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Melvin Rivera melvitax

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melvitax / Google Domains + GMail +Mailgun
Last active October 25, 2017 18:57
1. Add the Domain to Mailgun
2. In the Domain Information section, select "Manage SMTP credentials", add an email address and choose a password.
1. Ensure you do not have email forwarding set up under "Configure Mail"
2. Select domain and go to "Custom resource records" under "Configure DNS"
3. Add the MX record:
// Make array from properties of another array
let ids = { $ }
// Filter duplicate items from array based on specific properties
extension Array {
func filterDuplicate<T>(_ keyValue:(Element)->T) -> [Element] {
var uniqueKeys = Set<String>()
return filter{uniqueKeys.insert("\(keyValue($0))").inserted}
// Master list at:
// If you added a .gitignore file after doing your Xcode commit, git will continue tracking files even if they are listed in .gitignore.
// To fix this, move all of the files in the repository somewhere else on the filesystem (except .gitignore and .git), then run:
git add --all
git commit -m "Remove all files"
// Then add your files back in and run the following:
Atom Settings
melvitax / Process Android Assets
Last active January 8, 2018 10:55
AppleScript for organizing Android assets. To turn into a Service: In Automator, create a new Service for files in Finder and add this script. From the Finder select a group of files that have densitiy suffixes like "icon-hdpi.png" and "icon-mdpi.png" and run the script. The files will be organized into the appropiate drawable folders and renamed.
property sizeList : {"mdpi", "hdpi", "xhdpi", "xxhdpi", "xxxhdpi"}
property extensionList : {"jpg", "jpeg", "png"}
on run {input, parameters}
repeat with i from 1 to the count of input
set thisItem to item i of input
set itemInfo to info for thisItem
set fileName to name of itemInfo