virgin’ while undergoing kidney dialysis.”...
“Wearing an untucked shirt and one’s collar up might impress the cheap women in Syntagma Square, but it does not...
“It can’t be easy convincing cop haters that the best solution to their problems is a communist dictatorship. How...
“And then there is the possibility that Cultural Marxism will be laughed off the stage at last while patriarchal...
“Left-wing Twitter witch-hunts are powerful precisely because young women are desperate for a mommy figure to pat...
“If Carto knew one thing, it’s that the people who use the word ‘sheeple’ are themselves the sheeple-iest people...
“Is it possible that, after 500 years, uptight, no-fun Protestants are finally outgrowing their allergy to whimsy...
“Is there a man among us willing to shed a tear for the poor persecuted albinos of modern East Africa?”...
“But even if you do not believe in such a single purpose, surely you must often have felt that you are...
“‘Go out and take some pictures,’ he ordered. I did and soon had an Egyptian mob after me, as anyone taking pics...
“Since Jan. 1, 2000, U.S. trade deficits with China have totaled an astronomical $3.3 trillion.”...
“Sometimes one just has to grow a pair.”
“Harry Truman left office flat broke. He had to take out a bank loan to write his memoirs. Most of the world’s...
“But much of the killing reflects knuckleheads being knuckleheads in a shoot-first environment.”...
“Let’s get something straight—I am not the one ‘empowering’ Holocaust deniers. That honor goes to the mainstream...
“Dummy me: I mix those two occult-obsessed, octogenarian Hollywood midgets up all the time. Manson was the one...
“Sometimes these types seem so empowered, I wonder how they avoid short-circuiting themselves.”...
“The economic worldview being promoted by the deliberate conflation of tax avoidance and tax evasion is that the...
“Nowadays most skiers wear helmets and ski masks, but at 78 years of age I refuse to look ridiculously like a boy...
“These aren’t feminist anthems. They are men telling pretty woman what to say.”...
“I detest mass immigration and compulsory diversity. I don’t at all mind rational, controlled immigration and...
“Many of the complaints about New York’s new overlords center on their tendency to leave their penthouses empty...
“The Internet has managed to top the Vatican in terms of upending widespread convention. Thanks to the Web, sex...
“Latinos vs. Muslims? Latinos lose out, just as atheists did. When we get to trannies vs. Muslims, that will be a...
"Williams also once claimed that while working as a volunteer fireman in New Jersey, he rescued a three-week-old...
“They are as likely to govern well as I am to stop drinking and devote my life to furthering minority rights.”...
"Always, lurking behind the geostrategic scenery of the modern world, always there are the nukes."...
“No women ever hit on me, but if one does, I’m going to yell ‘Nice try!’ and then shove her in the bushes and run...
“Why is defeating 30,000 ISIS jihadists our job, and not theirs?”...
“There are encouraging signs, though, and here’s one of them: the first specimen known to me of Identitarian...
“I despise the ‘punch up’ school of politically correct comedy, which dictates that comedy must only target the...
“Young blacks committing this kind of senseless violence is a real pattern. Cops and vigilantes shooting innocent...
“It’s almost a statistical certainty that the only people who want to hear more from women are women.”...
“Great numbers of citizens, including many intelligent ones, have zero appetite for book-learning.”...
“On the other hand, scratching a male feminist with a penny nail often uncovers enough genuine misogyny to make...
“Leave it to Eastwood to figure out that the easy way to make an effective trailer is not to mash up all your...
“If that sounds familiar, it’s because it has been the organizing principle of the post-Enlightenment West for...
“Primitive religions are more frank about this than the religions of the book—but submission to the godshead in...
“But everyone in Europe who’s ‘blasphemed’ Mohammed knows that by the time you see Ali Kaboom standing over your...
“And what about Thatcher, the first female prime minister of the U.K.? Wasn’t that cool? Weren’t we supposed to...
“The modern world, especially online, is peopled with millions of spiteful little nobodies who seem absolutely...
“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to watch stupid Hollywood movies about it.”...
“Race hustlers aside, the media have been the real enablers of hoodwinking the African-American community, along...
“I’ll admit it: I emailed the story of Ruenzel’s murder to a bunch of my friends with the subject line ‘ha ha ha...
“These are propaganda parables that exist to demonize and depress large classes of people, to discourage...
“People don’t automatically disbelieve a woman who’s claimed to have been raped; they reflexively and blindly...
"In July of 1967, after race riots gutted Newark and Detroit, requiring troops to put them down, LBJ appointed a...
"Months of egging on the mob in Ferguson, Missouri by the Obama Administration, the Democratic Party, and the...
“The ploy worked too well, leaving the American public with a vague recollection of Ike as a syntax-challenged...
“But Coop’s speech in Interstellar sums up Heinlein’s most consistent attitude: the Midwesterner was extremely...
“Rose McGowan’s biggest sin was airing the movement’s dirty rainbow flag in public. Or, more accurately, she...
“As ethnonationalism pulls at the seams of many countries of Europe, it would appear it is also present here in...
"I suppose that since I find Lena Dunham to be a disgustingly entitled pig monster, I am a sexist, a fat-shamer,...
"...for a dude who used to teach Constitutional Law, Obama sometimes sounds shaky on the fundamentals." - John...
"...I doubt readers here will be surprised to hear that John Derbyshire’s long-neglected second novel, Fire from...
“White men, ugh!” - John Derbyshire for TakiMag.
"I’m writing this a day before the midterm elections and you’re reading it at least a day after, so I’ll focus...
"While I am on the subject of simple ideas, I found a truly simple one in the economics and business section of...
“Gays and lesbians, it’s time to circumcise your acronym.” - Gavin McInnes for TakiMag.
"Some boffins at Harvard University claim to have transmitted information from one person’s mind to another by...
"Six years after he was first elected President of the United States, Barack Obama remains something of an enigma...
"I am perhaps unique among modern Americans in the sense that I find so-called “hate groups” to be tremendously...
“They refused to call the terrorist a terrorist and insisted it was some poor, disenfranchised youth who was mad...
“What this movie needs is a bit of range, a bit of subtlety, a bit of talent, and a different director, different...
This week on Radio Derb: Take my country, please ─ We don’t need no steenkin’ rules ─ The
immigration imperative...
This week on Radio Derb: "Take my country, please ─ We don’t need no steenkin’ rules ─ The
immigration imperative...
“In obedience to the Lord Protector’s injunction, I’m going to take a break from doom and gloom to ponder the...
"When then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid saw fit to ram the Patient...
"A few weeks ago I noticed the following slogan painted on the walls of a supermarket in France: Hitler,...
"Can the new Iraqi government get some kind of military act together? Will the Kurds hold on to Kobani, that...
"Banned Book Week has come and gone, and once again the flood of articles celebrating this dubious event has...
"The Lord provides many clear signs that you have become a severe alcoholic." - Gavin McInnes for TakiMag.
"It’s taken me a few weeks to work up the gall to write about the pseudonymous Quintus Curtius’ first book....
"Zero Shades of Gray. The U.S. Supreme Court punted on homosexual “marriage” the other day. I can’t summon up...
"People are afraid of Ebola, and they have a right to be—but they also need to understand it." - Gregory Cochran...
"Last week I looked at the multiple ironies of the young Barack Obama’s dismissive 1994 review of The Bell Curve....
"Irving Kristol (sort of) said, “A conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged,” a quip which, besides not being...
“Hence, the neocon war drums have begun to beat for U.S. strikes on Iran if negotiations on Iran’s nuclear...
"Our crumbling and fidgety nation is still reeling from last week’s news that a Liberian national apparently lied...
"I used to think that no one would ever again smell like my grandmother: that is to say, of naphthalene...
"But don't you dare call it "privilege." In this racist society of ours, only white people have privilege." -...
"Okay, first of all, stop saying “Faux News Lies.” That’s redundant. Either call it Faux News and we’re done, or...
"Have you heard that big, bad Amazon is destroying the book industry? To be more accurate, they’re plowing the...
"History is full of strange folds, wrinkles, and repetitions. Consider for example the following true story." -...
"October 2014 marks the 20th anniversary of the publication of the most hated book in the history of the social...
"Some years ago, in a flash of inspiration while in Istanbul, I had an idea of a kind that occurs to me...
"Athens—This grimy, semi-Levantine, ancient city has its beauty spots, with childhood memories indelibly...
“Who says women need to be kick-ass protagonists in 50% of films? Story heroes tend to be leaders, and...
"Holder's a loathsome creep all right, but the worst thing is that he's not terrifically unrepresentative." -...
"You knew that climate change could be blamed for any kind of weather, but did you know that the underlying cause...
"If I were in Paris this week, I’d be looking for a nice mosque to hide under. In a video released Monday, the...
“Quadrupling the population of sub-Saharan Africa would therefore just put the place in the same league as the...
“Most libertarians are scared to face the truth: freedom will not be waiting for us at the end of history.” -...
“Alas, even that rather tepid spirit of rebellion appears to be absent in the hearts of kids these days.” - Kathy...
“Technology has rendered Marx supremely irrelevant, because it has rendered the value of human labor irrelevant.”...
“To interfere in the lives of everyone, to make every person just a little afraid that if he uses normal words he...
"Next time you read about an auctioneer’s gavel coming down on a 150-million-dollar painting bought by some...
This week on John Derbyshire's Radio Derb: Globalization in crisis ─ Nationalism right and left ─ Thesis,...
“Seeing the two sides united in matrimonial myopia proves quite the spectacle: I’d call for a toast, were I of...
"Er, no offense to people being beheaded in the Middle East but, uh, what are you doing there?" - Gavin McInnes...
"In preparation for his nakedly opportunistic presidential campaign coming two years hence, Senator Cruz took...
"“U.K.” is just administrative-bureaucratic blather, used when talking to immigration officials and such. You...
"Americans believe a lot of silly things about their northern neighbor, Canada." - James E. Miller for TakiMag.
“But Britain has no written constitution, so Prime Ministers, even of a minority government like Cameron’s, have...
“1) Being white sucks because white people suck. 2) Being black sucks because white people suck.” - Jim Goad for...
“I was particularly mortified by my own behavior because I had seen my father behave like this—actually much...
"Ibiza—This island is the Spanish equivalent of the Greek sex rock of Mykonos, except its waters are murkier, its...
“This is the Scottish mentality in a nutshell. It is fierce nationalism mixed with an obsession with the underdog...
Takimag is back online!
Takimag servers are down. Back up soon, we hope...
"One shouldn’t let oneself get too excited by book reviews. There are many bad habits, ground into modern writing...
"As you’ll recall, NBA team owner Donald Sterling was recently purged for being secretly taped objecting to his...
"First they came to ruthlessly pillage the comic-book world, so I suppose it’s only natural—in their inimitably...
“When he married Jackie Kennedy, the most famous woman in the world in 1968, the Onassis name became known even...
This week's Radio Derb:
Don’t notice, don’t remember ─ How smart do you want your cops? ─ First college...
An American friend who is very well connected in Washington, D.C. was telling me he’s worried about Europe. So...
“Terrorism is the new black and it’s now heroic to die fighting against your own country.” - Gavin McInnes for...
“The situation is fictional, but the feeling is familiar; perhaps your brain isn’t trapped inside a latex mask,...
"The Derbs—Mr., Mrs., and Missy—spent two weeks in Alaska. Here are some random observations." - John Derbyshire...
"This was a bad summer for movies at the American box office, with total gross down 22 percent from last year." -...
“It will surprise no one who’s been paying the slightest bit of attention that such an enterprise would attract,...
"Jenny McCarthy, easily the finest female specimen ever to appear on estrogen-addled daytime-TV squawkfest The...
"People often claim to have cultivated their inner child as if this were a good thing to have done." - Theodore...
"Gstaad—Can somebody tell me when was the last time America got it right? Uncle Sam’s track record in selecting...
"I’d love to change my mind about something. That’s called learning. My views aren’t radical. They’re benign. I...
“Viewing horrendous death with a passive shrug is a by-product of the virtual immediacy we now rely on. There’s...
"In an interview last week with Taleeb Starkes, podcaster Adam Carolla asked the author of The Un-Civil War:...
“A society’s understanding of history is shaped not so much by what they’re told, but by what is hidden from...
“Dead boring stuff, but that won’t keep fresh-faced freshpersons and grad school sycophants—greedily angling to...
“‘I can only imagine how much worse it is for teens today who want to be good girls. They must feel like utter...
“To achieve equal results, one must instead tilt the playing field so that all the players appear to be the same...
"The liberal left has PMS. They don’t mean what they say and they’re just yelling for yelling’s sake." - Gavin...
"As HBO’s hit crime series True Detective gears up for a second season, writer-creator Nic Pizzolatto is...
“As one of his lawyers—and Brown needed many lawyers—noted, he was ‘exceptionally slick and conniving and he made...
"I generally don’t care about the Middle East, but since no one ever seems to shut the fuck up about it for more...
"It was impossible to say what the future of the young man would have been. Most likely it would have been...
"Throughout reporting on the crime and the trials, political correctness protocols were strictly observed." -...
"Throughout reporting on the crime and the trials, political correctness protocols were strictly observed." -...
"Canada is nice in a totalitarian sort of way, like some lost episode of The Twilight Zone where no one locks...
“To this day, statistical reasoning still strikes many as being in dubious taste. Larry Summers was let go as...
“Yet I was rattled when, in his new book, The Language Hoax, McWhorter challenged one of the sturdiest baseline...
“It is no coincidence that modern feminists embody all of the character traits that cause ‘misogyny’ in the first...
This week on John Derbyshire's Radio Derb: Off with their heads! ─ Ministering for dollars ─ The thickening...
"I think it’s supposed to be about modesty and not letting sexuality run rampant, but I’m speaking as an outsider...
“Germans today are not the ones Hollywood so easily portrays as goose-stepping, Nazi-loving, Jew-hating villains....
“It is now a cardinal axiom of our culture that any accusation of any crime committed by a black against a...
"Whenever the Democrats whip up a feminist frenzy to win elections, as in 1992 and 2012, I’m reminded of a...
"There are three things that I do not understand: the success of Al Jolson, the popularity of Milton Berle, and...
"Last week was a trifecta for Cultural Marxism in the comic-book world. Archie Andrews was shot to death trying...
“Governments can do anything, and neither custom nor constitution will restrain them for long.” - Theodore...
"Good news, guys. Feminism is over. Sure, there are still women being stoned to death and a teenager might get...
“Not that it’s impeded their success, but the left is creatively bankrupt. LBJ was skinned by maggots ages ago,...
This week on John Derbyshire's Radio Derb: The good, the bad, and the lucky ─ Impeachable offenses? ─ Laura sets...
“I don’t like helmet laws, but having a bad hairdo is being oppressed now? We didn’t learn that in school.” -...
“It is intimated repeatedly that not only are average white American citizens demographically doomed, but that...
“As far as I can tell, the term ‘shock jock’ refers to any broadcaster who says things that no one would have...
"A single death, said Stalin, is a tragedy; a million deaths are a statistic." - Theodore Dalrymple for TakiMag.
This week on Radio Derb: Peace process collapses! ─ Why do we bother? ─ HUMCRI on the border ─ A glimpse of...
“A woman kisses the children good night every night and a man provides his children with a ‘force field’ that...
“Celebrities are boring. Seen one, seen ’em all. But dancing beagles, now …” - John Derbyshire for TakiMag.
“Similarly, Canadians took up ice hockey instead of soccer out of their hate-filled nativist Canadian...
"The greatest criminal and most profitable enterprise the world over is FIFA." - Taki, for TakiMag.
“The very term “male feminist” seems as masochistically counterintuitive as “black Klansman,” “Jewish Nazi,” or...
“The Sultan had wisely divided the Middle East along ethnic lines into provinces. The Anglo-French duo in 1916...
"Ever notice that when you read an article on something you know a lot about, they’ve got 50% of the facts wrong?...
“Still, inside most men—and no doubt some number of women, too—there is the understanding that to be alive, at...
“Football is, despite the growing presence of reprehensible subhumans like Michael Vick and Aaron Hernandez, a...
“Harry and Bobby, one can’t help but notice, still more or less possess penises. The same can’t be said for any...
“I would prefer the strong chance of dying by being hurled through an empty window over even a minuscule chance...
“Certainly it is a common observation in the world, now more than ever, that when self-righteous political...
This week on John Derbyshire's Radio Derb: Crashing disappointments ─ Data security 101 ─ The installed base ─...
“Murder and mayhem (pun intended, black metal fans) are apparently infractions that pale in comparison to bad...
"Sometimes a book is so rich and alive that through a kind of synesthesia it makes you rethink your crotchety...
“Key policies of broadly successful economies typically include tariffs and immigration restriction. But Piketty...
“How did Somaly Mam fool so many gullible, rich white bleeding hearts for so long? Well, as every hooker learns...
“Toss a plate of nachos in the microwave and pop open a cerveza, America—you have seen your future.” - Jim Goad...
“Yet the greatest con where love, sex, and desire are concerned is the fiction that one does not suffer as much...
This week on Radio Derb: Gloat of the week ─ Jihadi triumphalism ─ A brief introduction to Gaelic literature ─...
“This country was built on legal immigration, and the ones who made it through learned the language and...
“People are squeamish these days, so we hide the horror of what we do. The public might gag and say, ‘No. No...
“With no demand for new courses, much of the cultural energy in the game is currently devoted to restoring...
“Fear not, gentle reader! Our youthful vanguard prescribes the antidote to the fascist venom slowly enslaving us...
“The very idea of ‘mental illness’ is schizoid. It implies that the ‘illness’ is somehow a separate entity from...
“A good doctor for such types is one who does exactly what they want him to do, like a butler or shop assistant....
This week on Radio Derb:
Afghanistan: please make it stop ─ Nietzsche not so pietzsche ─ Thank you for your...
"Washington, D.C., May 15th, 2014: “What the HELL is going on?” roars POTUS as he storms into the Oval Office,...
“Let’s face it, it is instant hara-kiri for any public person today to mention the so-called warrior...
"The conventional wisdom about how race is just a social construct is back in the news with the endless...
“Here are some quotes that would get Karl Marx ostracized from all modern cultural discourse.” - Jim Goad for TakiMag.
"Writing in The Atlantic, Ta-Nehisi Coates—you can thank his Black Panther dad for giving him that...
"Here are ten things you should watch out for if you’re a dude who was raised by a chick." - Gavin McInnes for...
"Like apparently everybody who can read, still a probable majority in the U.S., I have just finished Nicholas...
"After the failed injection of a lethal “cocktail,” a mix of three drugs which was supposed to work quickly,...
Misogynist: a “man who hates women as much as women hate one another.” - Jim Goad for TakiMag.
“When I first heard the meaning of Boko Haram, the words for the Islamist movement that kidnapped some two...
“Have you ever watched porn right after you’re done masturbating? It’s horrific. ‘What is wrong with these...
RADIO DERB: Memorializing foolishness ─ Sanctuary much! ─ Dying to get into Europe ─ Noitacude fo Akepot v. Nworb...
"Have you Tweeted, Facebooked, YouTubed, Instagrammed, or LinkedIn (LOL) your hatred of Boko Haram yet? If not,...
"Whether or not it was Julie Burchill who described Stephen Fry as “a stupid person’s idea of a clever person,”...
“For white males, checking your privilege has nothing to do with confronting uncomfortable facts. It’s not what...
“Bill Gates’ fortune harms me only if I let the acid of envy and resentment etch itself on my mind. This is not...
This week's Radio Derb: Camp of the Saints ─ Screw the Third World ─ Monica mouths off ─ Cultural Marxism’s...
“Don’t beat yourself up for not being able to look at photographs of genitally mutilated children. It’s all just...
“Billionaires want more immigration so they can pay lower wages, but anybody who mentions that is an evil person,...
“Steinbeck had to know all this, but the facts didn’t suit his narrative.” - Kathy Shaidle for TakiMag.
I think I can put my hand on my heart and say that I have no tyrannical leanings, though no doubt like everyone...
"Harmless old coot gets scarlet “R” ─ The uses of history ─ A nation of laws…please ─ Moral preen-o-rama ─...
“I always tell people to write like they’re writing a letter to their brother and then take out all the inside...
“Now when I croak and the kids sell off my books, there’ll be an extra two dollars right there—signed copy!” -...
“The inability of a first-rate reporter like Wade, ensconced in the seeming bully pulpit of the New York Times,...
“To my knowledge, no one has yet died as a result of a swatting hoax gone haywire. But it seems inevitable.” -...
“We are so constituted that a single instance of human tragedy moves us more than a whole catastrophe affecting...
This week on Radio Derb: Navel-gazing in Tucson ─ The Supremes get one right ─ La Latina loca ─ Open and candid ─...
“If I hadn’t had cocaine and Adderall in my history, my bank account would be approximately one-third of its...
"Frazier Glenn Miller, Jr. is the sort of guy you’d expect to go on a shooting rampage at two different Jewish...
“You can’t change the past but you can warn others not to repeat your mistakes. That’s what defines us as...
“What would our public conversation on human-nature topics—race, genetics, the Jews—be like if the Nazis had...
“The federal government, major media, academia, and most city slickers hardly seem to view rural white Americans...
“The most virtuous person is he who expresses the most all-encompassing benevolence at the highest level of...
“The Tsarnaev family defines our culture better than Wintour ever imagined, in being obnoxious, loud, entitled,...
This week on John Derbyshire's Radio Derb: Rev’m Al wears a wire ─ Eric Holder displays his wounds ─ Things go...
"I’ll be speaking to the American Renaissance conference at the end of this month. (What, you haven’t signed up...
"Economic historian Gregory Clark, a Glaswegian now at UC Davis, has been extending a main channel of British...
"Catholic libertarian Jeffrey Tucker recently introduced us to the concept of “libertarian brutalism. The...
"As a cisgender male, I feel it incumbent upon me to inform select members of this audience—basically, all of...
“There is a gay mafia,” said Bill Maher, “if you cross them you do get whacked.” - Patrick J. Buchanan for TakiMag.
“Those who believe in equality of opportunity must want, if they take the idea seriously, to make the world not...
"...what’s happened to the gritty stoops of Harlem, the waterfront filled with gleaming ships, the majestic train...
"On Monday, we learned of a DuPont heir who has been given nothing but parole for raping his daughter, because...
"Back in the dear old 1950s, when Western Civilization reached its zenith, Edward R. Murrow ran a regular radio...
“Both Russians and American Jews have perfectly understandable reasons for feeling the way they do. Fortunately,...
"At the nexus of Anton LaVey and Robert Anton Wilson lies Trevor Blake. In Confessions of a Failed Egoist and...
“Assuming they have brains, how do they keep them from exploding?” - Jim Goad for TakiMag.
“Self-expression is not an unequivocally good thing.” - Theodore Dalrymple for TakiMag.
"How I came to stop worrying and not mind the Bomb ─ Land of the knout ─ That’s so homosexual ─ California in the...
“America was founded on mutts from all over the world who were sick of being told what to do. Now we live in a...
“We live in an age of no poetry—the first such age in all of human history.” - John Derbyshire for TakiMag.
“We live in an age of no poetry—the first such age in all of human history.” - John Derbyshire for TakiMag.
“It’s hard for winners to declare victory and go home.” - Steve Sailer for TakiMag.
“Like all societies before it, our society considers nothing more shameful than to be shameless.” - Jim Goad for...
“He all but admitted that the Holocaust was the best thing that ever happened to the Hasidic movement.” - Gavin...
“With rampant ‘conspiracy theories’ about Flight 370 from laymen and the media, some sensible discussion is...
“Would, say, a counterterrorism agency stage an act of terrorism to make its political enemies look bad or...
“Pop scientists always work around the fact that ultimately, nothing means anything in a purely material world.”...
"I’ve been called a fascist roughly six million times, and though I feel it’s an inaccurate description of my...
“Virtue and goodness are at least in part matters of habit.” - Theodore Dalrymple for TakiMag.
This week's Radio Derb: Crimea and punishment ─ From Magic Negro to empty suit ─ Neoconfest ─ Wise Latina seeks...
"It’s official. On Sunday, March 9th, 2014, political correctness breathed its last breath." - Gavin McInnes for...
“Plainly the USA should get rid of this millstone. That’s easier said than done, though.” - John Derbyshire for...
“Sea powers have the privilege to project violence where they please and then go home….Land powers are stuck...
"For some fifty years now it seems that God has played a great joke on mankind, granting the best fuel reserves...
“This year’s Academy Awards ceremony—cohosted by Ellen Degeneres, Karl Marx, and Herbert Marcuse—was the most...
“Our kindness, such as it is, has…become brittle, impersonal, theoretical, abstract, bureaucratic, and...
“Trust science, but don’t necessarily trust scientists.” - John Derbyshire for TakiMag.
“Russia’s seizure of Crimea drives it into a position increasingly similar to that of Israel.” - Steve Sailer for...
“Lately I’ve seen a surfeit of essays by women talking about how women aren’t allowed to talk.” - Kathy Shaidle...
"...the bill only intended to allow business owners to refuse service to anyone if it violated their religious...
"...when it comes to understanding a country, one native plumber is worth a thousand foreign correspondents." -...
“It would be useful for Americans to try to grasp why we increasingly irritate the rest of the world.” - Steve Sailer for TakiMag.
“Mammograms sometimes squish existing tumors and spread those cancerous cells even farther. Genius!” - Kathy...
"With all due respect to the Founding Fathers, I do not find it “self-evident” that all men are created equal. If...
“Most of us comfort ourselves that we have nothing to hide, though personally I doubt that anyone can be quite as...
“Being born to privilege is no excuse, but neither is it a sin.” - Taki, for TakiMag.
"Massive immigration keeps being rejected whenever publics around the world are allowed to vote on it.” - Steve...
“It’s Black History Month, but gays are the new blacks, so let’s dip into some timely homosexual lore.” - Kathy...
Radio Derb: Boehner gets an earful ─ Winter Olympics anti-commentary ─ Death of an addict ─ Afghans on the make ─...
“We need socially inept nerds. They are the weirdoes behind all our best inventions.”- Gavin McInnes for TakiMag.
"Call me a cockeyed optimist, but I took heart from the micro-fuss over Jerry Seinfeld’s push-back against PC...
“It would be terrific if there really were a debate about the existence of income tax.” - Ali Hope for TakiMag.
