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Last active September 17, 2020 16:45
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Floodplain analysis NYC Geopandas
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, shape
from sodapy import Socrata
import os
#Run this file to get the data from open data NYC
#Below are the details, such as identifiers, for the datasets we want to download. Change limit to get a smaller subset
querylist = [
{'identifier':'myk6-g6eq','limit': 10000, 'queries' : [["The_geom"], [""]], 'tolerance': 0.0001, 'geom' : 'The_geom'}, #floodplains
{'identifier':'jp9i-3b7y','limit': 100, 'queries' : [["The_geom,boro_cd"],[" "]], 'tolerance': 0, 'geom' : 'The_geom'}, #community districts
{'identifier':'xi7c-iiu2','limit': 100, 'queries' : [["*"],[" "]], 'tolerance': None, 'geom' : None}, #population
{'identifier':'qjdb-bxqz','limit': 1000000, 'queries' : [["CNSTRCT_YR,the_geom"],["FEAT_CODE==2100"]], 'tolerance': 0.0001, 'geom' : 'the_geom'}, #buildings
outdir = "data"
# Create data folder if it does no exist
if not os.path.exists(outdir):
def getBasedata(identifier, limit, queries, tolerance, geom):
domain = ''
client = Socrata(domain, None)
results = client.get(identifier,limit=limit, select=queries[0], where=queries[1])
results = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(results)
if geom != None: #spatial files
gdf = createGdf(results,tolerance, geom)
gdf.to_file("{}/{}.geojson".format(outdir, identifier),driver='GeoJSON')
else: #non spatial
results.to_csv("{}/{}.csv".format(outdir, identifier))
print("download finished")
def createGdf(json,tolerance,name):
geometry = [shape(x).simplify(tolerance, preserve_topology=True) for x in json[name]]
json = json.drop(name, axis=1)
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(json, crs='EPSG:4326', geometry=geometry)
gdf = gdf.to_crs(epsg=2263) #reproject to NAD83
return gdf
for i in querylist:
getBasedata(i["identifier"],i["limit"], i["queries"], i["tolerance"], i["geom"])
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, shape
#Functions for the basic analysis. Only works if data was downloaded with
floodplains = gpd.read_file("data/myk6-g6eq.geojson")
cd = gpd.read_file("data/jp9i-3b7y.geojson")
buildings = gpd.read_file("data/qjdb-bxqz.geojson")
pop = pd.read_csv("data/xi7c-iiu2.csv", index_col = 0)
def checkFloodplain(cd,fp):
cd["boro_cd"] = cd["boro_cd"].astype(int)
intersection = gpd.overlay(cd, fp, how='intersection')
cd_subset = intersection.dissolve(by = 'boro_cd')
merged = pd.merge(cd["boro_cd"], cd_subset, how = "left", on = "boro_cd")
merged["contains_fldplain"] = merged.geometry.apply(lambda x: "No" if x==None else "Yes")
merged[["boro_cd", "contains_fldplain"]].to_csv('data/output.csv')
print("Files saved")
#Functions for the extended analysis. It takes a bit of time, uncomment to run
def checkFloodplain2(cd,fp):
cd["boro_cd"] = cd["boro_cd"].astype(int)
intersection = gpd.overlay(cd, fp, how='intersection')
cd_subset = intersection.dissolve(by = 'boro_cd', as_index = False)
#get percentage data
cd_subset["fld_area_sqkm"] = cd_subset.geometry.area/10764000
cd["tot_area_sqkm"] = cd.geometry.area/10764000
merged = pd.merge(cd.loc[:,cd.columns != "geometry"], cd_subset, how = "left", on = "boro_cd")
merged["contains_fldplain"] = merged.geometry.apply(lambda x: "No" if x==None else "Yes")
merged["perc_fldplain"] = (merged["fld_area_sqkm"] / merged["tot_area_sqkm"] * 100).fillna(0).round(1)
print("percentage data added, wait...")
#get building data
merged = merged.merge(selectBuildings(cd_subset,buildings), on = "boro_cd", how = "left")
merged["building_density"] = merged.index_right / merged.fld_area_sqkm
print("building data added, wait...")
#get population data
merged = merged.merge(preparePopdata(pop), how="left", on="boro_cd")
print("pop growth rate data added")
def preparePopdata(pop):
pop["boro_cd"] = pop.apply(lambda x: boroCD(x. borough, x.cd_number), axis = 1)
pop["pop_growth_rate"] = (pop._2010_population - pop._1970_population) / pop._1970_population * 100
pop = pop[["boro_cd", "pop_growth_rate"]]
return pop
def boroCD(b, no):
if b == "Bronx":
return 200 + no
elif b == "Brooklyn":
return 300 + no
elif b == "Queens":
return 400 + no
elif b == "Manhattan":
return 100 + no
elif b == "Staten Island":
return 500 + no
return 0
def selectBuildings(subset, buildings):
buildings.geometry = buildings.geometry.centroid
buildings.CNSTRCT_YR = pd.to_numeric(buildings.CNSTRCT_YR).fillna(0).astype(int)
b_intersection = gpd.sjoin(buildings, subset, op="within").dissolve(by = "boro_cd", aggfunc = {"CNSTRCT_YR":"median", "index_right": "count"})
return b_intersection[["CNSTRCT_YR", "index_right"]]
def export(merged):
merged.to_file("data/output.gpkg", layer='floodplains', driver="GPKG")
print("Files saved")
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