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Created February 18, 2023 17:15
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A naive & hacky solution for zerbra puzzle
type nationality =
| Spainiard
| Ukrainian
| Japanese
| Norwegian
let print_nationality = function
English -> "English"
| Spainiard -> "Spainiard"
| Ukrainian -> "Ukrainian"
| Japanese -> "Japanese"
| Norwegian -> "Norwegian"
type smoke =
| OldGold
| Chesterfield
| LuckyStrike
| Parliament
let print_smoke = function
Kools -> "Kools"
| OldGold -> "OldGold"
| Chesterfield -> "Chesterfield"
| LuckyStrike -> "LuckyStrike"
| Parliament -> "Parliament"
type drink =
| Water
| Coffee
| Tea
| OrangeJuice
let print_drink = function
Milk -> "Milk"
| Water -> "Water"
| Coffee -> "Coffee"
| Tea -> "Tea"
| OrangeJuice -> "OrangeJuice"
type owns =
| Horse
| Fox
| Zebra
| Snail
let print_owns = function
Dog -> "Dog"
| Horse -> "Horse"
| Fox -> "Fox"
| Zebra -> "Zebra"
| Snail -> "Snail"
type color =
| Blue
| Yellow
| Ivory
| Green
let print_color = function
Red -> "Red"
| Blue -> "Blue"
| Yellow -> "Yellow"
| Ivory -> "Ivory"
| Green -> "Green"
type house = nationality * smoke * drink * owns * color
let print_house (n, s, d, o, c) =
Printf.sprintf "Nationality = %s, Smoke = %s, Drink = %s, Owns = %s, Color = %s"
(print_nationality n)
(print_smoke s)
(print_drink d)
(print_owns o)
(print_color c)
type street = house * house * house * house * house
let print_street (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5) =
Printf.sprintf "House1 = %s\nHouse2 = %s\nHouse3 = %s\nHouse4 = %s\nHouse5 = %s\n"
(print_house h1)
(print_house h2)
(print_house h3)
(print_house h4)
(print_house h5)
let next_to f (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5) =
f h1 h2
|| f h2 h1 || f h2 h3
|| f h3 h2 || f h3 h4
|| f h4 h3 || f h4 h5
|| f h5 h4
let right_of f (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5) =
f h2 h1
|| f h3 h2
|| f h4 h3
|| f h5 h4
let any f (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5) =
f h1 || f h2 || f h3 || f h4 || f h5
(* let fact_2 = any @@
(English, _, _, _, Red) -> true
| _ -> false
let fact_3 = any @@
(Spainiard, _, _, Dog, _) -> true
| _ -> false
let fact_4 = any @@
(_, _, Coffee, _, Green) -> true
| _ -> false
let fact_5 = any @@
(Ukrainian, _, Tea, _, _) -> true
| _ -> false *)
let fact_6 = right_of @@
fun h1 h2 ->
match h1, h2 with
(_, _, _, _, Green), (_, _, _, _, Ivory) -> true
| _ -> false
(* let fact_7 = any @@
(_, OldGold, _, Snail, _) -> true
| _ -> false
let fact_8 = any @@
(_, Kools, _, _, Yellow) -> true
| _ -> false *)
(* let fact_9 (_, _, h, _, _) =
match h with
(_, _, Milk, _, _) -> true
| _ -> false
let fact_10 (h, _, _, _, _) =
match h with
(Norwegian, _, _, _, _) -> true
| _ -> false *)
let fact_11 = next_to @@
fun h1 h2 ->
match h1, h2 with
(_, Chesterfield, _, _, _), (_, _, _, Fox, _) -> true
| _ -> false
let fact_12 = next_to @@
fun h1 h2 ->
match h1, h2 with
(_, Kools, _, _, _), (_, _, _, Horse, _) -> true
| _ -> false
(* let fact_13 = any @@
(_, LuckyStrike, OrangeJuice, _, _) -> true
| _ -> false
let fact_14 = any @@
(Japanese, Parliament, _, _, _) -> true
| _ -> false *)
let fact_15 = next_to @@
fun h1 h2 ->
match h1, h2 with
(Norwegian, _, _, _, _), (_, _, _, _, Blue) -> true
| _ -> false
let is_house_valid h =
match h with
(English, _, _, _, Red) -> true
| (English, _, _, _, _) -> false
| (_, _, _, _, Red) -> false
| (Spainiard, _, _, Dog, _) -> true
| (_, _, _, Dog, _) -> false
| (Spainiard, _, _, _, _) -> false
| (_, _, Coffee, _, Green) -> true
| (_, _, _, _, Green) -> false
| (_, _, Coffee, _, _) -> false
| (Ukrainian, _, Tea, _, _) -> true
| (_, _, Tea, _, _) -> false
