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Last active May 23, 2016 13:01
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  • Save memeplex/8115385 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save memeplex/8115385 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
h2status is a trivial (about 50 LOC) bash wrapper to i3status that nevertheless allows to conveniently: (i) write custom modules in bash to add full-fledged json entries to the status bar, (ii) write mouse event handlers in bash with access to the full set of event parameters as bash variables, (iii) arbitrarily transform the final output to cha…
function status { :; }
function on_event { :; }
function transform { cat; }
function entry {
echo -ne '{"name":"'$1'","full_text":"'$2'"'${3:+,$3}'},'
function cached_status {
local file=$tmp$1 interval=$2 command=$3
read_status $1
[[ -f $file ]] && (( $(date +%s) - $(stat -c %Y $file) < $interval )) && return
touch $file
{ write_status $1 "$(eval $command)"; } >/dev/null &
function read_status {
[[ -f $tmp$1 ]] && flock -s ${tmp}lock -c "cat $tmp$1"
function write_status {
flock ${tmp}lock -c "echo '$2' > $tmp$1"
function update {
killall -USR1 i3status
function event_loop {
while read line
eval $(echo "$line" | sed -re 's/^,|\{|\}|"//g' -e 'y/,:/;=/')
on_event > /dev/null
function status_loop {
read; read; echo -e '{"version":1,"click_events":true}\n['
while read line
echo "$line" | sed -r 's/^(,?\[)\{/\1'"$(status)"'{/' | transform
[[ $1 == "update" && ! $2 ]] && { update; exit 0; }
[[ $1 == "write" && $2 && $3 && ! $4 ]] && { write_status $2 "$3"; exit 0; }
[[ $* ]] && { echo "Usage: h2status [update|write <module> <value>]"; exit 1; }
. ~/.h2statusrc
trap 'rm -f $tmp*; exit' EXIT INT TERM HUP
rm -f $tmp*
i3status | status_loop &
# Use this as a template for your own configuration, to be placed in ~/.h2statusrc.
# All three functions are optional as a default NOP implementation is provided.
# Remember to configure output_format = "i3bar" in ~/.i3status.conf.
function status {
entry sync_random "SR: $RANDOM" '"color":"$00FF00"'
entry async_random "ar: $(cached_status async_random 30 'echo $RANDOM')"
function on_event {
case $name in
async_random) [[ $button == 1 ]] && write_status async_random $RANDOM
function transform {
sed -r 's/ar:/AR:/'
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