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Created June 19, 2012 14:37
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enum cv_status { cvs_no_timeout, cvs_timeout };
class condition_variable {
typedef pthread_cond_t native_type;
native_type cond_;
typedef native_type* native_handle_type;
condition_variable() {
int e = pthread_cond_init(&cond_, 0);
if (e != 0)
throw e;
~condition_variable() {
int e = pthread_cond_destroy(&cond_);
assert(e == 0);
condition_variable(const condition_variable&);
condition_variable& operator=(const condition_variable&);
void notify_one() {
int e = pthread_cond_signal(&cond_);
if (e)
throw e;
void notify_all() {
int e = pthread_cond_broadcast(&cond_);
if (e)
throw e;
void wait(unique_lock<mutex>& lock) {
int e = pthread_cond_wait(&cond_, lock.mutex()->native_handle());
if (e)
throw e;
template<typename Predicate>
void wait(unique_lock<mutex>& lock, Predicate p) {
while (!p())
cv_status wait_until(unique_lock<mutex>& lock, const timespec& ts) {
pthread_cond_timedwait(&cond_, lock.mutex()->native_handle(), &ts);
timespec now = time_detail::get_now();
return now < ts ? cvs_no_timeout : cvs_timeout;
template<typename Predicate>
cv_status wait_until(unique_lock<mutex>& lock, const timespec& ts, Predicate p) {
while (!p())
if (wait_until(lock, ts) == cvs_timeout)
return p();
return true;
cv_status wait_for(unique_lock<mutex>& lock, double seconds) {
return wait_until(lock, time_detail::to_abs(seconds));
template<typename Predicate>
bool wait_for(unique_lock<mutex>& lock, double seconds, Predicate p) {
return wait_until(lock, time_detail::to_abs(seconds), p);
native_handle_type native_handle() { return &cond_; }
class condition_variable_any {
condition_variable cond_;
mutex mutex_;
condition_variable_any() { }
~condition_variable_any() { }
condition_variable_any(const condition_variable_any&);
condition_variable_any& operator=(const condition_variable_any&);
void notify_one() {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(mutex_);
void notify_all() {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(mutex_);
template<typename Lock>
void wait(Lock& lock) {
struct scoped_unlock {
explicit scoped_unlock(Lock& lk) : lock_(lk) { lk.unlock(); }
~scoped_unlock() {
Lock& lock_;
unique_lock<mutex> my_lock(mutex_);
scoped_unlock unlock(lock);
unique_lock<mutex> my_lock2;
template<typename Lock, typename Predicate>
void wait(Lock& lock, Predicate p) {
while (!p())
template<typename Lock>
cv_status wait_until(Lock& lock, const timespec& ts) {
unique_lock<mutex> my_lock(mutex_);
cv_status status = cond_.wait_until(my_lock, ts);
return status;
template<typename Lock, typename Predicate>
bool wait_until(Lock& lock, const timespec& ts, Predicate p) {
while (!p())
if (wait_until(lock, ts) == cvs_timeout)
return p();
return true;
template<typename Lock>
cv_status wait_for(Lock& lock, double seconds) {
return wait_until(lock, time_detail::to_abs(seconds));
template<typename Lock, typename Predicate>
bool wait_for(Lock& lock, double seconds, Predicate p) {
return wait_until(lock, time_detail::to_abs(seconds), p);
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