“Amid all this balderdash and poppycock and bunkum and flapdoodle about ‘rights’ and ‘equality,’ you gals lose...
This week on Radio Derb: "A frost in Sochi? ─ Russia’s resource curse ─ Black Studies: a fake-degree mill for...
“The dull crabs don’t want the smart crabs to escape from the pot.” - Fred Reed for TakiMag.
"Conspiracy theories used to involve a handful of loonies obsessing over isolated alleged events." - Gavin...
“My interest in naughty books has continued to the present day, although the definition of ‘naughty’ has gone...
“I know of scarcely any serious political figure that doesn’t keep an enemies list in the bottom of some desk...
“While not a wholly accurate prophecy (fortunately), The Third World War turned out to be one of the more...
"I just watched the Super Bowl, and boy, am I bored." - Jim Goad for TakiMag.
“Punk was about fighting, looking stupid, listening to noise, and being gross. That’s what childhood is all...
"It calls itself the Dark Enlightenment. “Endarkenment” would have been crisper, but Roger Scruton has already...
“Perhaps it’s time, for the good of your family, for you to study the secrets of successful minorities.” - Steve...
"Have you noticed that modern life imitates not “art” or even “Kafka” so much as “Monty Python”?" - Kathy Shaidle...
"What do you call it when thousands of dark-skinned, slum-dwelling youths conspire on Facebook to suddenly show...
“Free trade appears to be the policy of fading nations.” - Patrick J. Buchanan for TakiMag.
"The talk is all of pot. Not “pot” the utensil, as in Confucius’s fine aphorism “A man is not a pot,” but...
"‘Transgender’ individuals have become 2014’s hottest privileged class.” - Steve Sailer for TakiMag.
"The average psychopath is not a strangely seductive high-IQ gourmand with impeccable manners.” - Kathy Shaidle...
"The results are in: Fat people overeat because our fat-fearing society “fat-shames” them, which then causes them...
This week on Radio Derb: "Juicing for dollars ─ Sex scandal in France! ─ The African horrors ─ A treaty about...
"Al Goldstein, who made the front page of The New York Times when he died recently, was among the world’s most...
"Raping a child can land you in prison for life—unless you’ve made some cool movies, in which case the penalty is...
"Sure, the Irish are a little slow, but it took them longer than you’d think to leap onto the “genocide”...
"...Chua and Rubenfeld list eight “cultural groups” they designate as innately equipped to excel in the American...
This week on Radio Derb: Bridgegate ─ New York City, twinned with Pyongyang ─ News from Madagascar ─...
“Why should the dying have all the best deaths?” - Theodore Dalrymple for TakiMag.
"You can’t tell much about a president by what shows he likes, but you can tell a lot about a country by what...
"Well, my lady likes watching Downton Abbey, so I’ve been watching it with her—all the first three seasons from...
“A century ago, demanding whiteness was a way to fight corruption and adulteration in purchased food.” Steve...
"Pondering the smoking ruins of American racial policy, I wonder whether it isn’t time to say publicly what many,...
"I was unfamiliar with the term until last week, and I usually pride myself on keeping up to snuff on the latest...
"What most people—the normal ones—call “sexual intercourse” or “coitus” or simply “fucking” is derisively...
"Only 1,064 cars were burned by youths in the banlieues this New Year’s Eve—about a hundred fewer than last...
"Experts agree that 2013 was the most racist year since the one that started the Civil War. Everywhere you looked...
"So I get to report the race-biz highlights for 2013. Dirty work, but someone has to do it. I swear that darn...
“I know I’m supposed to care about the goings-on in foreign lands, but I don’t even know who else lives on my...
"I tend to focus on the negative at the expense of everything else, so when I looked back over the past year, I...
"One of the aspects of modernity that I have long wanted but found impossible to satirize is the bureaucratic...
“I was born in England, my parents are Scottish, and I grew up in Canada, so swearing like a drunken sailor is...
“When women act like what used to be called ‘ladies,’ I act like what used to be called ‘a gentleman.’” - Fred...
"During these holidays we should take a second and send our best wishes to the neocons, poor dears, who are...
"When asked what he considered sinful, (Phil) Robertson paraphrased a passage from 1 Corinthians 6:9-10..." - Jim...
John Derbyshire's Radio Derb: The labor-electoral complex ─ Everything old is new again ─ North Korea: a modest...
How to fly in comfort this holiday season: “We’re all in this together, so maybe try to compose yourself a...
“I have no more idea than anyone else what’s going on in Pyongyang’s corridors of power, but I watch these events...
"One of the pleasures of The Rolling Stones is that until recently they seem to have gotten by without a care for...
“White artists reflexively laud the black roots of rock, but as far as many blacks are concerned, the genre’s...
“First they tell us they don’t want Black Pete to be black, and now they’re telling us that they don’t want Santa...
“There isn’t enough work to go around—not real work that does something that actually needs doing.” - Fred Reed...
“How will it all end, this modern insanity of ‘diversity,’ ‘human rights,’ and futile missionary wars for the...
“Attributing hereditary guilt to enemies is broadly appealing to humans.” - Steve Sailer for TakiMag.
"I was a professional Catholic for many years, if not a particularly saintly one." - Kathy Shaidle for TakiMag.
"On Friday evening, ABC’s 20/20 presented a postmortem tribute that oozed with so much sanctimonious brown-nosing...
"On Friday evening, ABC’s 20/20 presented a postmortem tribute that oozed with so much sanctimonious brown-nosing...
"I think I suffer from the only behavioral disorder that does not appear in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual...
This week on John Derbyshire's Radio Derb: The Middle East still has nations ─ Waiting for cyberdildonics ─ The...
"Another race mixer who was forced out of his job is John Derbyshire. John married a Chinese woman and...
"Turkey is no longer a secular society." - Guy Somerset for TakiMag.
"Srinivasan cites Silicon Valley as a present-day concentration of the reverse diaspora, noting that “an...
“PISA’s global results are largely the American bell curve writ large, so nobody notices.” - Steve Sailer for...
“Boris Johnson looks like a melting snowman that got raped by an albino sea anemone.” - Kathy Shaidle for TakiMag.
"It’s been 68 years since World War II ended, so the Simon Wiesenthal Center has used up its good offices. It...
"Once at the smoking point, this formidable vegetable shortening could transform flour, corn, shellfish, and fowl...
"Unlike the phenomenally girly Twilight, however, The Hunger Games concerns itself with traditionally male topics...
"The most famous comeback belongs to Voltaire—who else? When asked on his deathbed by a priest if he renounced...
"You know you’re old when people start writing kindly about you. Especially when they are colleagues." - Taki,...
"It is a cliché—true, of course, like most clichés—that every nation has a special place in its collective heart...
"How often since Obama’s reelection have we been reminded that it’s long past time for stale pale males to exit...
"I thought I’d stumbled into a black hole when I read about the white supremacist who had just received the shock...
“Judging solely from television lineups, the biggest cultural shift since 50 years ago has been the obliteration...
"Last Saturday, hundreds of humorless Asians, their eyes slanted with fury, gathered outside ABC studios in LA to...
"It is time to get women out of the schooling of boys. It is way past time." - Fred Reed for TakiMag.
“It’s hard to make African-Americans boring, but 12 Years a Slave manages.” - Steve Sailer for TakiMag.
"Estimates for the death tolls of the Holocaust and Holodomor range all over the place—usually correlated...
“One must not exaggerate the degree to which official idiocy impinges on our lives.” - Theodore Dalrymple for...
This week on John Derbyshire's Radio Derb: "Welcome to New York City, twinned with Havana ─ A politician with a...
"When we think of true poverty, the famous picture of the migrant mother in the Dust Bowl comes to mind, but...
"...the West Point chapel has just hosted its first “marriage” between two men." - John Derbyshire for TakiMag.
“Athens needs to clean up the corruption and crony capitalism that have been at the root of the country’s...
“Bernhard Goetz, the unapologetic ‘Subway Vigilante,’ looked like an especially depressed high-school physics...
"I hardly ever hear the word “extremist” used these days to describe communists or violent leftist radicals; that...
"London is now essentially a tax haven, and New York is where the smart money is invested into high-end real...
“In high school we learned about straw-man arguments, ad-hominem attacks, and guilt by association, but today’s...
“Sincerity is a pretty good read. I really, really mean that.” - John Derbyshire for TakiMag.
"As a Southern Californian, my attention span for auto racing has shrunk to the four seconds it takes a top fuel...
"For years now the world has been trying to tell The Netherlands that one of its favorite holiday traditions is...
"...hatred of the rich, which people do not hesitate to express as if it were a virtue to do so, rests...
This week on Radio Derb: Obamacare SIFU ─ But it works for illegal aliens! ─ The inevitability of socialized...
"Uncle Sam should require that (Steve) Cohen gives every ill-gotten gain back or else take him to trial." - Taki,...
"Following up last week’s rant about cant, kindly permit me a harangue about slang and the affliction of bad...
“One of her most attractive characteristics is that she never apologizes for sounding highbrow.” - Duncan...
Dalrymple, Fallowell, Pell and Reed...check out the new writers on Takimag!
"Is Texas about the best fate that a heavily Hispanicized America can hope for?" - Steve Sailer for TakiMag.
"Gypsies have suffered from bad PR ever since they lurched northward from India a thousand or more years ago and...
Fads, Follies, Frauds, and Floccinaucinihilip-ilifications...this week on John Derbyshire's Radio Derb.
“Justice doesn’t allow discrimination against people simply because they cannot play football.” - Fred Reed for...
“Practically anything you read or hear about racism, sexism, and homophobia is cant.” - John Derbyshire for TakiMag.
"Everyone—or at least everyone who provides a service to the public—lives in such fear of his legal liability...
", Marine Le Pen announced that she is ready to become France’s next president. A lawyer and a savvy marketer, she...
"Just days ago morale was high. Across the country citizens were outraged, not necessarily at the shutdown itself...
"I think America is right to be worried about their daughters’ loss of virtue. We do have to be vigilant about...
"I think America is right to be worried about their daughters’ loss of virtue. We do have to be vigilant about...
"The civilized Libyans also did democracy proud when they captured Qaddafi. They shot him up the bum with an...
"My Taki’s Mag colleague Fred Reed, writing once of his own time in the military, mentioned occasional encounters...
"In “Why Are There Still So Few Women in Science?,” Eileen Pollack, head of the creative writing MFA program at...
"In “Why Are There Still So Few Women in Science?,” Eileen Pollack, head of the creative writing MFA program at...
" one looks deeper, at the irreconcilable conflict behind the present clash, only a roaring optimist would...
“If there’s any such thing as a fundamental human right, it should be the ability to choose when you kiss the...
“Nature is just one humongous arms race.” - John Derbyshire for TakiMag.
“Tennis is like backgammon—everyone who plays thinks they are better than they really are.” - Taki, for TakiMag.
"Want to make money in America? Start up a business and sell it. I’ve done it a bunch of times and made a ton of...
"Dryly humored and notoriously petulant, as well as a crashing bore on the topic of his many ex-wives, Gilmour...
"If national polls are to be believed, those House Republicans are doing exactly what America wants. A majority...
“A time-honored principle of government contracting is that if you are paid to solve a problem, the last thing you...
This week's Radio Derb: Cruzing for a bruising ─ Who will defy the Slave Power? ─ Where the money goes ─ That’s...
"History is written only by the victors? Not in the case of the Civil War. Disappointed Southerners were taking...
"Continuing my intermittent series reinterpreting American history, it’s worth reconsidering what The Graduate was...
"When Penthouse went bankrupt last week, the overwhelming reaction was, “Penthouse was still around?”" - Kathy...
"In previous incarnations such types have been known as “douchebags,” “douches,” “jocks,” “frat boys,” and “male...
"Why are hacks scared to state the obvious? In Britain, strict libel laws give them an excuse. But in America? To...
"America did choose the gun-toting contestant via social media, but the judges overrode them and went for the...
"Immigration? Don’t get me started. Why does it need reforming? We have all the laws we need. We just don’t...
"...American cinema today offers few femmes fatales, and American television finds nothing funny about...
"Lindsay intends a preemptive surrender of Congress’ constitutional war-making power—to Obama. He wants to give...
"The pejorative “Neanderthal,” despite being anthropologically hurtful and unabashedly homo sapiens-supremacist,...
"Many of us were raised with a certain image of dignity—starting with good manners—that is not easily found in...
John Derbyshire rounds up this year's Oscar hopefuls...
"While activists of the past worried about the fate of coal miners or the unemployed, contemporary activists find...
"The young women who’ve embraced this “movement” can be forgiven somewhat for wanting to take their nubile, horny...
"In the six years since Australia’s Labor Party assumed power, an estimated 50,000 boat people have reached its...
John Derbyshire's Radio Derb: You cannot be Syrious ─ Post-intervention probabilities ─ The arithmetic of the...
"Those who have difficultly slogging through a single reading of War and Peace may be shocked to learn that...
"The notion of “American exceptionalism” is highly contentious. Republicans leapt upon President Obama for not...
"Cicero was a wise human being who wrote that a man with a garden and a library has all he needs. He also said...
"More ominously, “hate crimes” are generally premised upon supposed “hate speech” that is thought to justify...
"Before his decision to start leaking highly sensitive military information to svelte albino panda cub Julian...
"What’s the matter with not being smart? As Hemingway put it, “Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest...
"Regarding Egypt’s current turmoil, international neophytes of every stripe claim to know precisely what is...
"Regarding Egypt’s current turmoil, international neophytes of every stripe claim to know precisely what is...
"I sometimes wish I didn’t see the world like this, through a Gen-X filter of self-defensive snark. I didn’t...
"An otherwise decent commentator named Roger Cohen blames Uncle Sam and Obama for not getting Egypt right. It is...
"The hit movie Lee Daniels’ The Butler, staring Forest Whitaker and Oprah Winfrey, takes us back to the bad old...
"During my stint on the left, I met white-ribbon-wearing “male feminists” who were sincere, thoughtful, and...
"A statistical analysis from England suggests that a woman’s IQ is inversely proportional to her desire to breed....
"When asked, voters show strong preferences for policies that neither major party will touch with a ten-foot...
"In the immigration debate, the conventional wisdom is that the solution to millions of “undocumented workers” is...
“A new Cold War is brewing between Russia and the West, but this time it’s being fought over the rainbow flag.” -...
RADIO DERB: Hillary Clinton refresher course ─ The great pro-Hillary brainwashing campaign begins ─ The politics...
“The Tonight Show’s importance in the entertainment economy and in popular culture has steeply declined since its...
"Duck Dynasty is part of a recent wave of TV shows that depict what used to be known as normal Americans as...
"the front-runner in the New York mayor’s race today quit Congress as a serial texter of lewd photos to anonymous...
"The lesson that the prestige press tells us to take away from the Trayvon affair is that “profiling” (i.e.,...
"The lesson that the prestige press tells us to take away from the Trayvon affair is that “profiling” (i.e.,...
"Last Thursday in federal court, the city filed the largest municipal bankruptcy case in American history, with...
"TV actress Leah Remini renounced Scientology last week. I assume she’s looking back on the past decade and...
"Zimmerman is not racist! The creepiest, most sinister theme has been the stories about the FBI investigation of...
"...the farcical trial was—or at least would have been in some rational alternative universe—a huge black eye for...
"On July 8, Toronto police raided the home of one Benjamin Levin. Two days later, the charges against him added up...
"George Zimmerman is now a free man. He is free to be stalked, threatened, harassed, persecuted, and possibly...
"The case against mixed-sex military units is solid and straightforward. So is the fact that extremely few women...
"It’s hardly a new observation that Westernized Egyptians have been losing the war of the cradle with downscale...
"After his death I would drop anchor in different islands and people would ask what happened to the flag. “Unlike...
"Most of us now realize that both political parties are corrupt to their core and little distinguished by their...
"Yet since Reagan went home, Democrats have won the popular vote in five of six presidential elections. The New...
"despite attempts on all sides to erase the evidence, we know with absolute certainty that actor Alec Baldwin...
"Unless you’re deaf, you’re probably well aware that atheists have been making a lot of noise of late." - Jim Goad...
This week on John Derbyshire's Radio Derb: Affirmative action: a beast no one dares kill ─ From Jim Crow to Jim...
“The James O’Keefe we’ve been spoon-fed by the media is not even close to the real person.” - Gavin McInnes for...
"Immigration. This is the big one—the Gettysburg of the conflict. If conservatives lose this one, we shall...
"Sarah Palin can’t raise your taxes. She can’t send your children to war. Yet almost five years after her failed...
"Bragman also said that “words hurt” and “damage people,” although I doubt he was referring to Paula Deen and her...
Dispatches from a screenwriter in trouble - Christoph Hargreaves-Allen for TakiMag.
RADIO DERB: Meet the Donorist Party! ─ O Rubio! ─ Whistleblower pushback ─ You cannot be Syrias! ─ Endgame in...
“I didn’t expect to see so many derelicts in Music City USA. I thought the home of country music would be a little...
"Father’s Day has been called “the Rodney Dangerfield of Holidays” and was essentially created as an afterthought...
John Derbyshire's Radio Derb: Whistleblower or traitor? ─ Raison d’État ─ Libertarianism in one country ─ Heavens...
"Pushing the “on” button on the TV is like pushing the “off” button on your kids. They just sit there like...
"Edward Snowden’s leaks about the spying capabilities of the US government and Silicon Valley have ignited...
"No one with even passing familiarity with the Official (Leftist) Version of History—from Sacco and Vanzetti and...
"One of the most fascinating aspects of the O. J. Simpson murder trial is that it forced the progressive-minded to...
"Apparently the sexist mores of the super-rich were manifested by the hedge-fund billionaire Paul Tudor Jones, a...
"Our ruling caste rivals the ancient Roman emperors for personal decadence and corruption. An official from the...
"As we’ve seen in recent years, Muslim male-chauvinist cultures that treat females like dirt tend to nurture...
"Sex therapists have been practically prescribing Hitachis to frustrated patients since the 1970s. For almost as...
"Though it’s medically possible to work oneself to death—especially among the Japanese—I know more people who are...
This week on Radio Derb: United Kingdom of pussification ─ Lethal tolerance ─ Caribbean connections ─ Obamacare...
“They came here so they could work their asses off building a nest egg and have kids who didn’t think wealth was...
"1963 was the year when sexual intercourse began, according to Philip Larkin. Sex certainly had top billing in...
"...old-fashioned sitcoms remain potential money-gushers because they are best suited to syndication. Once a...
"When I think about colonialist invaders massacring innocents by the millions, somehow neither Indonesia nor...
"...marriage died long before homosexuals got involved. Divorce is what killed it." - Gavin McInnes for TakiMag.
"A new genetic study helps illuminate how nurture and nature worked together to make Italy a place where you...
"Because of a grave national security leak, President Obama’s Department of Justice seized two months of records...
"I’ve recently been made aware of a strange new tribe who refer to themselves collectively—they do everything...
"In January of this year, another first-grader, Rodney Lynch, was suspended for making a gun gesture with his...
"For anyone who doubted that Pathos holds the whip hand over Logos in the public arena, the Richwine affair has...
"What’s the single most horrible thing that former Heritage Foundation analyst Dr. Jason Richwine wrote in his...
" our generation really so desperate for a good old-fashioned champion that we’ll glom onto the first halfway...
"The latest polite-‘n’-erudite researcher to be guillotined by the naïve-yet-bloodthirsty egalitotalitarian...
Radio Derb: The Cleveland kidnapper ─ Where to go for honest race talk ─ Should Britain be independent? ─...
"The hot new thing for advertisers is viral comedy videos. Companies know that funny sketches that cost virtually...
"Rep. Weiner became ex-Rep. Weiner after Tweeting suggestive pictures of himself to female e-acquaintances and...
"Billionaire Tony Stark’s Iron Mansion in Malibu, which the evil Mandarin demolishes in Iron Man 3, is a...
"The US has already enacted economic boycotts and maneuvered to have Syrian authorities blackballed by United...
On this week's Radio Derb: Immigration bill boosters showing flop sweat ─ Comprehensively hating Americans ─ More...
“Of course there is a risk with fracking. There is a risk with going to the grocery store. But fracking is one of...
Gavin McInnes pokes holes in Josh Fox's Gasland documentary and tells us why we should give a frick about the...
Wondering how Tavon White, awaiting trial for attempted murder, allegedly fathered five babies by four female...
“Per capita, Jews are a little over 100 times more likely to become billionaires than the rest of the human race.”...
“Don’t you dare think differently than they do. Their tolerance does not extend to what’s in your brain.” - Jim...
This week's Radio Derb: A case of absimilation ─ Refugee roulette ─ Who’ll guard the guards? ─ Premature...
“As the talk of decriminalization became more mainstream, the drug itself became more hardcore.” - Gavin McInnes...
“The Boston Marathon bombing story came garnished with an unusual number of ironies, coincidences, and historical...
“You live in the moral equivalent of your father’s basement.” - Kathy Shaidle for TakiMag.
“We, as a nation, need to start racially profiling liberal writers.” - Jim Goad for TakiMag.
“Emotions drive modern political discourse because we are living in a nation of mathematical illiterates.” - Gavin...
“Racism is considered cool when it’s directed against white people.” - John Derbyshire for TakiMag.
“The total death toll from all mass shootings in the entire country over the last three decades is only about as...
“A 67-year-old American citizen is about to begin a 15-year prison term—in other words, a life sentence—for being...
“I have news for both sides. Guns and abortions are both only meant to kill.” - Jim Goad for TakiMag.
RADIO DERB: A great lady passes ─ Gang of Eight seals America’s fate ─ Sessions for President! ─ Gun rights on...
“Political corruption in New York—both the city and the state—didn’t end with Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall. That...
“She was the most forthright public figure of her age, the least politic of politicians.” - Steve Sailer for TakiMag.
“They’re steeped in the seductive, romantic message that hippies were peaceful, noble idealists and even...
“Is it too much to point out that men and women are different? That biologically, emotionally, and...
“This is not the first, nor the thousandth, time that the Associated Press has been accused of bias.” - Jim Goad...
“Women can finally kind of ride bikes in Saudi Arabia if they’re accompanied by a male relative and are covered...
“Here in the real world, love is blind. So are erections.” - Gavin McInnes for TakiMag.
“In a far graver crisis, perpetrated by Nikita Khrushchev in 1962, John F. Kennedy did not hesitate to communicate...
“What greater sin against nature can there be than an animal that dreams of hunting bison in snowy wastes but...
“You know that stereotype of young black males as dangerous? According to the White House, it’s true.” - Steve...
“I’ve automatically assumed every guy I’ve met over the course of the last twenty years was homosexual.” - Kathy...
“Why is it that those who pride themselves on slaughtering sacred cows always seem to have a herd of them in...
RADIO DERB: Derbs make dash for freedom ─ China’s long game ─ Sing-along-a-Peng ─ Microaggression ─ Born too soon...
“Bush, Cheney, and Blair belong behind bars for waging war against a sovereign nation that had absolutely no...
“I’ve always thought that people who live under communism slowly lose their souls. LA is worse.” - Gavin McInnes...
“The concept of national character may be making a comeback, at least in Europe.” - John Derbyshire for TakiMag.
“If you can’t think of anything nice to say, just say ‘vibrant.’” - Steve Sailer for TakiMag.
“It appears America may be a dog that has had its day.” - Guy Somerset for TakiMag.
RADIO DERB: Eeek! White guy writes about race! ─ Curse of the penis snatchers ─ Cyprus in crisis ─ Bongos for the...
“If we’re going to perform oral sex on every despot who can’t pronounce the letter ‘J,’ why not Pinochet?” -...
“If you respect empirical inquiry and don’t mind a bit of math, this genes ‘n’ smarts project is worth your...
“Screaming about microaggressions is a privilege only for the officially unprivileged.” Steve Sailer for TakiMag.
“Getting your news about Israel from Haaretz is like getting your ideas about life in the tropics from Gilligan’s...
New Pope ─ Tuition for criminals but not for soldiers ─ Law
de-enforcement ─ Cops shoot baby ─ Aimez-vous les...
“Where societies develop at all, as they have among European peoples this past millennium, their morality passes...
“A Greek is as different from a Swede in culture and mindset as it is possible to be.” - Taki, for TakiMag.
“These spindly beta males all secretly see themselves as righteous macho caped crusaders, rescuing the world...
“The world has lost a man who was larger than life, and we don’t only mean your Body Mass Index.” - Taki, for...
“If whites accomplish too much, they probably cheated. If anyone else succeeds, it’s due to hard work.” - Gavin...
“There is such a hunger in 2013 to sniff out racists and punish them that the actual shortage of racists is...
“One can never have enough tolerance, even if it means silencing the opposition and squashing any ideological...
“There were so many ‘multiple personalities’ at some meetings, we were probably breaking fire codes without...
“One can never have enough tolerance, even if it means silencing the opposition and squashing any ideological...
RADIO DERB: Nationalism across the pond ─ And the Silly Party candidate is…. ─ The Oscars in German ─ Fat City ─...
“You haven’t made any connection with Chinese culture until you’ve toasted yourself blotto at a Chinese banquet.”...
“Over the last generation, elite colleges have concentrated upon becoming more elite, not more accessible.” -...
“Why has our Lord Protector not manned up and dealt with Iran himself?” - Patrick J. Buchanan for TakiMag.
“All these films are highly entertaining and at some points brilliant.” - Guy Somerset for TakiMag.
“What does it say about our world when Slappy White and Nipsey Russell suddenly seem like reasonable names?” -...
“Anthropology used to be a science just like any other. Today it is a stomping ground for dogmatic lesbians and...
“We won’t burn books; we’ll just forget about them.” - John Derbyshire for TakiMag.
“Just as Obama doesn’t mind killing people from the air with drones, he doesn’t seem to mind outsourcing their...
“As an alternative to libel suits, there is no downside to dueling.” - Kathy Shaidle for TakiMag.
“Rather than the second coming of Mandela, Oscar Pistorius is looking more and more like South Africa’s O. J....
“Preparing for a rainy day is terminally uncool. It’s as white-bread as being Swiss or joining the Boy Scouts.” -...
“A beautiful woman—whatever her birth, intelligence, or station in life—has the world at her feet.” - Guy Somerset.
