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Last active July 20, 2024 01:20
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  • Save melwong/c30eb1e21eda17549996a609c35dafb3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Hex ChainId (Decimal) Network
0x1 1 Ethereum Main Network (Mainnet)
0x3 3 Ropsten Test Network
0x4 4 Rinkeby Test Network
0x5 5 Goerli Test Network
0x2a 42 Kovan Test Network
0xAA36A7 11155111 Sepolia Testnet
0x89 137 Polygon Main Network
0x13881 80001 Mumbai Test Network
0xA86A 43114 Avalanche C-Chain Main Network
0xA869 43113 Fuji Test Network
0x440 1088 Metis Andromeda Main Network
0x24C 588 Metis Stardust Test Network
0x4E454152 1313161554 Aurora Main Network
0x4E454153 1313161555 Aurora Test Network
0x38 56 Binance Smart Chain Main Network
0x61 97 Binance Smart Chain Test Network
0xFA 250 Fantom Opera Main Network
0xFA2 4002 Fantom Test Network
0x32 50 XDC Main Network
0x33 51 XDC Apothem Testnet
0x2329 9001 Evmos Main Network
0x2328 9000 Evmos Test Network
0x169 361 Theta Main Network
0x16b 363 Theta Sapphire Test Network
0x16c 364 Theta Amber Test Network
0x16d 365 Theta Testnet
0x13a 314 Filecoin Main Network
0xc45 3141 Filecoin Hyperspace
0x7ab7 31415 Filecoin Wallaby
0x2fefd8 3141592 Filecoin Butterfly
0x4cb2f 314159 Filecoin Calibration Test Network
0x1df5e76 31415926 Filecoin Local Test Network
0x42 66 OKXChain
0x41 65 OKXChain
0x504 1284 Moonbeam
0x507 1287 Moonbase Alpha Testnet
0x64 100 Gnosis
0x27D8 10200 Gnosis Chiado Testnet
0xA4EC 42220 Celo
0xAEF3 44787 Celo Alfajores Testnet
0xF370 62320 Celo Baklava Testnet
0xA4B1 42161 Arbitrum One
0x66EED 421613 Arbitrum Goerli Testnet
0xA 10 Optimism
0x1A4 420 Optimism Goerli Testnet
0x1E 30 Rootstock
0x1F 31 Rootstock Testnet
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melwong commented Jul 28, 2023

Added Sepolia, Moonbase, Celo, Gnosis, Rootstock, Arbitrum and Optimism

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