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Created March 16, 2019 16:35
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Levenshtein Kotlin Implementation
package madu.ezsug
import kotlin.math.min
fun calcDistance(source: String, target: String): Int {
println("(Source: $source) -> (Target: $target)")
val rowCount = target.length + 1 // add one for empty string
val columnCount = source.length + 1 // // add one for empty string
// initialize the 0th row
var prevRow = initialRow(columnCount)
for (i in 1 until rowCount) {
prevRow = buildRow(i, prevRow, columnCount, source, target)
printRow(prevRow, target[i - 1])
return prevRow[columnCount-1]
fun buildRow(rowIndex: Int, prevRow: Array<Int>, columnCount: Int, source: String, target: String): Array<Int> {
val currentRow = emptyRow(columnCount)
val letter = target[rowIndex - 1]
// First column is always current row
currentRow[0] = rowIndex
for (colIndex in 1 until columnCount) {
val deletionCost = prevRow[colIndex] + 1
val insertionCost = currentRow[colIndex - 1] + 1
val replaceCost = when(source[colIndex - 1] != letter) {
true -> prevRow[colIndex - 1] + 1
false -> prevRow[colIndex - 1]
currentRow[colIndex] = min(min(deletionCost, insertionCost), replaceCost)
return currentRow
fun emptyRow(columnCount: Int): Array<Int> {
return Array(columnCount) { 0 }
fun initialRow(columnCount: Int): Array<Int> {
val arr = emptyRow(columnCount)
for (i in 0 until columnCount) {
arr[i] = i
return arr
fun printHeader(word: String) {
val paddedWord = ' ' + word
val prettyWord = paddedWord.split("").joinToString("|", " ", " ")
fun printRow(row: Array<Int>, letter: Char = ' ') {
val prettyStr = row.joinToString("|", "|", "|")
println(letter + prettyStr)
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