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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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PyBoxLib and BoxClaw on OSX 10.8.5
Anaconda with GCC 4.9
On a fresh OSX 10.8.5 MacBook Pro:
- Install homebrew
- Install gcc
brew install gcc
- Install anaconda
- Install mpi4py
conda install mpi4py
# for some reason the 'mpi*' commands are broken at this stage, so as a hack:
sudo mkdir /opt
sudo ln -s /Users/mwemmett/anaconda /opt/anaconda1anaconda2anaconda3
- Tell OpenMPI to use GCC 4.9.1
export OMPI_MPICC=gcc-4.9
export OMPI_MPICXX=g++-4.9
- Verify compilers (these should all give GCC 4.9.1)
mpicc --version
mpic++ --version
- Install PyBoxLib
cd BoxLib/Src/Python
export MPIHOME=$HOME/anaconda
python build
python install --user
- Get clawpack
git clone git://
cd clawpack
python git-dev
pip install -e .
- Get the BoxClaw PR
cd pyclaw
git remote add memmett
git fetch memmett
git checkout -t memmett/boxlib
- Enable BoxClaw in clawpack
cd clawpack/clawpack
ln -s ../pyclaw/src/boxclaw/ boxclaw
- Try it out!
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/anaconda/lib
cd clawpack/pyclaw/examples/acoustics_1d_homogeneous
python use_boxlib=True
Sick hacks:
- For some reason 'python-config --libs' didn't include a '-L' flag, so I had to add one like this:
-L$(shell python-config --prefix)/lib
I think this is a shortcoming of Anaconda. The system python-config does the right thing (--ldflags).
- Related to the above, I had to export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH or I would get an error about threads.
I believe this is related to the following: on my system the default python is 2.7.5
(and libpython2.7 presumably matches this), while the anaconda python is 2.7.8. We link
PyBoxLib against the 2.7.8 version of libpython2.7, but if we don't set the DYLD path we
get the 2.7.5 version of libpython2.7.
System Python with GCC 4.9
I'll try again without using Anaconda. Note that this is using the system Python which is 2.7.5.
- Install GCC 4.9 from homebrew
- Install pip
sudo easy_install pip
- Upgrade numpy and matplotlib:
pip install --upgrade numpy
pip install --upgrade matplotlib
- Install MPICH
cd mpich2-1.5
env CC=gcc-4.9 CXX=g++-4.9 ./configure --prefix=$HOME/opt --enable-shared --enable-fast=all,-O3
- Set path for mpich
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/opt/bin
- Build PyBoxLib
cd BoxLib/Src/Python
python build
python install --user
- Install clawpack
cd clawpack
python install --user
cd ~/Library/Python/2.7/lib/python/site-packages/clawpack
ln -s /Users/mwemmett/projects/clawpack/pyclaw/src/boxclaw
- Try an example (it works!)
System Python with LLVM
Let's try one more time with the system Python and system gcc and g++ (which are actually clang in disguise).
- Install mpich
cd mpich2-1.5
./configure --prefix=$HOME/opt-clang --enable-shared --enable-fast=all,-O3 --disable-libxml2
make install
- Set path for mpich
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/opt-clang/bin
which mpicc # this should show the mpicc in opt-clang
- Compile PyBoxLib
- Build PyBoxLib
cd BoxLib/Src/Python
python build
python install --user
ls -l ~/Library/Python/2.7/lib/python/site-packages/boxlib # this should show our new boxlib install
- Try an example again (it works!)
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