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Last active December 9, 2021 21:38
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List possible k8s Deployments and Services in the limbo.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Usage:
# ./ [namespace]
# This script assumes all Deployment.spec.template.labels have an "app" label
# AND all Service.spec.selector are selecting an "app" label.
# The script gets a list of all "app" labels in template of all active
# deployments AND a list "app" labels in Services selectors.
# By comparing both lists its possible to infer which resources are in limbo,
# in other words, active but unused
# Augusto "meleu" Lopes
# shellcheck disable=SC2155
readonly NAMESPACE="${1:-default}"
# getDeploymentsWithAppLabel()
# List all "app" labels being generated by all active deployments.
# arg1: namespace (optional)
getDeploymentsAppLabels() {
kubectl get deployments \
-n "${NAMESPACE}" \
-o jsonpath='{.items[*]}' \
| tr ' ' '\n' \
| sort -u
# getServicesAppSelectors()
# List all "app" selectors currently in use by all active services.
getServicesAppSelectors() {
kubectl get services \
-n "${NAMESPACE}" \
-o jsonpath='{.items[*]}' \
| tr ' ' '\n' \
| sort -u
main() {
local fileFromDeployments="$(mktemp)"
local fileFromServices="$(mktemp)"
echo -e "\nGetting data from the '${NAMESPACE}' namespace\n"
echo -n "Getting the list of app labels from Deployments templates..."
getDeploymentsAppLabels > "${fileFromDeployments}"
echo " DONE!"
echo -n "Getting the list of app labels from Services selectors..."
getServicesAppSelectors > "${fileFromServices}"
echo " DONE!"
echo -e "\n\n--> List of DEPLOYMENTS not bound to any Service:\n"
diff "${fileFromDeployments}" "${fileFromServices}" \
| grep '^<' \
| cut -d' ' -f2
echo -e "\n\n--> List of SERVICES not bound to any Deployment:\n"
diff "${fileFromDeployments}" "${fileFromServices}" \
| grep '^>' \
| cut -d' ' -f2
rm -f "${fileFromDeployments}" "${fileFromServices}"
main "$@"
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