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SHA-1 implemented in Racket
#lang racket
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Hex conversion ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(define (hex-char-to-bin-list c)
(cond [(eq? #\0 c) (list 0 0 0 0)]
[(eq? #\1 c) (list 0 0 0 1)]
[(eq? #\2 c) (list 0 0 1 0)]
[(eq? #\3 c) (list 0 0 1 1)]
[(eq? #\4 c) (list 0 1 0 0)]
[(eq? #\5 c) (list 0 1 0 1)]
[(eq? #\6 c) (list 0 1 1 0)]
[(eq? #\7 c) (list 0 1 1 1)]
[(eq? #\8 c) (list 1 0 0 0)]
[(eq? #\9 c) (list 1 0 0 1)]
[(eq? #\A c) (list 1 0 1 0)]
[(eq? #\B c) (list 1 0 1 1)]
[(eq? #\C c) (list 1 1 0 0)]
[(eq? #\D c) (list 1 1 0 1)]
[(eq? #\E c) (list 1 1 1 0)]
[(eq? #\F c) (list 1 1 1 1)]
[#t (error "hex-char-to-bin-list: invalid hex char")]))
(define (hex-string-to-vector s)
(list->vector (append* (map hex-char-to-bin-list (string->list s)))))
(define (vector-to-hex n)
(cond [(equal? '#(0 0 0 0) n) "0"]
[(equal? '#(0 0 0 1) n) "1"]
[(equal? '#(0 0 1 0) n) "2"]
[(equal? '#(0 0 1 1) n) "3"]
[(equal? '#(0 1 0 0) n) "4"]
[(equal? '#(0 1 0 1) n) "5"]
[(equal? '#(0 1 1 0) n) "6"]
[(equal? '#(0 1 1 1) n) "7"]
[(equal? '#(1 0 0 0) n) "8"]
[(equal? '#(1 0 0 1) n) "9"]
[(equal? '#(1 0 1 0) n) "a"]
[(equal? '#(1 0 1 1) n) "b"]
[(equal? '#(1 1 0 0) n) "c"]
[(equal? '#(1 1 0 1) n) "d"]
[(equal? '#(1 1 1 0) n) "e"]
[(equal? '#(1 1 1 1) n) "f"]
[#t (error "vector-to-hex: un-reachable")]))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Binary operations ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(define (b-xor m n) (if (= m n) 0 1))
(define (b-and m n) (if (and (= m 1) (= n 1)) 1 0))
(define (b-or m n) (if (or (= m 1) (= n 1)) 1 0))
(define (b-not x) (if (= x 1) 0 1))
(define (vector-bitwise-op xs ys op)
(letrec ([f (lambda (i)
(if (= i 32)
(cons (op (vector-ref xs i) (vector-ref ys i)) (f (+ i 1)))))])
(list->vector (f 0))))
(define (vector-xor xs ys)
(vector-bitwise-op xs ys b-xor))
(define (vector-and xs ys)
(vector-bitwise-op xs ys b-and))
(define (vector-or xs ys)
(vector-bitwise-op xs ys b-or))
(define (vector-not xs)
(letrec ([f (lambda (i)
(if (= i 32)
(cons (b-not (vector-ref xs i)) (f (+ i 1)))))])
(list->vector (f 0))))
(define (vector-reverse xs)
(list->vector (reverse (vector->list xs))))
(define (vector-add-2 xs ys)
(letrec ([f (lambda (xs ys i rem)
(if (= i 32)
(let ([v (+ (vector-ref xs i) (vector-ref ys i) rem)])
(cond [(= v 0) (cons 0 (f xs ys (+ i 1) 0))]
[(= v 1) (cons 1 (f xs ys (+ i 1) 0))]
[(= v 2) (cons 0 (f xs ys (+ i 1) 1))]
[(= v 3) (cons 1 (f xs ys (+ i 1) 1))]
[#f (error "unreachable")]))))])
(list->vector (reverse (f (vector-reverse xs) (vector-reverse ys) 0 0)))))
(define (foldl fn init xs)
(letrec ([f (lambda (acc ys)
(if (null? ys)
(f (fn acc (car ys)) (cdr ys))))])
(f init xs)))
(define vector-add (lambda xs
(foldl vector-add-2 (make-vector 32 0) xs)))
(define (vector-left-rotate xs n)
(let* ([size (vector-length xs)]
[idx (remainder n size)])
(let-values ([(a b) (vector-split-at xs idx)])
(vector-append b a))))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SHA-1 specific ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(define (bytes-to-vector bs)
(lambda (b)
(map (lambda (c)
(- (char->integer c) 48))
(string->list (~r b #:base 2 #:min-width 8 #:pad-string "0"))))
(define (partition bs n)
