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Last active September 25, 2016 15:02
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import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
public class LearningHashSet {
private static class Element {
int roll_no;
public Element(int r){
// hashCode() is used to find the bucket
public int hashCode() {
return roll_no%10;
// equals() is used to check if objects
// are equal
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return roll_no==(((Element)obj).roll_no);
The contract between equals() and hashCode() is:
- If two objects are equal, then they must have the same hash code.
- If two objects have the same hash code, they may or may not be equal.
NOTE : HashSet is backed by HashMap, so the Keys are the Elements
and values are all references to the SAME dummy objects.
Highlighted in the image
/* Default equals()
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
// checks if obj are equal
return super.equals(obj);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Set<Element> ts = new HashSet<Element>();
if(ts.add(new Element(1))) System.out.println("1 added");
// hashCode = 1, goes to bucket-1
if(ts.add(new Element(11))) System.out.println("11 added");
// hashCode = 1, goes to bucket-1
// Since the objects the different insertion is successful
if(ts.add(new Element(2))) System.out.println("2 added");
// hahsCode = 2, goes to bucket-2
Element three = new Element(3);
if(ts.add(three)) System.out.println("three added");
// hahsCode = 3, goes to bucket-3
if(ts.add(three)) System.out.println("three added");
// hahsCode = 3, goes to bucket-3
// but since the elements are equal(same roll-no), insertion fails
// Would also FAIL with the default equals(), as the same objects are used
if(ts.add(new Element(3))) System.out.println("three added");
// hahsCode = 3, goes to bucket-3
// but since the elements are equal(same roll-no), insertion fails
// Would PASS with the default equals(), as different objects are used
Iterator<Element> i = ts.iterator();
Element current =;
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