“Import thousands of gays to any downtown—no matter how bleak and uninviting—and within a year or two the result...
“The peculiar horror of when-brother-fought-brother has long been thought to have Darwinian roots.” - Steve...
When Atheists Are A+holes
“Beware of authority figures, active or retired, with guns in their hands.” - Jim Goad for TakiMag.
John Derbyshire's RADIO DERB: Gesture politics ─ Cantor turns coat ─ Non-Hispanic whites to GOP: What are we,...
“The left ran with it and many blacks Tweeted that they were no longer going to vote for Romney, which is sort of...
“Knowledge is knowledge and bears no necessary relation to the knower’s personality.” - John Derbyshire for TakiMag.
“Two out of five children are now born out of wedlock, so, uh…get used to it, America!” - Kathy Shaidle for TakiMag.
“There are more ‘Nazis’ on your average Hogan’s Heroes rerun than currently reside in all of North America. (And...
“There seems to be no end to the inane, reality-defying mantras of modern progressive education.” - Jim Goad for...
“The Post distributes about a half a million copies daily, virtually all of them read by New Yorkers. The Times...
“If we are to learn complex new data-entry skills every twenty years, when shall we have time to think?” - John...
“When did the internal affairs of foreign nations become the portfolio of American diplomats?” - Patrick J. Buchanan.
“I caution you not to blindly trust anyone who claims they know God personally. In far too many cases, these...
“People in government use guns to kill the most people by far. Surely that’s something to keep in mind when...
“I am now ready to say that 99.9 percent of free verse is worthless crap.” - John Derbyshire for TakiMag.
“Jewish settlers on Palestinian lands have been known to express the same kind of opinion about ‘subhuman’...
“Perhaps our grandchildren will ask us why we didn’t help rather than humor such disturbed men and women.” -...
“If women stopped work tomorrow it would solve the West’s chronic unemployment crisis overnight.” - Nicholas...
“If someone tries explaining the world to you and mentions Batman within the first sentence, immediately walk...
“That’s right, gentle readers—Martin Luther King is currently a murder suspect.” - Jim Goad for TakiMag.
“It ain’t as easy as you remember.” - Gavin McInnes for TakiMag.
“So far as keeping up with worry-worthy issues is concerned, I have nothing to worry about.” - John Derbyshire...
“Is it wise to publicize your teenager’s personal problems to promote your movie?” - Steve Sailer for TakiMag.
“Cherry tells embarrassing truths on purpose.” - Kathy Shaidle for TakiMag.
“Barack Obama seems to be taking a page out of the playbook of these coalition builders.” - Patrick J. Buchanan.
“America’s biggest cultural problem these days isn’t that we suffer from a lack of sensitivity, but that we’re...
“In olden days they would have been sent to a leper colony. Now they appear on TV.” - Taki, for TakiMag.
RADIO DERB: They want your guns ─ Hagelian dialectic MOOC learning ─ Scofflaw-in-Chief ─ Kill the white devils! ─...
“Flattery works best on those who already have a very high opinion of themselves.” Taki, for TakiMag.
“We are eternally re-fighting the Civil War.” - John Derbyshire for TakiMag.
“Zero Dark Thirty will earn vastly more than The Hurt Locker due to its irresistible subject matter: Osama...
2012: The Year in PC #JimGoad #PC
Here Comes Honey Jigaboo Boo #JimGoad #ShawtyLo #AllMyBabiesMamas #Oxygen
“Many gun controllers not only do not understand what motivates those who disagree with them, they do not like...
“I’m pretty sure the only people who can relate to these characters are the characters themselves.” - Gavin...
RADIO DERB: Will America see the light? ─ Kicking the can over the cliff ─ Republicans are revolting ─ Amnesty and...
“Our names are important, but sometimes we can’t help them.” - Taki, for TakiMag.
“What matters is white-on-white moral status striving. And in that eternal war, even Quentin Tarantino is a...
“Quit thinking of the word ‘tax’ as a noun and start thinking of it as a verb.” - the TakiMag Editors.
“At the top of the pile were the WASPs.” Paul Gottfried for TakiMag.
“Once upon a time movies played on our dreams and deepest longings. They transformed, enlightened, and delighted...
“Lowry may have the guts to slam Hagel on the Web, but he can’t even muster up the courage to fight Al Franken,...
“This massacre was no one’s doing but Adam Lanza’s.” - Brian LaSorza for TakiMag.
“I wish that people would stop getting so offended and reclaim their sense of humor.” - Jim Goad for TakiMag.
RADIO DERB: A zone of chaos ─ Guns and liberty ─ I’m eccentric, you’re weird, he’s crazy ─ Is it the culture’s...
“You don’t have to be white or Christian to belong in America, but for Christ’s sake, show some respect.” Gavin...
“Downing Street may secretly enjoy having the whip hand over the press.”- Derek Turner for TakiMag.
“The Soviets locked political dissidents up in asylums. Does anyone think our liberal elites would hesitate to do...
“Creeps who have been ignored because there is something wrong with them try to make themselves interesting with...
“Creeps who have been ignored because there is something wrong with them try to make themselves interesting with...
“Drudge has been called a parasite, except parasites tend to drain their hosts, not help keep them alive.” - Kathy...
Where Have All the Christians Gone? #CharlesCouloumbe #Religion #UK #Islam #Monarchy #tcot
“How did they turn from being the harshest critics of ‘The Man’ in the 1960s to being his most brainwashed...
Losing My Dream House to the Apocalypse #NicholasFarell #tcot
RADI DERB: Kill Boomer scum! ─ Allons enfants de la Patrie! ─ Norks in space ─ Anti-white triumphalism ─ Unions...
’Tis the Season Not to Be a Commie #TAKI #AnneApplebaum #OliverStone #UntoldHistory #tcot
Child Sacrifice #AnthonyMcCarthy #SameSexMarriage MatthewParris #News #tcot
Attack of the Killer Handbags #GavinMcInnes #Retail #tcot
“The Christian religion preaches we should live in peace with our fellow man, which makes Christianity one hell...
“If I can approve of Génération Identitaire wanting their country back, why am I mad at Psy for wanting his...
How to Wean the Dependent #RobertWeissberg #Prosperity #Education #tcot
“Making racial discrimination against blacks unfashionable made ethnic discrimination against Jews increasingly...
“The crisis of the GOP today is demographic, cultural and political.” - Patrick J. Buchanan for TakiMag.
“We all get the biggest laugh out of the fact that Kinsella’s campaign against me keeps backfiring.” - Kathy...
Sour on the Saudis #TAKI #Wahhabi #tcot
“Gentlemen, the time is nigh to reclaim your balls. Don’t just grow a pair—grow a quartet.” - Jim Goad for TakiMag.
This week's RADIO DERB: We hired the money, didn’t we? ─ Bring in the clowns ─ Not cynical enough ─ Americans,...
The Real War on Women #GuySomerset #Feminism #Contraception #tcot
10 Facts About Brooklyn Natives #GavinMcInnes #Brooklyn
“The great American critic George Jean Nathan said that what a man looks for in a woman is something like a good...
Miscegenation at Monticello? #JaredTaylor #Jefferson #PaulFinkelman #NYT #tcot
“All I see in the crystal ball are broken images.” - John Derbyshire for TakiMag.
Criminal Libel in the Spaghetti Republic #NicholasFarrell #Italy #AlessandroSallusti #IlGiornale #News #tcot
“Victory Riots are similar to the orgies of pillage and rape that conquering armies notoriously engaged in after...
The True Disciple of Saul Alinsky #PatBuchanan #Obama #Taxes #tcot
“Allowing the elites to categorize unpopular opinions as mental illnesses is the sort of Stalinesque junk science...
The Myth of Northern Innocence #JimGoad #TraceAdkins #Confederacy #News #tcot
Toward a More Diversified Diversity #PaulGottfried #SupremeCourt #ElenaKagan #SoniaSotomayor #news #tcot
“I’m here to smash your myths and smear feces on your whitewashing.” - Jim Goad for TakiMag.
10 White People Problems #GavinMcInnes #tcot
“One of the main reasons we still read Mencken is that he was enormously funny.” - Jared Taylor for TakiMag.
Starve the Beast! #RADIODERB #JohnDerbyshire #tcot
This week's RADIO DERB: Towards the cliff edge ─ Rice, Paddy? ─ Sexiest dictator alive ─ Brits want their country...
The World’s Most Brilliantly Bumbling Female Editors #TAKI #AriannaHuffington #TinaBrown #tcot
10 White People Problems #GavinMcInnes #tcot
“Yet we should take seriously what is behind this desire to separate and sever ties, for it mirrors what is...
“Winners can’t complain. They can’t even complain that they’re not allowed to complain.” - Gavin McInnes for TakiMag.
“I suppose medication has something to do with it. Or perhaps they’ve all gone into politics.” - John Derbyshire...
Two Sweeps Over the Limit #NicholasFarrell #tcot
Silver Cashes In #SteveSailer #NateSilver #TheSignalandtheNoise #Forecasting #Gambling #tcot
“The Signal and the Noise carries much advice, almost all of it good, about how not to get fooled when...
“I drive much more aggressively and dangerously when I’m stone-cold sober than I ever did as a seasoned drunk...
Elmosexual Panic #KathyShaidle #Elmo #KevinClash #SesameStreet #News #tcot
"Republicans are being told that they either vote for something they believe to be wrong and ruinous—or get...
“If only Romney had campaigned against Elmo instead of Big Bird.” - Kathy Shaidle on the breaking Kevin Clash...
Gender-Neutral Societies Suck #PaulGottfried #WomensStudies #Porn #tcot
Happy to Be on the Wrong Side of History #JimGoad #tcot
“History is cyclical rather than linear, and there’s no ‘right side’ of a circle.” - Jim Goad for TakiMag.
“We are ultimately the arbiters of our entertainment, and as a group we prefer crap!” - Charles A. Coulombe for...
Turkey, Turkey, and Eternal Recurrence in the Middle East #RADIODERB #JohnDerbyshire #tcot
This week's Radio Derb: Turkey news ─ Another great Arab victory ─ Eternal recurrence in the Middle East ─ A song...
The Petrayal of Petraeus #TAKI #Affairs #News #tcot
“I think it’s OK to be divisive if half the country is retarded.” - Gavin McInnes for TakiMag.
"Tommy Henrich and Charlie Keller were in the outfield and a young Yogi Berra was behind the plate. But even with...
“We now know that Marxism and Freudianism were elegant intellectual fantasies.” - John Derbyshire for TakiMag.
Mitt Wasn’t All Wrong About “Gifts” #PatrickBuchanan #MittRomney #GovJindal #News #tcot
“It’s not ‘genocide’ if you’re still here.” - Kathy Shaidle for TakiMag.
The Men Who Taste Jews in Their Sandwiches #JimGoad #TheJewishQuestion #tcot
“Today’s college students are now liberated from nearly every responsibility that once constituted growing up.” -...
“I’ll be accused of being afraid to admit that Jews control the sandwich industry.” - Jim Goad for TakiMag.
This week's RADIO DERB: Petraeus goes All In ─ The Uniform Code of Derb Justice ─ A burst of realism on sex ─ A...
Ruling the Mat in Miami #TAKI #WorldJudoChampion #Miami #Marbella #tcot
“We’ve gone from a country where everyone is born a sinner to one where everyone grows up to be a criminal.” -...
Brooms and Shovels #JohnDerbyshire #Romney #tcot
“It’s obvious that someone was out to silence Petraeus.” - Andrew P. Napolitano for TakiMag.
Who Guards Those Who Guard the Guardians? #DerekTurner #LevensonInquiry #Assange #NewsoftheWorld #News #tcot
A Five-Point Plan to Save the GOP #PaulGottfried #GOP #tcot #News #Politics
“The great questions at play during the Civil War were always going to be decided by force of arms, with the...
“The stunning resignation of CIA Director David Petraeus, days before he was to testify on the CIA role in the...
10 Good Reasons Not to Assassinate Obama #GavinMcInnes #Obama #NwordTweet #News #tcot
Taki Theodoracopulos wins the world 70+ judo championship!
#TAKI #BoSvenson #KillBIll2
“Don’t even kill him with kindness, because he clearly doesn’t deserve it.” - Jim Goad for TakiMag.
“We are sheep led by knaves and con men.” - Taki, for TakiMag.
Dear Barack Obama (A Letter From Joseph Goebbels) #GavinMcInnes #JosephGeobbels #Obama #tcot
Election Special! #JohnDerbyshire #Election #Republican #News #tcot
This week's Radio Derb: Republicans are white, but whites aren’t Republican ─ Bye-bye, American exceptionalism ─...
“It was all for naught. As I write, shortly after midnight on Wednesday morning, it is clear that Barack Obama has...
Hormonal Politics #SteveSailer #Obama #Feminists #LarrySummers #ValerieJarret #News #tcot
"You can tell how un-African-American Obama is by upbringing from his passive-aggressive sniping at his mother and...
“If you have any basic understanding of math, you’d realize that everyone except the casino owners lose in the...
The Coming Age of Austerity #PatBuchanan #Austerity #EconomicCrisis #ReaganRecovery #News #tcot
“Infidelity is not something society approves of, but it depends which society.” - Taki, for TakiMag.
Jimmy Savile: Emblem of an Age #DerekTurner #TopOfthePops #News #tcot
The Calm Between the Storms #JimGoad #HurricaneSandy #JohnDerbyshire #PoliticizingSandy #News #tcot
“Though many view the past few days’ events as merely the wake of Hurricane Sandy, I see it more as a wake before...
“Though many view the past few days’ events as merely the wake of Hurricane Sandy, I see it more as a wake before...
A Mirror Called Madonna #CharlesCoulombe #Madonna #TruthorDare #tcot
“She has gotten more press coverage for being booed than anything else she has done in the past few years.” -...
“Atlantic City is deserted, the one-armed bandits motionless, with only a few strands of Donald Trump’s hair...
The Wrath of Sandy #TAKI #LindsayLohan #Sandy #NYC #NJ
Octomom, Please Octodie #TakiMagEditors #Octomom #NadyaSuleman #XanaxAddiction
Anti-Black Prejudice #GavinMcInnes #ConradBlack #AMatterofPrinciple #WarrenBuffett
“I reject the idea that a principled vote is wasted.” - Andrew P. Napolitano for TakiMag.
“Nadya Suleman, you are everything that is wrong with the world at the moment.” - The Editors take on Octomom, for...
Making Sense of Obama: The Muslimist #SteveSailer #Obama #tcot
When Harry Met Arthur #ChristopherSandford #ArthurConanDoyle #Houdini #tcot
“Obama has been the subject of so much fantasizing (not least by Obama himself) that the actual man remains...
Romney for President #PatBuchanan #JohnJay #MittRomney #News #tcot
“You’d think folks would pay a premium NOT to have ‘Trump’ stamped on everything from condos to cologne.” - Kathy...
Can’t We All Just Get Post-Racial? #JimGoad #PostRacial #APStudy #News #tcot
Russia Scolds America Back #PaulGottfried #NYT #Russia #Adoption #Waterboarding #News #tcot
“Don’t think about the idea that tribalism may be a natural instinct and that trying to go ‘post-racial’ is as...
Don't miss John Derbyshire's Radio Derb: The Week in Review
A Message to Newsweek #GuySomerset #Newsweek #AntiAmerican #News #tcot
The Days of White Linen Suits and Panama Hats #TAKI #GreekFootball #NovelSponsorship #VillaErotica #tcot
John Derbyshire's Radio Derb: The GOP commits slow suicide ─ Telescopic diplomacy ─ Israel, Iran, and the bomb ─...
“Your wisdom has been nothing but ‘conventional wisdom,’ which isn’t wise at all.” - Guy Somerset for TakiMag.
“It is said that there is a different saint for every personality type and position in life.” - Charles A....
The Seven Saints of October #CharlesCoulombe #Saints #Catholicism #tcto
Free to Be a Communist #JohnDerbyshire #Ethnomasochism #Obama #BillAyers #News #tcot
In Defense of English Civilization #SeanGabb #England #Balkanization #tcot
“Conservatives, after all, should not wish to copy the mistakes of the French revolutionaries.” - Sean Gabb for...
“A rule of thumb regarding male intellectuals is that the more experience they have with their own children, the...
Negotiations—or War With Iran? #PatBuchanan #Iran #News #tcot
“Besides being devoid of sex appeal to an unnerving degree, Chavez also neglected to die young.” - Kathy Shaidle...
Nation of Leeches #JimGoad #47% #MittRomney #News #tcot
“In the old world, they used to do things slowly and beautifully. Today, even pleasure is all about convenience...
“When you ask nothing of people, that’s exactly what you get.” - Jim Goad for TakiMag.
Race Enstupidates and More, Folks! #JohnDerbyshire #ObamaRiots #ImmigrationCliches #tcot #News
RADIO DERB: Riots if Obama loses?, the second debate: body language, picayune demands, skewed facts, and an...
Talking Brooklyn #TAKI #ManhattanScum #tcot
“If ever I move to Brooklyn it will be to get away from the scum that Europe, Africa, and China are disgorging on...
The One-Party State #JohnDerbyshire #PresidentialElection #Romney #Obama
“I doubt I’ll bother to vote in November.” - John Derbyshire for TakiMag.
Post-Apocalypto #SteveSailer #MelGibson #Blacklist #GetTheGringo #News #tcot
The Spice of Death #CharlesCoulombe #Variety #PenskeMedia #NikkiFinke #Hollywood #News #tcot
“Mel Gibson is almost the only figure in Hollywood engaging imaginatively with a vast topic of ever-growing...
Jonesing for Censorship #KathyShaidle #TerryJones #Korancontroversy #News #tcot
The Blacklash Against Stacey Dash #JimGoad #StaceyDash #Obama #Romney #Clueless #News #tcot
Hobsbawm’s Choice #NicholasFarrell #EricHobsawn #Obit #News #tcot
Fisher v. University of Texas, Libya, and More on the Debates #JohnDerbyshire #RadioDerb #tcot
Stay out of the Syrian Maelstrom #PatBuchanan #Syria #Assad #Romney #Hezbollah #News #tcot
Birth of an Unbiased Media #GavinMcInnes #BillMaher #PresidentialDebates #News #tcot
“Illegitimate births are bad for the Republican Party.” - Steve Sailer for TakiMag.
"..are U.S. sanctions designed to bring about not a negotiated settlement of the nuclear issue, but regime...
Is a Nuclear Deal With Iran Possible? #PatBuchanan #Iran #Diplomacy #News #tcot
When Push Comes to Shoving Cripples #KathyShaidle #ScottJohnson #DisabilitiesActLawsuit #FordsRealBurgers #tcot
“The handicapped insist on living like the rest of us—and almost always at our expense.” - Kathy Shaidle for TakiMag.
“The Mexicans are indeed at our gates; whether they will be barbarians or not depends a great deal on us.” -...
“Double standards are by their very nature designed to keep people divided.” - Jim Goad for TakiMag.
The Mexican Basket Case #CharlesCoulombe #news #tcot
The Magical Hip-Hop Get Out of Jail Free Card #JimGoad #snoopdog #obama #election
"Romney defeats Obama on points, single white women hate Romney, Romney hearts illegals, George Zimmerman sues...
Dummies Great and Small #TAKI #Dumdumalert #MoneyLaundering #CliffTexting #News #tcot
“September had been an awful month for Romney, mainly because the overwhelmingly left-leaning media had insisted...
Anniversary of a Defenestration #JohnDerbyshire #News #tcot
Two Failures #AndrewNapolitano #Obama #Failure #Romney #News #tcot
“The narrative of present-day black victimhood is a lie—a gross and antisocial lie.” - John Derbyshire for TakiMag.
The Scoop on Looper #SteveSailer #Film #Review #RianJohnson #Looper #BruceWillis #JosephGordonLevitt
Evolutionary Zen #GuySomerset #Evolution #Creationism #tcot #Libertarian
“If you owned a newly invented time machine in 2074, what would you do with it?” - Steve Sailer on sci-fi...
The Unraveling of Obama’s Foreign Policy #PatBuchanan #ChrisStevens #ProphetMuhammad #Benghazi #tcot
“Nothing you can do in your pajamas is real work.” - Kathy Shaidle on 'The Weaker Sex', for TakiMag.
“Good evening, Mr. Obama and Mr. Romney. I’ll be your sole interrogator tonight.” - Jim Goad on the presidential...
"Democracy’s a flop, Obama to blacks: Drop dead, Obama: One of the 47 percent, support the civilized man, olds...
A Voice in the DC Wilderness #Taki #AmericanConservative #PatBuchanan #ScottMcConnell #tcot
10 Things I Hate That Everybody Loves #GavinMcInnes #tcot
Three Waves of Mediocrity #CharlesCoulombe #Libya #MiddleEast #ArabSpring #tcot
“Due to religious and cultural histories too complex for the average American politico or bureaucrat to...
A Day at the Opera #JohnDerbyshire #Turandot #Met #Opera #tcot
Low-Calorie Food Fight! #TakiMagEds #WeAreHungry #850calories #News #tcot
“If parents can’t afford to feed their kids and keep them healthy, the solution is simple: Don’t have them.” -...
“Let them go their own way so long as it is not on a collision course with us.” - Guy Somerset for TakiMag.
“Let them go their own way so long as it is not on a collision course with us.” - Guy Somerset for TakiMag.
“Let them go their own way so long as it is not on a collision course with us.” - Guy Somerset for TakiMag.
Let Them Have Their God #GuySomerset #Islam #News #tcot
“Let them go their own way so long as it is not on a collision course with us.” - Guy Somerset for TakiMag.
Google Gaydar #SteveSailer #Hollywood #Entertainment #Homophobia #tcot
“I’ve noticed over the years that many people have extremely strong opinions on which actors are gay and which...
The Old Abnormal #KathyShaidle #NBCSitcoms #TheNewNormal #Review #Entertainment #tcot
“I spend many hours a day on right-wing websites and can report that nobody’s mentioned the show even once.” -...
“And—while this may border on a hate crime—some countries are unfit for democracy.” - Patrick J. Buchanan for...
America’s Last Crusade #PatBuchanan #ColdWar #BerlinWall #NewWorldOrder #News #Democracy #tcot
“Some of the untalented and illiterate phonies who write unreadable prose dismiss many of those I have mentioned...
“Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you. In fact, that’s the reason they’re out to...
Flying High & Landing Low #TAKI #tcot
Fire in the East #CharlesCoulombe #FarEast #SenkakuIslands #Taiwan #Japan #News #tcot
The Islamic Republic of England #GavinMcInnes #SalmanRushdie #SatanicVerses #Islam #News #tcot
“Americans believe in computers bossed by humans. Europeans have humans under orders to computers.” - Taki for...
Reading, Writing, and Road-Building in Indonesia #StanleyWeiss #Jakarta #News #tcot
Heavy Petting #JohnDerbyshire #tcot
“Indonesia has investment-grade ratings without investment-grade roads.” - Stanley Weiss for TakiMag.
“There are some doors man was never meant to open.” - John Derbyshire for TakiMag.
A Masterful Acting Clinic #SteveSailer #TheMaster #PTAnderson #JoakinPhoenix #Film #Reviews
A Convergence of Colossal Coincidences #GuySomerset #LibyaAmbassador #Egypt #9/11Attacks #News #tcot
“It’s astounding how often inconvenient facts can be ‘coincidenced’ into a palatable narrative where officials do...
“Anderson’s framework allows Philip Seymour Hoffman and Joaquin Phoenix to deliver some of the most stupendous...
“As any casual observer can’t help but notice by now, ‘progressives’ live in the past.” - Kathy Shaidle for TakiMag.
Islam’s “Christian” Collaborators #JosephMcKenzie #AmbassadorStevens #Benghazi #Islam #News #tcot
Attack of the Killer Racist Peanuts #JimGoad #PeanutAllergies #ArkansasPeanuts #Oregon #News #tcot
“Today, globalist immigration policies accomplish what used to be achieved through the scimitar: the Islamic...
“There is no longer a need for satire these days because the world ridicules itself.” - Jim Goad for TakiMag.
“There is no longer a need for satire these days because the world ridicules itself.” - Jim Goad for TakiMag.
Taki's Magazine - extreme_movie_criticism_teachers_strike_and_other_news_john_derbyshire via @takimag #IslamMovie
Every Woman Adores a Fascist #NicholasFarrell #ShadesofGrey #S&M #tcot
Where Have All the Leaders Gone? #CharlesCoulombe #Leaders #tcot
“Women want a man who protects them from the world—an old-fashioned man.” - Nicholas Farrell for TakiMag.
“Women want a man who protects them from the world—an old-fashioned man.” - Nicholas Farrell for TakiMag.
“Women want a man who protects them from the world—an old-fashioned man.” - Nicholas Farrell for TakiMag.
Revenge of the Village People #Taki #Gstaad #Tax #Demonstrations #News #tcot
Wagging the Dirty Infidel Dog #InnocenceofMuslims #Islam #LibyaAttack #9/11 #News #tcot
Let’s Be Perfectly Clear About Scientology #GavinMcInnes #Scientology #COS #TheMaster #MarkEbner #News #tcot
“The natives are not only angry, they’re ready to reach for their pitchforks and teach the city busybodies a few...
Club Life #Mandolyna Theodoracopulos #GrouchoMarx #FriarsClub #EagleClub #tcot
Losing Our Turbulence #JohnDerbyshire #Britain #Immigration #EnochPowell GeorgeOrwell #News #tcot
“One can’t help feeling it would be character-building for our political classes if a mob were to come around and...
The Hangman Resurgent #GuySomerset #DeathPenalty #News #tcot
How to Pass: Past and Present #SteveSailer #Obama #DNC #PhilipRoth #News #tcot
Kill Woman, Get Free Sex Change #RAMZPAUL #Crime #Healthcare #tcot
“In 21st-century America, identifying as black is good for your career.” - Steve Sailer for TakiMag.
“If the only ‘free’ thing Gypsies don’t want to exploit in their adopted countries is an education, they deserve...
The Tenacity of Mendacity #JimGoad #BigLie #Propaganda #PatLehman #DNC #news #tcot
Modern Art: Socialism’s Ugly Whore #JosephMcKenzie #Modernism #Art #MarcelDuchamp #tcot
The Gayest Study Ever #ChristianBonk #UM #CBS #GayStudies #News #tcot
“A fundamental flaw of human psychology, at least at this point in evolution, is that people prefer to embrace...