| (Ukrainian, _, _, _, _) -> false
| (_, OldGold, _, Snail, _) -> true
| (_, OldGold, _, _, _) -> false
| (_, _, _, Snail, _) -> false
| (_, Kools, _, _, Yellow) -> true
| (_, _, _, _, Yellow) -> false
| (_, Kools, _, _, _) -> false
| (_, LuckyStrike, OrangeJuice, _, _) -> true
| (_, _, OrangeJuice, _, _) -> false
| (_, LuckyStrike, _, _, _) -> false
| (Japanese, Parliament, _, _, _) -> true
| (_, Parliament, _, _, _) -> false
| (Japanese, _, _, _, _) -> false
| _ -> false
let is_street_valid hs =
(* fact_2 hs *)
(* && fact_3 hs *)
(* && fact_4 hs *)
(* && fact_5 hs *)
(* && *)
fact_6 hs
(* && fact_7 hs *)
(* && fact_8 hs *)
(* && fact_9 hs *)
(* && fact_10 hs *)
&& fact_11 hs
&& fact_12 hs
(* && fact_13 hs *)
(* && fact_14 hs *)
&& fact_15 hs
let combinations (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5) =
let c2 a b = [a, b ; b, a] in
let c3 a b c =
let ab = c2 a b in
let bc = c2 b c in
let ac = c2 a c in (fun (x, y) -> c, x, y) ab @ (fun (x, y) -> a, x, y) bc @ (fun (x, y) -> b, x, y) ac
let c4 a b c d =
let bcd = c3 b c d in
let acd = c3 a c d in
let abd = c3 a b d in
let abc = c3 a b c in (fun (x, y, z) -> a, x, y, z) bcd @ (fun (x, y, z) -> b, x, y, z) acd @ (fun (x, y, z) -> c, x, y, z) abd @ (fun (x, y, z) -> d, x, y, z) abc
let c5 a b c d e =
let bcde = c4 b c d e in
let acde = c4 a c d e in
let abde = c4 a b d e in
let abce = c4 a b c e in
let abcd = c4 a b c d in (fun (w, x, y, z) -> a, w, x, y, z) bcde @ (fun (w, x, y, z) -> b, w, x, y, z) acde @ (fun (w, x, y, z) -> c, w, x, y, z) abde @ (fun (w, x, y, z) -> d, w, x, y, z) abce @ (fun (w, x, y, z) -> e, w, x, y, z) abcd
c5 h1 h2 h3 h4 h5
let generate_houses () : house list =
let nats =
[ English
; Spainiard
; Ukrainian
; Japanese
; Norwegian
let smokes =
[ Kools
; OldGold
; Chesterfield
; LuckyStrike
; Parliament
let drink =
[ Milk
; Water
; Coffee
; Tea
; OrangeJuice
let owns =
[ Dog
; Horse
; Fox
; Zebra
; Snail
let colors =
[ Red
; Blue
; Yellow
; Ivory
; Green
List.concat @@ (fun n ->
List.concat @@ s ->
List.concat @@ d ->
List.concat @@ o -> c ->
n, s, d, o, c
) colors
) owns
) drink
) smokes
) nats
let houses = generate_houses ()
|> List.filter is_house_valid
let norwegian = houses
|> List.filter (function (Norwegian, _, _, _, _) -> true | _ -> false)
|> List.filter (function (_, _, Milk, _, _) -> false | _ -> true)
let milk = houses
|> List.filter (function (_, _, Milk, _, _) -> true | _ -> false)
let houses = houses
|> List.filter (function (Norwegian, _, _, _, _) -> false | _ -> true)
|> List.filter (function (_, _, Milk, _, _) -> false | _ -> true)
let c = ref 1
exception Answer of street
let _ =
List.iter (fun house1 ->
List.iter (fun house3 ->
List.iter (fun house2 ->
List.iter (fun house4 ->
List.iter (fun house5 ->
print_endline ("count = " ^ (string_of_int !c));
incr c;
let s = house1, house2, house3, house4, house5 in
if is_street_valid s then raise (Answer s)
) houses
) houses
) houses
) milk
) norwegian
with Answer s -> Printf.printf "Answer = \n%s\n" (print_street s)
1. Solve Zebra puzzle in js or OCaml
2. Implement zebra puzzle the prolog part1
3. Implement zebra puzzle prolog part2
Answer =
House1 = Nationality = Norwegian, Smoke = Kools, Drink = Water, Owns = Horse, Color = Yellow
House2 = Nationality = Spainiard, Smoke = Kools, Drink = Water, Owns = Dog, Color = Blue
House3 = Nationality = English, Smoke = Kools, Drink = Milk, Owns = Dog, Color = Red
House4 = Nationality = Spainiard, Smoke = Chesterfield, Drink = Water, Owns = Dog, Color = Ivory
House5 = Nationality = Ukrainian, Smoke = Kools, Drink = Coffee, Owns = Fox, Color = Green
real 1m18.874s
user 0m6.571s
sys 0m31.944s
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