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Created October 6, 2019 21:36
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An example of Recipe.cls that references Ingredient
public with sharing class Recipe {
//class variables defined here
public Decimal activeMinutes;
public Double activeTime;
public String activeTimeUnits;
public String description;
public String name;
public String season;
public Double servingCount;
public String sObjectID;
public String source;
public List < Ingredient > ingredientList;
//First Constructor, allows you to instantiate a new Recipe with no pre-set values
public Recipe() {
// Second Constructor, allows you to instantiate a new Recipe with some pre-set values
public Recipe(Integer activeTime, String activeTimeUnits, String name, Integer servingCount) {
this.activeTime = activeTime;
this.activeTimeUnits = activeTimeUnits; = name;
this.servingCount = servingCount;
//Third Constructor, allows you to instantiate a new Recipe based on an existing Recipe__c SObject ID
public Recipe(String sObjectId) {
Recipe__c recipeSObject = [SELECT ID, Active_Time__c,Active_Time_Units__c, Description__c, Duration__c, Name__c, Season__c, Servings__c,Source__c FROM Recipe__c WHERE ID=:sObjectId];
// Assign the values
this.sObjectID = recipeSObject.ID;
this.activeTime = recipeSObject.Active_Time__c;
this.activeTimeUnits = recipeSObject.Active_Time_Units__c;
this.description = recipeSObject.Description__c; = recipeSObject.Name__c;
this.season = recipeSObject.Season__c;
this.servingCount = recipeSObject.Servings__c;
this.source = recipeSObject.Source__c;
//Calculate the active minutes (if there is an active time value and a recognized unit)
if (recipeSObject.Active_Time__c>0) {
if (this.activeTimeUnits=='minutes') {
this.activeMinutes = recipeSObject.Active_Time__c;
} else if (this.activeTimeUnits=='hours') {
this.activeMinutes = recipeSObject.Active_Time__c/60;
//public methods
public Boolean create() {
//First, verify the StockItem does not already have an ID (it's not an existing record)
if (String.isBlank(this.sObjectID)) {
//verify that we have required fields
if (this.allRequiredFieldsValid() && this.compliesWithAppropriateStyleRules()) {
Recipe__c newRecipeSObject = new Recipe__c();
newRecipeSObject.Active_Time__c = this.activeTime;
newRecipeSObject.Active_Time_Units__c = this.activeTimeUnits;
newRecipeSObject.Description__c = this.description;
newRecipeSObject.Name__c =;
newRecipeSObject.Season__c = this.season;
newRecipeSObject.Servings__c = this.servingCount;
newRecipeSObject.Source__c = this.source;
insert newRecipeSObject;
//assign the ID to the in-memory Recipe
this.sObjectID = newRecipeSObject.ID;
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
public Boolean updateValues() {
//First, verify the Recipe has an SFID (it's and existing item that we can update)
if (String.isNotBlank(this.sObjectID)) {
//Validate all required fields
if (this.allRequiredFieldsValid() && this.compliesWithAppropriateStyleRules()) {
// the line below is an example of instantiating an SObject, and passing the ID into the constructor
Recipe__c updateRecipe = new Recipe__c(ID=this.sObjectID);
updateRecipe.Active_Time__c = this.activeTime;
updateRecipe.Active_Time_Units__c = this.activeTimeUnits;
updateRecipe.Description__c = this.description;
updateRecipe.Name__c =;
updateRecipe.Season__c = this.season;
updateRecipe.Servings__c = this.servingCount;
updateRecipe.Source__c = this.source;
update updateRecipe;
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
public void addIngredient (Ingredient ing) {
// Add this ingredient to the list of ingredients for this recipe
public void generateGroceryList() {
//Based on the recipe and ingredients, generate a shopping list for all items
public void scaleRecipeForServings (Integer desiredServings) {
// based on the desired servings, scale the recipe ingredients up or down.
//Private Methods
private Boolean allRequiredFieldsValid () {
if (String.isNotBlank( && String.isNotBlank(this.description) && this.activeTime!=NULL && String.isNotBlank(this.activeTimeUnits)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
//Private Methods
private Boolean compliesWithAppropriateStyleRules () {
// based on the stage of recipe, there are special requirements
// A print-ready recipe must be more complete than a draft
//Not sure what the criteria is yet, so returning true for now
return true;
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