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Last active October 6, 2019 01:15
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A library of generic helper functions
// A library of generic helper functions
global without sharing class HelperFunctions {
global static List<SObject> subsetSobjects (List<SObject> objectList, Integer startIndex, Integer count, Boolean precise) {
//given a list of sObjects a starting index and a count, returns the requested subset.
//If precise is true and the list is not long enough to provide the full requested subset, throws an error. If set to false, returns what is available
//The index must be less than the count
if (startIndex > objectList.size()) {
//TODO: Throw exception
} else if (precise == TRUE && objectList.size() - count >= startIndex) {
//TODO: Throw exception
List < SObject > returnList = new List < SObject >();
//i<list.size tests that we have not yet reached the end of the list, since we can conceivabley get a list shorter than the count requested
//i-startIndex < count tests that we have reached the end of the requested count
for(Integer i = startIndex; i < objectList.size() && i - startIndex < count; i++){
return returnList;
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