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Created May 15, 2017 00:12
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Contour Plot / Heat Map for Load Development
groups <- read.csv(file="Desktop/damoncali.csv",head=TRUE,sep=",")
groups$x <- groups$CBTO
groups$y <- groups$Charge
groups$z <- groups$ES.MOA
x.Margin <- 0.00
y.Margin <- 0.0 <-, groups$x, groups$y, groups$z)
groups.surface <- trmat(, min(groups$x) - x.Margin, max(groups$x) + x.Margin, min(groups$y) - y.Margin, max(groups$y) + y.Margin, 500)
colfunc <- colorRampPalette(c("green", "yellow", "orange", "red"))
image(groups.surface, col = colfunc(12)) #heat.colors(20))
contour(groups.surface, labcex = .75, add=T, nlevels = 20)
points(groups$x, groups$y)
xlab="CBTO (in)",
ylab="Varget (gr)"
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Yeah... the file locations aren't an issue; it looks like this bug for the Debian Linux flavors of R may be what is biting me in the butt... running Linux Mint 18 on a Dell Chromebook 13, using RStudio.

screenshot from 2017-05-14 18-17-18

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I'm using R 3.3.3 for what it's worth.

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Okay... that was a PITA. Tried downgrading the r-base package, hoping the others would follow suite... no go. Ended up uninstalling all of R, and re-installing it. Then updating the stuff pulled in as a part of r-base, which forced a recompile of the offending packages. Seems to be working now.
screenshot from 2017-05-14   @@18-56-21

@damoncali question on the code... any particular reason you took columns from the CSV file i.e. groups$CTBO and turned around and created new columns in the data frame i.e. groups$x instead of just x <- groups$CTBO?

I went thru and changed all the other references to groups$x and groups$y to just x and y, and the script / plot still seems to work just fine, and looks a bit cleaner as well.


groups <- read.csv(file="damoncali.csv",head=TRUE,sep=",")

x <- groups$CBTO
y <- groups$Charge
z <- groups$ES.MOA
x.Margin <- 0.00
y.Margin <- 0.0 <-, x, y, z)
groups.surface <- trmat(, min(x) - x.Margin, max(x) + x.Margin, min(y) - y.Margin, max(y) + y.Margin, 501)


colfunc <- colorRampPalette(c("green", "yellow", "orange", "red"))

image(groups.surface, col = colfunc(12)) #heat.colors(20))
contour(groups.surface, labcex = .75, add=T, nlevels = 20)
points(x, y)

  xlab="CBTO (in)",
  ylab="Varget (gr)"

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damoncali commented May 15, 2017

The code is a little sloppy. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it and never really thought anyone else would ever see it, honestly. So yeah, there are some weird spots. I basically stoped working on it the second it worked. :)

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