Our piece "An overdose of hope' is now on the Drudge Report's front page!
The TakiMag Editors' 'Overdose of Hope' article is front page news on the Drudge Report!
An Overdose of Hope
“There obviously wasn’t enough hope last time, so if you’re feeling all hoped-out, keep hope alive.” - The...
The New Dishonesty of Public Life #TAKI #Onassis #Callas #ShippingWars #RussianOligarchs #Berezovsky #tcot
Big Names, Bubba Speaks, and The Democratic Message #JohnDerbyshire #RadioDerb #DNC #DevalPatrick #Debt #News #tcot
Paralympic Piffle #GavinMcInnes #Paralympics #London #News #tcot
Paralympic Piffle
This week on John Derbyshire's Radio Derb: The Democratic National Convention and the 44%. Deval Patrick, Julian...
If He Only Had a Heart #GuySomerset #MittRomney #LackofEmpathy #DebateStyle #Mocking #News #tcot
White People Are Pussies #JohnDerbyshire #Ethnomasochism #RadioDerb #Niqab #Gypsies #News #tcot
“Of civilized peoples in general, I think it’s only whites that are pussies, and perhaps only white Gentiles.” -...
The War Drums Are Getting Louder #TAKI #RobertKagan #Obama #Iran #News #tcot
It’s My Party and I’ll Leave if I Want To #MandolynaTheodoracopulos #GOP #Romney #VoteAbstention #tcot
How Robots Push Our Buttons #SteveSailer #FilmReview #Robot&Frank #FrankLangella #tcot
“I have never voted for a Republican Party candidate despite being a registered member of the GOP.” - Mandolyna...
“Can we actually care about things that can only pretend to care back?” - Steve Sailer review 'Robot & Frank' for...
“Yesterday’s mental illness is today’s social policy.” - Kathy Shaidle for TakiMag.
The Lonely Man of the Middle East #StanleyWeiss #TayyipErdogan #Putin #Turkey #News #tcot
The Night They Punched His Lights Out in Georgia #JimGoad #AndrewQuade #EmmetTill #Race #tcot
“Turkey now has problems with all of its neighbors, including Russia, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Israel, and Armenia.” -...
“How long will the obvious double standard persist? Exactly as long as everyone keeps their mouths shut for fear...
“Italian fascists were no more or less anti-Semitic or racist than Europeans in general of their day.” - Nicholas...
“There was much talk of ‘personal responsibility’ but not a whisper of who was personally responsible for putting...
The Ten-Million-Dollar Question #GavinMcInnes #WouldYouRather #tcot
High Above the New Barbarians #Taki #Gstaad #tcot
Dog Whistles, Sticky Wickets and A Threefer #JohnDerbyshire #RandPaul #NeilArmstrong #News #tcot
Don't miss this week's installment of John Derbyshire's Radio Derb...
“What do I think of the rich? It depends on which ones you mean.” - John Derbyshire for TakiMag.
Steve Sailer on Dinesh D'Souza's "2016: Obama's America" - Dream Job? #tcot #film #reviews
Sign of the Times #Taki #Olympics #Bolt #MuhammadAli #LanceArmstrong #Doping #tcot
“Obama is reasonably well aware that he can’t bend others to his will face to face, that he’s not a Big Man.” -...
Last Hurrah of Nixon’s ‘New Majority’? #PatBuchanan #tcot
Old Macdonald Had a Problem #KathyShaidle #Canada #tcot
“Canada’s leaders are so boring, no one’s ever tried to shoot one. Our flag is a dead leaf.” - Kathy Shaidle for...
“Society cannot credit our past accomplishments, for that would require admitting its current inadequacies." Guy...
“Presumption of intellectual superiority is tattooed on the modern progressive brain.” - Jim Goad for TakiMag.
5 x 6 Feet Under #CharlesCoulombe #PhyllisDiller #Obit #ErnestBorgnine #AndyGriffith #WilliamWindom #tcot
The French Disconnection #TAKI #Paris #AlanRiding #CharlesGlass #tcot
“In the face of defeat and occupation, the French responded with resignation and accommodation.” - Taki for TakiMag.
“Unfortunately, drive-in theaters live in the real world, and when something no longer makes economic sense, it...
"In a now infamous statement, in which he used the bizarre and unheard-of phrase “legitimate rape,” the...
Abortion and Rape #AndrewNapolitano #ToddAkin #Rape #Abortion #News #tcot
The Greatest Generation Has Left the Building #TRBennington #Hiroshima #Nagasaki #RusselKirk #tcot
“Just as the steely warrior has become a thing of the past, so too has his intellectual equivalent.” - T. R....
“Contrary to all the press accounts presenting Augusta National as a last relic of the Bad Old Days, all-male...
“Stamping out ‘bad thinking’ to build a hate-free world is unnecessary unless you want to turn anti-hate into a...
‘The Most Dangerous Man in the World’? #PatrickBuchanan #Iran #Krushchev #Khamenei #News #tcot
Making Us Sikh #KathyShaidle #WisconsinSikh #AirIndia #Flgiht182 #IndiraGhandi #News #tcot
“When the largest mass murder in Canadian history occurred in 1985, Sikhs were the perps.” - Kathy Shaidle for...
“Only fools mistake good manners for weakness.” - Guy Somerset on the Pussy Riot incident, for TakiMag.
Statistical Fallacio #JimGoad #Forbes #Obama #TotalPublicDebt#News #tcot
The Scum at the Surface of the Black Lagoon #ScottLocklin #ForeignLobbying #Congress #FARA #Neews #tcot
“Most sensible Americans agree that foreign lobbyists are a pox on the nation, but few realize how egregious the...
“100% of people believe only the statistics they want to believe.” - Jim Goad for TakiMag.
Satan, Thy Name is Paul Ryan #PaulRyan #AynRand #News #tcot
“Paul Ryan is obviously smarter than Sarah Palin, so they can’t attack him for being a Mongolian idiot.” - the...
Gaffe-O-Rama #JohnDerbyshire #RadioDerb #PaulRyan #MittRomney #JoeBiden #News #tcot
The Importance of Hatred #GavinMcInnes #tcot
“Rational hatred has been a tool we’ve used since the cave days.” - Gavin McInnes for TakiMag.
This week's Radio Derb: Romney/Ryan, Joe Biden and more.
November’s Choices #AndrewNapolitano #MittRomney #PaulRyan #news #tcot
Odds, Sods, & Gods #JohnDerbyshire #tcot
“Imagination is part of the human package, and it needs to be fed if we’re to take an interest in anything at...
Will There Be Life on Mars? #CharlesCoulombe #MarsRover #Curiosity #News #tcot
The Last Hurdle in Sports # SteveSailer #Olympics #Sports #tcot
“In this century, who has ever gotten ahead by demanding fair play for the majority?” - Steve Sailer for TakiMag.
“Can they, will they reject the frightening picture that will be painted of Romney and Ryan’s America?” - Patrick...
The Great White Dope #KathyShaidle #TimothyMcVeigh #WadeMichaelPage #WisconsinSikhTemple #news #tcot
Burning Yachts and Burning Money #BruceCochran #BarryDiller #EOS #Lürssen #JohanEliasch #news #tcot
“How could such a clever guy be so dumb?” - Bruce Cochran on Barry Diller, for TakiMag.
It Takes Gold to Win Gold #GuySomerset #Olympics #Racism #MichelMorganella #News #tcot
From the Coliseum to the Octagon #TRBennington #MMA #UFC #DanaWhite #FertittaBros #News #tcot
"Despite the greed that surrounds it, MMA has earned a kind of sporting legitimacy. It is no longer the simple...
When Pussies Riot #JimGoad #PussyRiot #Russia #ChristtheSaviour #Punk #News #tcot
“Beneath the superficial sparring about who’s holy and who’s a sinner is a frantic power struggle over how...
“We might not have invented political correctness, but we mastered it.” - Sebastian Gaidus for TakiMag.
Importing Poverty #JohnDerbyshire #RadioDerb #tcot #News
Anything Goes No More #GavinMcInnes #PC #MileyCyrus #ObscenityLaws #SandraFluke #tcot
“The PC movement of the 1990s is a dangerous virus that has disabled the body politic.” - Gavin McInnes for TakiMag.
Gazillions #AndrewNapolitano #Government #RanPaul #Congress #ClassifiedBriefing #Libertarian #News #tcor
Si Jeunesse Savait, Si Vieillesse Pouvait #JohnDerbyshire #Shotgun #HenriEstienne #tcot
“When you’re young you are up for anything but don’t know squat; when you’re old you know it all but can’t be...
"Another working definition of “racist” is: Someone winning an argument with a leftist." #Steve Browne #Racism
My Olympic Freestyle 100-Meter Q&A #SteveSailer #OlympicResults #100meters #Bolt #OlympicFacts
“I’m going to answer random questions about the Olympics that I’ve made up, allowing me to speculate...
Twisted Sistas #KathyShaidle #BlackHair #GabbyDouglas #Olympics #tcot
“Whoever was behind the attack on the Israeli tourists seems to want a war between the Jewish state of Israel and...
The Natural Map of the Middle East #PatrickBuchanan #Iran #Israel #MidEast #tcot
“I call for an immediate moratorium on all boycotts.” - Jim Goad for TakiMag.
“I see nothing Paterno did to justify the hysterical, hateful reaction that has now been unleashed against him.”...
Say What? This week's news round up on #JohnDerbyshire's #RadioDerb #news #tcot #olympics
A round up of the week's news stories on John Derbyshire's Radio Derb .
Gore Vidal: Pleased to Leave You #TAKI #GoreVidal #Obit #News #tcot
Pathologies of Our Peculiar Age #JohnDerbyshire #Olympics #China #USA #OlympicGold #PeterHitchens #tcot
“The Olympics are still one place where nations compare themselves with each other.” - John Derbyshire for TakiMag.
Dope Doggy Dogg #BruceCochran #SnoopDogg #WarOnDrugs #Ganja #BobMarley #tcot
Can Evolution Account for Art? #SteveSailer #ArtOverBiology #AdamKirsch #MickJagger #tcot
“Do artists have more problems than non-artists, or do they just whine about them more intriguingly?” - Steve...
Is Mitt Being Neoconned Into War? #PatBuchanan #MittRomney #Israel #Neocon #War #tcot
Race Cost Her the Race #KathyShaidle #VoulaPapachristou #Olympics #Racism #GreekAthletes #tcot
Kathy Shaidle on Voula Papachristou's olympic expulsion, for TakiMag.
Compliments for the Corpulent #Taki #NicholasSoames #Churchill #Fatty #UKLaw #JohnTerry #tcot
The Secret Relationship Between Rahm and Lou #JimGoad #NationofIslam #Farrakhan #RahmEmmanuel #Chik-fil-A
“The Nation of Islam’s main beef with Jews isn’t necessarily that they’re Jewish, it’s that they see them as...
“Liberals are not idiots. They’re just like you were when you first moved out of your parents’ house.” - Gavin...
It's Radio Derb time!
“Friends had warned me that the Civil War is something you get hooked on. They were right: I’m hooked.” - John...
"The cause of all these high-school shootings in the 1990s and early 2000s had to be journalists such as myself...
Obama’s America—and Ours #PatBuchanan #ObamaQuote #Business #MittRomney #Libertarian #News #tcot
Western Civilization’s Last Line of Defense #KathySaidle #DanielTosh #Comedians #GuyEarle #tcot
“Outlawed racial epithets and sexist remarks are downright encouraged in the oft-derided virtual world of video...
The Joker’s Razor #JimGoad #Colorado #BatmanMassacre #JamesHolmes #News #tcot
A Short Guide to Leftist Conspiracy Theories #ScottLocklin #Lefties #tcot
“America struggles to figure out who or what to blame. They’ve obviously ruled out the shooter.” - Jim Goad for...
Calling the NYPD Cabaret Unit #JohnDerbyshire #RadioDerb #NYC #NYPD #News #tcot
Don't miss John Derbyshire's Radio Derb, only on TakiMag.
Parting with PETA #GavinMcInnes #PETA #Euthenasia #WOOF #Communism #News #tcot
Every Mountain Holds a Million Myths #TAKI #Gstaad #ColinThurbon #MontBlanc #MountailClimbing #tcot
“I’ve been up Olympus, but there were too many tourist signs to feel Zeus’s presence or even Apollo’s.” - Taki for...
"The Rule of Law is a three-legged stool on which freedom sits." - Andrew P. Napolitano for TakiMag.
“In this universe, time’s arrow only ever points one way, and taking things apart is much easier than putting...
That’s What They Want You to Think #SteveSailer #OliverStone #JFK #Conspiracies #tcot
The Gen Y Mascot #MarkDerian #BillMurray #Film #Celebrity #Society #NewYorkCity #tcot
“Bill Murray is charming, but charm’s dirty secret is that it usually belies something that’s not so charming.” -...
“Bill Murray is charming, but charm’s dirty secret is that it usually belies something that’s not so charming.” -...
Is Mitt Serious About Condi? #PatrickBuchanan #MittRomney #DrudgeReport #CondiforVP #News #tcot
"That Rice is accomplished and competent is not in dispute. But should Romney choose her, within hours we would...
4+3 Be What? #KathyShaidle #Africentric #Education #Canada #Mosqueteria #Obama #News #tcot
"Progressives delight in constantly and arbitrarily reengineering the English language. This rigged game of...
“Off came your style, your precious hair—your individuality.” - Adnan Sarwar for TakiMag.
The Last Little Abortion Clinic in Mississippi - Jim Goad for TakiMag.
“Nothing is so frustrating as being grouped together with a bunch of bumbling fools who insist you’re all...
“How come Dante’s Beach is a nudist beach? Because the mere sight of nudists is enough to scare off nearly...
“What’s the ruling on mixed doubles? Can two gay men who are married play together in them?” - Taki for TakiMag.
Chasing Away the Rich #GavinMcInnes #DeniseRich #EduardoSaverin #SenatorSchumer #Taxes #tcot
“Tax the rich more, and you wind up with fewer rich people to tax." - Gavin McInnes for TakiMag.
John Derbyshire's latest Radio Derb, only on TakiMag.
John's Derbyshire's latest Radio Derb is up on TakiMag!
NAMs kill NAMs, and They Blame the Pilgrims #JohnDerbyshire #NonAsianMinority #NYC #ViolentCrime #tcot
Bad Days for Freedom #AndrewNapolitano #Taxes #BenefitState #HealthCare #JusticeScalia #tcot
“Presently in America, nearly half of all households receive either a salary or substantial benefits from the...
Silicon Valley’s Two Daddies #SteveSailer #Eugenics #IQ #FrederickTerman #WilliamSchockley #tcot
Flags at Half-Mast, Please #BruceCochran #GayMarriage #Libertarian #BradPitt #tcot
“Why can’t we all agree that the freedom to choose our own identity is no one’s business but our own?” - Bruce...
“Where is all the porn featuring the Royal Canadian Mounted Police?” - Kathy Shaidle for TakiMag.
Moonlight Over Basra #AdnanSarwar #Iraq #BritishMuslim #tcot
The Nagging Persistence of Tribalism #JimGoad #ChristianIdentity #Klansmen #Alabama #NewsOne #News #tcot
“You should tolerate whomever you like, avoid whomever you dislike, but NEVER tolerate anyone who won’t tolerate...
Down and Out in Laos #JohnDerbyshire #GeorgeOrwell #Bangkok #Memoirs #HongKong #tcot
Celebrity Schadenfreude #CharlesCouloumbe #Celebrity #TomKat #Divorce #Scientology #Hollyweird #News #tcot
Obamacare: Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems #GavinMcInnes #Obamacare #Libertarian #News #tcot
Jumping the Shark
“As bohemian as these adventures may sound in the telling, there were limits to how deep I was willing to venture...
RT @McKinleyPitts: I like Twitter but we will have to leave... The Tyrannical Twerps of Twitter via @takimag
“The world is full of ambitious men, and letting them have 205 separate playpens localizes their power...
Carlo Marx Meets Mario Tse Tung #NicholasFarrell #CarloMarx #Italy #Communists #tcot
Fifty Shades of Frustration #BruceCochran #FiftyShadesofGrey #MickeyRourke #AnastasiaSteele #ChristianGrey #News #tcot
Declamations of Independence #IndependenceDebate #SteveSailer #News #tcot
What do you think? Would we be better off if we hadn't won our independence from Britain? Here's Steve Sailer's...
John Roberts Makes His Career Move #PatBuchanan #Obamacare #JohnMarshall #News #tcot
“John Roberts aspires to be a man of history, to have this court known to historians as “the Roberts Court.” -...
The Tyrannical Twerps of Twitter #KathyShadile #Twitter #HateSpeech DickCostolo #News #tcot
“Twitter’s principles about ‘hate speech’ and politics seem to default to whatever the latest ‘progressive’ fad...
The Great Great Gatsby #PatrickFoy #GatsbyMania #Film #FTPodcast #tcot
Islam’s Role in Slavery #JimGoad #BlackNationalism #Islam #HistoricalGuilt #News #tcot
Stimu-liars and the Stimu-lies They Tell #ScottLocklin #Stimulus #Deficit #GreatDepression #FDR #News #tcot
“They look like a bunch of irresponsible kids who want to use the family credit card to buy hookers and booze.” -...
“The idea of collective historical guilt is often wielded as a psychological weapon, and civilizations that allow...
What’s So Bad About Discrimination? #BrianLaSorsa #Discrimination #News #tcot
Côte de Pollution #TAKI #Corsica #AnatoleBroyard #tcot
Living with Savages #GavinMcInnes #LiberalAntagonism #Libertarian #tcot
“I’ve found the only way to calm this yelping beast is to speak to it in its own language.” - Gavin McInnes for...
Restraining Arizona, Unleashing the President #AndrewNapolitano #Obama #SupremeCourt #News #tcot
Partying With the Right Side on the Left Coast #JohnDerbyshire #AlternativeRight #tcot
“I came away thinking that the alternative right is a real thing, with real prospects for broader influence.” -...
The Original Nature Boys #SteveSailer #HAIR #Hippies #NatureBoys #tcot
"It’s difficult to make clear just how big a deal hair length was in the 1960s." - Steve Sailer for Taki's Magazine.
Has the Day of the Islamist Arrived? #PatrickBuchanan #Mubarak #MulsimBrotherhood #EgyptElections #News #tcot
The Landlords of Social Media #KathyShaidle #Facebook #Censorship #FreedomofSpeech #News #tcot
“What I find confusing are Facebook’s decisions about what gets to stay up and what gets pulled down.” - Kathy...
Romney: Wrong on Russia #ScottLocklin #MittRomney #Russia #News #tcot
Eric the Withholder #JimGoad #EricHolder #NewBlackPanthers #VoterIntimidation #News #tcot
“The problem here is that ‘his’ people aren’t really ‘the’ people—i.e., the majority of people.” - Jim Goad for...
“Here is why there will never be a United States of Europe: People are more loyal to their nation than to their...
“I am guardedly optimistic about the near future.” - Scott Locklin for TakiMag.
The Double-Born Soul of Greece #TAKI #Greece #Eu #News #tcot
“Alexander the Great did not untie the Gordian Knot, he cut it with his sword. These clowns are trying to solve...
Behind the Crack-up of the Right #PatrickBuchanan #LeoStrauss #PaulGottfried #Conservative #JackKerwick #tcot
“In Singapore, graffiti gets you caned. In Australia you’re looking at two years in jail. In America, you get a...
Can the President Rewrite Federal Law? #AndrewNapolitano #Immigration #Obama #News #tcot
One Man, One Vote, One Catastrophe #HannesWessels #Mugabe #Rhodesia #tcot
Revenge of the RINOs #MichaelCharney #GOP #WilliamFBuckleyjr #GroverNorquist #JebBush #News #tcot
The Politics of Topography #SteveSailer #HollywoodTurfWars #CaliforniaDemocrats #News #tcot
Perish the Euro #PaulGottfried #EuroCrisis ##ThiloSarrazin #Maastricht #News #Eurozone #tcot
“What’s inevitable is for the delinquent nations to declare bankruptcy and then return to their national...
TAKI: Modern ethics: learn to love thyself, lay the blame on others, and if all fails, seek counseling.
Now Korea Is Cleaning Our Clock #PatBuchanan #SouthKorea #TradeAgreement #Deficit #NAFTA #News #tcot
“Free trade makes suckers and fools out of patriots.” - Patrick J. Buchanan on the South Korea trade agreement,...
Che it Isn’t So! #KathyShaidle #CheGuevara #TorontoSchools #News #Canada #Education #Libertarian #tcot
"I doubt I have to remind the average Taki reader why holding up Che as a role model to elementary-school kids...
In the Shadow of the Yanks #AdnanSarwar #Iraq #Kuwait #tcot
The Romnambulist #JimGoad #MittRomney #Republican #Election2012 #News #tcot
“His critics insist there is evil lurking behind his plastic mask. I suspect there’s nothing behind it at all.” -...
Squealing Versus Killing #WhiteHouse #Leaks #NewYorkTimes #KillList #Obama #News #tcot
Return of the Kings #CharlesCouloumbe #Monarchy #HouseOfSavoy #Marxist #News #tcot
“They’re not slowly catching up to us. They’re going backward!” - Gavin McInnes for Taki's Magazine.
“They’re not slowly catching up to us. They’re going backward!” - Gavin McInnes for Taki's Magazine.
Floating Safely Amid the Waste #Taki #Olympics #Bushido #Spectator #News #tcot
“Reading about American rappers and Indian steel tycoons carrying the Olympic torch reminds me how much commerce...
“Do people still use the word ‘vibrant’ non-ironically to mean something other than ‘crime-riddled multicultural...
Billionaires, Bimbos, and the Black Brady Bunch #BruceCochran #JacksonFamily #Oprah #ParisJackson #GoldsmithDivorce
Steve Sailer on Mel Gibson's "Get the Gringo" and Lars von Trier's murky past.
Twilight of the Übermensch #SteveSailer #MelGibson #GettheGringo #AdrianGrunberg #IMDB #Reviews #Film #tcot
Roseanne Barr & The Comeback That Never Came #KathyShaidle #RoseanneBarr #News #tcot
Will Heads Roll for the Stuxnet Leak? #Obama #BobGates #BinLaden #JudicialWatch #News #PatBuchanan #tcot
“It is not improbable that officials on Obama’s national security team, if not White House aides, will soon be...
Building Bridges and Making Soldiers #AdnanSarwar #RoyalEngineers #Iraq #tcot
Israel to Africans: Go Home #JimGoad #AfricanRefugees #Israel #Knesset #News #tcot
“To be fair, it ain’t as if the Torah encourages the Israelites to act warm and fuzzy toward perceived...
Check out Gavin McInnes' photo of a hippie-biker near punch up: DIAL 911 Mommy #NewYork #NannyState
Someone Righteous This Way Went #CharlesCouloumbe #RayBradbury #Farenfeit451 #Obit #News #tcot
Dial 911 for Mommy #GavinMcInnes #NannyState #MiltonFriedman #DawnelleJoieYager #News #tcot
"We call the authorities to handle not only all of our problems but everyone else’s, too. We are “turning...
Green on the Outside, Red on the Inside #BrianLaSorsa #Environment #GreenEconomy #News #tcot
Just Another Mouth in the Republican Fellatio Machine #Hustler #SECupp #AynRand #MSNBC #News #tcot
Embracing Unemployment #JohnDerbyshire #Jobless #tcot #news #Economy #Debt
“We are plainly sailing into an era when only a privileged class will have jobs.” John Derbyshire for TakiMag....
The Music of the Spheres #SteveSailer #Cannes #Melancholia #LarsVonTrier #Film #Reviews #Cannes #tcot
Madonna, Don’t Preach #BruceCochran #Madonna #MarineLePen #Swastika #Israel #Kabbalah #News #tcot
"Madonna recently projected an enormous image of right-wing French politician Marine Le Pen with a swastika on...
All the Fine Young (and Ugly Old) Cannibals #KathyShaidle #Zombie #Cannibal #Florida #LukaMagnotta #KarlaHomolka #News
"I didn’t start to panic until the zombie apocalypse started spreading beyond the reliably batshit Sunshine...
Ours Was Not to Reason Why #IRAQ #TonyBlair #LevensonInquiry #WarCrimes #AdnanSarwar #News #tcot
The “F” Word #Fascist #PaulGottfried #GeorgeOrwell #PC #News #tcot
The Undead & The Brain-Dead #MediaZombieApocalypseWeek #JimGoad #News #tcot
"...a Brooklyn restaurant briefly offered a special open-faced sandwich and a Miami sightseeing tour has added...
Napoleon Dynamite #JohnDerbyshire #PharmaceuticalIndustry #tcot
When High Heels Come to Boot Camp #Women #Military #MalcolmUnwell #FemaleSoldiers #HeidiBrown #News #tcot
Should women be on the front lines?
Diamond Jubilation #QueenElizabeth #DiamondJubilee #London #BruceCochran #News #tcot
Occam’s Butter Knife #DaronAcemoglu #MIT #SteveSailer #BookReviews #Economics #tcot #whynationsfail
“Acemoglu’s contribution was to come up with a regression analysis that, he claimed, showed that Third World...
“For all their bloviating about ‘civility’ and ‘tolerance,’ leftists are notoriously foul-mouthed, as well as—to...
Two Sides, One Cupp #KathyShaidle #HustlerMagazine #S.E.Cupp #Fellatio #Playboy #News #tcot
A Millionaire in the Danger Zone #AdnanSarwar #Iraq #Contractors #tcot
The Vegetarian Personality #JimGoad #PushyVegetarians #tcot
“If God didn’t want us to eat meat, you’d think he would have made tofu taste better.” - Jim Goad for TakiMag.
In case you missed it...a little Taki for the weekend...“The south of France reminds me of a beautiful woman who...
This week's Radio Derb is live on the site!
Monuments to Spanish Insolvency #Spain #Economy #EuroCrisis #EU #CatellondelaPlana #RobertLatona #News #tcot
My 10 Favorite Hate-Crime Hoaxes #GeorgeZimmerman #TrayvonMartin #GavinMcInnes #tcot
An Oscar for Taki #Cannes ##Seduced&Abandoned #AlecBaldwin #MichaelMailer #tcot
“When you create a victim culture, you also create a vacuum where opportunistic parasites volunteer to fill the...
