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Last active February 16, 2022 18:36
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bash script to create a Table of Contents from a Markdown file
# Generates a Table of Contents getting a markdown file as input.
# Inspiration for this script:
# The list of invalid chars is probably incomplete, but is good enough for my
# current needs.
# Got the list from:
# needed for elementInArray()
shopt -s extglob
joinBy() {
local IFS="$1"
echo "${*:2}"
elementInArray() {
local element="$1"
local array=("${@:2}")
[[ "$element" == @($(joinBy '|' "${array[@]//|/\\|}")) ]]
toc() {
local invalidChars="'[]/?!:\`.,()*\";{}+=<>~$|#@&–—"
local inputFile="$1"
[[ -f "${inputFile}" ]] || return 1
local line
local level
local title
local anchor
local anchorList=()
local i
while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "${line}" ]]; do
level="$(echo "${line}" | sed -E 's/^#(#+).*/\1/; s/#/ /g; s/^ //')"
title="$(echo "${line}" | sed -E 's/^#+ //')"
anchor="$(echo "${title}" | tr '[:upper:] ' '[:lower:]-' | tr -d "$invalidChars")"
if elementInArray "${anchor}" "${anchorList[@]}"; then
# limitation: allows only 100 repeated anchors
for i in {1..100}; do
elementInArray "${anchor}-${i}" "${anchorList[@]}" && continue
echo "${level}- [${title}](#${anchor})"
done <<< "$(grep -E '^#{2,10} ' "${inputFile}" | tr -d '\r')"
main() {
toc "$@"
[[ "$0" == "$BASH_SOURCE" ]] && main "$@"
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pedro-nonfree commented May 5, 2019

Thanks so much!

I used this script to build a new one based on the previously utility I was using: doctoc. Hence, you specify a file, and it modifies current table of contents block or creates a new one on top of the file.

I will track my own changes here:


# motivation to rewrite a simple alternative to doctoc: How Much Do You Trust That Package? Understanding The Software Supply Chain
# src

# Generates a Table of Contents getting a markdown file as input.
# Inspiration for this script:
# The list of invalid chars is probably incomplete, but is good enough for my
# current needs.
# Got the list from:


check() {

    # src
    if [ -z "$1" ]; then
        echo "Error. No argument found. Put as argument a"
        exit 1

    [[ ! -f "$1" ]] && echo "Error. File not found" && exit


toc() {

    local line
    local level
    local title
    local anchor
    local output

    while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
        level="$(echo "$line" | sed -E 's/^#(#+).*/\1/; s/#/    /g; s/^    //')"
        title="$(echo "$line" | sed -E 's/^#+ //')"
        anchor="$(echo "$title" | tr '[:upper:] ' '[:lower:]-' | tr -d "$INVALID_CHARS")"
        output=$output"$level- [$title](#$anchor)\n"
    done <<< "$(grep -E '^#{2,10} ' "$1" | tr -d '\r')"

    echo "$output"


insert() {

    local toc_text="$2"
    local appname=''
    # inspired in doctoc lines
    local start_toc="<!-- START $appname generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->"
    local info_toc="<!-- DO NOT EDIT THIS SECTION, INSTEAD RE-RUN $appname TO UPDATE -->"
    local end_toc="<!-- END $appname generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->"

    toc_block="$start_toc\n$info_toc\n**Table of Contents**\n\n$toc_text\n$end_toc"

    # search multiline toc block ->
    if grep -Pzl "(?s)$start_toc.*\n.*$end_toc" $1 &>/dev/null; then
        echo -e "\n  Updated content of $appname block for $1 succesfully\n"
        # src
        sed -i ":a;N;\$!ba;s/$start_toc.*$end_toc/$toc_block/g" $1
        echo -e "\n  Created $appname block for $1 succesfully\n"
        sed -i 1i"$toc_block" "$1"


main() {

    check "$1"
    toc_text=$(toc "$1")
    insert "$1" "$toc_text"


[[ "$0" == "$BASH_SOURCE" ]] && main "$@"

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