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Last active December 12, 2015 05:48
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Save melissacabral/4724130 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Blog Search for wp310 class day 13/14
$perpage = 5; //number of results to show per page
$pagenum = 1; // set the starting page number
//what phrase did they search for?
$phrase = $_GET['phrase'];
//get all posts and comments that are similar to the query, make sure the posts are distinct
$query_search = "SELECT distinct *
FROM posts
WHERE is_published = 1
AND ( title LIKE '%".$phrase."%'
OR body LIKE '%".$phrase."%' )
//run it
$result_search = $db->query($query_search);
//check to see if anything came back from the query
if ($result_search->num_rows >= 1){
//setup some defaults for pagination
if(isset($_GET['pagenum'])){ //if the URL contains a page number
$pagenum = $_GET['pagenum']; //set the page number
//total results from search
$totalhits = $result_search->num_rows;
//figure out the last page in the results (number of times we can divide the results by the number of posts per page, round up to account for any remainder - so, if we find 11 posts and have 5 per page, we will need 3 pages)
$maxPage = ceil($totalhits/$perpage);
//check to see if the user is trying to view a valid page of results
if($pagenum <= $maxPage and $totalhits > 0){
// counting the offset
$offset = ($pagenum - 1) * $perpage;
//concatenate the LIMIT onto the original query
//offset = which record to start at (first record is 0)
//perpage = how many records to show after that point
$query_modified = $query_search . " LIMIT $offset, $perpage";
//run the modified query
$modresults = $db->query($query_modified);
//pagination buttons
$check_next = $totalhits - ($pagenum * $perpage);
//if there are more pages ahead, show the button
if ($check_next > 0){
$nextpage = $pagenum + 1;
$next = '<a class="button" name="next_page" id="next_page" href="search.php&amp;phrase='.$phrase.'&amp;pagenum='.$nextpage.'"><span>Next Page</span></a>';
}else{ //otherwise show a disabled button
$next = '<span class="disabled button" id="next_page">Next Page</span>';
$check_prev = $offset - $perpage;
//if there are previous pages to show, show a button
if ($check_prev >= 0){
$prevpage = $pagenum - 1;
$prev = '<a class="button" name="previous_page" href="search.php&amp;phrase='.$phrase.'&amp;pagenum='.$prevpage.'" id="previous_page"><span>Previous Page</span></a>';
}else{ //otherwise, show a disabled button
$prev = '<span class="disabled button" id="previous_page">Previous Page</span>';
//############## Search Result Display ##################
<h2>Search Results ( <?php echo $totalhits; ?> )</h2>
<h3>Showing page <?php echo $pagenum; ?> of <?php echo $maxPage; ?></h3>
<section id="search_results_list">
//show each article
while ($row = $modresults->fetch_assoc()){
//count the comments on that post for display
$postid = $row['post_id'];
$query_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS numcomments FROM comments WHERE post_id=$postid";
$result_count = $db->query($query_count);
$row_count = $result_count->fetch_assoc();
$numcomments = $row_count['numcomments'];
<article class="post">
<h3><a href="single.php?post_id=<?php echo $postid; ?>"><?php echo $row['title']; ?></a></h3>
<div class="postmeta">Posted on <?php echo convert_date($row['date']); ?> | <?php comments_number($numcomments); ?></div>
<?php } ?>
//end while, show footer
//end search results
<footer class="search_footer">
<h3>Showing page <?php echo $pagenum; ?> of <?php echo $maxPage; ?></h3>
<span class="pagination"><?php echo $prev; ?> <?php echo $next; ?></span>
//############## ERRORS ##################
}else{ //Uh oh, we went past the last page
echo '<div class="message error">
<h2>Page Limit Reached</h2>
<p>You have gone beyond the available results limit for this search. In other words, there are no more results to see, try your search again.</p></div>';
}else{ //No results to show
echo '<div class="message error">
<h2>No Matches Found</h2>
<p>Try your search with a different phrase. This one turned up no results.</p></div>';
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