Is Modern Conservatism a Mental Illness? #PaulGottfried #Conservatism #JonahGoldberg #AndrewFerguson #News #tcot
Going out With a Bang Instead of a Whimper #JohnDerbyshire #MichaelWolff #NewYorkerMagazine #PennStation #tcot
“The vast and ever-swelling cost of warehousing helpless, semi-demented old people cannot but become a major...
“The vast and ever-swelling cost of warehousing helpless, semi-demented old people cannot but become a major...
The Federal Bureau of Entrapment #Occupy #NATOSummit #MolotovAttack #MichaelDeutsch #tcot #news #libertarian
In case you missed it....“Like the French language, the liberal brain works in reverse.” - Gavin McInnes for TakiMag.
Social Science v. Social Engineering #SteveSailer #BookReview #JimManzi #Uncontrolled #Freakonomics #Gladwell #tcot
“What good social science has revealed—that parents matter, genes matter, race matters, sex matters, and IQ...
“It’s easier to fake being a loser than a winner. And so the victim-hero was born.” - Kathy Shaidle for TakiMag.
What if Zimmerman Walks Free? #GeorgeZImmerman #PatBuchanan #TrayvonMartin #BlackPanthers #SpikeLee #News #tcot
Affirmative Acting #EvaLongoria #BarrackObama #Haplogrouptesting #KathyShaidle #tcot
"Elizabeth Warren went from the Democrats’ Next Big Thing to the setup for a thousand corny “Indian” jokes after...
Mr. Toback, I’m Ready for My Close-Up #TAKI #MichaelMailer #AlecBaldwin #Hollywood #Film #tcot
"Alec (us Hollywood types only use first names) comes onboard...and we end up fighting. The only provision the...
"Lifelong morbidly obese bitchy lesbian Roger Ebert apparently dismantled the presumably elaborate series of...
#RogerEbert #JohnScalzi #BobCesca #JimGoad #tcot #Feminism
Comedy That Never Forgets #TheDictator #SachaBaronCohen #SteveSailer #Film #Reviews #tcot
It’s My Column and I’ll Write What I Want To #JohnDebyshire #Taki #tcot
This week's episode of John Derbyshire's Radio Derb is now live on the site! Only on TakiMag...
Royal Rake #BruceCochran #RoyalFamily #Spain #KingJuanCarlos #News #tcot
Dark Shadows: Not Gay, Just Fey #SteveSailer #TimBurton #DarkShadows #JohnnyDepp #Film #tcot
“The most memorable artists compete in our minds against their younger selves for our affections—a battle that’s...
As the Boomers Head for the Barn #BabyBoomers #PatBuchanan #Unemployment #Economy #News #tcot
Corporate Media’s Boob Job #TIME #Breastfeeding #KathyShaidle #News #tcot
"Yes, breastfeeding is “natural.” So is a swarm of maggots feasting on a dead rat. I don’t care to witness either...
Italy’s Suicide Epidemic: Perfectly Understandable #NicholasFarrell #Italy #Monti #GoldmanSachs #FinancialCrisis
Last Letters #AdnanSarwar #Iraq #Soldiers #Military #tcot
European Nationalism: Golden Dawn or Old and Gone? #JimGoad #Greece #EU #GoldenDawn #Politics #News #tcot
"Pundits referred to Golden Dawn’s minor victory as “absurd and repugnant,” “a dark day for Greece,” “a scary...
"Sorry, but the witch hunts are alive and well and the PC guillotine has continued chopping off heads since the...
The PC Gods Must Be Crazy #GavinMcInnes #PC #ChuckRoss #BrettRatner #JuanWilliams #RickSanchez #News #tcot
The Antietam of the Culture War #PatBuchanan #JoeBiden #SameSexMarriage #MeetthePress #News #tcot
Busting the Frogs #DSK #TAKI #News #tcot #Politics #Libertarian
“DSK was simply a man wearing a suicide vest waiting to explode.” -Taki for Taki's Magazine.
The PC Gods Must Be Crazy #GavinMcinnes
It’s Hard to Win When You’re Playing Against the Referee #PaulGottfried ##CarloGalli #Taki #tcot
Ridding Myself of the Day #JohnDerbyshire #tcot #Zola #Vdare #AltRight #ParaPundit
How Black Studies Avoids Studying Blacks #NaomiSchaeferRiley #ChronicleHigherEducation #Racism #tcot #News
"Naomi Schaefer Riley...recently fired from her position at the Chronicle of Higher Education for calling the...
Don't miss this vid by TakiMag's newest contributor RAMZPAUL.
Tinsleytown #BruceCochran #TinselyMortimer #tcot
The Avengers: Kicking Ass and Selling Tickets #SteveSailer #TheAvengers #JossWhedon #AvengersAssemble
"I often confuse Whedon with J. J. Abrams (Star Trek), the twin kings of Comic-Con. Both sci-fi auteurs are...
RADIO DERB is back!!!
RADIO DERB is back!!!!!!
Krazy for the Kardashians #Kardashians #BruceCochran #tcot
The Great White Horse #KentukyDerby #SteveSailer #BluegrassStakes #tcot
Red Flags and a Red Rose #April25 #Italy #Liberation #Allies #PartitoComunista #News #tcot
"Each year on April 25, Italians commemorate Italy’s 1945 liberation with yet another public holiday. Any sane...
Is Europe Sailing on the Titanic? #PatBuchanan #EU #Recession #Eurozone #Crisis #News #tcot
The Perv Behind the Badge #KathrynBolkovac #UN #HumanTrafficking #Libertarian #tcot #Taki
Too Stupid for Words #KathyShaidle #Dumb #Dumber #tcot
“If we’re still capable of wondering if we’re all getting dumber, how dumb can we really be?” - Kathy Shaidle for...
"Officers tends to infantilize people. Do adults really need a “hall monitor” to make sure no monkey business is...
"...institutions such as the United Nations which provide immunity to its officers afford a licentious creature...
Blood, Diamonds, Devils, and Angels #HannesWessels #CharlesTaylor #TAKI #news #tcot
Ground Rules for a Perfect Society #AdamSarwar #News #tcot
Tiptoeing Through a Minefield of Pansy Asses #DanSavage #EthicalReporting #JimGoad #News #tcot
"Although what constitutes “bullying” is in the eye of whoever thinks they’re being bullied, Dan Savage—it’s his...
"To my surprise, the researcher turned out to be a young black male of an incredibly gay mien. He had half an ear...
‘57 Grand Prix #TAKI #tcot GrandPrix #Cuba #Castro
Human Rights: The Useless Fiction #PaulGottfried #HumanRights #tcot #news
Abortion is Soooooo 90s! #GavinMcInnes #Abortion #tcot
"I come from a world where abortion is birth control. My friends always bragged about it because they saw it as...
RT @slicedsky: Excellent Read! ~ Something Rotten in the State - Taki's Magazine via @takimag #tcot #tpp #tlot #sgp ...
The Basis of a Real Conversation #JohnDerbyshire #Race #tcot
“We Puritans prefer to think that realistic candor will ultimately deliver a better result—a more stable and...
Anders Breivik: Too Sane for Comfort #NicholasFarrell #AndersBreivik #Sanity #LiberalLefties
Sue Me! #Entertainment #TheBachelor #BruceCochran #ABClawsuit #IHOPMuslims #News #tcot
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Soldier #SteveSailer #TigerWoods #HankHaney #TheBigMiss
“Tiger Woods never seemed terribly public-spirited, but it appears he seriously dreamed of risking his life to...
"His pinko antagonists were screeching like freshly castrated mink at an overcrowded fur farm last week regarding...
New York: The Movie #Taki #NewYork #tcot
“One had to be in the right fraternity and play the right sport and wear the right thing and sound the right...
The Endless Pursuit of Happiness #DeGaulle #Happiness #JohnDerbyshire #JournalofHappiness #DerekBok #News
" one point a guest asked Mme. de Gaulle in English what she hoped for most from life now that her husband...
Chávez: Still Riding the Pink Tide #Chavez #CharlesCoulombe #PopeBenedict #Cuba #Castro #News #tcot
“In Chávez, our pollos have come home to roost.” - Charled A. Coulombe for Taki's Magazine.
“Few care in any organized fashion about discrimination against left-handers.” - Steve Sailer for TakiMag.
Early Childhood Reeducation Camps #ChristianBonk #UK #News #Education #GaynorSbuttoni #BestFriendPolicy
Bibi’s Dilemma—and Barack’s #Netanyahu #Israel #Obama #News #tcot
“No wonder Bibi is frustrated. If there is no U.S. attack on Iran by November, and Obama wins, there may never be...
“Fairness is in the eye of who feels they’re getting screwed. At any given time, that’s pretty much everybody.” -...
Talking Back #JohnDerbyshire #TakiMag #Taki #News #tcot
“I don’t know why people have so much difficulty thinking statistically, as we behave statistically all the...
What a great poster!
Back in 1965 the founder of National Review, William F. Buckley Jr. ran for mayor of New...
Accolades for Acolytes #BruceCochran #WayuuIndians BritneySpears #News #tcot
The Self-Righteous Hive Mind #JonathanHaidt #DerbyshireAffair #JohnDerbyshire #SteveSailer #News #tcot
The Salesman Who Sold Out His Country #Obama #GuySomerset #News #tcot
Photo: What happened to National Review? Bill Buckley would not be best pleased, I’m sure.
How to have The Talk without getting fired
Video: How to have “The Talk: Non-Black Version” without getting fired!
Celebrity 'Help Wanted' List - Want to do some community service? Helping people help people…
“The left always and everywhere is totalitarian. When it tries to suppress dissent, it is being most thoroughly...
Interview with a "Racist" - Agree with him or not, but don’t deny his brilliance.
Racists! - “These days, “racist” is the favorite smear word for the ideologically intolerant.”
“PC, as intolerant a system of thought as the Salem trials, will simply never accept the truth. In fact it is a...
A Ten for Courage and a Zero for Sensitivity via @AddThis #DavidStarkey #TAKI #PC #tcot
Kris Humphries is a Douche - Week in Review from Bruce Cochran
A Nation Arms Itself—For What? via @AddThis #PatBuchanan #TrayvonMartin #Florida #SmallArmsTreaty #UN #news #tcot
"...I have a personal blogging rule that costs me plenty of traffic. It also helps prevent unnecessary...
The Calley Effect via @AddThis #TrayvonMartin #GeorgeZimmerman #BubbaEffect #GlennBeck #News #tcot
Rick Santorum, I Hate Your Face - The Word of Goad. Amen.
Google Goggles via @AddThis #GoogleGoggles #JosephAllen #Tech #News
Rick Santorum, I Hate Your Face via @AddThis #JimGoad #Obama #RickSantorum #Election #News #tcot
"Last week he was targeted by the Racism Industrial Complex for allegedly calling Obama a “nig-” before...
Henry Rollins, Please Shut Up - Join our Black Flag debate in the comments section…
Don't You Just Hate the Truth? - Just because someone says something you don’t like doesn’t mean it isn’t...
Scandal for Apple Inc. - Apple was audited recently and now stock prices are sliding.
Bombs, Blockbusters, Babies, and Break-ins via @AddThis #HungerGames #Film #JonHamm #BruceCochran
Mortal Combat From a Feminine Perspective via @AddThis #HungerGames #Katniss #film #reviews #SteveSailer
Mortal Combat From a Feminine Perspective via @AddThis #HungerGames #Katniss #SteveSailer #film #reviews
"In The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins tries to split the difference by making her protagonist a girl who fights....
Mortal Combat From a Feminine Perspective - Steve Sailer on the Hunger Games and why they’re bunk.
"...the briefest survey of the pop-culture landscape, taking in Glee and Ellen and “Chaz” Bono on Dancing with...
“Trayvon Martin stood exactly six feet tall. In death, he has become a hundred times larger.” - Jim Goad for TakiMag.
Touching Yourself for Charity by Jim Goad
Golf's New Boy King
Turning Cads Into Klansmen via @AddThis #KathyShaidle #FreedomRiders #SouthernPovertyLawCenter #SPLC #PUA #KenHalsband
Gays Against Gay Marriage via @AddThis #RichardWaghorne #BPTerpstra #JuliaBindel #news #tcot
Given that liberal/left heterosexuals have been campaigning against the institution of marriage for decades, why...
The Beau Monde Says Au Revoir to the Beauchamp via @AddThis #news #London #tcot #FarhadFarmanFarmaian
Touching Yourself for Charity via @AddThis #JasonRussel #Kony2012 #CelebratoryMasturbatory
“I pray for Jason Russell. I pray that for an encore, he does something even funnier than running around naked...
Between Love and Madness via @AddThis #taki #news #tcot
Boering Our Way to Victory via @AddThis #GuySomerset #Oil #AxisofEvil #news #tcot
Rush and the New Blacklist via @AddThis #PatrickBuchanan #News #tcot
Defaming the Irish: If the Shoe Fits, Drink From It via @AddThis #MichaelSheahan #StPatricksDay
“Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with potatoes and whiskey is like celebrating Black History Month with watermelon...
Are you a Sci-Fi Fan?
Do We Need the Council Created to Regulate Aggregation, Bloggers? Probably Not, But Aggregators Ought To...
Kim Dotcom Says Govt. Officials Use Megaupload - Read Gavin McInnes on the big brouhahah here:...
French Police Raid Bettencourt House - For more information on this story read this:...
The Value of the Guiding Hand via @AddThis #UnionJackClub #MilitaryToMentors #AdnanSarawar
Thar’s Meth in Them Thar Hills via @AddThis #Tennessee #MethLabs #CrystalMethCapital
Give the Bigots a Pill via @AddThis #JimGoad #Propranolol #Racism #OxfordUniversity #Psychopharmacology
How to Tap the Missus via @AddThis #GavinMcInnes #Blowjobs #PostMaritalSex #Penthouse #Taki #HitThat
"Going to the bathroom with the door open or letting one rip in the living room doesn’t seem like a big deal when...
New Anti-Bigot Pill
"Newt Gingrich has the moral grandeur of a parking ticket." - Taki
Invisible Children - “These are the same kind of people who put an end to child abuse after they changed...
We at Taki’s Magazine - …take our politics like we take life—lightly. We believe political labels such as...
Boxing: From Sweet Science to Sour via @AddThis #TAKI #MuhammadAli #JoeLouis #boxing
“The noblesse oblige in the noble art vanished when one who refused to serve—Cassius Clay, AKA Muhammad...
How to Tap the Missus - By Gavin McInnes 6. MAKE THE KIDS LAUGH You’d think disciplining the kids would make...
Life at Half-Speed - By John Derbyshire I’ll admit it: I was apprehensive about the chemo. Some decades ago...
WIN A FREE LUNCH WITH TAKI - Please send an email to withe the following information:...
We Tumblr For Ya...
"Authoritarianism is strengthened by sanctions, not weakened." - Taki
Minorities No Longer American?
Andrew Breitbart: 1969-2012 - It’s stressful to be hated. It goes against our instincts. We want to be...
Andrew Breitbart: 1969-2012 - It’s stressful to be hated. It goes against our instincts. We want to be...
“Iraq is more bathhouse than Ba’athist, it seems.” - Derek Turner for TakiMag.
Have AIDS, Will Travel via @AddThis #aids #hivtreatment #bbc #nhs #derekturner #news #tcot
Tehran Comes to Hollywood via @AddThis #film #stevesailer #reviews #theseparation
Have AIDS, Will Travel - English taxpayers awoke one morning in late February to discover that the nation’s...
"In a PC world, humor is a capital offense." - Taki
Syria’s False Revolution via @AddThis #Assad #TAKI #ArabSpring
“Assad did not start this in Syria. Saudi Arabia and Israel did.” - Taki for Taki's Magazine.
Why Democrats Lost the Redneck Vote via @AddThis #ScottLocklin #CharlesMurray
Crimes of Passion, Golden Statues and Fashion via @AddThis #BruceCochran
The Not-so-Great Dictator via @AddThis #SachaBaronCohen #Oscars #KathyShaidle
The Far East Rises in the West via @AddThis #SteveSailer
“Although Asians comprise only 13 percent of California’s population, three-fifths of the state’s National Merit...
Gotta Love Bruce!
Win a free lunch with Taki in NYC! Email your name, location, age, gender and occupation to
“Wikipedia’s Oscar lists suggest that no Mexican American has been nominated in any category, no matter how...
Takimag is looking for professional writers, know of anyone who would fit in with our political and cultural commentators?
Takimag is looking for professional writers to join our weekly group of columnists. Know of anyone who would fit...
Something’s Rotten in the Republic via @AddThis #BertholdBrecht #news #tcot #JohnDerbyshire
A Tale of Two Etonians via @AddThis #BorisJohnson #DavidCameron #London #News #tcot
“Though Boris and David fixed their eyes on political careers from an early stage, they developed differently.” -...
Is Obama’s America God’s Country? via @AddThis #PatBuchanan #news #tcot
This Week in Atonement via @AddThis #KathyShaidle #JeremyLin #LisaChan #JohnandKen #JasonWhitlock #RolandMartin
Kathy Shaidle on atonement: Jeremy Lin, Lisa Chan, John & Ken, Roland Martin, and Brett Ratner.
Sugar Daddies & Sugar Babies via @AddThis #CharlesCoulombe #Taboo #PalmBeach #SeekingArrangement #tcot
Argumentum ad Fox Newsem via @AddThis #JimGoad #tcot #news
“I’d presume I’m more well-informed than your average Fox viewer, since I’m neither average nor a Fox viewer.” -...
“A man’s home used to be his castle. Today everyone sits around the castle laughing at TV’s court-jester dads.” -...
Facing Down the Thugs via @AddThis #JohnDerbyshire #news #tcot #CPAC
My Mild English Rose via @AddThis #TAKI
“Cupid’s arrow pierced my breast three Sundays ago, and I haven’t had a peaceful night’s sleep ever since.” -...
In Honor of Romance via @AddThis #Valentines #GuySomerset
On to Tehran—or Is It Damascus? via @AddThis #PatBuchanan #news #tcot #Mubarak #Homs
Chris Matthews: A Tingle Inside the Skull via @AddThis #KathyShaidle #MSNBC #Hardball#News #tcot
Chris Matthews: Oddball? Kathy Shaidle for TakiMag.
Wailing About Whales: The Myth of Interspecies Slavery via @AddThis #CharlesCoulombe #News #tcot
Why Assad Has Survived via @AddThis #TAKI #Syria #VETO
Losing Interest in Attention Deficit Disorder via @AddThis #JimGoad #ADHD #ADD #adderal
"An estimated one in ten American schoolchildren has been diagnosed with ADHD, an “illness” that miraculously...
United We Sit on the Couch via @AddThis #GuySomerset #News #tcot
RT @klejdys: You can't beat the "Who is Mitt Romney?" analysis from Romney's book from @steve_sailer in @takimag. #fb
Don’t Fear the Robot: Why I Finally Joined Facebook via @AddThis #GavinMcInnes #News #tcot
“Big Brother isn’t Big Brother if he can’t punish us for not obeying him.” - Gavin McInnes for TakiMag.
Pat Buchanan: The Noble Relic via @AddThis #JohnDerbyshire #news #msnbc #PhilGriffin
Mussolini’s Last Words via @AddThis #taki #news #tcot
“Mussolini, Mugabe, Ceausescu, Blunt—none of them ever got it up again after losing their knighthood.” - Taki for...
Who Wants War With Iran? via @AddThis #PatBuchanan #Petraeus #Senate #Clapper #Iran
Drugs, Sugar, and Cigarettes via @AddThis #CourtneyLove #Cruiseships #Giants #Brady #news #tcot #BruceCochran
The Creepily Normal Mormon via @AddThis #Election2012 #News #tcot #SteveSailer
"Notoriously, Romney’s great-grandfather was a polygamist with five wives and 30 children. (Then again, Barack...
When Democracy Murders Liberty via @AddThis #PaulGottfried #EckhardHenscheid #Libertarian #News #tcot
The Festering Falklands Fiasco via @AddThis #GuySomerset #News #tcot
Homosexuality: What’s Choice Got to Do With it? via @AddThis #CynthiaNixon #JimGoad
“One thing’s for sure—whether or not they were born gay, no modern gay person was born with that annoyingly...
Keepin’ it Real (Cheap) via @AddThis #realitytv #GavinMcinnes #MobWives #MTV #The RealWorld
Judging Police Brutality on a Tase-by-Tase Basis via @AddThis #news #tcot
“We already had an election where the Republican nominee failed to perform. Obama won that one.” - Guy Somerset...
Give Me a Feisty Newt Over a Limp Mitt via @AddThis #election #GuySomerset #news #tcot
Crimethink and Thinking Ability via @AddThis #SteveSailer #IQWars #LarrySummers
Wag the Turban via @AddThis #PatrickFoy #Iran #DroneWar #Taki
La Torre de Babel via @AddThis #JimGoad #UFC #AlejandrinaCabrera
“Although E Pluribus Unum sounds nice in theory, it tends not to work in practice, especially when one emphasizes...
Made to Ordure via @AddThis #KevinBeary #DamienHirst #12millionstuffedshark
Vive la Confederation Helvetique! via @AddThis #MandolynaTheodoracopulous #tcot
Free Kim Dotcom! via @AddThis #Groupon #60Minutes #GavinMcInnes
A Tale of Two Wilsons via @AddThis #EdmundWilson #WoundandtheBow #Taki
“Uncle Sam’s foreign policy has always and will always be based on total ignorance of history.” - Taki for TakiMag.
The Neocons’ Intellectual Codpiece via @AddThis #ScottLocklin #AllanBloom
Superstardumb via @AddThis #AshtonDemi #HeidiSeal #HollywoodDivorce #Kardashian #BruceCochran
Democracy v. Diversity via @AddThis #SteveSailer #ArabSpring #EthnicCleansing #tcot #news
“If the Arab Spring amounts to anything, it will likely be the end of Arab Christianity via ethnic cleansing.” -...
Mitt vs. Newt: the Gloves Come Off via @AddThis #PatBuchanan #NewtGingrich #MittRomney #FoxNews #Polls #News #tcot
Girl Scout Kooky via @AddThis #KathyShaidle #Brownies #GSUSA #SydneyVolanski #BobbyMontoya #News #tcot
Made in Germany, Stayed in Germany via @AddThis #Rammstein #MeinLand #MadeinGermany #Xenophobia #MalcolmUnwell
They Also Serve via @AddThis #RusselSeitz #Economy #tcot #news
A Human Centipede of Envy via @AddThis #JimGoad #Taki #News #tcot
“The main problem with a classless society would be its utter lack of class.” - Jim Goad for TakiMag.
More Urinating on the Taliban, Please via @AddThis #GavinMcInnes #ArchitectsofHipsterdom
The Irrational Agent via @AddThis #SteveSailer #DanielKahneman #news #psychology
The New Trickle-Down Theory via @AddThis #PatrickFoy #GenevaConventions #News #tcot
Putting Gatsby to Shame via @AddThis #TAKI #tcot #MickFlick #Gstaad
“I can’t think of a better reason to throw a bash than to tempt fate by tripping the light fantastic—arthritis or...
The Right Not to Commit Suicide via @AddThis #JohnDerbyshire #Conservatives #tcot #news
RT @kshaidle: 2 Broke Girls: love it or hate it? Hash it out in the comments:
I’m So Bored With MLK via @AddThis #JimGoad #MLK #News #tcot
Vulture Capitalism or Populist Demagoguery? via @AddThis #PatBuchanan #News #tcot #RickPerry #Capitalism
One Broke Culture via @AddThis #KathyShaidle #TwoBrokeGirls #News #tcot
"The critical consensus is that 2 Broke Girls would be funnier (or at least less—cough!—objectionable) if it...
“Vermin Supreme is the world’s only wannabe dictator who wants no government whatsoever.” - Gavin McInnes for TakiMag.
An Older, Better Future via @AddThis #HelenSzamuely #tcot #news #taki
Vermin Supreme for President via @AddThis #Santorum #GavinMcInnes #taki #news #tcot
GOP War of All Against All? via @AddThis #PatBuchanan #GOP #news #tcot
Antifreeze and Gatorade via @AddThis #KathyShaidle
The Eternal German Guilt Trip via @AddThis #PaulGottfried #news #tcot
Goodbye, Mr. Chimps via @AddThis #SteveSailer #film
Killing the West With Kindness via @AddThis #JohnDerbyshire #tcot #news
The Sin of Avoiding Pleasure via @AddThis #Taki #Gstaad #News #tcot
“They say that death and taxes are life’s only two certainties. With inheritance taxes, you get both.” - Taki for...
Why, Oh Why is Iowa so Iowhite? via @AddThis #AndreaMitchell #Sulzberger #News #tcot
Consumer Culture’s Top Five Failures via @AddThis #ScottLocklin #tcot
A Clockwork Orange County via @AddThis #JimGoad #News #tcot #McGillivray
“You wouldn’t think it’s the sort of place where a serial killer is randomly stabbing homeless men to death.” -...
“The Times only prints news that fits its policies.” - Taki for TakiMag.
The World’s Most Dishonest Newspaper via @AddThis #TAKI #LamontPride #PeterFigowski
“Where are all these American Nazis the news keeps warning us about?” - Gavin McInnes for TakiMag.
Calling All American Nazis (Is This Mic On?) via @AddThis #GavinMcInnes #BlackChurch #KKKStore #RedneckShop
The Crucifixion of Tim Tebow via @AddThis #TimTebow #PaulKersey #Taki #NFL
The Boss Wears Pumps via @AddThis #MargaretThatcher #TheIronLady #MerylStreep
TakiMag's Steve Sailer reviews the Margaret Thatcher biopic "The Iron Lady".
“Women don’t cure diseases, they just design new colored ribbons.” - Kathy Shaidle for Taki's Magazine.
How Many Female Pandas Does it Take to Screw in a Lightbulb? via @AddThis #Sweetie #FemaleoftheYear
Our Innocents Abroad? via @AddThis #PatrickBuchanan #FreedomHouse
Blight of the Living Dead via @AddThis #JimGoad
Forbidden Fruit via @AddThis
The Golden Dodo Bird in the Sky via @AddThis
“Bolt-on guns don’t work any better than bolt-on boobs; they tend to point in the wrong direction.” - Scott...
