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Created December 15, 2011 13:04
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Script to transform Amazon RDS slow log table into the MySQL slow query log format
(/usr/local/bin/db2log | \
mk-query-digest --fingerprints \
--filter '$event->{user} !~ m/^(bi|memonic)$/') 2>&1 | \
mail -s "MySQL slow logs" root
# Rotate slow logs. Will move them into the backup table slow_log_backup. If
# that table exists it's overwritten with the primary slow log.
# So with this strategy we can still access yesterday's slow log by querying
# slow_log_backup.
mysql mysql -e 'CALL rds_rotate_slow_log'
#!/usr/bin/env python
Queries the slowlog database table maintained by Amazon RDS and outputs it in
the normal MySQL slow log text format.
import _mysql
db = _mysql.connect(db="mysql", read_default_file="/root/.my.cnf")
db.query("""SELECT * FROM slow_log ORDER BY start_time""")
r = db.use_result()
print """/usr/sbin/mysqld, Version: 5.1.49-3-log ((Debian)). started with:
Tcp port: 3306 Unix socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
Time Id Command Argument
while True:
results = r.fetch_row(maxrows=100, how=1)
if not results:
for row in results:
row['year'] = row['start_time'][2:4]
row['month'] = row['start_time'][5:7]
row['day'] = row['start_time'][8:10]
row['time'] = row['start_time'][11:]
hours = int(row['query_time'][0:2])
minutes = int(row['query_time'][3:5])
seconds = int(row['query_time'][6:8])
row['query_time_f'] = hours * 3600 + minutes * 60 + seconds
hours = int(row['lock_time'][0:2])
minutes = int(row['lock_time'][3:5])
seconds = int(row['lock_time'][6:8])
row['lock_time_f'] = hours * 3600 + minutes * 60 + seconds
if not row['sql_text'].endswith(';'):
row['sql_text'] += ';'
print '# Time: {year}{month}{day} {time}'.format(**row)
print '# User@Host: {user_host}'.format(**row)
print '# Query_time: {query_time_f} Lock_time: {lock_time_f} Rows_sent: {rows_sent} Rows_examined: {rows_examined}'.format(**row)
print 'use {db};'.format(**row)
print row['sql_text']
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