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Last active February 13, 2020 04:50
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public with sharing class CollectionsReview {
public static void introToLists() {
//Let's declare and initalize a list of strings
List<String> listOfStrings = new List<String>();
//Ok, we have a list declared, but we haven't yet put anything in it. let's put some stuff in those lists
//Great, now listOfStrings has three strings in it. Let's prove it by printing out the list size using System.debug
System.debug('Size of listOfStrings: ' + listOfStrings.size());
//What's this whole .size() business? Part of the Apex language is the built-in methods provided. We'll talk
//more about what methods are later, but for now, know that they are bits of funtionality you can use to do
//fun stuff like get the size of a list
//Let's declare a list and add values all in the same line
List<Integer> listOfIntegers = new List<Integer>{ 1, 2, 3 };
//And to see the values in the debug log:
System.debug('Contents of listOfIntegers: ' + listOfIntegers);
//Same idea with a list of strings
List<String> firstNames = new List<String>{
'Stephanie', 'Pierre', 'Frank', 'Mary', 'Mario'
System.debug('Contents of firstNames ' + firstNames);
//As we saw in our reading, you can refer to the value of an item in a list by using its index, or the order in which it appears in the list
System.debug('Value of 0 Index:' + firstNames[0]);
//Let's do one together! Using System.debug, print out the value Frank by referencing its index
public static void allAboutSets() {
//Let's make a set
Set<String> cuisineTypes = new Set<String>();
//Why a set instead of a list? Usually because we need each entry in the collection to be unique.
//Perhaps we're creating a list of cuisines and it's possible we'll encounter the same one twice, but we don't want it to appear twice
cuisineTypes.add('American Diner');
//we now have a set of the above cusines. What's important to know is that they are not guaranteed to be in the same
//order that we put them in: Sets are unordered
//And if we try and add a duplicate to the list?
//To start we have how many in the list?
System.debug('Size of our list before trying to re-add Balkan ' + cuisineTypes.size());
System.debug('Size of our list after trying to re-add Balkan ' + cuisineTypes.size());
//Run this method and check the debug log, no change in size! Sets are unique, but you won't get an error when you re-ad a duplicate element.
//Under the hood, when you try to add a duplicate, you're replacing it, but with the very same value
public static void muchAdoAboutMaps() {
//Maps are incredibly useful, but they work a little differently than other collections.
//From your reading you know that they are key-value pairs. So each key, which must be unique, 'maps' to a value.
//Use a map when you want to be able to quickly get a value based on a key. Let's look at an example.
//A map of the names of our restaurant customers, indexed by a custom Id number
//In this hypothetical, we're not using a Salesforce Id, just a fake Id stored as an integer.
Map<Integer, String> restaurantsById = new Map<Integer, String>();
//Let's add some entries in the format of: map.put(key, value)
restaurantsById.put(1234, 'Pok Pok');
restaurantsById.put(8438, 'Toro Bravo');
restaurantsById.put(6784, 'Daruma Sushi');
restaurantsById.put(48929, 'Moon and Sixpence');
restaurantsById.put(89453, 'St. Jacks');
//Ok, as we can see, maps use .put() whereas sets and lists use .add()
//Now that we have a map, how can we get at the data?
//You can use .keySet() to get a Set of the keys in the map (It's a set, since the Keys are unique!)
Set<Integer> mapKeysSet = restaurantsById.keySet();
System.debug('The KeySet of our Map: ' + mapKeysSet);
//Or, you can use .values() to get a list of all the values in the map (It's a list, since there may be duplicates!)
List<String> mapValuesList = restaurantsById.values();
System.debug('The values in our Map: ' + mapValuesList);
//Ok, now one of the most common uses of a map is when you have a key but need to get the value. For example
//let's say we have a list of our ids, and need to fetch the restaurant name
//Let's make a list of Ids and then loop through, fetching the restaurant name.
List<Integer> idList = new List<Integer>{ 1234, 6784, 89453 };
for (Integer i : idList) {
//When we use the get method on a map, and pass in the Id, we get back the value which is associated with that Id
String restaurantName = restaurantsById.get(i);
System.debug('restaurantName: ' + restaurantName);
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