(letrec ([size (vector-length bs)]
[f (lambda (xs)
(cond [(= (vector-length xs) 0) null]
[#t (let-values ([(c n) (vector-split-at xs n)])
(cons c (f n)))]))])
(f bs)))
(define (preprocess msg)
(let* ([bs (bytes->list (string->bytes/utf-8 msg))]
[size (* (string-utf-8-length msg) 8)]
[zeros (make-vector (- (* (ceiling (/ (+ size 1) 512)) 512) (+ size 1) 64))]
[padded (vector-append (bytes-to-vector bs) (make-vector 1 1) zeros)]
[final (vector-append padded (bytes-to-vector (bytes->list (integer->integer-bytes size 8 #f #t))))])
(partition final 512)))
(define (extend-w s e vec)
(if (= s e)
(let ([wi (vector-left-rotate
(vector-xor (vector-ref vec (- s 3))
(vector-xor (vector-ref vec (- s 8))
(vector-xor (vector-ref vec (- s 14))
(vector-ref vec (- s 16)))))
(extend-w (+ s 1) e (vector-append vec (make-vector 1 wi))))))
(define (process-chunk h0 h1 h2 h3 h4 chunk)
(let ([w (extend-w 16 80 (list->vector (partition chunk 32)))])
(letrec ([fk (lambda (a b c d e i)
(cond [(and (>= i 0) (<= i 19))
;f = (b and c) or ((not b) and d)
(vector-or (vector-and b c)
(vector-and (vector-not b)
(hex-string-to-vector "5A827999"))]
[(and (>= i 20) (<= i 39))
;f = b xor c xor d
(vector-xor b (vector-xor c d))
(hex-string-to-vector "6ED9EBA1"))]
[(and (>= i 40) (<= i 59))
;f = (b and c) or (b and d) or (c and d)
(vector-or (vector-and b c)
(vector-or (vector-and b d)
(vector-and c d)))
(hex-string-to-vector "8F1BBCDC"))]
[(and (>= i 60) (<= i 79))
;f = b xor c xor d
(vector-xor b (vector-xor c d))
(hex-string-to-vector "CA62C1D6"))]
[#t (error "unreachable")]))]
[loop (lambda (a b c d e i)
(if (= i 80)
(values a b c d e)
(let-values ([(f k) (fk a b c d e i)])
(let ([temp (vector-add (vector-left-rotate a 5) f e k (vector-ref w i))])
(loop temp a (vector-left-rotate b 30) c d (+ i 1))))))])
(let-values ([(a b c d e) (loop h0 h1 h2 h3 h4 0)])
(values (vector-add h0 a)
(vector-add h1 b)
(vector-add h2 c)
(vector-add h3 d)
(vector-add h4 e)))
(define (sha1 msg)
(let ([h0 (hex-string-to-vector "67452301")]
[h1 (hex-string-to-vector "EFCDAB89")]
[h2 (hex-string-to-vector "98BADCFE")]
[h3 (hex-string-to-vector "10325476")]
[h4 (hex-string-to-vector "C3D2E1F0")]
[chunks (preprocess msg)])
(letrec ([f (lambda (h0 h1 h2 h3 h4 cs)
(if (null? cs)
(values h0 h1 h2 h3 h4)
(let-values ([(h0_ h1_ h2_ h3_ h4_) (process-chunk h0 h1 h2 h3 h4 (car cs))])
(f h0_ h1_ h2_ h3_ h4_ (cdr cs)))))])
(let-values ([(h0 h1 h2 h3 h4) (f h0 h1 h2 h3 h4 chunks)])
(let ([bit-hash (vector-append h0 (vector-append h1 (vector-append h2 (vector-append h3 h4))))])
(string-append* (map vector-to-hex (partition bit-hash 4))))))))
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Tests ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(require rackunit)
(require rackunit/text-ui)
(define tests
"Test SHA-1"
(check-equal? (sha1 "") "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709")
(check-equal? (sha1 "abc") "a9993e364706816aba3e25717850c26c9cd0d89d")
(check-equal? (sha1 "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog") "2fd4e1c67a2d28fced849ee1bb76e7391b93eb12")
(check-equal? (sha1 (make-string 1000 #\a)) "291e9a6c66994949b57ba5e650361e98fc36b1ba")
(check-equal? (sha1 (make-string 10000 #\a)) "a080cbda64850abb7b7f67ee875ba068074ff6fe")))
(run-tests tests)
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