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Last active August 30, 2023 19:09
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This a demo on how we can use an IoC container with FastAPI. Checkout my full article here:
import functools
from typing import Annotated, Any, Callable, Protocol, Type, TypeVar
from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, FastAPI, Request
import punq
# domain - no dependency to FastAPI or IoC
class Greeter(Protocol):
def greet(self) -> str: ...
class WorldGreeter(Greeter):
def greet(self) -> str:
return 'Hello World!'
# IoC
def get_container() -> punq.Container:
container = punq.Container()
container.register(Greeter, WorldGreeter)
return container
# Helper - No dependency to app or container
T = TypeVar('T')
def Service(t: Type[T]) -> Any: # noqa: N802
def resolver(t: Type[T], request: Request) -> Callable[[], T]:
return Depends(functools.partial(resolver, t))
# API - No dependency to app or container
router = APIRouter()
async def greet(greeter: Annotated[Greeter, Service(Greeter)]):
return {"message": greeter.greet()}
# app
app = FastAPI()
app.state.ioc_container = get_container()
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