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Last active October 19, 2018 22:55
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Part 2 SOQL & SOSL Practice
public with sharing class Part2SOQLExercises {
public static void funWithAggregates () {
//Let's create a query to count how many opportunities we have that are over $100,000 dollars
//Since we're just getting a count, we can put the result directly intp an integer variable
Integer bigOppsCount = [SELECT COUNT() FROM Opportunity WHERE Amount > 100000];
System.debug('We have ' + bigOppsCount + ' Opportunities over 100K');
//How about the average Opportunity Amount?
//Now we need to get the results back in a list of Aggregate Results, let's see what that looks like
AggregateResult[] avgAmountResult = [SELECT AVG(AMOUNT)aver FROM Opportunity];
//*You may be wondering what the "aver" signifies, right after the AVG(AMOUNT) in the line above
//When you have a summary field you can give it a name, to make it easier to reference
//Check out further below, when we get just the average result specifically, we ask for it by passing in the alias ('aver')
//This will print out the full avgAmountResult which is an array (list) of results
System.debug('The result comes back in an array of AggregateResult Objects: '+avgAmountResult);
//to get just the average out, we need to get it from the Aggregate Results list. We will have only one entry
//which is why we can reference it with [0], fetching just the first entry in the array
Object avgAmount = avgAmountResult[0].get('aver');
System.debug('Our Average Opp Amount is: ' + avgAmount);
//What if we add a group by?
AggregateResult[] avgAmountResultGrouped = [SELECT Type, AVG(AMOUNT)aver FROM Opportunity GROUP BY Type];
//Let's loop through those results and print them out in a readable way
//You'll see that adding a group by, give us something like a table
for (AggregateResult ag: avgAmountResultGrouped) {
//To print out the whole result object:
System.debug('ag: '+ag);
//To dig into values, we do get calls on the aggregate result object, passing in a string for the field name
//The 'field name' in this case, is the name we gave it in the query, since it's a field we've generated essentially on the fly
System.debug('For Opp Type ' + ag.get('Type') + ' the average Opp Amount is: '+ ag.get('aver'));
public static void workingWithSOQLResults () {
Account a = [SELECT ID, Name FROM Account WHERE Name='Acme Consulting Co.' LIMIT 1];
List < Account > accountList = [SELECT ID, Name, AnnualRevenue FROM Account WHERE AnnualRevenue > 1000000];
Map < ID, Account > accountMap = new Map < ID, Account >([SELECT ID, Name, AnnualRevenue FROM Account WHERE AnnualRevenue > 1000000]);
public static void convertingCollectionTypes () {
//Start with a list of Accounts
List < Account > accountList = [SELECT ID, Name, AnnualRevenue FROM Account WHERE AnnualRevenue > 1000000];
//Let's convert that list to a map. We could
//1) Pass the list into a map constructor like so:
Map < ID, Account > accountMap = new Map < ID, Account >(accountList);
//or, I could instantiate an empty map and then add the whole list to it
Map < ID, Account > anotherAccountMap = new Map < ID, Account >();
//2) You know, what I really need is a Set of Ids for those accounts.
//Since a Map is indexed with a set of IDs, I can probably just get it from the map
Set < ID > accountIdSet = accountMap.keySet();
//3) And if I needed a list of the values in this map???
List < Account > anotherAccountList = accountMap.values();
public static void SOSL () {
//Let's do a search accross Accounts and Contacts where we look for records that reference 'United'
List < List < SObject > > searchList = [FIND 'united' IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Account(Name), Contact(FirstName,LastName)];
System.debug('searchList: '+ searchList);
//What if we just want to seach Name fields?
List < List < SObject > > nameSearchList = [FIND 'united' IN NAME FIELDS RETURNING Account(Name), Contact(FirstName,LastName)];
System.debug('nameSearchList: '+ nameSearchList);
//Take a look at the results...Why are contacts without united in their first or last name included??
//What if we want to search for contacts with a particular email address type?
List < List < SObject > > emailSearch = [FIND '' IN email FIELDS RETURNING Contact(FirstName,LastName,Account.Name,Email)];
System.debug('emailSearch: '+ emailSearch);
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