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Last active May 3, 2017 09:30
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  • Save melund/cc98dba91cd1f29a18502f7a252938e7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save melund/cc98dba91cd1f29a18502f7a252938e7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// This file contains usefull macro functions for the AnyBody Modeling system.
// Running number to compare file versions.
// Inline implemention of an MxN zero matrix
#define ZEROS(M,N) reshape(0.0*iarr(0,(M)*(N)-1),{M,N})
// Inline implemention of an MxN ones matrix
#define ONES(M,N) (1+reshape(0.0*iarr(0,(M)*(N)-1),{M,N}))
// Inline implemention of an square identity matrix
#define EYE(M) eqfun(floor(div(1.0*reshape(iarr(0,round((M)^2-1)),{M,M}),(M)+1)),div(1.0*reshape(iarr(0,round((M)^2-1)),{M,M}),(M)+1))
// Repeats a vector or matrix along the second dimension
// REPVEC({1,2,3},2) : {{1,2,3},{1,2,3}}
// REPVEC({1,2,3},2)' : {{1,1},{2,2},{3,3}}
#define REPVEC(V,N) (ONES(N,1)*{flatten(V)})
// Inline implementation of matrix with ones in j'th coloumn and zero else where
#define ONES_J(M,N,J) eqfun((1+0.0*iarr(0, M)')*{iarr(0,N)},J)
// Inline implementation of matrix with ones in i'th row and zeros else where
#define ONES_I(M,N,I) (eqfun((1+0.0*iarr(0, N)')*{iarr(0,M)},I)') //'
// Inline implementation of matrix with a one in the i,j element zeros else where
#define ONES_IJ(M,N,I,J) eqfun(reshape(iarr(0,floor((M)*(N)-1.0)),{floor(1.0*M),floor(1.0*N)}),floor(1.0*(I*(N))+(J)))
// Simple linspace implementatation
#define _LINSPACE(START, STOP, NUM) iarr(0, floor(1.0*(NUM-1)))*(1.0*(STOP)-1.0*(START))/(floor(1.0*(NUM))-1)+START
// Linspace which ensures that the last point is exactly STOP.
#define LINSPACE(START, STOP, NUM ) mult(not(ONES_IJ(1, NUM, 0, NUM-1)[0]), _LINSPACE(START, STOP, NUM))+ ONES_IJ(1, NUM, 0, NUM-1)[0]*STOP
// Inline AnyScript implementation of the following C++ function:
float smootherstep(float edge0, float edge1, float x)
// Scale, and clamp x to 0..1 range
x = clamp((x - edge0)/(edge1 - edge0), 0.0, 1.0);
// Evaluate polynomial
return x*x*x*(x*(x*6 - 15) + 10);
// 1st and 2nd order derivatives at edge0 and edge1 are 0
#define SMOOTHERSTEP(edge0, edge1, val) mult(iffun(ltfun(((val)-(edge0))/((edge1)-(edge0)),0.0), 0*(val), iffun(gtfun(((val)-(edge0))/((edge1)-(edge0)),1.0),0*(val)+1.0, ((val)-(edge0))/((edge1)-(edge0))))\
,mult(iffun(ltfun(((val)-(edge0))/((edge1)-(edge0)),0.0), 0*(val), iffun(gtfun(((val)-(edge0))/((edge1)-(edge0)),1.0),0*(val)+1.0, ((val)-(edge0))/((edge1)-(edge0))))\
,mult(iffun(ltfun(((val)-(edge0))/((edge1)-(edge0)),0.0), 0*(val), iffun(gtfun(((val)-(edge0))/((edge1)-(edge0)),1.0),0*(val)+1.0, ((val)-(edge0))/((edge1)-(edge0))))\
,(mult(iffun(ltfun(((val)-(edge0))/((edge1)-(edge0)),0.0), 0*(val), iffun(gtfun(((val)-(edge0))/((edge1)-(edge0)),1.0),0*(val)+1.0, ((val)-(edge0))/((edge1)-(edge0))))\
,(iffun(ltfun(((val)-(edge0))/((edge1)-(edge0)),0.0), 0*(val), iffun(gtfun(((val)-(edge0))/((edge1)-(edge0)),1.0),0*(val)+1.0, ((val)-(edge0))/((edge1)-(edge0))))\
*6 - 15)) + 10) )))
// Inline AnyScript implementation of the following c++ function.
