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Created July 7, 2020 00:58
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function Get-WebSSLExpirationDate {
if (-Not ($uri.Scheme -eq "https")) {
Write-Error "You can only get keys for https addresses"
$request = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]::Create($uri)
try {
#Make the request but ignore (dispose it) the response, since we only care about the service point
catch [System.Net.WebException] {
if ($_.Exception.Status -eq [System.Net.WebExceptionStatus]::TrustFailure) {
#We ignore trust failures, since we only want the certificate, and the service point is still populated at this point
else {
#Let other exceptions bubble up, or write-error the exception and return from this method
#The ServicePoint object should now contain the Certificate for the site.
$servicePoint = $request.ServicePoint
$SSLExpirationDate = $servicePoint.Certificate.GetExpirationDateString()
$ShorDate = ([regex]::Matches($($SSLExpirationDate.Split("")[0]), '^\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{4}$').Value)
[datetime]::parseexact($ShorDate, 'd/MM/yyyy', $null)
$SSLExpiryDate = Get-WebSSLExpirationDate -Uri ""
if ($SSLExpiryDate -le $((Get-Date).AddDays(-14))) {
Write-Output "SSL Cert Expired / Expiring Shortly"
else {
Write-Output "Expiring $SSLExpiryDate"
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