Taki in the Daily Mail.
Paul Gottfried for Taki's Magazine.
Thirty-Five Years of Spectating via @AddThis #TAKI
No Rules for the Ruling Class via @AddThis #MarcusScriven
“Individuals are harder to make a team of, but they are therefore harder to yoke.” Joy Setton for TakiMag.
The Year Is Almost Over—Is the World? via @AddThis #JoySetton #SlavojZizek
RT @ccstavropoulos: A Coup de Greece? via @AddThis
RT @kshaidle: #cdnpoli Canada's Giant House of Death on the Prairie: Human Rights Museum a monument to folly
RT @geaneeinabottle: The Government v. Everyone via @AddThis
RT @vaughnoggin: Why the Beltway Libertarians Are Trying to Smear Ron Paul - Takis Magazine
RT @OddLane: Your Genocide Was Bigger Than Mine:
RT @AlleghenyCRs: Gen Y needs to turn off Glee, say "I am responsible," and start playing dodgeball, says Mark Derian. ...
The Week in Political Obits: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly via @AddThis #Havel #SuuKyi
In Defense of Bullying via @AddThis #KathyShaidle #Bullying #tcot
Second Period of Islamic Power via @AddThis #PatBuchanan #HilaireBelloc #Mubarak #Tripoli #Tunis
“In international test scores of high school students in reading, math and science, not one Muslim nation places...
A California Christmas via @AddThis #CharlesCoulombe
Packing a Suitcase for Armageddon via @AddThis #JimGoad #News #tcot
“Just as they say it’s better to be judged by twelve than carried by six, it’s preferable to be harmlessly...
“Thursday marked 220 years since the Bill of Rights was signed. As tribute, the US government fed the Bill of...
The People v. Putin via @AddThis #DUma #Russia #AlexeyNavalny
Hot off the takimag press: The Government v. Everyone via @AddThis
The Resurrection of Christmas via @AddThis #TAKI
Preserving the Arctic Alliance via @AddThis #JohnDerbyshire
And Was the Mission Accomplished? via @AddThis #PatBuchanan #Iraq #News #tcot
“We want a city that isn’t a relentless assault on our eyes and ears. Is that too much to ask?” - Gavin McInnes...
10 Laws That Would Instantly Improve New York via @AddThis #GavinMcInnes #NYC #News #Bloomberg
Myth-Busting the Unions via @AddThis #SterlingTerrell #RichardTrumpka #Esquire #News #Unions #tcot
“Why do middle-class men feel confident dressing as slobs today?” - Steve Sailer for Taki's Magazine.
The Second Revolution in Menswear via @AddThis #HunterThompson #VanityFair #Spy #News #SteveSailer
The $600 Penis Pump via @AddThis #KathyShaidle #Tax #News #tcot
“The Germans are exploiting the crisis to impose their model on the eurozone today and all of Europe tomorrow.” -...
David Cameron’s Finest Hour via @AddThis #PatBuchanan #EU #Veto #News
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The Great Eurozone Bestiality Party via @AddThis #TAKI #BarbaraWalters
“Barbara Walters is America’s dumbest woman, which makes Babs the dumbest woman on Earth.” - Taki for Taki's Magazine.
Art Shams and Political Scams via @AddThis #ContemporaryArt #MikePauls #TurnerPrize #MarioTestino
Pedophiles in Tinseltown via @AddThis #CharlesCoulombe #CoreyFeldman #CastingCouch #Hollywood
“Women start revolutions because they are more emotionally driven than males.” - Colin Liddell for TakiMag.
Takimag is looking for a senior level Publishing Director. Please email
I'm hiring! Publishing Director at - Greater New York City Area #jobs
Disunited Russia via @AddThis #HelenSzamuely
“Unlike the mainstreaming of pedophilia and furry fandom, I don’t foresee a similar trend developing with...
No, Virginia, They’re Lying to You via @AddThis #JimGoad #SantaClaus #FoxChicago
RT @RegularRon: If you haven't been over to @takimag ( you are missing out on some of the best writing on politics ...
@RegularRon Thank you!
The Roots of Voter Anger Go Back to 1954 via @AddThis #ScottRasmussen
The Nanny-Goat State via @AddThis #KathyShaidle #ArmedForces #Beastiality
"In Chicago last week, a newscaster proclaimed that there is no Santa Claus and was roasted like a chesnut on an...
“We may not agree about religion or politics, but we can all hold hands and agree that he’s more than a bit of a...
The Algebra of Divorce via @AddThis #DelphinaLudovisi #MatrimoniLampo
Make Your Own Damned Lunch via @AddThis #SchoolLunches #MayorBloomberg #GavinMcInnes
“Judging by the size of the moms’ asses at my daughter’s public school, these women are hardly starving.” - Gavin...
“There are now large and swelling segments of the population for whom society has no use.” - John Derbyshire for...
From Black Robes to White Coats via @AddThis #JoySetton
Life at the Bottom via @AddThis JohnDerbyshire #News #tcot
From Black Robes to White Coats via @AddThis #JoySetton #tcot
“What if sometimes to love your country, you had to alter or abolish the government?” - Andrew Napolitano for...
What if the Constitution No Longer Applied? via @AddThis #AndrewNapolitano #Constitution #News #tcot
“They gave us cigarettes. We gave them booze. I call it even.” - Kathy Shaidle for Taki's Magazine.
The Big-Screen TVs of Turtle Island via @AddThis #KathyShaidle #SunTV #News #tcot
Political Society v. Civil Society via @AddThis #CharlesCoulombe #Benetton #Sarkozy #Obama
The Black Friday Brawls via @AddThis #JimGoad #Wallmart #Xbox #PepperSpray
“These weren’t food riots. They were toy riots. This wasn’t Wall Street. It was Main Street.” - Jim Goad on Black...
“In Kissinger, Nixon found the greatest and most learned adviser, something for which the Beltway morons and...
“They break their toes and fall down stairs to save pennies on electricity.” - Gavin McInnes for Taki's Magazine.
Nixon’s Yoda via @AddThis #Nixon #Kissinger #TAKI #News #tcot
Colombia’s One-Trick Party via @AddThis #FARC #News #DanielRaisbeck #PresidentSantos
Your Parents Are Weird via @AddThis #Parents #OldFolk #GavinMcInnes
Gaia-Unfriendly via @AddThis #ScottLocklin
RT @jfkmstrkrft: @Gavin_McInnes just read all your articles on @takimag. you are now my favorite columnist. lets start a book club.
TakiMag's Kevin Jackson takes on the underground surgery industry - "“Better a flat ass than a dull personality.”
"Better a flat ass than a dull personality" - The Great Fix-A-Flat Butt Fiasco via @AddThis #KevinJackson
Erin Goes Blah via @AddThis #CharlesCoulombe #Ireland #Vatican
The Descendants: A Step Down From Sideways via @AddThis #SteveSailer #Film #Reviews #News
The Consolations of Ugliness via @AddThis #KathyShaidle #JohnBerger #tcot
“Without men busting my door down, I never got the hang of ditching my annoying habits and unpopular opinions to...
@silverforger Thanks for looking out.
Germany’s Collective Self-Debasement via @AddThis #PaulGottfried #Germany #News #tcot
A Grand Old Future via @AddThis #ConradBlack #News #tcot
“It’s refreshing to see leftists finally admit they’re rich.” Jim Goad for Taki's Magazine.
Turn Left and Follow the Money via @AddThis #PatrioticMillionaires #Taxes #News #tcot
“They complain about the lack of jobs but every time I give them an easy chore, they spend hours trying to figure...
The Great American Pill Party via @AddThis
Vive les Nouveaux Pauvres! via @AddThis #MandolynaTheodoracopulos
The Young and the Lazy via @AddThis #GavinMcInnes
We're protesting #SOPA! Join us...
RT @firefox: Congress is about to censor the Internet. Help fight for a free and open
Web: contact your member of Congress today: ...
RT @Liberationtech: Sandia Labs: SOPA net censorship bill will 'negatively impact' US cybersecurity
RT @Shoq: SOPA nutshell: If a single copyright violation appears on your website, infringed party can have your *ENTIRE* site taken down ...
RT @verkoren: Infographic: Effects of the Internet Blacklist Bill (SOPA)
We're mad as hell and not going to take it! We've added a black banner to our website protesting SOPA - "If this...
Macro-Sleaze in Micronesia via @AddThis #DariusSafavi
My Wild Week and Wunderbar Weekend via @AddThis #TAKI #KeithRichards #BillClinton
“When high and low life get together, the mix is great. Then comes disaster, followed by oblivion.” - Taki for...
Warming Up to the Sunshine State via @AddThis #Florida #JohnDerbyshire
RT @AmPowerBlog: @kshaidle The Keystone Evasion
“Goadwin’s Law: Any time someone mentions Nazi atrocities, remind them that the communists killed more people.” -...
@RegularRon Good morning. How's it treating you so far?
RT @etherbrian: "Strawberry fields forever!" - man with strawberry allergy in Hell
RT @RegularRon: I wanna be Uncle Taki when I grew up RT @Takimag Once Upon a Time on the Riviera
“It may sound like an empty life, but it sure was fun.” - Taki for TakiMag.
Once Upon a Time on the Riviera via @AddThis #Taki #KikiMoore
Return of the War Party? via @AddThis #PatBuchanan #news #tcot
Keystone Cop-Out via @AddThis #KathyShaidle #KeystonePipeline #Occupy
The Bloody Red Flag via @AddThis #JImGoad #trendingtopics
RT @nickgillespie: I Occupied Wall Street and all I got was this lousy #JAYZ t-shirt or, why rich rapper pulled product: ...
RT @DazedMagazine: Is there anything @DAVID_LYNCH can't do? Or rather, is there anything the man isn't willing to try? We asked > htt ...
RT @tnr: . @THEHermanCain in @GQ, on #pizza toppings: veggie pizzas are "sissy." Remind us why we know this person?
RT @Raptorial: The Great NBA Lockout/Whiteout
RT @chazworm: 10 Unbelievable Things the Chinese Believe via @AddThis
RT @jimgoad: THE BLOODY RED FLAG ...
“The NBA’s teams are overvalued, and the silence surrounding the lockout only confirms this.” - Paul Kersey for...
The Great NBA Lockout/Whiteout via @AddThis #AnnCoulter #DavidStern #Basketball #News
The Future President of “Ameri-meri-meri-meri-ca-ca”? via @AddThis #HermanCain #Polls #News
Sore Losers & Sore Winners: Texas Nixes Rebel-Flag License Plates via @AddThis #Texas #DMV #RickPerry
The Future President of “Ameri-meri-meri-meri-ca-ca”? via @AddThis #HermanCain #EricPhillips
“I wonder if he knows who the president of ‘Chi-i-i-na-na’ is.” - Eric Phillips on Herman Cain for TakiMag.
“The bullied have become the bullies.” - Gavin McInnes on Brett Ratner's recent "F" word snafu.
A Black Gift for Politics? via @AddThis #JohnDerbyshire
Gavin McInnes on the Bret Ratner uproar. Apologies Are for Fags via @AddThis
Tower Envy via @AddThis #TowerHeist #EddieMurphy #BenStiller #BrettRatner
@silverforger Will do. Thanks for the shout out.
RT @TheAmericanPuls: @takimag Do you believe last night's elections sent a clear message to Republicans?Vote @ Vote ...
"The NAACP is so quiet you can hear a mouse pee on a cotton ball, content to watch a brotha get a straight-up...
Blame it on Cain via @AddThis #HermanCain #HollyWeirdos #BlackConservatives #tcot #News
@silverforger Much appreciated.
"National debt – the most dangerous thing to come out of Greece since Taki." -James Jackson
RT @Slate: U.S. patent office receiving applications to trademark “We are the 99 percent” & “Occupy Wall Street.”
Juggalo Holocaust Denial via @AddThis #InsaneClownPossee #Wiggers #Horrorcore #KathyShaidle #News #tcot
“In the improbable event that the heavens were to part and an angel were to task me with immediately eliminating...
If the World Is Overpopulated, Who Should Die? via @AddThis #JimGoad #UN #PopulationBomb
“There used to be a word for this: Envy.” - Jason Ivey for Taki's Magazine.
Why I Support Spanking via @AddThis #TeaParty #tcot #News
Going Out in a Self-Inflicted Blaze of Glory via @AddThis #Tibetan #Buddhists
Let Them Eat Cupcakes via @AddThis #PaulaYoungLee
“As far as I’m concerned, most Libyans are human biohazards.” - Taki for TakiMag.
The Disgusting Ones via @AddThis #Taki #Gaddafi #Madoff #news #tcot
Same Statue, Different Liberty via @AddThis #PaulGottfried
“How do I know he was crazy? Because he hadn’t FLED THE COUNTRY WITH HIS AMAZON WOMEN and his BILLIONS OF...
Cheating 101 via @AddThis #DelphinaLudovisi
Gaddafi’s Bitter (and Sore) End via @AddThis #KevinJackson #News #Gaddafi #Dictators
TakiMag's Steve Sailer reviews 'The Rum Diaries' - Johnny Depp's second outing as Hunter Thompson.
The Ho-Hum Diary via @AddThis #RumDiaries #HunterThompson #SteveSailer #Film #Reviews #JohnnyDepp
“Socialism doesn’t work, and neither do homeless people.” - TakiMag's Kathy Shaidle on squatting.
RT @Theblacksphere: 5 Reasons O won't be re-elected! #tcot #tlot #tpp #teaparty #sgp #hhrs #ocra
Sucking all the Fun out of Halloween via @AddThis #libertarian #news #jimgoad #tcot
The Coming Church-State Wars via @AddThis #PatBuchanan #RaymondArroyo #Libertarian #News #tcot
Let’s Squash the Squatters via @AddThis #KathyShaidle
RT @Theblacksphere: New Witch Hunts for Halloween - Taki's Magazine via @takimag
RT @HumpX: This Ghastly Week - via @takimag
RT @Theblacksphere: For those that have missed this posting here is my latest blog on Takimag, I need my peeps to show some love on... h ...
RT @Theblacksphere: i'd really like to get 1000 of my...
RT @KarenJKnapp: The Incredible Shrinking Messiah via @AddThis
“Pot doesn’t make you do bad things. It doesn’t make you do anything. In fact, it makes you not do anything.” -...
Insider Traitors via @AddThis #film #reviews #margincall #stevesailer #zacharayquinto #chandor
RT @Sunking278: The incredible shrinking messiah - (via @takimag) #news #Obama #tcot #ocra #ucot #sgp #GOP #ampats ...
@Sunking278 Thanks for the RTs
RT @Sunking278: Herman Cain vs. #Obama: The big black elephant in the room - (via @takimag) #news #GOP #tcot #ocra ...
RT @klejdys: The review of Margin Call by @steve_sailer at @takimag. Edelstein liked, Sailer liked it...I am in. #fb
“Obama’s dismal performance has most Americans more broke than the Ten Commandments.” - Kevin Jackson for TakiMag.
The Incredible Shrinking Messiah via @AddThis #KevinJackson #Obama #Polling
A Canadian Hip-Hop Serial Killer? via @AddThis #KathyShaidle #MichaelMoor #ColbyCosh #SomaliCrime #Prezidenteeh
What Is It We Wish to Conserve? via @AddThis #PatBuchanan #SuicideofaSuperpower #RusselKirk
The Pope Goes Global via @AddThis #PopeBenedict #Vatican #EconomicCrisis #CentralWorldBank
RT @vexnews: Giant Lego Man washes ashore in Florida
RT @Slate: Qaddafi has been buried in a secret, unmarked grave:
RT @Slate: Craft beers, Greek yogurt and fancy cheeses are apparently recession-proof:
What do we think?
Dangerous Wild Animals Murdered LIVE on TV! via @AddThis #TerryThompson #Ohio
Acting Foolish in Public…for Peace via @AddThis
The Spectator’s Simple Genius via @AddThis #TAKI
"...who can forget its early support of the postage stamp and its prophetic thoughts on the motor carriage." Taki...
The Big Black Elephant in the Room via @AddThis #HermanCain #JimGoad
Dream-Factory Fantasies of Real-World Politics via @AddThis #GuySomerset #PiersMorgan #GeorgeClooneyforPresident
“I’ve lived here in the US of A for 13 years now, and I find Americans to be the weirdest breed yet.” - Gavin...
RT @Margoandhow: Ron Paul "disgusted by atmosphere of Tues GOP debate & felt like simply walking off stage @ one point." /Proving: he is ...
RT @wcsoto: "They drink twice as much alcohol per head in Italy as in Scotland, but there is more drunkenness in Scotland." Theodore Dal ...
Share the Wealth but not Your Blanket via @AddThis #OccupyWalStreet #JeannieDeANgelis #ShawnColeman
10 Things I’ve Noticed About Americans via @AddThis #GavinMcInnes
Peaceful Globalists Expedite Libyan Dictator’s Murder via @AddThis #SteveSailer #Gaddafi #StevePinker
“How nonviolent is cosmopolitan internationalism in practice? The colonel found out in March, when the leaders of...
Taki on Gaddafi: "As brave as a tiger circling a fawn, he will be known for the despair he inflicted on the weak and defenseless."
Taki Theodoracopulos on Gaddafi: "As brave as a tiger circling a fawn, he will be known for the despair he...
TakiMag's Taki Theodoracopulos on the Occupy Wall Street protests - "I’m all for it, but who’s gonna replace the...
Mr. Zuccotti’s Zoo via @AddThis #TAKI #OccupyWallStreet
The Melancholy Roar of Retreat via @AddThis #JohnDerbyshire #PatBuchanan #SuicideofaSuperpower
RT @Theblacksphere: Still pimping my latest blog, so hopefully...
Real Rules for Fake Radicals via @AddThis #KevinJackson #OccupyWallStreet
"How I miss that prelapsarian age when people were famous for proper reasons." –TAKI
Terror Plot or Drug Sting? via @AddThis #SaudiAmbassador #AssasinationPlot #EricHolder #ManssorArbabsiar
Jim Goad and Gavin McInnes for TakiMag Radio. Please Google+ the link on youtube.
RT @kshaidle: #cdnpoli - 38 comments and counting on 'Why I Hate Italians'
RT @Margoandhow: This writer didn't care for Bill Clinton's birthday party. "Bill Clinton’s Decade of Autofellatio" ...
A.D. 2041—End of White America? via @AddThis #Census #2041 #SuicideofaSuperpower #PatBuchanan
Feminist Delusions About Children’s Fairytales via @AddThis #TomSchlegel
“Some of my favorite women don’t have a penis.” - Tom Schlegel for TakiMag.
"American life lacks the tragic dimension; everything is reduced to flavor of the month." - TAKI
"American life lacks the tragic dimension; everything is reduced to
flavor of the month." - Taki.
“It is well-known that as taxes rise, people see themselves not as willing contributors but as exploited.” -...
My Beef With Buffett via @AddThis #WarrenBuffet #TAKI
Remembrance of Black American Fugitives Past via @AddThis #TAKI
Bill Clinton’s Decade of Autofellatio via @AddThis #JimGoad #HollywoodBowl #DecadeofDifference
“On this special evening at the Hollywood Bowl, Bill Clinton opened his heart to the world to show them how big it...
"Politicians lack the ability to imagine what it is like to be someone else." Taki
"Politicians lack the ability to imagine what it is like to be someone else." Taki.
Forever 1969 via @AddThis #OccupyWallStreet #GuySomerset
Between Fox and the Foxhole via @AddThis #GavinMcInnes #FOXNews
"Greg Gutfield over at the late-night show Red Eye showed some interest in my column here at Taki, especially the...
Is the New World Order Unraveling? via @AddThis #PatBuchanan
"The European monetary union appears in peril." - Patrick Buchanan for Taki's Magazine.
"Celebrities today speak in a feverishly mannered voice, one that would
put a Bishop off in a monk's presence." - Taki.
"Celebrities today speak in a feverishly mannered voice, one that would put a Bishop off in a monk's presence." - Taki.
Eva Longoria advising the prez on immigration. Thoughts?
Eva Longoria, America Ferrara & Rosario Dawson advising President Obama on immigration reform....John Derbyshire...
Divided We March via @AddThis #JohnDerbyshire
Obama’s Bevy of Latina Lovelies via @AddThis #EvaLongoria #Immigration #AmericaFerrara #Thalia
Black, But Not Like Barack via @AddThis #GeorgeClooney #SteveSalier #TheIdeasofMarch #Review
Occupy Wall Street: No Vacancies via @AddThis #KevinJackson #Liberals #TeaParty
"The left is desperate to have Occupy Wall Street ripple into a movement to challenge the Tea Party. The problem...
RT @Theblacksphere: Occupy Wall Street: No Vacancies via Occupants back down their rat holes! #tcot #gop #hhrs #sgp ...
RT @trailortrash: Occupy Wall Street: No Vacancies - Taki's Magazine - #tcot #twcot #teaparty #p2
The Week in Canadian Sex News! via @AddThis #KathyShaidle
The Religion Card Is Turned Face Up via @AddThis #PatBuchanan #PastorRobertJeffress #RickPerry #Mormons #BillBennet
Steve Jobs: The Triumph of Worth Over Wealth via @AddThis #JasonIvey
TakiMag's Jason Ivey on Steve Jobs.
"Obama's policies are the poor nail's final coffin." Taki.
Jim Goad: Hitler Didn't Golf #HankWilliams #Fox #Hitler #MondayNightFootball
TakiMag's Jim Goad on the Hank Williams Fox & Friends Hitler scandal.
An American Letter on the War of Terror via @AddThis #GuySomerset #AmericanAlQaeda #AnwarAlAwlaki
Bye-Bye to Butch Broadcasters via @AddThis #CharlesACoulombe #AndyRooney #AndersonCooper
Hitler Didn’t Golf via @AddThis #JimGoad #HankWilliams #FOX #MondayNightFootball #Hitler
"Obama's policies are the poor nail's final coffin." Taki.
“He was a giant who epitomized the best that used to distinguish America from the rest of the world.” - Takuan...
America, alas, has become a land of little people ruled by predatory capitalists and their bought politicians. -Taki
RT @NYMag: A PR pro and an ad executive weigh in on the effectiveness of Occupy Wall Street slogans. Watch the slides: ...
Rotten From the Top Down via @AddThis #AntonioGramsci #RudiDutschke #LondonRiots
The End of Pax Americana? via @AddThis #PatBuchanan #Medicaid #HarryReid
Bulldozing for Dollars via @AddThis #GavinMcInnes #EminentDomain #BattleforBrooklyn #MikeGalinsky
“Eminent domain is a slippery legal concept that combines the insatiable greed of big business with big...
America, alas, has become a land of little people ruled by predatory
capitalists and their bought politicians. -Taki
RT @Slate: #OccupyWallStreet reaches D.C. via @Slatest
RT @fredthompson: One of the Wall Street protesters said "I put my money in my bra," not a bank. Well, I suppose it'll get more interest ...
RT @tnr: Worst. Ballet. Ever. The new @PaulMcCartney ballet is a crime against #dance for which flogging is too light ...
Is the Present Better Than the Past? via @AddThis #StevenPinker #WhyViolenceHasDeclined
Marrying for Money (and Earning Every Cent) via @AddThis #Taki #LilySafra
“Although an expert on going down, all she needed to capture him was to talk down to him.” - Taki for TakiMag.
"The U.S. today is an arrogant, naive, muscle-bound power searching for a brain." - Taki.
“Just how ruthlessly far will today’s liberals go to make the desirable parts of the inner city white again?” -...
Life Imitates Arts Criticism via @AddThis #SteveSailer
Hysteria Reconsidered: Are Women (Finally) Funny? via @AddThis #KathyShaidle
Garofalo: Guardian of the Lowly Negro via @AddThis #KevinJackson #HermanCain #JaneaneGarofalo
Why Italy Held Amanda Knox via @AddThis #GuySomerset #Italy #Trial
TakiMag's Guy Somerset on the Amanda Knox verdict.
RT @WilkeArt: Check out this @KevinJackson article called When Black Liberals Attack (Each Other) - Taki's Magazine ...
RT @PeriscopePost: The Ig Nobel awards recognise surreal, silly science discoveries like beetles' (sexual) lust for bottles ...
Leftist Nostalgia on Modern Airwaves via @AddThis #KPFK #PacificaRadio #CharlesCouloumbe
TakiMag's Jim Goad on New York's 'Occupy Wall Street' protesters.
99% Wrong via @AddThis #JimGoad #OccupyWallStreet #NewYorkProtests #MichaelMoore
RT @kalimkassam: Some astute political advice for Chris Christie: embrace the fatso-American vote @takimag #tcot
RT @kalimkassam: The Will to Pander. @kshaidle on immigration and Canadian elections #cdnpoli #onpoli
@DossierWalter Thanks for the RT Walter.
The Ballet of Death via @AddThis #GuySomerset
“The bullfight is no sport. It is art.” Guy Somerset for Taki's Magazine.
Chris Christie: Too Fat to Fail? via @AddThis
RT @chelseagirl19: I can't be any clearer- #ff these people. Get the real goddamn news for once @takimag @jimgoad @Gavin_McInnes @nyccri ...
RT @villagevoice: New York Declared Pretty Good City for Mustaches
RT @Gavin_McInnes: Got the Wu-Tang Clan to squash their beef last night and perform on stage. #Humblebrag @redbullNYC @roosternewyork ...
Netanyahu's blindness to the Palestinians illustrates his zealotry and stupidity. He is to intelligence what...
From “Never Again” to “Enough is Enough” via @AddThis #Netanyahu #Taki #Israel
Raising Cain via @AddThis #HermanCain #GNN #Obama
TakiMag's Steve Sailer reviews Brad Pitt's latest flick, 'Moneyball'.
Of Stats and Steroids via @AddThis #MoneyBall #BradPitt #SteveSailer #Review
Can Hypocrites Make Fun of Hypocrites? via @AddThis #BookofMormon #TreyParker #MattStone #GavinMcInnes
Gavin McInnes weighs in on The Book of Mormon for TakiMag.
