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Last active July 17, 2020 07:58
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright 2020 Google LLC.
# Author: Marco Elver
# Helper script to checkout and build a recent Git version of Clang/LLVM.
set -ue
readonly LLVM_REPO=""
readonly LLVM_SRC="llvm-project"
# May be overridden from environment.
: ${LLVM_COMMIT:="origin/release/11.x"}
pr_info() { printf '\e[1;32mINFO: \e[0m'"$@" 1>&2; }
die() { printf '\e[1;31mERROR: \e[0m'"$@" 1>&2; exit 1; }
check_have() { type -p "$1" &>/dev/null || die "'%s' not found!\n" "$1"; }
check_deps() {
check_have make
check_have cmake
prepare_and_cwd_build() {
pr_info "Preparing ...\n"
local dst_dir="${1%/}" # Strip trailing '/'
mkdir -p "$dst_dir" && cd "$dst_dir"
# Get the source and point it to the commit we want
if [[ ! -d "$LLVM_SRC" ]]; then
git clone "$LLVM_REPO" "$LLVM_SRC"
if [[ -n "$LLVM_COMMIT" ]]; then
(cd "$LLVM_SRC" && git fetch && git checkout -B for-build "$LLVM_COMMIT")
mkdir -p build && cd build
build() {
local prefix="$1"
# Let's build *with* assertions on, since we're pulling in a Git version.
local cmake_args=(
[[ -n "$prefix" ]] && cmake_args+=("-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=$prefix") || :
if [[ -n "${LLVM_USE_COMPILER:-}" ]]; then
pr_info "Building ...\n"
echo cmake "${cmake_args[@]}" "../${LLVM_SRC}/llvm"
cmake "${cmake_args[@]}" "../${LLVM_SRC}/llvm"
make -j$(nproc)
check_install() {
local prefix="$1"
pr_info "Checking ...\n"
# At least run check-clang. All tests would probably be a little too much.
make -j$(nproc) check-clang
if [[ -z "$prefix" ]]; then
local expect_clang="$(pwd)/bin/clang"
make -j$(nproc) install
local expect_clang="${prefix}/bin/clang"
[[ ! -x "$expect_clang" ]] && die "could not find: %s\n" "$expect_clang" || :
pr_info "Clang binary available at: %s\n" "$expect_clang"
main() {
if (( $# < 1 )); then
echo "Usage: $0 <build-dir> [<install-prefix>]"
echo "Optional: If <install-prefix> is provided, installs Clang/LLVM into <install-prefix>."
exit 42
local build_dir="$1"
local prefix="${2:-}"
if [[ -n "$prefix" ]]; then
[[ ! -d "$prefix" ]] && die "Directory does not exist: %s\n" "$prefix" || :
# Get prefix before we cwd.
prefix="$(cd "$prefix" && pwd)"
prepare_and_cwd_build "$build_dir"
build "$prefix"
check_install "$prefix"
main "$@"
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