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Last active July 29, 2016 00:16
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Stick with minimax IA and Python
# Credit : Trevor Payne
from sys import maxsize
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, i_depth, i_playerNum, i_sticksRemaining, i_value=0):
self.i_depth = i_depth
self.i_playerNum = i_playerNum
self.i_sticksRemaining = i_sticksRemaining
self.i_value = i_value
self.children = []
def createChildren(self):
if self.i_depth < 0:
for i in range(1, 3):
v = self.i_sticksRemaining - i
self.children.append(Node(self.i_depth - 1, -self.i_playerNum, v, self.realVal(v)))
def realVal(self, value):
if value == 0:
return maxsize * self.i_playerNum
elif value < 0:
return maxsize * -self.i_playerNum
return 0
def minimax(node, i_depth, i_playerNum):
if (i_depth == 0) or (abs(node.i_value) == maxsize):
return node.i_value
i_bestValue = maxsize * -i_playerNum
for child in node.children:
i_val = minimax(child, i_depth - 1, -i_playerNum)
if abs(maxsize * i_playerNum - i_val) < abs(maxsize * i_playerNum - i_bestValue):
i_bestValue = i_val
return i_bestValue
def winCheck(i_sticks, i_playerNum):
if i_sticks <= 0:
print("*" * 30)
if i_playerNum > 0:
if i_sticks == 0:
print("\t You WIN!")
print("\t Too many ! You loose..")
if i_sticks == 0:
print("\t Comp Wins... Try again.")
print("\t COMP ERROR!")
print("*" * 30)
return 0
return 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
i_stickTotal = 11
i_depth = 4
i_curPlayer = 1
print("INSTRUCTIONS : Pick up one or two sticks at time.")
while i_stickTotal > 0:
print("\n%d sticks remain. How many would you like to pick up ?" % i_stickTotal)
i_choice = input("\n1 or 2:")
i_stickTotal -= int(float(i_choice))
if winCheck(i_stickTotal, i_curPlayer):
i_curPlayer *= -1
node = Node(i_depth, i_curPlayer, i_stickTotal)
bestChoice = -100
i_bestValue = -i_curPlayer * maxsize
for i in range(len(node.children)):
n_child = node.children[i]
i_val = minimax(n_child, i_depth, -i_curPlayer)
if abs(i_curPlayer * maxsize - i_val) <= abs(i_curPlayer * maxsize - i_bestValue):
i_bestValue = i_val
bestChoice = i
bestChoice += 1
print("Comp chooses: " + str(bestChoice) + "\tBased on value: " + str(i_bestValue))
i_stickTotal -= bestChoice
winCheck(i_stickTotal, i_curPlayer)
i_curPlayer *= -1
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