Subdividing America—to Win via @AddThis #PatBuchanan
When Black Liberals Attack (Each Other) via @AddThis #KevinJackson #Obama
The Ongoing Fascination With Sarah Palin’s Womb via @AddThis #KathyShaidle
“Sarah Palin’s own superpower—to annoy or inspire people beyond reason, seemingly just for existing—has been...
@RegularRon Indeed we did. And yourself?
"Snobbery is nothing but bad manners trying to pass itself off as good taste." - Taki
Roundup of Europe’s Meltdown via @AddThis #Taki
The Fur Flies in West Hollywood via @AddThis #CharlesCoulombe
Smells Like Dead Junkie via @AddThis #Nirvana #KurtCobain #Nevermind
“What’s debatable is whether his effect on pop culture is worth celebrating.” - Jim Goad on Nirvana for TakiMag.
Claus Von Bohlen via @wibiya
“In the runup to Obamacare, what better venue than Chicago to launch another unofficial pilot program?” - Jeannie...
"The template of puns is the definition of a mistress: Halfway between a
mister and a mattress." - Taki
"The template of puns is the definition of a mistress: Halfway between a mister and a mattress." - TAKI
High-Publicity Executions & Low-Profile Encroachments via @AddThis #DeathRow #GuySomerset #CottonMather #SalemWitch
Too Pretty for Politics: "The idea of a good-looking politician is a profound perversion." via @AddThis
“The idea of a good-looking politician is a profound perversion. Politicians have ugly, ugly souls.” - Phil...
Mr. Abbas Goes to the UN via @AddThis #MidEast #PeaceProcess #PatrickFoy
Taki Mag's Patrick Foy on the Mid East Peace Process - “Evidently, Abbas has grown weary of being treated like a...
The Dignity of Sloth via @AddThis #JohnDerbyshire #Foldit #PhilipkDick
The Franc Rises and the Village Declines via @AddThis #TAKI #Euro
“Every bum I know wants to come and live here, and bums do not have the Swiss attitude of hard work and honesty.”...
RT @mcmoynihan: Will be talking about my forthcoming review of "The Dictator's Handbook" (this weekend's WSJ) on the Wall Street Journal ...
RT @EconomicMayhem: Do You Have Faith in the Fed? CNBC Poll #economy
RT @libertyideals: Massachusetts upholds law that charges drivers $70 to contest a $100 ticket #libertarian
The Dignity of Sloth via @AddThis #JohnDerbyshire
Kid or Career?, Cringing Over Color, and Kicking the Concubine to the Curb via @AddThis #StayAtHomeMoms
Spread the Poverty! via @AddThis #Obama #KevinJackson #Taxes
To Live and Drive in LA via @AddThis #SteveSailer #Drive #Cannes #NicolasWindingRefn
TakiMag's Steve Sailer reviews Cannes Best Director winner Nicolas Winding Refn's 'Drive'.
TakiMag's Steve Sailer reviews Cannes' Best Director winner Nicolas Winding Refn's 'Drive'.
"Hollywood sees greed as a virtue, dishonor as manly, and megalomania as desirable." - TAKI
RT @TheEconomist: Nicolas Winding Refn's "Drive" makes an old-fashioned story feel strikingly new
Ritual corruption, tribalism, orgies of unspeakable violence, brutality & chaos, this is the most accurate description of Africa today. Taki
Taki Quotes: "The 9/11 anniversary is over, thank God. We all know who the real heroes were. Firemen and cops....
Whose Country Is It, Anyway? via @AddThis #PatBuchanan #Poverty #Economy #Obama
Canada’s Kooky Christian Crusader via @AddThis #KathyShaidle #BillWhatcott #ProLife #Flyers #SupremeCourt
"I was 28—my political ideas were little more than the accumulated, half-digested buzzing meme-hive of...
RT @HuffingtonPost: 9 services that could be the new Netflix
RT @EconomicMayhem: Looking for Grittier books on Economics and Libertarianism #tcot
@kalimkassam Looking for the cure on the net? Might imply you're a little too far gone ;) Know what you mean though
RT @charliesheen: This is epic! Watch me during the #SheenRoast on the Charlie Cam!
Save America: Ruin the Euro: via @AddThis #GuySomerset
The Day I Left the Left: via @AddThis #JimGoad
The Orifice of Omaha: via @AddThis #WarrenBuffet #Taxes #GuySomerset
Taki Mag's Guy Somerset on Warren Buffet's latest shenanigans - higher taxes.
"Am I the only one pulling my hair out because of this fucking word?" - Gavin McInnes for Taki Mag.
Losing the Great Game in Afghanistan: via @AddThis #DevikaPatel
“Like” or Dislike: via @AddThis #GavinMcInnes #Like
Setting the Record Straight on Jackie O: via @AddThis #Taki
“The keepers of the Kennedy flame are correct to keep it alive, but so are we who happened to be around and have...
RT @tanktron: "During recession, lipstick sales tend to skyrocket, cause its a quick-fix for women who cant buy luxury items but still w ...
RT @BreakingNews: Paris ban on Muslim street prayers comes into effect - BBC
RT @EconomicMayhem: My Tweeted Times: Mercedes F125, the Fuel-Cell Hybrid From the Year 2025 [PICS] see more http ...
Crazy Uncles: via @AddThis #JohnDerbyshire #RonPaul #ObamaOnyango
Affirmative Action for the Ugly: via @AddThis #Taki
“Although I’ve heard rumors that my rival is a habitual user of body wax, I will not get personal.” - Taki for...
The Obama Bible, AKA The New Book of Jobs: via @AddThis #KevinJackson
“In the event that no jobs are created, fear not. For Obama giveth unemployment benefits.” - Kevin Jackson for...
“I have never felt as gloomy about our prospects as I do this minute.” - Taki for TakiMag.
Setting Grandma’s Hair on Fire: via @AddThis #PatrickBuchanan #SocialSecurity #RickPerry
The Will to Pander: via @AddThis #KathyShaidle #Immigration #Canada #MargaretWente
Trust-Busting the Digital Monopolies: via @AddThis #Huffington
The Insight of Hindsight: via @AddThis
The Holy Healing Horny Homely Harlots of Phoenix: via @AddThis #JimGoad
“If the accused hookers are this uncomely, one can only shudder thinking what their clients look like.” Jim Goad...
RT @pattonoswalt: Contentious, interesting op-ed about the Katt Williams "controversy."
RT @kshaidle: Thanks to everyone who made my new Taki's piece about Katt Williams the most popular story this week
@agentmule Must be an easier way to earn a buck? Looks fun on Entourage tho
RT @agentmule: Before and after pitch meetings, I reread Gavin's "10 Things I’ve Learned About Writing For TV" to slow my roll: ...
@GitGuy We don't necessarily agree with it all either ;) Liking the "Bringing Back the 80s" vid.
“I think there is a certain worldview that comes from violent experience. It’s something like…manhood.” - Scott...
Never Trust Anyone Who Hasn’t Been Punched in the Face: via @AddThis #ScottLocklin
@Margoandhow Think people will notice? Not sure..there doesn't seem to be a minimum IQ requirement for intervi ewees nowadays.
RT @Margoandhow: I give up. I love Brian Williams, but on tonight's broadcast they are "interviewing" a talking dog.
“Comedians used to make jokes. Now they make amends.” - TakiMag's Kathy Shaidle on the Katt Williams scandal.
RT @villagevoice: Gelatin Made From Human DNA May Soon Make Its Way Into a Gummi Bear Near You
RT @CatoInstitute: New Podcast: Did Big Banks Victimize Fannie and Freddie? (h/t @cobrown)
RT @PaulLewis: Met police chief on Tottehnam riots: "We ran out of police officers. The thin blue line is quite thin on occasion." #Read ...
RT @DazedMagazine: BLOG: A turtle taking down/or taking sexual advantage of a fox? Must be the Dazed Digital Tumblr of the Week ...
Stand Up and Say You’re Sorry: via @AddThis #KattWilliams #JarretMaupin #KathyShaidle
Stock Characters and Stock Prices: via @AddThis #JoySetton #Berlusconi
The Will to Powerlessness: via @AddThis #Gaddafi #Diversity
The Emperor’s New Body: via @AddThis #ChastityBono #JimGoad
Tears for a Clown: via @AddThis #JerryLewis
“Jerry has literally done more with his star power than all the other personalities of modern Hollywood combined,...
"His approval rating has plummeted so precipitiously, it reached the point earlier this year where “only” 85...
Suddenly have multiple Gstaad based companies following us on Twitter. Let's see how many more jump on board with this mention
“The Anglo birthrate’s collapse has not been the result of a Latino conspiracy, but of Anglo self-indulgence and...
RT @RepJoeWalsh: I will host a small business job forum - to talk to small businessmen & women, since they are who create jobs and gener ...
RT @Margoandhow: Berlusconi vows to leave 'shitty' Italy in conversation recorded by police nah, nah, Silvio. You b ...
RT @villagevoice: After 9/11: Time Heals *Some* Wounds, Others Persist, in "Rebirth"
Al Gore’s Dream of Power: via @AddThis #AlexBogusky #ClimateRealityProject #Racists
Decline and Fall of the Anglo Empire: via @AddThis #CharlesCoulombe #California #AB131 #CaliforniaDreamAct
Son of A Raisin in the Sun: via @AddThis #SteveSailer
Swallowing More Than Pride, Happy Old (Possibly Gay) Bachelor, & The Musky Allure of Being Aloof: #SpitorSwallow
RT @The_Spectator: Coffee House: What kind of Libyan justice?
RT @MelissaRNMBA: The Skinny on Obesity: via @AddThis
"The real problem is not whether you spit or swallow; it’s why at 42 with two kids and a husband you are worried...
RT @KashHussain: Obama: The Great Self-Compromiser: via @AddThis
RT @fotografiafood: comical. and terrifying if one even considers becoming a prof. uh oh. Character Sketches of Academic Loons: ...
RT @kalimkassam: "The Congressional Black Caucus [is] rankled about the recent decision, but to be honest, when *aren’t* they rankled?" ...
RT @NicolasPascal: Was ist denn da los in #Gstaad ?? Plagööri oder Wahrheit? From Paradise on Earth to Hell on High:
More Tales From the Collegiate Loony Bin: via @AddThis #PaulGottfried
From Paradise on Earth to Hell on High: via @AddThis #Taki #Libya #Gstaad #Hannibal
RT @Margoandhow: Conspiracy buffs, you will LOVE this piece.
@Margoandhow Dear Margo, thanks for the Tweets.
RT @Margoandhow: Objection to the new Martin Luther King, Jr. statue in Washington: He is rendered in white material & looks Asian ...
RT @Margoandhow: Conspiracy buffs, you will LOVE this piece.
RT @Margoandhow: Memo to a lot of crazy people: Bert & Ernie are PUPPETS. They cannot be straight or gay unless they are in "Avenue Q" h ...
RT @rorybremner: And Charles Glass on that perennial hot potato, the Two-State solution in Middle East...
"The one I’d most like to see acting as a jockstrap is Hannibal Gaddafi, the fat slob who has besmirched a...
Too Many Inconvenient Truths: via @AddThis #SeanHoare #NewsCorp
Statue of Limitations: via @AddThis #MLK #KathyShaidle
Legalize Dope & Deport the Illegal Dopes: via @AddThis #JimGoad
“Is all this madness necessary merely because people like to get high?” - Jim Goad for Taki Magazine.
RT @chelseagirl19: Want some real goddamn news for once? #ff these people @takimag @jimgoad @Gavin_McInnes @nyccrimereport @KeithMalley ...
"Women were wives, secretaries, and teachers. Little girls did not play football, and little boys only played...
RT @jimgoad: It's no secret: Anyone who read "The Secret" is an idiot.
RT @Slate: Things we learned in the DSK case: Hotel rooms have semen all over them. via @NYTMetro
RT @kshaidle: Showbiz Assassin: the Sheen Convergence, Andy Dick gets ‘Stern’ and More
RT @tnr: #Texas judge so afraid of gays that he bans children from being left alone with father's husband via @Housto ...
RT @cutblog: Lacoste is reinventing itself by sprinkling alligator logos on wait staff uniforms and food trucks
Gay as a French Horn, Pt. 2: via @AddThis #SteveSailer
They Too: via @AddThis #TakuanSeiyo
My Cures for the Summertime Blues: via @AddThis #Southampton #StTropez #CavesDuRoy
“I hope this list’s hoity-toityness will somehow dissuade you from going to these ports of call.” - Mandolyna...
Nice thnx for that! RT @KristinaBilly: @takimag Funny video! #bertandernie
RT @FatimaDasNeves: 2nd page, 3rd paragraph: BINGO! "The Persistence of Bourgeois Radicalism" - via @takimag #mustread
RT @Slate: Friend or Foe: My friend blabbed around the ring my boyfriend bought me.
RT @tnr: What's so bad about a slow economic #recovery? Part of our economic symposium: 'Is There Anything That Can Be Done?' ...
RT @kshaidle: Britain: Muslims demand Sharia student loans
RT @Steve_Sailer: DSK case dropped
RT @Steve_Sailer: Libya
@Gavin_McInnes Sorry to hear that. Condolences
Gavin's softer side RT @Gavin_McInnes: Fun toy review @BunchFamily
Why Are We Baiting the Bear?: #PatBuchanan #Russia
“After riots always come reactions, then reactions to the reactions—a concatenation of vignettes and...
Making Sense and Nonsense of the Riots: #DerekTurner #London #Riots
RT @Margoandhow: The net's anonymity provides 4 those who R frustrated, voiceless, inadequate, unpleasant -- & also unpublished writers. ...
RT @donaldjpaul: Why anonymous commentary is a killing offence.
RT @tnr: Gearing up for #Obama's speech on his economic agenda? @TNR is having a weeklong economic symposium with the best minds in the ...
RT @mises: Guess How Much Wall Street Borrowed From Fed During Crisis While Americans Went Bust?
RT @emjayemcdonald: Gotta love Pat Buchanan - The View From Martha’s Vineyard:
RT @marcopolomt: The Audacity of Africa - Taki's Magazine:
RT @Sir_Geechie: Of Gold and Goldman - Taki's Magazine via
RT @marketmentat: I’m Not a Racist, Sexist, or a Homophobe, You Nigger Slut Faggot this is an absolute masterpiece. ...
RT @CallaLilly101: The Two-State Solution:
RT @Joshuasisco: The Love That Won’t Shut Up - Taki's Magazine
RT @Gavin_McInnes: When Kissinger was asked who would win the Iran/Iraq war, he sighed and said, "Can't they both lose?"
The Vicious Circle of Greek Politics: #Taki
The Charles Bronson of Race: #KathyShaidle
“AIPAC wants me to care. CAIR wants me to care. But I don’t.” - Jim Goad for Taki's Magazine.
Who Cares About the Middle East?: #JimGoad
How to Comment Without Getting Killed: #Netiquette #TakimagEditors
The View From Martha’s Vineyard: #PatBuchanan
The Skinny on Obesity: #GavinMcInnes
@chelseagirl19 Thank you
RT @chelseagirl19: #ff @patdixon @JoshLatta @nyccrimereport @keithandthegirl @takimag @jimgoad @Gavin_McInnes
"People become addicted to it. They need to keep eating the same way a heroin addict needs to continue doing...
RT @NOH8ER: Is it just me or does the name "Noam Chomsky" sound like a kind of chocolate bar? Nom Chompsky
RT @DazedMagazine: No matter how your Friday is going right now, @raffertie's Dazed mixtape is an ideal end-of-week treat for your earho ...
RT @NewStatesman: A rare interview with internet creator Tim Berners-Lee
Somalis All Over: #Refugees
The Love That Won’t Shut Up: #CharlesCoulombe #BertandErnie #SesameStreet
"When cells are called rooms because they infringe on criminal youths’ human rights, the good guys cannot win." -...
RT @tnr: Great way to start the morning: @andersoncooper dissolves into giggle-fit on the air
RT @johnedugan: Like a scary clown Woodstock with rappers, porn stars and Charlie Sheen.
RT @SoCalHeather: Charles Coulombe's latest in Taki's Magazine - A Tale of Two Riots: via @AddThis
RT @Margoandhow: A Bright Future for Pessimists. The news makes you not only want to kill the messenger, but also yourself. ...
Curse of the Mega-Sore-Ass, Canine Kevorkian, & She Doesn’t Like You in That Way: via @AddThis
Gay as a French Horn, Pt. 1: #SteveSailer #RichardGere
“Overall, how many famous male entertainers really are gay?” - Steve Sailer for TakiMag.
RT @TheStalwart: This is one of my favorite Steve Sailer colums. And I think the part at the end gets at Rick Perry's appeal ...
“The difference between these Africans and Westerners is that very few of us have had the privilege of enjoying...
RT @mises: It is a world unto itself - and it is made by free enterprise.
RT @HuffPostCeleb: Check out these 15 new artist you need to know now @elliegoulding @cherlloyd @KREAYSHAWN
The Audacity of Africa: #BaronessAmos #Africa
Mitt’s Dilemma: #PatBuchanan #MittRomney
RT @The_Spectator: Coffee House: Inflation rises yet again
RT @RonPaul: Congressman Paul is on @piersmorgan on CNN right now. #tcot #tlot #gop2012
RT @ashleyscorpio: Always be closing #3words #Movie #GlengarryGlenRoss #Quote
RT @AmSpec: Better Ways to Lower Warren Buffett's After-Tax Income
RT @tnr: He's thrown his cowboy hat in the ring, but just how extreme is #RickPerry? #conservative #Texas #GeorgeWPerry?
RT @jaseliberty: Obama's approval rating falls to lowest level of his presidency (via @unitedliberty)
That New Commie Smell: #KathyShaidle #Toronto #PrideToronto #QUAIA
That Magical September: #Taki #Capri #AristotleOnassis
The Firepower Next Time: #JimGoad #London #Riots #MarkDuggan
"No one disputes that the flashpoint was the police shooting of Mark Duggan, who, like Rodney King, appears to...
RT @corfmeister: Here's Taki's obnoxious little article - Freud Slips Into the Void: via @AddThis
@misslainie Thank you!
RT @misslainie: Great, new podcast from Takimag -- Jim Goad & Gavin McInnes Your So Dumb Radio for Takimag via @youtube
RT @JoshGoodrich_3: “Homophobia” has to be one of the gayest words in the English language.
Read more:
RT @WAGNERGIRLE: RT @Blazingcatfur: That New Commie Smell
RT @stenec: London's riots...A Different (and truer) Perspective:
RT @OliverMitchell: @toadmeister A good example of the unnecessary emotiveness of the word perhaps? Clearly illustrated by this article: ...
The Trouble With Blacks: #London #Riots #Racism #OperationTrident
“If words are so goddamned important to everybody, let’s nail down their exact meanings once and for all.” - Gavin...
@chelseagirl19 L ike your style!
@klejdys Thnx :) Going to upload to itunes too.
RT @chelseagirl19: Don't be an asshole- #ff these people. Get the real goddamn news for once @takimag @jimgoad @Gavin_McInnes @nyccrimer ...
RT @Margoandhow: A Tale of Two Riots: 1992’s Rodney King riots & London now.
RT @sculptureartman: @speedina @BraceyAndrew “Lucian Freud’s life was as awful as his art.” i couldn't agree more!!!
RT @artsafarist: Taki on Lucien Freud. This wins my vote for the worst and most offensive piece of art crit of all time. Amazing! ...
RT @Gavin_McInnes: I love swear words
#FF @chelseagirl19 @mandysroyalty @FatimaDasNeves @jimgoad @Gavin_McInnes
RT @mandysroyalty: #FF @victoriaarbiter @hwaleswatch @mattlauzon @takimag @royalreporter @chris_w_jackson @gdorstewitz @clarencehouse @ ...
“Gold is going through the roof, and you can guess who went into it while advising us to buy stocks four years...
@jimgoad Would settle for being the me that can find an i diot proof radio blog platform for the next show
RT @Gavin_McInnes: RT @jimgoad: YOUR SO DUMB ... Podcast #1 with Jim Goad & Gavin Mcinnes …
Jim Goad & Gavin McInnes Your So Dumb Radio for Takimag
Check this video out -- Jim Goad & Gavin McInnes Your So Dumb Radio for Takimag via @youtube #London #Riots
RT @takimag: A Tale of Two Riots: via @AddThis #CharlesCoulombe #London #Riots
A Tale of Two Riots: via @AddThis #CharlesCoulombe #London #Riots
Can We Still Afford the Slavery Tax?: #JohnDerbyshire
“The Slavery Tax was imposed in the robust USA of the 1960s and 1970s, when our country was a mighty engine of...
RT @MrSpahky: @kkphoto @Margoandhow
Well written selection I think but don't think I dont think
"If human attention is the resource we all compete for, why is dumb preferred to smart?" -Taki
RT @eonline: Anti-Shock of the Week: George Hamilton Treated for Skin Cancer
RT @McCainBlogette: "Don't pay any attention to what they write about you. Just measure it in inches." - Andy Warhol
RT @tnr: #Obama's plan to dismantle the worst parts of #NoChildLeftBehind is admirable, and quite possibly illegal #e ...
RT @Slate: Why are the London rioters using baseball bats and not cricket bats? #Explainer
RT @fredthompson: London looter: I'm "redistributing the wealth". No no no. Supposed to "spread the wealth around". Young people today j ...
RT @Slate: Strange and beautiful images of crop circles--PHOTOS:
RT @EconomicMayhem: First Stock Broker Suicide #tcot
RT @tnr: Political reporter at #Iowa State Fair marvels at *gag* Fried Butter on a Stick He'd better be getting time ...
Obama: The Great Self-Compromiser: #CharlesGlass
Love makes you do stupid things! God’s Views on Pregnancy, Going Abroad to Leave a Broad, & Baby Talk Among Adults:
No Chimp Left Behind: #SteveSailer #PlanetoftheApes #JamesFranco #FilmReviews
“In contrast to liberal 20th-century beliefs, Rise of the Planet of the Apes assumes that apes are held back by...
RT @chelseagirl19: A Bright Future for Pessimists: By @jimgoad on @takimag
RT @IlanaMercer: 'Libertarian Top 50 Sites' 'Misses' Mercer
RT @Street_Carnage: RT @jane__bradley: Contact just sent me this video shot in Enfield. He says the crowd are shouting racist chan… (con ...
RT @EconomicMayhem: Swiss Franc Surges, dollar falls: The Price Of A Big Mac Is Now $17.19 dollars In Zurich #tcot
RT @tnr: Even with the "#Spam King" behind bars, deceptive #Facebook scammers may still pose a threat
RT @libertyideals: Senate to Investigate Standard & Poors Downgrade Decision (seriously? it's like they don't get it) #libertarian ...
Who’s Really Downgrading America?: #PatBuchanan
The Tournaments of Tottenham: #London #Riots #DerekTurner
“It only takes a rabble to riot. And neutralizing the numbskulls is not as easy as it might once have been.” -...
RT @The_Spectator: Coffee House: Cameron to return to London as the riots spread
RT @Gavin_McInnes: The only time sexism bothers me is when we reject a woman's answer in Trivial Pursuit and it costs us a pie.
RT @Gavin_McInnes: The only reason this Dougherty robbery is on the news is they escaped in a WHITE Subaru
“These days, optimism is the sole domain of liars and morons.” - Jim Goad for Taki's Magazine.
“These days, optimism is the sole domain of liars and morons.” A Bright Future for Pessimists: #JimGoad
RT @libertyideals: Moody's Sounds the Alarm on Student Borrowing #libertarian
RT @CGlassArticles: I am trying to see the point of view of an Israeli settler in the West Bank. I have known a few, including one I lik ...
RT @jimgoad: These days, optimism is the sole domain of liars and morons.
RT @eonline: John Mayer Admits He Was a "Tweetaholic"
Gavin McInnes for Taki's Magazine.
Discrimination, Good and Bad: via @AddThis
“Never lick your fingers, unless you need to lubricate.” - Mandolyna Theodoracopulos for TakiMag.
RT @tnr: 117,000 sounds like good news, but the #jobs report is hiding some truly terrifying numbers
@RegularRon Thanks!
RT @RegularRon: Ms.T. giving out some much needed advice on manners. RT @Takimag A Manners Guide for the Nouveau Riche, Part Deux: ...
RT @Slate: This woman builds robots that smile, frown, and look chagrined when you scold them: #TopRight
RT @kalimkassam: "Equality is reassurance your neighbor / will not get too far ahead of you." ~ Lilija Valis (#vancouver #poet) ...
RT @tnr: You'd think that the trial of a dictator would strengthen it, but #Mubarak's trial may mean the end of the #revolution ...
RT @Slate: Ready for another icky sex comedy?
RT @latimes: Carlos Slim, world's richest man, loses $8 billion in stock slide RT @latimesbiz
RT @ChrisDockery: New York Times plans new social networking, comment features for fall launch: The Times seems poised to focus on... ht ...
"Maureen Dowd, an old hag, writing in The Old Hag, compares the Pope to Rupert Murdoch. Someone please give her a badly needed screw." -Taki
RT @mandysroyalty: #FF @outofmischief @angelatunner @takimag @theroyalfanzine @gabeyslave @regaleyes @janetnorcal @michellecvcm @duchessofdc
RT @kwamilli: A Manners Guide for the Nouveau Riche, Part Deux: "Never lick your fingers, unless you need to lubricate"
RT @Gavin_McInnes: Here are some things I believe with no basis in fact
China Downgrades US Debt: via @AddThis #RichardCummings
10 Unchecked Theories I Cherish: via #GavinMcInnes
Give ’em a Country: #Uighurs #China #JohnDerbyshire
A Manners Guide for the Nouveau Riche, Part Deux: via #MondolynaTheodoracopulos
Great Seducers and Common Creeps: #Taki
“Convince a woman beyond any doubt that you are willing to die if you can’t possess her, and chances are good...
A Manners Guide for the Nouveau Riche, Part Deux: via @AddThis
RT @therealjoebob: Hey, look, it's Let's Be Mean To People in El Lay Week at Takimag: "Dude, Where's My Subway?"
Great Seducers and Common Creeps: via @AddThis
RT @eonline: So Much for a Comeback? Lindsay Lohan's Gotti Role Not a Sure Thing
RT @tnr: RT @gcaw Swedish man arrested after trying to split atoms in his kitchen - Telegraph
RT @merrystandish: Joe Bob found a train in LA!!!