This is just half a smoother step function which continues liniearly when it
reaches it steepest value.
float smoothramp(float edge0, float edge1, float x)
// Scale, and clamp x to 0..1 range
x = clamp((x - edge0)/(2*(edge1 - edge0)), 0.0, 0.5);
// Evaluate polynomial
if (x < 0.5) {
return x*x*x*(x*(x*6 - 15) + 10)
else {
return 2*x - 0.5
// 1st and 2nd order derivatives at edge0 are 0
#define SMOOTHRAMP(edge0, edge1, val) 2*iffun(gtfun(((val)-(edge0))/(2*((edge1)-(edge0))), 0.5), -0.5+2*(((val)-(edge0))/(2*((edge1)-(edge0)))),\
mult(iffun(ltfun(((val)-(edge0))/(2*((edge1)-(edge0))),0.0), 0*(val), iffun(gtfun(((val)-(edge0))/(2*((edge1)-(edge0))),0.5),0*(val)+0.5, ((val)-(edge0))/(2*((edge1)-(edge0)))))\
,mult(iffun(ltfun(((val)-(edge0))/(2*((edge1)-(edge0))),0.0), 0*(val), iffun(gtfun(((val)-(edge0))/(2*((edge1)-(edge0))),0.5),0*(val)+0.5, ((val)-(edge0))/(2*((edge1)-(edge0)))))\
,mult(iffun(ltfun(((val)-(edge0))/(2*((edge1)-(edge0))),0.0), 0*(val), iffun(gtfun(((val)-(edge0))/(2*((edge1)-(edge0))),0.5),0*(val)+0.5, ((val)-(edge0))/(2*((edge1)-(edge0)))))\
,(mult(iffun(ltfun(((val)-(edge0))/(2*((edge1)-(edge0))),0.0), 0*(val), iffun(gtfun(((val)-(edge0))/(2*((edge1)-(edge0))),0.5),0*(val)+0.5, ((val)-(edge0))/(2*((edge1)-(edge0)))))\
,(iffun(ltfun(((val)-(edge0))/(2*((edge1)-(edge0))),0.0), 0*(val), iffun(gtfun(((val)-(edge0))/(2*((edge1)-(edge0))),0.5),0*(val)+0.5, ((val)-(edge0))/(2*((edge1)-(edge0)))))\
*6 - 15)) + 10) )))\
#if ANYBODY_FILENAME_MAINFILE == "helper_macros.any"
// Test code. Only active if the file is loaded as main
Main =
AnyFolder StepFunctions = {
// Run the function on a vector input
AnyVector x_test = farr(-1.0, 0.1, 100);
AnyVector y_test = SMOOTHERSTEP(0, 3, x_test);
AnyBodyStudy test_study =
Gravity = {0,0,0};
// Run the function on single values as part of a study.
AnyVar SmootherStep = SMOOTHERSTEP(0.25, 0.75, t);
AnyVar SmootherRamp= 100*SMOOTHRAMP(0.25, 0.5,t);
AnyFolder MatrixCreation =
// Identity matrix MxM
AnyMatrix eye = EYE(10);
// Matrix MxN of ones
AnyMatrix ones = ONES(6,3);
// Matrix MxN of ones
AnyMatrix zeros = ZEROS(2,7);
// Matrix with column j set to ones
AnyMatrix ones_j = ONES_J(5,6,2);
// Matrix with row i set to ones
AnyMatrix ones_i = ONES_I(4,3,1);
// Matrix with element i,j set to one
AnyMatrix ones_ij = ONES_IJ(4,5,2,2);
// Repeat vector into a matrix
AnyVector a = {1,2,3};
AnyMatrix repvec = REPVEC(a,2);
AnyVector linspace1 = LINSPACE(1, 2, 100);
AnyVector linspace2 = LINSPACE(1.0, 9.999, 111);
// -*- mode: cpp;-*-
// vim: syntax=cpp
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