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Last active February 26, 2018 17:21
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step 1 of customizing comments display
//hide all of this file if the post if password protected
if( post_password_required() ){
//get a distinct count of comments vs. pings
$comm = get_comments( array(
'status' => 'approve',
'post_id' => $id, //This post
) );
$comments_by_type = separate_comments( $comm );
$comment_count = count($comments_by_type['comment']);
$pings_count = count($comments_by_type['pings']);
<?php if( $comment_count ){ ?>
<section class="comments">
<h3><?php echo $comment_count == 1 ? 'One comment' : $comment_count . ' comments'; ?> on this post:</h3>
//just show normal comments
wp_list_comments( array(
'type' => 'comment',
'avatar_size' => 50,
) );
<div class="pagination">
<?php previous_comments_link(); ?>
<?php next_comments_link(); ?>
<?php } //end if there are comments ?>
<section class="comments-form">
<?php comment_form(); ?>
<?php if( $pings_count ){ ?>
<section class="pings">
<h3><?php echo $pings_count == 1 ? 'One site' : $pings_count . ' sites' ; ?> mention this post:</h3>
//just show pingbacks and trackbacks
wp_list_comments( array(
'type' => 'pings', //pingbacks and trackbacks
'short_ping' => true,
) );
<?php } //end if there are pings ?>
//Add this filter to the end of the current functions.php file:
* Fix the Number of comments to only include REAL comments (not pingbacks or trackbacks)
add_filter( 'get_comments_number', 'portfolio_comment_count' );
function portfolio_comment_count(){
//get the current post id
global $id;
$comments = get_approved_comments( $id );
$comment_count = 0;
foreach ( $comments as $comment ) {
//only count it if it is a "normal" comment
if( $comment->comment_type == "" ){
return $comment_count;
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