RT @klejdys: Great piece by @steve_sailer from '09 on how Seinfeld & #curb aren't shows about nothing, but rather about rules. ...
The Guard: Prejudice and Xenophobia Can Be Fun!: #SteveSailer
Mitt Romney: From Waffle House to White House?: via @AddThis #PaulGotfried
Angelenos Ask: “Dude, Where’s My Subway?”: via #JoeBobBriggs
"Hatred of Muslims in Europe and the U.S. is a growing political industry. It's odious, dangerous and racist,"...
RT @TradBritGroup: The Traditional Britain Daily on Twitter is out! ▸ Top stories today via @takimag
RT @bradleybirzer: "The two luxuries which a good statesman must rigorously deny himself during business hours are conscience and sentim ...
RT @Steve_Sailer: The myth of the hypoallergenic dog
RT @jolyjt: A Manners Guide for the Nouveau Riche: via @AddThis
The Effluent Society: #JoySetton
You Are Now Entering…The Shariah Zone: via #AnjemChoudary #London #Islamic #ChristianBonk #Islam4UK
The Shariah Zone. “Islamic Rules Enforced” in London? Christian Bonk for Taki's Magazine.
@FatimaDasNeves @sdlenser Thank you both...
Americans, Canadians—What’s the Difference?: via @AddThis #KathyShaidle
The Retarded State of Public Debate: #DebtCeiling #JimGoad
"I feel like wiping the shit off my eyeballs after witnessing this endlessly infantile blame game." Jim Goad on...
RT @The_Spectator: Arts Blog: Aniston needs to learn from Doris Day
@kalimkassam @isegoria was wondering why we were included in the bot FF, but hey, we'll take what we can get ;)
@mandysroyalty Thank YOU
@heytherewombat Thank you!
RT @donaldjpaul: It's called tough love and you're tougher if you can do it.
RT @Jupe_Star: Of Novels and Novelty Acts: via @AddThis
RT @klejdys: @kshaidle I'd rather be writing for @takimag! A more august publication I do not know.
RT @kalimkassam: "If you take the PISA [global education] test scores & disaggregate USA students by race, we are up there near the top" ...
The Retarded State of Public Debate: via @AddThis
Everyone knows that the European project is in deep trouble. Everyone but those unelected, faceless bureaucrooks in Brussels, that is. -Taki
Such is the fear to appear politically incorrect, the British govt has abandoned its investigation of the rise of Sharia courts in Britain.
RT @IronboxCynthia: T-Shirts to Offend Lesbians: via
RT @therealjoebob: My publisher is Panagiotis Theodoracopulos and my editor is Mandolyna Theodoracopulos and that's why I'm out of space ...
@pdrobertson Thanks for the RT
RT @pdrobertson: “@takimag: “Drug addicts don’t need kid gloves. They need an iron fist.” Gavin McInnes on Amy Winehouse for TakiMag. ht ...
#FF @Steve_Sailer @kshaidle @Street_Carnage @jimgoad @EconomicMayhem @CaviarCommunist @ashleyscorpio @misslainie @Gavin_McInnes
“Drug addicts don’t need kid gloves. They need an iron fist.” Gavin McInnes on Amy Winehouse for TakiMag.
We Just Lost Another Junkie: via @AddThis #AmyWinehouse #Obit #GavinMcInnes
TAKI: "Fact or fiction? Bonfire of the Vanities all over again? Who is the master of the universe, #DSK or #Diallo?"
@misslainie Very sorry to hear that. Our condolences.
@nydwracu Thank you!
We'll take that as a compliment ;) Thnx! RT @kalimkassam: o @takimag u bad!
We love a good debate! RT @NOH8ER: @melbourneninja @takimag In sum, h ere:
T-Shirts to Offend Lesbians: via @AddThis
Thnx for the RT! RT @bradleybirzer: RT @takimag: The Eurocrooks Are Sinking Us - Taki's Magazine via @takimag #Taki
RT @The_Spectator: Coffee House: The romance isn't dead on Downing Street
The Eurocrooks Are Sinking Us - Taki's Magazine via @takimag #Taki
TAKI: Why do the Left praise Assange for hacking emails but condemn Rupert Murdoch, whose minions hacked into private mobile telephones?
Taki Time: We'll be tweeting Taki quotes over the next few days
RT @Steve_Sailer: Programming, women, and H1-B
No One’s Right and Nothing’s Left - Taki's Magazine via @takimag #JohnDerbyshire
“Ordinary unconnected working- and middle-class citizens seem to have no effective representation at all.” John...
RT @meredithshiner: Joao Silva Shoots His First Assignment Since Losing His Legs in Afghanistan -
RT @PeriscopePost: El Bulli is closing - the Heston Blumenthal-obsessed foodie world mourns its passing with apple juice caviar: ...
Hooters Casino Blues, Lowballing How Many You’ve Balled, and My Brother the Cockblocker: via @AddThis
Project Nim: A Steve Sailer review
Chimp Bites Woman, Talks About It: via @AddThis #SteveSailer #Movies
RT @DazedMagazine: Super comic writer Grant Morrison CR-R-A-A-CKs his way through the history of caped crusaders in his fantastic new bo ...
RT @wikileaks: Murdoch, media cartels and the fiscalisation of power: interview with Julian Assange released
RT @wikileaks: PayPal needs to be hit with one of these. Get creative!:
RT @therealjoebob: Why Nancy Grace must be bagged and duct-taped:
A Manners Guide for the Nouveau Riche - Taki's Magazine via @takimag
Taki on Lucian Freud: "His art was as sordid as his person, reflecting his loathing of human nature in general and...
A Fire Bell in the Night for Norway - Taki's Magazine via @takimag #PatrickBuchanan
RT @kshaidle: In case you missed my latest at Taki's... 'The Privileged White North?'
RT @imperialblack: “@takimag: A Manners Guide for the Nouveau Riche: via @AddThis” consider this notice..
A Fire Bell in the Night for Norway - Taki's Magazine via @takimag #PatBuchanan
A Manners Guide for the Nouveau Riche: via @AddThis
RT @GalleyCat: In digital book bombshell, Kindle, Nook & Kobo no longer sell eBooks inside Apple apps:
RT @Steve_Sailer: Blue Labour: The Rapid Rise and Faster Fall of an Immigration Realist Leftist
RT @Street_Carnage: #FUCKJIMGOAD?: By now you’ve no doubt heard of Amy Winehouse’s death.
By now you’ve no doubt heard of Amy Wineh... ...
@ashleyscorpio Thanks for the follow, look forward to hearing from you.
Between Thought and Action in Norway
The “Privileged” White North? - Taki's Magazine via @takimag
RT @DazedMagazine: Louise Gray's sense of fun and frivolity is pure gold, shining through in her new collaborative collection for @ASOS ...
RT @kshaidle: The "Privileged" White North
RT @thegetpr: Takis Magazine - Home Page
RT @daveinguelph: Kathy Shaidle: The “Privileged” White North? via Taki's Magazine
RT @FinnsWake: Nice to see Joe Bob Briggs back in action again: Pitchforks and Torches in Orlando: via @AddThis
RT @eonline: Amy Winehouse Found Dead in London
Gavin McInnes on being lumped in with "Republican tight-asses."
RT @Steve_Sailer: "Nobody knows anything"
RT @Steve_Sailer: Tax amnesty?
What's Wrong With the Right...
What Shall We Do With the Kids? - Taki's Magazine via @takimag #JohnDerbyshire
RT @misslainie: Hilarious piece and really well written. And TRUE. An Open Letter to Men Who Send Dick Shots to Women: ...
RT @kshaidle: #tcot Thanks to everyone who made my 'Mosqueteria' story one of Taki's Magazine's 'most popular' this week! ...
Sympathy for the Murdochs - Taki's Magazine via @takimag
RT @Gavin_McInnes: Don't tell me your specials. If it was really good, it would be on the menu and I'm not your fucking guinea pig.
RT @ClausVonBohlen: Carl Jung and Mountain Lake - Living in America, I found it astonishing how rarely I encountered aspects of... ...
The Final Harry Potter: Tying it All Up With a Short Bow - Taki's Magazine via @takimag #DeathlyHallows #SteveSailer
A worthy send off for the franchise?
RT @Steve_Sailer: The Harry Potter Effect
RT @candygram4mungo: The Spectator needs a digital production exec for web and app production. Varied role, exciting times. Email tim@sp ...
RT @AmSpec: America Retreats From Space
RT @Romanogallese: "Endless elegiacs of weakness and whimpering". “@takimag: The Golden Age of Simpering
RT @icedborscht: Twilight of the Skeptics - Taki's Magazine via @takimag
The Golden Age of Simpering
@misslainie She is this week ;)
RT @aplusk: That Time Playboy Interviewed Steve Jobs
@aplusk Hi there. Taki asked us to tweet at you: "Feeling the Force - be well". Please spread the love re his latest online venture!
RT @iankatz1000: "Historians may well judge Tuesday to be Britain's official resignation from international life" Must read @marinahyde ...
RT @TIME: Polite doctors can make the difference between good and poor health | (via @TIMEHealthland)
@misslainie Catching up on missed tweets - your comment on the Diane Downs piece. Thnx again! But we respectfully disagree that RB's hotter
RT @RonPaul: Wow, we just crossed $400K! Thanks so much for your support so far! #tcot #GOP2012 #moneybomb
RT @tnr: News Corp. is considering elevating COO Chase Carey to chief executive officer to succeed #RupertMurdoch -- @bloomberg
Penis snatching, bank robbing goats...Conspiracy or Cock-Up? - Taki's Magazine via @takimag #JamesJackson
RT @emvidal: Inappropriate Touching Among the Untouchables: #monaco #wedding #gossip
RT @richardw777: Jim Goad on Fukushima. Article is a bit old. But it's still gold. Nuclear Holocaust Denial: via @Ad ...
RT @kshaidle: Menstruating at the Mosqueteria
RT @Sir_Geechie: Black America vs. Obama?: via @AddThis
RT @therealjoebob: Unscrupulous Canadians have stolen our redneck heritage and created the ultimate tourist town:
@misslainie Thank you!
@bradleybirzer Thanks for the RT!
RT @bradleybirzer: Fascinating and well-written article. RT @takimag: Conspiracy Theories R Us!
The Long Retreat of Liberalism - Taki's Magazine via @takimag cc@PatrickBuchanan #Obama #Boehner #Deficit
Conspiracy Theories R Us!
RT @Slate: News sites producing "Facebook" editions:
@CapitalismHeals ;)
RT @smalera: Is their going to be anyone left to run News Corp. OR Scotland Yard by the time this all shakes out?
RT @maitlis: i go to sleep in san francisco and wake to find half of london has resigned. now too nervous to shower in case there is mil ...
RT @tnr: "I'm #RupertMurdoch, the billionaire tyrant!" Murdoch's 8 most malevolent moments
RT @jimgoad: I don't mind the constant alien visits, but it seems a little rude that they keep probing my ass. Enough, already.
RT @TradBritGroup: BBC spent nearly a million pounds on actors to help train managers
RT @kalimkassam: #UK, fire ur politicians, but keep this Actonite RT @SteveBakerMP Still reeling this morning from the shock news that p ...
RT @ASI: Still a few places at our lunchtime event: Liberty Outside the West – The Shift of the World Economy to Emerging Markets ...
RT @TradBritGroup: The Traditional Britain Daily on Twitter is out! ▸ Top stories today via @tradbritgroup @takimag ...
Left, Right, and Fuck you!
New Law: Gay History For School Books. What's Next?
Blogger extraordinaire, Kathy Shaidle, New at Takimag!
RT @eonline: Randy and Evi Quaid Staying in Canada as U.S. Department of Justice Denies Request to Extradite
RT @Steve_Sailer: NYT uncovers world's least pressing problem
RT @Slate: #flightvsbike challenge: How a team of cyclists beat a Jet Blue flight from Burbank to Long Beach.
RT @TheEconomist: Spain’s polite “indignant” protesters may not know what they want, but they are starting to get it
RT @The_Spectator: Coffee House: Rebekah Brooks arrested
Traveler's Revenge? Woman Arrested After Groping TSA Agent
@CapitalismHeals Pleasure, thank YOU for the compliment!
RT @jimgoad: WON'T GET SCHOOLED AGAIN: ... #APS #Atlanta
RT @jimgoad: EGALITOTALITARIAN -n 1. One who believes the false concept of equality must be vigilantly enforced by rule of law.
RT @jimgoad: If we have freedom of speech and religion, why do writers pay taxes and preachers don't?
RT @Gavin_McInnes: This is what happens when I don't keep my mouth shut at parties
RT @Steve_Sailer: The Obamas and the CIA
RT @Steve_Sailer: Murdoch and Pellicano scandals II
RT @EconomicMayhem: New Video:Ron Paul 2012: A Candidate of Common sense (Updated) /[Maybe my best video]? #tcot
Won’t Get Schooled Again - Taki's Magazine via @takimag #JimGoad
No Nudes is Good Nudes, Bird-Dogging Brother, and Tossing Out Used Tarts - Taki's Magazine via @takimag
Taki: Sailing Amid Rothschilds and Russians - Taki's Magazine via @takimag
RT @BreakingNews: News Corp. shareholder says Rebekah Brooks 'has to go' - BBC's Newsnight via @Reuters
RT @Slate: Domination porn, cloned puppies, and Mormons: #Tabloid #ErrolMorris
RT @nikoskakavoulis: Friends, please vote for @athdailysecret #ultralight ! Appreciate your support!
Taki: Inappropriate Touching Among the Untouchables - Taki's Magazine via @takimag #Charlene #PrinceAlbert
Majorly Weird Gossip About Albert and Charlene
No Justice, No Piece of the Pie - Taki's Magazine via @takimag #DainFitzgerald #SanFrancisco #BART
“Trust me: Apple Inc. is a limb of Satan.” How’d You Like Them Apples? via @takimag #JohnDerbyshire
RT @pourmecoffee: This is getting serious. Moody's has downgraded US debt to "Uncool."
Black America vs. Obama? - Taki's Magazine via @takimag #PatBuchanan
Wiretapping for Moguls - Taki's Magazine via @takimag #SteveSailer #AnthonyPellicano #RupertMurdoch
Wiretapping for Moguls - Taki's Magazine via@Takimag #AnthonyPellicano #RupertMurdoch
@Tonjawalker Agreed! Thanks for the RT
Strauss-Kahn: From Accused Rapist to Headline Thief - Taki's Magazine via @takimag
You’re Not Supposed to Notice - Taki's Magazine via @takimag
RT @PlutoPress: Charles Glass writes on #Saleemshahzad for @takimag
@RegularRon Thank you for the RT Ron
RT @RegularRon: A very well written Obit for His Highness Archduke Otto von Habsburg RT @Takimag Death of an Imperial Pen Pal: ...
RT @pdrobertson: Niagara Falls, Ontario: World’s Greatest Tourist Trap - Taki's Magazine via @takimag
RT @The_Spectator: Coffee House: Where next for the US and Pakistan?
Join our Facebook Page
RT @jamespoulos: PLUS: @JimPethokoukis on Obama's presser & me on the cost of novelty:
@bradleybirzer Thanks for the RT!
NYC’s Yuppie Hipster Bicycle Goddess: via @TakiMag #JoeBobBriggs #Cyclists #NYC #JanetteSadikKhan
"If the Founding Fathers were alive today, they’d kick us in the balls":The American Nosedive - Taki's Magazine #JimGoad
RT @The_Spectator: Coffee House: The latest phone hacking revelations
RT @joeyng: "Why we have too few women leaders" TEDtalk by Sheryl Sandberg via @dailydish
Moms Who Murdered and Didn’t Walk Free - Taki's Magazine via @takimag #CaseyAnthony #Caylee
Will DM you
The Second Least Glamorous Job in Showbiz: via @takimag #SteveSailer #Moviereviews #BadTeacher #CameronDiaz
The Freedom to Be Middling: via @takimag #JonathanFranzen #Freedom #JoySetton
TAKI: A Farewell to Hemingway: via @takimag
RT @mediaukprint: News of the World closure: what the papers say... #medianews /via @mediaguardian
Obama’s Astronots: via @AddThis
@DetroitRight it's a team effort, we take it in shifts :) but yes she is one of the tweeters!
@DetroitRight Will do!
@ToryAnarchist Thank you!
@DetroitRight Keep in touch and thank you for the follow...
RT @amconmag: Is this the #Libertarian moment?
Taki's Magazine - Home Page via @takimag
RT @Slate: RT @jacobwe: Must have new iPad app: Foreign Policy
Colombia Lectures the USA About Drugs - Taki's Magazine via @takimag
@RegularRon Our pleasure! Thanks for the kind compliment
RT @The_Spectator: Coffee House: The phone hacking scandal tests the ties that bind the coalition
RT @TradBritGroup: The Traditional Britain Daily on Twitter is out! ▸ Top stories today via @takimag @rogerhelmerme ...
RT @Slate: Debunking studies that say divorce and obesity are contagious: #science
@klejdys @steve_sailer Excellent reviews...agreed!
@joy_lo_dico thanks!
RT @joy_lo_dico: Does Obama suck at whistleblowing? Provocative article by Charlie Glass @takimag
RT @The_Spectator: Coffee House: The list of alleged vicitms grows longer as News International's problems mount
Good Robots Fight Bad Robots: Steve Sailer on Transformers, Hasbro, and immigration #MichaelBay cc@steve_sailer
Slip n Slide Wars and More Relationship Advice
Bogus Politics in Bogota
Social Media, Disco and Black vs. White Tweeters
The Greece, Strauss-Kahn, Libya Connection: A Must Read
The Post Arab Spring Forecast
Lying Lesbians in Syria or Straight Guy in Scotland: Goad on the Amina Arraf and Tom MacMaster Brouhaha
Memorial Day Mob Mayhem Must Read!
Joe Bob Briggs, TMs Newest Columnist on Le Perv, DONT MISS THIS!!!
Worst Parents Ever, and That's Just for the Month of May
Gavin McInnes Says Let Bums Be Bums! Enough With the Bleeding Hearts Already.
Philip Roth Ranks Among the Most Loved and Seriously Hated Authors
Bunky Mortimer Bitches Again. What happened to Yale University?
Terminate Sex Talk on the Terminator and Other Press Violations
Egan's Goon Squad and Roth's Nemesis Brilliant or Bile?
Gibson, Von Trier, and Why PCness Has Gone Too Far
Dude, What's With Likud?
Decapitation In Vogue, Huh?
McDonalds, Fat Kids and Who Killed the Happy Meal
Bye Bye Ronnie McDonnie, Love From the Fatasses of America
Russia, An Insiders Look into Corruption
Putin, Badass or Criminal?
Taki Wins the Gold and Orlando Blows
Girls, Lose the Rachel Maddow Haircut and Other Tips for Fag Hags
Last Week's Top Ten Crybabies
Bridesmaids a Bomb or Da Bomb?
A Hilarious Must-Read for All Men and Women Seeking Each Other
Gunter Sachs Departs, Bye Bye Brigitte Bardot
Andrea Peyser and Anti Monarchist Winging
Mr. Shailendra Kumar Upadhyay of Nepal
Derb on Old Age and Bonking
Bunny Boilers and More by the Best Advice Columnist Since Dear Abby
WooHooo, Bin Laden Binned!!
Jodie Foster Likes Beaver, But Do We?
Viva Los Royals and Damn the Anti-Monarchists!
On Jared Taylor's New Book and the White Minority
Taki on P.J. O'Rourke and Amy Lumet
Superman Expatriates and The American Way Down
Capital Punishment, Free Speech, GM Food, & Why Europe Hates America
Nation Building Is SO Over!
Emma Bovary is an Ass, But Men Still Love Her
Taki Squares Off on the Ghaddafi's
Intelligence Squared Debates Immigration in New York
Osama's Assassination, Capital Punishment, and Other Scandals
To Snip or Not to Snip the Baby Willy
Werner Herzog's Documentary on the Chauvet Grotto is So-So
On Abbottabad, Osama's Plush Hood
Men in Black and Why New Cars Suck!
California Dreaming: A Phony Shade of Green
Why Michael Moore et al. Suck, Sense at Last!
Foreign Intervention in Syria=Bad Idea
Tim Hetherington and Other Casualties of War
No Flowers for Charlie Sheen
James Frey, Three Cups of Bullshit and Other Stories
My Trip to the United Nations...
Redhead Bashing Be Gone!
Shrinks Today!
Capital Punishment and Stoning in America
Baseball and Fernandomania! Where Did All the Mexicans Go?
Fort Building for Dummies
The MIddle East for Dummies = Brilliant
Taki Reports from New York
Bernard Henri Levy and Houellebecq Duke it Out
Detroit, the Robocop Statue and Why It's Bunk
Emily Ruiz, the Princess of Miami and the Fight For Her Illegal Parents by John Derbyshire
Science Fiction, Scientology, and Heinlein, The Moses of Nerds
Rich Dicks, Crazyass Bitches and Sexual Harassment Shakedowns Galore
Apple are releasing a new device in Japan: the iPaddle... More Disaster Jokes here:
Who is Wilfredo Pareto and Why is He Such a Genius?
Mormons go Mainstream! by Jim Goad
Now We Can't Have "White" Shows?
Bombs Away
Disney Cruise Anyone? McInnes says skip it, but we knew that already!
The article an American college went bananas over...
Cougartown on your doorstep?
Is Europe about to go brown? Frightening article by the Derb...
Jim Goad Growls at those Kochtopussies and Other Lefties
Bunky is Brilliant on Shoddy Egypt Coverage in the U.S.
On Schmidt, Google and No Brainers
Goad on Them Kooky Teachers in Wisconsin
Why I Hate Rahm Emanuel by Jim Goad
Charles Glass on Freeloading Politicians
How Does One Deal With a Local Hooker?
Jim Goad on Gay Babies and Missing the Old Elton John
Hilarious Gift for Kate and Prince William's Premature....
Gottfried Brilliant on State of the Union
Delphi's Advice Rocks!
Super Sailer on The Way Back
Charles Glass on English Headlines and Turning 60
Goad on Privacy, Big Brother and Julian Assange
McInnes on New York Public School Teachers
Defending Hessel and Killing Free Speech in France
Goad on Detroit's "believer" Campaign
Hilarious and Genius Advice from Delph
Derb is Brilliant on Arizona Shooting
Takimag Meets Assange Last Weekend
Inarritu's Biutiful Sucks!
Gavin McInnes on the English Defence League
Pat Buchanan Rips on GOP Bashing
Goad Tears Down the "new" Huckleberry Finn, Rightly So!
Sailer on Spacey, Abramoff, and the Amusing Casino Jack
Goad on the Recession and Being a White American Male
Royals Lie Too!
Taki Takes on Atheists at Christmas Time
Aaron Sorkin Go Fuck Yourself!
Bunky Mortimer is Nuts! Here he is discussing underpants...
A Boob Job for Christmas, Please!
According to McInnes Fame is Like Having Cranial Dysplasia!
Derb Goes After Pigford aka Black Farmer Reparations
Steve Sailer Gives The Fighter Two Thumbs Up!
Posthumous Pardoning Jim Morrison and Others Too Little Too Late
The Secular Fatwa on Julian Assange by Charles Glass is Brilliant!
Fat Kids, Michelle Obama and Sarah Palin
Who Killed The New York Times by Gavin McInnes
Take Your Bail Out Bonus and Shove It!
Love for Springsteen's new album
McInnes says F U to College for Dummies
Is a Left-Right Anti-war Coalition Possible?
Fortysomethings Suck!
Taki's Plan for Uncle Sam
Bunky Strikes Again!
Why do White Liberals Hate Themselves So Much?
On Broder, Obama and War with Iran
Why Libertarians Should Support Palestinians
Four Lions Movie: Mentally Retarded?
McInnes Says the Problem with Muslims is Inbreeding
The GOP Reaches Out by Paul Gottfried
Tony Blair's Half Sister-in-Law Turns Muslim
Jon Stewart for President!
When Man Invented Science via @AddThis
Taki on Snobs, i.e. Julian Fellowes and Princess Pushy
Derb Hits a Home Run, Again, With Hitler
Evil Intentions, Inheritance Angst, and...
"abiding by those rules was as likely as Jacques Mesrine agreeing to behave himself in prison"
Inside Job is a Go
“I’d rather be a Times Square wank-booth jizz-mopper than have to clean the Met dugout.”
Undercover Cops Provoke Violence at Peaceful Rallies
Juan Williams, Goad Kills it
Taki Talks Gigolos
McInnes on MSNBC
Buchanan on Cameron, Budget Cuts and More...
Dear Delphi's Advice for Young and Old...
Freakonomics Sucks
Multiculturalism is Muerto
Let it WikiLeak
Taki's pro-homo, anti- ....., anti-..... Rant
Forget Abby, Loving Dear Delphi!
Germany Still Paying for WWI
Bunky Mortimer has something nice to say about Marines:
Immigrating to Israel? Read this...
Steve Sailer on Clint, Ageing, and Hereafter
Gottfried on the Jewish Media and Rick Sanchez
McInnes Strikes Again--Viva Hipsters!
Gatsby Rides Again by Taki
PooPoo Ivana Lowell
Get Your Stock Tips from Gimlet Here
Dear Delphi on Evil Mother-in-Laws and More...
Gay Youth: Where's the Pride
Oliver Stone No More
"One Nation" Under a Bus by Jim Goad
Best Cultural Must Sees
Saving Venice the RIght Way
Tyler Clementi GLAAD RAG
Gottfried Rants on Rove
Bunky Mortimer Rides Again
Poopooing Public Art and Especially Claes Oldenburg
Damn, Cuomo's Got Game
Do Yourself a Favor and Read McInnes on Cringeworthy Leftist Dodos
Dead People Vote???
God Ain't Dead Yet
Taki on The Death of Radical Chic
Socialism, or Fashion Faux Pas?
Waiting for Superman a Bunch of Bollocks
Bunky Mortimer on Boarding School Brats
McInnes: In bed with a reserve soldier
Uncle Sam, F U
Real Housewives are lousy tippers
Join this, ding dong
The Derb on Diversity Downunder
On Fenty, Obama and Blacks in D.C.
Inside Burning Man
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