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Created October 6, 2019 01:13
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A queueable job that will update any number of SObjects, chaining another job with any objects that could not be updated within limits
//Used to queue the updating of a list of SObjects
//ID jobID = System.enqueueJob(new QueueableObjectUpdater(<SOBJECTSTOUPDATE>));
public class QueueableObjectUpdater implements Queueable {
public List < SObject > objectsToUpdate;
public List < SObject > objectsToQueueForUpdate;
//single object constructor
public QueueableObjectUpdater( SObject objectToUpdate) {
this.objectsToUpdate = new List < SObject >();
//list constructor
public QueueableObjectUpdater(List < SObject > objects) {
Integer dmlRowLimit = Limits.getLimitDmlRows();
if (this.objectsToUpdate.size()<=dmlRowLimit) {
//We are under the limit, no need to queue up another job, everything goes in the update list
this.objectsToUpdate = objects;
} else {
// We are trying to update more records than we have in our limits. Do up to the limit, then queue the remainder for the next job
// each job will whittle the list down until we're done!
// we will use a helper method to divide our big list into the first batch and future batch
this.objectsToUpdate = HelperFunctions.subsetSobjects(objects, 0, dmlRowLimit, false);
this.objectsToQueueForUpdate = HelperFunctions.subsetSobjects(objects, dmlRowLimit, objects.size()-dmlRowLimit, false);
public void execute (QueueableContext context) {
system.debug('objectsBeingUpdatedCount'+ objectsToUpdate.size());
update objectsToUpdate;
// If we have objects to queue up for updating in the next batch, do so now
if (this.objectsToQueueForUpdate!=null && this.objectsToQueueForUpdate.size()>0) {
ID jobID = System.enqueueJob(new QueueableObjectUpdater(this.objectsToQueueForUpdate));
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